h- &.&-' illlpllPlRMWBWSi ,7fff'9,'riWPIWW ,U i i,toiim N' PT" l TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD r 'fP-iWs taK., -?k ' v . OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, islS-EVENIMQ EDITION & Till) MODHltN' GllUi. "Wo knock anil crltlclso her, "Wo scold, npoatronhlzo lior, Wo wish thnt sho wore wlsor, Moro cnpnblo nnd kind. Her path wo'ro always stnlklnj: To criticise her tnlklng, Her clothes, hor ways of walking, Hor niannora and hor mind. Wo say, "Oh, hlshty-tlghty! SIio'b frivolous nutl flighty, And all her ways nro mighty! Undignified to seo; Sho dances nnd sho chnUors, Our golden rulo sho shatters, And laughs nt serious nwttors With unabated gleot" Wo chldo and wo correct hor, Wo shadow and detect hor, Wo study and dissect hor, With all her smiles nnd tears, And find, on looking o'or hor (And learning to adore hor), She's Just llko girls before hor For twenty thousand years! Exchange. CONTItlUUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not lntor than C o'clock p. m.. Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whoro tho events occurred later than tho tlmo montloned.) PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices cf social affairs, nro gladly received In tho social do portmont. Tolephono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries tiro kindly requested to furnish same. inched to the appearance nt events I W. It. .M. '.Mrs. W. A. Held, tho committee on arrangements. Following Is the program; Opening Song "Hlest bo tho tie Congregation Prayer . Ito'v. CI. hoKoy Hall, C.C.C. Vocal Solo Dorothy Painter Remarks Jlgo J. P. Hn 1 , Hoprosontntlvo Methodist Church Vccnl Solo "Perfect Dny Miss Mnrlo tlrogg remarks "Kiatcrnnllsm" Mol G. Duncan Representative Mooso. j Remarks "'. J. Knoll"' Popresentativo Methodist unurcn. Vocal Sola MIb Anna Cox Remarks ConUcr Rep N. U. Christian Church. Remarks C. A. Behlbrodo Rop. Mfltl. Christian Churcii. Response QUALITY Rov. Gregg. Pnstor Vocnl Det, Mrs. J. W. Motley and Mrs. V. A. Hold. After n soeinl hour nnd fitting wi.rdP of farewell were said, tho ln- nttondod by sorlety, or of the various mannequins who wear tho designs a. crontod by some celebrnted house. w R Jf c nJoyc., n vcry Ami It Is well known that any house, .,, .. .. ... . lmnlu possibly excepting that of 'Worth, Qf Mrg J Cor0.( ast Wedncs- dies of tho church served dnlnty re will slrlvo to tho utmost to prosent lay'aftprnoo ".The missionary topics I fieshments. their olothos on n celebrated person- b() A c,llI(, , tho Mjdst." In I ago rathor tlmn sell thorn to anyone t)l(J al)gollro of jtrs. Alvn Doll, Mrs. who wants to buy. A z Downs took charge of tho pro- Thoy rosllro thnt In this manner. iJ?rnm'f whlch was ns follows: Paper, and In only this manner, Is fashion . chlldhootl in Its Holplossnoss", iimdo. It Is tho fashionable women Mrs n H Corey. In smnrt Kiiropson society who, g?t-jnpadlng, "A Truo Alaskan Story of ting their Idem from Pnris, co-ordi- n child," Mrs. C. S. Hoffman (Jlltl.S' ATllliHTIC OlilMl. The Girls' Athletic Association met Inst Thursday evening nt 7:30 In .ludgo Wntklns' office, with the president, Miss Ruby Wntklns, pro- M.tn. !.. u-ltl, tl,n tlnalirnnt-ii. mil! 1....1 A T lfl UM.Ifn Afrlnni, . Sldlllg. MISS AMCC MCMHIl IICCI111CU unviuft .u. ...... .. w.0..