J . ; J mm . pjgr Hk HKr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1915 EVEMlNQ EDITION. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E Lothard McClure C ArrOItNKY AT LAW Prnctlces In nil courts. Room 12, I'liuingan & Bennett Itnnt General Repairing and Cabinet Making. phone 349-J. j m. Wright HUILlHNa CONTRACTOR Eitlmntefl furnlflbod on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Kvc. Knr, Nose nnd Throat ' MiASSKS FITTKD Hit. MATT1I3 II. SHAW nlNMiRCH of Women nnd ChlMrvsj Offlco Phono 330-J. Rooinu 200, 20t, 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostlind i CONSULTING KNOINHEK AND nrrixna 200 Irving Block fehono 103-1. or 2G7-J. lunrnimuiu, utukue . G. Chandler AitciiiTi'Xrr looms 301 nnd 302, Coke Bulldlnt Mnrsuiioiu, uroguu m. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Mnrshflold, Orocon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AWJ AJWYUIIH.lv Josidenco Studio, 217 No. Third 8t I'linnn iiitn-i AIN'T IT TUB TRUTJI. Wo never uinmo tno taiior wuoa our pnntB wo bavo to pin, Wo novor blnnio tbo shoo man when our aolca grow old nnd thin, Wo novor blamo tbo batter whon our lids wo bavo to tlout, Dut wo nlwarn ,,irao tbo laun dry when out onlrtu wear out. COOS BAY HTHAM LAUNDRY Phono B7-J. Mrs. F. W. Smith, Winner HE AFFY AVER.N ' THE WINNING NAME AND "HOME OF HOME-MADE CANDIES" WE ALSO MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM MURPHY & PHILIPS 273 Central Avenue Phone 134-L fir Personal Views of Our Readers inmmiMa BARROWS EXPLA VOTE ON PEOPLES FORUM Tbo Coos Day Times will bo ploiiBcd to publish lottors from Its tenders on nil questions of public lutorost, giving bis or bor nddross, nnd so fur as possible limited to Jo voids. In publishing tbeso let ters Tbo Times does not indorse tlio tcw3 expressed therein; It lJ slmplv affording n means for tlio voicing of different opinions on nil nucptlons nffcctlng tbo public wol-f'iro. Low Rates for I Handling Trunks Wn html trunks botwoon anr nolnti la Mnrshflold and do gonoral hauling. , for rensonnblo rates, ' 8TAB TltANHKHR STORAGE CO ' Levi Hclsncr, Proprietor HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. PARISIAN CLEANING AND DYKING WORKS 200 West Markot Avo., corner Second Street. Under now mnnngomont Prlcoa low, and nil work satisfactory. Indies' work n fcpcclulty. Phono 17C-J. J. 8. STEVENS, Prop. This Powerful Lamp Requires no Repairs or Upkeep . The Double Efficiency Mazda Lamp is a . giant illuminant requiring but one-half the current per candle power consumed by the ordinary efficient Mazda, It has already gone into use by the thou sands in front of and inside business estab lishments throughout the United States, i Light given is brilliant and white. It com- pels attention shows colors correctly means a flood of clear, beautiful illumination at remarkably low cost, Inexpensive to install ask us about them. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA fOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono UJW-J Night nnd Day. Whlto Elephant Grill I'XHl Curs. Careful Driver D. L. TOOTH. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Effi cient clerks being out of tho hih rent district and keoping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makos Gonner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HEWRYVil i.f nnAi 'It COal. nnr tnn "np Coal, por ton' .!.'!!.'!! !$o!()0 r. half in . - " iuu 01 uom iSJj.un n. lMirssnv imn lliono is. j or Ieavo Ol.(jor8 ttt Hlllycr's Cigar Store. DRY 100 AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD north Front Street, Phono mo. J. SCAIFK e A. II. IIODGINS larshffplrl PA,NT AND . vLiuimiuuJ v.u. EMluintcs Furnished f'"iio 1 nut. Multifield, Oregon THE COOS HOTEL I Formerly of Marshflold WASHINGTON AVENUE BTARDEN STREET NORTn I5KND O. A. Mctllu, Prop. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio I SOME FACTS ABOUT ROADS Editor Coos Hay Times: I bavo been hero soven years in Lakeside, and tbcro has been lots of monoy spent in Improving tbo roads from Lakosldo to North Slough, but when winter sets in, wo bavo no roads at nil, but must go n round tbo quicksands. I nm ! having Peter Menogot to carry tho i niall for mo and two mornings, 'missing tbo roads and got into tbo quicksands, broke tbo wagon tonguo and bad a bnrd tlmo to get tho horses out of tbo snnds nnd wboro tho road tboro la, at places, nothing now but lakes, nnd tbo wat- I or Is abovo tlio wagon bed. Every (tlmo In going through, tbo mnll jSack gotB wot. Tbcro Is no way to go around, for If you lenvo tbo wagon track, you nro right into tbo quicksands again. A couple of years ago, they sur veyed n county road from Lnkcstdo (o North Slough. Tbo county spent over ton thousand dollars, and tbo road that was built, Is about a mllo and a half long. So I wont to work this fall and I built thrce-quiirtor of n mllo road, and tills road with $200 work more, to ropalr tho rest of tbo road from Lnkesldo to this road that I built, that would bavo completed threo mllo rond, and to finish tills county road from Lnke sldo to North Slough, all that lias to bo built, Is a mllo and threo qunrtorB of road. 1 hopo somebody will look Into this mnttor, for I bavo dono my part to help tbo county to finish this rond, so wo ,01111 travel without killing horses nnd brouklng wagons., Tills, mllo nnd a half of road that cost ton tlio'usand dollars, does not help tho pooplo nt Lakesldo, nftor they put their sbaro to build this road, but it has hoipod tbo S. P. I bavo askod Mr, Hlnd marsh, an engineer of S. P. and nlso C. II. .Marsh to put n crossing on this pleco of road that I built, which would bavo connected with another half a mllo road wost of irncic winch Ilausor & Hausor had WATKINS' VIEWS. It Is conceded oyster sliclls nd ded to the soil in this locality adds greatly to its fertility. Morcovor, thoso sliclls mnko excellent paths nnd roadways of any kind. Any progressive farmer or anyone growing a lawn or a fow hills of potatoes or repairing a pathway or a prlvato roadway of any kind, or who keeps a fow chickons, would bo de lighted to got a limited Biipply. Hut, as matters are now, can ho do It nt a minimum expense nnd with out riHk? Nay, nay, Emmnllnoi It occurs to mo that it Is not fair to say, "Now Illrlnm, yow don't need any oyster shells, but If yow must bavo 'em, hlro a boat and go to Moinnlooso Island nnd get 'cm, wboro you will stand a chanco of getting In to a beautiful row and perhaps ac quire a few smnll, but interesting pellets of lead in some part of your anatomy, right wboro they will bo most Incovonlent, or olso you pay for bulkheads and retaining walls." Tho result is, most any tlmo on tho outskirts you can sco estimable citizens, sliding around with a gun nybng undor 0110 arm and a flro shovel under tbo other, bent on swiping a fow shells from tbo othor follow. Such things ought not to be. Tho Hay Is full of sliolls In tho way nnd should bo ns frco as air or a slandor- ous tongue. Thon why not pump n quantity out at somo point accessible to ovorybody and then say, "here, boys, aro shells galore coino nnd take them nwny without prlco nnd without risk, fortlllzo your, fnrms, your gardens, your lawns and enrich and beautify both country nnd city. Tho public pays for them and tho public takes them nway. It is Idle to say tboro is no place to put thorn. Surely .tbo Port Commission doesn't rcnllzo tho Importance of this matter else they would hood what scorns to bo to bp n most ronsonablo and uni versal demand. Think it's goln' to rnln? OEO. WATKINS. WRITES FROM OKLAHOMA MAR AM EC, Okla., Fob C- Edi tor Coos Hay Times: Plcnso send mo your paper. Having purcbasod land between North Horn! nnd Lnke sldo. I want to ho Informed ns to the happenings of tho Coos Hay rem try. I notlco that your stnto loulslatiiro Is grappling with a pro hibition Inw, Inasmuch as your stnto voted for prohibition It noooi- Sni'llv follows that (lift nnnnln u-mit built. Tills road that thoy built was a dry state, want tho law nnfnreml. on tho tmmo County Biirvoy, which I Now don't mnko tbo m'lstnko that jwiiiiii navo mauo It sborlor to Okla hoinn has liv nllowlnir TO POHTLAND VIA KLOItKNOK AUTO KTAGK SC'IIKDULIJ , lWIIRUARV, 1013. Leave Lenvo Leave Floronco I Mnrshfloldll Gardiner Mon. . . 