WBBSwSSSSSSSS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1915 EVEWIWG EDITION. FOUR Mwura 4 1 tf R it: IM If FOREGO m STRAIGHT STREETS DOME RETAINED BY CLOSE VOTE 10 to 7 Is Vote of Merchants' Patrol Position to Work Automatically Voting 10 to 7 tho Merchants' Pa trol Inst evening determined to retain J. C. Doane, special officer. A com mittee of three was appointed to wait upon Mayor Allen Inquiring of him what tho city will expect of tho spec ial officer and whether or not he will Jog Must be Taken From An derson Avenue, Says the Council at Meeting ' Broaching n plan for tho straight ening of Anderson nvenuo and ask ing that tho City Engineer have charge of tho work, C. H. Peck and W, S, Kaufman camo beforo tho City Council Monday evening with a petition signed by tho bulk of tho property owners concerned In tho project. Informally tho Council voted to npprovo tho plan, at tho samo time throwing up all fond hopes of grading and planking any of tho Btreets In tho filled area of Mill Slough for at least one year. Tho petition read that somo prop- oi ty owners would pay for tho straightening of tho nvenuo only under tho stipulation that no In movements would bo made in that district for a year. Stop Street Improvement). uoiimteiy tlio potltlon said nolan.i lt seems nbout tlmo for nnother.' Btreot improvement between Sixth Ho then explained tho complaints HURRY EXHIBITS ggjgSH FOREFOSITlS; J. A. Ward Writes That Coos and Curry Displays Are. Nearing Completion With tho Panama Pacific Exposi tion nlmost ready to open its gates to tho world exhibits from all parts of the world are hurrying into San Francisco and being transported as rapidly ns possible to tho fair n nllniL'nd fn tintrnl Tiln Itpnt. nQnlnt' lng in outsldo police duties only when grounds. Word Just received from summoned. By a motion passed nt tho meeting Inst evening In tho city hall Doano will automatically loso his position should tho mayor and council rellove him of his polico ap pointment. In tho absence of J. T. Hnrrlgan, A. E. Xeff acted ns chairman and Hugo E. Qulst was elected permanent secretary. Thero wero 17 members of the Merchants' Patrol present to niiBwcr to tho roll call "Aro thero any charges against Mr. Doane?" asked Tom Madden. "No." replied Mr. Noff, "but wo haven't had a meeting for two years mut Ninth streets, theso streets to bo bounded on tho north by Central nvenuo nnd on tho south by Den nett and Donnelly avenues. Tho reason given for .making this request was that somo of tho main property owners on Anderson nvenuo own blocks that extend along tho Directs in question nnd for nil this improvement to como nt ono tlmo would bo too hard for them finan cially. "With tho exception of between Commercial and Central on Fifth Rtrcot, tho fill is soft and In no way rondy for permanent Improve that havo been received nnd tho tils cussed action nt tho council meeting of eight days ago when tho council was on the vergo of taking the polico power and $20 monthly salary from Doano because of trouble with tho fire department members. A. T. Haines believed it would mako littlo difference oven If the pa trolman did loso his Btar. "That would glvo him more tlmo to attend to our business." It was pointed out that such action 'had been tnken at ono tlmo during tho administration of Dr. Straw as mayor and that tho special officer retained lite beat. Position Works Automatically. On a motion of W. N. Ekblnd a voto carried that tho Merchants' Pa niont," stated Engineer Gldley. Ho Jro horcaftor will retain as Its pa- iiuimuii uiiij nuuii u ifuiuuii wuu luin tho polico power of tho city. This rscommended that only temporary Improvement bo made, Hint