raBBl jhubumi 1ftlfc4ft-ftnt.x I jMfcnVMribtaflM '- "" - -,j ft MI fa THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1915 EVENING EDITION. mi ft c I 1"T . ' I I' )'. (Continued from Pnge Four.) ! ! J AAAP.vwvwuwuuvnww ' I GOOD TIMK GIRLS I ! gene Johnson. Thn Intest member1 1 to Join the club was Prank T. Kins, one of the young civil engineers on the Coos nay bridge. i BRIDGE PARTY I ' 'I Thn "HnnA Tim-' fllrW nt !?.' HBKKKA118 INSTALL j rpnd AddU0Bi were dellshtfnUy on- ".Mrs. KnteLando, Grand President lertalned last Monday evening at r n. nnluttrnh Aunm1.lv. Ihntnltml "e " "eB r ra Jsn, - V IMU WMWiM. .UHw..w.,rt ...... ,..,. , the following officers of the North itend Rcbckah Lodge 143, last Mon-i day orcnlng: Past Grand Bertha Chase. Noble Grand Ida Thomas. Vice-Grand Hattlo Cousins. Chaplain Annie Simpson. Secretary James Thomas. Inside Guardian Robert Simpson. Warden Mrs. Covey. Right Supporter of Noblo Grand C. M. Hylcr. Owing to sickness among tho menu licrs, there are yet two offices va cant and will be filled in tho near j future. Tho visiting Rebckahs from Marsh-. I INFORMAL A1TKKNOO.V. "Hold wcro: Mrs. Kato Lando, Mr. M.t m t i snirn mi.. r.irrin ' Mrs. C. W. Cumbers and Mrs. R. M Rosfc and Mr. Herbert Phillips' Jennings entertained a few friends 'informally Tuesday afternoon at the, Myrtle Arms cornnllmentarv to Mrs.11 I;C. R. Peck and Mrs. Miller, who are! ! SUNDAY Rami concert at t.emanskl theater. MONDAY Progress Club with Mrs. Vernon Smith. TUESDAY North Bend Catholic Altar Guild with Mrs. A. N. U. Episcopal public card party In Taylor's .afternoon, the hostess served dainty Hall. L, T. L. at church parlors Episcopal Ladles' Guild with Mrs. Guy Warner and Mrs. A. R. OBrlen, hostesses Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. A. W. Gregg. North Rend Auction Dridge bUIVUV 1 1 1 LLO OR mi APPDI TED SHIPPING NEWS ELDER HOVE TO IN 8IJILE GALE Caught Off Cape Blanco in Heavy Storm Arrives and Leaves for Portland A day Into becauso of n ronrlng gale off Cape Dlnnco last Tuesday" night thnt kept licr novo to for more than flvo hours In n sou'easter with Mrs. C. R. Droughton 'Fletcher, Mrs. McKlnnon, .Mrs. R. W. half of Coos Day during their cruise 1 delaying her nrrlvnl In Eurokn, tho Mm lint- V. Mlllnr nnlortntnril at auction bridge informally last Chamber Of Commerce Holds Hoelllng. Thursday afternoon; tho prize fall- Meeting TUm DOWn Bar I ladles' ' lug to Mrs. McKlnnon. Later In the narlo Arllprtteinfl I ; refreshments. Announcement of Chiunuer ot om- I Those enjoying Mrs. Mlllor's hos- mcrce cmmlttces for tho coming year pltallty wore: Mrs. H. K. Kelty, Mrs. j was made last evening at the regumr Carl Evertson, Mrs. Carl Davis, meeting of thnt body by R. M. Jen Mrs. A. E. Jensen, Mrs. Charles nlngs, chairman of tho executive coin Hoffman, Mrs. J. S. Hanson, Mrs. mlttee. Efforts of the owners of tho J. S. Lyons, Mrs. J. C. Kendall, casoltno schooner Barnacle to untler- 1 Mrs. C. W. Cumbers, Mrs. F. D. take an advertising campaign on bo- BREAKWATER GOES KOI ion South Fifth street. The time was spent in the sal way, that jOf sewing, games, ataxic and dainty, refreshment. The name of Miss Leena Ulter was added to tne membership roll. Those present this week wore: MIsMe Frances. Irene and Margaret j Stack, Jtllla Ross, Marie Vasey, Lc- , ona Utter. Lanra Robert, Eva Dres-' sor and Bewe Flanagan. MIm Alpha Manzey will entertain In two weeks. ALLEGANY wedding. DELIGHTFUL PARTY .planning to leave soon on an ox Miss Mildred Gould and Mr. Wm. tondod trIp to California. Roberts, both of Allegany, wcro mar-! . rled Friday noon nt tho Methodist1 . 