THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1 915 -EVENING EDITION. FIVE Policy sfaction or your money back Agency. l TAILORS AND PPENHEIMER CLOTHES JROSSET SHOES. IXUP Two Stores- North Bend AY! )on t this weather ce you want to dig ie garden? h have the tools )U have the garden. hficld :: :: North Bend IT IN WEAR T IN PRICE T IN THE HEARTS of the people of Coos Bay. ir Quality RNITURE inson-Gulovsen Company Quality Namo With tho Sorvlce Fame.' NMtf'IMa OPPORTUNITY Opportunity Is kiiocklug at your door right now. If you have n fow hun dred dollars to invest ' I lie o never was a bot i Icr opportunity than flKht now. Opportuni ties to buy Into a good paying Inislnoss, Oppor tunity to buy up op- Hon ', Opportunities to i W t a dc Irablo homo Blto. Opportunities of ovory description. " Held AlMiut It." 150 Front street. 1UNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO TH1J l'UHWO regular state licensed undertaker will bo In charge Phone HK5.J & a Receint Phone 394-J. Coos Bay ea, Cooffee & Spice House Nway bet. Central and 8 When you buyfSff gDuytriebestK Commercial I SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY Mlnne-Wls with .Mrs. F. H. Dresser. Norwegian Luthornn Young Ladles' Aid with Mrs. It. O. Thorpe. North Homl Unptlst Ladles' Aid In their rooms. Unstable Sowing Club with Mrs. Fred Moore. North Uond Altar Guild with Mrs. J. G. Horn. A. N. V. Club with Mrs. Olivia Edman. FRIDAY ' St. Valentine ball at Eagles Hall. North Bend now card club with Mrs. II. K. IlurmoBter. Ladles' Art Club Vnlontlno Exchnngo with Mrs. W. E. Iloaglnnd. I I ! Valentine HALL by the Liidlci of Episcopal Guild nt EAGLES' HALL, d Kill DAY. FEBRUARY 12 5 0 I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED WiillresM, must I hi t porloucod. lllght Cafe. I.OST Mntdreyelo tall Unlit on Ho. Hroadway Tuesday. Return to Times. KOIl RENT IMooni house. 887 No. First Htreot. Apply KG It RENT Small furnished house, Phono Mrs. Hazard, 14G-X. KOIl SALE llouso uml lot, lir.vllO, blk 23, Hroadway. Phono 443-J. KOIl SALE CHEAP Furniture I'omploto for two rooms. Apply Knlght'H Dnrbor Shop, North Komi. KOIl HUNT il-rooni npiirtmviit, cr nor Illrch and Hroadway. Apply WolcotfB Croccry. WAXTHH Hoi-hc pastui-e. I'll. illUIi. KOIl HUNT KiiinlNlictl iiioiiik, Htwini heat. 241 Commercial. FOR SALE KOIl SALK CIIHA1 Kur Improved lota, 200x112, with 0-room houso, in North Marshflold, also lot C0x 100, on 10th Btrcot, Songstackon Addition. Apply owner, Thos. F. Mlllor. FOR RENT KOIl HUNT Kuriilhlicd flal, duccd rates Phono 443-J. ro- KOIl ItltNT S-wiom cottage. Apply G4S So, 11th Btrcot. KOIl HUNT ."5-iooin houso near i Third and Anderson. $1G. Phono Dr. Lculio. KOIt HUNT Kino stock or dairy ranch, within a mllo of Mnrshflold. ICO ncros with 100 acreB of bot tom land. Vory reasonablo torma. Apply K. I. Chnndlor, Hooni 300 Coko building. KOIl HUNT Iirgo front rooms wim heat. Suitablo for 2 or 3 porsons 2G5 N. 4th St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Wnteli charm, liwirt-shaiK'd, sot with amothyst. Howard for return to nox "M," Times offlco. L T T THE HOME OF BIG FEATURES 'and VAUDEVILLE 1 Miss Pauline Joseph, that dainty 'soprano In an entire change of I rr1. n.. Tloo TnfiOIlll SOUgS. U(U BUI1BO HIUV .'HP uw..-,... 8lngs aro written especially for. hor by Jeromo K. Romlck. Daniel Frohman presents: ino DeUor Man," by Rev Cyrus Town- send Brady LL. D. featuring Wll dliiu uiauj, .w. . liam Courthoigh, in four reols of fLfiSSIflE : MM. P rfTV: I M I 1&V I JLJU IINS i '! E1BI HEATER on 'motion pc ures and prouueeu uy u.;u -w ..- ,;,;":, . . l ,l.l,t talrlllf n nB for IllO remain - i - m.a nmoiiB n Bvors Film atocK uo, I nimmont sconlc nlcturo. showing Interesting scene of Rio do Janlero, tho manufacture of paper, and sov oral Interesting happenings. "Tho- Horse Trader." Royal Mu tual company. Six all new reels of photoplays. Lower floor and first balcony. 