1 a:00a.m. 4:00n.m. D:00a.m. Tueu. . " :t:30a.m. 4:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m. Wed... a 4:00 a.m. I C:00a.m. C:00 a.m. Thur. . 4 4:30 a.m. I li:30a.m. C:30a.m. FrI. . . . C 5:00a.m. 0:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. Sat. .. C GjOOa.m.l C:00a.m. 7:00 a.m. Sun. .. 7 GiOOa.m.! 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Mon. .. 8 7:00a.m.l 8:00a.m. 9:00 a.m. Tues. . 0fS:00a.m.l 9:00 a.m. 10;00a.m. Wed. ..10 9:30 a.m.l 10:30 a.m. 11:30a.m. Thur. .11 10:30 a.m.l ll:30a.m. 12:30 p.m. FrI. ,.12 11:30 a.m.l 12:30p.m. 1:30p.m. Sat. ..131 12:30 p.m.l l:30,i.m. 2:30p.m. Sun. ..14 1:00 p.m.l 2:00p.m. 3:00 p.m. Mon. ..1C 3:00 a.m4 4:00,a.m. 5:00 a.m. Tuo. ..10 3:30 a.m.l 4:30a.m. 5:30 a.m. Wed. . .17 4:00n.m. 5:00a.m. 6:00a.m. Thur, .181 4:30 a.m.l 5:30a.m. C;30a.m. FrI. ...191 5:00 a.m.l C:00a.m. 7:00 a.m. Sat. ...20 5:00 a.m.l G:00a.m. 7:00 a.m. Sun. ..211 5:00 a.m.ll C:00a.m. 7:00 a.m. Mon. ..221 G:00a,m. II 7;00a.m. 8:Q0 a.m. Tuo. ..23 7:00 a.m.ll 8:001a.m. 9:00 a.m. Wed. ..24 8:30 a.m.ll 9:30a.m. 10:30 a.m. Thur. ,25 9:30 a.m.10:30a.m. 11:30 a.m. FrI. . . .2G 10:30 a.m.lll:30a.in. 112:30 p.m. 3at. ...271 11:00 a.m.!'12:00 in I 1:00 p.m. Sun. . .2S 12:00) m l:00p.m. 2:00 p.m. On early trips, through to Portland same day, conditions being favorable. completo tills rond from Lakosldo 'to North Slough, and thoy told mo j that Is was unnoccossnry to put a crossing tboro. Thoy bad tho order I from tbo County Commissioner to 1 not put nny crossing ns this road la going to ho changed. Hut nobody knows when It In going to bo cbnng- jod, mid when It is going to bo icoiiiploted. After a man trios all 'ho can to holp tho county to build j a ploco of road on bis own oxponso, this Is tho way tlio County Com- mlwdonors do. I wont to boo Judgo John Hall about tbo mnttor, nik! ho told mo ho could not do anything until tho railroad la finished, but , I think this Is tho tlmo to finish tlis ploco of road, whllo tho 8. P. and Ilausor & Hausor, thoy bavo got tho machines to do tho work ohonpor than It can bo dono aftor a whllo. I know Hausor & Ilausor will do their right part If tho County Court or County Commissioners, I do not know which has tbo law, to nttond to this mattor, but who ever it is, I hopo thoy will go ahead and do something, for now is tlio tlmo. After tbo bird Is flown, tboro la nothing to catch. Also tbo county has paid $125 to tho S. P. to put n culvert, which thoy called tho Lakosldo road. 1 1 minx mis suouiu navo gono on tho S. P.'s own oxponso, for wo had tho road to travel and thoy changed It, nnd besides paying $125 wboro 'this oulvort has been put up, thoy inn a .upor cont grauo, wiilch Is nothing but sand. I have no hopes that a horso can pull an empty i wagon on that pleco of road. Now! I would llko to know why wo pay' tho Road Master $160 a month and I ho does not look aftor this. I fool i that J bavo a right to talk about this mattor, as ovory tlmo tbo" re port goes to Washington, D. C. pooplo to send out of tho stnto ajid bavo liquor shipped In to themsolvos; boio wo allow ovory porBtyi to ship in n gallon of liquor and u barral of boor us oftou ib thoy please. That'H prohibition with a brower'B brand on it. That feature of tbo law makes It almost Impossible to enforce, tbo fellows that have evaded your license and local option laws nro adepts In law violation; allow them to ship It In nnd your officers aro put to unlimited hardships to detent what Is tho lawful amount, besldOH tboro Is nothing that will Lriug the prohibition law Into dls roputo In your stnto so quickly ns (hi: provision of law, your pooplo will uoto tlio had uffeota of this provision of tho law and blamo pro hibition law with failure, the argu ment that if you mnko tho law too drast'o it will roaot against tho pro hibition law Is a mistake, our ex perience b that tbo rovorso Is truo, prohibition is nut permission to .ship in Don't copy tbo Oklahoma hw, Kniifc'us Is n hotter stato to copy. Hnr tho shipment of liquor