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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION FIVE ebruary. 12th, Lincoln's Birthday w liA I 7 l'&l BkW-fl? BHIByfiiSnfc' Copyright Hart ULiffhcr & Man flH All men, in every land, without refer ence to ancient political convictions, honor the memory and celebrate the birthday of Lbraham Lincoln. There is no reason toy we may not, even in a clothing store idvertisement, pay our tribute- to his great- less. Lincoln was a great servant of the people; he did what he could, according to his convictions, to help his fellow : men. There may not be many men now who could do what he did; and there may never again be such a crisis as that in which he served the world. But there are daily opportunities for showing, even in small affairs, :the spirit of service. ' i Hart Schaffner & Marx !we believe, are trying to make clothes for men .and young men in that spirit; and we are trying to sell them in the I same spirit. . Wo koop your clothes pressed free of chnrgo. Woolen Mill Stores The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. Marshfield North Bend AY! Don't this weather fake you want to dig the garden? We have the tools you have the garden HIS T TONIGHT H FATE R ! BREVITIES 'ton is nn old friend of his, having icomo from n town nenr to tho ono ' In which Mr. Hobs formerly lived. imn IC RT HILL WEATHER FORECAST AMONG THE SICK BE MUSICAL EVENT Of AMocltJ rrcii lo Cool Dr Timet,) OREGON Fair with south to west winds. . i i Mrs. A. E. Senmnn Is still quite 111 n their homo here, she has been Much Interest Manifest in the .it, UI OUIL'1411 Vtl'UKBi .1. C. Kendall is reported 111 at his homo in West Marshfield. II. P. Harrington Is reported quite sick at his home in South Marshfield. O LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ending at I: 13 n. m., Fen. 12, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorologists Maximum 51 Minimum 28 At 4:13 a. m 31 Precipitation 02 Precipitation 'slnco Sept. 1, 1M 47.71 Precipitation samo porlod last year -12.72 Wind: Northwest, elenr. i ! ia J Concert to he Given Next Tuesday Evening Much Interest Is bolilc shown i among nil residents of Coos Hay as well as among music students In the concert by William Wallace Graham land Miss Edith Chirko Patterson of i Portland, which will take place Feb I ruary 10 at tho Lemnnskl Theater I under tho direction of Miss Ilhoda 1 seat. Doth artists como highly rc I commended and tho press through- fci a ,5?J&AWt ' 'TTTWK T(Pj"T"T-.' ' ' ' .1. II. PRICE was a Marshfield vis! tor today from Allegany. DRYDEN of Coqulllo 0,lt ,l10 slnt0 "Peaks In tho most i RODERT J. uno iti Atni.ahfini.1 n,tn.r ., ....i.J complimentary terms of tlmlr nliilltv. .. " a. U....W.I. .i,.l.j Vil IUIIIU " .,-.--.. 'I'o Clear Tract. ,T. Horn, Frank Leo nnd II. Noreen nro arranging to log off tho bnlnnco of tho timber on tho Porham Park tract and will Htart work Boon. Daughter Horn. According to a report received hero, Mr. and Mra. T. S. Mlnot nro rojolclng over tho birth of a girl at San Francisco. Mr. Mlnot wus formerly a Coon Hay law yer. Mown Office. P. 13. Conway la moving his offlco from tho Irving Hulldlng Into tlio Myrtlo Arms. With most of his work centered about tho big apartment house Mr. Con way thought In unwlso to continue with two establishments. (ilftn to IJirury. Miss Topping nnnonnccH that tho Mlnno-Wls Club has presented tho library with a sub scription to Good Housekeeping, J, II. Flnnagan has donated a vaao, tho HitBy Cornor linn given n vaso and