EVIL MAY HAVE HIS FAULTS ffiff PUTS OFF 'TILL TOMORROW WHAT HE CAN DO TODAY anwA- Sag ,VE A HEART PERSEVERANCE A merchant cannot omit his advertising without the fact being "noticed" to his disadvantage If ho could, ho could also closo his storo for a whllo n6w and then, to "save expense." Jar is Interested in Coos Bny. Horo is Delates with other Dollars of its kind i mnko prosperity. Don't send It away , lonesome. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (XXVIII. Established 1878 n Tlio Const Mnll. MARSHFIELl), OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnd Hooh liny AiIvpHIsit No. 169 GJflflB mmm U I inounces That At- ir's Troops Have Been Broken. IMPORTANT IIUTARY CRITICS (Mastery of Terri- uture Warsaw Continues M. JTrraa lo ?-! BT Tlmra.J ah. C. Tho Austrian inouiiced today Mint tho Iltisslaus In the id broken down and bImih suffered heavy prtnln sections of tho trliina nro on tho of- tho enpturo of more iislniiB law roportcd. titont from Potrogrnd tEia 1b ndmtttcd that tho rotrcntod In ono of pnssoB, Particular attached by Htra- outcome of tho cum Carpathlans on tho 184, It probably will decide it this region for tho . tho war. rtn tho sltuntlon un- olnnd and West Gnl- ES25 (dlspntches agrco that JmoHt unoxntnpled fury I along tho Warsaw ightlng In In progress Alsace, but elsowhcra arona activity Is dim- Iris raports nothing but try cngngomuiitH yes- 0 CONTEST I4K e Barber Alleges ss In Auto Voting BV ription Deal T Wnsh., Fob. C C. II. Gordon at Walla C. Cronln nt Dallas, do by Sheriff John A. ho men will havo to rgos of fraud proforrcd as a result of tliolr of nn auto contest for Davenport last fall. Harbor, ano of tho con- rod tho warrants for tho men in October, search has boon prose- oni. sno niiogcB mat ho closo of tho contest r slip from tlioin pur- o standing of tho six tho tlrno, nnd which to bo Inching but 3000 t placo In a total of ns of votCB. Thus on- placcd ?U00 cash of y toward subscrlptlonn, whon tho contest closod beaten about two to lion nrrostod, was man or contest for tho Dally 11a Walln, whllo Cronln g a contest In tho Oro- Jill RESORTS IHE RAIDED AGAIN u i i a 1 to Tho Times.) INEIt, Or., Fob. C mmack and Margar- alland wero required p $350 cash bail for riearanco boforo tho I county grand Jury on jo of keeping dlsor- jses near Reedsport ammack, under tho Mario Greenwood 260 by Judgo at Roseburg not mml The women wero to leavo until after Id Jury when Sheriff ad District Attorney .arrived from Roso raided them. It Is ed that a number of grass f Gardiner and Ump- lle will bo mado soon ilegging. ARLIO SAl'SAGES. PnU ' FRAUD SIVHr H WPri--wl!aW 'i&iMvutf&mi '9KuBt lJaU ifliAH aMHtMH rkct. .per AS EATEN GAHPATHIAMS FRENCH TELL OF No Important Engagements Fought Along Western Bat tle Front Yesterday III)- AmocUIcmI I'rciui lo Conn Itjr Tlmra. PARIS, Fob. C Tho offlclnl statement this afternoon says: "No infantry engagements woro roport cd yesterday. From Arras to Itholnis n VGTDBES jthoro woro artillery engagements with results satisfactory to us. In tho Argonno and tho Woovro dis tricts, tho French nrtlllory dispon ed convoys of tho enemy and sot flro to a convoy train of 25 wagons. Wo brought down a captlvo luilnon bohlud the Qormnu Hues northeast of Sommo." GIFTS 10 IMAGE SAY RICHEST II Rockefeller and Carnegie De fend Their Philanthropic Institutions. IDr AaaorlatoJ rrraa to Coot tlur Tlmaa.) NEW