The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 12, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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PreyioUs Rule Holding, Will
Be Automatically Dropped
From Merchants' Patrol
Voting unanimously, the City
Council In special session Into yes-
North Bend News
Coos Bay Business Men's As
sociation Supports Bills
to Oust Them
Green trailing stamps; trailing
stamps of nny description or any
Expects to Leave Portland
on Sunday, Resuming Her
Regular Schedule
i -- -- ---.-- , :oiiiiiiH ui mi
lortiay, ortornoon tieciueu 10 dismiss form of ckota tMnt KV(, somoti,B
J. C. Doano ns special officer of the ror nothing nro under the ban of the
City, this order to tako effect March
1. Such action relieves the patrol
man of the police power granted htm
by tho" municipality and, according to
Carrying 3C pasBengers, tho Goorgo
V, Eldor left out nt ! o'clock this'
morning for Portland after arriving
from Eureka with eight passengers
for Coos Hay. Tho Kldor Is expect-
ed to got hack on her regular schc-
vjMXcii isio j:xikxi)ki
Tho Southern Pacific has
filed an application with tho
North Ilend City Council to
have Its franchise extended
Coos Hay , Huslness Men's Associa
tions. At tho meeting of tho bonrJ
of directors hills now pending he- j dule ngaln by leaving Portland Sun-
fore tho legislature that would pro-Ulav morning nt tt o'clock.
Those who loft this morning were: '
a motion passed nt tho Tuesday meet-1 hlblt such stamps wero heartily
ing oi mo .uorcunnis nuroi, auto- endorsed. Messngcs wore sont to tno, Geo. Tompkln, II. V. Reynolds, 0. ;
iuatlcally dismisses him from tho local representatives and senators g, Holland, Chns. lenity, Mrs. 11. K. '
employ oi tins organization. asKeu ineir support or mo incasuraB. i Ilufmor. A. 0. Mink, K. W. Miner, e
from thlrty-flvo to fifty yonrs.
Mayor Simpson, who is in
Snn Krnnclsco, hits written n
letter to tho Council urging
It to consider It favorably,
nml It Is expected that tho
North Bond Council ;lll favor
It. Many citizens nro said to
bo opposed to extending tho
franchise nt this time.
g Snails
I A. K. Neff, temporary chairman j "Graft" sums up their opinion of Ur. k. Hlchardson, J. L. Standefcr, M4MMi
at mo last meeting oi too .Merciinnis (trading stnmps in n smgie worn, ac-j jjt jit Longult, G. L. Mnlncy, P. P.
i'otrol In the absence of J. T. llarrl-jtiou against them Is founded on tlu stulllba Mcven inco, L. H. Pace.! nRTH RPMfl PUN n
gnn, declnfed thnt he Is not stiro tho gtounds that ns soon ns ono merch- Mr8 j u j,acUi j, c jloJ.( josoim .P MADDniAi i 1
motion of automatic dismissal will ant uses such means of secttrliiR ! unrrou., Sain Olson, Slinuu HIii(;ston,
stand andNritlmnted that tho officer trade, other merchants necessarily Jj c Mobro, Axel Nelson, John Set
of tho association might securo po-(niust follow tho snmo tactics. Tho i (er0org F. H. Chesnut, V. F. McEl-
nco power, inrougu otner avenues '" ., b w.u uuunc , ....... j. i, Hciimnit. E. W. Ander-
thnn from tho city. Ono way of do- men, Is thnt soon ovory ono has
Jng this would be by tho appointment jlu" ot "a hot brick nml thoy enn't
of J. C. Doano ns a deputy sheriff. Ict !""
Another meeting of the Merchants' I An nntl trading stamp hill was
Patrol will probably be called to dc-, Introduced In tho state Sonnt.o nt
inu present session of tno legislature
but later was transferred to tho
oldo tho question.
Mayor Alcn's View.
"Tlioro was no other action wo
cpuld take," said Mayor Allen this
morning, "For months tlioro has
been friction between Mr. Doano and
tlip members of tho police and firo
departments. For efficient work
thorp should bp harmony between
ajl theso men, Mirny complaints liavo
boon rccolvcd by the Council, henco
our doclslon of yesterday."
