.rv 1 V A', $r THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. SEVEU 4fmm &- eh m.m unw -.1 i. flK KeHTj IN IE ,.x.i OTTO, Vllffl ?M CISCO, .'! eH elL 1LT plcrH IS port rllW r S1 tA.IL i ; -van hiv nc cnnnv , II YOU ACCEPT A kMjaiTITUTE FOR W M4kCough tvledicine tawro s err for hoi p. It'a n mfcum, mnybo o( bronchitis, Hal jinornnouln. It must bo 1fc. Hurry to tlio drug etoto for if i nil Tar Compound tlTISTnilQENUINIl .. ,& :!' mm'd . AtA .Hi " NBMT1 Hi MM with n substitute Unro SfclyBOtwqrsq.ospocIntlynt . Jjjonn 341-J. , T i'V nigiiunii. i'olu d JIONI'.Y AND TAR COM- rouND will sooth nnil haal tho irrltatod tnroat, tnko nwny ino ttcklo Mid rollmo tho light feolluir In tho cliost, It hns no equal for any kind of cough, l'or ovor forty yonrs Folkt'b Homkv ANn TAll CoMt'OUND tins lioon tho itanaby with thousands nt fnmlllci. tele FOLEY'S ItONHT AND 1 look for tho boeulvo on r. URES -nnd Framing la i i (' , J Mfw.i'nrs. wff KJttnriLiL? C3 HAL AVENUE no 27R-J. 'S GARAGE B OP THE ma and FORD mks for ALL op cars Phono J17U-L TAt, LW-AI-L PAPER See lVIERS fAb'out it, MAS STUDIO UiTY PHOTOS anco Hotel, fOKLK, OltiOGON !UY THE Y BEST BUTTER ni7 di:u TAKY DITIONB r IN A ?OLI, :an AND DKUN OUY. tlLlZIJD r.ic lAN'I) Wkbam. ICE ;n. hi. ami a p. in. 7.1. 'A CORSETS ed In Marshfield rom ie Holland, setier. Bt. Phono 200-X HOTEL t LND IIOAKD a'eihc and up rsa dutis Ave, nes, Prop. . . inn ii ii 1 i'- . ,v'"V ' --" "" unmrjAER is a triend. -. T 7 . I I S -tofisSr i i""lJ 1W 1 ' ltJ!i ,jM&i '4 Ft'niwBHblt 1 KISHiD'm .1 SRcsults In IPICKING and () tATING EIIKUX 'Mil ina Paint Storo 4t, P''ono llB-U is for Trunks , between any point. general hauling, & STOBAGK CO Proprietor 4I1.L. (IH-ll -, FIRE PLACES YLISS Irlck Work at Are Right Guainnteed side," Johnson , St. Phono W00DYARD Btrsai, I t Boiler Work I if PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lotharcl McClure ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In all courts, doom J!!, riiitiiiiriin i Bennett Iinnl H. H. Harper house builder Gonornl Repairing and Cablnot Mnklng. I M Mmnltt J '. M. WHyM Phono 188-R. I building contractor Estimates furnished on reqiieit Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Enr, Noso nnil Throat. cji,ahhi;h iitjttkij lilt HATTIW It U1IAW nlllinu1 , r,.' ,, rt.lMr... I '".!-. i. . i... .... .... ....... uiucu i-iiuuo iou-j, nudum iuu, vi 202, Irving Block. ;Benamln Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND I ARCHITECT I Offices, 200 Irving Block hono 103-1 or 267-J. Marshfleld, Oregoi 'w. G. Chandler I ARCHITECT 'oorrie 301 and 302, Colic Building. I MarBhflold, Orogou Wm. S. Turpen AltOIIITEOT Marsliflold, Orocon. Perl Riley Balllnger PIANIST AND TRAOIIEU Rosldouco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt ' Pliono 3G8-U AIN'T IT TJIB TItUTJI. Wo novor blnrao tho tailor whon our prints wo lmvo to pin, Wo novor blamo tho shoo man whon our soloa grow old and thin, Wo novor blntna tho hfittor whon our lids wo have to flout, But wo nlwny ,imo tho laun dry whon On. nnlrto wear out. COOS BAY BTJUM LAUNDKY Iliono r7-J. I PAKISTAN CLKANINO AND DYIMNO AVOHKrJ 200 WoDt Marlcot Avo., corner j Second Stroot. j Undor now management Prices low, nnd nil work satisfactory, j Ladles' work n uncclnlty. j Phono 17G-J. I J. 8. STnVKNS, I Prop. . MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domcstio CHINA YOU AUTO CALL , 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS! Phono 1H.1-.T i NixM nnd Day. I Wlillo L'lephant Grill , flood Cars. Careful Driver D. L. l-'OOTi:. , SAVE MONEY l,y iinlnrlns tho fninoiin HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, pur tou $i.oo Lump Coal, por ton 0.00 Or halt ton or both $n.O0 ii. .uunou.