THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1915-EVENING EDITION. THREE T IE HOME OF BIG FEATURES D V A UUbVILLt iii Pntillno Joseph. Hint dnlnty nraiio, nnd uulcrlc rhnngu nrtlst. Ibs .foccpli plensed hor many honr- with her enurmiug """ - wi re il program and "oat nimenrliig, .ximr-l IllSt lllKllt. How n Tad brought happiness his mother, "Helping Mother," appealing domestic iiriiiini uuii (it play on tho lienrt strings, In to reels, by tho Itex-Unlvorsnl Co. ITU !. ,.. f .1 11.. t UPn.l The Jinn ivuu nm, .. ... iniD-rnlversnl drumn with Alex- .!.. Onitpll : IScah pnper hunger thrown hchlnil L- nfii.f wrecking houso. "Slntltz, o Taper Hanger." A Joker comedy attiring Jiax ABiiur nun jouibu XMntldtt Six all new "I1(1 quality reels of o Independent nrnnii. Aiimlsslon. lower floor. niul first Icony, tGc; second balcony, 10c. iil.lrcn under tho ngo of ten years cupylns seats , Be. Here tomorrow mum, uuuiui rolimnn preients "Tho Hotter Mini" l'rogrc.lvo feature in lour rouis the Famous riuyorH iuniiuny. flnr A in Aiwnys: luur uouuori L amusement. HoHUlt, SntlBfnc bn. Tho most up-to-dnto thcator LtnlniiiL' over 800 comfortable lata and pictures unnqunllod. Timesavers ! ! NOTICE i I r WIJ 1IAVIJ ENLARGED OUR Repair Department Phone Ud Vour Key Troubles Bring Your Guns and Illcyclcs Send Your Hrolcon Umbrollns Your Work Will Ho Dono Promptly. arshfield Cyclery Tho Phones Ish-r i i.v mo RROAHWAY DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO TJIK FUHLIO A regular Mate licensed undertaker will lio lu tluirgo I'hono lr..T R00FIWR REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, nuurnvu lYlAltKIALi), rtUS AND CEMENT J. L BRIfiF 3. 118. P. 89. ' HIGH nilAI ITY FIIIISR FRUITS, VEGETARLES AM) NUTS. UverylhliiK I" Season EvceptionullJ Keen Price. Marshfleld Fruit Company, At 1'nliico yii'ut. Mnrl..t Ii'iioiio :joi.j. Get a Receipt nione 394-J. Coos Bay Tea, Cooffee & Spice House Broadway bet. Central and i commercial MFSSPMRCR CCDUIPC IHI HEATER TIGHT ll'ItOMIT, COURTEOUS, HELIAHLE TWO PHONES 158R 445 MARSHFIELD CYCLERY J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON j Surgery nnd Diseases of Women a i v Specialty, i rton & Hansen bldg. Phono 229-J i e. Myrtle Arms. Phone 304-L Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes under-priced. Always good; rLbut now more value than ever, j -&7SSOT Clearing our fall and winter stocks to make room for the spring goods Here is something extra special: One Hundred Men's Suits at ONE HALF PRICE Not All Sizes In All Kinds But All Sizes in Some Kinds. All other goods same as pre viously advertised Wo Itoop your clothes Woolen Mill Stores The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. Marshfield North Bend FORTHREEDAYS ONLY TWO OF THE CHOICEST LOTS IN BUNkER HILL AT A REAL SACRIFICE Wo liavo throo othor splondld good buys In improved residence property, and wo nUo havo ono oxcollont business opportunity, as well as 8omo flno vacant lots. AUG. FRIZEEN : GS Contral avonuo. :i YOU MAY BE COLD Rut wo havo n hot prlco on coal nnd wood heaters this woolt. Rotter soo us. Wo can sot you up a heater from $1.23 to 910.H0. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND GENERAL HARDWARE AND l'LUMUING Our Shop Dooa Gonornl Repair Work. Goioj to A ASIC YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS: Which piano seoius likely to Which piano comes nearest Which piano will cost least Whon comparing Pianos, rem What Is Insldo. Insist 011 boo aro paying a considerable- sum The Kingsbur y and many othor makes. Wo will glvo you expert Information; tho bonoflt of many yoars experience, nnd quoto you tho lowest prices, quality always considered. Terms easy. Free