M3FESS10NAL DIRECTORY Lothard McClure U AWOnNKV AT LAW Ti..tlnoa In nil cotirtB. om i 2, Flanagan & Bennett Dank I u Harocr General Kopnlrlng and Cabinet j bono 349-J. ' i M. Wright m JPIiono 188-It. ..rrtnirvn rONTHAOTOR ' Eitlmatcs furnlflhod on roquoit M. M- Shaw ; Kvc, HT, su niiu - I ' flrtH!!li!.q FITTED tn MATTIE . SHAW ' C. .. n'nmiii iiiiiI Oillrtrt'i ifflco Phono 330-J. Itooma 200, 201, 202, Irving uiock. Ireniamln Ostllnd tliUllOU ..,,r.in nffirpa. 20G Irving Dlock kono 103-1. or 267-J. Aiarnu&iuiu tsiugun . G. Chandler Roomi 301 and 302, Coke Dulldln m unrn nrinin. uroK u n -i m. S. Turpen AHUlIiTMlJL- Marsbflold, Oroiron. Perl Riley Ballinger I'lANIni. Al -j.xwiHJiiJn.lv Sealdonco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt ennnp mm-i AIN'T IT THIS TRUTH. Wo novcr blnmo tho tailor whon our pnnta wo havo to pin, Wo novcr blarao tho. shoo man when our boIcb grow old and thin, Wo novcr blamo tho hatter when our lids wo have to flout, But wo always M:smo tho laun dry when om nnlrta woar out. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo linnl trunks botwuou any polnti In Mnrshfleld nnd do gonornl hauling, for roaBonnblo rntos. BTAIt TRANSFEIl & STORAGE CO, Levi Hclsncr, Proprietor Phonesi I'-JO-l. -Ifl.L. JIB-R HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. ' PAItlSIAN CLEANING AND DYKING WORKS 200 West Mnrkot Avo., cornor Second Street. Undor now mnnngomont, Prlcen low, nnd nil work satisfactory. Ladles' woilc n specialty. Phono 170-J. 3. S. STEVENS, Prop. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestio CHINA " rrMTan YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS, mono ur,,-.j Night nnd Day. Wilto Klophmit ttrlll Good Cars. direful Driven D. I,. FOOTE. r iim ! SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous Niif HENRYVILLE COAL fir P F.00.1' POr t0Q $"-00 ur. half ton of both $5.00 1). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-J or loavo orders at Hlllyer's Cigar Store. AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North From Btrsot, Phone mo. DRY WOOD T J. SCAIFK jy A. II. HODG1NH MarshfipfH PAINT AND mmniieia DEC0RATING co Estimates Furnished Plione 1 ni.it, Mnihhficld, Oregon THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshflold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NOHTn niCN'l) O. A. Metllu, Prop. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio THE l3"lgs r ttfc"j Armed with "Nature's 'Genasco is ready to combat rain, snow, hail, wind, sun, heat, cold, and fire and to defend your roof with its resisting, lasting life, and keep it weather-tight. Genasco smooth-surface roofing is supplied with' patented Kant-Icak Klccts, which make scams jr atcrproof without cement, and prevent nail-leaks. Otvc 3 your order lor Pwieral surface. ;'C. ASmith Lumber & Mfg. Co. SJjV .imuoin'jr.iii, ItllUIII.'ft.' I.h iSm VJi'V This Powerful Lamp Requires no Repairs or Upkeep , The Double Efficiency Mazda Lamp is a , giant illuminant requiring but one-half tho i current per candle power consumed by tho ordinary efficient Mazda. It has already gone into use by the thou- sands in front of and inside business estab . lishments throughout tho United States, l Light given is brilliant and white. It com- pels attention shows colors correctly , moans a flood of clear, beautiful illumination at remarkably low cost. ; Inexpensive to install-ask usabout them. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Effi cient clerks being out of tho high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 TO PORTLAND VIA FLORENCE AUTO STAGE schedule FEBRUARY, 1015. .r Leavo I Lcavo Lcavo Floronco MnrBhflold Gardiner Mon. .. 