-. MI-UUIU& iiwu .? ... .-..-. . choosing a lino from ono frock, n sll-: some Dlnck ones and n Goat, I ImiioMn frnm nnnllipr. n rIpovg horOiMlcu Mnmln f!nlmnrn. .W..U..W ..w. -. . .11.00 .........W v..w . nmi n Rflsli thoro. nrrlvn nt nn early, ntlmr nnnnrR hnd been nrennred, conception of n gown thnt immediate-; but owing to sickness of n number j Ellen Ogren and Madgo Simpson were ly becomes the fashion. 'of the members these were omitted appointed ns a committee to lnvestl- It Is this onsomblo that tho Amor- from tho program. After a number gnto tho matter of gym suits. Thoro lean dressmakers take un later In the 'of excellently prepnred selections had ' Is now nn enrollment of 12 members soason after thoy have spread brood- been listened to tho hostess nsslsted nnd a likelihood of this number bo- cast tho first nnd untried designs, Mrs. C. S. Hoffman serving dainty Ing Increased. Tlio nine ot too hum refreshments to the following: Mrs. 'meeting Is undecided ns yet. the offlco of secretary nnd Miss El len Rudnns was elected to net In that capacity. The Mlssos Alico Curtis, j mot J"1 Mil HHIWi Hffl IMWWOfcKafflUlKX.IlM..ia Need No Special Sale Price Tag brought over from the August and Fobruary openings. I PHl.SCir.IiA Cl.Ull I THOSE who dispute and argue for and against tho "Amorlcnn do Blgn" question, loavo out of It tho most Important, becauso tho con-1 T,0 irBctllas woro entertained trolling, factor, which is that the. HBt Wednesday nftornoon at tho fashions nro not made by tho do- ,orao of Mrs. Dan Orr in Bay Park, signers. They are mndo by tho wo- sowing and chnt woro Indulged men who wonr tho fashions. A do-n until tho sorvlng of dnlnty re slgner may bo ns great as Paul Polr-ifreshmonts by, tho hostoss to tho ct, or Callot, or Chorult, to choose! following mombors: Mrs. Win. Arch thoso of opposing schools, and yot.ler, Mrs. Win. Dodson, Mrs. M. L. without tho guidance of n woman of Robinson, Mrs. It. F. Rush, Mrs. H. power, thoso designs fall flat. M. Albee, Mrs. Mosteller nnd Mrs. Paris recognizes this controlling 'Wm. Phillips who will bo hostess to factor In the launching of a style, but ' the club In two weoks. America has always had a tondencyl to put tho power In the hands of tho 7 mnn nr wntnnn rvhn iliulcfna.l lii' I WOMEN'S AUXILIARY I frock. Naturally, much credit goosj" to that source. Tho Inspiration llos1 Tho Woman's Auxiliary of tho there. But the final succoss doos not ! Presbyterian Church met for their Ho thcro. It rosts absolutely with 'regular monthly business mooting tho woman or women who oxplplt It last Wodnoeday nftornoon with Mrs. Roy Carpenter, .Mrs. I). C. McCarthy, ' Mrs. A. 'A. Downs, Mrs. Xnson, Mrs. E. Horndon, Mrs. Carpenter, Sr. Mrs. Lupton, nnd Miss Mnmlo Qui- ovson. Tho first Wednesday In March tho Missionary Cirolo wilt meet with Mrs. A. 55. Downs when Mrs. G. L. Hnll will have charge of tho program. v PARTV TODAV. -4, Mrs. Malr Dano Is entertaining Informnlly nt two tables of bridge this nftornoon. KVKXINC PAUTV. I C. W. It. r. Tho C. W. B. M. onjoyod nn In teresting program last Tuosdny nf tornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. S. J. Immol. Each month tho ladles rccolvo n I 0 Miss Thorla Lund was tho hostoss last Monday ovonlng to n fow of hor friends, tho tlmo being spent onjoy nbly in progrosslvo whist, music nnd games. At whist, Mrs. ClmB. P. Tor-, ry won first prize nnd Mrs. Harold Bnrgolt second, who also won flr.it prlzo In tho bean contost. Dnlnty refreshments woro served. Thoso loiter from somo missionary and n, . . ... ,,.,,, ... , , ,,, . ., , , I enjoying M ss Lund s hospitality picture 1 ustrnt ng somo phaso ofi ' ' ,.' ,.... ' his work. This tlmo they wero from Porto Rico, tho letter being road by Mrs. Roso Gregg. lwtfnrA a miipIaus ii.t .I.IHM ..1. n 11 H'nHt nM Cm,1. rnt.tt tlv ul'l '" " uwwwn " ."" ......I, -;" ""',:,,""":', f "cusslon was "Service of Money or He. Street. Tho Indies decided to give ( . Tho actress who woars a Callot 'no llvor ton this month. Tho auxlll.';"0- .. v'c Jq no "' frock In a now piny 8 responsible for '" will meet ngnln In two weeks,"1"- "cd by Mrs. J. A Held, tho fashion for that frock In Europe will, Mr. W. F. McEldowny. Tho J t,ict r 0cS:,y ' "0 as well ns In Amorlea lator on,' following woro prosont nt tho moot-. L0X; , ,"' "' l ... l B , though America may be unaware of!"'" Mn, Q. 0. Sutherland Mrs. W. S. " ' " . . .. . . . . w1Jil.l. M- , rr ift..n. m- , " ..w.. in .. ..u..v.. ii. ii is mo coiouratcu woman of "" ji. . ii .no. plcasuro who starts tho voriio for Kva Gnmmlll, Mrs. I). A. Jones, e 'a S' nfq i fl "75lj For yoa will remember tl Quality long after you h forgotten the price :: Johnscm-Giilovsen Compaq The Quality Name With the Service Fame tho hut that Suznnno Talbot crontod It Is tho loador of smart Paris soci ety who boglna tho popularity of tho ovonlng wrap created by Cherult and copied In n dozon whole-1 salo houses In lower Now York. Evo l.nvnllloro gavo the cachot to tho slim boyUhnoes of l'olr ot'a brain ohlldron nnd Iwulorn Dun can showed how this Greok adaptn- Mrs. M. A. Swootman, Mrs. A. B. Diluent, Mrs. Bllxnboth Hyde, nnd Mm. C. II. Walton. WOMB.VS CliUI! Owing to unfavorable wonthor tho Coos Hay Womnn'B Club, which wns to havo met Wndnosdny ovonlng, tlon Is suited to tholargoflgi.ro of;"' th ,,lbrary A,u,Uorlu,- "08t many modorn women. poned tho sotwlou ludoflnltoly. SILVER TEA No doslgnor, no mnttor how nront ho or sho Is, is bin enough to bo In- "r,M1 ol uuo w ,oro womon Tho indies of tho Christian Churoh who nio In tho public oyo. Tho fact , lire giving u slhor ton thl nftor ls towtlflod to by tho linporlniico ut-i noun In tho church hull. - &r - "-E. WEAR DIAMONDS This nftornoon tho ludtos nro hold ing n silver ton In tho church. On noxt Tuosdny, Mrs. A. W. Grogg will ontortnln tho Christian Sisterhood, Thoso prosont Inst Tuesday woro: Mrs. W. A. Hold, Mrs. I). C. Mc Carty, Mrs. A. W. Grogg, Mrs. II. V. Painter, Mrs. W. B. Cox, .Mrs. J. C. Jonos, Mrs. Irvln Smith, Mrs. S. J. Immol, .Mrs. H. A. Copplc. v. c. t. ir. - I A program propnrod by Mrs. A. G. Rnnb, Hiiporliitondont of tho MnthorH' Dopnrtmont of tho North Ileiul W. C. T. U. wns nttontlvoly llhtunud to by Its momboiH In tho PrimhytBrlnn Church Inst Thiirsduy aftornoon. Tho topic for discussion was "Tho Training of Children and tho Impor tance of Tompernnco In tho Pub- He Schools." Singing, followed by prayers, op cuioii the program, Mrs. K. Goorgo Smith, necompnulst. Scrlpturo Heading Mrs. Geo. lln. zor. Papor. "Sunshlno nnd Puro Air." Mi's. V. W. Stovons. Papur "Molhors nnd tho Public School." Mrs. Win. Nollson. Roll call was nnsworod with cur rent ovonts. Tho romalndor of tho nftornoon wns spout In Borvlng, 'inoso prosont at tho mooting woro wero Mr. nnd Mrs". Chns. P. Torry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Hehfold, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Bwnrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Bnrgolt, Mrs. T. Edwin Do- ' 7'" Inn, tho Misses Hattlo Rehfold, An- Mrs. J. P. Mnloney, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.i nn Lund, Lillian Cook, Emma Quar- L. l-'ostor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Krod Mooro, tormnss nnd Messrs. Kolth Wilde, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E. Major, Mr. nnd Oliver Spires, Wnltcr Rehfold, Hnllet Mrs. It. A. Chnpln, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. nnd Pnul Bnrgolt nnd Pnul Zlelkc. ( H. Brlnkloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Colo, Mn. i Stownrt, Mrs. A. C. Allnrd, Mr. Hill, Chns. Mnttlllln, .Ins. Mnlonoy, Mr. TEA l'AUTV. Drown, L. P. O'Connor, MIbh Mor-, tottflon, Bruco Kolly, Ploronco Hnrnea, Mrs. Arthur Rehfold ontortnlned jir8. cimrloB Tower, Mrs. Poolo, Tod Infornmlly nt ton Thursday afternoon ,ly i,r08i (j0orgo Mnlonoy, Vornon Mrs. II. L. Bnrgolt. MlHsThorlu Lund urinkloy, Juyru Poster, Itmo Mulo and Miss Lllllnn Cook. ' noyi yioiot nnd (Hudys Brlnkloy nnd Irvln Mooro. , ALEUT CLUB. ! WEDDED HERE Lnst Thursdny nftornoon tho Alort . Club hold Hh bi-monthly meeting Last Wodnosdny ovonlng nt tho with Mr. P. E. Lnrson of Allognny. ' homo of Mr. nnd Mih. CIiiih. Mngnry ' Tho club Iiiib taken up tho study of In Wost Mnrahflold, wiib soloinnlzod plans to nrrango for n bnhy contost tho mnrrlngo of tholr dnughtor, MIbb In Mnrahflold In tho full. Tho moot- Huth Anolln Mngnry. to Mr. Enrl Ing wns In tho form or n towol Hhowor W. Simmons, Rev. J. E Kuotts, at for MIsb Mllllo Gould, who yoBtordny " Mnrhflold Mothodlst Church liodimo tho hrlilo f Mr. Win. Rob-, offlelntlng. Tho hrldo wiih prettily oris, both of Allognny. At this moot- gowned In white with liluo trliniiilngB ' Ing Mr. (5. A. Gould, prosontod tliot'r,,' woro "ttondod by hor hlstor, club with n honutlful myrtlownod Mrs- l)m l'nlrta nnd Mr. Huberts, gavol, n gift which a highly prized Following tho nuptials, n mimpt-' by tho mombers. AUo during tho uoim woddlng suppor was sorvoil. ( buslnosB sosBlon nn oxocutlvo commit- T1,08e I)roBont woro "- 1 Mrs. too consisting of Mrs. P. n. Hood ' Ar,nur WHIlnniB, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Mrs. Ed Noah, Mrs. E. C. Harbor NV' Pn,ntor' Mr n"'1 Ml'8' Dn llo,) Mrs. John Prlco nnd Mrs. V IC or,s' JIl8fl Lylln Do(,K. r. nnd Mrs. i Hood, wan appointed to arrango tho ?,,RK"ry' J,I,r8' McKny' U,lcu,ft J,oKn' club progrnn.B for tho m,r ,onrl MeKny, Clyde Mngnry, Cham, montliB. Noxt Thursday tho Alort ,MnKary- Mnrv,n nlort, Mrs. Club mombors wl. 1 a 1 o Klf8 o "1 "T, T M "V' C' Th rsda PebTln 8 wHh M n, TU W? ta " chnri""' yo Ed Noah i.r.. in , mm M,r8, woman. Por tho pust threo yours ro Ms P n 't 'n,urdyl8ll0 n8 ,)0mi agBiglut Rood ii p., ', r ' J' ) K' Vn,,K,,, offlco' T" '"" an Hood, Mrs. Claud Piper, Mrs. Jnmos inatrnn.nr i n, ,..! .. , . .. v.u. , ,t kw iivituuiii (iv JUIU" 111080 nraSOIU Ut tlio mnn no wni-n I Vnivlln r-. t ii ,. ., . Mrs. W. II. Chappoll, Mrs. Goo. Bv-, Noah Mrs PC iiarkn -Mr. n " ' T'ly W,H ,wnko t,,0h' ,,blnp or,tt, Mrs. Geo. llaz'er, Mrs. P w. m ", J WB . Ms V Go ", T anU Wl" "aV th 1,08t Stcvons, Mrs. A. . , Mr8. Robt iMr, , J; J- A- G . wishes of scores of fr.ends. j. i iun, .uiiiiu uoiiiu ana oeo, I J..M'l(S McClay. . I FARNWKLL lUtCKIM'ION' -V I DIAMONDS" Mil! THE liKST INVESTMENT. WHEN A MAN WHO IS WEAliING DIAMONDS APPROACHES ANOTHER H Jtq rrr7 TJON JJECAUSE HE LOOK'S PROSPEROUS. THIS PAYS TIP MnTl molllB tho CHERISHED TREASURES A MAN CAN GIVE HIS WIFE sVnWBT1 1,r0V8d ft '''lod OR MOTHER ARE "OMiWOADS." THE LUSTROUS GUTTFir arl11 -ttondod, THESE MUST PRECIOUS STONES, MORE THAN ANYTHING EI SF M DELIGHT THE IiEHOLDER AND THE WEARER. ' Grogg, tho Odd Follows and Moosb This ovonlng tho Hay City Dane 'Ing Club will hold nn old-fnshlon- J ed dancing party at tho hall, quad' ' rlllna llii.l l,1el.n .i .... . SUItl'ltlSE PAHTV. .TllO lOCOntloil tnnilnrml Pnv nn.ll Mrs. Satuuol P. Giokk lait Mondavi Thurkllay ovonlng u nunibor 0f I "Joyotl. tho Christian Church , u,um,k ot -Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos Den- lllls evening Will Ilaglund, Joo rlHoB nnd old-ttmos dances will bo succoss and wnsn,son of Day Clt' Kav( thom n do- 'lllliims, Goorgo Hnlnoa nnd n nuni- THEN DIAMONDS CAN ALWAYS UB QUICKLY TUBNKn nAnu- ,,- MONEY. w.w OUR DIAMONDS ARE I-LAWLESS t OUR PRICES AS LOW AS Tirr BESTCAN BE SOLD FOR A Iilt H. S. TOWER 77F RFl r.Bl E JE WELER -'A Continued on Pngo Two. I, tho ohurohos of , 1!Blltfl'l surprlso party at their homo. 1)0r of tho youngor sot nro glvlnir a Mur-hfleld, tho Chrlstlnu Church of Tho occasion wns a farowoll for Mrs dnnco t Eagle's IJall. uonnison, who will loavo shortly for Billings, Montnna. for nn vt..n.i...i uiuibwj, ooin or whleh Hov. Grogg i a luomuer, woro roprosontod. Tho sonts woro mado morn mm fortublo with sofa ouslilons and iHigo bunches of huckleberry and gnthorod at tho homo of Miss Bruco 1 1 - '"" "wiiu ino "wii uiui proeeeued in a iinrtv m ooiia a en iiietti ono Mini, rroriii thn .inbi i. , '.. l b due Mrs . W. Plulcr. Mrs pr.se con lot The Z p eVnT were t S"00 & lUMa 7JfA n j SPEAKING OF REOUCED PRICES ON TIRES, HOW DO YOU LIKE THESF 30x3 Non-Skid M 30x3'. Non-Skid. W 32x311. Non-Skid W 34x4 Non-Skid 36x4 Non-Skid. 36x4!. Non-Skid- There arc the new fair-list price DIAMOND NON-SKID TIRE: and are absolutely NET. Con these prices with those you t been paying for non-skid smooth tires of other makes sider the PIONEER GUARM' and we will have your tire br Just figure this out for yofl SERVICE ALWAYS Ifi! When you buyW MARSHFIELD NORTH6' JK visit with her mothor. (lainos nnd 4.A.-A T7l nmslc woro followed by a suinptnons1 1 ,t.ttSM tmsc ? . lunoh after which all wished Mrs 1)IM'hSMA,M' nil ,d Donnlwn a Joyful trip. Tho friends i . i J'KI "ATS i Bnthorod n ti,n i,nm , ,L ""M M",k Wimiil..(l mm prlt reusoiiahlo . . MltS. II. ( WII.LKV A High Quality Groceries Our own Dromot and nartlcular delivery service; cient clerks being out of the high rent aW keeping our prices as low as consistent with gow noss mnkfis Gonner & Hoagland J Ti- i -.i. . ..j firnltffll -iiiB uuanincj urocers ueaiers in uouu .-. a iioiith Broadway. Phones mv TiidB. Urtf! -iapPr" ' -"flaWririvf " iffiV. i &xtt A B . r? v" "" ' - :; ' -- -r' ',:: I:' gggigigB Vj-ilT" ' Ja- HBHHHBBBBBHBHT $SSmi W