into your stato only for medicinal purposes, oven then It Is not need ed only in rare cases; my oxporlonco n& a druggist boars out this con clusion. In prohibiting liquor from your stnto you show that you aro progressive, and thoso of other states will bo moro anxious to locnto in your stato, , Yours truly, J. S. M'MUHTRY. ROGERS IN CALIFORNIA MONKOVIA, Cal., Feb. I 13dl- tor Times: Wo arrived hero Janu ary 25 and had a very pleasant trip down on tbo Nairn Smith. We nrrlved in San Francisco Sundny morning nnd loft tboro Monday at 1 p. m, on tho steamer President. Had a delightful trip down on hqr. Wo nro located at tbo saino plnco wo were last winter. Lust Thurs dnys nnd Friday wo lind n heavy rain and yesterday was a beautiful day. Today it is raining hard again but Is not ns hard as It did when wo wero hero before. Sundny my wlfo nnd I called on Mrs. Smith and whllo wo wero there Mr. llnckor and wlfo, from Pnsadcnn eamo. Wo t Editor Times: Wt hiultlon bill camo upjl this afternoon for ncl "aye" but askod thatrM of my vote In the matww ord. as tins mil scorns apj in which moro pcoploware man any other, I am copy ol my reasons foi lug tho bill in its en, you to kindly glvo sp pnper for tbo publlcat pnnv. Tn Hila ivnv. If i ,.. ... ... .."j, .--n- , boforo tho pooplo moro I 'believe, tl at in nnyV'Oth mm i wisu mo mnss to ski stand I have takon on all tbo way. My plan hi glvo tbo pcoplo of Ore , they voted for at tho 1ft "dry", Jmt tho cominlttc to amoud tbo bill in varj I and when 1 voted for it I wanted my pcoplo to knol did nit suit mo. I Hxplnnation of tho votojl resontaiivo l n. narrow Hill 302, which cxplanntlc had a nlcu visit from thorn. Wo si its shnll bo orbited In called on Airs. Landrltb and found lournnl nlong with bis voto" them vc-y r.!"cly sltuntcd. They fool very much encouraged about Philip getting well. Ho hns gained about 15 pounds In weight nnd is feeling quite well. Yours respect fully, S. C. ItOOHRS. BARROW CRAB LAW lMltor Coob Hay Times: I notice there Is somo opposition to House Hill No. 1 17 Introduced by mo, (by request of Mnrshflcld parties, pass ed by both Houses and signed by tho Governor. I nm Inclosing you a ropy of tho bill Hint you may sco for yoursoif that it is not what tho pcoplo seem to think, nnd will ask you to prln: tho 1111 In your paper with my ex planation. Different persons from tl.ut part of tho country woro horo and numerous pcoplo tboro rccelvo the Kongo Calendars and tboro w.ih no opposition to tbo bill boforo it was passed and I cannot understand why tboro should bo now it tbo pooplo understood tho bill. You will not tho matter printed within brackets thus ( ) Is all tbo now mnttor thoro Is In the bill, nnd that only allows tho CANNliltlUS ALU12ADY KSTAH LISH1CD thero to ship their canned product out of tbo county. Tho other part of tho bill remains ex actly ns It was and It scorns to mo tho now part will work? no hardship on nny one. Tho bill Is as follows: Hu It Knacted by the Pcoplo of tbo Stato of Oregon: Section 1. That 8ection 1 of Chap ter 40 of tlioI.nws or tho LoglBla tlvo Assembly of tho Stnto of Ore gon for tbo year 1907 bo and nnd tbo same Is hereby amouded bo as to load as follows: It shall bo unlawful for nny por Bou with the County of Coos, Stnto of Oregon, or within or upon tho waters tlioreof, Including nil bays, harbor and lnlots of said county, to kill, take, capture or destroy tiny greater numbor tliuii fifty salt w.ilor craliB In nno day; nnd It shnll bo unlawful for any porson or porsons, flint or corporation within null cui.nty or upon tho wntor thoroof, to tell or offor salo, oxchango or uauspoit outsldo of tho said coun ty, or havo In possession for tbo purpose of such salo or oxcbingo or transportation from snld countv, any of tbo nforesald salt water crabs; and It shall bo unlawful for any sleambont company, express company, or nny othor common enr rlor, or corporation, or tlio officers or agnts thereof, or any oilier poi son, to transport or carry out of snld county, or to rocolvo or havo In possntwlon for tho purposo of Hiieh transportation thorofroni, any