Usui lLff fltO'l !srrrrftra5? p Better Times Are C omiiij 5pM !- i I!ui (o lvi-oivc (he bene I'll from IioHcl- help woiillior the .storms of hard (iUUig J mm t TO I'0TIXH VIA I'LOltEXOE AUTO STAKE RCIIEDl'LE keiiwauv, mi.-. l,,eoU ioiiocl vii'iiu'S ol wm IF AX THE ? . . . & . V iAIt THINGS IX PH'HALS. SOITII MAHSIIKIELD SCHOOL. A begin with a box mid the plur al Is boxes: ut tho plural of ox should bo oxen, not oxes. Then one fowl la goose, hut two aro called kocso: Yet tho plural of niooso should nev er bo nieese. You mny find a lono mouse or a whole lot of mice; But tho plural of house Is liousca, not lilco. If tho plural of man Is alwnyn called men, Why shouldn't tho plural of pan bo called pen? Tho cow In tho plural niny ho cows or Id no, Hut n how If repeated Is novor culled blno. And the plural of vow Ik vowh, not vine; And If 1 spunk of n foot and you show mo your foot, And I kIvu you a boot, would n pal' bo called beet? If ono Is n tooth and a whole sot ato tooth. Why oliouldn't the plural of booth ho called booth? . If tho singular's this and thn plural Is these, Should the plural r JjIbb ha nick named ICCCKO? Then ono may ho that, and two would bo thoso, Yot hat In the plural would novor ho hoso, And tho plural of cat Is cats, not coso. Wo speak of n brother nnd nlso of brothron, Ilttt though wo say molliors, wo nov or say inothron. Tho maschllno pronouns nro ho, his and -lit in ; Uut Imagine tho femlnlno sho, shls and shim, So tho EiikIIhIi, I think you nil will agree, la tho most wonderful Imibuiiko you over did see. KICIITII (JltADIv. Report cards woro given out in tho Brmle this wcok. Tho Friday morning art lonon was on perspective. Oood studios woro handed In by Glonda Farroll, Mnrjorlo Dimvs, Wllma Hongland, Mil. ..I...- T ...... 1 T t.wrn I 1 I1UMIIU 1.JUII (Mill .IIIIUUI J'lllhW I , FIIIST IIAPTIST CIIUHCII I Albert F. Uaasfoui, m. A. I I Residence CC." So. 1 1th streot f I r.t)-X I Dlblo School at 10 a. m., with graded classes and couipetont teach ers. Worship at 11 a.m. nml7:30 p.m. with sermons by Pastor Ilassford. A cordial wolcomo Is extended to lall. Leave Floro.ico r ..... II I.nnt'A Marahfleld1! 0rdluui' 08. TllW. Wotl. Thnr. Frl. . Sat. Sun. Mod. TlIHS. Wod, .JOji 4:0Oa.iiK"! fi:00 o:ao 0:i)0 a.m. i t!:00 f, tiiUO'l 7:00 7:00 0:00a.m.' 7:00 it.m.ll :uu 7:00ia.m. i s:un, jvv' l) Hiotou B.anin.m.i tO::io; 1111:30 8:30i.m. l:00, 4:30 a.m. r. nitm.iii. Oil 8:00'a.iii.!! l:00' 7 S 0 Classes for uyni work will bo or gnnlzed and work started noxt wouk .SEVENTH OHADK. Tho following pupils of tho 11 Sov- onlli Orado received honorary cortl flentoB In entering tho Sovonth A Kindo, February 1st: Lillian Seaman, Kilytbo Ayrc, Edith .lohnsou and Howard McLaughlin. Twonly-flvo pupils of tho A Sixth Orado entered the II Sovonth Orado In tho 1 1 lull School bulldliiK Monday. The A nnd II Sovonth Oradott will begin their work In tho now gym nasium next Tuesday afternoon. The rogular work will ho Tuesday ami Thursday, the