Playor demonstrations ovory day. L. Ii. THOMAS, Manager. , If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS We buy the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nish us. We have equipped our market to keep and ripen meats and give the most prompt and efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. pressed freo of charge . MEL G. DUNCAN Phono 181-J. ow PIAMG? glvo tho longest poriod of good use-? to satisfying my car and my fingers? for tuning nnd Incidental expenses? ombor that tho Outside Case- Conceals lng tho vltnls of that for which you of money. Como and oxamlno MARKET Phone 58 hOGM BREVTTIE& AAAAAAAA.A...Ai WKATHKK rORUCAST ! , Tr AmocUIpJ rtrit to Cool Ilr Timet. OREGON Fair with vnrl- ablo winds, mostly easterly. . LOCAL TKMPERATURU RKCORD For tho 24 hours ending nt J: 4.1 n. in., Fob. 10, by Ron J. Ostllnd, special government motoorologlst: Maximum ,2 Minimum 32 At' 4:43 a. m 35 Precipitation 02 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 47.71 Precipitation samo period last year 42.72 Wind: Southwost, cloudy. Whh fluent, or City. Al Abby was a guost of tho city last evening. On the books ho was registered as drunk. Ho appeared boforo Judge Rutlor and hnd a cash balanco nftor paying his $5 assessment. Moii'h iiKM.'lliig Suiidny. MarBh flold men Interested in foriiiulatlug plans for a Roys' Sunday Class aro Invited to meet 'with tho Commltteo from tho churches mid wbincn's clubs on Suuilny at .1 p. in. in tho lecturo room of tho library. (ties A'flvr INilaloes. Tho Alert loft for upper Coos River this af ternoon, after being tied up somo time, to sccuro a shipment of 250 sacks of potatoes belonging to Hill and Johnson, being brought hero for Bending to outsldo markets. Official Rndgu Comes. A bndgo Inscribed United States Whito Slavo Offlcor, Department of Justlco, ar rived In tho mnll this morning for II It Tlall fit ! lina iimt 1aak. pointed to this district Ho Is bu w posed to wear the emblem nt all : . . . . limes unuor ins coat in caso of emergencies (initio on Friday Tho schedule of tho high school calls for a gamo with tho Coqulllo quintet hero next Friday evening. The Independents will rest this week, hut nro trying to got a game nrran);od with tho Coqulllo Independents to take placo hero a week from this Friday night. Tho high school gamo will bo called promptly nt olght o'clock. Daughter Horn. Gcorgo Rotnor. of tho Woolen Mills Store, is In receipt of a birth announcement card from Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. How- mnn, of Portland, tolling of tlio i i..i .i i.... t .1.-1.. i I.-nliriiiiff Tim llttln otpnimni. 1,n' niry uniu niruiiKur mm boon named Kllen Jenn. Many r v ..i ... ... " rniMlniKn C0" - jiS'tCuo ir,N.-K,II Nel - enn linllL'Ilt frrilii Tnm Prnu-fnril hvn 25-foot o ' on" Ilroadway sou 1, 'of ..all avcmie yesterday afternoon for fiuuu. ib jo buiu iimi. inu lUJiiiw woro cash. Tho depth of tho lots Is 140 foot. Mr. Nolson states thati ,1no tint nnort In nrort nnv, -.!." .I :." .:i..: -"' uiiuuiiij,- on 1110 jnuiiuriy in preb- T ,, MAhTIV linoltltoonor for Haus ont. Tho trnnenctlon occurred , J' " r'l?.t' ""K,.?. ,L I.S" through tho office of J, W. Watt. Cousin to Front. Mrs. (1. L.Roy Hall, wife or Rev. LoRoy Hall, has Just received a lottor from hor homo In Kngland that 0110 of her cousins has gone to tho front In answer to Lord Kltchonor's call. Tho lottor camo from tho west const of Kngland whoro no troublo hns bocn exporlencod from tho Air raids and the peoplp fool qulto sccuro from molestation, JCIrliy In Alniiticer. At n mooting of the Coos County Furmors' Union Warehouso Commltteo 111 Coqulllo yesterday, W. II, Klrby was elected gonorn.1 maungor in pinco or u. A flntnimrt iiflin fnaltrnnil f ! If lulkit ias becnlti charge of tho wholesale MR. AND MRS. J. T. HARR1GAN An offorl Is being made to orgnn . ."