-, i-iup. Phono 1H-.I or Iojivo ohIoih nt lllllyer's ClKar Storo. izaTaa.a;a;iaiz?;ii; I JTT W VVTVT WWTWV",r v y y X SI. LAWKLNUt HUltL X t In tho Heart of Marshflald v All Outstdn Booms. o stc 1 Hoaf Sto ii Hnat Hot nnil Cold Wator. HAY ItATKS, 7.1e nnil I'D ' wi:i:i;ly itA'rrs. .n up . L. .1. JUSTi:.. Mur. ' 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 tlaj-til.fleW. North Bend Auto Un 'rn fery ten minute from (I a. m to 111 p. in,; to South Slough oiico a dixy, ItMwlnjj at 11 a. u..; to Empire llirt-o trins a day. I GOItHT it KING. Prop.. ' I CITY AUTO & f AXt CO. t I DAY AND NIGHT SEHVIOE i I 1'UI IUAI, luiuiiu v. viiiauuiut I )1 Hotel. ( i For touring cars, phone 20 I Chandler Hotel j LYNN.IiiVMBETH, Prop. j New Cab j : New Cars j 4 , New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Do you want to win a $G box of candy? If so, send us a nnmo for our Confectlonory nnd Ico Cream Store. All names, plnccd In an onvelopo nnd sealed, tmiBt bo In our storo by 7:15 p. m. Monday, February 8. Drawing will tnlto , place nt S o'clock slinrp. Tho nnmo selected, also tho nnmo of the winner will bo an nounced In this paper on Tuesday night. The nwnrd will take plnco Saturday, February 13. 4. Wo reserve tho right to reject any or nil nnmes. Murphy & Phillips "HOMEMADE CANDIES" H78 Con! nil Axeniio. I w"w"""""M',"ll'""l"""W1T Big February CLEARANCE SALE of FURN1TUR Now Gomg On 25 Per Cent Discount on everything in the store Goi"g & Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS This Powerful Lamp Requires no Repairs or Upkeep The Double Efficiency Mazda Lamp is a . giant illuminant requiring but one-half tho i current per candlo power consumed by the" ordinary efficient Mazda. It has already gone into uss by the thou sands In front of and insido businoss estab lishments throughtout tho United Slates. i Light given is brilliant and white. It com i pels attention shows colors correctly means a flood of clear, beautiful illumination at remarkably low cost. Inexpensive to install ask us about them. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 r- v Don't, take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or accident Jnsuranco You not only need tho Insurnnco, but you want to bo sure and liavo tho correct policy In tho best and most rollablo company in tho business. Sco mo or phono mo at once and I ulU explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent, Marshri'ld 300 Coke Building 1ZT i.:m I 1 I OF WORLD'S GREATEST WAR W ft. W . J- X-4- Hfcii ii x -iJ w WANTS GHILDHEM :. 4 21 ,. ENGLAND SUFFERS ' 1 VGTMS i Movement Started to Have U. S. Public School Pupils Contribute to Relief I fir AnodMoJ free, to Coot Bit Tlmti. I NEW YORK, Feb. C Tho enlist ment of tho 20,000,000 children of the United Stntcs In nn army of help fulness to relievo suffering both In this country nnd Europe Is tho pur- poao of n movement which Is an nounced hero by n committee of edu cators of nntlon-wldo reputation. It Includes Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard University, Dnv Id Starr Jordan, president of tho Nn tlonnl Educational Association, nnd Hichnrd McLaurln, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Tcclino- , logy. I It Is tho bollef of thoso Interested In tho plan that evil Influences In tho schools of the United Stntcs aro nr Islng from tho war. "Influences of lying, hatred and murder nro mould Ing tho lives of America's 20,000,- 000 children," snys nn announcement I of tho commlttco's