The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 30, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(Contlnuud from Pago Three.)
Tlio llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. K. Noff of South Fifth Street
will bo christened Charles Konnoth
next Sunday morning tit the Catholic
Church. Alra. Mary Early holding the
baby (hiring the ceremony.
.Mr. Noffa brother, Georgo Noff
of Newport Washington, nnd Mra.
Neff'a Hitter, Miss Kelt Harrlgan, of
Seattle Washington are nnmed na
Godfather and Godmother.
obtaining high score. Kefresh
nieuta were served to tho following
membors In attendance:
Mrs. II. M. Jennings, Mrs. W.
A. Toye, Mrs. W. I .Miller, Mrs.
Kugcnc Crosthwnltc, Mrs. Fred ,
Conors, .Airs. Frank Ilngue, Aire.
Kugene O'Conncll," Airs. 13. 12. (
Straw, Airs. 1). Y. Stafford, Airs. C. , v
If. Carry, Airs, boraey Kroltzor. j
Airs. A. L. Houseworth, Airs. W.
II. Kenedy, Airs. II. If. Ilooth, .Mrs. $. any Ifondnll.
Swedish Lutheran Ladles
& of North llond with Airs. VIc-
tor Andorson.
Girls' Good Tlmo Club
with Miss Hoseo Flanagan. ,
Heeontlon for Itov. nnd
Airs. Grogs at tho Christian
Iteboknh Lodge meeting at
Taylor's Hall.
C. W. 1). AI. with Airs. S.
J. Immol.
Ladles' Guild at Guild Hall.
llrldge Club with Airs. Win.
Crisclllas with Airs, ban
Young .Matrons with Airs.
Evans, who spoko highly of Hov.l Mention was nmdo of tho i splendid
Uteford's work In North Item! nnd system which obtained In Now o k
Snlod Ilm with n mihatantln. City, whoro the l.lblo w, -p.. In to
nicscnt In tho name of tho society, tho schools and oxcellont results fol
Itov llassforil then nddrcBsod th- ! lowed. No book takes a higher stiuui
bers with words of thanks mm in all llloraturo man uuu mu "-
'appreciation. A splendid flvc-courso nB ft treaauro house or menu) "-
I luncheon was served at the closo (y, Tho main object of tho teaching
'of tho afternoon to tho following 0f tho lllble, however, Is to place Its
At members nnd friends: I moral teachings In tho hands of the
Airs. .1. II. Clnric, .Mrs. n. "' youiiR of tho mini.
Mrs. AleEldownoy'fl paper clean
with tho subject at homo, "What can
bo done for tho boys of Alnraliflold
In tho way of uffording Sunday after
noon Instruction In tho Dlblo." Tho
. mem
Enns. Mrs. A. II. McKny, Airs. C.
10. Fry, Airs. II. E. Smith, Mrs. K.
Journcn, Airs. Fred Glazier, Mrs.
TiF. E. Glazier. Airs. E. At. Mottler,
I - .. it... Mlitnnd
Airs. M. K. aNOWIihih, me '"
Hosa Livingstone, llernlco Glazier, s)en0P strongly advocated tho form
Evelyn Clark, Sybil Clark and ne. jjb )f ft mmic,,ai Sunday Dlblo In
A. F. unssroru. un mm bud, - Hlructo1 clnB8 to mcot j the Alnrali
flold library niidltorlum, with busl
Alnrtln, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Mr.
nnd Mm. Richard Mnrslmll, Air. inul
Alrn. Harry MeKny, Air. ntul Mrs. H.
Al)oiialdrMr. nutl Airs. 10. K. ltlggii,
Mr. and AH. V 10. TonipkhiH, Mr.
and AH'b. Chas. Worrell, Mr. and Alrn,
Mutt Smith, Mr. nnd Mi-H. Georgo Tru- C. C. a0,,g X,TH
man nnd Mesdnmo's Georgo Delator, At Ibh Ithoda 'sent' i
... ' '"1
w"i on,
Knto Froulund, Joe ISmory. Surah
Fan In, Mntido MihBlm, Anna Yar
brough, and Athw Annlo Truman
Aloaarn C. 12. Alnybee, Caul Urackloy,
12. C. Alathurti and A. L. (lubaor.
ruary 1 1, the annual mooting and
olectlon of officers will occur.
