SS--r &JS&Ii L!X'SW WWWKU TWO BAY TIMES. MARSHFIEIA OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1915-EVEMIHG EDITION. THE COOS 1 if f I ! OPEBE )S BAY TIMES 1LONKY, Kdltor nnd Pub. MALONEY, News Kill tor, U I U liroeo nper of Coos County . tbo Postofflco at Marsh- 'irogon, for traiiBmlssion tno mam ai isconu-ciaoi ttor. Harry Kirmr- Papers N'auty in dollahs and AND CKXTS. iH,wrSo?isiBs1,B,.,,rttt,t,od toMot At a, doflnlto movement hns cor(jj-Xccn Inaugurated to bcnutlfy y .. ihfloldi Thla paper hns labored , B.jjATiorslBtently In tho promo- S News of Near-by Towns S BRIEFS OF BANDON PRAISE LOCAL SCHOOLS nmff L ot tho civic beauty ii rtilen blern of civic Idea. beauty hns The ninny nCB. tta Tinhnnl tti lint nlnnn tit Mm nrn nvP' "" "i'v"' '" """ "" " - first t"c"c s'(,c' nor '8 'l "H HtroiiRcit t n -Json for Btipport. When our every ,- ...... .,.... ...... ... ......... HurruiiiiuiiigH iiiu iiiiiuu inuiui er. Nous of (My by tho Hon ni 'I'oltl by (be Wot id Mrs. K. A. Elliott and baby find nor uroinor-in-inw, menu uiicnoior, left ypstordny for an extended visit with rolntlvos nml friends lit Tncomn, Wash. Thoy will take tbo Elder from Marshflolil. Horn Satuidny, .Tanunry .TO, to Mr. and Mrs, F. L. QiconoiiKli, n soil. .Itov. A. P. llassrord and llttlo son, Paul, of Marshflold enmo to Unndon Wednesday and will remain until tomorrow vIsltliiR tho C. P. Pnpo and ltov. McKnlght families, llov. Unas ford Is pastor of tbo llaptlst church at Marshflcld. Mrs. V. A DnLnne. tbo need ludv psaht to tho cyo tho lniprovomont ',. ...,.,. ,. hindiniul recently cole- censJ?romi)tly n0t0(1' Tlmt lB' tho nd",bratod their golden weddliiR has boon tcr ElnS n nppcarnnco rccoives .ADopmpt npprovnl. Tho economic nd ,nnfnBo Is not so clearly visualized, and jj$ver nncl 's tnc B,(' of tM0 1'ics Jnw a 'mt' 'B 'ton overlooked, til nil1'1 tnoro 's n cns'' vnlno to bo and y01 on c'v' h01'1'!'' T'10 " tho 9"' ,awn tno timible-down fence, ronr& tin cans and old Btlcks In tho llt that'1 Iot n" detract from tho valuo njour neighbor's property as well )()riAfrom your own. Thoy all hnvo In- fl(,0fii6nco upon tho number and tho nroMsa' of pooplo who dcs'ro to Mvo In nor0 community. II10iyisltors and strangors nro always C( mlck to note tbo appcarauco of a CnB"1' 1 HJ HCU ill II 11 lUUUlHIUll 111 Dr. wont week sorlously 111 tho pnst few days. Sho has been Hiifforlng from tho rupture of a blood vessel on tho brain nml It Is feared that It might provo fit- L. P. Soronsen and family to Marshflold Priday for n end ilslt. Mr. Sorenson Is n1 i .. it. . ., ..(. i ,i UlUIIlUUl Ul IIIO lUl'lll buuuui uu.mi, nml being greatly Intciogted In his I work took occasion to visit tho j Marshflold schools. Ho spooks flnt lorlngly of tbo Institutions and Is especially Impressed with tholr ninn uol training departments. Tho gym nasium, which Is nbout completed, is certainly a splendid addition to tholr system, says Mr. Sorenson, and would bo a crodlt to a cltv sovornl times tho she of Mnrth flcld. llnndon World. mmmmm IRVING BLOCK February 9, NOTI m 19 IS rw" MONEY IN STOCK CATTLE tal. I lor husband disposed of Into. hns also been ln- ti.Jho snlrlt of Hh ettizenn for rlllnnl -lnnm 1n Intn nnll.ln ! .,n,i.ri,I '''" Stilt