plans, "which tend to crush out truth, Juatlco nnd love. Ab n nation wo aro evading our re spoiiBibllltlcs In not sorlously at tempting to counteract theso evil In flucncc8. "In mnny of our schools wo oven forbid nil discussion of tho wnr. Wo cannot, however, hldo this wnr from our children nor keep Its destructive Influences from their lives. "With a nntlon-wldo rollof movo nioiit of our children wo can turn their iu!ndB from destructive murder to helpful llfo-gtvlng and build on tho terrlblo need tho strongest, most helpful rnco of men nnd women tho world has ever known. "Tho school children nro organlz ed, nnd can begin Immediately on re llof work. They can rnlBO nt least 11,000,000 without burden on nny- ono as tho funds will bo raised In smnll BtiniB tho people's gift through i their children. They cnu make mil lions of needed articles of clothing nnd othor things. Working shoulder to shoulder to offsot tho Influences of organized murderous wnrfaro thoy will fool tho quickening helpful lin- ptilso of tholr great liro-glvlng or ganization a mighty Impulse In ( tholr Uvea nnd a great example to tho world. Thoy will do moro to es tablish International ponco nnd good will based on kindly acta than years of diplomacy and ponco conferences." ' Tho plan announced Is that each , child earn or make whnt ho gives, or glvo from whnt ho hns, that ho may fool ho Iiob worked or sacrificed to holp. Tho fund Is to bo known ns tho "Children of America's Fund," which boards of education, supciln tendonts. tenchors and others aro "urged to nddross at Oak Hill, Nowton 'Contor, Mass, for working dotalls, Ono-hnlf tho fund la to bo used to rollovo local suffering nnd will bo distributed through homo charities ns fnr as possible Tho other half will bo distributed to tho Btifforors In Europo by tho National committee Arrnngonionts lmvo boon mndo for tho froo transportation to llolgluni of nil gifts of non-porlBhnblo food or new clothing In pnekogos wolgh'ng 20 pounds or moro. . It Is announced that tho plans for cnirylng out tho movomout have been bUBod on suggestions recolvcd from ovor 5000 practical educators. Thoy cnll for freo uso of tho public school buildings for ontertalnemcnts to raluo funds; tho co-operation of teachers In sotting the chlldron to earn sinall sums out of schol hours; tho manu facture or useful gifts by boys In 'manual training classes; and ono day , n wool: doyoted by all girls In Bowing i us n part of their school work. FEW TRAVEL NOW in? AuoiUlttl I'rtM to com II; Time. ) BERLIN, Fob. C Tho numbor of j visitors fiom tho provinces and 'abroad to tho Gorman capital has fallen off over 25 per cont since tho 'outbreak of hostilities. In Dccoinbor 1 only 73,000 persons camo to tho capital ua compared with 103,000 Jn tho sa mo month of tho pro 'feeding year. Among tho countries with which Germany 1b at war Brit ons nnd French tntullod all togother only Hoven, Dolglans, 31, Russians, 114, and Portugese, 2. There was 'an Influx of D13 Swedes, C32 Danes, ;D1 Norwegians, 229 Dutch, 2G.1 Swiss, and 71 Italians, but other neutral countries wero roproscntoJ , by ery small groups. Times want ads bring results. ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P, 89. Saint Queiitlu Hoars Cannon Fire .for FIo Months Notables There, inr auocImm mi. to com nj TimM) PARIS, Fob. C Saint Quentln, whore tho llrltlsh troops made a stand Hint retarded tho Gorman ad vance nnd facilitated Joffro's Btratc glc ictreat, has been for nearly flvo months within constant sound of tho guiiB pounding nt each other along tho lino from Royo to Pennine, but, according to howb received by underground channels, tho town has othcrwlso experienced ltttlo of the rigors of wnr, Novor has tho city hall square been so nnlmatcd. Tho coming and going of motor cars filled with of ficers U Incessant cs this Is tho hcadquartors of some of tho big guns of tho Qerinnn army who aro comfortably lodged In tho elegant vlllns of tho Champs-ElyBC08. Evory afternoon officers crowd tho pastry cooks establishment of which the nnlmntlou rivals tho moBt popu lar flvo o'clock teas of Paris. Enor moitB quantities of ten, chocolate and cakes nro requlslted dally nnd nmong tho habitues nono lmvo n better nppotlto than Prlnco August William, tho Emporor's fourth boh, who 1b nlwnys tho center of tho most nnlmatcd group. Tho Emperor himself mndo a short visit to St. Quentln, lodging nt tho hotel Charles Basquln on tho Chnmpfl-ElyscoB. Tho hank Lccuyor-Lourlnals, tho Cardler Asylum, tho Fiirvncqucs! palace, tho Henri Martin Lyceum nnd tho Girl's Lyceum nro constantly filled with German wounded who nro sent to hospitals furthor In tho roar ns fast as their condition per mits. .GERMANS SUPPRESS FRENCH. nr AuocktM Trent to Coon liar Tlm. BERLIN, Fob. C The Gorman military authorities In Alsace-Lorraine have Just decided to tnko stops for tho further suppression of tho French lnngungo In business affairs In tho Rolchslnnd, nnd tho substitution of Gorman in Its plnco. Tho commnndors of tho four nrmy torps stationed thcro hnvo Issued a decrco prohibiting tho uso of French on signs nnd placards posted on the streets, on tho Inner or outer walls of shopB or other places of business. Bills, rccolpts, letterheads, nnd other business forms must bo In tho Clorman lnnguago; books must bo kept exclusively in that Inngtutgo, and only In flermnn monoy. Motz and sovoral towns In upper Alsaco nro oxemptod from tho de crco. .MUST SAVE BREAD German Pupils Not Allow 1 to Waste Any Now. Illf Aorllo I'm. lo CO". liar Tlmrt FRANKFORT-ON-TH-MAIN, Fob. C. Tho wasting of whlto broad by Gormun school-children is tho sub ject of n lot tor in the nowspapora of tho Rhino Provluco from n tenchor who points out that It Is tho duty of parents to bring this extravaganco to an end nnd thus holp tho father land during lis crisis, Tho writer says tho chlldron often loavo tholr homes after a scanty breakfast nud tnko n largo packngo or bread nnd buttor with them to school. Ho declares tho scholars ofton nro unable to cousiimo tho whole of tho fool nnd thereupon throw It nwny in tho strools. Ho suggests the official prohibition of tho practtco of bringing food to school nnd also of tho salo of nil broad oxcopt of "war broad" niado of ryo nnd potatoes to children for their immcdlnto consumption. In this wuy ho bollovos n great wast ego will bo prevented and at tho sanio tlmo tho authorities will bo linlpo'l to mcot tho marked short tgo In wheat flour. Ho concludos that tho chlldron will also becomo moro healthy If thoy nro forcod to consuuio a proper breakfast boforo joavlng for school nnd thnt If thoy nro kept from ontlng during Bohool hours they will bo ready to eat nt their midday menn moro of tho vegetables they usually refuso and which aro so abundant in Germany, LESS CRIME IN GERMANY (0 AmocUIo) 1'rcu lo t'ooa IUr TIium 1 LRESDEN, Feb. C Criminality has diminished In Saxony during tho war to a remarkablo dogroo, accord ing to tho pollco commissioners re ports, In Dres'lon tho number of frauds has boon reduced by forty por cont and burglaries by Bovonty por cont. This occurrence Is not nt- Irlbutod to tho culling up of the lnoml)0r8 o tho habitual criminal (lassos among tho men drawn