4 parsonage, Rev. Jas. E. Knotts of- '. ( f (elating with tho ring ceremony. JTho brldo and grom were attended. Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Hnr- jy tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .ry Brad field entertained at ono ofj G. A. Gould, and two sisters, Mrs. 'tho most delightful and unlquo nf-j George Terry and Mrs. E. C. Barker, fairs of tho season, a baby party. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will leave Sun- Thoro wore seven mothers present , day on tho Rcdondo for San Pedro, ' with their babies, all girls, six j from where they will go to Arizona , months old, whose birthdays range to visit with Mrs. Roberts brother. from the Fourth of July to tho' Gcorgo Gould. Mrs. G. A. Gould will thirteenth of August, and nil of v thorn "Just as pretty and sweet ns they could be." this from the host-, cs. I Cafeteria Club with Mrs. R. 11. Corey. WEDNESDAY Royal Auction Bridge with Mrs. R. K. Booth. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. 11. M. Albce. . Brldgo Club with Mrs. E. K. Jones. Narcissus Club with Mrs. Carl West. North Bend Presbyterian Ladles' Aid In church linll. Catholic Ladles' Card Par ty nnd dnnco In Hall, North Bend. THURSDAY Minnc-WlB with Mrs. P. II. Dresser. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles Aid with Mrs.-R. O. Thorpe. North Bend Bnptlst Ladles' Aid In their rooms. Enstsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. Fred Moore. North Bund Altar Guild with Mrs. J. G. Horn. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Olivia Edmnn, FRIDAY St. Valentino ball nt Eagles Hall. North. Bond now card club with Mrs. H. E. Burmcster. Ladlca' Art Club Valentino Exchnngo with Mrs. W. E. Hongland. ' Morrow, Mrs. F. V. Cattcrlln and ,iown the coaBt were unavailing. Tho Miss Mnrgarot Shnw. mcn jmd proposed an advanco of $75 ' Pi.tv snriTi R n,onth for 8lx monlhB- , ' 1 u. miii.ih. 1 u thc ,ucctlnB of tj10 now cxecu- 1 1 T The North Bend Episcopal ladS'llve committee held yesterday after- ' . . . nnnna li n .nnmtinm worn nrpRontftd .win give a social and card party nt "" " -- T I Taylor's Hall next Tuesday evening. " tho I,In of "'Ivcrtlsing ns out T ' Mrs. L. C. Reynolds will have charge "" b' D- M- 1,0Btc' ono 0t th( T I of the program for the function. , owns nd builders of tho 37-fool - 'I INFORMAL CHAT. tho foot crnft that will soon sail down thc I Icoast, bound for South America. Be .icauso of tho money stringency tho memucrs wcro noi invoruuio 10 mo Rev. Samuel F. Greet: and dnuch ' . . . ...! Logglo's 1 lor. Miss Mario, loft this week on 1 i"j-" the Elder for Washington, wheroi Mr. Posto said: "Wo hnvo tho scc- 4 I they will engngo In cvnngollcal sor- ond smallest