boys' hours from 1:30 until l!:.lo ami tho girls from 1!:30 until 3:30, Duo to IIIiiom, Naomi Daniels of thn I) Seventh wan ribsonl on Thurs day. Tho following puplln did exception ally In tho Friday morning drawing lofwon: Hewitt Lash, Fred Huhfehl, Thomas Croathwalto, Hhoda Ander son, Hazol Coffin, Forest Orogg, Stel la llngltiuil, Edytho Ayro, I rone Oul motto, Kathryn Nicholson, Naomi Daniels, Ho word MuLuughlln and Edytho .lohiiHon. UNITED DUETHHEN CIIUHCII NOHTII DEND I Mrs. It. N. Lewis, Pastor $ Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Obtlstlan Kndeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching at 1 1 n. in. and 8 p.m. Prayor Meet lug Wodnoidoy eve ning at S o'clock, Thnr. .1l.ilO:aoj.m.,ill:3o1n.iii. ,W:.J0 Prl. ..12:'t1:80!, 12:30p.m. : o Sat. ..13ill2:30ip.m.j J:Sl'-nl 2:.I0 1 xoin'ir dend ciiuistiax ciiuitru Mrs. S. Grogg, Mlnlstor Proachlng at 1 1 a. in. and 8 p. m. llllilo Scliool, to n. in. Sundny School nt 12 Sunday. Heading room open every day except Sundays and Holidays from I to 4 p. m. Suit. Mon. Tue. Weil. ,.M! . jr.! . .101 ,.I7, ,1S t.'OOHMIl.' 3:00!n.m. 3:30!n.m. l;00'u.tii.' I:30'a.iii.i i:() 5: :(i()'!l 4 : 0 1:30 a.m.! r.:00n.m. (1:00 r.:30la.m.l 0:30 C:0tliii.iii.l 7:00 C:00!n.iii.! 7:00 7:00 n. in. ti.lii. it. m. a.m. 111. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. n. in. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 a.m. r.:;io - i TM. ...10 am 501 a.... mil r.. nn In in I C.MlOiH.lIl OUU. ..'! . - .n 0:oo a.m. I i: n.m.i' ;uu 7:00'a.m.ll SiOOin.m.ll 0:00 8;!!0!n.iii. !) !i:.'! 11:30 in::! 112:3(1 ll:()0!!l2:Oo m 1:00 12:00 in i:oop.m. i :uu Mon Tito. ..2.1 Wort. ..21 Thnr. .25 Fi'I. ...20 Sat. n.inl a.m. a.m. in. in., a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. m 9Uit. . .2S Ott early trip, through to PorllniiiKmino ilny condition), ucing uivornuiu. t economy an are ol. mo utmost mi loxlriiic-o UMHCIt TlIM VNi'rni) STATIC OOVI0IINMI-.XT UUIMJIIVISIOX. m HATIDMAL ID OF COOS BAY So'elif Deposit Boxes For li cnl, NOItWIX.lAX LUTIIHItAX. Ilnir 11. n Tlinriin Rnrvlr'f.i. will Iui lw.lil In tlin 'nr- weglan Lulhi'ian church at Maiali- - field Sunday at 7: IT, p. in. - Suiiilny school meets nt 10 a. in. 1 1 Services will bo held In tho Nor wegian Lutheran Chapel at North lleutl Sunday at 1 1 n. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. , TO BfAT THE BUILDING GAME I OKXICIIAIi SCHOOL ITKMH -4 SIXTH (IltADi:. Thoso who havo had perfect snol ling pnpors for tho pant wook aro, Ilorsohel Clauson, -Mnrgnrot Powers, Uvolyn Fourlor, Maybollo IMoLaugh lln, Lcona Hoffman, Clomonce Wright and Udwnrd Paine. KIMSCOPAL rilllltCII. HI) nnd Market. It. K. Uro wnl tie. Hector 8 n. m., Holy Communion. 9:30 n. m. Sunday School. 1 1 n. m. Mornlne sorvlco and or nion. Text. St. John 111:2. "Seek- orn After Cod." Subject for Instruc tion: "The Reformation." 3:00 p. in. Sorvlco and sermon at St. Mury's Church, North lletid. 