salt wator crabs, except for tbo put peso of exhibition or propagation; (Provided,) that tills Act shall ap ply to tho canning product of salt wator crabs within tbo said county and tho exportation of tho same therefrom (except tho operation of nny and all crab canneries, factories or tbo handling, transportation or oxportlng of tho product of nny of such cnnnorioB as may havo boon lu oporntlou In said County of Coos nt tlio tlmo of tlio pnssago of Chap ter 40 by tho Legislative Assembly of the Stnto of Oregon In tbo yoir 1D0J.) Tl'unklng you for your klndnepB In this mattor, I nm, Vory truly your, C. R. HAItRQW, Salom, Or. ii mensuro: 1 1. The commlttco nni havo worked hard, earnest honestly to produco n worknl oricctlvo law. 2. I hcllovo tho first bit worked out. was tho best the bo obtained at this tlmo uh nrcnont conditions. 3. A Inrgo majority of tj poi mice people of tho stnl their bill. Howover, I wlIlM tbo changed bill, but I dor protest, for tlio follow sons: 1. I sco no necessity nutting nu unlimited nm wlno for sncramcntnl purpe 2. Tho bill permits the! Ited mnnufneturo of wlno Individual. 3. It allows nny nnd o dlvldunl to Bhlp In two qui spirituous liquor or twoitl quarts of malt liquor ovi days. I. It docs not glvo tbo At Genornl the special power ho' hnvo. As n result, tho law wllla to bo a prolific sourco for tin complete and successful sya bootlegging that over dlsgra state honco mv nrotcst. The bill passed tbo Upumi only four dissenting votes. Voiy Blncoroly yours, C. R HARRt PALACU MARKI5T innlces FRANKFURTERS. Phono IjejEHS59 Get a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer,: HLACK SILK STOVE POLISI For Salo by 8CIIROKDKR & IIILDHNIIHAND I Phono 177. . BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery BUTTER MARIS UNDICR SANlTARk CONDITIONS IN A CLHAN, AND MODERN FACTORY. 6TICRILIZKI) MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE 4 Fieo delivery, r, 8 K. in. PhonoS 7a. and - p. I For llcst RcftttH in j PAINTINO, PAPKh.'Na and f, RKCORATINoS j E. F. LE MII-:UX Wall Paper und Paint Storo Ul) No. Front St. Pono J1B-R LIbby COAL. Tlio bind YOU have ALWAYS U8KD. Phono 72. Pacific f Livery and Transfer Company. . . Times want ads bring results. Times want ads bring results. Skin Sufferers-Read! GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF TUB CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKi:a OF OAR8 847 Centrul Av. Phono 373-L "We want all skin sufferers who havo suffered for many yearn the tortures of illscuHe and who have sought medical aid tbaf tho mnll irnta wn iimu fin ,.,n In vain, to read this. n..j t i. i. in . i ' ., " We. ns old established drueeUts of and I don t llko to pay a flno, as thu community, wish to recommend to I have small children to support, j f- arodua th.t h.-lvjn many -Who sits In his office, . never agony. The product in a mild, simple can Ipnni wlint T nm inllilnr. ni.m.t ah, not a patent medicine concooted of can learn want i am taming about, var0'U8 worthless drmra, hut a'ntlentinc but tho man that gels In tho quick sands and gts good soaking. yxpt nt 5 A. M. ho ha3 u rlghtTuask tho County to try and havo a mod odat road to preont all this trouble P. Clmlnlo compound made of well known untleptlo Inereulents Jt is maae in me v i.w. laboratories of Chicago and Is called tho P.D.D, rricrlptlon for Ecicmn. This Is doctor8 special prescription one that has eRected many wonderful cures, Tho effect of D. D. D. la to soothe In stantly, as soon as applied; then It pene trates the pores, destroys nnd throws off all dlscasu germs and leaves the skin clean and healthy. We aro so conndent of tho marvelous power of D. D. D. that wo havo taken aavantago of tho manufacturers guar antee, to offer you a full-slzo bottlo oa trial. You nro to Judgo tho merits of tho remedy in your own particular case. If It doesn't help you, H costs you nothing. V. ! D. Roap Is mado of tho sarao heallmr Insrcdlcnts. Ask us about It, WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10C-L. MAUSHFIKLW, ORKC.OX Htoro Rt - 4iMjgZ2 V ,$& 9 1 -A ' Rrd Cross nrin?