craft mat over nttempt 4 vices, Miss Gregg assisting with vo-cl a trip of this magnitude. It Is 4 cnl work. adventuresome Wo nro oIbo bound 4 Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Rngsdalo left on a gold-seeking expedition. In mnk 4 this week for San Francisco, where ling our trip down tho const wo will 4 Ihoy expect to make their home. I put In at every port between hore and 4 Mrs. Geo. Porcp will leave for tho Panama Canal. Our boat Is built 4' ho: homo In Callfornln next week on Coos Bny nnd if given expense 41 after a short visit with her parents, i money wo will advcrtlso Coos Bay." Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Coko. . "This Is ono-clcvonth of tho annual Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Kendall loft Income last year of tho Chamber," thlr week via Seattle for Mlnncnp-1 said Mr. Jennings, "nnd tho executive oils, whero they will mako their committee did not think It expedient "ire. 1 to spend this much." Mr. nnd Mrs. W.. F. Miller left to-1 A movo to allow tho advertising day on tho Brenkwatcr via Portland , Commltto to consider tho nlnn wns 4-. for southern points, probably tnklng , proposed but collapsed for want of n 4 In tho San Dlcgo fnlr, from which second, when It wna further proposed 4 j point Mrs. Miller will go on to Kings t,nt their action should bo final. jClty. Florida, on on extended visit Move Mfo Saving Station. ' With friends. , Olllrlt nrllnn In nmvltif lin llfn , "r - - VcimcI lA-nvcH nt Ten (VCW EvcctMl to lloat Elder to r At 10 o'clock this morn;;hl Brenkwatcr loft out for jC,!! carrying passengers nnd !, cargo of freight. 8h8 h 'lr threo hours hondstnrt of the w, nnd Is scheduled to arrive fi,,t , Portland. " " Among thoso who loft on w... 'goof frolRht.,?c,1TrC!!Bn, CUPlnln El to leave Port- n",nl" tFullr. Mr. Morrll, j, '- accompany thorn. 4 4 4 HONOR VISITOR TALEXTIXi: PARTY. I ItlRTHDAY PARTY Tho Enstsldo Ladies' Aid will give Baby chat, motherly advice and ,u ua, auunnmun r , "'.. Vnlontno HOcIn, ,, oy8lcr iU,or lu"" U4 h.cium. 4 HtJBi- ., ,,. Ri,,l,M rUxr llnll Vnl ,v vuiiikvu 111s luuiiii uutiiuar ihi .. ..-,.. ji, r,i.m , ' " "' " -. Monday afternoon, about fourteen . ... ,',. ..,. .13- A vnlentlno box, n progrnm and Of hi. little friend, making merry J , " --ther feature, will bo provided. mm nun. iiuuii'iiiK Kauii:--i ncro in- .nlirnnr Mastcr Everett J. Harrington eel cbratcd his fourth birthday last Last Friday evening, Mrs. W. N. Ekblnd ontertalncd at an evening of chat nnd music for Mrs. Gcorgo 1 saving station Is necessary, thought tho members of tho Chamber, follow ing tho report of President McLaln showing- that tho monoy, $17,000, has long beon set aside for tho niov- Gcorgo W. Eldor arrived In nt 8 o'clock this morning from tho south nnd loft ngnln nt ono for Portland. Sho carried a passenger list of 70 persons and a fnlr cargo iMW-ri.M.Wiuiu.u....l-. rf --- ;..,, land nt nlno o'clock Monday mom- ... ' " N"'" aair inj ,.. r"" '"'"" 1"B. When tho Rcdondo reported n more than SO miles blow off thn Golden Onto tho Elder wns at that tlmb In tho midst of tho bnd wcnlhor off Capo Blanco nnd not far from tho spot whero tho Nnnn