XOItTII IM2XI) lilllltAHV.
Otto Solicitor and Airs. Alalr baao.
Tho cfuh will meet again In two j p
wctka with Airs. It. If. Dooth.
I 1X1)0011 IMt'XIO I L
Tho newly elected board of tho
'North llond Library Association mot
(Saturday ufternon nt the homo of
'.Mrs. C. F. AlcCotluni for tho eloc
ution of officers for tho coming yenr
Women's Auxiliary of the and tho transaction of other business
I'rosbytorlnn ol.urch wltll pertaining to library matters. Airs.
Coob Hay Women's Club In
library auditorium.
noss men nnd practical Christian
workors ns tho leaders of tho class
from week to week.
A short discussion followed the ox
rellcnt pnpers and then n motion was
passed that a committee, consisting of
ono from ench church and club In
Alnrshflold, together with a repro
sontativo from tho schools, bo asked
to meet on Snturday next In tho nf
ternoon nt Guild Hnll, to dovlso somo
Airs. C. II. Walters. trmi.nri Antmironi- nreslded until doflnlto nionns for sinning a movo-
ritonitnsH club
i w -
! Oao of tho moBt unique and en-' v
I Ijoynblo affairs of tho season was I
i that of tho AlethodlBt Indies' Indoor ,
Auction Ilrldgo Club with after tho election of offlcora, when
Mrs. J. S. Lyons. Airs. C At. Uylor, who was elected
mont In fnveir of n municipal Sundny
school and to try nnd get tho lllble
Swedish Lutheran Aid .vice president, took the chair In the .placed In tho public Rchools,
An .Interesting mooting of the ,,cnc nHt Tuesday evening at the I Meeting with Airs. Alex Lund ' absence of Airs. L. . I. Simpson, who After refreshments hnd been sorv
Crogrosa'clubj'was held last Alonday
nfterno'oii with Mra. A. 12. Adel
sporgeron South Fifth Street.
Tho ,toplc'''for tho afternoon was
"Tho Mlddlo West", nnd tho follow
ing Instructive pnpers wero read:
"Lincoln, Nebraska" Alrn. A. L.
The Mississippi Ilivor", Aire.
W. S.'NIcholson.
"St. Louis". .Mrs. J. S. Hanson.
Mrs. A.'Tp Lagerstrom was elected
a now member of tho club.
On Alonday, Fqb. 8th, Airs. Ver
non A. Smith wlll'bo iiostcBS to the
club nnd tho following program car
ried out: .
"Mining In Unite", Mrs. F. W.
"Colorado Springs," Mra. Otto
Solicitor. '
"Govornmont Irrigation," Airs. A.
12, Adolsporger.
"Salt Lake City and tho Mommas,'
Airs. W. F. srcEldownoy.
"Idaho," Airs. HJalto NJerdrum
Tho mombors In nttendai)co Inst
Alpndny afternoon wore Mrs. W. Al.
Hlako, Mrs. A. L. Hutz, Airs. Hen
It, Chandler, Airs. It. II. Coroy, Airs.
J. S. Hanson, Airs. W. F. AlcEldowny,
Alra. II. II, .Morrow, Airs. HJnlto
NJerdrum, Alra. W. 8. Nicholson,
Alra. F. W. Cayno, Airs. Otto Schet
lor, Alra. Vernon Smith. Alra. W. T.
8tll. Alra. C. W. Tovor, Alra. F. W.
l'owors, Alra. A. 12, Adolapcrger und
Miss Esther Silverman.
church hall.