!i"" Vi- -A .i:.. .7i i?. oxnoct to lonvo on the Nairn Smith 'r0 a Sunday school class for nil the made .such n success of It that ho wl,on sho goos South again ror a oldor boys or Marshfleld to be eon was promptly advanced to tho moro'- abort aojourn In California dur ng ditctea by buslnoss nipn of tho olty. roBiions bio noslt on Wlion .Mr. .MIIl - toyno decided to ronro. Bcliulirt WleVlpro. Scliubort. ror years stownrd on tho stonnisblp Alllanco when sho oporntcd Into Coos Ray, Is now In Rottordam. In n letter to friends horo, ho says thnt tho gcnornl belief in Rotterdam Is that tho Allies havo tho upper hand of Germany nnd when Lord Kltchou onor puts his uow army of 2,000,000 men In tho field in tho spring, the loud will come quickly, Mr, Scliu bort Is well Known on wio nay ami lins nronorty hero. Ho was gen erally known ns "Foxo" Scliubort. Rltler (Jot's South, At four o'clock' yesterday afternoon tho Qeorgo W. Elder loft out for Eu- reka carrying-eight pnssongors from hero. She Is expected to arrlvo back on Coos Ray Thursday evening and leavo ut nluo o'clock Friday morn ing for Portland. Thoso who left rrom hero woro: Miss lu Lamonoa kle, Mrs. J. L. Masson, A. C. Nlllory, L. S. O'Connor, E. C, Nutter, John R. Smith, yllllam Nye, R, Nuck. Caps At Section. One or tho first ordors coming from tho'S. P. offices since tho merging, of tho company's l(nes In Oregon Is ono ordering the employees at tho station and all train men to wear oMclal caps properly Inscribed with tho position or the owner. The caps havo been ordered and nro expected hero In about a week. Conductors and brake men on the passenger trains will wear in addition the blue untlorra ot the company. I Released From Jail, Claude Al-' len, charged with burglary In Judge! Sliuster's court at North Rend, and kept in JaU " ?300 bonds, has' 1. .been reloaded on $1j0 mo young man Is c 'stealing chickens from uHiuL-iice, suspicion resting on nun 1 .because It was alleged that the pe culiar shoes ho was wearing when 1 apprehended, corresponded to the I 1 murks left outsldo the chicken coop. Judge Shunter wan lenient for he I Id If linfll.f.ltl l. l ..l.iiltin.. .... .... a mihvuuiii ia ivf HUUllll'l W 1 111, I ho can hold to the burKlury charge. ciiSri Ruii'hci' In Clmim tins has been nnnolntod ,i. i....i p- ,, ,... . , iuu ioici uj(k .inn iiiy niuiun nun louny tooic cbargo and closed the Peoples 5-1 0-1 G cent Store on Front street. ('! Smashed. A laxlcnb which In operated hero by a man HvIuk nonr Llbby, wns snutBlied up nrotty bad the night before Inst In a collision. Ho did not ascertain who ran Into his car on tho Mbby road. Ills stand Is near tho Palaco Cofo. KiiginccrhiK Work. Harry G. Rut siding In the Tower apartments. Mr Dutlor will open an engineering of flco hero nnd follow his profession, the report that ho wns to bo Identi fied with a grocery at North Rend being erroneous. I Ratikritpt. 13. C. Unrkor, who no, oft n, nUUr" has slnco been res'ldine on tho Gould ranch. nuovc Allegany, has been nd Judged a bankrupt. Ho pnld out something less than 50 per cont un der tho assignment nnd tho bank ruptcy proceedings nro to rollovo him of further liability. C. I. Rcl .gard Is his attorney. Ho has no ob 'sots and tho tunount of his liabilities aro not known. They nro practically nil to wholesalo Jowolry firms. Funeral Todny. Tho funeral of Mrs. Harry Winkler today was large ly attended by the ninny friends of tho docenBed nnd her families. Tho floral offerings wero among tho moBt beautiful and numerous over seen hore. A