Smith took tho steam schooner Nnrthlnnd In tow until sho could rig n Jury rud der after being dnmnged In tho storm. Word from tho llghthouso this afternoon atnted that thoro 1b n heavy wind outsldo and n high sea running. Thoso who left at noon for Port land 011 tho Eldor were: Mm. P. Stlgllch, J. J. BcnBley.'Mrs. Bonsloy, K. W. Minor, A. G. Mink, John A. Prcntlco, Mrs. Prentice, Mrs. A. M. Ruzcll, J. 11. Steeples, Mrs. J. H. Stcoplcs, It. C. Carpenter, Mrs. R. C. Cnrponter, Mrs. Lottlo Mnnley, Mrs. Violet Mather, Goo. Mather, Mrs. Rny Perdy, G. II. Kondnll, Mrs. 0. B. Kcndnll, Mrs. Josephine Cram, Mario Gregg, C. A. Glenn, Samuel Gregg, C. L. Stockln, Olf Hnlf, A. W. Dlndlngor, Mrs. A. O. Hill, Mrs. P. E. Stovona, A. G. Hill, Robt. E. Steel, Geo. Robinson, Everett Blnckwoll, Mra. E. Blnck woll, Elmer Blnckwoll, W. L. Black woll, P. W. Olson, Axol Hld qutst, Mrs. B. B. Smith, Miss Attn SKA'S WKAITH GRkATKST A'lasku KIhIigHcm nro More VU, Than Output, of Mlnw. S13ATTLE, ffn.li., Feb. e.-h, tjio first tlmo In tho lilntory of AUi. lea tho vnluo of sea product! titi. ed thoso of tho mlncB, nccordlor tt ittatlHtlcs for 19 J. J, compiled b; ib, Alaakn Htoninshlp Company. including canned salmon, haUbat mrs nnu wnirtiR ivory, tho ochi yielded $23,112,000, ns ngalntt , 218,000 of nilnornl prodticls, chlefl; i,um, cuppor anu suvor. Mlicdlu coub products of tho soil and form Amounted to $300,o6o, making Ata kn's total for tho year M2,86O,O0. WATERFRONT NEWS JEWSJ ilulgcd In until flvo o'clock, when Ice cream and cake wcro served to tho following little folks: June Mc "Lntifchlln Thclma vand Florence Duncan and William Da.hney, Char )Io and Bobble Vasey, Emerson Gordon Noff, Curtis Naglc nnd 1 The mothor. and daughter, prcs-'. cnt were: Mrs. T. C. Russell and. KAHTS1DE INDIES. "'Porep who leaves next Wednesday ,nB nnd thnt tho tWo "oni of the Yayton, P. M. Jennings, Dr. E. V. ' for her homo in California. Mra. . burcau from WnBnlnBton hnvo been Morrow, J. E. Miller, K. W. Good I Ekblad served dainty refreshments ' hero t0 BOt tho ,,nn ,n ,notlon' "u nl- c- Hewitt, II. C. Wolfbfon, to hor guests. The Invited list In-' BPon,8 salt' Mr McLaln, "thnt tho j Douglas Burroughs, Blnnch Batcher, 4 I rin.in.i mv t uii.ii-nni Mra t 'head of tho bureau Is nn old man.iRobort Elliott, Mrs. Rnlf Elliott, Lyn ! Stnnloy Henderson, Mrs. Geo. Gil-Uo trlc" to ,CC1' tno oxi'cnso of his Bntchor, A. Dolglolsh, Mrs. L. L. 1 for San Francisco. hertson, Mrs. Geo. Porcp nnd Misses I "oimnmoni down to wiint it was Tiiomna, J. ifouoK, Frank Wester-1' At nlno o'clock Monday mortlt; tho Ooorgo W. Eldor will lore f Cooc Day from Portlnnd. She b rxhcdtilcd to sail from hero for Ev- rolca nt four o'clock Monday trier-neon. Tho YcllowBtono In repotted h I from Snn Frnnclsco nnd the D!ij bark from Portlnnd on Monday, Tomorrow morning tho Km Smith Is Hchcdulod to arrive In fra Snn Frnnclsco and will leave (it again either Tuesday or Wcdnetii) ntrinlng, At. thrco o'clpck tomorrow tfftNl neon tho Rqdondo will leave w T. , n Iluth rarr' . 