Formalities were , v
thrown naldo nnd everybody, talked
with everybody else. During Mio,
evening, n mnlo riunrtgt composed ,
of AIcKBra. J. O. Lutigworthy, V. v
Laugworthy, Cnl Langworthy nnd
Mllo Sumner, gave a number of ;
good vocal selections nnd AIIsb Edith
.Tho Willing Workora' did not moot
as announced In last Saturday'a
Society Column. Tho glrla havo de
cided to dlscontlnuo tho mcotlugR
uptll May or Juno when they will
rcsuniQ their social gathorlnga.
4 ,
Mrs. A, T.' Ilnluea ontertnlned
tlio Hoyal Anctlou lrrldgo Club nt
four tnbloa of brldgo last Wednes
day afternoon, Alra. W. II. Ifouuod'
as hostess. ' I vns elected president of the ns3oc!a-1 ed nnd a soclnl tlmo enjoyed, tlio
THURSDAY. itlon for the coming year. Airs. Geo. meeting adjourned with general snt-
Alert Club with II. S. Lar- ' I Inzer wns appointed troasuror of the Is faction nil around. AIucli credit Is
son of Allegany. ' association nnd Airs. U. C. Woodbuty due to Airs. Harry Nnsbu.rg In nr-
A. N. W. Club with Mrs. wob reappointed secretaiy and lib-1 ranging these monthly programs, to
G. A. Dennett. " .-f .rarlan. ' u hoM n tho ,!,Bl Tuesday of each
Fill DAY. ' .Mrs. Armstrong nnd Alra. Wernlch month.
Episcopal "Hard Tlmo" wore made n committee to -draff The one so far aptwliitod from tho
Creston delighted hor llBteiiers with , o social at church hnll. ! rules and regulations governing the . different wrltIons aro Alra.
so oral pretty vocal solos. j Junior Chllntliea Society nt actions of the board and the man- Harry Xatbwr.c from t(o Guild,
Thoro Avoro numoroua expressions HnptlHt church purllora. agoment of the library. The com-', MrR. W. F. McSMowney from the
of regret that Itov. and Airs. Knotts ' , xort., nolu, Thlmblo Club mltteo on books and periodicals far , Progrew. C1b aa4 Mrs. C W. Wal-
weio not nuio 10 uo present, ooin; wltli Mrs. Oobhnrdt. tho nnst year, conslftlnic of Mra. i ters frw tlM" ' Piwbytorlan church
pastor nnd wlo being confined to .. Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. : Armstrong. Mrs. Hr ! Mrs.
their homo with an attack of la 0 8. nt church hall. ' Woodbury, wns rotalod a,l rt!
f' a',0; ,., , . M , .l . LadlpH Art ul111' '" Mrs. $.10 to apeifd Immediately or hV
room fairly groaned under Its loml ! l'' ' LnnR , n"',1 "Tl. v
i. ..... . 1. 1 . ...,.ii. ....! vi .ir. v. r. .ucvuiihhi nunnini sue i.m.mi nami.
Ul tiUUll IIIIMB" IU Uilt tVlllUil W'JiTlj AAAAAAAAAAAA.... .l 1.
baiVbd 111 tin. rcKtilnr nlcnlc Mtvlo. -''--""'"''' " uregoni.n io iae norary.
Aroiiiul this the liulnnr nlinlcknriil a J The follow! taooKa have been d'
stood nnd sang "Praise God From
Whom All Hlosslngs Flow."
After tho dinner a big "sing"
wnB enjoyed by nil proaont, who
wore Air. nnd Airs. J. O. Lang
wot thy, Air. and Airs, I). II, Savage,
Air. pud Airs. A. J. DrowB, Air. mid
Alra J. I). Aloughmer, Mr. nnd Mra.
H. E'lrconnt, Air. nnd Airs. W. Lang
worthy, Air. and Airs. Alllo Siunnor,
Air. cud Airs. Charles Curtla, Air.
and Mrs. (. A. Laugworthy, Mr.
nnd Alra. II. II, Preston, Air. mid
and Air. ElleabU Hyde from tho A.