1 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00n.m. Tucs, . 2 3:30 a.m. I 4:30 n.m. 5:30 a.m. Wod. .. 3 4:00 a.m. I 5:00 a.m. 0:00 a.m. Thur. . 4 4:30 a.m. I 5:30 a.m. C:30a.m. Frl. ... 5 5:00 a.m. I CrOOja.m. 7:00 a.m. Sat. .. C 5:00 a.m. I G:00n.m. 7:00 a.m. Sun. .. 7 C:00a.m. I 7:00ia.m. 8:00 a.m. Mon. s. 8 7:00a.m.l S:00;a.m. 9:00 a.m. Tues. . 9 8:00n.m.l 9:00 n.m. 10:00 a.m. Wed. ..10 9;30a.m. I0;30ja.ra. 11:30a.m. Thur. .11 10:30 a.m.! ll:30n.m. 12:30 p.m. Frl. ..12 11:30 a.m.l 12:30;p.m. 1:30 p.m. Sat. ..13 12:30 p.m.) l:30ip.m. 2:30 p.m. Sun. .'.14 l:00p.m. 2:00;p.m. 3:00 p.m. Mon. ..15 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m.l 5:00 a.m. Tuo. ..10 3:30 a.m. 4:30 a.m.l 5:30a.m. Wed. ..17 4:00 a.m. I 500 a.m. j G: 00 a.m. Thur. .18 4:30 a.m.ll 5:30 a.m.l 6:30 a.m. Frl. ...19 5:00 a.m.ll 0:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. Sat. ...20 5:00 a.m.ll 0:00 a.m.l 7:00 a.m. Sun. ..21 5:00 a.m.ll G:00 a.m.l 7:00 a.m. Mon. ..22! C;00 n.m. i 7:00 a.m.l 8:00 a.m. Tue. ..23 I 7:00 a.m.ll 8:00 a.m.j 9:00a.m. Wed. ..24 ( 8:30 a.m.ll 9:30 a.m.l 10:30 a.m. Thur. .25 9:30 ft.m.'10:30 a.m.l 11:30 a.m. Frl. ...26 10:30 n.m.ill:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Sat. ... 27 111:00 a.m.12:00 in II 1:00 p.m. Sun. ..28 12:00 m 1:00 p.m. 2:00p.m. On early trips, through to conditions being COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, lyWU 1 'L JSJftj. feasnttordfl ferS35S2 ( cvcrlastincr vaternrnrfrr Genasco cither smooth or, '.a........ UHl'.UU.X. .s2 i Portland same day, favorable FEEDING 50,000 HUNGRY I BELGIANS EVERY DAY Anerlcnii Relief Commission tins En- (nblishcfl Lnrgent Soup Kltt-hcn Ju tho World. ID Amoclitei rrnt to Coos Car Timet, LONDON, Feb. 11. Tho soup kit chen organized In Urusscls by tho American Commission for Relief Is now undoubtedly tho largest In tho world. Nearly fifty thousand peo ple entirely dajstltuto watt In tno "bread lines" overy day nnd over six thousand gallons of soup nnd four thousand kilograms of bread arc daily distributed to them. "Unllko the, bread lines I havo scon In America," says tho report from ono of tho rcpresontntlvos In ' Brussels, "theso nro nil pcoplo of ono nationality and nil with n common nnd undeserved misfortune. They nro of nil classes hut wo know none of them save by number bccntiRO no mnttor what their station or tho ox tent of their mlsfortuuo thoy still havo l'nmour propro nnd many of them, If they woro compelled to write tholr names on coupons when they get tho Boup would rather stnrvo than tako it. Nono of thorn think that thoy will nlwnys havo to bo In tho bread lines and every one of them fools Hint when It Is nil ovor thoy will wnnt to forget that thoy havo been destitute, "Tho soup for theso pitiful flot sam nnd Jetsam of war is all prepared In tho largo storehouses of tho Inter national Express Company Van Gaud. Moro than ono hundred pcoplo nro engaged In this work. Among them nro formor chefs of boiiio of tho lend ing hotels of nniBsols, who give di rections as to tho kind nnd quality of tho soup, Its lngYodlcnfa nnd their proportions. Undor them nro those who clonn tho vegetables potatoes, carrots, beans, otc and prcparo tho meat. This entire staff Is composed of volunteers except the chefs who recotvo nt tho most halt it crown n day. "From three o'clock In tho morn ing, when tho cooking of tho first G00O gallons of soup Is stnrtcd, tho nccno In tho clrciiB-lIko storehouse of tho Express Company Is ono of tre mendous activity with tho moving figures of tho hundred whlto-clnd chefs, tho fires nblazo under scores of Immcnao cauldrons nil dimly seen through tho shifting clouds o( pungent steam rising from tho boil ing