imij ..MV I. ...... lyl HIV Ull. Hl0ittributo culled character ns well as 10ndlvldunls. . Marshflold Is so peculiarly and wrjBtrlklngly situated that It might bo tornado ono of tho beauty spots of tho 'Pacific Const. With Its encircling KnoTuorald bills and tho flashing waters ti, of Its matchless bay, nnturo hns dono j.j wondorn for us wo Bhould do n ni llttlo for oursolvcs. Joaquin Mlllor, V( tho great poet, when requested to tj- wrlto a poom'on Coos Hay, replied: tn "Tho Almighty hns written n poom v boro and bound It in green and gold." w" Marshflold has been so busy with ID utilitarian projects Hint tbo aesthe tic sldo lias been lost sight of; but when thoro Is n realization that civic bonuty possesses an cconomlo valuo ns well, thoro should bo prompt mid gonornl onllstmout and cntbuslnsm In this movement to beautify tho city. Let's got busy and beautify. NEW CASES FILED Tho following cases havo been riled in tho Circuit Court during tho last week. "Annlo Lnddlo Peters vs David Poters Suit for divorce. Gregg M. Hulloy vs Prnncls 13. Ualloy. Stilt for dl voice. Herbert Standlsh vs Plorenco Stnndlsb. Suit for divorce. Oscar W. Morris vs Lulu L. Mor- for dlvorco. Annlo L. lllugbnm vs Frank J. Hlnglinm. Suit for dlvorco. W. W. Elliott vs Joseph It. Kish ct nl. J. 8. Von Hiison vs P. Murphy, admlulstrntor of tho ostnto of P. S. Dow, deconsed. In tho mattor of tho ostnto of Oco. P. Dlood deconsod. Caroline S. Clark, appellant vs Mrs. S. A. Yonknm, respondent. Coqiilllo Sen thiol. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST MARRIAGE LICENSES Prod V. Omnn and Lonipl A. Mnulkl. Jess Leo Nolson nml Allco Los Cubbcrtson. W. 1). ltobertB mid Mllllo L. Gould. Enrl W. Slniiiions mid II it 1 1 1 Anclln McOary. Itufus P. McPnll and Mnzlo Har ris. Alfred Iltish and Ethel May Clinso. Coqiilllo Sontlnnl. Out on Elk lllver, about four miles from Pott Orford, is ono of tho boat paying llttlo stock farms In Curry County. This plnco com- l prises Homo :, GO acres and belongs to John W. McIConzlo. Uoof cnttle aro run oxtenslvoly, and thoro Is no drudgery to bo found ns milking season never cotnos, Mr. McKenxlo runs from 75 to J 00 bend of stock on tho plnco, often buying young cnttlo and keeping thorn over n season and thon selling thorn ns fat toned beef. Lnst yenr Mr. McKcnzloj rnlsod CO cnlvos from .10 head of cows. It Is bis policy to rnlso two I calves to tho row, buying chonp calves from tho dairies for tho pur pose. Thoro were soverai Honors in bis lion! Inst hohiou which ho lot ' raise but one calf apiece. Those j cnlvos wore given a good oportunlty, nnd ns Mr. McKeiulo lias what Is i probably the best grado of road ditrliniiis In this end of tho country, thoy develops Into splonilld animals. Tills Is shown by the fact that those cnlvos last Derembor woro worth on the market $23 per bond, which i means an lncnnio of $10 to tho cow In nbout eight months, with very llttlo work. Plguro this up, with the ' additional stock that is carried on a place llko this and you will have sotno Idea of what a smiiU Curry County stock farm will do wbon ' proporly linndlod. Mr. MoKonzIo with h!s diirbmiis, llko II. C. Hampton . with his Horofonjs at Eckloy, Is I demonstrating that