tho Itcd Crosn furnished many arti cles at cost. Moves to North Hcml. J. D. Moughmor, of tho contracting firm of Moughmero Roop, with his fnmlly, Is oxpc- 'r, to inovo to North Hcnd tliu early part of next wcok, Mr. Moughmor Is making the movo that ho may bo near to his business. Ility Hroom Handlo Factory. Tho broom handlo factory near tho old stavo mill has been purchased by John Volz and II. 0. Fry of North Ilond. They plan to Install soino now machi nery and expect to employ about ton men. H. J. Pyo, formorly sales agent for tho North Ilond box factory, will handlo their output. Deputy AhM'KMir. Clms. II. Dun gnu, of South Coos River, has been appointed deputy assessor for that section by Assessor T. J. Thrift. Mr. Dungun, owing to his familiar ity with vnluos lit that suction, will nmko nu excellent man for tho placo. tho city 'today from Seats now on sale at tho Hub)' Cor ner. First floor and balcony, $1.00; second bnlcony, 7Gc. Mrs. William Horsfnll, Jr., will act as accompanist. . ... 4 CULLLNGS OF COQUILLE. I Coos County Sent News As Told by I The Herald. Jcsso Leo Nelson ami Allco Lee CulhortBon wero mnrrled by Justice Stanley nt Ills oflce hero. Unfits F. Me I'a 1 1 and Mastlo Harris were mar ried by tho Row C. II. Hryan. Mary Father, tho llttlo daughter of .Air. and Mrs. E. 10. Johnson, lina been seriously III with a complication of tousllltts and mumps, but her con dition today Is reported moro hopeful. Thd foundation and sills of tho now Cnthollc church nro ready, and tho building will go up rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, who re cently sold tho Java Coffeo IIouso In Marshflold, wero In tho city yesterday looking for a busIncBs locntlon. Harry Sliarkoy, who recently lbBt Per iliueii Satisfaction Guaran teed or Money Refunded north, MRS. N. 13. DAGGETT nnd son wore visitors In Allognny. C. F. McKNIGHT was a visitor at Coqulllo this morning on business wltli the county court. WYMAN ALHEI3, tho South Inlet brldgo tender, was a Marshfield business vlnltor yesterday. L. F. 1IEUPEMANN, tho Cntehlng Inlet poultry fnnclor was a Marsh fleld btiBliicss lsltor yesterday. MRS. J. M. NYU and son missed through hero today en routo from Eureka to Coqulllo to visit old friends. -PRKD KRUSE nnd family, of Catch ing Inlet, Imvo boon visiting nt tho homo of hor parents in South Marshfield. P. II. CHESTNUT wont to Portland on tho Hliler this morning, expect ing to bo gono about ten days, when ho will return. QUO. P. LAIRD, tho formor Uandon waterworks ningnato, returned hero today en routo homo from an extended southern trip, W. P. McELUOWNBY loft on tho Elder this morning for Portland nnd boforo returning ho may tako a short trip cast as far as Chica go. MRS. J. M. NYU, Jr., nnd-son, ar rived this morning on' tho Elder from Eureka. They met Mr. Nye, who Is hero on business, nnd ox pect to remain for sovernl days. 13. CONKLIN, who has resided hero with' Ills family for tho past thrco months, moved back to his .farm at South Inlet today; Ills goodB went down on tho Vega. ALFRED MATSON, of Cntehlng In. let, was horo yesterday, to got some now machinery, driven by n gasollno engine for his ranch. It Is tho first of tho kind ro colved horo. MIIS. KATE LANDO loft today for nnl Wnn, w,fo of ft farmer north of i' April 1 Argo, Amorlcnn tug, sunk 1 0 Unparalelled Specials FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY AN ECON OMY EVENT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS READ THESE PRICES SHOE LACKS; all sl.esj best quality; woiv 1.1c. n Now, per doen