soup. "When tho soup Is cooked It Ib Hont, undor tho seals of tho Commis sion nnd undor tho protection or tho American flag, In largo lorries to tho twenty-ono rnntooiiB, scattered . nil ovor Brussels. These cnutoons woro formerly schools, dnnco halls, turk Ish baths, otc. During tho morning, ! whenever ono goes, women ami' child ren may bo neon coming nnd going with pltchoru of steaming soup nnd tholr ration of bread under their nrniB." .MANAGER 'I,.N FOR SCHOOL I' viillon (a .School Management at .Mhmhi Clly Works Nicely .MASON CITY, Fob. 10 Tho board of education of tho Mason City public schools Ib giving tho manager plan 11 thorough test. Tho city nearly two years ago, adopted tho commission form of government, hut this doos not Include tho public schools. Tho board Js composed or professional men who do .not have tho time to glvo close attention to detail, nnd In order that tho best rosults might ho obtained thoy I secured tho services of llaymoud h. James, and his official title Is city managor of schools. Call up tho president of tho board or any of Its mombors nnd thoy refer you to tho city manager and thoy look to him to soo that tho schools are run on nn economical and sound basis. Another Innovation Is that tho pub-1 lie schools of Mason City aro with- out a Buporlntondont nnd tho plnn Is working flno. J. K. Palmar Is, principal of tho high school nnd F. J M. liummitt Is principal of grades, ' and tlioso mon nro responsible to tho board alono. Tho board is Quito satisfied with both plans and thcro, Is comploto harmony all around. Thoro is probably no city In tho stato nr country that has similar plans. , NOTICE TO CltKHITOKS. Notice Is hereby given to whom it may concern that Georgo W. Wei stead was appointed Administrator of tho estate of Paul Ephrlum Has- M sell, deceased, on tho 12th day of November, 1914, by tho County Court I U of tho Stato of Oregon for Coos Coun ty. All persons having claims agnlnst tho aforesaid cstato aro required to present them at the office of Peck & Peck, First National Dank Building, Marshflold, Oregon, to the undor slgned, as required by law. GEOUGE WELSTEAD, Administrator. First publication, January 21, 1915. Last publication, February 18, 1915.) FEBRUARY 11, 1915 EVENING NEWS OF WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY Br DAY tlly Amvilatnl Vno lo Coos najr TIium.J CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 10. A correspondent of tho Tnswlr-1-Esklar sends u number of inter esting episodes from tho bombard ment of tho Turkish const north of tho city of Aloxnndrettc. Tho moBt Interesting or theso Is how the threat ened bombardment of tho city it self was averted. After sholllng tho railroad lino near Pnjas, n Urltlsh cruiser nppear ed boforo Alcxandretle, where, mcan whllo, tho two locomotives of n train which had been partly demol ished by Urltlsh shells nlso nrrlved. Tho commander of tho Urltlsh vessel demanded tho surrender of tho gar rison of Alextuulrctto and the trans fer of nil arms In tho city within olghtcon hours undor penalty of bombardment of nil public buildings. Tho reply mndo by tho Turkish commnndor wns that for each Turk killed ho would hang an Engllshmnn, In tho end It was arranged that the blowing-up of tho two locomotives which hnd escaped tho hombnrdment nt Pnjns would sottlo tho mnttor. Tho correspnndent speaks of tho locomotives nB "culpnblo," but dooa not explain tho reason why ho uses this term. Lntor In tho dny ' tho Turkish commnndor sent word to tho nrltlsh cruiser that ho could not find any dynnmlto for tho blowing up of tho locomotives. All dynamite had been sent to Damascus, ho assorted. Tho commander of tho Urltlsh cruis er