The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 06, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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J 1 wSBBit AO wl "N J onetenpoonfule rit-nl.irch.cnc hiidupfu) SSr 5$TOfS vSi-v
' ' 3wSEIl 4 iv.7 ur; Iwotctspoonh It ol Qhlrardelll Oround ((W''L !$Mf JffiSSy5 J
t St. WrlB JAIISS Chocolmei one tcrmpoonlul vnnllta. Scald milk rind C ' VSSW, .JIKra$Stot!22V J
!" jImWR ritfsA. eJ -1 the rorn-st itch which lint been diMoIvcd In a llttlo T tKslr!SH!ffiSfe5J'j-
V - F 7 yAW offieco'd mdk bet eg; nml add to the mixture with -v.-1'?twZ 'tc' JlS'
1 ''MWlllttVi A7)l)r 'uaw, chueol-Uennd vanilla. -- uV4i , '7j"iLV
f . '' hmk)' " is -thing that adds so much to ChOCOlS Ce
! V Mm&W' ln,dding( blanc-mange, custard or cake Q3 a wt'Av
i 'fflfiaf delightful chocolate sauce made with Nfj&SA
SfSLJff Ground Chocolate i(FW
ti&M&' xc rc1 ''avor f hia most palatable, moot con- Ju&J'Tj
IJjSjirVfjio , . venient, most economical form of chocolate wOw
'JSlft ins mac ' c standby of good 'cooks fJr
UnHoKC i,. ' for over sixty years. yJJw&)
MYMftFl 1 3 WilllliTI M licaMifi'1 purlly it retained ifi hermetically rigr
fflM-'4' scaled Urn -wW
IKSKpffiVr1 'f4;i kV u ghirardelli co. s-Yi
tBBBJra"ff!M!' tWf' San Francisco Since 1852 Z&ffi!!r
1 Several Good Proprams To Cnrnp Snnn Ws!381
- Q " -. " -"WA.& 'IV
-, 1
m IS
f El
lin PRESENCE In America tills
BenBon of five of tho world's
most famous pianists prompts
11AXI concert.
oJ22i&a3scv '
(Continued from Page Two.)
ciiamixadi; club.
Director It. N. Fcnton of tho Coos
tho Symphony Society of New York, , "'or " " I'cnion or uio oos Tho chnmlnnde Club met FHday o
.... . . miv 1 nniinrr nnni inn nnnnnnniwi inn, . . . ...
waiter Dnmrosch, conductor, to nn- : ' -"-w - """"v-" ""-norning at tiio library fOr their regu-, Thursday
nourlco a special sorle(s of fle 111ns
ter composer concoi ts for Fob. 1 and
10 and Mnrcli 2, a and 1C. Harold
Unuer will bo tho soloist for the
Urn lima program, Fcrrticclo Uusonl
for tho Liszt, Josef Hoffman for the
Rubinstein, Ixonaid llorwlclc for the
Hcothovcn, nnd Osslp Gabrllowltsch
for tho Tscliaikowsky.
A pianist, by nnmo David Saplr
Bteln, hitherto unknown to fame, has
given seven programs In eight days
In New York City during Inst week.
Mr. Saplrsteln played In nil 1C2 com-
tinaH Inn a A u n mntitnitf fori t n tl
durance "test tl.1. ha. not boon J 3iKH- TOXWAY 1X I:0,TAU J
followlnir iirnirram fop thn roiriilnr 1 . , -w .. , iiiiuuuii iiiiurnoon uio liauiOS'
1; iVoSr con'at z yz T7cCa z?zm yM:t rx nt th,
SnnnpiH M,onn. , .... n Ml " I Chandler rem a very In- home of Mrs. P. D. Dlalto for thoir
nt - nvinnk- 1 ioroMinB nnd comprehenslvo paper on seiul-mon Hily meeting. Tho nnmo
".".: - ..... "Tho Violin nnd Violinists." At tho.oloctod liv llm now onratii.mrni. m
next meeting Miss Ilcsfllo Ayro will 'tho Dorcas Club. After tho business
hnvo clmrgo of the pnpor on "Cham- sosslon a program nnd hour of nee
bor Music." dlowork were enjoyed by the Indies.