MP CHILDREN'S FAST COLORED HANDKERCHIEFS) ulili.inl Ai lUvlgiio; oiil.v, each j aQ LADIKS1 FINK NIGHT (.'OWNS; made of crepes mid cambrics, hue and embroidery trimmed. Values to rr l.r,0. Reduced to yjjfj Mild ynnls VXSCY DHKSS R CFFLI.VGS; hlte mid ecru, nq 10c and fide vnlues, now yard ', AuC HIGH WAIST IXSIDK HKLTIXGS, best quality. n Km,' " uC GIHDLK FOUNDATION FOR M.S. Value to 13c. n tX"w oC Table Runnels, Dresser Scnrfo and Center Pleres stainped nn and worked, llle .St Wc values Now 0J Men's WihiI Shirts or Drawo rs; all fft Were JJI.UB. Now iiiUiinnuA, Ncatul iuo (jiiumy; all hvh. my; all hIvh, ladles' FLANNllLICri'i: PKTTICOATH; host iiallty large var iety or colois and patterns. Values to Si. DO. - w ouc The Fair Central Avclilio Next Chandler Hotel THE DELICATESSEN CO. 136 NORTH BROADWAY Wo carry nt all times a largo vnrloty of DKL1CIOUH IM3ADV PRI3PAR13D 1'OODS for tbo table nnd family trade, ready to sorvo. We give our best attention and efforts to nil special orders for social functions and prlvato gatherings. TRY OUR QJUIGK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Delicacies of nil kinds to chooso from. A to suit your ttiBto In Quality nnd Price. schooner, loBt dccklnnd. Jnnunry 25 Princess Sophia, llrlt Ish sclioonar, nshoro Hlonklusou Hny. I Fobruarv I! Vudso. HrlllBh stoam-' a ringer nt tho lighting plant, will, ship, sank Nasoga Gulf, II. C, total soon be nblo to roturn to his duties, loss. . Last Prlrinv nlLrti xvn n rn.l lli- l'OUrunry l-l UllOioiiBin, cillliuuu last rlda nlKlit was n red letter lt, ,, K schooner, Van- night with Coqulllo Lodgo No. 53, I. couvor. O. O. P. SeVcn candidates wero Inltl-i Fobrunry 1C Gencrnl Hubbard nted: Dr. V. L. Hamilton, C. J. Fuhr-'nntl I'ortlnnd, Amorlcnn stenmord, mnn o If Knnwltnn n p Hni,fr, I collided Columbia Illvor. mnn, o. II. Knowlton, O. C. Snnford, Mnrch a1.rco Joim nnd Now- Chas. II. Mansell, Honry P. IIoIlonl'tnKton, IlrltUh stonmshlps, collided nnd J. 13. Norton. ISwnnson Hny; Yucatan, Atnorlcan Tho candy mnklng department nt Hteamshlp, rammed United States Folsom'a Confocllonory cm.n.e.d ISnJSO-Nim'.'caV. American operations yesterdny nRor n couple, Gteamshlp, nshoro Kllzn Island, Holl of weoks of preparation. Hen- Inghnm Hny. ry .McKlnlcy. Into or Salem Is In March 12 Olonroy, nrltlsh stenm oW. 11 , Hmm, is m , , , Cr,cltot Amorlcnn schooner, charge off tho manuracturlng plant. UnmK0(, ,,y fro' t Portland. 1 Mnrch 13 Chenkamus, Ilrlllsh WOMAN 1)1 KS AITI3R DRINKING 8tonniHhlp, nBhoro Green Point TIIRKI3 GALLONS OF WATI3R 1 Rapids. ! March 21 Hrltlsh I3mplro, llrlt- nivnv 111 1.-1. 10 .,. ,,.,. I'Hh steamship, nshoro Sarah Island, ...... .. '-.. '"""-iiinmnRo to foro foot ?8,000 fiAssmc I KL 9 JamSi TOO LATE tO CLASSIFY,,! FOR MALI': iTOvllO on Centml nvcnuq ror $1000. Sep Titlo Ounrnntoo & Abstract Co.' FOR BALK honed o yokes, 0to dollar oach. Sco Scngstnckon, tho Wlllamotto Valley, whoro sho will spond several weoks visiting tho Hohoknh lodges of that dist rict. Mrs. Lando Is president of tho Roboknh Assomhly or Oregon. W. N. WINTER, president or tho Oregon-Washington Tolophono Co., or Hood River, returned homo this morning after sovornl days' visit horo with Charles Hall or tho local company, during which tlmo ho In spected tho method or record keep ing used hero. Ho will start In tho lnttor part of JOHN 13. ROSS, who has boon look- 1 p. m THE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE When you buyWm p arshfield North Bend PAULINE JOSEPH, ihut dtilnty soprano. Now songs, now costumes, now Jokes. Hoar hor sing tho lat est Now York song hits: "Tho Llttlo Ford Rambled Right Along." "Tho Song That Roaches Irish Hearts." "China Town, My China Town" Special by request: "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." THE PICTl'RE PROGRAM! Special American "Flylng-A" two rool drama "THE COCOON AND THE HUTTERFLY" Teaching a great morn! lesson. 