7:30 p, in., Service and Sermon. St. Luke's church, Empire. i lins been n hobby with us for a good many years and n lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to gottlt.g good, sound, J durahlo framing material at tho right prlco wo know our busl- 1 nuss. Jiict tell what you wan: to build and tho amount you want 4 to spend nnd wo'll get busy with our pencil and flguro out tho beit I your uonay can buy. Try u. i C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Itltt'Air. IH.PAltTMI.XT CUT T1II3 VVKl, MM. 1 TWO 11V USI.Vfl OUK WOOD I'llOXK IOO. 1K12 SOUTH IUIOA1UVAV Or.DKHT HANK IN COOS COUNTV KHtalfltMied 1HBI). Capita), Surplus and Undivi Profits $118,000 Pnld on Tlmo l)cpolu Officers: .1. W. Ilcnuctt, President. .1. II. Flaiumim, Vlce-Prnililent. II. I Wllllains. Caslilrr. (;c. P. Wlncbcjtor, Anl(M mMmmilXlBBmV2SX353RMS: To Portland every Thursday ilIarslifield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service KKVKXTII DAV ADVUXTISTS. t.nnnl Klilur. .T. K Oimllu Sevonth Day Advontlst services aro for tonduueo A class of twcntr-two entered high school Fobrunry 1. They nro Chester Coudron, Wnyno Painter, Irono Fourier, Herman Olossop, Dud ley Hill, Ks t redo Holm, Abboy Lod ward, Tholma Tabor, Harold W'al roth, Klslo ThomiiH, Harry Lo cocq, George Atkluu,' Hazol July, Cuthorlno Columbo, Hiinnii Fltz gorald, Kathloon Fltzgornld, Kllzn McKay, Ivy Noah, Olynn Iloiton, Anna Major, Ollvo Moore, Otto Ol son. Tho Irish linen ilnmaHk for tho high school coolcliig departmout has arrived. Tablo spreads and nap kins sufficient to accommodate 72 iioonlo will bo iniulo. Thn M. n a. HITH (ilt.MlK. Tho following pupils had porfoct Bpol lug : loMong during the past; eondnctd.l orory Saturdsy a Volloivs ...u. .'.vii .vuiftin, nuiuii luritini, aunuiuii hciiooi nt jo . m. roarl Lapp, Helen Merchant, I9ro Hlhlo Study nt 11 a. m Prayor Mooting 30 p. m. Leaves .MnrliffcM at llusy Comer 10:00 n. in. IL-OO.p.nt. r,:(l() p.m. Leaves Xortli I lend 1." mill utcs later LenvoH Kuiplro. Stilt) ll::to :::() p.m. Eureh every Mon! TIIK FAST AND CO.MI'OHTAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NliU'LV KQUII'PI.I) NOUTI1 PACIFIC HTICAMSIIII' CO. O. F. McOHOHOIC AflKNT W. H.K Phono 4 4, Marshflold Phone 421. N'erlV HanKTMlSSHHKtXESUSSa Jnrvlnon, Fredorlo Hongland. Honi o"B I''"!'" Society at 3 p. m. t euiiuiuiiy .a f, Jnrvlnon. Fredorlo Hongland, Hont Tho enrollment In tho High School SoruII80. William Watts, Duncan ' 7: tho year total 1G9. Actunl at- ,)a8ll0'. Wallace Langworthy, Loro-i idunco 1C4. inn Hoffman nnd Finorson Noff. I " . . . . CIIUISTIAX CIIUHCII Rnmiifll flrntfir. Mlnlqlnr Itosldenco, 2S0 North Eleventh Phono 402. FOL'HTII (iltAI)i:. Tlinsn u'lm lintl unrtnnt Inaouia in spoiling for tho wonif Mm. i,.