then offered to supply onough oxploslvos for the destruction of tho two locomotives While theso pourparlers woro In progress n Turkish locomotlvo on- glnccr had quietly steamed to PnJaB. hooked his englno to tho pnrtly do mollHhcd but still mobllo train and then mndo off In the direction of Merslnu. When tho English heard of this thoy made tho two locomo tives In Aloxnudrette useless, nnd then Btenmod back to Pajas, too Into however, to roach tho train with tholr guns. With throttle wldo opon tho Turkish engineer wns well away towards tho Intorlor whon tho Urltlsh cruiser nrrlved off Pnjua. To malto tho humiliation of' tho British moro comploto tho; had monuwhllo boon Joined by tho Hub slau cruiser "ABkold". Whon tho two returned to Alexnndretto they found that tho commnndor of tho city still Insisted that for each Turk killed In the prppoxod bombardment nn Englishman would bo killed, not by hroaklughls nock at tho end of tho rope, but by strangulation, possibly, tho moat horrible form of death. Checkmated, tho two crulson steamed for other ports, CltlCAT XOHTIIEIt.V O.V WAV. PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 11. Presi dent L. C. Oilman, of tho Spoknuo, Portland & Senttlo Hallway Company, nmolvod n wlroloss mossago from tho ox irons Htonmor Urmit Northern, an nouiioliig that It hnd left Hulhna on February 3 and was procoodlng up tho roast, Tho mosRago caine to Portland via l'hlhulolilii. Tho Groat Northern loft Philadelphia January 28. Sho will ho duo In San Francisco nbout Folruury 13. Times want nds bring results. mm; IL'ijiinaiHiiijniniiiiinfiffliinnflEUBMj rHefeis1heAnswen"irl ft A - Webster's orj 1 NEWJNTERNATiaim The MutffiAM Webster Ercry day In four talk and rcndlnsr. t liutuo, on (ho i tree t car. In tho office. tiop andkclioolyou likely question tlia na-un. Intr of tomo ntw worJ. A friend tuVtt What ma k en mortar harden?" You xclc the lacaUoaottothKalrlntot the pronun ciation ot Jujutiu. What la uhlt cnalt Ihii New Crcntlon anwera oil kind, of question In Ijincnnito.llMory.IJIoKrapliy, l''rtlon, Forelen Hird. TradeJ, ArU and science, uitn nnaioutnonti. 400.000 Worde. 6000 Illustrations. Cost $400,000. 2700 Pagoo. The only dictionary with the ma dlcldtdpaoc.vhci' ncterlicil aa "AbUohc ol Genius." bxlUPtotr Edition r On thin, opaaue. atronr, India luner. What a sutU faction to own iUellnrlan Wetuter In a form to light HI nnao convenient to utel One half the thickness nnd weight of Hcgular Edition, Regular Edition: On trong hook paper. Wt, ItHlttf. SlioliXtxfilx sincucs, WrlU far mckui situ. r utuu.UH(',,,w. il.nuoo IUI &ad rKtlrft rBii.Mt . of pecUt w Dipt. r Q.&C. HERR1AH CO, .SBringrield,Mat7 gaiuuuiuiuupiiujj 'aTSi II mSmi wmM' mm 1 1 I i va aWv hit Ml JUHMK -JMMaMmiilLJ. WVI wmei9"fBammimm 7tfrKaaK EDITION. SHARPSHOOTERS BUSY Claim They Kill More .Men Thau Aij Lost In Hat tics. Wj AhocIMM rmi to Cotw nr TtfflM.) DUNKiniC, Franco, Fob. 11. Tho activities of tho highly efficient Gor ninn sharpshooters havo been respon sible for n lnrgo proportion of tho casualties In tho French and Urltlsh armlcB during the pnst two months. LlcuUnnnt II. G. Vouzler of the French army, writes of theso sharp shooters: "During tho past threo weeks I I havo lost moro men by tho sniper than 1 did in threo stiff engagements. Our position Is not unllko a golf links hnlt a mllo from the club houpo wo nro hunkorcd nnd nicely un dor cover, but Immediately ono of ub shows a bend a ballot whizzes past in 0110 dny ten woro hit nnd for tho life of us wo could not locate the, placo whero tholr snipers woro con coaled. At last wo found It: four hundred yardB In front of us In tho open woro several prominent tufts of grn88. Ono