good bleeding ' nnd enro aro tbo two ossontlnlsl necossnry to mako stock raising ' pay Its blggost rotums. Port Or-i ford Tribune. , On r.nd nfier the above dato nil goods sold In our MEN'S nnd HOYS' 1 in.Mtii'lMII!VlS will bo sold Ml CASH ONLY. Wo came to this derblon after n caioflil study. Wo know that yon will agree with ns that selling goods on u onsh basis will be much better for all concerned. Wo will now be In n position to sell our merchandise on n closer margin of profit and our customers will derive tho bonc- flt. Our motto is to satisfy ntul ploaso all our patrons TI.MKS. Any goods bought which nro not oiitiioly untlsfnclory returned nml your monoy will bo cheerfully refimtlwl. Wo solicit your patronage. AT A Mi can bo The IParisiaini r D JN RIKST ANi) AFTER COSTS 1 J1L CARS ISAAC R. TOWER xVfjciit Coos and Curiy Counties. "THE QUXNEIvVT" Til ICY SAVE YOU MONEY Front Street Mni'shficld, Ore. There Is No Time Like the Present WHILE YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT STARTING A BANK ACCOUNT, UIHtKS AHk UUING IT. than Do you renllxo that n bank nccotinl iiionns more 8a u"gIvoH yo0Htniidlii8 In tlio oyos of those tli . uow Is bettor than mi nnu iuu ' iuun i inn tuii. iiun niPiidntlon In tho oyes 01 siningwrs. ion nro day you start u mum- ih-cimhu, w h. nn vott to start now with $1.00. V ten' very urge 50U im or " ""twin ; INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS. FUST IT IDIL BUM OF COOS BAY Se'pty Deposit Boxes For Kent. ' FUH1GU UEIETT BANK ' TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has bcon n hobby with us for a good many yearB mid a lot of our customers will toll you when it comos to gottli.g good, sound, durablo framing mntorlal at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spond and wo'll get busy with our pencil nnd figure out tho boot your uonoy can buy, Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. IHTTAiri DKl'AHTMISXT VVV.h HILL 1 TWO HV L'SI.Nn OOIt WOOD 1H2 HOPTII 1IUOAHWAV CUT Tim phonk in. OLDICST IIANIC IN COOS COUNTV Kstnbilslird 1!M). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest l'" Id on Time Deposits Officers: V. Dennett, IVoiltlcnt. .). II. Mnmigiui, 11. 1 Vlce-Diosldcnt. WIIIIiiims, Caslilcr. fleo. R "Winchester, .Uit. CatMtr. pnBTTyrrryCTt'TOtT'nzsPMfflatggKgstgaiKii'1; ittrvamjsaaisxETumm w To Ewreka To Portland every Thursday every Monday Marsltf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service cnvc.s Miiisbflolil ut llu.xy Corner 10:00 ii. in. 2:00. p.m. .":(io p.m. Icnvofl Ninth Hem! 15 lulu tiles later J.ciivcn Kmplrc. l:!IO Il::t0 iliilt) p.m. TDK KAKT AXI) COMKOKTA1U.H S S. Geo. W. Elder MSWIiY KQUIIM'KI) NOUT1I I'AOllflO STKAMHHir CO. o. v. sicOKoitan agent v. n. r.M.Nra riiono 4-1, Marshflold Phono VI I, North Bni HSU:i3aE!3RE3nKS3UWWESXXn A GOOD KVIi.NI.NG. ! FIiiIhIi ovory day and bo dono with It. You ltavo dono what you could. Somo blun- ! dors and abfliirdltles no doubt cropt in; forgot thorn ait booii l ns you can. Tomorrow la a x now day; lieRin It well and Boronolv and with ton hlub a spirit to bo cumbered with your old iioiiboiibo. This day 1h all that Ih Kood and fair. : 4 It is ton dear with ita hopes 4, mid aHplrntioiiH to wnnto