0tls WllTOn " tortnlned Tiioailnv nfiomnnn i.w m -""'nson, uiars . Marbelle McLaughlin, Lou(g tori, ncd Tuc.d a, noon b M s. Myron, Ama Kkblnd and Lois Black. Dorothy,',, ,1. r-.i.rin. iM t w m ' v,nonri nt '"-,r 'on,c' Tho,v ronco Balne. and Master. "d , ' 5?.1 " ,,' Jf:. ,: w noting was largely devoted to plan-! COQUILLESOCT har- . , , ... , , , R,R 'r tho Boclnl February 13th. , J. Murphy nnd Ednn Jessie, Mrs. ,,... ,,. .... Q,,, , , and n ,, . ,, ,,, ,. Thoso enjoying Mra. Stcckor. ho.pl- iP.M.Tulley nnd Mary Florence, Mr.. ,, ,, " ., . , , " ,' EV- llnrrv m.Hri.1.1 nn,. Sf,rBrl Kl.n. . tB,,,r Wr Mfi' "' "' MMY. ' Tho Enstsldo Ladles' Aid was cn-.Solnn j0jinBon( cinra Myron, May nuot 20 years ago. Ho would prob-' lund, Peter Brown, L. M. Thorson, ' Inez JohiiBon. aoIV Et heart ralluro If this mattor " u. wiho, i imiiotto, J. w. Mur- ,'was broached too quickly." It was' !". J. A. Borgnnn, N. G. Nndson, Hi CHAT. I I decided to wrlto to tho Oregon Sona-'c"r,s ''n. Bomnrd Leon, Otto Ed- millNr- AU orctt Harrington. 4 J ENGAGEMENT Harry BTsdfleld and Margaret Elza. V. P. S. SOCIAL I Wm. Steckol, Mrs. W. P. Dyorly, Mra. Irving Hndlock, Mrs. E. Vlncynrd, nnd Mrs. Percy Poot. They will moot nlng for tho .oclnl February 13th (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Fob. C On Snt-'of construction will bo hero about urday afternoon Mrs. T. BenJ. Currlo tho tulddlo of this month to bogln was hostess to a dainty vlolot lunch-1 making tho movo of tho station. innn. Thn inliln u-na nrntllli- lnni-nf.-l ,......, M. - .. ,........, ..-..... rrint i.nvcio)ci it,o. uuiiiii 111 11111 wi'i kh 11 f 1 in iwuiin tr tii. mint invnru iniiririnf nnnn itnnai'o 1 . . 4 Tho Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. S. , ,, ,"...". ..." J. .. ".- i-.nvoiopes witn tno coos Bay ad - .... . , i.-i-i. . . . . . i aiuuKUi. .ui. mm .im. is. uuikii niiuuuui.e eiijoyou n snori uusincss una socini 1 tho engagement of their daughter, session nt the chapel parlor. last Mis. Mlna to Mr. C J. Anderaen, .evening, Mis. El.lo Larson nnd Jcl of North Bend. Tho brldo to bo li mor Rofslnnd entertaining. a charming young woman wlioso , Rondlng. by Oliver Larson and Tho ladles nf thn N'nrih iinn.i Cnthollo Churoh will glvoa public L V.. .1. . ... o"'"8. whero tho samo will bo print rnr.1 ,,rv ,....i ,in,,n i i wi... 0n0 of n,osl olnborato nfaflrslC(i ti10 bi, to bo nnlll ,1V thn ,,., hall, next Wwlnosdny ovonlng. Fob-' f tho f0"8"" w"8. on T"CSl,n' ovc bcr. This Is done in a special effort tors and representatives nt WnBh-!,nm, Doluort Howoll, A. Hnkvost, Ington. It Is believed that tlio chief Frank Adams, P. L. Adams, Otto Edlund, Loulso Thomns, Arbold link- vivacious way. have won hor a host Petor Thorpo woro lioad and E. O. of frlondB In tho social world. Mr. '.Mollom played .omo very pretty Anderson I. a popular young mnn ! pl.no solos. In two wooks thn Y. of North Bond and Is omployod In j s. will moot ugnln In tho chapel tho box factory at that place. Tho parlors, nuptials have not boon definitely nr- Proiont Inst ovonlng woro Rov. CARD PARTY place. Tho afternoon wns spent In vurtlslnir on tho bnek will i, nrinin.i nocdlwork. Those present woro Mcs- frc0 for anyone, wn. tho decision of vost, Ellon Hnkvost, Mrs. L. Hak vost, Loola Hakvest, C. Nelson, Ed O'Donnld, Mlko Zollck, M. Erros, Ell Sampson, T, McDonough, Robt. Dim-mlck. dames Williams, Collier. Juza, Hal ! ,ho chamber. Authority was given I Pierce . Nloman, McFaw Fclshlm nnd to nny person to bring 1000 or morel Tfl flDril fl I H P II & 1 1 P J 'tho M IsBes Sherwood, Maury, Lund , envelopes to cither or tho newspaper Y W If fl.l HU I , , nd Woodford. 