of my men fired Into ono of these tufts, and n Biilpor fell Into view mortnlly wounded. A hun dred yards to tho right wns nnothor tuft which wo demolished with a fuslllndo of shots. When It wns dnrk wo found thero two dend Germans, who woro warmly clad and wrapped In rugs. "Wo decided to imitate tho tactics of tho Germans. Two of our mon volunteered to becomo wntcrnls, Jimt ns tho Germnns hnd become Mold mlco. Under cover of darkness tbiy wormed themselves Into tho bank at tho water edge of a Btngnnnt pool, nnd tho next dny they picked off ninny Germans boforo thoy woro dis covered." JEWS 1IAKI) PHESSED. (tlf AuocUtiKl rrttn to Coo, nr Time. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Fob. 11. Tho lnrgo number of Jowlsh rofttgooi who nro reaching this city from Pnl ostlno nro becoming n serious, prob lorn horo. They nro brought without chargo by tho American cru'sor Ten ncssco from Jaffa, and available ac commodations horo aro already strained to tho utmoHt. Tho rofugecH report that n pro nounced antl-Somltlc persecution bus been started around Jaffa, os"!ng to tho chargo that tho Jows favor iho Allies. SOLDI EltS HAVE PAPKHS. CDr AMoclited TrrM lo Coo, Dr Tlmw.J DUNKIRK, Franco, Feb. 11. Al most every mug stretch of trench has Its weekly uewspnpor which com bines sober off trial ordors and 10 ports of tho week's fighting with hu morous sullies and personal Jotting of tho most lntlmnto chanr'or. A recent rovlew of tho "Trench Prow" shows a list of nearly n score of peri odicals which havo boon published with sufficient continuity to Justify tholr moutlon ns "established pap ers." NEW liOXDO.V LIGHTS. (lljr Awurlttnl 1'rPM lo Coo Ujr Tlmra.) LONDON, Fob. 11. As a safeguard agnlnst nccldouts nt night In tho dar kened streets, thu authorities havo boguu whllewashtiig all curhstonoB, polos and mall boxes In tho outlying districts. NOTED PUGILIST SLAIN. inr Auoeutfci rrtw io coo. nr tidim.) UOULOONW, Franco.FrL. 11. Max Ludo, the French heavyweight boxor, known also as Ludoyle Morcadlor, who brought out Carpontlor, has boon killed In action. VOn CHANNEL TUNNEL. (nr AMorlittJ I'rnu to Com Il.jr Tlrat.) PARIS, Fob. 11. Tho PnrlB press has again taken up tho question of tho projected tunnel undor tho Eng lish Channol, boiiio writors pointing out that had tho project boon real ized tho cooporatlon of Urltlsh and A'Yonch troops would havo been so fa cilitated as to havo had an apprecia ble effect on tho military operations, COIN UELGIA.V 310NKV. llif Aocltl I'rtM to Coot Tlif Timet, PARIS, Fob. 11. Nows rocolved from Brussels Indicates that tho Ger mans aro coining five frano pieces of tho effigy of Albert I. with plates that the, Uolglan mint hud failed to remove SHIPPING AT GARDINER. Tho schooners Lucy And Loulso aro in nnd aro taking on cargoes ot ium ' ber for San Pedro. It la reported that the Sadto and Caroline aro on their way to this port to tako out a cargo ot lumber for California points. Tho San Podro will leavo San Frnnolsco on tho eight with freight for Gardi ner, Reedsport, Scottaburg and other I'mpqua points, Gardiner ('ourlor. A THRft I IK Englishwoman Tells of Wm's Effect, on Germany's Ally. (nr AsaocUlftJ 1'rrm to Coot Day Tms. LONDON, Fob. 11. That it is not Impossible for English pcoplo to mnko tholr way through Germany nnd AtiBtrln la shown by tho roturn to Loudon of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Lnn tay after n business trip to Vienna. Mr. Lnntny had Important hUBlnesa Interests In Austrln, which two months after tho wnr began, demand ed his presence In Vienna. Ho had mndo tho trip so often In times of penco that ho scoffed at his friends' warnings of tho ltkllhood of Impris onment