N. W. CIb.
For the benefit of tho North Hend
Tho now card club recently organ
ized In North llond enjoyed tho hon
pltullty of br. nnd Airs. I. II. Dartlo
last evening In cnrdB nnd dnncliig.
Tho tlmo sped (illicitly nnd nt n Into
hour tho hostosu, asslntod by Atru,
II. O'AInra served doliclouu rofroli
tnonts. Tho nioinbQrn proiiont woro
Dr. nnd Airs. II. 12. lltiriuolslur. Mr.
nnd Alra. Al. G. Coloinan, Air. and
Airs. Fred Ifruso, Air. nnd Alra. II. J.
Linden, Air. und Alra. II. O'AInnt und
apecinl gueat Dr. Alott, On. tho nflur
noon of Friday, Fob. 12, tho IndioB
will moot to suw wltli Alra. II. 12.
honor by Mr. u .
M,fl. Mny,si.,,.,..l
c- ". Ilrowar. uH
11....I.... .. ' "T llhl
Mr- '""1 Mr..! till
'i r..
'ind Mrs. Wm,
nnd MoHnrs. wm ??l
und , n ',,S
Tho North llond Altar Guild mot
nt tho homo of Alrn. Curl .Incolmou
last Thursday afternoon, whoro thoy
wero very plenaantly entertained.
The (Into for tho public curd party
wnB set for Tuesday, Fob. U, to bo
given In Taylor'u Hull. Itov Drown
ing of Alnrshfiolil gave uu Instructive
talk and tho name of Airs. Tcmplo
was added to the tnomborahip roll,
The remainder of Ofo tlmo wnsHpont
In sowing until the serving of re
freshments to tho following; Mra.
Llndvllle, Alra. L. C. lloyuolda, Alra.
It. H. Marshall, Alra. Cnrr, Alra. .1.
Lenuuii, Alra. A. 12. .Morten, Alra. Geo.
Everett, Mra. C. A. Aletlln and 'Mra.
J. G. Horn, who will bo hoatosa to
tho guild in two weoks.
formal y,tta..
Lainwav int n .,0rl
tlio guest nf .. .'""I
score. ltLfrOThn,..,..
tho roiiwillBBlle '
Mr- " B. I.ara.
Mrs- j H. nan,;:1
Jnw, Airs. H, M .'"
w. ai. n,Uo. . R
"t " A?Wi
on. '"
I ""Afcsniiq
Airs. Goorgo Maiffl.,
to u number of M.nkJ
IJond friends ( fcIfa'
llond yesterday ,flfnJI
l"K. Mrs. Mandigo n, J
Alnrshtleld ruwU InrfJ
H. PoworH, Mrs. fttiA
QnlBt mid Airs. Mim J
Dond guests wero Jin. t J
Alra. L. Enrl, Mn. Oftiy
iio. wuiinis huh, ii,,
Mrs. C. A. Smith ujS
M. 13. LMiih,.
i nwini- ,,.,. n. .-., T dod ,0 thc ,lbrtr-v b- Purchase the1 PUtt,,c llbnr' -Mra- - u-v,er- Mrs.
1 'rMDI, hl,I.N(. CI.UH m8l wcok. TeM o( lhe D.UbervI1e,t , Warren Painter and .Airs. I. D, Dnrtle t ,)ANCX(I PAUTV. I
Tho fnn.. i i . , . Th0 sllont P1cm. Allan Quarter- w" bo !tronosso at n ball to Sat- . t '
-s: sssx. zr ':l -, - - rr-A v, ? "sir ' vz?sszz S t r -"- m "- -
...... 1.a mi
.uiii mm. iiuirn- ... .. i,f- i .,. ...i .i..u,.i.,f..i .,i.., - ' "" "'" "
ilny afternoon: 10"1 ,,OOK' wnal KvorJ" 011K Man """" ...... ..,,...... ..., W,H), Mr a, MrH Mnll L Mny m
President Alra. Frank Prey.