'offices, whero tho same will bo nrlnt-' ' U U'LIH IVInUUIllIU ruary 10. CJAIH) SOCIAL. runged. r JUNIOR BANQUET. I ISonnlo Rofslnnd, Jennlo John.on, ' On Tuosdny, Pobrunry 0, tho North i and Mrs. R. O Thorpo, tho Mlsaos in ning, when Miss Clnro Shorwood was to provdo nil business letters out of! hoBtess to tho J. O. W. Club nt a 7 thla'cltv with tho namo nf Cnn nvl o'clock chlckon dinner. Tho tnblos attached. wero prettily decorated with cut ;,n(Io ,Ifo Mci1,,er. iiunurB. r.ncn Kuesi lounci nor "i,v im ,,. i i i .. i . m T WEUY HITOFIEI ... . . ... t ......... . .... ' ... J.... . ........ .... . I I I Kisio Uirson una .Messrs. jonn King. ; ""nn r.piscopni incnes will entertain i'""-" " pruny nanu-pninicu pioco cr, wroto Dr. C. W. Towor "and now I Aim row i.iiik. a. uminuii j. aiiiuiii uii piuiuc curn pari) in rayior s ' -"."o. hudiito iiBibiuii in j hollcvo I nm This afternoon tho Pinks of thnMn, . Potnrion. B. Ivorson, E. G Mothodlst Junior Loaguo are tender-, Mellom Ing tho Bluos a banquet In the ' ('. Thorpe B. R. Keller Announces Great Feature Film for Opening New House Here ' entltlod to n rest." It Manager B. R. Kollor announced church hall. , hamson How would you like to go TO THE " PANAMA EXPOSITION ' FREE All Expenses Paid . I Hall. An InloPAHtlnn- nmfrnm lmo scrvlnc 1)V MosdamoR Wllllamfi nnd , ....... i "1 " .----.-.. n r lci " ' ' - HUH UlIWllIlldllHI V VIlII!f1 II1IIF IP 'l'U.' trtiftitr llml ... , Oliver Larson, P. Thorpe, 'ben arranged. Including solos by Dr. I Wljoqvlst. After dinner tho balance I or ,)0 nm,,Q an ,lonorary llloniU0P nf , nm n ... ...?. ..." . .. , J. Fofslndn nnd Alirn-, Bnrtlo, Mrs. E. L. Robinson of Marsh-, of tho evening was spent In dancing. ' tho Chamber of Common fnr iir .' bom. mHi.i ....' . .. " J ,Bl field, Mrs. J. W. Oardlnor. acconinan- Thoso prosont woro Mesdamos Wll-I ,.rnnin.i.. f i.i. .. nin.... . '..'... .,mo .moB '-.. .- -- ..., ..'......... linn K.i Tmn. c,f-.i L..i. T" "." ." . w ..udU( vmi wouiiosday ovc- i .v. 'w .. ..mi i iinvn, uiiii uiiirii - ....., ...... ...., qi,i or tlio nrirnnlz.itlnn. nine NOMINATION BLANK I nominate (Name,) (Address) This Coupon Worth 'lob'o Viitcri; Only Ono (l) Nomlnntlon blank ullowud to each oaudldato. OBTAIN FULL INFORMATION FROM Redross Drue Stn mental solectlous by Mrs. Perl Riley Hnzard, Lnwronco, Cnndlln, Currlo, Balllngor. Tho Roynolds slstora will i Folsom, Sterling, Hawkins, Shor- ' npponr In popular songs. " AIKTIO.V MUlDfJi: wood. Single, Harlson, Howard, Ootild, Jones, Lynns, Kndlcott, Oeo. Lorenz, Henry Lorenz, Llljciivlst, Lamb, Barton, Puhrmnn, tho Misses Jones, Hnrlocker, Woodford nnd Davenport. On Friday and Saturday ovonlngs On Thursday, Jan. 28th, Mrs. , C. P, McOoorgo was hostosH Infor mnlly nt n dollghtful afternoon of auction bridge; Mrs. MoKldowny winning tho prlzo. Appotlzlng