and possible death as n spy. Ho took his wife with him, nnd pro ceeded In his accustomed manner ncross Germany. Thoy were not mo lested nnd remained In Vienna near ly three months, making no particu lar effort to conceal thcjnaolY.es. Tholr return wns made by another routo, but wna accomplished without accident. Mrs. Lnnty thus described her ndventuro: "Of courso wo did not report odr boIvcb, but simply lived lit Vlonna. Wo would have got Into trouble, no doubt, If tho authorities had known tho clrcumatntnc'cs, hut my husband, being of Austrian pnrcntngo, though a naturalized Englishman, wns ablo to carry things through. "It Is really romnrknblo tho kind liness with which English pcoplo nro treated in Vlonna, In tho shops I found It possible to do my trading In English, which almost nil tho at tendants apenk fluently. Tho reeling among tho pcoplo whom I mot seem ed to ho frlondly toward tho English, nnd nn English Indy who Is teaching In tho schools told mo that sho ttp ttccs no diminution In tho number of pupils studying tho English lnngungo. "Within tho past two or threo weeks tho military nuthorltles In Vi enna havo begun to tlghton tho r6 strlctlons surrounding aliens. At present, I hollovo, no alien ononiy.ls ntlowcd to go out after 8 o'clock r)t night; thoy nro not allowed to outer ineniorB nun conco nouses, nnu vio lations ot thq alien enoiny restric tions nro punishable with a find Ot 1100. "Vlonna has begun to fool tho, lire; Btiro of tho wnr vory aoveroly. Tho city Is ono huge hospital, and In many sections tho children cannot go to school bocnuso tho buildings aro re quired for hospital purposes;1'" Tho University buildings nnd tho Parlia ment IIoiibo aro nlso being used for hospitals, in tho atroots ono sees hardly anything but wounded sol- dlors and civilians In mourning, "Tho prices of ovory dny commo dities nro rising rnpldly, and tho sup ply la bolng so safogmirdod that H la Impossible to obtain any moro than n supply for n day or so. Tho big loaf nf broad which used to bo sold for a cent or two haa dwindled In alzo un til It Is barely threo Inches around nnd tho price li four conts. Moat is vory oxponalvo nnd petroleum is G cents for n half pint. Dross mntorlals, which Vlonna used to obtain mostly from Loudon, aro acarcoly obtainable nt any price. "Tho town Is full of smallpox and long lines of people aro seen wait ing outBldo tho public pbyslnlans' of fices for vaccination, Tho scarcity of mon laborers Is bolng mot by tho uso of womon nnd cripples for such work ns street cleaning and housebuild ing. A short tlnio ago thoro was a lioavy fall of Bnow which blocked tho stroots; n largo forco of women was omployod to pllo It up and clear a path for wagons along tho principal thoroughfares. Thoro aro many wo men earning good wngos ns carpon tora. "I think tho Austriaus aro gener ally vory loyal to Germany. Thoy look upon tho Kaiser as tho greatest leader of a century, and thoy aro en tirely confident that ho will curry tho war to a triumphant conclusion," Times Want Ads bring results. WINTER D0JJBLES WORK In summer tho work of eliminat ing poisons and acids from tho blood Is holped by porsplrutlon. In cold weather, with little out door work or exorcise to cause sweating, tho kidneys hnvo to do doublo work. Folov Kidney Pills holp overworked weuk and diseased kidneys to filter nnd cast out of tho blood tho wasto inntter that causes pains In aides nr back, rhoumntlam, lumbago, stiff noes of Joints, soro muscles and oth er Ills resulting from lmpropor dim inution. For sujo by Owl Prescrip tion Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Central avenue. Opposite Chnndler Hotel. Phono 74. Wl TRAVELS AUSTRA i