R THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1915 EVENING EDITION. rf w Price Is djfi r:j . iijitt wJ INS i n I IMFJXUP m&w HBK9v W f Hns w i mi !BH8u, ' H E i uu s. S , 1 .m jiwTi Li honaaarour . t JOtBBral RepRi'fWork. -a. I i K U&klHB,' tit 'i, I J .. - tPr ,' iiMKtu -0 BiBl7i? BJ-i ". . ,in. on- mi uHn tlon1 Tho1 ireols. . Herltal & 'i .. HIM 11 Of Key- tho ; plays l 15c; under' 'BOUtB f flvo ', Mu- and "Tho e-rool i five o. Bdw'y. rvice CLERY nmi in-j- JBM-W3?ln '-M-BBBaHincr v flilikNHHK-Bi ---H-V-3BJ-Hk1l--9VJ BBIi: bunch. 1 HwiCT----BBM-r bbbbuIBbbbHbbbs; ' HPca ' HBBW aEHah Iks-R DBBBBBBBBBBL l-HaBB-E-i-n k -' Always Low MERCHANDISE BUT NEVER AT THE EXPENSE OF QUALITY. STANCE. OUR $15.00 BLUE SERGE SUIT jWnJtJSJxpoct more for your money, oven at the sand you, couldn't get as much anywhere else. Two Stores HKIEK :: :: ::.- :: :: NORTH BEND You m'ayJbe cold ? .' a, hot price os 'ec-fll and wood boaters this week. ,'." Mill Bi Ull UJI U ilVULUI IIUIII .,..-.I III .71 IW..MF. TAtm. ... 1 ... ... - l.HHlii. ... Of l"f 4.. (Bill tlh SCHROEDER &,fHILDENBRAND IRAIj HARDWARE AND PLUMBING CEMBEAND GIVE US A TRIAL r- nflNG -IN TOM' 1IAKEKY LINK LFIJDLD '-BAKING COALPANY (D ST., NMAtt CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 12H. r, a chenp building lot? "Seo Held About It." fer"a small dalryraneh? fcSfc "Koo Held Alton! II." )iktacfr dcalrablo platting ncrcago? "rHMJ liclll rtltOlll II." coa) or timber lands? ''See Held About II." ImTmi likht'for laud or any description mvvi M ' ' iWaiTt. WELLS THeIeARTH In Small Clumks Orn lfiO Front strcot. " T TEA SIT1 1 1 C .- ;KlJrl I IrA ri'.rJ.1- c WEATHER VOItKOAST nr AtaUt4 rrfM lo Coon I)f Tlmw. OREGON Rain west, fair oast tonight, Sunday rain wost, rain or snow East. Easterly jylnds. . locAl temperature RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Fob. C, by IlonJ. Ostlind, Bpcclal govornmout moteorologlst: Maximum G7 Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. m 40 Precipitation . . .- 0.1 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1014 47.54 Precipitation samo period last year 42. Gl' Wind: Southwest; cloudy. ' Plan Dunce. Tho Cooa Bay Labor Council Is arranging to glvo Its an nual ball at tho Odd Fellows' hall 15C February 20. 15r WW 13 .....t ff...if.i.r TLn fntin.nl tf l llIVt..l 4 fl... "4 IIU IUIIUIUI U. '" Mloa Mniiiln Trnnr wnH linlil frnm tho fj IOC Wilson chape this moS-nlng, Miss 2 OtS. Montgomery officiating. Tho re- hor Ih mnliiB woro Bent to tho Portland Orn Li uiin;iu lum on tho Georgo W. Elder. MCn,i H. Jessen. M. D. $2.50 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fJOZ. Surgery and Diseases of Women a rJoz Specialty. " v- i p. it.,,,. i.i.i.. m.nnA oonT . Uniy rtea. Myrtle Arms. Phono 304-L DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUBLIC A regular stnto licensed undertaker will bo in charge Phono 105-J i Evangelist Ctiinliiff. Kvntieclist seuecic win nrrivu mommy on uuuh ' Bav nml will nreaoh every evening , fcr n wook nt the. Methodist Epla- cojml Church, whoro n cordial wcl- conio lias noon oxionueu 10 an m como aim noar nun. Got Out Logs. As a result of the recent freshet, tho Smith-Powers co. got out most of tho logs from Gould's camp and somo from Hoeck's canui, rioatlng thom down North Coos Klvor. They also got out somo moro In tho Coquillo Valley streams, Opeit Later. According to letters received by Jack McDonald, tho Simpson Lumber Company will not open Its mills at North Bond boforo March 1. In consequence, tho Mc - Donald & Vaughn camp at Blue Hldgo will not rosumo operations bc- foro that dato. Ho Wcnl' Wol. Tom Comaughlon wont wot last ovonlng. Ho cam paigned so heavily that