w -v jwiniwawpujy jVi k targffwftMaiJjj 1 -wl'r'v(iHii,ps-' ii'"SMLH,TZll THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSM. OREQOH. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY JSW-flOM 3 FOUR Wi E t;ggygJE?7 '' ":'.' ...'-;' m tujm ; h IsV. 311 ftW. M COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. MALONEY, Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entered at tho Postof f tee at Mnrsn Held, Oregon, for transmission through the malli second-clan nail matter. Sorao Coos Day men are healthy becauso no Bclf-respect- lug germ would go near them. JENNIE OF KATOOMIJA. . l I 11)15 A YEAR OF PROMISE FOR COOS HAY. SIGNS substantial lndlcato tbat 191 C wilt bring renewed pros perity to Coos Bay and the en tire Pacific Northwest. A growing spirit of optimism Is noted and fwhoro tho psychic Influence springs from material foundations, ns In this caso, it becomes, In Itself, a powerful factor. Capital Is abundant and relatively cheap. Tho rediscount rate of tho Pacific Coast regional bank Is down to 4 per cent on 30 day paper, tho lowest rate In tho United States. Ev en New York, Philadelphia and Bos ton nro on a 4 M per cent basis and Clovoland and Dallas have a five per cent rate. This signifies nn abun dance of money on tho Pacific coast. Tho lumber business long depres sed, Is responding to revivifying In fluences and tho outlook has not ap peared so encouraging In many months. Tho Wall Street Journal lias advices which "lndlcato that thcro will be n resumption of activity In tho lumber business of tho Pacific Northwest." President Elmer Dover of tho Ta coma Ons Company states that many lumber mills, somo of which have been closed for two years, will re sumo operations In tho next two months and tho logging crows nro now being put back, with all Indica tions of nn nctlvo year in tho lum ber industry in that section. Manager Or ecu, formerly of Marsh Hold, but now managor of tho Evor ott Ons Company, also says that the two largest mills of Evorett have resumed operations. Coos Bny has been most fortunnto In tho fact that Its principal mill novor closod. Tho people- of tho city should npprecloto tho splendid sta bility ntul resources of tho manage ment of the C. A. Smith company that lms continued operations during a most discouraging and trying period. Now Hint thoro In promlso of bettor times In the baslo Industry of this section, thoro wll bo gonoral felicita tion. Taken by and largo, every thing Is In a sound and healthy con dition on Coos Bay. Unless nil signs fall, 1015, opening In a sunburst or promlso, will bring eoso and prosperity .to commorclnl lines nnd labor. iu- rtmrlna Kmlor. from "A Wnn- deror's Songs or the Sea." Tho writ er of tho following song spent a long time on ships In tho Pacific and Jour neying In Australia, New Zealand, etc. Thoso lines nro said to bo typi cally Australian. O my rosy laughing Jennie, will vnn hln nwnv with me? I've n station In the gum-bush whore tho grass will touch your AAA Somo Coos Bay women admit that their husbands occaslon- nlly mnko fools of themselves, but only when they let them Imvo their own way. You never can tell. Many a man who writes pretty punk love letters makes a mighty good husbniid. PERT PARAGRAPHS. s People cause no surprlso by say ing they enjoy, good health. Why shouldn't they? Every man Is nn Idealist before ho marries. Largo hopes from small Ideas grow. miw A hac ho or commands: n marneu I've a thousand sheep n-bloatlng, I've I man takes orders. INOI nil women nppreciiuu uiuu wuu a cosy hut for you; It Is lonely In tho gum-bush nnd there's room enough for two I O tho lyre-birds nro singing 'ncath thn wattles' iroldcn boughs. And tho distant doves nro