4 other good and new pictures. Admission: Lowor floor and first bnlcony, 15c; Second balcony, 10c; , Children under tho ago of ten years j occupying seats, 5c. I Hero tomorrow night The 2lst oplsodo or THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY. "" -1 let a Receipt Phone 394-J. Coos Bay ilea. Cnnffpfl &r I -WW -w Spice House roadway bet. Central and L. Commercial MESSENGER SERVICE PROMPT, COURTEOUS, RELIAHLE TWO PHONES 158R 445 MAHSHPIKLR CYCLERY this month or first or March. ititnh to Retire. Tho North lie ml school board has been Informed by Supt. A. G. Runb that ho will rotlro as hoad of tho schools at tho end of tho present year. Ho will dovoto his tlmo to his ranches on Kontuct; In let. His retirement will bo rogrotted by tho ninny friends that ho has mndo. Ho has been engaged In hcIiooI wok for twenty-rivo yonrs. Riisket Hall Tonight. Coach NIlos' proteges nro primed and ready ror tho fray this ovenlng with tho Coqulllo high school rivo on tho lo cal rioor. Tho fact that tho visitors stand at tho head In tho porceutago column and aro lending tho teams or tho county will tend to mako tho gamo or moro than usual Intorest to the spectators. Tho contest Is call ed at 8 o'clock. ApHlnt CoiiunlttiH At a moot ing or tho oxecutlvo commlttco or tho Men's Fellowship Club, hold In tho ofrico or C. I. Rolgard. Dr. II. M. Shaw, Dr. G. W. LobIIo and J. T. Hrnnd wero appointed on tho ontor tnlnment committee ror Fobrunry and D. L. Rood, P. E. Conway and Jens Hansen wero appointed a llko com mlttco for March. Tho regular date of tho Fellowship Club meeting Is on tho, last Tuesday of each month, this time the dato being Pobruary 23. Newspaper a Harometer. The trade, valuo of a newspaper Is Indicated "For by a lettor received by John R. 'writes, Ing over tho banking sltuntlon In Marshflold, wont over to Coqulllo nnd Handon this morning, partly on business and partly on plonsuro. Editor Young, or tho Coqulllo Son thiol, Is nn old frlond or Mr. Ross. Ho also has frlonds In Handon. SIMON HENOSTON loft this morning ror Now Roekrord, North Dakotn. nRer a pleasant visit nt tho homo or his parents, Itov. and Mrs. II. P. Do Kalb Is dead, after drinking threo. by .Mllwnukeo, Amorlcnn tug, of! gallons r wntor In nn hour, accord-' Whldbj !. Ing to Coroner Wrjgl.t. steamship, nshoro Union Hay. Mrs. Wnhl wns III or n montnl dls-1 April 10 Enstholm, Hrltlsh Btcam oaso, ono or tho symptoniH or which ! Blitp, nshoro Friday Harbor. i nn ,ii, , ..... ., April ( 7 ) Cliolohalii, Hrltlsh '" ....u m,,u iui nmui. il- ,.:..,.,.. .!.. nl,.w. I.n(l. ..i-n. Diuuinniiii, uniiuiu nnvuiiu, iiuiti i.w- pollor shafts damaged, starboard englno damaged, 12 shell plates tor drinking tho tliroo gallons she boennio worso nnd In attempting to vomit, cot Homn wntnr in imr inn..-! daiiiaKud. rouali's cost $8500. m.i .iin.i witi. mi .i. J Mm' 8 Coustnnco, Hrltlsh , . , "","M,,,D "'.roundorod Turn Point, drowning. 1 ho doctors say thoro aro jiuy i:i--Purnilta, iow similar cases on record. FOR RENT CariH'iiler or pulnt shop. Sco II. Soiigstnckon. 1'OR SAL13 ORTRADE-i-aood room Ing house, closo In. Will trndo for either city or country proporty. Apply X, Times offlco, TIRED OF HOTKIfl? Try KI homo cooking with private, family. Nicely furulshod moms. Unto roasonnblo. 