Should Know"; Mlas Edna Tlmmons
Vlco-Piesldont Mrs. M. k Thnr. Bvo '".Tie Window of tho W..lto
ton. Cnt," by Alary Itlnohnrt. Alra. Itoy
Socrotary-Troaauror Airs. Fred i Ta'lor also made a. generous donn-
Moore. ' Hon of the following liook: Tho
After tho Hnelnl ntnl isnuliiir linni ' Hoiibo of Iloildairo. The Clieular
It... T .. .. t . r. . - .. " " "" " '
',l'"' " "LU """. ",r '.v-iiillelous refreshments woiw served. Stalreano, Tnlo of Throe Lions, Tho
era. Alra H. AI. Itoss, Airs. Prml"Tnp club will meet In two weoks Wrestler Philllpl. Tho First Mort-
eiiiiiiii, ,nrn. .u. u. nrowii, .Mrs. i-. wi;, jjrs. Fred Alooro
12. Potoraon. Alra. Charles Davis. j0(lltica tho 8ecnI glieB, Mrg
r.,l ?:..nny:,th? MlB08-A'"J8AIol.aln. tho members present wero:
Ifunklo, Ldlth Preston. Alnrlo Sar- Mw A nortoil( M 0,bert M
ivuiiKie, iuiiih rroaion. .Mario ear- Mw A Horton, Mrs. Gllberl Horthn l)av8, Dora Brown, I j; n. Thurston. Mrs. Will f
and Messrs. F. P, Norton, Clay .m,Bi ,,rCl, Moor(J( Mr3 j D ,
Church, Forest Aloyors nnd Alnrahtill . .
gage nnd tho Sleeping Car by W. b.
Ho wells.
Allsa Amy From became tho brldo
of Albort Oloman last Wodnoaday
evening nt tho Alothodlst Episcopal
parsonngo, Itev. Jos. Knolls officiat
ing with a abort coromony. Tho
couple woro nttonded by tlio groom's
slBtor, Alra. Henry O'Alara and Mra.
A largo gathering amomblod In
Guild Hnll of tho Episcopal Church
on Tuosdny afternoon, when a apecinl
At tho rogulnr btiBliioaB and so- l'Kram had been nrranged on n vl-
clal sosslon of tho North Ilend Hap-1 tnl tol'lc of tM0 (,n'. rolntlng to tho
introduction or tho Dlblo n tho pub
He school 'curriculum. Two papora
tlst LadloB' Aid last Thursday af
ternoon Airs. c. 0. Fry mid Airs.
Al. 12. Nowmnn woro elected new
woro prepared, ono by Airs. Jnmos
Ebboka nnd another by Alra. W. F.
Pastor Hnssford of Alarshflold, AlcEldownoy, both of which woro
gnvo Bovernl roadlnga from Eugone highly commended for tho able trent-
Esthor Stromborg. Air. nnd Airs, i Field, which woro followed by ro-.ment thoy gavo to tho Biiblect of tho
Oloniuu will roBldo In Mnrshfleld. marks from tho President, Mrs. teaching of tho lllhlo In tho schoola.
I j anticipated. An ndmlaalon of $1.00
per couplo nnd COe for extra guests
will bo charged. .Murphy's alx-plcco
orchestra will fiirnUh tho mimic.
Evoryono who enjoys good dancing
and at tho sniuo time helping n good
cause la cordially Invited and prom
ised an cujoynblo tlmo.
cAitb PAirrv.
Tho Women of Woodcraft woro
honored by tho Woodmen of tho
World with n social nnd card party
In North llond Friday ovonlng, Jan.
22. Tho nffnlr wns unuBiioIly woll
nttonded nnd ovcryono reports a
splendid tlmo. In nttondnnco woro
Air. nnd Alra. Wlllnnl OtU, Air. nnd
Alra. A. 12. Alorton, Air. nnd Alra. C. S.
Ifnlsor, Air. nnd Airs. Frank Arnot,
Air. and Aire. Tom Chapman, Air. and
Airs.' U. KvniiB, Air. nnd Airs. H. A.