of spreading dirt and over that a plank road. Tho fill will bo settling for another two years, ho said. Also ho bollovcd that piling would havo to bo driven for a share of tho road. Fifth to Tenth. Maps presented to tho Council by Mr. Peck nnd Mr. Kaufman Bhowcd that tho straightening proj est would begin on Fifth and extond ns far out as Tenth street, correct ing tho Jog of about 80 feet on tho Soventh street corner. "A permanent sower In thero 'with that Jog in tho Btreot would bo Impossible," said Mr. Pock. "Fur thermore, tho property owners nro Riiro that tho chnngo can bo mndo now ton times cheaper than sovornl years nonce. Atiuorson nvonuo as It Is is good for littlo. It should bo a stroot opon to traffic." Would Straighten Commercial Having stnrtod tho bnll rolling toward tho straightening of ono stroot, tho Councllmcn becamo en thused with tho Idea and attacked tho sharp Jog in Commercial nvo nuo. "A Jllnoy bus couldn't mnko tho turn nnd mako speed tno," said Carl Evortson, "nnd then when wo havo strcot cars, then It would bo worso than over." This project could not bo tacked onto tho Anderson nvenuo plan nnd for tho tlmo being was tabled to bo brought up lntor whon progress lias been mado In tho first caso. "But horo wo havo hired n city onglnoor at $1800 n year," said Councilman Albrccht "and now by this potltlon wo tako nwny all tho improvement projects that wo wero to put undor way for tho spring nnd Bummor. Of courso thoro nro Homo odd Jobs nbout " Ho wnB Interrupted. "If tho Coun cil bolloves that tho salary la a big Bum," Bald Mr. aidloy "and that tho work Isn't worth It, then I nm roady to quit right hero." "Thoro will bo plenty of work," responded Mr, Albrocht. "Tho Idea Is that wo havo to glvo up theso street improvement projects, that is what bothors mo." Hut tho straightening of Andor eon nvonuo is of inoro vnluo than tho Improving of tho streets this year, on tho filled nrea thought tho Councllmon and Informally thoy voted to glvo up their pet schemes lu behalf of another long and straight streot. Tho petition must still bo signed by several property owners, said Mr. Kaufman nnd will bo brought back for formal action at tho noxt meeting of tho Council on February 23. It was agreed that tho proporty ownora would see to tho vacating of tho premises where tho chnngo in tho Btreot must bo mndo, would boo all matters properly adjudicated be tween tho ownora of laud on either fldo of tho stroot providing tho city will tako caro of tho court proced ure and allow tho Borvlces of tho city onglnoor. J. A. Ward, director of tho Coos and Curry displays Is that ho Is busily engaged many hours of tho days and nights getting nil In ready ness for tho opening. So much is there to bo dono and so many arc thero to do Is that tho result has been nlmost confusion, writes Mr. Wnrd, who Is finding n great deal of trouble in getting his oxhlblts hnndled and put in plnco in tho Oregon building. Ho will not bo nblo to return hero boforo tho opening of tho Ex position, being forced to stay con stantly on tho ground. "Tho locnl I freight traffic department scorns to bo entirely snowed undor," ho writes to Wlllinm arlmes. "Our exhibits that camo on tho Iledondo last Thursday, January 28, aro still at tho dock notwithstanding I havo been making life miserable for tho ones who havo tho matter in charge "However I wish to assure you that ever chnngo has been for tho bettor nnd wo nro certainly In tho front row In ovory respect so fnr ns op portunity Is consomed for n very offoctlvo oxhlblt. Our spneo is vory deslreablo, and I boliovo that nil Ell BOON D Mwquonulo Hull, St, Valentino's Kve, Saturday, Feb. 1, Eagles' Hall. Prizes for liest cuM tuned. Martin's Orchestra. Admission BOo ami surely worth it. You'll bo there, we'll all Imj thero everybody's going. NUF SKI). Tho REST MEATS IN TOWN at tho PALACE MARKET. ll0"T"II!1hn'?:l?T'??.? Ir consomed will bo more than not vory well enrry n gun or a club and would bo handicapped lu making arrests. Jens Hanson declared that tho re sult of tho carried motion would bo to tako all power of appointment out of tho hands of tho Merchants Pa trol and placing lt In tho hands of tho council. At tho present tlmo tho special of ficer receives $70 monthly from mem bers of tho association and collects another $20 a month from tho city for his services. Arguments that nn officer did not need tho second sal ary mot with littlo favor, tho majority of tho membors declaring that tho long hours of tho night watch wero worth what Is now bolng rccolvcd. Rule Art) Itlght. Horcnfter tho patrolmnn will bo kept inoro rigidly on his heat. "Thoro is no need of his spending most of his tlmo arresting drunks," said Tom .Mnuuon. "Ho makes moro arrests than any other policomen. And did ho over catch n burglar?" It was shown thnt ho had. Donno wns In strumental In rounding up "Ono Eye" O'Brien when tho Dohomlan Bar was robbed somo months ago. Tho boat will oxtond from Curtis to Aldor nvonuo on tho oast sldo of tho Btreot, 15 minutes to travel that way and a slmllnr length of tlmo to patrol back along tho docks. Closo Inspection of all stores on his beat and their protection against flro nnd burglnrs aro moro Important, thought tho mombors, than "wild gooso chases. Tho commlttco of three consisting of II. S. Tower, Jons Hansen and Frank Ilaguo will wait upon Mayor mum hi mo earnest convenient tlmo to Invoatlguto tho rotentlon of Officer uoano auu nt tho samo tlmo nrmngo n boat schedule allowing tho offlcor plenty of tlmo to mnko his rounds thoroughly from tho hours of sovon In tho evening until flvo In tho morn ing. Now Plan Ilronchcd. Lato this afternoon Mayor Allon stated that tho commlttco of tho Merchants' Patrol had nnt vn nnnn him, though they oxpectcd to nt least tomorrow. At tho meeting eight days ago of tho City Council, It wns docldod to dlBpenso with tho sorvlces of Mr. Doano nnd discussion of tho mnttor with tho Merchants' Patrol was loft to tho Mayor. A plan that mny bo broached la that tho city allow Mr. Doano to retain his polico powor nnd rocelvo a nomlnnl salary of about II a month front tho city. This would enablo him to keop his job as patrolman. No other nnmes woro voted on. Socretury Qulst hnd received appli cations from Josoph Harrow, II. II. Pntchott, Waltor Condron, J. W. Hunt, J. E. Edmunds and Frank Dean, hut as Mr. Doano wns not dls charged, ho did not preseut any of thorn. SOCIAL CALENDAR, WEDNESDAY Itoynl Auction Uridgo with Mrs. It. K. Hooth. Jolly Dozen with Mrs, II. M. Albco. Uridgo Club with Mrs. E. K. Jones. Narcissus Club with Mrs. i Carl West. North Uond Presbyterian Ladles' Aid In church hall. Catholic Ladles' Card Par- ty and dance in Logglo's Hall, North Uond. 0 PUBLIC CARD PARTY. 1 Tho Episcopal Ladles of North Ilcnd will glvo a program and pub lic card and dancing party and sup por this evening at eight o'clock In Taylor's Hnll. Tho following program and sun- por will bo given tho roro part of tho evening: Vocal solo, "When tho Lights Aro Turned Away Down Low" .... Spauldlng Dr. I. D. Rartlo. Vocal solo, "Good Bye" Tostl Mrs. Eugeno Robinson, accompan ied by Mrs. Perl Itlley llalllngor. Vocal solo, "In May Tlmo" Mrs. J. W. Gardiner, accompanied ' by Mrs. Earl Powell. Piano Scelctions j (a) Wnrum Schumann (b) Grlllon Schumnnn Mrs. Perl Hlley Ilnlllnger. i WEDS IX EAST. I Miss Maud Painter, well known, hero through several years' resl-, Dlcnscd when wo col our work ,n,. i V."". ,n lu ,I10'U' n,m """Bluer or ,.., " -rs. &arnn l'ninter, wns mnrrlod last i l"olc"' .Saturday In Kansas City to Roger Arrangements nro being mndo by Kemp, n wealthy oil man of Tulsa,' Mr. Wnrd, through locnl represent-1 v'v"!?' T' ?,u,pl lm,vo Kn. lo I .i.. . i ., .... IS0W ork nnd w III loavo from there ntlvos, to havo tho last of tho ex-, on a honeymoon of several weeks hlblts forwarded to Snn Francisco. ' through tho West India Islands ho.' Tho next trip of tho Iledondo will I foro returning to Oklahomn to mnko' carry displays from tho North Bend , r ago'UXco Mas . Manufacturing Company, tho North ' been visiting' at Tulsa with her sis-' Dond Condonsary, tho Uroom Hhmllo i tor' 'Ir8 Ddn ,llc-'. whoso husband Is fnr.Iorv. fMna Ilnv Wl.lfn Ron,, fn. " "u". """" nuomey for 11IO Oil interests or that section. Mr. and Mrs. Itlco accompanied thorn to Now York. Harry Painter nt North Dond, nnd F. M. Painter nnd II. W. Painter, of Mnrshflold, aro brothers of Mrs. Komp, whllo n sister, Mrs. Fnrrln gor, resides ,nt tho Myrtlo Arms. VALLEHlTlWE ball - I IN MARSHFIELD BOW VENIIIG ADVERTISER LETTERS. List of unclaimed lotters remain ing lu tho Mnrshflold, Oregon, post office for tho week ending Fob. 0, 191C. Persons culling for tho samo will plonso say advertised and pay ono cont for each letter called for: Anderson, Mrs. Louise Raker, Mrs. Mary llruuor, Konnoth lluriiB, Mrs, Hubert Crorord, Guest Londgren, Will . i Luckol, Frank McDonald, J. It. () May, Art. i , Mecum, Mrs. Gortlo Palmer, H. J. Plko, Lawyor Hapott, C. Webb, Albert Wilson, Grant. W. H. CURTIS, Postmaster. IT WILL PAY YOU Seo tho Woolen Mill adv., on Pauo 3 of tonight's Times. It con talus an extra Hpeclal announcement that it will pay you to read. tory, tho Wood-crnft shop and pulp from tho pulp mill. DecnuBo of tho hurry In gottlng tho exhibits arranged beforo Feb ruary 20 Mr. Ward will not havo tlmo to propnro tho Marino Garden until somo later tlmo, Tho ngato collections of Frank A. Stownrd, and W. E. Woodcock, of Port Orford, will probably be1 sent down whon tho Rodondo goes, j Theso nro expected to bo among tho best a en In collections nn illsnlnv nt San Frnnclsco. LacllCS' GUI d to GiVfi Flnhnr. ate Dancing Party at the Eagles Hall Friday Tho Valentino Hall to bo eivnn in (tho Ladios of tho Episcopal Guild , noxt Friday ovonlng promises to bo j tho most brllllnnt social ovont of tho i rapidly closing dancing season for so ciety, as i.ont commences noxt Wod-i nosdny. Tho Murphy Orchostra hns This. City to Participate inJSJT ' " ! Nation Wide Pure Food Movement L. A. Peck, assistant sales mana ger, and A. J. Graft, traveling ropro sontatlvo of "Holnz' 57 Varieties," aro Mnrshflold visitors today. They aunounco tho Inauguration of a now puro food propaganda by tho Holnz company which Is In tho nut tiro of an educational campaign that is nation-wide. Tho third Wednesday in oach month Is known ns "Heinz boom day" and on that day ovory member of tho sales forco, numbering nbout 1200 In all parts of tho United States olaborato decorations of rod henrts win ninuo tno Jingles' Hall a bower of beauty. Mrs. J. S. Coko with nn i nblo corps of assistants Is In chnrgo, of tho decoration, Mrs. E. O. Porhnm.t prosldent of tho Guild, Is chairman of tho gonornl commlttoo of nrrango-i monts, whllo Mrs. Otto Schottor will havo chargo of tho punch booth. A ! compoten floor committee will bo In charge during tho ovenlnir nmi n iron. I oral good tlmo Is promised to-nil who attend. Tho patrOn0S8 list Innlllilnsi nmm. Inont matrons of tho Mnrshflold so-1 clnl set, among whom nro Mrs. E. p. . Lewis, Mrs. II. S. Hnrrls. Mr n if leavo tholr regular duties and dovoto Porry, Mrs. Hobort Drowning, Mrs F tho day to explaining to housowlvos ' A. Hazard, Mrs. Ebbecka, Mrs F "w" tho moaning and manner of reading' Payno, Mrs. A. E. Jonson, Mrs' A It' labols on food. Of courso It Is lm- O'Hrlon, Mrs. F. A. Golden, Mrs' A I poBslblo to cover tno ontlro city or, T, Haines, Mrs. J. w. Bonnott.Mrs j' i country In ono day, but on noxt S. Coko, Mrs. Ilorbort Lockhar't Mrs' i Wednesday thoy will conduct a do-iE. E. straw, Mrs. J. H. Flnnnirun' You Ever Use I Mb At Your House? YES! WELL, READ THIS Values to 1 5c Lages at 5c f APIFQ Of Valenoiennes, Torchon, Crochet. The J-jra- first direct importation to Coos Bay for ktliis season, fresh and dainty in their snowy whiteness and without a flaw or blemish in de sign or texture. Values to 15c Lace at 5c A(pI7Q For that Spring and Summer Dress that J-vJUkj you are now planning for, purchased by ; us at a saving for cash which w& pass on to you at from one-half to two-thirds less than regular. Values to 15c Lace at 5c , T AfFS Trmt are also particularly chosen for .Lif-aALiO y0Ur unrjer garments, strong, pretty and ; durable, that stand the wear and tear of laundry and retain their freshness longer than the garment lasts. Values to 15c Laces at 5c I AfF 'rr 'ie cl1ildren's wear fr neckwear, LlLlfcJ for waists, house dresses, for handker- chiefs and fancy work you can buy laces now for every known need and save. LACES 2915 YARDS . ON SALE Thursday - Friday - Saturday Values to 15c Lace at 5c KH . S. S. JENNINGS "D The firm that sells the best for just a little less IN FIRST AND AFTER COSTS FORD CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "THE ClUNNEIvY" Front Street Marshficld, Oro. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many years and r lot of SULV810,"10". w,u tull.yu wn It comos to gottli.B good, Bound, durablo framing materia! nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you wnnt to build and tho amount you wnnt to apoad and wo'll got biiBy with our poncll and flguro out tho bot your money can buy, Try uc. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT COT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO BY USING OUR, WOOD PHONE 100 182 SOUTH BROADWAY monBtrntlon nnd cducntlonnl cam- Mrs. Otto Schottor, Mrn. B G Per nalgn at Olllvant & Wonver's Puro ham, Mrs. S. C. Small, Mrs A Vea Food Storo on Central avenue nnd tnl, Mrs. Rublo, Mrs. c. Nasbunr wjui moir pairons. snmiuos or the .rs. Arthur Melveown, Mrs L M Holnz products will bo distributed . Noblo, Mrs. It. K. Dooth Mrs win and nt tho storo thoy will bo sorved ' Horsfall, Mrs. H. Nasburg Mrs aiib to all callers. Thoy will have ovory gar Lagerstrom, Mrs. A. O Rogers Marslifield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrsliflebf t Busy Corner lOsOO n.m. 2: 00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leaves North Rend 15 nilii. utes Inter Leuvcs Empire. Hjtio n.m. 11:.'I0 n.m, 3:30 p.m. H ono of tho "57 Varieties" and you ami Mrs Hugo Qulst." can kui unyiuing you want irom a presoved fig to a pickled onion. Tho Olllvant & Woavor storo Is ono of tho vory fow In tho state car rying tho completo lino of tho "B7 Varieties" and thoy taho prldo that Mnrshflold has been selected for this early demonstration and tholr storo tho headquartors for tho Initial showing of Heinz products. OflPH E CARD OK THANKS. Wo wish to roturn our heartfolt thanks to tho many gonorous friends und especially to tho niombers of Sunset Lodge I. O. O. P., who stood by us with such unweurvlmr kimi. ness during tho Illness nnd death DPEWSTOWIGH T Everything in Readiness for the Dedication of New I Palace of Pictures I Kvorythlntr Is lu reniHim tn i, oponlng of tho now Orphoum Theater ! ?, ,1,10 0JJ,;Mn80"lo tonight. Manager ' u. ll. Keller, assisted by n corps of i -i'v..luia ilIH1 iminiors, nns beon BENNETT . TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits J125.000.00 OFFICERS: J. W. Bennett, Presldont Arthur McKcown. Secretary Tom T. Bennett, Vice Present Bennett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns trustee of express trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust r0TnrJn ?rEOn uUld0 0( Por"and organized under new trust law in this state. ' mw rtmm n-in- lmimiim lF!5!!Sgj . uuuiuru MfjC lira H. H. Hnrnnp a.MJ&.?"iuai i.ir ng and p.v. Phono 349-J. Making. M. Wrinht llltfT.litvn Wln ... I E-Umato. fUai ' "lln I OK, Dl orn iDr. H. M. Rhom !?.. !.'.. I'W'I .. MAT'liu ii .'TED Inciimon nf Wnmi.il., Ico I'lmt.n iff1' d Cbnt. '7-j. uooaii c,7 ui. irvini. tii... '" 'Beniamln OstiiruT" , CONSULTING I xaiNEFlh n, ARCIIITiy 1 nfflpiia 9flfl .. r1 I 'hono 103-i. or 207-j.8 Blotl MMihtuia, i N. G. Chanrilpp I A lr.t.. i oom 301 nnd 302. Col. t n UnI.M.I . ' MM BOA oum, urcgoa Mm. S. Tllrnnn ARCIIlTECT MarBhtleld, Qrojoa. Pnrl Rilnu Rnllinnn. IlllViiim ....""' Ronldonco Studio, 217 NmSL. I'linnn flflo t MBH U I AIN'T IT TIIW rrn,, wo novor blnmo the tailor t our pania wo havo to pk Wo novor blnmn tho .v.. whon our soles grow old m thin, Wo never blamo the htli whon our lldi we ban (, flout, But wo alwaya '-.ma the i rr" whon ou. onlrU wear tit COOS BAY STEAM LAVKDRl IIIOIIO 07-J, Low Rates for Handling Triir Wo haul trunks botwotaiart In Mnrshflold and do general tnl for reasonnblo ratos, STAR TRANHKRR & ST0IUGIC Lovl Helsncr, rroprlctof 1'lioiiPHt 1'JOT. 4IKU OMi TniDY SAVE YOU MONEY HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171. PARISIAN OLKA.VIXa AXI DVKINO WOHK8 200 West Market Ave., coral Socond Streot Undor now management Prlcal low, nnd all work eatlifct7 Liullofi' work n iixclalt;. Phono 17C-J. j. s. STnvnxs, Prop. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend, for Fancy and Dome CHINA !YQU AUTO CALL f " ' .., atiVM FOR FOOTE'SAUIW Phono i:3.i-J Night nnd Dor. ' Whllo ICIe)lant Grill Gool Cars. Careful I). L. I'OOTi:. IMI1MM MUM- iiriiMW SAVE MONEY by ordering the fmoal UCMRVWII I P HOAL Nut coal, per ton 5L u 11 111 )l ium, jiui iuu "mi Or. half ton of both n. SIUSSOX, Pi Phono 18-J or loavo orde"1 Hlllycr's Cigar Stow. OR il CAMPBELLTS WOODYWJ Worth rrcm " Phono S70. of our boloved husbaud and fathor. I. .N. Hopplns. Seldom havo any letting tho finishing touches on this in noed of Byinpathy and tho most now palaco of pictures which w ii , tho most commodious, comfortablo and olaborato moving picture play houso on the Pacific coast between ban l-ranclsco and Portland. It Is a credit nllko to Coos Bay and to tho entorprlslng manager, B. R. Kol- Notwlthstandlng It Is Opening night tho ndmlsslon prlco will bo on- 'i i cuius, uoirt miss It. An doyoted friendship, jecolved bo fjill n moRsuro of tho best fruits of tho human heart as wo have from theso kind friends. MRS. I. N. HOPPINS, MR. AND MRS. W. W. LANGWORTHY, Valentino BALL by tlio Ladles of XSff.S$&&SF& "-"M;S KiS ""'-s An nn- ar- T. ,T. 8CAIK13 A. " 0DC!' Marshfield Katiw. Uhtlmates Furnisi'f" Phono 1 10-H. 3IurlifWfli " Abstracts FOR RKLIAULE AI5STRAOTS OI TITLI3 AND INFORMATION ABOUTj COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQU1LL13 CIT1', ORI'GOV B5S?S?VM' KA8T81nB AX,) 81WOSTAOT m ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER mr rnno UflTFL Formerly of Wtli WASHINGTON Av&l2rRfgJ xnnTir nilND O. A. Metlln, Trop. Pictures & Pramid Walker Studio fct JVfrniW . S