ro froHliinonts woro served to thn guostB who woro: Mrs. A. K. Adol- porgor, Mrs. C. It. Peek, Mrs. Wll- son Kaufman, Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mrs. It. II, Coroy, Mrs. II. K. Kelty, Mrs. w. P. MoKldowny, Mrs. L. O. Sutherland, Mm.W.S.NIcliolson, Mrs. , Convorso, Mrs. A, K. Jonwii, Mrs. P. M. Parsons nnd Mrs. A. B. Gld- ! iy. , ! COTILLION CI.U1I I , . ; , Iii sjdto of tho stormy night, tho soulnl given by tho Cotillion Club last Wednesday evening was, by far, tho host attonded nffnlr tho Club has hold this winter. Tho I McFaw and Williams, tho Misses music was furnished by Mortons Boss Maury, Ruth Woodford, Emily Harp Orchestra and the harmony Harlockor and Dorothy Watson. Kmil frtrfll frrini 1inti flntln .,(.,.. ' '. "' n .. w " ' ""'. J'iu.iu t,oes Koulli. C. S, Neod PJua PnlroN. Mr. Kollor has arranged for tho Tho noed of firo patrols for our ramoi'8 Him "113" as tho opening forests was strongly uxprossod and ro(Uuro This Ih n special Vltnerunh Secretary Motley waB Instructed to nna rcn'"reH Anltu Stownrt. Julia draw upu strong oudorsomont of tlio'Swavno 1,ovt' Harry T. Moroy nnd uarry Northrop. It wna secured hy mo ramie uoast reprosontatlvo of tho Oonoral Film Company, which controls all tho big features nnd Is tho Inrgost film producor In tho world. Somo other good roots will bo shown, making a six root program. Mr. Kollor announces that tho Mu. sonlo prlco of admission will nlwnya bo ton cents, tho oxtra seating capac ity enabling him to secure fontures at this price which other smaller Wlnsor Is Tho gueata present woro loud In I Ul0 "K sl m,1Bonil , win , their praise of tho Club's ho.pU.Hty , .il "lh!SP ""d. ?" ' Ie?.v.e and cornet was music of tho best. L.i i.. .'... t), .. ..... , . . in"''""K s "o io uaiiromia on ""i"i. j lor tuero about February 15 to wit stato appropriation nnd forward this to Snlom. t Exponses for tho Coos nnd Curry nYlllllltc tllllQt Itn nnt t ... tl of last week Mrs. N. N. Nleman wasi,, ",",. "!,,' ,,; ,, , ' '" " ,' hostess in honor of Mrs. Folhlm and ! eC'nre'1 ! re',dei ,McLn,n fo,Iow"'K Mrs. McFaw of llnndon. On P Ida- JT."nB0M " neither Myrtle ovonlng 500 was tho pnstl.no of ,0 ',10'' nnudon hnvo yet made tholr evening, Paul Sterl.ngand Miss IM N rlh Ben , T fr0'" lips tying for high score. Tho host-' L ,T "'n turned over ess served dainty refreshments, be- ZXm !? p " U, r" Ing agisted by Mrs. Ha. Pierce. ! J" ""."J ?' T countlP ll(l8 Thoso present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. T'Sm".'3"- l) 8,ml "r ,uno,mt ,a Mrs. McFaw nnd Mrs. Folshlm, MIi I ' l T, nml dleck U1 on o Phillips and Messrs. Longston, Slo."rJL Ward- who ', J-nlol, P. o. llorton, Oeorgo Rot- nor, A. T. Haines nnd W. A. Hold, i reimportation nnd Mnll Sorvlco W. P. Miller, I. S. Smith, Alva Doll. Entertainment nnd Reception Al bert Mntson, J. n, Pianagan, C. R. Peck. Advertising P. A. Tlodgen, Geo. W. Leslie, I. S. Kaufman and T. T. Bennett. Location of Enterprises E. Mln Bus, w. S. Chandler, J. s. Lyons, Fred Chestnut. Railroad A. H. Powers, R. M. Jennings, Hugh McLaln, Panama Pacific Exposition Hugh McLaln, A. J. Mendel, and William Grimes. mnn ami Miller, On Saturday ovonliiB. the pnstlmo now In San Frnnclsco. A relief mnp of Coos Bny Is necos- being needlework, those s pending ! "?' T"0 h.o executive commit- 'evening woro MeBdames John Juza, .,,", r ,. . ,,urc,,a8ed l,r if..'