shortly after 1 10 o'clock ho needed tho assistance f j a policeman to got to tho Jallwhoro ' ho spoilt tho evening and tho night j as a guest, nppoarlng this morning to dccinro a moratorium. Mr. Johnson Improving. Word received from San Francisco this morning was to tho effect that Al- frod Johnson la imnrovlnir and hav- inc taken a turn for tho bettor, would probably Improve. Ho Is an j Parents, thero will bo a serlouB ac nlil man of 70 years and for mnny d'lont soon. They catch on behind days ho wna not expected to Uvo. Goes North o Operate Dr. E. V. Morrow was called north this morn ing to aid In two difficult opera tions In Portland next week. Ho will work In conjunction with Dr. A. E. Rockoy, with whom ho was fornjerly connected In hospital prac tice Dr. Morrow expects to ho gono for about n week. Plan Opening. Tho Coob Rlvor rcsldonts aro planning for tho formal opening of tho flno now school which tho consolidated district, No. .1G, Is Just completing. Tho formal corc- J mony will bo hold within tho next two weeks, nnd it Is expected that thoro will bo a big. turnout to cole brato tho occasion. Independents Travel. On tho 1:115 train for Comitllo this afternoon ! thorn wont tho Mnrshflold Indonou- Idonts oulntet rondv lo do buttlo ! this ovonlng with tho Coquillo Hide- iPondentB. Iloth Otis and Flshor iwero unablo to go. Tho llnoup this Wnlne will b Ilvdo nnd Nlles. for - wards: llDwon. of North Hand, con - tor; Htifflngton and Morrow, guards. MHH Hopoit Finished. H. C. Dlors, who is compiling tho annual roport of tho shipping to and from Coos llav for 1914 for tho Coos Ray Port Commlsilloii, anya tho roport la Whltnoy, rccontly from California, practically finished. .Tho local lum-1 for t'10 w- w- NBon property at bor output of tho mills will con- tho corner of Sovonth nnd Flanagan Bldorably oxecod tho output tho pro-' nvonuo. This proporty Is 100x05 vlotis year. Tho coal shlpmontH "and ono of tho choicest npartmont nro also much greater, as nro tho 1 ,10,1Bo B't 1 tho city. It la prob dalry ablpmonta. Tho total tonnago ' nbI Mr- Whltnoy will oroct n build, may oxecod that of 1913. j -"B on this corner If tho dpmand I for hoiisos continues, Tho consldor- llus Kino llmicli Jack McDonald, ' nt,0 ' understood to havo bcon n who was horo yesterday, said that 'Uttlo loss than $5500. Mr. Nason ho is going back out to his Loon ,w, romnln ,loro b,,t ,H . --votlnic Lako ranch. Ho has nbout twenty , attention to hla mining propur mllch cowa thoro now. Ho la ar-, t'08- ranging to burn nnothor forty acres of elashlugB and plant It to grass. Ho has about forty acros undor cul tlvatlon. Last year, tho ranch netted tor statliig that tho U. S. Mint au hlm nbout ?1000 and whon ho gots thorltles at San Francisco pronounc- l. nlnnrlno- tl.nt lin linn nlnniiAil It Od tllO "nilffnlo NlclOlBM Which I "" " v " ""- --I - will bo good for ?2000 por yonr. ! j Married l .Tustlco Court. -Mrs. Mario Smith, ogod 49 y.oars, became tho brldo of John Ilogan, aged 47 . 'years, In tho Jpstlco Court this morn- ! Inc ihn noromonv bolntr nerformc& i-"., ,..- -- . i by Judge Ponnock. Mrs. Elvira Witt, I Coos Bnyltes who had hoarded up daughter of "Mrs. Smith, with hora 18 number of tho nlckols as husband, August Witt, appeared aa aouvonlra. wltncssos. Mrs. Smith has lived for Ilo Cros c,,(', Nt ""8 tho l n numbor of years on Kontuck Inlot. Mr. Ilogan 1b n farmer, claiming North Rend as his rosidonco. Tho couplo expect to reside on Coos Day. lluruaclo to Try Haiv At twolvo o'clock tomorrow, tho gasollno schooner Rarnaolo will leave down tho Hay and try hor first trip ncroBs tho bar and onto tho ocean. Thoro havo boon sovoral guests Invited to mako tho