-n Sorvlcoo as follows at tho Church, rv...i,n.. n ,. i ... '" cornor Sixth and Central: Co. kiln, Oeorgo Murphy, Alton Kar- Ho,Br services every Sunday. doll, AllroMcKlnnnn, Cocll Doll, Va-i Illblo School at 10:00 a. m. tor Sneddon, Lornii Wilson, Lillian,- Ponomne service 11 n. m. nnd I .OKI Johnson, KM Sampgon, Alma WllwJn nnd Mary McKlunon. Thoso who hud perfect work In arithmetic for tho week are: Harry ...!.. II..I, . . . I i.u.r, nun. injiiemniio, Arenio Know, p. in. CIIUISTIAX SCIKXCK Christian Science Hall. 2X7 .Third Slroet N'nril. , ... , V Orncu jioKimv. . ..,.. ...... ... . ""H,". " - m' nnu , , , " ""- '" "" "' 3 i. in. ve(iiieiny. Kl.ila .lohnsun. j Subject, "Mive." Mrs. Wolsor visited tho rooiii this' v week. i . 4 J ' CATHOLIC CIIUUCII I ..iDc,......... XOItTII ItlCXI) monogram, designed hv .MIh Volz mm...,..,, '..'' . . ! - ov. , Futher McDevItt of tho art dei.artment will bo em ,m ,, B,",l,wonon,oro,niu,i SIH." wl" ,m o''"ttted Runday lr ill i n n .? i ., , ll1"1 (Jra,lu Mo,,,l"' rill: Alice ,,0"1" nt 8 y the ltov. Father lroldoied on tho linen by tho tu-; lirrow. May Steiumlst VoniM n w" dotita In bowIiik. Tho lioimuliiar Ih .i.. ......" "''... ."" A." .s . ... being done by pupils firtl. and j . J " ","'' ''"''., L1J 4 Bovonth grade sowing, assisted by 1, .n , J l?'' ,,? Mu,H,, Vea,a l "'riMIUXl. I'lMCSIlVTICIMA.V .tudoiil. from tho high school sow-1 ' .'.' .'. M.?l,,l. ""Wo wn . ' , ft W!.r,p? ?'""" ,'"t"r ' BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHF1ELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits J12G.000.00 OFFICEUS: J. W. Dennett, President Aithur MoICoown, Socretnry Ton. T. Honnott, Vice Ilennott Swnnton, Troasuror Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns trustee of express trusts and also as executor and administrator of estatos. The only Trust Company In Oregon outside ol Portland organized undor now trust law In this state. KQUIPPKI) WITH WIUKLKtvS. jteaniship 'Breg&Wal AIAVAYR ON TIMK. SAILS ritO.M .I.USUFIKLI) DL'ltlXC. I Klllir.MlV 0NIES I.OWIXd OATHS: FF.IL (I, 10:00 A. M.; FLU. l;t,0..) 'M, 1:00 P. M.S Fi:il. 27, M:00 A. M. TICKETS OX SAMS AT I'OItTI.A.NI) CITV TICKCT OFrnj AND OAK STUIMCTS, POIITUXI). j Phono 5-J. O. II. LXIini I log classes. Our thanks nro extend ed to Mr. J. Albort Mutsou for bin Interest nnd kind nsslutnnco. Funds for thlH Investment were accumulat ed by tho dopartniont. Tho girls' glee club will glvo a musical program before tho Mihool February 12. The program Is now It. preparation. Thu public Is In- vlto.l. Tho combined gleo clulw of the high Hchool nro plauuluK a inimical program to bo given at Hunker Hill nbout the Inst of Fobrunry. Tho program will consist of mimical nuinbora by tho clubs singly and to gether and of a short pantomime. Tho first of a series of flvn forroil from thu Central scIkm.I. Harold Iioone and Loletu I ...... j havo been lnent nil woek on ncronnt' or iiiuotui. lllble school at 10 a. m. Christlnn Endeavor nt 0; IT, p. m AMI IM-MIH.MATIOX FOH UKLIAULi: AUSTU ITS OF TITLE Alilll'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAUSIIFIELD AM) COQFILLE vi'VY, OUIXJOX OEXEHAL AOENTS. KASTSIDK AM) SEN(.STA('KEXS ADDITION' AOEXIS l()lt (W.VADIIX PACIFIO