YOIUC, Fob. 0. Wth Soth Low, former Mayor of Now York, ub tho final witness at tho prcsont hearing, tho Federal Commission on Industrial Relations todny plan ned to hold tho next mooting in Chi cago. Tho Commission yostordny hoard Andrew Cnrnoglo and John D. Hockofallor, Sr., tho two richest men In tho world, dofond tho phll- .iMitiitit. fnnnflnHnna nmlnwnil lV them nnd neither was of tho opin ion that tho institutions bearing their names constituted a monnco to tho pcoplo. GERMANS FIGHT TO LAST (Ur Aaaotlatcl I'rraa to Cooa nay Tlmra. 1'ETROaitAD, Fob. C Trlbuto Is paid to tho Gorman nrtlllorymon In nn account of a minor Incldont' during tho fighting west of Warsaw. "Tho Russians woro on tho dofon slvo, with tho Germans opening up a wldo attack on their postlons. A Gormnn bnttory of six guns was inovod nut Into tho opon field to shell tho Russian tranches. "Vory coolly tho Gorman nrtll lorymon wont about tholr work, al though they must havo known that wo would soon mnko It hot for thorn. Our obsorvorB soon got tholr range nnd tho third shell fired from our battorlcs on tho loft destroyed throo of tho Gorman gnus, killing' fully hnlf of tho ontlro Gorman forco of nrtlllorymon. Tho othors sought sliol- tor, but quickly returned nnu brought tho remaining throo guns Into action against our tronchos again. "Thoy had only tlmo to flro two rounds when nnothor shell from our battery smashed two moro guns, destroying tholr crowB. "Hut thoso nrtlllorymon had boon glvon tholr ordors, nnd their bravory I !waB dauntless. Tho survivors, nftor a short Interval, returned to tholr slnglo remaining pn, nnd kept It going until anothor Rubslan shell laid It low." TWO OREGON POSTMASTERS NAMED WASHINGTON, Feb. 0. Tho Post Office Department has appoint ed tho following Oregon postmasters: Phcobe Rogers, Chester; Mablo Shnmbrook, Umpqua. ! I'PDRTLAND WHEAT PRICE OP 10 CENTS Buying Orders From Outside Foints Causes Big Advances There Today D? AiiocUleJ Trcaa to Cooi Uxj Tlmoa.l PORTLAND. Or., Feb. 6. Buying orders poured In on the Portland ex change and wheat advanced from 2 k to 10 cents over previous high rec- ords. May niuostPin sold nt ft 0 1 iiusnoi. M exicae Peace Coeferemice lb Appeal for America's Aid V McAROO'S DAUGHTER FRENCH WAR NURSE O . tflr Aaaoclatad Proa to Coot titf Tlmra.J LONDON, Fob. C Col. E. M. Houbo and wlfo of Now York, Miss Mona McAdoo, a daughter of tho Secretary of tho Treasury, and Miss Knth- crlno Drltton of Washington, arrived todny from Now York. ' Col. Hotiso nnd wlfo nro going to trnvol in Europe, whllo tho Mlssoa McAdoo nnd Drltton nro going to Franco to nurso tho wounded. FRANCE SAYS GERMANY IS DESPERATE IDr Auoclitxl rrraa to Cooa I)r Tlmea.) PAItIS, Fob. 0. Tho Gorman Ad miralty's proclamation Including In tho war zono tho wators surrounding 'tho Rrltlsh Isles provoked nn out- 'buret of indignation In tho French pnpors, although It Is hailed as nn in dication that Gormnny Is beginning to find tho situation dospornto. Tho Journal assorts that tho mensuro will cnuso tho death of Inoffanslvo sailors! and paralyzo tho sea trade of tho neutrals. Coquille Wrests Close Victory From North Bend Locals at Bandon Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold High School won tholr basketball gamo with tho Myr tle Point quintet by tho closo score of 20 to 17, nccordlng to word to cotvod from there this morning. At North Rend tho