trip, expecting to bo gone until ovonlng. Roth tho englno nnd tho sails will bo tried out in an ef fort to find what speod can bo mado by tho vessel. Before alio sails south the owners nro expecting to put about flvo tons of rock bal- last aboard. I ' ' Pulp Mill Tost. It Is oxpectod that tho Cooa Bay Pulp Mill will resume operations within a weok or so for n slx-weoks test run. A pulp oxport Is coming horo to fol- low tho work and seo If ho can ascortaln some of tho troubles thoy havo encountered In making differ-. ent kinds of pulp. It .3 bellovcd that thoro Is too much salt In tho water, which Is taken from Isthmus Inlet. Whon thero Is a,frcshet, with lots of fresh water, tho pulp bleaches better. Has Good Average, According to n noto from W, M. Black, cow test- cr of llio Coon Ihiy Association, tho uoru or u. U. JOlinsoil, or Wlllnncll ! Inlet, lina mndn nn nvnrairn of 'ir, poundn of butter fnt, tho lactntlon period of tho cows now bolng about at a piobo. this is vory cioso to mo uest. recorus tnat navo ueen mauo ' In tho association this year. Tho dairymen are taking a great Intorest In theso records and promise thoro will bo some closo rivalry between ' tho dlfforout herds, j Hack to College. Carl . Larson left today to rcsumo his courso at I Oregon Agricultural College at Cor- vnllls. j , Council to Cooston. Tho ontlro , Council of EastBldo will go down ,to Cooston tomorrow for a meeting , regarding tho drawing up of a now city charter. Also at tho same tlmo nn Investigating committee- of throo will look into tho alleged election I frauds, M'otiif Car and Huggy Clash. A hi.ggy driven by Stanley Owen oithor backed up or was run Into by tho motor car today at tho corner of Commercial and Front stroota nnd ono of tho rear wheels sovored com- 1 ny with tho remainder of tho ve I'ie'e. No ono was damaged. n,,3' Hotliciv C. II. Walter says t,ult unless tho children on roller skates aro taken to task by their IiIh truck and wngon, especially on South Droadway, and then sud denly dodgo out to tho side, caus ing a likelihood of being struck by passing nutos. flhlp HiMly EiiHt. Tho Ilody of J. M. Grayson, tho old man who died on North Inlet at tho homo of Mr. Franklin, was shipped out today ou tho Hrcakwator on Its way cast to I'urkvlllo, Missouri, whero resides, a nleco, Miss Aunlo 10. Grayson. Tho deceased was 74 years of ago nnd had conducted a sheep ranch In Mon tana for years boforo coming to Ore gon. Ho was unmarried and Is sup posed to havo a brother In tho Phil ippines. IIoi-mj Wanted n Hwhn. P, 1). Gnvltt drove his clam wagon to the edgo of tho slip leading to tho Rain bow dock at tho foot of Market 'ntreot this morning nnd loft tho llorB Htiuiillnit wlillo ho transacted Boni uhIiimb. A sharp blast of ." "lonmuonrs wnistio starucu mo !nlmal and ho proceeded on a dead ' lw tho slip, landing on tho ' flont t,in wnK "1 llls -- Tim shafts wore broken off and tho IIUIUU , i ll MUIUIU IIU II 'clmiico to plungo Into tho bay. Apartment House Slto Bold. Alva ,)o tln' A n lo"l w,t' C. B. Nickels Aro Oood. Tho First National Dank today received a lot- woro thought to bo counterfeits to bo gonulno. Tho dofect in tho nlckols was duo to a dofoctlvo dlo which was destroyed, whon dlscov orod, but which was not until nftor many nlckols had boon put In cir culation. This will bo a rollof to .conquering hero comes," camo a man this morning from tho north bearing ' l's wldo nnd manly bosom on iron cross, uxamumuon oi too modal showed plainly that it had been manufactured out of tho best of Iron, In fact an ontlro Ingot prob ably was used for tho cross, enough to mako a dozen of tho variety tho Kaiser now plus on tho chests of his