Harris, Air. nnd Aire. N. G. Hamos,
Air. nnd Alra. Henry Iforn, Air. nnd
Aire. Waltor Llvlngood, Air. and Alra.
tertaliied nt u roof garden il.iucliig
pnrty In lionor of Air. and Alra. C. 1).
Ilrowor, Mr. mid Alra. Goo. Diinlup
nnd Col. Curtis, who nro leaving on
tho Nnnn Smith for San Frnnelfoo.
During tho evening Air. Ilonrlk GJor
druin rendered so vera I Holoctlona on
tho piano and Air. Ilrowor delighted
lila llatenora with uovoral readings In
hla dolightftil stylo. A dollcl
oua luncheon wna aorved In tho prot
y npartnionta, whoro tho color
acliomo of yellow wnB nrtlaticnlly car
ried out. Air. C b. Ilrowor wns tlio
toastiunstor of tlio occasion. Tho
place cards woro unusually original
In tholr (loslgn. Thoy woro of a
booklet form and each ono contained
n verso of pootry sultablo to tho
guost at whoso plaqo It mia placed,
and during tho luncheon each guest
naa requested lo wrlto n vorso about
tho person to hla right, tho roodlng
of which occnaloncd much Jesting nnd
lnughtor. Ono and foaturo of tho
ovoning wnB tho approprlato nnd
The Ladles' Aid elnTJ
Church of North Deilkl
ulnr hcssIoii at the dtjl
rnurBiiny afternoon, n,l
flpuui in social chitomj
work nnd at tho djui
rreBlimcntB ncro lertK i
12. Laird, Mrn. M. KHwl
O. Holm, tho hotteutt'
Present were Mn. T
poll, Aire. II. Hoeck, X.ii
son, Airs. A, 0. Rut,j
Stephens, Airs. E. U xi
C. A. Wilson, Mn. L II
Mra. A. 8. Illsey, Mrt?
.Mrs. Chaa. Van ZII,Ht
Nny, Airs. C II. Kurt!
Curtis, Aire. F, A. Fitt
O. Holm, Airs. M. q!o,i
mot, Alra. Slilmlcn, lln.C-J
Alra. V. 12. WntUn.
Alra. II. C. WllltruM
(Irosamnklng and ttlltij
lora over Norton & t!itn
Etroct. Iteallilng th U
times of securing JtuUl;
Alra. Wllloy hai icrti
dross goods and tri
Portland. San Frandwtj
from which a selrctlcs ul
If desired. SliowlllcaiJ
goods up for you or 2J d
your gown. WorkTiinw
models in tailored biU,(
Uurgossor, Now York CSsl
way. Tho first flr Uiil
gowns mndo will recflrtl?
satin ahnpo hat fret Ji
convince you, rbODt
u- rr-rr
I " " mm .'i,'! M.I!lK)rrSS
J. A. Lonnnn, Air. and Alra. Ollvor words of fnrowoll to tho guests ofHEST AIIUTS. 1'Ikw'
mmm imm m fc ii . "MaaisiBSSSBBM "'sHBBBBBBiHBBBBHilBHRBksBlk
See the BEAUTIES OF ALL THE WORLD at on. A ... rt.
FOUR TRIPS TO THE EXPOSITION, with allexpenses paid, and
nvu aumiuanoes to Exposition grounds; five admittances lo anw
attractions within grounds; steamer trip on San Francisco Bay, fc
. ..Id
mg inp 10 vaiiejo and Mare Island Navy Yard; trip to Mt. la"1
Mllir WnnrlQ uHh hlrln nn nM,n,in,i ..:i i : u ,.rnrlrl fine I
v.-, ..uu nuu uu liluuuuc)l ruiiruau in uiu wumk - i
class round-trip fare San Francisco (via steamer) to SacramenlftJ
state capital, viewing the greatest intensive farming district in in'
MrlsMCTMMsBJWMMMmMaaiMBMiMUUM- -- ,,M ,ii, --
Phone 122
Red Cross Dru
Phone 1'
-??' ?