n ! moment upon tho yostordny. i HinorKon. SELLS CREAMERY Andrew ClirlatoiiHon a rocont ur rlval from Tillamook who has pur chased tho SiiKorloaf Creamery plant from C. K. llrondbont baa taken charge of xnttio, Ih iiiiiUIiik Home chniiKOK In tho building during tho ; Hlnckoned milking sonuon of tho winter montlm. Mr. ClirlHtouson Ih an export cheono ninkor' nnd had chnrKO of tho largest factory In tho Tillamook country. Myrtlu l'ulut liutorprlso. ROGUE RIVER SURVEY ArcordliiK to n prlvnto letter ro-, colvod from Congressman Ilnwley, i tho rivers and harbor bill hns pass-! oil tho House. This bill provldos for u survey of tho mouth of tho i Doguo Itlvor, with n vlow ut linrlmr linprovoiuoiit. TIiIh will bo good ' iiowh to rcsldonta of Curry. Cold HohcU 01 (1 1)0. MYRTLE POINT DEATH MILL IS GRINDING AGAIN Assessor Thrift turned the tax rolls for Cook County ovor to Treas urer Dliiimlck In tlmo to begin tak ing In tlio 1U1I taxes on Wednes day. Tho collections for the first two days woro $ 1,0 IG.Cl. This In cludes somo small advance collec tions paid Inst your. ConnlHe Sen-lino. BENNETT' TRUST CO. ' l ' MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $1"G, 000.00 OFFICERS: J. W. Donnott, Pi undent Atthiir McKeown, Socrotnry Tom T. Ucmiott, Vice President IJennott Swnnton, Tronsuror Transacts n trust buslnesa only. Acts as trustoo of oxpross trusts mid also as oxocutor and ndnilulstrator ot ostatos. Tbo only Trust Compnny In Oregon outsldo ot Portland organized ttndor now trust law in this state. KQUIl'I'KD WIT1J WIltlifiKSS. teamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. HAILS 1'ltOM MAItKIIFIIilil) Dl'IIING FlIllUfAlU ONIHIMOU LOWING DATKH: J-'KII. (I, IO:O0 A. M. FKD. 1, X M.J 1U UO, I Mill I Jl. KKII. 157, H:00 A. JI. XlCKIiTM ON BALK AT POHTIAND CITY TICK 171? OVV1C0, Cfl AND OAK BTItKliTS, 1'OItTLAND. pimno as-j. o. ii. LAxnnng, api Tllli HIM. sit'siaw sai,i. U. Tlio held its Abstracts J. M. McNutt, n Inboror who lias , been working at vnrlotiH JoIih In tbo Myrtle Point Heetlou Miueo April, illuil In IiIh room In tho M. It. I.u hulldliig on Mnplo slreot last Tuo- day nflor u weok'a IIIiiihw. Mr. Me- FI.OItHNCIi, Or.. Fob. Nutt was for soverai moutliH onro-l Hiuslaw Pott Coiiiiitlsslon (Wrlttnil fnr Tint TIllirM llV Ullliort I ...!... .....l .....l..l. ....... ..I II. u Qn.llli , .umlhlf muutlnv In. fa W'u.l- "- - "- ....w. ,w ......... i muni- hih mhu'iiiiiuii tiv "w ...ii.... iviuihi . i, win....' .....v. ...n v ,f " i A Powers mnterliU yard in this city, nemlay. It was decided by the Com-' i which poHltlon lie hud just rueeiitly ' mission to hereafter hold Its meetings roslKiieil to go tho road Hidllug u nt At me luslead of Florence. A rose patent oil toe. lit) hns beou In Coos : hiilon . is imsyed formally autlmrlz- I'OU ItKMADI.IC ADSTDACTS OF TITMi AND 1NFDU.MATION AMOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItKIIFIKLD AND COQl'ILLK CITY, OltKGON Gli.NKIlAL AGli.NTS, I.AKTSIDK AND HKNGSTACKKN'S ADDITION AGKNTS I'OU CV.NADIA.N PAtll'IO 1IAILIIOAI) LANDS 1IKNIIY KKX(i.STACKi:.N, MANAGKU Btarkoy.) On stormy diiyH I love to stroll Upon tho ocean bench, t To watch tho bronkers as thoy And Htudy what they toneh. yi fancy tbua I boar tliem way i .Mid tho dull, heavy ton loll, county for u couple of years having before coming hero worked In the hotels at Marshtleld mid llnudon. 