to tako tholr places In the ranks of tho nrmy, but Is duo to psycho logical loasoiis, lu tho opinion of the noted criminologist, Dr. Robot t Hclndl. Have your LETTER heads, bill heads, etc, printed at THE TIMES, office. FROM HIGH PRICES Cost of Living Has Advanced Materially Since War Broke Out Last Summer tllr AMKltil Tim to Coon nr Tlmr 1 LONDON, Feb. C. Commenting on tho sharp manner In which tho war has affected tho hpusohald bud get of tho laboring man, tho Cltizon, n labor newspaper, makes tho fol lowing comparison between tho avor ago English workman's food ox.i pendlturcs on July 1 nnd January 1. Tho figures nro for a family of flvo: July 1. Jan. 1 Meat, "Vj pounds ....$. Gl $1.87 Milk 87 .87 Bread 41 .18 Flour 00 .08 Ten, !& pound 2G .27 Sugar, 7 pounds 34 .51 Biscuits, pound ... .07 .68 Rice 00 .08 Golden Syrup 13 .15 Prepared Oats 11 .12 Chccso, 1 pound 1G .19 Eggs, hnlt dozen, stor- ngo 12 .18 Buttor, pound 31 .35 Potatoes, 12 pounds .. .18 .18 Cabbage 08 .08 Fruit 48 .48 Conl, 250 pounds 04 .77 Matches 03 .04 $5.00. $0.78 NEW FASHIONS FOR MEN Fat Men Well Cared for In Spring Tog Designs. PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 4. "Don key-car" lnpols on a tight-fitting coat, dorby hntB that aro not "stiff" nnd qulot, scvero footwear will chnractorlzo tho now Spring wearing nppnrel for men, according to au thorities. With tho approach of tho Easter season, striking now clothos for mon na well as for women nro being ex ploited. Tho toudoncy in men's clothes Is toward tho decided curvo-ln nt tho waist, with n largo single button on a Blnglo or doublo-brcnstod coat. Tho "donkoy-onr" lapel aids In making tho now ocnt ono of sharp outlines. Tho lapel Is long nnd pointed, ns Its nnmo Indicates, nnd stands up stiffly from tho coat. It Is scon on the dlnnor cont, tho frock coat, tho sack cont and oven tho full-dress cont. Most of tho collars aro long, coming down to tho Blnglo button, nnd nro silk faced. Tho flaro of tho coat ovor tho hlpH caused by tho clcarly-doflned walst-IIno adds to tho uhnrpuess of dotnll of tho coats, Tho frills and furbolows of mi lady's Enstor bonnet may bo a source of no little anxiety to her, but Bho Is not alone in hor dlscomforturo. Tho wall concerning tho stiff dorby has been almost universal, but nt last that, too, ban boon remedied. A now floxlblo dorby hat without a wlro In tho rim has been mndo, Tho hat lu light and li guaran teed to ho'd Its shnpo undor stress. A Boft hat of Angora felt for bad weather Is becoming moro nnd moro popular, and tho tomloney on tho part of American men to wear tho lightest hats obtainable mukos the soft dorby nnd felt hat particularly deslrnblo. A groan of despair from tho woar or of tho practical, useful shoo, has arisen. Tho fad for ornamental footwear sooniB to liavo boon large ly sot by women's: bootmnkorB, and, according to tho sterner box, has becomo nltogothor too common. Tho dignified shoo for afternoon wear Is ono of nil pntont. It Is n London Importation, ono not ofton soon in this country. Modified French boots with fnwn colorod topB and guiimetnl lowers nre favorites and in good tasto. In mon'B apparel, as woll ns wo men's, tho military Influonco Is bolng felt, hut nltogothor my lord will present an appoarnnco qulto as striking and distinctive as milady whon they furo forth on Eastern morn. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU lmvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 711. Pacific Llvory nnd Transfer Company. . Get a Receipt Phone 394-J. Coos Bay Tea, Cooffee & Spice House Broadway bet. Central and Commercial , , 979. v