UAILHOAI) LANDS ' 1IEXUV SEXt.STAt Ki:x, MAXAOEU I !IUU' cum . Tho Olrle' llypKierlo, f , Marahriuld nieh Snlnu.i ,.,u, i,.u, ., ,, rv mm Wednesday ovenlMg ., ,0 auditor ium Hint elected tho following offi cer for a term f 8x M0m,B: Pnwldenl -.w wtlUtH Harris. Vlce-presldenl Silas Alene J.uuder Troaaurcr Ituth Cowan. Hecrotary liertha Davit. The uamot of Velwa Uoaa, Uolen Ini.llUl lll'.ll Allllll lnu-u. u . ... . . . - " " " ' . .. " w"h wvr nuueti miieiios to bo sorvod In tho high l0 "10 inHwithli roll. school kltchou will bo sorvod Thiira-1 Tll literary topic for the evp.ilii day, February 11 from 12 to I i wn "Alaaka." llelow la th0 uro. o'clock bv tho Bocond your oooklnic ' r"m. v)'" hly given: class. Five members of the claw College Songs goelety win uo wio sorvine. 'rue coe w 111 . "" or "ine Call uf the Willi Alice MuthUnn "Alaska iu Ueueral.". . .SWEDISH ICVAXtJEHCAL . I . IiIJTHKHAX CIIUUCII. I(UV. II. F. ltKIlBtaitll Pllulf.r Uealdem-e 2D I Highland avenue. Phone Dl-lt. Hunduy school at t : 1 a a. m. Senlces II u. m. v I METHODIST EPISCOPAL. .'oseph Knotts, Pastor. Siinduy school at 10 a. in. Moriilim gervlet, at 1 1 a. in. 'The Wtiu-liiiiun." This will bo jlhu first serniou of the revival. Mm. Cldlty will sing. Evening servlee: "A Ktartllng Mihu'ao Hushed." All aro cordially lnvltod. Epwortli League at C:30 p. in. Junior Longua Sorvlco Thursday afternoon at U:t5. Prayor Mooting Thursday oven lug at 7:30 o'clock. '- TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remlnnton Roval 0 iver, L. C Smith, and Smith Premier, fir Vcrv tor exol "anne Cloaiiliig, re.alrInK or nw platens, ork Kiiar,hitl . 1 IbbonV ffi e-rlM pnper delivered. Phone hyoiir order. Phono ! t. A f"i?a TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. METHODIST CIIUHCII Hev. A. S. lllsey, Pastor. North Demi bo 2G cents. A llmltod liniiilinr nf KUosts from ontsliln thn suimii mav ' Paper, ha Rorvpit Iiv tnlniilifinlno. Ml.. f.,,..-. .,.. . .IV- Twenty boys, forme, ly muinber, W "Mining" 'it'esourm of fondw8-BQrVlUd 8Undny W,U be ai of Mr. Tlodgon's old English class. Alaska" ciara Sergeant I Sunday School at lo a. m woro organized luto n fire oompauy S1'T of "The Slher Horde"... ' Vespor Circle and Epworth League ....n vc.v. JKUUUU8 uiiapuiun was , A.Iolaldo Ciaiko "' c' " "' T1IKYSAAM3 YOU ArONRY Iwbi'ItostoFORD cars ISAAC R. TOWER Atfont Coos and (in-i-y Counties, i-ont Street Ari.p:i.i . - "imaiiuuill, U1C IITEfi-OCEI TIlSPBrai I Scmi-wcokly service Ooos Bay nnd San FriMj STEBIP REMI! li'iti lmii .. ................ ........... ,i. ivncffl "inn rwiin 1'nii.n .,i,iiiniiiii'.i,ii iini ftl. iim.hw"ii AND HAX PEDHO .SL'DA, KCIIIIl AIIY 7, .U'l Equipped with, wireless nntl submarine befl. i-assciiRors aiui i roiinu. STEAMSHIP MJIHJi SMIT1 T. .1. SCAII'i; e A. li. nmir.ivu'' ' " . 'JD t '" Paper elected chief, .lack Murchnnt. ussi.t nut chief. Thoy will studv the hli. Bchool buItiUiiu so ns to know hew to get nt a flro; tho locution and to meet once in two weeks mo of tho flro flKhtluK apparatus Present Wodnwdny ovenlng wore Htlcs of Ataska" i a,u." M,f..U) lu l alor ,lll' . Henn Iliiglund ' It Is the lutmitlon nf n-.. n..iaiv I ('A'l'imi.K i-iii'imm. - ---- . . --- - .M.USI IU.I) Marshfield PAtNT m - aiinUU. DLCORATING CO. Estiiiiulo-. I'liMiUbcd I'Iiimii- I Mii,ri(.:.i i ..... Y -- ftuil I H of first valuo and should be iurod for first. Times Want Ads I Bring Results .NOUTII iikvii C. A. Metllu, Prop. I I'llr trfr ..AK. Mass Hiii bo ,..; . ' 'nc UUUb HOI Fl "-" "H ML a. (Ill ITi.a... i. ... will bofslvon nttontlon; some point- Ma8 Wnthor SI) varninn, WH4 lliiCH,,J0!ao 'clo,k 8unday wornlug I W'ASlliNirrox vij?i'K,,,d era on what to ilo with chomlonlH lnirl8s u"' MoiigHu, Clara Serf eut. I y '' "mr Mevllt. , I STADDEA KTUKKT l"" "' ,,ro win uo Klvon nttontlon 'irgret stack, Until Cowan. Her- eu.T '; i .lii. tim ... . . . ..... ...... ..... ' SsPIci'lAI, uu niivu ...... ... ,,uw ai KiiQwtng what Is "" "avis. .Maoei tininol, Vera Car- ....,.-,. ,.. .MBiuison. uuuy Carlson.. At Ho u,u, 8Crvco .- ,, I Helen Daniel. Adelaide Clarke. iav,Sb k,.i..m. LuT. .1 . ay ,n isr. 't ;""'"'.'-'.- -"..."T1 Anna Dow.s, LeaJer. EthelBt. Johns ioaii,,?.?' JoMiihann. Unit. n.,- ... ....... . . ulw. Illtl. The sub-, om "" """ """"f ror lb twlnirttoH Will U, "Th Kofuriuntlun." KODTII COOS IlIVKH llOAT I SKUVICE LAUNCH EXPHESS lenves Mmsli field every ilny 111. j.enves iieail of river I I nt : J : 1 ." p. in. I I STEAMED HA IX DOW I lenviM licnil or river ilnlly nt 7 I n. 111. Leaves MnihUlflil at 1! p. j iu. Km- ilmrter iipply on liotii tl. KOt.EItS ,i SMITH I l'roii-utors Equipped with wireless nnd sulminrino belL Passoncrers nnd freight. WILL SAIL THOM SAN' KKANTIMfO I'OU COOS MI KHIDAV. M:illU'.HlV4i San Ii'raueiseo office, Greomvidi street plcrl and GOO Fife building. t . uoos May Agent, 0. P. McGkohge, r rUEIOIIT. ARROW LIE STEAMER rtan Kranclseo Plor No. 20. Evory Wodnosdnr 3 P. M. Phono 278. SAIL KHOM Cooa Day Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS 1J. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock I'ortUJl j Albert W ""lA. ""'""""W","""""""""""WWSaaBaj,aBaalBllaaB,""" 4 I Pichires&Praming I vruma OlUUIO 1 1 . Bl I " -"-..! 101.11 . l. -. I . ..... 1 I I.. .M IV .1 LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS u!,' ,TrVst Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopondablo, Immty ? to8erylco. prompt attention MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. jwesteinoon UDES, ClEm , "AAS DUOTHEILS Wo '" I'cl, 5?y ClffnlJ ffK I ImiHii inn. anil Wlmlusnle Orucere . . . "limine u, Orecon Tel. 304-It, nes. Mvr In most (lolkuto fulnlcs. Wo posl. i"t..iy Kimrjiiiteo ..11 ...,.,. KflfiNTZ GA?S ,,w -.- - ,U, Kicelslor Mown LEE Tl X)OS COl'NTV'SMO' J machi.,; .ivi) A' n"" um riASOLLVC FOB' ..nnn... i.MinVT ST. HWIli" rpl ...,n.i)ll.N Hbl ,Wli CIIA UrrFLi'S;: -mm Phniio ..-, oka j 25G CentralAV., AUdi cm SSI Central Avcuuo, g?Maan --ai. 'trW , A-?B-fc.vv-i