Info rin a I charges of drunkenness
against Gordon Smith, engineer of
tho flro department, made by Patrol
man Doano two weeks ngo brought
tho troublo to, a head. Investigation
of Witnesses was held by tho Council
nt thplr next mooting and tho engi
neer was exonerated. At that time
that ho was
nitnnon i tnna
through a spirit of troublo mnklng,
but expressed his opinion or things
ns he saVthom nt tho flro station.
. "This troublo," said tho mnyor,
" to bollcvo that tlioro would
liavo been potltlons circulated for tho
dismissal of tho patrolmnn should wo
Jiavo 'decided to rotnln him. Our nc
tfdn seonia tho only way of gottlng
tilings to 'working hnrmoiilously."
Six applications wero handed to
Socrotnry Hugo Qulst nt Uio Tues
day mooting. Tho officers this
morning said they would probably bo
considered at tho special meeting to
bo called later, togethor with nny
pth'er applications thnt may bo ro-eolved.
bpeciai Officer Donno linalpn In
tho employ of tho MorchnntB'
for tho past two years.
Mr.- Donno contended
not prompted In his ,
houso whero It Is known ns House
bill No. -ICO.
Pending heforo tho Houso is a
measure practically tho samo ns the
first. It will put a five porceut ex
cise tax on tho gross receipts of all
firms using or supplying other con
cerns with tho stnmps. Such action,
It is boltoved, would servo ns a death
blow to this form of business getting.
According to Secretary C. M. Cn
ton, of tho Association, tho annual
meeting of tho organization will bo
held February 20 at tho Chamber
of Commerco nt which tlmo plans
for tho new year will bo formulated
mid n now board of directors elected.
( son, Vern Ostcr, Mrs. J. C. Ostcr, J.
C. Oster, L. V. Ponn, .1. A. Mnnn,
Geo. MosBer, Scott Mcssor, Win. Har
ris, Carar, E. Johnston, L. Heatli
and Pete Pcckoblsh.
Tho passengers who arrived from
Eureka wero:
0. S. Mlsh, George P. Laird, Frank
11. Hamlin, Mrs. Helen Nyo nml sou,
V. G. Egleston, Miss Edna Frederick
sou, H. II. Wilson,
More Than U.1 Vessels Drmvn from
Itllo In South During
Tho Portland Telegram snys: la
excess of 2(i coastwlso vessels, whlcn
wero out of commission In Oakland
Creek for tho past fow months, have'
been returned to service since Jnnu
u ry 1, Bny San Francisco nil vices,
Tho ships ran go from 500 to 3000
tons and most of them hnvo gone
Into tho trade between California
ports and thoso In Oregon nnd Wash
ington. Tlioro Is a natural stimulus be-
cause of tho opening of tho Spring
Ttvo-yonr-olcl Daughter of .Air. mid
.Mrs. Otto Samliilst Kails Into
Pool ami Is Almost Drowned.
Tho two-year-old daughter of
Mr. nml Mrs. Otto Snndiiulst, of
North Uend, wnndored nwny from
tho Iioubo yesterday nnd fell Into
n pool canned by street grading
work. Tho chlld'a mother heard
nnothor child scream nnd rushed
out. With others slio succeeded In
getting tho little one out but not
until she was uiicoiihcIouh. Dr.
Dnrtlo wns summoned nnd after n
hnrd struggle, succeeded by menus of
artificial respiration In resuscltutlng
tho lltte one.
Spring Coats
Have arrived and are now here waiting' fo r your inspection. These Suits and c
renresent the verv latnst r.rnations rlfrnnf frnm tho Pnctom foru:n ...,
, , ' ".",...'"." "0,"u" "WW
iuiu cu i utti ly-auuauii ujjui uiniiy oi view ing mc coming styles.