requiem mnsa was colobratod by tho Rev. Father If. J. MeDovItt assisted by Father Kovnoy, of Dandon, nnd Fathor Wnllnco. Tho pall-bonrorn woro largely of hoc for mer classmates and wore Kmninlt Htnck. John Stack, Oscar Kronholm, .loo Ronnott, John Forgusnn and Ur neBt Hnrrlugton, Mrs. CIiiih, Stnuft sang Mrs. Wlnklor's favorlto song, "The Rosary." Sho was accompanied by Mrs, Horsfnll. AMONG THE SICK L .oy Olillniul. who lives nonr ' J'Ilbb- ' conflnot io the homo of . Un hah Afnit.Ai' ti.llii n tmi'nrn nttnlr Homer Mnuzoy, with a sovoro attach of pleurisy and la grlppo. Mrs. McLaggen, of Rnstflldo, Is suffering from nn Infected Jaw that has kept hor confined to tho houso for several days. . CARM1CHAKL waB In from ... 1 I III Ih1 .1.1 liliulltnntl T, k,TONc dnw Si D,v0lj ,,.,; Sr a Lhort trip i .fort" I,Uct ror n mon inp l , tinv. . H, MIMJlllv, II ortll JI1I01 .. .i... ,.i... r n I i "i '"'J,.""B uu"" lu"'" " " . U11UIL LIIII. JASPUR VOAKUM. a lildo buyer of ' ""'"J"0:' ,B th0 dty t0,,fty cn DHHIHUBH iril ' 11- J JTrf-ViX ffiWPfoJfotUk. ',l ' . run.ierpMin' will lonvo PrltlllV ?E fll, I I wl n- u i L1"', nV .," nn.. lV:at.,M ft " ull' u,i" '"" also. Include sontt o. or & Hauser, was horo Inst ovonlng from North Inlet, returning this morning. ROV ARDOTT, who Is now running 1 on tho Smlth-Powors' lino beyond Myrtlo Point, wns n Marshflold visitor last night. J. D. GOSS Is oxpoctod to return Rnmlnv frnin Sun 1'YniirlBrn whom lor and fas 5Z XZl1?0 " oedwel. Feb this week from California, aro ro- nmr' -3 wlUl a ow 801'1 machine In ho has boon trying tho enso of T. Unlnos. Pnrkor versus tho ,C. A. Smith I Lndlos' Art Club Mrs. W. R. Cur Company. 1 1'" W. F. M'KLROWNKY exports to The commlltoe hns in project tho loavo on tho 13ldor Friday morning ' orgnnlzing or a boy's Sunday School for Portland, whore ho goos on ) class for moral and othlcnl training, u business trip. Ho mny go : A mooting for men Inlorostpd In this Knst as far as Chicago boforo ro-1 work Is called for Sunday at 3 p. 111. In turning. ' i "". "" " " Eposltlon. "KNUY l.KMIEUK. who has been U1H11U Ull 111 III" 1111" ll"W WH'N. camo down yostonlay. Ho Is pre paring to loavo for Ills old homo In Minneapolis .whloh ho has not visit ed for flvo yoars. ANDY HRICKSON, formerly or Footo'B auto lino, but recently omployed nt n South Inlot tie enmp, Is spending n row dny horo. Ho Injured his hand rathor sovoroly tho other tiny. 'DOC" VERLIN PARKER, who has neon empioyou in survuyiiig wmu hero for somo tlmo, loft this nei nOOll for Rniltlon, whoro llO Will work with Govornmont Knginoer Wright on tho Jotty projoct thore. y, j. PRESTON, of the Smith Powers construction camp at headtiuarters. south of Myrtlo 1 Point, enmo to Marshfleld ynator-.nonr (ho SmIth mWt blB ,,,,, lje,ntt day from Morcy Hospital, whore to utllM 00 of ti,e taU gI0jjegtacks ho has boon roouporntlng from an ror ono of Ul0 mMia orectlng one oporatlon from nppendloltls. u mat nnd making provision for an got along remarkably well. Doing , othor ,f u Bj,Qn(l i,0 n9eessary. The confined Just a wook by lie op. ooniimy efln m(Wt a tue rmuir&. oration. Ho exnocts to return to mnU wcwt ,0 M( t,e B,tBi wh,ril camp In a cplo or days. g fll)0Ut a50xI50. nee. Tho coat or A. P. JOHNSON, constal lo at Lake- , , wU ag ulne), am, the t. Bide, wus In Mars h f 0 III last ovo- roferred to tbo Marshfleld Cham- n,nB- '1 ' Tra Ksa!i that I,e- f Commtw. The plan was tp severe b ck spoil, lie ? niVo the Capo lllanco station her ovcrything Is going '0ly 1 tho c0lt f iMng ,upUa, ,0 c,,'?- ." 