cooing In tho glen tholr plalntivo vows; How tho gaudy parrots chatter, whllo tho magpies sound their tune, 0 I'm lonely here, my Jennlo, but you'll mnko me hnppy soon! ; And your voice, my merry Jennie, llko the Lcurn's silver fall I shall hear nljout tho paddocks an swering whenoer I call. When tho waratah's In blossom I am coming after you, For I'm lonely In the gum-hush and Micro's room enough for twol Even Franklin Burch admits that ho cannot remedy tho short-sightedness of a selfish man. A stitch In tlnio sometimes saves embarrassment. nrl llkn cnntlenioil Better meet a bill today than tho bill collecttor tomorrow. Many a woman has a fine carriage who nover owned a horse. Few people to whom you nro Intro duced really care to know you. It's tho Iron grip of poverty that make a man's clothes look rusty. Just nbout tho time a innii succeeds In developing n theory It explodes. It tnkes n homely clrl to look a mirror In tho fnce and sea Its faults. Ono advantago In being a bachelor Is tho collection of relatlves-ln-Iaw he need not stand for. A woman's Indifference has reach ed tho limit If she no longer listens when her husband talks In his sleep. As a rule n woman spends a part of her Ufo picking a husband nnd the rest of It picking on him. Today tho boy who Is sasslng mother will grow up nnd marry a woman who will not stand for any pert talk. Exchange. FIRST AQDITiQN TO MARSHFIELD Getting Started Riht, Is hnlf tho bnttlo. How many who locnto lu Mnrshflold ,nro told Hint Jnnd prices nro high, commence renting nnd continue renting. They nr0 r.lwnys complaining nbout tho high cost of living. And It is high FOll TIIHM, considering whnt thoy get for tholr money, nnd whnl they could get for less. That's getting started wrong. Land prices In Mnrshflold nro not nil high, nnd n further InvoHtlgn lion will convince you of this fact bo Hir ua your own necessities nro concerned. Consider FIRST ADDITION, lie ro you can buy n building lot no feet by ISO feet for $.'l00. It Is In it growing district of tho city where grnded streets, wnter service nnd other conveniences nro nlreudy provid ed. You enn buy hero with n smnll puynient down, mid ciui commence your building and your garden nt once. $!I00 for nn ideal plnco for your homo nnd sold on terms to suit your Income. Y. ""M.. ". - ! gfc , f MK91 (c n rn kwJ7 It MP 11 II I U n NY a3QrrrTCrfi ' M. .f Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. &, r it.. 'deuces of tho hard times brought on by tho wnr, nnd lnck of lucrative rcnl few pennies. Tho evening enmo to a cllmnx by estate deals and the failure of those h", ,',"" f BOll,nR "" ft c,,n,r , , , , I and featuring somo of hltt own per- ttlwi linvn nrnmlan.1 ri 1m 1 1.1 nrirn ntt-l (Continued from Pago Threo.) PRETTY WEDDING. BELGIUM AT THE FAIH. Jk T THE news that Belgium. fl spltu of everything, Is going to oxhlblt at the Pnnnmn exposi tion, tho American public Joins In n unanimous "Hooray for Belgium!" Of all tho ovldonco of norvo thnt tho plucky little nation has given, wo might call this tho norvlest. A peoplo without n country, unless u narrow strip of devastated mud flnta can bo called n country; n nation whoso nationality is denied, a roco with tho conqueror's heol on Its nock, n population subsisting from day to day on tho charity of strong ors, tho Bolglnns still bob up lin porturbnbly and send to Snn Fran cisco exhibits to roprcsont tho Bel glum that was and mnybo slmli lm Whntovor thoso exhibits are, It's tmfo to say that thoy'l! attract as much uttontlon ns anything else In the wholo show. A very pretty homo wedding oc curred laBt evening at 8 o'clock when Miss Illnncho Brewer and Mr. W. C. Whlto woro Joined In holy wedlock nt tho homo of tho