Tho Club voted fto subscribe for At the closo of thortfternoon n tompt
four musical magazines which will ing luncheon wns served to Mrs. J.
bo donnted to tho public llbinry for T. Collvor, Mrs. John Mnttson, Mrs.
tho lino of tho public as well ns tho Strickland, Mis. H. Rinithgall, Mrs.
club mombors. Tho mngazlnes cho- George Rosa Mrs. Fied Messorlo, Mrs.
son wore Tho Musical Courier nnd Krnost Smith, Mrs. T. M. Collvor,
-uisicni .nieucn, both weekly pub- Mrs. Chns. Spooilor, Miss Lena Mfttt-
Mnrch. "Comrades Club". .Suolnnen
Overture. "Bohemian Girl.". . .Dalfo
Mazurka Carnctorlstlauo,
"Amoroso." Nnvnrro
Solcctlon from "Tho Scronndo."
Victor Herbert
Rng. "Tho Booster." Lnko
(Uy Rorjuost.)
Waltz "Wedding of tho Winds."
Oporntlc Potpourri "Tho llrond-
way Review." Lampe
Tho Star Spangled Dnnncr.
ariunlled slnco the great Rubinstein,
10 years ago, gavo seven recitals In
1 1 days in tho old Stolnway hall.
Mr. Snplrsti'ln Is not 0110 of tho
worid-fnmed pianists, but ho hns dono
not 11 llttlo during the week to bring
to tho young students of piano mu
slo at least n hearing of many com
positions, mnny of which have uevor
before been heard In this city.
Caruso, It CC01118, la leaving the
Now York Metropolitan opera houso
lu mid season bocauso tho ninungo-
nieiiL Is cutting down snlnrlcs. That
seems a pity, for Caruso; this would
make, Mrs.
Mrs. Harry
A most Interesting inimical pro
grnin wns rendered Inst Sunday nftor-
moon lu the llttlo town of Sumnar,
have been an Ideal opportunity to 'by tho Sumnor Orchestra, under tho
Mrs. F. 12. Conway will npponr In
concert at tho Myrtlo Arms nmnso
mont hall on Monday availing. Mr,
GJerdrum will piny her accompani
ments and tho guests will Includa tho
mombors of tho Chamlnado Club and
their escorts, tho guests of tho Myr
tlo Arms nnd tho parents of Mrs.
Conway's pupils.
I wmivi.'if nMvrM.Mt'i' 1
1 ' ' 1 Kalry'B Slumbsr Song Uartlott
r.oo p.xitTV.
llcatlons, and Tho Musician and tho son, Miss Gertrude Gtirnolle, Mrs. M.
.uiiBicut .Monitor ana worm, month- Messorlo, Mrs. P. D.
ly magazines. Tho Club also or-'Clarcnco Coll'or and
dored tho fifth volume or GrbvoVltuimoll.
Musical Dictionary, which was not, .. .5
on tho market at tho time tho four'
previous oluiues wore given by tho
club to tho library.
Tho club experts to hold a pro
'grain meeting during tho last wcok
'of February and Is practising on n
dumber of choruses to bo Hung nt that
time, ninong which aio tho following:
Tho Year's at tho Spring lleach
uown in tho Dowoy Dell ... Smart!
Lust ovoiiiiig nt her rosldoucu stu
dio, Mis. A. 11. Gldley presented Mrs.
Poarl Riley Halllngor, jiicv.zo, Miss
Anna Cox, contralto and Mrs. I2rrosPlny tho rolo of tho mngtinrilmousjJoadorHhlp of Mr. Arthur Selandor,
slur. Caruso must hnvo made thous- It would hnvo dono honor to n much
- VHglJUKf.r,"
JJwgiii iiniins3ccagj.t
m iB&i MP
i I ' - mm
, ;-Wfeu
r ISliSJjfcia
L'SsSk rA-mm !
j mmiu.mrmmjj?
Torrey I.oylnnd, soprano, In recital.
They woro assisted by Mrs. 12. Stanley
Heiulorsou, contralto, and Rox Strat-
(ou, pupil of Mrs. Perl Riley Ilnlllu-
gor, In a piano number. Following Is
tho program:
1 (u) Until You Ciimo .... Motcalr
(b) Allah Cluulwlck
Mrs. Porl Riley Dnlllnger.
2 (n) l.ouh Lomond
Old Scotch Song
(b) Just n-Wenryln' for You..
Cnrrlo Jacobs Ilond
Miss Anna Cox.
3 (a) Tho Llttlo Dust Man. Drahms
(b) Oh Haunting Memory
(c) Gioy Day Johnson
Mrs. I2rros Torrey Loyland,
I Tanintello .' 12. Sllvns
Rox Stratton.
G (a) Cnlm As tho Night
(b) When Song Is Sweet
Stnnloy Henderson.
amis In tho past from tho Now York
public, but when tho shoo Is on tho
other foot, how soon nro favors for
gotten. Community sings In rural neigh
borhoods nro moro likely to fall for
wnnt of good loaders than for any
other reason. Tho lcodor should know
n llttlo music nnd know how to or
ganize human material. Tho songs
chosen should bo old nnd well known
such ns "My Old Kentucky Homo,"
nnd "Tho Huzel Doll." If tho words
enn bo printed, so much tho hotter.
In tho Court of tho Four Seasons,
on tho opening day of tho Panama
Pacific Exposition, February 20, a
chorus of 2C0 will ralso its collective
larger town and a moro oxporluncod
group of musicians; thoro woro or
chestral numhors which showed wciZ
'and moro work by this handful of
players who nro dovotlng their lei
sure tlmo to prnctlro. This Is the
first concert of tho kind tho orchestra
'hnB given nnd too much cannot ho
'Bald In prnlsa of Mr. Solnnder nnd
thoso under his lendorshlp. It cer
tainly is commendatory for n hand
ful of men llko theso young men, lu-
f experienced nt that, to hold together
In spite of all obstacles nnd accom
plish what they hnvo In tho past nine
months. It Is tho Intontlon of tho
organization to give theso nftornoon
concerts often nnd It is hoped they
Will bo woll attended. Upsides Miss
Jllldur Selandor, tho orchestra nc-
volco In ono of tho most magnificent companist, nnd Mrs. Grovor Motley,
choral compositions, "Tho llcavonsftho solo accompanist, tho mombors
Mrs. Perl Itlley Halllngor.)
Tho mombors of tho club present
at tho meeting Friday woro Miss 13vo
ln AndorBon, Mrs. Perl Riley Ilnllln
gor, Mrs. H. K. Dooth, Mrs. 12. I.
Chnndlor, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. Lovl
Dnlglo, Mrs. Mnlr Dnno, Mrs. 12. Do
Inn, Mrs. W. N. 12kblnd, Miss Ursula
Farrlngor, Mrs. J. C. Oardlpor, Mrs.
A. I), Gldloy, Mrs. J. T. Hall. .Mrs.
Wm. Horsrnll, Jr., Mrs. 12. K. Jones,
Mrs. Jos. Knotts, Mrs. R. N. Lewis,
MrB. H, E. Miller, Miss Clnrn Myron,
Irs. D. U. Ostllnd, Miss Edith Pros-
rton, Mrs. E. L. Robinson, Miss Gone-
viovo Songstnckon, Mrs. Chnrles
Stnuff, Mrs. M. A. Sweotmnn, Miss
'Allco Tlckoll, Miss Nora Towor, MrB.
L. Towor, Mrs. C. H. Walter, Mrs.
Georgo II. Watklns and Mis. F. 12.
Aro Tolling." Supporting tho chorus
tho program light will bo Cnssasa'a band of about fifty
oro nerved by Mrs. picked Instrumentalists. Tho chorus
Gldley to tho perforators and tholrlwlll bo under tho direction of Wnllaco
'friends who compilsod tho uiidlcnco. ! Sabln and tho chorusmastor will bo
Thoso students, with tho exception I Robort Husband, who Is now making
of Mrs. Henderson, havo studied only his soloctlon of voices, a work ho Is
sluro tho opening of tho sonson and omlnontly fittdo to accomplish, since
' both tonehors nro to ho congrntulatod ho organized tho hugo choir of Chris
upon tho qunllty of tho work pro-j tlau Endeavor Singers when tho con
duced. Mrs. Hondorson was In ox- vontlon of that fiocloty wns hold In
coptlonnlly good volco nnd wns honr-'Snn Frnnclsco sovoral yonrs ngo.
of tho rogular orchostra aro John
Staddon, Gono Staddon, Goorgo Ob-
forst, Fred Solandor, II. W. Snnford,
Ellis Solandor, O. N. Wilson, Georgo
Solandor, Grover Motloy nnd Arthur
Solandor, director.
Piano that the largest man-
:acturers of pianos in the
torld use for their leader
L. L. THOMAS, fs.
i! Avenue
tlly npplnuded. Slio rosponded to nn
encoro. Her accompaniments woro
played by Mrs. William Horsfall.
Tho othor accompanists woro Mrs.
Porl Rlloy Unlllngor nnd Mr. Rox
Stratton, tho latter playing also a
brilliant Tarantollo with very plons
Ing offect. Ho was obliged to res
pond to a hearty oncoio.
Hcnrik Gjerdrum
Solo agent for Coos Itay.
MitiiilifU'liI, Oivgon.
lone 356-J. .
rSo FraokMo
E Coeway
inti:uctoii IN VOICE
Willi llraiu'Iies lii
Eur Training, Sight llculiiig,
JCmiiu'Iatlim work for children lu Ear
Training, Sight Heading, Rnuiul-
atiou. Italeb tor elates of four.
Wednetduj'rt ami Ka(inlajs
Phone SOU-L .Myrtlo Arms
Miss Edna
Louise Larson
Pianist and Teacher
Studio Corner Central
and 8th St.
Telephone 137-U
Tho mombors or tho Girls' Glco
Club of the High School will appear
In rccltnl nt tho High School auditor
ium Friday morning, February 12 at
10 a .in. Tho club, under tho dlrec
tlon of Miss Mnrgarot Volz, director
of music, has boon practising till 1-
gontly nnd has chosen a vory pleasing
j program. Tho parents of tho pupils,
i with tho general public who aro in
1 tcrestod In tho progress of tho
j schools, havo boon extended a cor
dial Invitation to bo prosent at tho
recital. There will ho no admission
charge. Tho following la tho pro
gram: Girls' aieo Club
(u) Croon, Croon,
(b) Rockln' In do Win'.
Instrumental duot.
Girls nnd Hoys' Gleo Clubs
Indian Soronndo.
Victrola Solcctlon.
Girls' Gloa Club
(a) Tho Flowers' Telephone,'
(u) Springtime
Instrumental number.
High School Chorus
All Hall, Laud or tho Freo.
Tho members of tho Girls' Glee
Club aro:
First sopranos Elslo Hall, Mar
Jorlo Graham, Nelllo Warwick, Grace
Brown, Ruth Cowan, Dagmnr Files
burg and Vora Carroll.
Socond sopranos Wllda Harris,
Allco MathUon, Ucsslo Douglas and
Mabel Immol.
Altos Uerthn Davis, Maydream
McLean, Holen Smith and Volmn
Tho accompanist is Miss Esther
Tho vocal soloists at the next studio
recital of Hourlk GJordrum will ho
Mr. Rolf Nordrum and Mr. Roy Mil
ler, Messrs. Nordruntf and Miller
havo boon coaching with Mr. GJor
drum this winter.
Mrs. Porl Rlloy Halllngor will pro
sent sovoral pupils In n rocltai which
will tako placo some tlmo later this
Thoro will bo n mooting of tho Mu-
fslclaiiB' Union nt thoir hall Sunday at
10 a. m. On account of this tho
Symphony Orcnostra has postponed
Its weokly rehearsal.
Wolfram Schmoddlng this wcok ro
colved a now fluto from tho Wm. S.
Iluyncs company of Roston. It is a
solid silver Instrument and Is pro
nounced by musicians to bo or oxipi:
slto tone and workmanship.
Mr. Sc'hmcddlng'H attention vns
first called to this maker through tho
fluto which a pupil, Mr. Albert Sollg,
recontly purchased, and which Mr.
Schmoddlng found so oxcollont that
ho decided that ho must havo one
for his own uso. Ho Is convinced
that it is tho finest instrument mado
and far superior to nil tho famous
makes of Germany, with nil of which
ho Is familiar.
Mrs, L. L. Thomas, who has boon
actively Identified with her husband
'In tho Wiley II. Allen muslcul storo
of this placo, 10ft this week for Port
land and Hoqiilam, whero sho will
spend several months In tho hopes of
benefitting her health.
Miss Rhoda Seat Is arranging for a
concert Febiuary 1G in which two
Portland artists, William Wallace
Graham, vlollnst, and Miss Edith
Clarko Paterson, vocalist, will appear.
GRAHAM, violinist,
PATTERSON, vocalist,
of Portland,
will glvo n concert at Lo-
manskl theater Tuesday ovo-
nlng, February 1G.
Admission, first floor and
balcony. $1.00; second bal-
' cony, 50c. Seats on ualo 4
at tho Busy Corner,
Mrs. Hurry E. Utiltninnn was tho
charming hostess last Wednesday af
ternoon nt n FIvo Hundred party,
which lOfliiltoil In tho prize going to
Mrs. J. W. lllldeubrnnd. Tho de
corations weio nil of pink, tho dainty
color Bchonio bolng carried out
beautifully In ovory detail. Dollrl-
(Soprano solo pnrt by Mrs. F. 12. m,H rofoshmonts woro served by tho
Conwny.) hostess to her guests, who woro:
Wynken, Ulynkcn and Nod .. Novln MrH' Krnnk 0,I'K. Mrs. J. II. Stnd-
(Soprnno solo nnrt by Mrs. Mnvmo I ,,on' Mr8' Uo"ry Fourlori Mrs. J. Q.
Stanley Gldloy; four-hnnd nccom- Jnrvl8' MrH- Jn' " Tower, Mrs. R. N,
pnnlincnt by Miss Clara Myron nnd ,:Pl,lon Ml"8" !' V. Cattorlln, Mrs.
unn Koaung, .Airs. ioll H. Mnc
Mlllan, Mrs. Win. Schroedor, Mrs. J.
G. Klniioy, Mrs. Harry llradflold
nnd Mrs. J. W. Illldenbrnnd.. On
Tlnirsiloy ovonlng, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Uiiltniniiu ngnln dollghtfully ontor
tulned nt FIvo Hundred, Mrs. Idn
Conrnd winning high scoro. Dainty
rofreshmontB woro Horvod tho Thurs
day evening guests, who included
Mr. and Mrs. F. 1). Flotchor, Mr. and
Mrs. 13. Crosthwnlto, Mr. and Mrs.
F. V. Cattorlln, Mr. and Mrs. Cum
bers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Schroodor,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. a. Kinney, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. W. lllldeubrnnd and Mrs. Ida
At tho mooting or tho Eplscopnl
Ladles' Guild Inst Tuesday aRor
noon, no Important buslnoss was
linnsnctotl, other than tho final
preparations for tho St. Valentino
Ball to ho given on Friday nlijht.
February 12, in tho Englo's Hall.
Tho hoRtoBsoi for tho aftornoon
were Mis. E. P. Lewis and Mrs. Ar
thur McKeown, who woro nsslstod
In sawing by Mrs. John D. Goss nn.l
Mrs. J. W. Flanognn.
Tho afternoon visitors woro Mrs.
J. W. Flanagan nnd Mrs. John I).
Gi ts. Noxt Tuesday nftornoon Mra.
Guy Wniner and Mm. A, R. O'Brien
wll bo hostossos to tho Guild mom
bom. Thoso present woro Mrs, 12.
P. Lowls, MrB. E. G. Porhnin, Mrs.
J. 8. Coko, Mrs. Elizabeth Merchant,
Mrs. A. T. Lagorstrom, Mrs. Emma
NtiMburg, Mrs. Harry Nasburg, Mrs.
Huge Qulst, Mra. Bon Chandler, Mrs.
O Wurnor, Mrs. Arthur McKeown,
Mrs. L. W. Jacobs, Sirs. Jos. Forry,
Sr.. Mrs. W. 11. Curtis, Mrs. J. N.
llr'',Bs, Mro. Mary Browning, Mrs.
Otto Sohottor. Mrs. Cliuulo Nnsburg,
Miss Agues Hutchinson, Miss GOno
vlovo Songstacken and Rev. R. E.
? v
imllrGH CLUB.
Mis. Wm. Horsfall, Jr., eutortaluei)
tiio Bridge Club at luncheon nnd
brldgo last Wodnosdfly nftornoon;
Mrs. G. W. Kaufman winning high
scoie. Tho parlors woro artistically
decorated with greens nnd pink Blind
ed caudles. Following nro tho mom
bors presont: Mrs. Herbert Lockhart,
Mrs. 0. M. Bylor, Mrs. J. S. Coko,
Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. Wilson Kauf
mnu, Mrs. Wnrd M Blake, Mrs. It. S.
Towor, Mrs. B. M. Richardson, Mrs.
J. II. Flanagan, Mrs. Elizabeth Mor-
ohnnt, Mra. 12, G. Porhnm, Mrs. Roy
E. Mlllor, guest, nnd Mrs. William
Horsfall, Jr., hostess. Tho club will
moot ngnln on Wednosdny, Fobrunry
10 with Mrs. 12. K. Jones.
- ;
Mr. Rimy Stromborg will appear
In rccltnl of Scandinavian Bongs nt
tho Finnish Hall tomorrow evening.
Mr. Stromborg has n barltono volco
nnd recolved his training nt Helslng
fors, Finland. Miss Ednn Loulso
Larson will play his accompaniments.
O, IIERRE (O, Savior I am
Weary) Erkkl Molnrtln
Song of tho Spldor Slbollim
Du Gnmln, du Frln
Ack Vnrmlaiul, du nkona
Nackon'B Polskn
Jantn n Ja
Om dagon vli mitt nrbelo
Krlstnllon don flna
Vnrt Land
OI Mulstntko Viola
(Do You Romcmher?)
(Gypsy Girl.)
Don gnng Jag tjnnto
Ala Itko altlnl
(Do Not Wcop My Mother)
LANDET Nordrnak
LANGTAN Sodermann
r ROSENSDOFT .... Prills Gustaf
VAGI2N Frodlng
CHURCH musk;. i
4 4
Tomorrow bolng Soxageslma Sun
day, the following music will bo sung
at Emmanuel Episcopal church:
Procosslounl, Hymn 73, "Alleluia!
Song of Gladness" Haydn
aiorln Tlbl Ployol
Hymn G3C, "How Firm a Founda
tion" ,.,,.,. Heading
Offortory, Solo, "Far O'er ' tho
Stars Thoro Is Host" Abt
Mrs. Charles Stauff.
Communion Service In 12 ... Gowor
Hymn 22C, "Uroad or tho World"
Presentation of Alms, "All Things
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs, J, 8.
Lyons eutortnlnqd tho mombors of tho
Auction Brldgo Club, and at tho
close of tho attornoon's enjoyment
sorvod appetizing refreshments. Mrs.
L. L. Thomas was substitute In tlia
Como of Theo, O Lord" I nbsonco of ono of tho mombers. Tho
others prosent uoro Mm. A. E. Adol
Bporger, Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. J. S.
Hanson, Mrs. W. II- Konnody, Mrs.
Eugouo Crosthwnlto and Mrs. A. O.
Roger? vha will bo hostess to tho
club In tno weeks.
Recessional, Hymn COG, "Oft In
Danger, Oft In Woo" . . . Gauntlott
Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr., Or
ganist and Choir Director,
Mrs. A. B, Gldldy will sing at tho
morning sorvlco at tho Methodist
Episcopal church tomorrow,
(Continued on Pao Four.),