330 Bo, 4th St. tug, benched morIean can- Lost Harbor, PACIFIC COS T nory ship, Alaska, Juno 1 Fiilronks, Amorlcnn stonmshlp, ashore San Francisco, Juno 27 Goyhoad, Amorlcnn hnrk lost Castlu Capo, Alaska, July 5 Oorard C. Toboy, Amerl cnu burgo, sank Seymour Narrows: St. Allco, Hrltlsh tug, sank Crocker Day. I August 18 rrinco Amort, iiruisn ntennishlp, nshoro Hrown Passage, Less Than 100 Lives Lost in,"11"1"!, AiInilnil 8aml)80. Amerlcnu steamship, sunk by Prlu- LOST Enamel butterfly breast phi. Roturn to llox "II" Times ofrico. 4 I WANTED I WANTED llorso pnMuit. Ph. HI Oh. WRECKS L ASTYEAR Disasters Durino Last Year -None on Coos Bay 111 n lluf ft mnnllwi illi.ii.ili.M.. ........... hongston, on Coos Hay. Ho eamo in rnr,Zn'u rJl 1 ,.. v 1 . . . " " ...... iiuro in uecuiuuer ami uas remain ed horo since, enjoying tho mild Coos Hay cllmato, which Is In gront contrast to the frigid woathcr ho has experienced for sovernl winters In North Dakota. MUST HAVE IMPORTS Willi German Muiket Closed Atten tion Turns To PacIHe Coast Vovttt Wnr with Gormnny has completoly curtailed tho former trade of Import ing and exporting ovist Ing botweon ustralla and tho Fathorland says cess Victoria, nriiiBii Point No Point, 15 loit. August .111- Lome, Hrltlsh and Amoi-Jrn, barge, ashore Lome iloaieii steamship, tug, Sail Sop- American Point A mop Ing ulong tho Pacific Const In I OH. J" Island ; tho toll of IRo was fewer than 100 toniber 21. ....... n, ,., .. Koiitembor lCiizco. iiumuiiB, ui uuiiik unnvueil wuen Uio . " ,., nuiinri, Mm-rowstouo Point steamor i.'rnnnlH ii i ...,,.! .,. stoamshlp, nslioio .Ma rowBtouo oiiu down In September of r tho Orogo. I , Baptomlior O-or win, Amor Const. Who',, tho steamer Admiral , "' ., asho.o nt Capo Sampson wns lost In August, 15 11'1"""' ni" ..wmhoinn U S N others wero drowned and, with n Soptoinbor -I--UIioinn, u. H. w., rlremnu who wns truppod when tho j wr ,"' Catallna Amor steamer Santa Catallna burned, nnd , (KU,,1 ,llT1b "' n -u Co umbla tho drowning or Cnntaln Stream, of I V?" t,1",,lll ' fl, 0"""" till) nrli,iniinr Kilwnnl I M'.ul uilinn llll'll ..- . ....... ,.,.,, .,,...,, WANTED WnllrwtM, must lw o porloucod. Right Cnfo. , 1 FOR SALE f : 1 FOR SALE House mid lot, ittvMO, blk 2J, Hroadway. Phono 443-J. FOR SALE CHEAP Furnltiiro romplolo for two rooms, Apply Knight's llnrbcr Shop, North Head. FOR SALE OIIEAP l-'our Improved lots, 200x112, with 0-room house, In North Mnrshdold, nlso lot GOx 100, on 1 0th street, Songutaokou Addition. Apply ownor, Thos, P, Miller. sho sank in January, there wero only n tow Individual easoa of human lire being rorrclted In coast accldonts. Tno list of vessels In trouble fol lows: January 2 Tallae, American a lottor Just received horo from Nlel HtoaniBhlp, Sonttlo to Snn Framinco, Nielsen, trade commissioner to tl.1. .rfiSio" U country from Australia. In need or jcnptuln Stream drowned, markets and imports tho far Island i January a Porno, American continent must turn to the ports of 'steamor, lost dotkload; Cowrie, Hrlt tho Paciric, ho states, and Coos Hay Jf," steamship, nshoro Potato Patch is asked to look over tho r.gures I '.f ?'