former's sister, Mrs. J. II. Mills. Itov. It. E. Brown ing officiated with tho doublo ring coromony. Tho homo was beautifully arrailROd With lllnk fnrnntlnna mwl 111 ! irrnniiB. Thn lirl.ln uno .,..... t. .... . ... . ..v u....w i. ..a ivi; Ultuill- Ingly ifowned In whlto charmUiso with trimmings of duchesso lace, and tho vol! was draped with lilies of tho volley. JiADlES' ART CliUH. I Tho Ladles' Art Club held a de lightful afternoon session yesterday with Mrs. A. L. Houseworth. Tho "hostess was assisted In serving by Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzor, special guest. Tho parlors wero prettily decorated with red popples. Mrs. W. E. Hoag- land will entertain tho club nt their, piny of prosperity and flaunt It In tho annual valentlno oxchango party next faces of their less fortunato com Wednesday afternoon. Present woro f panlons, had to pay denrly for tholr Mrs. Johln A. Blntt, Mrs. A. S. Blan- folly, nnd they woro promptly hailed chard, Mrs. B. Curtis, Mrs. Jas. to tho Honorablo Judgo of tho Fines' Cowan, Sr., Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. court, which was prosldod over by Falkcnsteln, Mrs. E. Honglnnd, nono loss n distinguished porsonago Mrs. L. Q. Lnnc. Mrs. R. n M,r.. i,nn .,- ...-.i... ..... L. who havo promised to build largo np nrtment houses and other buildings for Mnrshflold. Thoro wns n pro nounced return to tho discarded gar ments of somo Louis the XlVth or Mario Antoinette, nnd somo were seen which showed thnt they had been rosurrccted from so Into a date ns the revolution, nnd somo could not af ford anything better thnn torn nnd tnttered gnrmentB, which, howovor, wero clean. No ono took umbrnge, however, ns ovoryono was caught In tho gonornl pinch. Thoso who woro presumptuous enough to mnko n dls Ym.lln.llnl nli. fntln...l.. .. 1L- iuiiunniH mo ; " " -1 uiun our wormy lenow towusmnn, coromony n delicious weddlnir Inn- tnur Mrs- "o3 Smith, Mrs. Frnnk I Arthur K. Pnnlt. nn .. n..ni i. choon wns sorved. The weddlnKlSumner' J,rs- Ivy Condron, Mrs. ChasJ occasion nnd was nultn nvnr i, party Included Itov. It. E. nrownlng, Fc,18,0r' Mrs- I,0nr' UoccU, Mrs. B. i common prlnclplo that tho nuallty of ... Him .ins, iv. a. ioyo ana oaugh- soniil attractions In his own lulmltn bio way and relieving what might hnvo been an embarrassing ttltuntlon In tho hands of the committee. Aftor Blinking hands with nil tho Sunday school nnd tolling thorn thnt they wanted by nil menus to como to the noxt social evening, tho guests ro luctnutly departed. Oreat credit Is duo tho momuorn of tho commltteo who nsslsted tho children In their offorts to mnko this a successful soclnl ovonlng, consist ing of Mosdnmcs Elliott, Pnyno, Corn ing and loath and Messrs. Pnyno. Swanton, Peck, Brand and E. Lothard McCluro. COOS BAY WATER CO. Marshfieltl, Ore. Family wator rates fixed by Rlnto Hnllrond Commlutoi lrt raucot Additional faucets for bowls, nlnka, etc HatliB , Additional baths Toilets 7...... Addltlonnl tollnta , Hates payablo lu advauco beforo tho 10th of each month. - SWEDISH LADIES tor Kathorlno, and Mrs. F. Bert ram and son Lawrence, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Theo. Brndloy, Mrs. Mary Nesblt, Miss Ellon Browor, Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. H. Mills nnd children Eleanor nnd Brewer. Miss Brewer .nuirh. Koimni II 11Vn1n .. ... 11. 11IIIIITH. TH U t'AKvAK n.l i . 1 . . . " " uiiu i iiiorcy snouiu not uo strnined, ns Mrs. A. L. Housoworth. i,,nny learned to their grief. Jn this H highly huninno work, his honor wns 4 nsslsted by n trained corps of officers JUNIOR SOCIAL. (whoso chlof, numoly, Fred W. Pnyne, -''"' snout lontr ilnVH nml ..ll,(a i.. . . ,w .... , ...nn. a .uiii .