soldiers. Quickly tho Iron cross changed hands at tho Cliandlor and all aftornoon tho dlco boxes woro rattling In an offort to ascortaln tho ownership of the trophy, A clover cpntrlvanco, a sftfoty pin, is used for Pnlns tho great medal to one's coat' '' Counter Claims. When Lynn j Lambeth brought a bill of f20 to Dr. E. V. Morrow for alleged auto h'ro, tho latter Immediately brought a countor claim of $175 against Lambeth for nn operation on Lewis j Martin, n brother-in-law of Lambeth, claiming that ho promised to stand 'good for tho oxponso. Tho caso has been argued before Justlco Ponnock and briefs will bo filed on Monday, Martin, whllo In tho hospital, had la blood tranafusion performed, said to havo been tho first operation of this typo on Coos Bay, At that tlmo Lambeth gavo up part of his blood In an effort to havo tho Ufa of Mar tin, who died shortly afterward from a series of complications. 3roijir t' ' i7jSUM WfrfflX SxwBs jutg, HARRY WALKER wns bore , today shopping from Larson In let. MHS. WILL RICHARDS, of Coos Klvor, is a Marshfleld shopper today. NELS AND DAVE MONSON were Marshfleld visitors today from Tomploton. V.. N. HARRY, of Drowstor Valley, Is s visiting at tho Tom Coke home for a few days. W. E. HOMME, postmaster and store keeper at Cooston, accompanied by his daughter, was in tho city today. DR. HOUSL3WORTH was called to Coquillo this afternoon on busi ness, but will return again this evening. C. It. PECK and family loft this rftornoon for tholr cottngo on Coos Rlvor, where they will re- r aln over Sunday. AUGUST FRIKBEN loft yesterday for Myrtle Point nnd will spond n fow days at tho Smlth-Powors camps in that vicinity. Mlss AMOB PKCK left yesterday on tho Spccdwoll for San Diego, California, to visit friends and also with tho hopo of benefitting her health. INSPECTORS EDWARD3 AND FUL lor loft on tho Breakwater for Portland todny after conducting a steamboat investigation at Co quillo whero five men lost their li censes for twenty months. W. F. MILLER, superintendent of tho Roscburg, Coos Hay & East ern, accompanied by Mrs. Miller, loft today on tho Irroakwator for Portland from whonco thoy will, go to Long llcnch, California for a short visit. HARD FIGHT OVER OREGON GAME LAWS Many Amendments mid Changes Pnqxi.setl Homo Affect Coos County Regulations. At least four bills providing for tho reorganization of tho Fish nml Gnmo Department of tho state and nearly it score of others proposing various changes In tho gamo laws aro pending In tho House, and ovory ono Is oxpected to causo moro or less trouble, Tho movement to place tho rev enues of tho Fish and Gamo Depart ment In tho general fund of tho state has been attracting much at tention, and It Is probable that those measures will got a largo share ,n .,.. .i....-i. i tho remain- , Representative Gill, whoso bill Is No. 10, would make it permissible to shoot two fomalo China pheasants In a bag of flvo, and would pro hibit tho shooting of door In August. Ho also would pormlt tho killing of China pheasants In Union County from October 1 to Octobor 10, but would have no opon season ou theso birds In Josophlno, Coob or Curry Coi'iitles. , A provision would oxompt women from paying licenses. Tho limit for boys permitted to hold licensee wculd bo raised from 14 to 10 years, A summary of gnmo bills now boforo tho Houso Is us follows: II. II. 10, by GUI. Changing gamo laws to opon season ou fo malo ChtncBO pheasants. II. B. 35, by Schubol. Consoli dating fish and gamo funds' with genoral funds. 11. D. CI. by Vawtor. To divldo fish nnd gamo funds equally between state and counties In which issued. II. B. 101, by Schubol. Abolishing prosont commission and consolidat ing funds. II. II. 229, by Lafforty. Remov ing protection on boavors. II. 1). 