15c; second balcony, 10c; chlldron under ! .A r 1U, uv. Here tomorrow night, The Fly ing A Films present "Tue uocoim and tho Butterfly," in two reels. A 'tho flro truck, tho tiny ono somo Sodo.cai dranm with a moral. twbat resembles tho first steamboat. K!JSll EI BLA 9VJ IilVi I I CO WEATHER FORECAST Dr AnoclatJ rrnt to Coo Oar Tlmm.) OREGON Fair with vari able winds, mostly northerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Feb. 11, by Hen J. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum Tit Minimum 30 At 4:43 a. in 30 1'roolpltutlon 02 Precipitation stneo Sopt. 1. 1914 47.71 Precipitation samo period last year 42.72 Wind: North; clear. ItOUX I'OX To Dr. and Mrs. T. .1. 1'ov, at their homo in Portland, a son. Ho Ih tholr flrsl child and caus ed great rejoicing to Gcnndpa nml Grandma Fox, of Marshfleld, as well as to his aunt, Mrs. J. W. Chnpmiui, who received n iuoh migu today stating thnt all wero doing nicely. InvltMlloiiH Out. Mrs. Hugo Quint and Mrs. (Joo. F. Murch havo Issued InvltatloiiB for bridgo parties next Monday and Tuesdny afternoons. Party Today. MrB. 13. E. Straw Is entertaining at cards this afternoon for Mrs. II. Q. Hutler, who recently returned to tho Hay from California. KustiMirt Service. lluv. O. Loltoy Hall, captain or tho eolportago cruis er, will preach at KaBtport Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and in tho evening nt 7:30 nt Kastsldc. KWcnd Auto f lie. V. C. dorat and Captain N. 2. 'arnwall aro plan ning to extend tholr auto Btngo aor vlco tho first of next month, putting on cars between tho and Sluslaw, Ih District Committee. Ono of tho district committees of tho cleanup campaign to bo waged next wcok Ib composed of Mrs. M. A. Swootmnn, chairman, Mrs. W. K. Ilongland, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. A. O. Rogers and Mrs. F. W. Pnyno. All itt'l i Ties. Deputy Shorlff W. C. Laird camo ovor from Coqulllo last ovonlng nnd this morning at tached Bovoral hundred ties lying down on tho now Donnot dock ho loglng to F. L. Dotsford. Emit Mil ler claims that ho has u Judgment of $700 ngalnst Dotaford. Ho will hIbo nttnrh a bank account said to belong to tho defendant In North Rend. Will Admit. Thero has beon n mistaken Idea rogardlng tho uso of tho now gymnnBlum, tho bo llof being that outsiders must first Join nn atholotle club boforo being permitted to enjoy tho bulldlug. This is not so. All that Ib requlrod la that tho man or woman go to tlip offlco of Judgo Hall, clerk of tho board, and pay tho requlrod feo. A ticket then received will admit tho bearer on tho proper dates. Athlete to Eugene. Sidney Clnrko, ono of tho best athletes turned out by the local high school, left today ovorlnnd for Eugeno, where ho will enter tho University of Oregon. "HIU" Hnyward, Oro gon'e vetoran track coach, wa3 hero lust spring and at that timo becamo interested in Clark and Blnco thon has written to him to enter tho university. Hla events aro specially tho abort dashes and tho high Jump. Plaintiff Socuivs Money. Lnto yesterday afternoon Judgo Coke gavo his doclslon In the action on a pro missory noto brought by Iver Hoen thal ngalnst Otto Rlchter, in which tho former as plaintiff was awarded about $175 still duo on a note, the defendant to pay the court costs. It ,,. Minf Ilnnntlinl had rOCOlV- was shown that Hoonthal had receiv ed $200 from Rlchter in payment oflR n. v'jfift rrntu ifinninr in muyuiuul wii u uu, .....o i dor, about wo, wnic.i ca...o uu somo timo in early December. Tlueo Machines Heady. At tho fire station the small engine or tl io I 44c444444 nlng. A competent floor commltteo flco ,g BtU pondering over tho depth ,,. n..n. ,,. three flro fighters was hooked onto. VTn.-.i.-- onnii.m.i whirh indudoM the .., i.w .nn, n mn. tie MARSHKIHLD ClCMvKY tho Bteam Pipes today thus .aUlnB,Frank A.