-. Gftn,8( Amor. ho' presents and nn effort will ho Ijcan schooner, dosmasted off Capo mado to In some way stlmulato Flattery, all hands saved from wreck, tho paBt throo years," ho "tho government of New tfitillH tv 1ft 1nllnrlu A mnrl.'fltt Ross, who Is Interested hero in a South Wales has had a trade oincoiBtoumBhn' j0Bt bridge and docklond ptobablo third bank. .The loiter established In San Francisco. Tho off Capo Mears; Yellowstone, Amor- from Independence, October 20 Pronntlvo. llrltlsit tug, wrecked on Harry Island. October 27 Princess Itoyal, Hrlt lsh steamship, hit rock Snblno Chan nel. November 7 Knickerbocker, Amorlcnn schooner, nshoro Dundas Island. Novombor 9 Honolulu, Amorlcnn steamship, nshoro at Astoria. Novombor 11 Novgorod, ItiiBslan Hteamshlp, ushoro at Vuncouver Nar rows. Novombor 1-1 Klngflshor, Amor lcnn steamship, lost propeller ofr Yukutat, Alaska. November 10Dlrlgo, Amorlcnn ivlllxl. .Irlfln.l In llavoinb- Iclnti.l 1 0.lIllHllIt). Klltlk Off (JUDO POULUr. January 10 Queen, American Novombor 21 Hanalol, American steamship, grounded-nt San Diego. Iptonmshlp, wrecked on Duxbury Ueof, 18 lives iosi: uuiiiuuu, auiuutou FOR RENT X FOR RENT Niuiill fiiuilhhed Itouse, Phono Mrs. Hazard, H0-X. I'Olt RENT Furnished i-ooiiik, nImiiu bent. 211 Commercial. FOR RENT ii-room liouso. APldy 887 No. First stroot. FOR RENT il-room upurtiueiit, cor nor Hirch and Hroadway, Apply Wolcott'8 Grocery. FOR KENT .l.ronm Iioumj no4r Third nnd Andorson, ?15, Phono Dr. Lesllo, titoamshli). ashore Lasquotl Islnud nocoinbor 14 Atlmirni avails, comes nnd says: "Will you kindly send mo a copy of your paper? We aro figuring on going to tho coast next spring and would llko to seo tho true baromoter ot business actlvl- estabiisiied in San Pranclsco. Tlio off Capo Mears; Yellowstone, Amor- . uu" ,,,uu' , 'X, Bi,nm nirtl Kansas, i object or this offlco Is to promote, I lean stenmshlp, lost ruddor, mnBts,'""""" ' . l" "", ' and deckloau. I "7 ?".:" . o ,i,i, t i Ki-.Mno i til.n h.j xieroiuinir i .t,i, J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgery and Diseases of Women a oral of his friends aro expecting to In every way possible, trado botween tho two continents." Figures aro given to show that Import) to tho Pacific coast from Australia havo Increased four times ties, viz., tho newspaper Of tho In tho last rour years, exports be- community. Signed, E, G. Opper- j lug In about the samo ratio. man." Mr, Ross is enthusiastic , Ho points out that at present about Coos Hay and states that sov-' moro goods aro Imported from tho January FOR KENT Flno stock or dairy ranch, within a mtlo ot Marshflold. 150 acres with 100 acres of bol loin laud. Very reasonable ternio. Apply E. I, Glmndlor, Room 300 Coko building, FOR RENT Largo front rooms with heat. Suitable ror 2 or 3 persons, 205 N. 1th St. i Danish li-ira-saiK Junuury 1 G Polaris, Amerlcun I Get our prices on MonlH. Palace scnooncr, toiaj loss, uuxuury kcoij ; "fMricet. lout docklond. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU Imve , LOST Motorcycle tall light on So. January jb itnr uck. yanaamni .t.wavu irwi.'n imhihh 7 Puilfic urouuwuy iuonuuy. ituiuru ii-. LOST AND FOUND ' Specialty. come here from tho East. He Is k.-i- p. ti.nn hi.i. Piinno 290..T'a clarionet Player and may enter Res. Myrtle Armg. Phone 30-I.the Coos Day baud. 'Director Feu-( pversea, United States than any other country. Eighty fivo dollara a year per cap ita Is spent In Australia for goods exploration ship, lost In Ice January 17 NokomlB, American schooner, lost sails off Flattery, tow. ed In by United States detainer Sue. homlsh. Junuury 21 Saginaw, American Livory and Transfer Couiiwiny, Times. tb 4 ,,T , ., . ,, , I LOST Watch charm, hoart-shaiied, IJ2SStI,,5,.S,;It MJlSi'i -I .yt: lrov KIDAY, FEHRUAKV KJ, return to Uox "M," Times orflce. ! FKID -'- QLlMX, FrJiO