Coqutllo flvo battled to tho end with nn oven score, tho visitors winning tho toss-up nnd tho score stood finally at 17 to 15 for Co qutllo. This boosts Coqulllo another notch toward tho county champion ship, tho victory of last ovcnlng raising them from .000 per cent to .750. Marshfluld now has a per centage of ,G6G. Tho North Rend flvo, struggled ,vallantly, it fact that Is evidenced by tho score standing 11 to 11 at tho end' of tho first half and 15 to 15 at tho 'closo of tho Hocond. Two hundred rootors choorod enthusiastically for tholr team and tho high school gym- fnnslum reochood with their shouts whon tho rofereo blow his whistlo af ter announcing Hint tho first basket would docldo tho victor. In tho county league Coqulllo has hold tho lead from tho start, wlt'i Marshflold, Myrtlo Point and Rnndon 'closo seconds In tho ,500 column. Tho victory of last ovcnlng places Marshflold second In tho league Tonight tho local flvo will play with tho Ralidon quintet and next Friday Coqulllo will oomo ioro for n gnmo. Should Marshflold win tho 'gamo of this ovonlng her percontago will equal that of Coqulllo, with tho 'game of next weok to docldo tho su premacy . The lineup of tho North Rend and Coqulllo tennis last ovcnlng was: ' North Dend Position Coqulllo Mendo ' Watson Holmos ', Norton Forwards, Rowen K. Losllo Center. Simpson Ocrdlng Russell Avery Guards. Tho high school studonts will meet tho train In a body tomorrow morn ing to welcome tho victorious team. HOUSEWIVES will find OALOL LIQUID GLOSS tho best polish they ever used. Kkblad & Sou. RIG DANCE, Eagle's Hall, SAT JMAHSHFIELD WINS AT MYRTLE POINT! URDAY EVE., FED, O, About 200 Former Governors and Generals Gather in San Antonio Today MAY REQUEST ACTION ' BY UNITED STATES Carranza Forces Pass Death Sentence on Four American Railroad Officials tlr AatoclateJ rrraa to Cooa Oaf Tlmra. SAN ANTONIO, Fob. C That tho Mexican penca conference called to boghi horo this nftcrnaon might request action by tho United States to bring pcaco In Mexico, wns stat ed by 8omo in nttendnnco. Moro than 200 former Governors, Gon orals, dlplomntB and Cabinet Min isters nro expected to attend. CARRANZA FORCE IIUHY Puss Dentil Sentence on Four Amer Icnu Railroad Ofl'lelnlN. III? Aaaoclatrtl Pma to Cooa Day Tlmra. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Fob. C To on forco tho recent embargo on ship ments In tho country south of Agun Prlotn, General CafloB, tho Carran za commander opposlto here, burn ed today a number of bridges of tho Nacozarl railroad, Threo hun dred Americans In tho country con trolled by Mnytorona nro now cut off from Buppllos. Carranza offi cials nnnounced that they passod death sontoncos on four Amorlcnn railroad mon for aiding Mnytorona, but ns tho latter are in Maytoronn's territory, thoy nro not in Innnodlato (tnngor. ' 4 I OREGON GERMANS FILE, PROTEST WITH LANIU, ' I IW I I WASHINGTON, Fj .vJHBSA' I Prestdont Dammasrh, of tho Oregon Gorman TAmorlcnn Soci ety, tologrnphcd to' Senator Lano that 20,000 Oregon votors nskod legislation to havo established an embargo on tho oxport of war materials from tho United Stntcs. 