.. . ""...' i vldlng tho advert sne rammiii.. i w..r, .... Area wa.Ker, Kelshlm, llbl0 to ,., ,,., .. -""..: Henry Songstackon reported that n United States Wlreloss Station has probably been secured for Coos Bay nnd will bo erected nt tho Smith mill providing tho permission of C. A. Smith can bo secured. Now Committees, Tho committees for tho coming year, as announced by R. M. Jen nings, chairman of tho executive com- Friday ovonlng. February 12. tho ' ' .. ."'. "' wu" Iclub will hold Its seml-monthlyip- '"Tft' "r Zt " "B ?!.,. ", liZSf.r iy .?.h6..na" ni,t0 t0' of tho state. Mrs. win- Rtvin r ..' "" ".,:. r,8,,lcSor and children went out overland , me ro ns follows: will be erve T.rrr: rlnVT "'V ".nt .wor t,iat hard I oA Roads-E. E. Straw. John A -"- " r iril) llin IIPIVI" Dim,,.., I.. ,l. m .- Illlll llaiiri. Oo,,,.,..,.l -, ...w .....,, uou.to in 5 OllllS'.a ........ a.ui.ij UBMSOlUtUl'U, t DE.MtKNHTRATION CAlt SHWI A7P COQUILLE, IIAMlOy AM MYRTLE POINT' AND 18 (IIUUI LY PRAISED .MASY OR0W Tho Dodgo demonstration crftk first of tho now typo of nutM bo brought hero, was brought W lodnv from tho Conull 0 YH1 whore It has boon shown for ! pnst ton dny8. It scores great ' with tho nutolsts In IJandon, qulllo and Myrtlo Point, and bI plnced ordoro for tho Dodse. Tkl ordere will ho filled shortly. 1 ho Bnmlon Western World the following concerning t" rent Ion accorded the car bjr B don nutolsts which was ilmllMj thiFo nt ovory other Wwn " wnH shown: . ' Tho now Dodgo car, a rnodtl' n i,ii. .n.. ,.-.,., r.i,t over " n lliwii nna uu....v w-- Anrshflold hy Local Agent M ai....,.f.i T.mu.inv im beea tbtt tor of nttrnctlon for auto '" ' wejc. Sovorol hundred peopn" uxnnilned li nnd ridden In "' llhnatt not ono hob gono iiwiiy "''", Hiirlng Mr. Sh'orrard that b w wonderful proposition. "For craco of body and M" of finish, tho Dodgo compar nny. It hna somo 8a". I inont. Amonc thorn are lt ''..I tnnoous roBponalvoneus, bu I r-lMInf ll power, us pronounccu i"y fmtlnti tin. Rloadlness of pisu ' lm frnn,1nm fim frnflr lhl"'D' tho oleganco of workmapib'P Ifn nnrln. nn well 88 It M -" " t ..li UIUIUVHIO, ui "Such a car with the W. nt rinrlirit Ttrnlhnra. WHO nY' In the business for many yA hind It. nt $Q00 laid doWD' don, is a rovelatlon to " Mr. "" tw ' frntornlty," says VShn'o trnt nvnrvthing 0D kn ni ti9nn imnten a w Just keep your eye on the. 'The. nrnannf par bdOnS nnnrlfiim nf Afnrshfleld. " rnrl nrnooln in haVO hi " . oiiBtratl6n machine here 1" uvnlro llo nlrnadv b' w v..u. ..w ... y nmnlinr, nf nrnnnocts nu " tlcally closed several deal- x rmn iiiTV nnd !'".. be given by tlie OATllOtlO of NORTH REND W k Rtlll llv lliv llnll ..,,1 ., . . , ' -v...; oiivna III mu OlinS'.a """ ' i HALIi, Wednesday evening' 11 1 Membership and Subscription it ..,. .., Ji.idj, wednosdiiy o -- L' DO NOT PAIL TO ATTEND TUP I miNVr DEIUTE nt u. M. IC. ' Try our 81AX" Mi AlCIU'RCII, PER. T0 a8, .PALACE MAIIKKT. M" if -i A Jv j -u WW PVW EEiukifl