'n.l', .? JA 'Aii 1 1 Blanco Is prohibitive. The govern- s idfl , osca el vlt 1 ins Hit 0 crlmo and BerTo'us ro. bio ",, It did the las year when It wns filled with I railroad construction crews. , 1 HE HOME affy made i avern candy We ninki our own Ico cronni SI78 Central uve., I,"ono liU-It g&itmn SHERIFF TBKES i IIISE R. J. LoilCJ, WIlO Formerly L,ycd Here, to Bring Ma- umiio prom los Angoies From thu office of deputy sheriff nt Los AilgeloB to the role of a black sand miner Is the change being made by R. J. Long, who arrived yes terday from the south mid left this morning for Curry county, where he has mining Interosts. He expects to roturn to Los Angeles In a few days, IIIVI1 1113 IB 1111U1 USlUll. .Ull iuiik 1H a nephew of Colonel Rom of Rnn dou. He has leased considerable l.ltlnll t.n Im I .. I A...ri .. .1 .. t (. Curry county proporty for mining operations Mr. Long says that he has found that will .rv. practically iovor' PR'Ucle of gold going through It. The machine Is a now one nnd Is not placed on tho market for sale. Tho company In which ho is interest ed will try tholr hand on somo claims thoy have near Jumping Off Joe In Curry county. Fifty cubic yards of dirt during1 nn eight hour day, ho statos, can bo handled with tho now contrivance Wntor bubbles up through tho sluices from underneath and tho sand, by means of nn agitator that can bo rogulatod, Is kept In constant motion as tho water pours through. A con crete haso covorod with copper is, used. While hore Mr. Long proaentotl Shorjff Johnson with a new typo of hnndcuffs which nro guaranteed to detain oven such i.gnplo as "Ono Kyo" O'Rrlon, who hnvo wrists and Imiuli of about tho tamo slzo. Ho told tho sheriff ho could hold nn eel with them. E S I Women Ask Ministers to Preach on Subject Meet ing Sunday to Make Plan Tho commltloo formed from tho vnrloitB women's clubs and tho city churchon for tho quostlon of provid ing rollglous Instruction nnd a placo for tho hoys of Marshflold to updid tholr Sunday atloruoons at tholr Inst mooting decided to request tho minis ters of ovory church In Marshfleld to prenoh on this question tho first Sun day after llaster and to offor any solution thoy might hnvo to tho ques tion at that time. TI16 commltteo has boon cnllod to moot tho week nftor I theso sormnns to soo If some dorlulto nnd practical plnu can bo arrived at. Tho roprosontntlvos of tho various church 0 and clubs nt tho Inst moot ing woro: Rnptlst church Mrs. Hall and Mrs. l)onno'. W. C. T. U. Mrf. John Nuglo. Clirlstlon church Mrs. It, A. Cop plo nnd Mrs. I). C. McCnrtj'. Prosbytorlan Mm. C. R. Vnlters. lJplHOopnl Guild Mrs. Harry Nas uurg and Rev. It. K. Hrownlng, Progross Club Mm. W. F. MoKl downoy. Coos Rny Wanton's Club Mrs. A the locturo room of tho library. 1 n-i hiuii wtiu nru niiuroaiiHi uuii jiuvo Ideas to offer lu this connection are Invited to meet t the lecturo room In the library building at 3 p. 111. Sun day. FOR WIRELESS STATION Government Requires Fieo Silo to Mttvo Rlunro Station to Smith Mill. Arno Mereen 1ms received n let- ( fin 111 Limit MnHnnmill it tlin IT , s Navyi raoeuiy horo looking for a sl,9 rr a wiruloft station, asking wrUon confirmation of 11 number of nmttfiiu Ainnnir tlmm nrn tliu Ptnt 0f oleotrlclty, ot phono and watml servlco and cost ut transportation. He also speclfloa In his letter that the government requires an absolute titln to n nlt. Tim Ritu l.a .luyii,! i mot requlrw that wireless stations o aUea.t seven mile, lulund. They ndle a commercial buslnws bwlilM fj" Rpvornmont MlnMf although iiiujr uu iiui Ruiivii. 