-..-.. ...w,.w, (Ullfelll OVI1UUI I - --- - m. HIIIVK UUIUIj Ul 1IIU for n taw IllnliMm l Vn.ll, n...i .1... I First Bniltls. f'lnir.'li Mian Alln fll, " w....o .., .lUlUt Ol'llll 111 (IS --- W....V.., KKDa ,iui,u A IVIV- ji-ur, oui is recently from Monmouth, r"1 "-'"cner, mot nt tho church par 111 l. ....... . I...... . ..! . in. .mt. untie b nomo Is In A bnn v.i ,u, "" Tiuny evening Oro. Tho brldo nnd groom will icnvo bnnday for San Francisco, whero thoy will mnko tholr futuro homo. Lost Wednosdny nftornoon, tho Indies nld of tho Swedish church mot with Mrs. Alex Lund and Mrs. A. Snndgulst ns hoHtossos. The lndlos busied thomsolves with sowing as usual and light rofreshmontsh wero served to tho following presont: Mrs. Otto Oron, Mrs. A. Storgnrd, Mrs. Win. Asplund, .Mrs. E. Ogron, Mrs. Nymon, Mrs. (jllbortsou, .Miss .Mnrgarot Knrdoll. Mrs. V. Ot?mn. WITH THE TEA AMD THF TnAOT "' '- TIIIMIII.E CLUIJ. good e;e.lv. Tho shortost and surost way to llvo with honor In tho world Is to bo in realty what wo appoar to bo; all human virtues Increaso and streng then themselves by tho prac tlco and experience of them. Socrates. 44 Natural history noglects to inform ns that tho foiualo elephant requires mrgor trunk than tho mnlc, Tho pliotographora wouldn't make so much money If tho world wnsn't full of people who are perfectly sat isfied with themselves. If tlnio was money thoro nro sev eral uroum! Coos Bay who could light their clgurottes with twenty dollar hills nnd never miss thorn. Yet those samo fellowscome of thorn, at least wear better clothoa nnd seem to havo more chnngo lu their Jeans than tho man who Is busy all tho tlmo. Every Coos Bay married woman nvjgja lot of stingy stories on her 1. The North Bond Thimble Club was pleasantly entertained last Friday nf tornoon at tho homo of Mrs. Oob Imrdt when the following officers woro elected: President Mrs, Geo. Mnndlgo. Vlco Prea. Mrs. H. J. Llndon. Secrotnry Mrs. Fred Kruso. Treas. .Mrs. v,. Vaughn. Hoportor Mrs. I. . Bnrtle. Tho mombois of tho club will bo hostesses nt n Vnlontlno party nt tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. 1. n. Bnrtlo on Monday, Fobrunry IB and on Fri day, Fobrunry 19 will occur tho reg ular mooting of tho club with Mrs. H. B. Haor. Tho members present woro Mrs Win. Vnughnn, Mrs. It. u. Hazor, Mrs. H. J. Linden, Mrs. Goorgo Mandlgo, Mrs. Frod K'ntso. Mrs. n. k, ur. niolste.-, Mrs. V. E. Wntters, Mrs. E S. Hussoll, Mrs. J. H. Grovos, Mrs' F. E. Ghulor, Mrs. I. B. Bnrtle, Mrs. Derbyshire, Mrs. Gobhart. IHtllKJK PAUTY Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Pnyno entor tnlned nt royul auction brldgo with nullo Inst Tuosdny ovohIhl' n ii.ni. npartmonts In tho Myrtle Arms. At tho evening's closo. dollclous refresh- inonts woro sorvod to tho following guests: .Mr. and .Mrs. A. T. Lagor strom, MIhs Nora Tower, Miss Gen ovlevo SongBtnckeii. Messrs; n.ivi.i llDlxon mid Hay Kaufman. TllO Junior Pllllntlmn Rnrtlntv nf tlm ' I.... 1,... l... . .... "'" -- - - - iiw&j u & liiu iiin iiiiiiii iiiiii ri'iiii r itm n n i u i . entrnnco ncross tho thre.hq,a. .nS ! R o , n iTc J ' HHs' Biisplclous characters. Manv ,,.',: . J .' ' ln' ' J' . ? ,,B" and iiar- tlm nii0 ., ","""' ",B- l'- Bl. Mrs. Alfred tlally complete plans for the year's .prf,". ,e. w aZp ? S, !'V,n f?' Mr8' A' activity. Tho followInK nrocrnm wn-.Mi. . " '", 'neon, tho Misses: Solmnn Edwards ontortnlnlng and attentively listened. 