'oak mortal, thpu ahnlt pubs away, (but hud no relatives In this part of iVo roll on ovtfrmoro. ' 'mo stnio ami uoiuiug w luuuu among his offocta that would toll s tho wliJi grows stronger still, 'f tho whoroabouts of his peoplo. iltK the hile of tho $100,000 bond Issue. The i losing date for the sile of those buiul" Is February U'o. r.U.'i DOTSON HOTEL DOOM AND IIOAIII) pint wi:i:ic and up FIJKi: DATIl O Ho .Second mid Curtis Aw. II. 11. Humes, Prop. Ph ding thesoa on high, tIIIBIYj l" "" UIIOVl'll Olll, "ft jTillif nnd soonis to sigh; Tho waves ascend before behliul Tliat olco I boar once more, "It Is tho spirit of tho wind Wo sorvo It ovormoro." Myrtlo Point Kntorprlso. O soal Deep son! Croat mystery! What's hid bononth thy hieitht? ' At'linn .tin.... fl...l llw.l.. .l.v.l.... nnuiv iiii aiiiii iiivti iiuviiiij, And calmly lie at rest. t Tho tlmo will come, It hns been said, TJiotio standing on the sboio Shall sco theo then glvo up thy dead, And i oil on noormoro! ANSWER TOGRAND JURY Uoforo .ludgrt Coko Wednesday Jos. Harry, formerly of the llrew- istor uolgbborhood was arraigned for tho non-support of his wlfo from the sumo noightioiiiood, who Is about to become a mother, lie was held to nnswor to tho graud jury t tho April term, lie may claim that tho ntariUgo was undor duress. Co uulllo Sonlluol. . 5efe,"l' JfcS v: s K10Uk A I TDK LATKST FOUD WRESTLING IN CURRY .si'tmv. ' that Is I M. (1. l.utsoy passed through I town Sunday evening on his return! to Unglols from a lslt to- Gold Ilwich, whoro Saturday night be threw all tho members of the Gold Ilench Athletic Club who would go mat with hlni. with tho ov o( 1MII Hunter, who to nmuse the audleiice. be let secuio n rll -.. I.I... rnii..l.. flr.l'l- Jloll. .. .. . ... . ... .1... ... H IUU Ul . W..UII.J V IBI .. .-.-. 'car montlonod In tho lilblo and o, mllllltei. lon 0rfori, TrUlUni, provo It cites them to a passago in ( tsalah which says- "Ho went up ln- ' -Vcavon on high." nnd asks what I'ALACK MllKi:r HKLLH Till' 'r lmU Ford i;ould do that? 1 11 1-JT MKATS. Pliono 100-J. Hero Is a now Ford story being told nnd I. It. Towor is willing to stand aponsor for it: A man In California wrltos to tho ll tho Vnrri r.nmntfnv nml ImIIh llinm Mint ' eeptloil (hoy should feol .vory oxnltod for r m an mn nmtiMi m Why not glvo your lyiui. girl mi cppurtiiiiity t inaki tluirioHie slmlfi i ioj mill .;.(?. ' Give tli in the f.ime cb mi ul iwinpin- IllMtU'll lllld MIUSH4 iHtlii'lii'lll.lMIU' the '1 .intan of WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL Did i 'ti ir n lm li"!i.o. TliU lu'W cii.mi'ii .in -win with tliiul author Hy all Km ! f pubng ipi.'.-itioivii in bi-tory. gvogr.ipby, luography, svlhng, pi iiiiuu iaiivii, sports, ut U, ami bt'ioiu'i'ii. 409,000 Viuabulury Termi. 3700 IMiJm. ()DrOl)lK)llluiruiliin. Colurwl l'luuvs. Tk tftly dl jlioany uliu (h DiTld4 ri The type nmttcr U equivalent to ot a l."-ohime cuoyalopeilU. Mam S.