1CAUGHT.8Y EEXPL All Except Ten Escape Six Known Dead and Four Others are Missing I llr Ao-ito. I'rraa wivii I!jr Tlmra.) FAYETTEVILLE, W. Vn., Fob. 0. At least six men nro believed killed today by an explosion li a mluo of tho Now River Conl Co. nt Carlisle. There woro 168 men In tho workings. All save ten readied tho surface. Thoy reported six killed nnd know nothing of tho remaining four. Res cuo parties woro organized. SHIP BILL'S FATE President Wilson May Call Special Session of Congress Amendments D AwvlatM rrM In mm l; Tim.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. C Whether Presldont WIlBon will call an etxra session of Congress In caso of tho dofoat of tho ship bill this season, probably will bo doclded at a conference between t o President and Democratic leaders. Tho administration democrats to day agreed that It would be Impossi ble to recommit tho ship bill with In structions for Its modification, and determined that their only way to get tho amended bill boforo tho Sen ate was to yield to Clarke's motion, which threw tho domocrats Into con fusion Wednesday. Thoy will then press Gore's motion to discharge the Commerco Commlttoo from consider ation of tho substitute bill contain ing tho measures satisfactory to the progressive republican Senators. Thoy are confldont Norrls, Kenyon nnd LaFollette will vote for tho motion, What will bo tho fato of the bill af ter It Is returned to the stage of a general debato next week h still problematical, i 01 STILL IJ I RTAIN LIVESTOCK PLAGUE SPREADS AGAIN 4 4 (llr Axonrlnlpil I'min .o Cooa lUy Time. 4) WASHINGTON, D. C. Fob. 0. As a result of tho discovery of tf:o foot and mouth dlscnso in Chicago, In- 4 dlnnnpolls, Loulsvlllo, Iluf- falo, Cincinnati, Jorsoy City, Pittsburg and Columbus, tho Department of Agriculture " hns Instructed Its Inspectors to closo the yards In thoso 4 cities In Interstate shipments of livestock, JAPS SEIZE NORWEGIAN STEAMERS inr AwoeUla-l 1'rtaa to Cooa liar Tlmta. TOK.IO, Fob. ,C. JnpaufJo war ships seized tho Norwegian steamer Christian RorB on tho allegation that thoy found an irrogulnrlty in her pa pers. Sho was turned over to tho prlzo court. Tho vessol sailed Janu ary 27 for San Francisco from Shang hai by way of Japan. Rescued Officers and Men of Asama Could be Interned by Mexico Details Glvon' tnr AorltJ I'rraa to Cooa liar Tlmaa.) SAN DIEGO, Fob. C According to Information rocolved today, tho Jup nncBo crulsor Asama struck an un charted route at tho ontrnhco of Turtle Day, Lower California, last Saturday. Tho warship settled quick ly and n galo which began to blow .that night complotod Kb destruction. Tho Unfted States crulnors San Diego nnd Rnlolgh reached tho scono Inst night and tho Jnpaneso cruisers Idzu- mo and iIIkoii nro steaming to tho scono. 1 According to word brought horo, ftho officers and crow of tho Asamn ' will not tio brought into an American port, but will ombnrk either aboard tho Illecn or Idzumo. Undor a strict Interpretation of tho neutrality lawn, Moxlco has u porfect right to Intern 1 tho officers nnd men of tho Asamn 'until tho expiration of tho wnr, At tho sumo tlmo tho United Stntcs war ships may assist In saving llfo but lire not permitted to attempt to salvage tho ship, OF Employee of New York Odd Fellows' Home Makes Con fessionMany Arrests llr Aao lat4 Trraa lo Cooa Dajr Tlmaa. YONKERS, N. Y.. Fob. C Tho In vestigation of Fred Mors' story that ho put to death eight aged inmates I of tho Gorman Odd Follows' Homo "bocauso thoy woro old nnd a nul- j snnco," extonded today to tho physi cians who aro said to havo signed tlio i death certificates. Superintendent ,Baiigort nnd threo