The styles for Spring are quaint, the full flared skirts, the short-waistcd
ilin nam nnllnn nffnnlo Ihn Innn 4iiU4- otnn wnn nU .'-, nn li:
un. ..u, uu... oiiuUlo, mi. lui.u, uijiii omu vuo, uio., i cudiiiiiy m a measure, the lai
ions of "Grandmother's time." '
Fifty-two ItcMraI In State, Includ
ing Several from Coos County.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 12. Fifty-two
accidents wore reported to Labor
Commissioner Hoff during Inst week, movement of lumber nnd merphnn
nono being fntnl. Eighteen of those disc, while nfter March 1 moro wheat
who wero Injured mot with mishaps will ho started to San Francisco nnd
whllo engaged In railroad employ- San Pedro so that many of the
niont. Tho following Is tho Coos stenin schooners will carry tho cereal
county list of Injured, tho nature of In tho hold and lumber on tho deck.
"" f
Oreon-8eiuito Approve Klilp Tnxii
t . Hon Wwxhmv twin Coos County.
SALEM, Or., Fob. 12. Tho Sonnto
passed BOnuto Joint Resolution No.
18 by Benutor Smith of Coos county,
Hiibinlttlug to tho people a constitu
tional amondment providing for nl-
lowlng vosboIb to roglstor In Oregon
by paying only stnto taxes. Similar
laws nro n effect In Washington and
Oregon lias practically no vessols reg
Morod in this stnto. Senator Smith
stated), In his speech that Oregon
would not only gain In taxes but also
In advertising by having her nnnio on
ull Uio yossoU now plying on tho
coast that sail from Oregon ports but
now nro roglMfired In olthor Washing
ton or California.
ViilMitliifl HALL by tho ladles o
i:pUcoiuii Guild at i:a(ji.i:s' hall
the Injury nnd tho employment In
which thoy wero engaged nt tho time
of tho accident:
Hlllmnn, J. T., near Emplro, chest
irulscd; logging.
Umonhoper, E. G., near Emplro,
eg broken, logging.
Mnrhoffor, F. M Mnrshflold, log
I ruined; warohouso.
Koller, Ilobort M North Dond,
ot cut; enrpontor.
Chnpninn, J. S North Uend, thumb
ulscd; carpenter.
Grnham, Enrl D., North Uend, kneo
sprained; railroad yard.
I'nyno, .Harry, Mnrshflold, foot cut;
Hecso, C. A., Mnrshflcld, leg
bruised, luinbor yard.
Murray, Charles F., North Uend,
too broken, sawmill.
Pearson, IuIb, Mnrshflold, hand
bruised; sawmill,
There Is no complaint from tho regu
lar lines on southbound business nt
presont, though ns yet no heavy enr
goea nro being routed north.
TAX LEVIES lllttllKlt.
According to tnx lists Just received
hero from tho county clerk tlioro has
been a raise- In tho general tax lovles
of practically ovory city of Coos Hay
during tho past year, llandon has
dropped bolow Its tux rate of 19H.
Tho flgureB quoted aro tho sum total
mlllago rnto and Includo tho taxes
for tho city, roads, port, school and
eounty. Following Is tho list: Myr
tle Point, ic mills; Coiiulllo, .500
iiiIIIb; MnrBhflold, .510; North Uend,
M nnd llandon ,50.
Doth tho Konmor nnd tho Hustlor,
after ninny days waiting woro nhlo
to lonvo tho liny bound for tho Sl
uslaw. Yesterday tho Gleaner arrived
In from Gardiner and will leavo In
tho morning with a morchnndlso car
go. With her cargo of lumber torn
pleto tho Adeline- sailed down tho
Day again this morning bound for
San Francisco.
Early this morning tho Elder nrrlv-
ed In from
y o'clock ror Portland. Sho expects
to return Monday morning, back on
regular schedule.
Tho oil tanker Whlttlor hns snllcd
for California points nfter delivering
oil hore.
North Itcnd Coitimltteo to Adjust
Claims of Architect for Uio
J. G. Mullen, secretary of tho North
Uend Hotel Association which wns
promoting tho Simpson, has received
word from J. E. Toiirtollot, tho archi
tect, snylug that ho would Bottle his
claim for $1000. However, If tho
l hotel la built within two years, ho
I wants tho feo of seven per cent which
I wbb originally agreed upon.
j It Ib likely Hint tho hotel commit-
too will Inyostlgato charges that liavo
beon mndo'thnt J. C. Hnnimol wiih to
recelvo ono-thlrd of tho architect fees
on tho structure. It Is reported thnt
Tourtelot was to recolvo ono-thlrd of
tho fec for drnftlnir tbn nlntm. .1. s
Atkins ono-thlrd Tor aupervlslng tho
work nnd J. C. Hnmmol ono-thlrd for
supervising tho construction. :
Our first shipment also brought us some new arrivals oi
New Waists aedl Mew Skirts
to the latest effects
For the woman who wants to know the coming season's styles a visit to this store I
will be a college course in artistic dressing.