-hdl.ulv . An in to. ( Amend mid AuiliuriUthe (huit uuy utlicr l.nft- iuu iiutioniir). KUCl'I.H AM) INDIA VM'Ul EDI 1 IONS. WHITL (or PI) CIKK nau. illuallJllOlrt. I'lO. . t ,( I'twket if o uaiue taw rul i Q. & C. MERRIAM CO., SPUINGIIULD, MASS. u. il Uui,d l --jsssi I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT SKItYICH For taxi, phone 20, Chandler . Hotel. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMIIKTII, Prop, New Culm : ; Now Cars Ii SOUTH COOS 1UVKU IIOAT SKItVICK laUNCII K.NPHKSS leaves Miii!i field cery day 8 n, in. Leaves head of river nt :i:in p, m, 8TUAMKIC HAI.NHOW loiivow liwul of rhor dully nt 7 it. in. !,cno.s Mars' lebl at 2 p. in. For charter apply on board. HOGKHS t HM1TII Proprietors 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 MATT L. MAY Woatern Oregon HoproaentatUo HAAS DUOTIIUHS liiipottera and Wholesale Grocers Marsbfleld, Oregon Tel. 301-K. Itos. Myrtlo Arms A llarshfleld-Xortli Dend Auto Ua , Para ovoiy ten uilititles from H , ni j to 12 p. m,; to South Slough onco a day, lenxiiig ut 11 a. in.; to Umpire Illli'U llll! U WUJ , UODST & KINO, Projw. t ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL t in wie uoait ot .Marsiitieid J All Outsldo Itooms. Ste-m Hear iAI.oti.?J.VJ.trob Water d ,D. ItATKS. 7.1c and I'P Z w nrivLY isatiVs, xSi.Ho ri m ii .i .ii iir iimi . 0065ii0 V . tf " nf MMiHnlv av sun ".laitrtwru Ssi ; ar -JK S?M B,jrtl'l 5i7 ' fBM-i M41 I V(It-S-" VJ to that i U. I fiilint, I PICTURES and Picture Framing REHFELD'S 220 ci:nti:l avknck Tin tie U7.V.I. VJ0 New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend CHIMNKY8 FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Urlck Work at Prices That Aro Right And nil Woik Guaranteed Call at "Tho Flroslde." Johnson Hldp, 1S7 Seiond St. Phono French Uangoa. nLllor nrk 0 . ' II GUI T 1 P0BT1TII Semi-wcckly sorvico Coos Baj' and Snn tfrnncisca SFEIS HEDOiO WILL SAIL ritOM SAN FHNCISC( 10H COOS IY Sl'NDAY, Fl'JIHtl'AUY II, AT !l 1'. - Equipped with wireless nud subinarlno boTi. Passeiigoi'S and freiglifc. . STEAMSHIP 'il SMITH Eauippcd mtli wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL l'Oll SAX I'HANOISCO I'llOJI COOS II W Tl'KS DAY, KKHltl'AllY IT -1 -1' ,l Han Francisco office, Greenwich street pter M 23 and GOO Wn biiilrlinf?. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeorqe, Phono 44. FltlCiailT. MOW L l STOltACS BE QTcmuirR? i -SAIL FHOM- San Francisco Plor No. 26. Every Wodno3dajr 3 P. M. Phono 278. Caoa Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Fianclsco THOMAS 11. .TAMKS, Agent Ocean Dock Portland AlberflDockNo.1 Erory SaturdW 9 A. M. Jlnrs bllrf4 LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Attracts, thoroughly dependablo. Imme dlato service, prompt attention to all interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S KAUFMAN & CO. wnnMT7 fiARAGE Kxeelslor Motorcyclo to I c c TIRES AiiTOMoniLES sroB??., OOOS COUNTY'S MOST COMT'J ....i uiinp uuimn a vii AITOMOB nniwmiNO vniiTiT unnw ST. PIIO-.- HATTKIUES KKPAIHED OIIADOKn LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Uo do French Dry donning on tho in)-.t delUato falulco. Wo pus!- Uwly Kimtanteo nil woik Phono I.II-. Addicts yoi ccutini Avcnuoi MERCHANT'S' CAFE Popular place tor nnnH MfirllS. Prices Reasonable. . Hnr. nnmmftrRa & B VVI I WVIUMIwi -.--. ' wilii .w fct .--u! .. roO . jgs.