porterB nro undor arrest as material witnesses. HOUSEWIVES will find OALOL LIQUID GLOSS the best polish thoy ever iiM'd, Ekbliul & Sou. Dr. H, E. KEJrV, DENTIST- I'hono 112-J, Room 204, Coke I3ld;. RIG DANCE, Eagle's Hall, SAT URDAY EVE,, FEH. (I. RIG DANCE, EjikIo'h Hull, SAT URDAY EVE., FEU, , JAP WRECK 1R PROBiaiOAl ADMITS MURDER CEO GERMANS GERMANY LIFTS EMBARGO FROM, FOOD FOR ALLIES' CIVILIANS ARKANSAS IS PUT OR! LIST NO Gov. Hay Signs State-wide Prohibition Bill Close Sa loons by 1916 llr AmocIaIM 1'itmi to Cooa Hay Tlmra. LITTLE ROCK, Fob. C A bill providing for stnte-wldo prohibition In ATknnsas was signed today by Governor Hays. Tho mensuro wna passod by tho Scnnto yesterday and by tho Houso todny. It prohibits tho granting of further saloon licenses for 1015, but docs not disturb thoso nlrcndy granted, nlluwlng them to 'run until 1010. TAKE OVER CORNER Half Interest in Old Bank of Oregon Property 'Purchased by Eight for $9,000 It was nnnounced today that a party of loading North Rend men havo taken over tho half Interest In tho Dank of Oregon corner which tho former bnnk hold. It wnB trans formed to them for $9000 for tho half Interest. W. U. Douglns, who owps tho other half Interest, In Bald to hold his halt Interest worth moro than $10,000. Tho parties taking ovor tho prop. ,porty, which Is ono of tho best dMUrinuiis sites In Norm lioitd, nro O. S. Wlnsor, Frodorlck Holllrftor, L. J. Simpson,. J. H. Groves, Honry Kern, J. A. AUen, C. It. Smith nnd C. M. Hylor. Mr. Wlnsor said today that tho report that tho corner wns bolng hold ns tho site for tho proponed Simpson hotel Instead of tho slto forniorly ehoson, wbb not correct. i Return In Match. L. J. Simpson has sent word from San FmnclBco thnt ho cannot .return to Coos Rny boforo March 1. Ho did not stnto doflnltoly that ho will bo horo thon, but lutlmnted thnt ho will reach hero soon after that date. According to a report horo, tho annunl mooting of tho Simpson Lum ber Conipnny bus boon postponed un til March. Will Ship Auto. Capt. Edgar Simpson has ordered his Simplex nuto shlppod to San Frnnrlsco on tho A. M. Simpson noxt week. It Is understood that ho plans to disposo or It or trndo It In on n now tnr. Capt Edgar Simpson will probably remain In San Francisco looking nftor tho nffulrs of tho company there. Many RogH Pol.soned. A number of valuable dogs In North Rend hnvo boon polsonod tlio past weok. Ono of them was n flue big hound bolonglng to L. J. Simp son. Whothor thore Is a dog poison or In North Rend or whether tho cn nlnes nro getting polsonod mont thnt, has ben put out to kill rats Is a question. Goes to Sun Francisco. Miss Hago, who has boon omployod In tho offices of tho SlmpBon Lumbor company for tho past year or so, will leavo on tho A. M. Simpson for Han Francisco. Slnco tho mill closod horo sho has been taking a vacation nnd had been planning a trip to California far some tlmo. Sho may talto u posi tion In tho offices or tho Simpson Lumbor company there. DATES OF LENTEN SPECIAL I DAYS I I I I, Tho noxt church day of I in t portanco will bo Ash Woduos- j day, whloh will bo observed j In all tho Catholic and Eplsco- I pal churches and will bo tho I I beginning of Lent, Ash Wednos j day falls on Fobrunry 17 this j year. February 21 Is St. Mat- I I thlas' day; March 1. St. David's day; March 21, Passion Sunday; j March 28, Palm Sunday, and ' April 4. Easter. PALACE