-M",,,;,,, known naine9: MtIr tiuee eugines in commission at all time., of tho day and night. Tho small steamer is moro than 23 years old and alongside of her big sister, the large steam engine, and BREAKWATER HEREG. G. GOING GIVEN AFTER GDOH TRIP. Brings 31 Passengsrs From Portland To Leave Out On Saturday With 31 passengers tho Hreakwat er arrived in this movnlng 'from Portland. Though she crossed In early she was detained in the lower bay for somo time on account of the donso fog. She will lenvo out Sat urday for Portland. Thoso who arrived were: C. J. Dlelmnn, S. II, Horner, Chas. T fltlV VnL Vrt.ln.l !Iami .....11,7, iivig nuiutll, 1CII) .IIUI (,'. r t tifl i- . s..i-i - v. Hi, iviciiurus, juo uuiaim, urn .w. Webb.Mrs. Webb, Walter Webb, Lyle Webb, 11. K. Thurston, Howard Thurston, Mrs. Thurston, Pat Wnrd, W. Kannoky, O. C. Gurthor, J. C. Schrooder, II. 11. Warner, M. Wlol nnd, Goo. Drothorton, J. D. Curl, C. T. Lea, V. Thompson, I. It. Nell, Gust Nord, C. E. Sherman, N. N. Davis, V. M. Patterson, C. A. Glonn, J. 10. Aveson. Hut nuvortholcsn It is still a fire fighter and now Marshfleld Is pro tected well against tho Invasion of tho God of Flro. Decides Judgment.- Judgo Pen nock in tho Justlco court this after noon decided tho suit of Lynn Lam beth versus Dr. K. V. Morrow In favor of tho latter. Hy this tho former must pay a f 175 doctor bill for ser vices rendered in October to Louis Martin, deceased brothcr-ln'-law of Lnmhoth. Tho Judgo hold that Lam both had promised to pny tho bill. At tho sumo time ho also found that Dr. Morrow owed Lamboth $17 for auto servlco, this to bo deducted from tho Judgment. Hrotlicr Dead. Mrs. Mary Early received a telegram this morning from her brother, Hov. Kdw. Donnel ly, announcing tho death of their brother, Joseph Donnelly, at hla homo in San Francisco. lie will bo burled from tho church of tho Sacred Heart, San Francisco, tomorrow morning. Ho Is survived by a wifo and four children and a brother, Hov, Father Donnolly, and three sisters, Mrs. Early and Miss Donnelly of Marshfleld and Mrs. Allco Young of Long Island, Now York. I)so on Note .Henry Fourier and Dr. Durmolator of North Homl this morning paid together a nolo of about $309 whtcn had been given by Tom Morris and Gust Dolos, former proprietors of tho Grand Hestatirant, and which thoy had bnckod up. Tho fnlluro of tho restaurant men madoiA. II. POWERS returned last ove- payment of tho noto by tho, two sign-! ers necessary. Formor , ovluenco brought out Intimated that tho part ners had transferred somo Bunker Hill property to other hands to os capo Judgmont ngalnst It following tholr fnlluro. Collection of Tuxes Much con corn Is ovtdoncod by proporty own ers who stnto tax bills ponding In tho Legislature havo confused thorn nnd thoy nro nt sea as to whon taxes aro duo. Thoro has, as yet. boon no chango In tho Inw of lastj yonr. According to tills taxes nro duo April 1. At least half of thorn must bo paid thon. Soptombor 1 Is tho latest dato for tho last pay ment. Following thnt they becomo delinquent nnd "upon nil taxes so delinquent thoro shall bo chargod and collected n ponalty of ton per cont nnd interest nt tho rate of 12 per cont por annum on such taxes from tho day on which thoy uro delinquent until their paymout." A penalty of flvo por cent will bow collected on tnxes paid on or after August 1 and beforo Soptombor 1. SIioivm Able to be Out F. O. Shores who' narrowly escaped death Thursday night when ho wns at tacked by Roy James, n negro, and several)' slnshod across tho faco with a razor Is now up ami nblo to bo about. Ills faco Is still swollen nnd tho deep cut is held togothor with tape and 20 stitches. Hu will bear tho scar far tho rest of his life as a reminder of his closo call. It isj believed that tho negro mado an at tempt to cut his throat but that ! Shores sank back In his chair whon nttnckod, receiving tho wound on his face. At tho timo Shores was) sitting in a chair reading a letter) from a former pal of Torn Edgerton who wroto asking for moro informa-1 tfon rogardlng tho . man's death. I Shores keeps tho letter as a souv-, ornlr. Prominent Visitor Here. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dixon representing tho Buttorick publications, ate nero ior 1)0rjO(j 0f ton days demonstrating " 1,,J,,U" Ul vv" ""', -"--" . I. T..,,nlnlr isrv.a nt MdlnnrVH ..A-in.t tn.i , ova m aninnar ninnir ma ,uiit..wn. .,. . . - , QuBHly storo 4A...A.lU4i4tUtt t AMONG THE SICK ! up for a few days, was able to'ro - sumo work this morning. Emil Rackman, son of Mr and i I Mrs, John Backman, of West Marslj flfeld, has been quite HI tho past few days, JEWELS BY EAGLES , , .Marshfleld Aerie Honors Past rresiuem rreseniation by F. R. Kirk. At a meeting of tho Marshfleld Aerie of Englea last ovonlug, Past President C. C flnlntr wna nrimnntml ------ "-" - a Iiandsomo emblem diamond ring and nn eniblem pin by tho order In appreciation of his suvvlces to the lodge. Tho presentation was mado by Presldonl Kirk, who expressed tho Inilim'd II llM I 111 CI II t E O Vlnl I .111 I I Itn ""nU " """VB V1.VIICII1IJ, "V .. !.. ..i t.lrl.. ...i.... ai... i iuuu uiihj- wuui mu uune iiiiu ; accomplished during the reglmo of I Mr. Going, how It hud prosperod and carried out tho trtto work of tho or der. Tho honors camo as a aurprlBo to Mr. Going, and ho was bo ovor wholmed with It that ho could only briefly express Ws appreciation! Thoro was a largo turnout of mom- bora 'nnd following tho official coco' monies, n general good time was eii Joyed. V 9 A Mlts: WALTER DEVOE wns a vlal- tor In tho city today from Allegany. J FRANK JOHNSON, of Coos River, was among tho visitors in tho city today. J. II. JOHNSTON camo ovor from Hnudon last evening on business and pleasure. DR. IRA II. HARTLE and wife, of North Homl, wero Mnrchflold vis itors last evening. W. J. HILL left this morning for Wngnor after spending n fow days at his homo hero. REV. A. F. DASSFORD spent Tues day as a guest at tho Herman Smlthgall ranch on Catching In lott. - DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD returned to Coqulllo this afternoon nftor serving papers hero for civil actions. JUDGE COKE wont ovor to tho county Bent this morning, whoro ho is holding n session of tho equity court today. MISS LULU SMITH returned from Allegany to her homo in North Dend this morning after several weeks' stay up Coos River. WM. CANDLIN, of Coqulllo, was n Marshfleld business vlBltor today. Ho plans to leavo Monday on a trip to Curry County points. nlng from n trip to Wngnor. Ho has completed work on tho now rond oxcopt somo clearing up nnd straightening up nt Wngnor for tho turntable, yards, etc. W. II. STULL, road supervisor at Al legany, camo down this morning nnd wont to Coqulllo whore tho county commissioners nro meeting today. Mr. Stull's district Is ono of tho four still In question. O. A. MINTOYNE, of Coqulllo, camo over last ovonlng on business, Ho will not retire as general man ago r of tho FarmorB' Union Wnro houso huslncBB until 4 ho first of March, whon Mr. Klrby will suc ceed him. Mr. Mlutoyno will ro turn to his rnnch thou. J. L. AASEN, tho wall-known Co qulllo loggor, enmo ovor last ovo nlng on business. Ho roports thnt Aason Hrothors nro Just fin ishing work In tholr camp noar Coqulllo. E. E. Johnson plnnned to start up his mill In Coqulllu today to cut for tho locnl trade. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD wbb hero from Coqulllo Inst ovo nlng Borvlng paporB In u civil suit. Ho hnd not beon advised' whether Dan Steo,, had furnished bull or bond at Rosoburg. Ho said that tho negro assallunt of Glen Shores was in Jail, having been bound over to tho grand Jury; VALENTINE BULL F Elaborate Arrangements for Valentine Ball made by Ladies' Episcopal Guild Tho committees In charge of tho Valontlno Ball to bo given by the ladles of tho Episcopal Guild havo beo vory lmBjr tbo past fow days completing arrangements for the ben- cut Dan to uo given mmouuw - . . .....i T- i ... II.. I . ... .. injr in tno Jiagies- nan. io uuiuim havo been overlooked which can in any wny contribute to tho success of the affair anil wntcn win proviuo an In attendailCO With a ploasaitt eve- Dano, Judge Coke. Lloyd Jacobs, I Herbert Lockhart, E. G. Perham, Herbert Ilustertid, Tom ueuneu, aiis-. I . - ,. a ' gar Lagorstrom, J. Albort Matson, A. O. Rogers, W. S. Turpen nnd S. C Small, II NIGHT WARM WORDS LEAD TO RUNNING FIGHT; Joining of Eastsitle and Coos - on Basis fnr nisnntn Lindstrom Under Bonds , On the charco of nssnnU with : dangerous weapon William Llnstrom , . n . . . .. . ui uuusion, was nrresicu aim appear- cd before Judge Sinister of North Homl this morning. Tho complaint was made out by Harry W. Walker, who stated that following a dispute regarding tho Joining of Cooston and Eastsldu on a pier across the II.,, i UIJ that Lindstrom had twico fol lowed him with a heavy club. Lind strom was put under $500 bonds to keep tho peace and will appear Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock. "Ho hit mo flrnt," declared Lind strom. "Ho called mo names," re iterates Walker, '"and then he chased me, "Allil lin run nU'ni 1lt.i n ' . . .r 1 1. i . . . i .' workers aro said to bo tho best or ropcats Lindstrom. Judgo Sinister , . , . . , ,iiii., ...i c i i i i ganlzod union In America, number wllrdecldo which Is which. ,.. ... .,.. ....., ', . . , Tho two men stood talking on tho pier yesterday. Their argument waxed wnrm until, It Ib alleged, Wal ker becamo Indignant at tho lan guago of Lindstrom nnd hit him in the Jnw. As evldenco of tliu swat tho lattor has produced a badly swol len aldo of his face for the court to Inspect. This probably will bo marked Exhibit A. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB WILL SIC FRIDAY Public Invited to Open Concert at 10 O'clock in School 1 Auditorium As a fourth of a series of mu slcalcs given in tho Marshflold High School auditorium thin year on Fri day morning, tho Girls' (lice Club will appear In coucort at 10 o'clock. A gcmirnl Invitation hns been ex tended to tho public to attend. Tho club will bo assisted by Wolf ram Smcddlng nnd Honrlk ajordrum will act an accompanist. Tho musical is In no way connect ed with tho observance of Lincoln's bitlhdny, this part being loft to tho discretion of tho iudlvldunl toachors to obsorvo with tholr classes In any way they think fit. School la not dlfiii.liised on this day. High School chorus, "All Hall! Land of tho Free Piano 'Duet Allcno Loader and Ilcsslo Douglas. (a) Croon, Croon C. B. Rich (b) Rockln' in do Win' ..Noldllngor Girls' Gloo Club. Accompanist, Esther Asplundi Vlctrola, Hallelujah Chorus from "Tho Mosslnh" (a) Tho Flowor's Tolophono ... , Karlo (b) Sprlngtlmo Woolor Fluto solo Mr. Wolfram Schmcddlng. Mlniiohnhn, Indian Screuado , . . . Lorlng Girls' and Hoys' Gloo Clubs. First sopranos EUlo Hull, Vera Carrol, Dagmar Flloshurg, Marjorlo Graham, Nelllo Warwick, Ruth Cow an and Grace Drown. Socond sopranos Ilesslo Douglas', Wllda Harris, Mabol Iiumol nnd Allco Mnthlsun. Altos Mnydream MoLoan, Dortl.a ( Davis, Helen Smith nnd Volma Ross IS A FAWN A WILD BEAST? ,. . .',,,..! . ' J ' ;; ' j a uttlo fawn, cuto, cunning and young, seouis ns pottlsh as a houso jent, that Ib, It does on paper, Hut, 'Hurry Nasburg Is attempting to find out If such u beast Is not a wild animal nnd ho has submitted tho question to tho City Attorney's of flco. A fawn Is kept in tho city a in pot. Most everyone lias seep It 'about tho streots, following its own- ors for all tho world like a dog and It was thought euto. ! Tint ImltiL' nlnvful 111 lintlirn. tho croaturo has several times ontorod tho Nasburg yard