7 , Z , IPn ""..." -"""'l ""1 hl ABoa '1 es" Sand- toSM:tSL - .. t,o dKe;;0f'th.U " " ""DB '"-" J-nng. i was nil for a worthy om.n nn.i n. persona: ERVICE Vocal solo, Miss Ruth McLaugh lin. Recitation, Miss Naomi Smith. Vocal duet, Misses Allco Tickoll and Ruth McLaughlin, end justifies tho monns. One of tho prominent sons of Marshflold, as ho led his wlfo In on his arm most gal lantly, heedless of tho signs nil about him, rovonlod to the vigilant and Row Qulst, Julia Bongston B. F. Bonestnn Mrs. Eric Johnson will bo hostess tho first Wednesday In March. anmos and refreshments comnlot-LVA. f n,n -. ... . M .nt ed tho evening's enjoyment. The shining go fr, t 00 8 Vh ,?.: :r asnlu tho nr8t itconcii ... ....,.,., iinifi iiu olv nAMAn ...lit. . . ,.-... ... d,a vuiiio wiuioui a murmur. A. X. W. CIiUll Tho A.N. W. Club met with Mrs. O. A. Bonnett last Thursday after noon at which tlmo a short business mooting Wn8 hold. Tho rnmnlnln.. time was profitably spout In sowing, TllOI'O Worn nrnannt. Mlo., .11 I Tiehoii. !.; v.;:r...r ,.rirm I,ufrs ln tho , elaborate ,..;:..; ,;:.: ,'",,l",,tuu,B"-1 leauicrs nd allk hose received no Z ' T "' tu,m U088' wwlo'inorcy. Much pralso Is duo to ono of " l" 1,oste88' n88l8,C(, by Cox Lrnnces Lang, Wllln Bonebrake, I tho under office, No r Is Fxlu for ' ' "?' ?' K' noU, 8crV0(l Electable Miriam Wright Naomi Daniels, Hll-Jhl. strenuous labor. I roum, ? I rr"1" - o tho following mom da Olson and Mnrjorlo Fu.mer. tho Kretest numb, o of to V, e ! SSn 'rB- f AI,en' Mr- F' M' !'lltl Blrl. not to mentlo 1? tJT S Ts' Th "T Mr8 1 -.. tiiMiKgii 1 rniu 1 .1. i. . ... 1 4 111) JUVOni ( I 'nil- .,. l.l.. .plte two suied over by ., of ti, ' ! A unique and highly Interesting talr rtbbon -ni "" nMn,e"Ve social was hold last ovonlng In G ulX . . , 8 "rom"tl- ed Hal. of the Episcopal 7uZl Z IJ'I VV l "" f f,V Cen,S' tho auspices of tho Sunday s 00 ' a ,2 Z froT"" 'n 8rCat S, children, who are iilunnlnir on nl i '" OVOry ovl1 B0, er,os ol social affal's tt Z" ?T l60"8 to l"080 "ho are wait- .!.... 1 . . ... . M'KJI-Il. ...tD uuuvr acqniniea with tho oldor uieinuers of tho parish, ntltni nrrnU i.-i . ... 1 vwa &iiimii! imiuiiin niini. .1 . "-- uiiiuiiiu iiii:ii 1 rnu" mni..i. . some away, thoro was a splendl n Z , m , COt0rl of leBl tendnnco of tho grownups n lev' . J arBUf,oW. J"E J. T. all relished the Cl t?f' nln,B B Breat lov of boys, youngsters and that wLT;dbeiLJ'l,?0,U3 Wr t0m,,ered "" provided for them. Somo hir I nrob In T "Z MHl but few ot "' loins wero set for the wJuc To the ZT"? ttm " he. d It seemed fo while as 7' 8" e,,Ce' beln 'et t on parole hough some Solomon wo, d , 0 to' LZ ? " rCCent guberna o enlisted In the cause to aveV i , ' "' ln Oreg0,U tho tangles. uniael y ,lon evory ono BeenJoa to bo Tho evening generally took on the .onf ?"1ft WlMl ,nerrI,llet and character of tho name 1 ?" ! "!?.d:n ured ,?d,n . "ound. a -octal and there were abundant C (1- "HKIIS, .Ml-8. UeorEO Muroh Mr. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Mnry McKnlght Mrs. B. O'Connell, Mrs. II. E. Qulst, and Mrs. Chnrles Stnuff. Mrs. Ollvln Edmnn will entertain next Thursday nftemoon. PRESHYTERIAN LADIKS. Tho North Bond Presbyterian La dies will moot noxt Wednesday nftor noon for aid work nt tho homo of Rev. Fred Shlmlnn. I l'AKTY THURSDAY. Mr8. c II. Wilson entertained at luncheon Thursday noon In honor of J IS eo? Poro"' "y miss ".men V.OK0. Every advertisement in the COOS BAY TIMES is a distinct and def inite messenger of personal service. It can only profit the man who pays for it provided he makes it pay you. The man who advertises, can only succeed by making flood. Promises may make a sale once in a while, but performances count for the net profits. ' We invite every reader to make use of THE TIMES' advertising col umns, knowing that they voice the message of men and things wortn while. A. - (Contlnuod on page eight, Bt-fe...,Hii.mh. i ' rt iiiTl'i til 'Hr Bfetortir Qui Vj. mmm tei mm j, - "- uiajivuNvu tor a