MARKET makes REST FRANKFURTERS. Phono I01I-.L NORTH RED IN Announces Blockade is Mere ly Against War Supplies of Enemy Countries GERMAN AMBASSADOR IN ' AMERICA EXPLAINS IT Says England Has Violated Neutral Flags and Tried to Enlist Merchant Ships llljr Amhii Inlet frraa to Cona IHjr Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, Feb. C Tho Gor mnn EmbnRsy declared In n state ment todny In regard to tho dc croo placing tho wntors nround tfio Rrltlsh IbIcb In tho wnr r.ono, thnt Gormnny "docs not Intend to mo lest or solre American vessels ln don with foodstuffs for tho clvilinn population of tho encmys' coun tries." "A fow months ago," snyn tho am bassador's statement, "tho English admiralty proclaimed tho closing of tho North Sea, tho waters of which ;to essentially noittrnl, Gormnny does not profess to closo oven tho English channel to neutral commorca nnd sho docs not Intend to molest or solzo Amorlcnn vossols laden with roodsturfs for tho clvll'an population of tho euomy countrlos. It Is hoped England will not mnko necessary n reconsideration of this nttltudo by seizing American Bhlps llko tho WIN holmlnn." No Paper Hlqekiulu, "There Is nothing now In tho com munication mndo February 4" by tho German Admlrnlty with rospoct to tho nttltudo of tho Gorman Imperial navy toward ships of tho enemy or noutml commerce. It 1b absurd to dcscrlbo this ns n pnpor blockuda of tho Rrltlsh Isles, Tho communica tion Is simply n stntomont of what lias- been slnco tho boglrmtnff""oTtho 'war the attitude of the navies of all belligerents toward tho ships of tho onomy. "Germany docs announces to tho world Hint It proposes to destroy tho ships of tho onomy, nnd ntlds a notifi cation to tho neutral powers that nn account of tho fact that Rrltlsh ships hrn employing neutral flags, accord ing to secret Instructions now known to havo been Issuod by tho Rrltlsh government, bona fldo vossols may actually bo endangered, "Tho warning may alao bo takon In tho nature of an answer to tho offer of n prlzo of 500 pounds mado In England for tho first Rrltlsh iuor chuut ship ramming and sinking a German submarine" LIMITS OF RlrOL'ICADE. Gemma lllockndo Dov.s Not Affect Dutch Coast. llljr AwM-Ltol I'riwa lu Coua llajr Tlmra ' WASHINGTON, D. O., Fob. . The offlclnl text of tlio Gorman ad miralty's proclamation, transmitted to (ho State Department by Ambassa dor Gerard reveals that tho naviga tion routes north of tho Shetland Is lands, and oasturn part of tho North Sea, an well us u strip of 3(i""nnutlcal miles iihing tho Dutch count, nro not In tho danger zono, but tho waters directly around Gront Hrltnln nnd Ireland comprlso tho prohibited areas. This differs from tho first puhUshod report. , ENGLAND TO FIGHT; TO RREAIC GERMANY LONDON, Fob. !. In nn Interview given hero. Win- ston Sponoor Churchill, Eng- land's First Lord of tho Ad- ni I rally, said: Gormuny Is llko a mnn throttlod with a heavy gag. You know tho offect'of such n gag, wholi action Is neces- sary. Tho effort woare out tho honrt and Germany knows it. This pressure O shall not bo relaxed until who gives In unconditionally, or ovon If Franco and If our ally Russia should deoldo to withdraw from tho strugglo which is Jnconcolvablo, wo English would carry on tho war to the bitter ond." ! A CARD PARTY nnd DANCE will bo glcn by tho CATHOLIC LADIES of NORTH REND in LOGGIE'S i HALL, WcilrMuwy evening, Feb, 10, '-3s