111a luuur. MitMiuerade Rail, St. YnlootlUi'S I've, SudiKlay, Feb. lit, l&tgloK' lla'l. VvhoH for best costumed. Martin's Orchestra. Admission ,0c and surely wtntli It, You'll ho there, we'll all bo there everybody's going, NUF SED, HUD 0 BB uU AMPHIBIAN LEAVES WATER AND SCOOTS UP STREET v. C. Jtn-st's Srittlilnt of Lund nnd (Water Conies ijjf Vitlt of MurslifteiliL Needing only wings to brliit: her Into "ompetltlou with the animals of tho land and water and the blrda of the heavens, V. C. (lorsfs amphi bian came to 'Marshfleld a visit this morning, At an early hour old Sol poked lite head above the eastern horJnm nnd down near the new Southern Pacific bridge he saw tho machine scooting up and down the water aa If takltia; a morning bath, but princlil!y scheduled so the picture man could record a glimpse of the strange ani mal that tmvels better than 05 mllej nn hour on land and 15 on tho water. Kven as Neptune, at times, avUon from the depths, so the lnaclilno tlrod of the water and whlmd its wn onto the land and came buzz lug all the way to Marshfleld. Peo ple left the store, nutos stopped and horses shied to the curbing to let the strange monster pass. High nbove th weels and frame work thp aeroplane Is mounted whllo In lhe rear the big wheel fans fho machine along on Its course, leaving n suction behind that draws up n, cloud of dust nnd sends It otldvlng. After scooting about tho streetn the machine headed again for It? haunts In North Rend and quiet wni resumed once more. MATTHEWS' GOLD MINE Well Known Mni-shr.'old Mnn to Hnvo Assay Mnde of South Inlet Ore. L. T. Mntthows returned today from his South Inlet ranch. Ho wan accompanied by J. It. Smith, who rocontly nnuouncod the discovery of a vnlunblo gold deposit on Lobster and Rouldor Crooks In tho southern part or Coos county. Thoy brought In about 200 pounds of oro from tho Mntthews placo which will b as sayed nt San Francisco, air. Smith taking It thoro this week. Mr. Mntthows says tho stato geo logist whom Prof. A. G. Raab of North Rond brought horo last year anuouncod that thero wns ton or twolvo acre of tho Matthews placo that would produco upwards ot $30, 000 to tho ncro. In addition to this. Mr. Mntthows, who Is an old mining: expert or tho Grants. Pubs and onstorn Oregon section, says ho has oponed a flno lodgo'of black sand which ruiin hoavlly In gold. Mr. Mntthows says Hint tho roport that Smith foil down on his proporty last fliimniar Is not truo. Ho Bays, that Charles Lash nnd Addison Cook havo boon knocking It and thnt thoy hnvo simply boon rostlng on tholr onrn until thoy could get cleared or Cook and Lnsh. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I COMPKTK.Vr STKN()GUPllint 1I1 Hlros platf to vork few houra ev yy day. Addions "S'' care Times. FOR SALE Houso nnd lot, U.lvllO, hlk I. Rroadwny. Phono 443-J. FOR SALI'J CI I HAP Ftirnltiiro couiplcto for two rooms. Apply Knight's .Dnrhor Shop, North Rond. FOR. RENT :!i-huii tipnitiiienl, cor ner Olroh ttid Rroadwny. Apply Wolcott's Grocery. WANTED Homo pasture. Ph. IMtlL. 1'OU RKXT l'tiinlsljetl iiKHiw, Htctim heat. X 1 1 Commorclal. FOR SALE FOR SAliE Somo pretty masquer ade ooitiimos for lndlos. Phono 443-J. 11 11 ii - FOR KALW CIIIMl' Four Improved lots, 800x112, with G-rooni house. In North Maiihfl.old, also lot 00.x 100, on 10th street, Songstiuken Addition. Apply ownor, Thos, F. Miller. FbR RENT .1 FOR RENT Furnlbhetl flats, tluced rntat. Phono 1 13-J, IT" FOR REX'U n-rnnui cotttigo. Apply OiS So, UUi street. FOR RENT 3-room lioiiso near Third ami Anderson, $15, Phono Dr. Lojjllo. FOR RENT Flno stock or dairy ranch, within n mile ot Marshfleld, ISO nores with 100 acres ot bot tom land. Very reasonable tonus. Apply E. I. Chandler, Room 300 Coke building. FOR RENT Largo front rooms llli heat. SuRnblo for 2 or 3 persons, 2C5 N. 1th St. LOST AID FOUND IjOiiT Wqtoh qJkii'iii, lietirt'(.luiK'd, set with otnothyst. Howard for roturn to Hue M, Tluios oft i MQ Wt stJ" srf' . f'