234, by Clark. Fixing Bca aons and making It possible to soil gnmo birds In certain counties. 11. II. 235, by Fonwlck. Prohibit ing uso of dogs In hunting upland blrdf. 11. B. 258, by Davoy. Fixing sea son for gumo birds in certain coun ties. If. H. 271, by Barrow. Extending Biiuon ou gamo birds In Coquillo Va'ley from Decombor 31 to Janu ary 31. H. 11. 309, by Rltnor. Reducing number of commissioners from live to throe, governing distribution of flllid3. COTTAGE PRAYER MEETINGS Saturday A, II. Woodworth, An derson avenue; F. A. Sacchl, G40 South Eighth. NOTICE. All members of tho Merchant's Patrol, uro requested to bo presont February 9, at 8 o'clock. Important business. MERCHANTS' PATROL. CA'LOL LIQUID GLOSHtlio now perfect polb.li for Furniture nml tho homo. Ekblad & Hon. t. PALACE MARKET SELLS REST MEATS. Phono 400. J. THE Times want ads bring results. afiSofraJsr&Jrf? TESTIMONY TELLS OF EARLY TRIALS Mrs. Esther Lockhart Aged 90, Witness in Waters-Davis Land Case. Testimony taking In tho Wntors versus Davis caso Involves tho stories of tho early history of Coos Bay as told by old pioneers who when they were In their prlmo and who havo slnco watched tho community become well Inhabited. Of special Interest' Is tho testimony of Mrs. Esther Lockhart, aged 00 years, who fori a long tlmo was tho only white womnn on Cops Bay nnd who nt ono tlmo was ono of n number in a settlement visited by Indians who gavo thorn but 10 days to lcavo tho -mtttt October 18, 1853 is tho duto that Mrs. Lockhart arrived on Coos Bay from tho cast. Shu was then .18 ' years or cso. two otnor women, Mrs. Dr. Oborbcck and Mrs. Dr. Tolman, accompanied by their hus bands also camo at that tlmo hut I loft shortly afterward and thon for somo tlmo Mrs. Lockhart was tho only whlto woman In this vicinity. She rcniombors woll tho happon Ings of tho Roguo River Indian wars of 1855 and 185C. The soldiers came at that tlmo from Portland nnd Salom to drlvo tho Indians onto their reservation. Most of tho soldiers woro niombors of a volun teer state militia, organized liy tho early settlers for their own pro tection. Thoy later saw sorvlco, many of them, around tho missionary set tlement of Mnrcus Whitman near Wnlla Walla. Soldiers In thoso days woro paid but llttlo salary and because of the difficulty In shipping much of tholr clothing was homomndo. Mrs. Lock hart, In her testimony, brought out tho fact that at ono tlmo alio nlade 20 shirts and suits of undor wear for tho militiamen who woro engngod In rounding up tho Indians. It was but a short tlmo previous to this that a band of Indians had como to Coos Bny and ordor.ed tho settlors to leave, giving them 10 dnya to got out of tho country giving as tholr reason for making tho domand that tho whlto people woro driving tho gamo away. Tho settlers did not go but hold tholr ground mid prepared to do fond with tholr lives tholr nowly established homes. Tho coming of the soldiers scared tho snvagos nway and thoy caused no furthor difficul ty. WILL RUN RANDOLPH. ArcM'o Johnston nnd Frank Cutter- Hit Organize Port Or nl Company. Tho Port Orford Trlhuno Bnya: A deal has boon all but closed whoroby tho gasollno sloop Randolph will bo como tho proporty of a stock com pany of ton sharoholdors, six or eight of whom will bo Port Orford business men. It Is understood that tho consideration for tho boat was ?5600. Tho deal was consummated by Ar eata Johnston nnd Frank Cnttorlln of Mnrshflold, both holding n shnro In tho bont. Capt. Goorgo Forty of this placo will OBsumo command of tho Rnndolph and his son, Robert, will bo ouglnoor. It is tho Intention