!BWb Dry Goods Store
"Smairit Wear f ir Womeo"
Corner Central Avenue and Broadway.
Phone 351
Mrs. E. W. Fnhy nnd children,
Hobort and Hazel, of Dullards, who'
hnvo spent tho pnst two weeks In
North Ilend, returned to thoir homo
Hobort McCnnn wns a Mnrshflold
visitor yestordny.
H. C. Wrny has beon called to1
Portland by tho Illness of his wife,'
who Is to undorgo nn operation in n '
hospital tlioro. !
Archlo Phillips Is recuperating!
Our Panama Pacific
Contest Is Now
All Candidates Please Call at Our Store As Soon as
Possible. .
Remember, we are sending four to the Exposition with
all expenses paid.
Red Cross Drug Store
Phone 122. t.
Presbyterians Secure Rev.
Stubblefield, of Klamath
Falls, to Take Charge
Itov. Stubblefield, pastor of tho
Presbyterian Church, of Klamath
Falls, has Just nccoptod tho cnll
front tho locnl PresbytorlaiiB and
W'lll awkIiia l.n.. a- ...-
from n sovero attack of rheumntlsni. I .7" "V. ,,';., f
The llttlo child of Mr. nnd Mrs.' hU.. !"k " 8t .S" iUnT. ln 1 "" ''
Kureka d left out at ! "" ls r!nB "" a so- hBrt ,.,. 0, t to Cai.f I a
Portland. Sho expects voro 8K of pnounlonla and pleurisy. thoro IlQB hoon lln Z
Dr. P. J. Kolzor Is acting ns mnrino
(Special to Tho Tlmos.)
FLORENCE, Or., Fob. 12. Tho
Patsy, Captain Johnson, enmo In over
the Sluslaw bar with tho latest car
Bo of Benoral freight from Portland
for points up tho river over handled
boforo. Captain Johnson reports
very heavy storms at sea and thnt
thoy woro obliged to lay olovon days
'lit 'I'lllnlllnnl- f.. ,!. ..!..... ... ,...
I"- "w, " '" oiuiiii io UUillU,
fSho will leavo for points up tho rlvor
land roturn to Florence for n cargo
of dairy products, hldos nnd goneral
moro lias beon no pastor In tho
First ProaliWnrliiti Pliii..,li !,....
surgeon here until n successor to Dr. shortly before Chrlstn.nB Itov. Stub!
,.,' V I'Ibiwu. j bloflold wub Invited hore.
.uia iuu, ii, .imcnoii, ia former
morchnndlso for Portland.
PoMnmslor Curtis Notified of FhU0
Ones I.ssikhI,
Postmnstor W. U. Curtis reports
that for tho first tlmo In tho history
of tho Postofflco Dopartment. coun-
torfoit monoy orders aro In clrcula-'
uon. no hnB received word that or
ders for Ilaltlmoro, Md., havo been
printed by someono and that tho first
ono was cashed nt Pittsburgh, Pa a
fow days ugo. Postmasters all over
tho country uro warned to look out
for tho bogus orders. Tho bogus or
dors nro good Imitations, but tho pa
per Is different from tho gonulno In
that dark vertical lines about 1-32
and 1-0-tth of an Inch wldo miming 22
luiniuei noni top to bottom, and thoro
aro Horizontal lines running ruui
teachor in tho Xorth Hond schools,
but recently nt her ranch nt Alle
gany, has gono to Raymond, Wash.,
to tako n position In tho schools
Mrs. Jack Juza nnd child ro
turnod to their homo In Coquillo nf
tor n visit nt tho Thomas Juza homo.
Mrs. Oobhnrdt Is reported quite III
nt tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs.
Cliag. Kolsor.
Dr. Wntson will orect a bungalow
at tho corner of Dolowaro and Suth
orlln strootB and has started tho ox-cnvatlng.
i Earl Powoll nnd wlfo liavo moved
Into tho C. S. Wlnsor home, which
thoy will occupy during tho nbsenco
of tho Wlnsor family In California.
A. J. Hronibnugh i;ns closed tho
Esther Hotel owing to slack busi
ness, Mrs. s. W. Van Zllo and hor daugh
ter, Mrs. F. J. Hlnghnm, wl10 havo
been quite sick nt tho Van Zllo homo,
nro roported Improving.
Ho enmo
nnd dollvorod sovoral sormons, bo
camo acqiialntod with tho inomborB
of tho congregation and wns so woll
liked thnt ho 'wna invltod to reAirn,
the call bolng issued Bovornl weoks
ngo following a ninss mooting of
tho PrcBbytorlnns.
At thnt tlmo ftindB for tho nnnunl
oxponsos of tho church woro sub
scribed. A committee consisting of
A. t. Haines and Senator I. S. Smith
mndo n porsonnl cnuvnss of tho
members boforo tho calling of n
now minister wns announced, that
thoy might ho stiro tho monoy could
bo secured.
Tk, m a D E
Wo mnko our own ico nvnm
.'178 Central nve., 1iioiio 13(.Tj
.J I
printed orders tlioro aro no horizontal
, ., ....,, ,UVB iiutimig ronr l'Krcir ri,,t.r, ';!'.'
side to side, while In tho government-1 lZ , aKTA,JLKS
printed ordors iiinm nm .. i., ' .. AM' UTS.
I.verjthlny In Season Eceptlonallj
Keen Price,
Marshfleld Fruit Company,
U'lionu UU1.J,
III til.. !... i ..
itiu uuuiin iiriuiru i tin
appeal In tho paper, but In tho genuine-
orders, thoy nre stamped on tho
ROSEIJURO, Or., Fob. 12.
Chnrged with failure to
proporly register poisons com
ing under tho jurisdiction of
tho stnto phnrmncy laws, S.
E. Krohn, a local druggist,
was arraigned boforo Justlco
of tho Poaco I. n. Rlddlo.
M. Krohn entered a plea of
gulity and was fined ln tho
sum of 15. It Is understood
that Mr. Krohn's nrrost was
brought about through tho ac
tivities of a "spottor" 60nt
horo by tho State Hoard of
a.. .
v 2L
To Whom It May Concern: I want
It distinctly understood that I am
nslng nil union musicians members
of Mnrshflold Local C-H in ,y or
chestra, u was roported thla morn
ing thnt I was using a scab orches
tra for tho danco at Simpson's pav
ilion in North Hond Saturday eve
ning. February 13, 1915,
rimiMlcr Hotel.
O. S. MIhIi, San FrunclBco; W.
E. Egleston. Snn Francisco: A. II.
Hanilln, Snn Francisco; Mrs. J. M.
Nyo, Jr., nnd uon, Eureka; Goorgo
P. Lnlrd, Euroka; II. V. HoynoldB,
Abordeon; W. W. Johnson, Uoston,
II. II. Donnhy, Portlnnd; A. A.
Long, Snn Francisco; II. Andoraon,
Portlnnd; C. W. allele, Snn Fran
cisco; Waltor C. Scott, Snn Frnn-
clsco; J. A. Williams, Mnrblo, Colo
rndo; J. E. Cnss, Portland; Robert
J. Dryilon. Myrtlo Point: w. K.
Rlchnrdson, Portland; Wllllnm Pot
orson, Por Innd; T. D. 8I1I0I, Port
lnnd; Wymuii Albeo, South Inlot.
Lloyd Hotel.
P. McMnnn, Astorln; Victor Mar
ton, South Inlot; O. Hnrry, GranU
PnBs; Lloyd Gibson, Prospor; W. It
Ilcattlo, Lakosldo; R. P. ShUe, Lam.
pa; II. Hull, llandon; John F. Mat-
son, Catching Inlot.
Hlnnco Hotel.
Thomas Rlloy, North Hond; Sam
OIboii, Myrtlo Point; Warrou John
son, Gnrdlnor; S. S. Hanson, Gar-
dlnor; Jack Hnggago, Wagnor; C.
A. Cook, Independence; F. A. Hol
man, IJnudon; William Hlnghnm,
Unndon; P. M. Dnlly, Myrtlo Point;
W. H. Stull, Allegany; II. M. Kon
uody, Emplro; J. Smith, Emplro,
Dnu Lewis, North Hond.
St, Lnwrcueo.
C. II. Urlstol nnd wife, Lnkesldo:
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. E. Dixon, San
Francisco; Dick Moro, San Fran
cisco; Goorgo Morcor, Coos Rlvor;
Scott Morcor, Coos River.
Chandler Hotel,
Morris Anderson nnd wife, Sont-
tlo; William Candlln, Coquillo;
Charles F. Pape, Uandon; T. W.
Woatcott, San Francisco; Mr. nnd
Mrs. Henry Dlxson, San Francisco;
C. F. Wngnor, Portland; R.. E. Noal,
Medford; Fred Tobbon, Portland;
W. C. Laird, Coquillo; J, L. Aason,
Coquillo; J. H. Johnston, llandon;
Fred Murray, aryls Landing; O.
A. Mlntoyno, Coquillo.
Lloyd Hotel.
William Hanson, Coquillo; Charles
Mlllor, nandoiT; ,'J. Sharkey and
wife, ClnclnnntlT C. "n.ntloy, Coaledo;
w. Jt. uoattlo, Lakeside; T. H.
Snow, Myrtlo Point; John T. Mnt
son, Catching Inlet.
St. Lnwrcueo Hotel
L. II. Paco and wlfo, Portland;
H. W. Howell, Portland; John II.
Fitzpatrlck and wife, Coaledo; Eva
G. Lowellen, Myrtlo Point: J. F.
Sorgonnt and wlfo, Oakland.
Illaueo Hotel.
M. Goodpnster, Bluo nidgo; Goo. Times Want Ada tor r
Savs He and Cook Grub-s
John R. Smith Last Yd
Deal for Ranch
To tho Editor of the TtaM
Mr. Matthows has tried tl
harm in moro way tbinosU
Koine to try and let twi
know JUBt how things w 1
nt what ho calls IiIb ranch; bl
first pluco tho rocordi
County, Oregon, do not ii
Mr. Matthows owns nny pW
or nonr whero wo were
tho second place, he put W
llttlo. If nny. money In i-
Tho nlnco would not be m
what It is worth n a rtii
osltlon If It had not b ''I
wnrlf nml tho money U '
Hards, Smith and I Pt J
T wnrnlnr If .MattlieWS
tho nrtlcloB nuhllshcd orerkV
whoroln ho told the public ttl
nn lrnlil thnro. OtC. etc. i"
Smith did help us In deriMl
nnd means to savo or "'"
gold and was working "
...!. ....lnt.n.l llV 111 tt l" I
iiiuku hiiiiioiivm " 1
nn,l ivna on U-nrklnC Wi ,l
tnlned tho leaso of said Pl
Mnlllmiun nml Ts.TUfS. 8110 " 1
'wns at the tlmo obtained t
linnnfl nf all. Mr.
, . - o.imii there fHl
irnlit tlmrn until W0 sb0Wl
gold and had experts em
property and so report.
Hut as soon as he w
.,. a i,i.f thnro was f".
lii nnvlntr nuailtltles (' B ,
ted last nlisht). he 'as b
back on his oars trying '
.. .. ti ent.i we have
MB uui, b. lrm
tho proporty, this is V J
insldo of tno iasi -
had a buyor for the p! ,
could hnvo cleaned P ',.(
Isaacs), 115,000, and we
made goou wages - j,
put In developing j
nii u ,ik hut nota"".
" -. . .
10 "
whon it was put up
osslble Prf
ir ooi,i r.n.noo or noir
niHU ywvf-
this was an Imp
deal foil through.
Coos River;
itcnroy, iuub ",!
,,.., ni... p J. Bin11
iujiiiu .., ;:.
D. W.