nnd thoro has Jumpod at tho chlldron, scratching them and sending them hurrying to tho houso. Tho city ordinances, bolng soarch I ed diligently by tho City Attorney, reads that within tho city thoro sbnll bo kont "no boar, cougar, mountain lion, wolf or other wild nnmai unless " within nn Inclos-1 uro." Tno nuzzle is wnoinor or hoi . . .,, nl,i,nni 0r Is this LauB0 to bo construed us meaning 8l,cn things aB Jnbberwocks, rhln-, nrnrmmn nml nnt.nators. Tho of- p tho DON'T MISS tho J1ASIC BALL at Hirill'l.lll h..u nn.urti.iv iiji x'tlk' I.! 1 Q SATURDAY KVK - ii. i. rvui u Tickets. 00 CENTS. T,,.,.'A,'I.V; :IW,U l1a r..'1,. "Ii L": I'livniF 4i M, vuiiiim nituwi" 'BRIBGE WBHKEBS TO BE - To Establish Local on Coos Bay is Word Received by Andrew Landles a That a loral of tbo United Con- 'st.-uctlve Steel Workers of America ... . win Uo established hero as soon at tho Iron and steel work commences on tho big bridge ncross tho bay at North Demi Is tho statement of An drew Landles, president of the Cen tral Labor Council. Ho has JUBt re- eclved a letter from tho San Ftran- cIsco headquarters of tlto steol work ers' union stating their wish to bo advised when such work will start. With them these union men, ac cording to Mr. Landles, will prob ably bring another union local hero, thnt of the br'dgo painters, tho two being closely nllled. With the exception of tho locomo- ' tlvo onglncoro' union, tho stepl his uii'ir lunnn muiiy wiuUHUiiUH of men. It Is this union thnt hns several times boon In troublo through Its officials for vnrloim al leged nets of dynamiting, soveral of tho former officers now Borvlng prison sentences because of bridge destruction through the central Mis slnslppl states. Practically every largo bridgo on tbo coast, Btntca Mr. Landles, Is put up with union labor. Ho bollevos thoro will bo between 100 and ,150 steel woikerfl and holpora omplnyod on tho Willnmetto Pnclflo bridgo here nnd ns the work will last over several mouths, tho union will be camo well established, being directed from tho San Francisco coast head quarters. Another point that Mr. Landles omphaslzcB Is thnt tho locnl carpen ters' union will through tho bring ing of tin outsldo union In horo bo como better orgnnlzcd nnd It is probablo n strong effort will bo mado to havo all union men em ployed on tho bridge work. At tho present timo, tho carpenters' union on tho Day docs not contain all qf tho Journeymen carpenters. Tho Iron workora will rocolvo bo tweon $4 nnd ns high as $0 a day for tholr labor, says Mr. Landles. Tho rcqutromonta of tho union pro vide only for Its entrance by such men who havo filled tholr appren ticeship and havo bocomo skilled workers In handling bridgo steels, tho Idea being, ho states, to keep tho work up to tho standard of wages rocolvod. Tho unionizing of workmen on Coos Day has boon a slow and dif ficult process, stnto union men, but thoy stato that with tho coming of tho well-organized union of tho Iron nnd steol workors n strong offort will bo mado to Increase and strengthen tho local unions, ropro dontcd In tho Contrnl Labor Council. WATERFRONT NEWS j Throe ships going out and throe coming In this morning passed closo to each other near tho now bridgo forming ono of tho best shipping BlghtB seen on tho bay for somo timo. Tho Btoam schooner Yollowatono cleared for San Francisco with a lumber cargo. PALACE MARKET make DEBT KHANKKURTHRS. Phono -tOO-J. Times want ads bring results. Omr Cireed THE PROSPERITY OF EVERY STORE PATRONIZED BY THE PUBLIC IS ABSOLUTELY DEPENDENT UPON THE GOOD WILL OF THE IN DIVIDUALS WHO COM PRISE THE PUBLIC." 66 THE OWL" Frank D. Cohan. The Central Avenue Drug Store. MESSENGER SERVICE PROMPT, COURTEOUS, RELIABLE TWO PHONES 1COD . AAVt J. H. Jessen, M. D. i -IIVBIUIAH MM nvnutmjn 1 Surgery nnd Diseases of women Snoclalty. Norton & Hansen blg. Phone 223-J noM Mu-iil Arm Pbnnn 304. U 0 IN