to put tho boat ou tho Coos Bay, Port Orford nnd Gold Beach run within tho next two weoks. OA'LOL LIQUID (3LOKS, tho now perfect polish for Furniture and tho homo. Ekblad tt Son. AUTO IE GREAT RECORD A GORST & KING CAR TRAVELS HOOD MILES WITH A FISK TIRE . ON THE MARSHFIELD AND " NORTH REND RUN. "Tho Gunnery" has on display at tholr storo u 37x5 Fisk tiro which ran 8G00 miles ou a car weighing 4200 pounds nnd carrying 5 to 10 passengers. This record, which sur passes any ovor mado In this section, was on tho Oorst & King auto lino between Marahflold nnd North Bond. This tiro Is creating considerable commont among car ownors and Is worth seeing. NIAKES Beware of the Panel Bottle Tho Panel Ilotllo Is mado to look large, but does not contain full measure. Thoy nro n trick of tho trade but "THE OWL" never resorts to tricks. Service, Satisfaction, Quality, Full Meas uro mid Full Weight always nt "THE OWL" ' F, D. COHAN. AMONG THE SICK -3 Mrs. M. A. McLaggan of EastsliJ who has hee:l suffering from thron trouble, is reported Improving. Elmer Vineyard of Eastsldo Is suf fering from an attack of mumps. Mrs. Frank Cassldy of EasUldo Is suffering from a severo attack of la grlppo. Mm. Morton of Eastsldo was ablo to bo out yesterday after being con fined to her homo for a week by an nttack of la grippe. Mrs. Tom Lawhorn was well enough today to bb removed from Morcy Hospital to the homo of her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cox on Ninth strcot. i I T w - - - A f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY l'OU RHNT Housekeeping rooms. 343 South Broadway. FOR SALE CHEAP Four Improved lots, 200x112, with C-room house, In North Marshfleld, also lot GOx 100, ou 10th. street, Songstackon Addition. Apply owner, Thos. F. Mlllor. WANTED Two ladles to domon strato In tho city. Comploto at tractive lino. For Information boo Mrs. Noyes Saturday ovonlng or Monday, Rooa 237, Hotel Cliand lor. FOR HALE Chwin Work homo at North Bond Stables. FOR HALIC Kvcr Iwnrlnjc strmvlicr ry plants. Order now. It. A. Cor tholl, Bay Park. " i WANTED Iirgo knitting mill In vites correspondence from womou desirous of earning moilay, part or full time. Good pay. Exper ience unnecessary. INTERNAT IONAL KNITTING MILLS, Wost Philadelphia, Pa. FOR RENT Furnished cottK', modem covoulonccs, North Third street. Apply Mrs. II. C. Wltloy, over Norton & Hanson's storo. Phono 100-J. FOR SALE It. I. RED Hatching Eggx, nickel onch, strong fortuity, hardy open rnngo stock. 1330 No, 8th at., Forndalo. i i FOR HAIjIC Ono Trusty -OO-cgfC In cubator, 15 Indian Runnor ducks. Will soli choap If takon at once. Ph. 1841k North Bond. EGGS FOR HATCHING fron thor oughbred, bred to lay, Burred Piyirouth Rocks. F. E. Raymond, Idaho street, First Add. Phone K-J during day. FOR RENT, X FOR RENT Furnished roorti wrl vato family, West Dimkor Hill, hot nnd cold water. Rath. Phono Call 31G-R. FOR RENT R.ronm cottage. Apply G48 So. 11th street.,, FOR RENT ."J.room Iiounj near Third and Anderson, JIG. Phone Dr. Lcsllo. FOR RENT Flno stock or dairy ranch, within a mllo of Marshfleld. 150 acres with 100 acres of bot tom land. Vory reasonable terms. Apply E. I. Cliandlor, Room 300 Coko building. FOR RENT Largo front rooms with heat. Suttablo for 2 or 3 persons, 265 N, 4th St. WANTED WANTED Amuteur entertainers for Saturday night. Prize" given. Apply Portland Painless Dentist, ovor tho "Gunnery," i i - t WANTED Those wishing good room and board In private homo, apply 229 South Broadway, WANTED Work nn ranch or iu camp by man and wife, latter ex porloncod cook. Apply Times office. i I I- wl II 1 l l-Mwrii il a I ' - ----. A g results. 1 vHB&BBBBBjBBBttf . i. ,TBT -nr "-"swr1: