THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THRE . dT'TtasEff'Ttssw , ,'. 'Q) Tv MUSIC AND " EVENTS MUSICIANS 14 :'?01iVv.N - i, TW Wtl tnM " .IL?ll,---' r 3 noon. G'l rjrdc li' Gn nJ Ciito . ona-tl'lritcipa i ji cupl.I ( Ur. o 10 niece ntL t n m. i-cvi, g-C-ho.f cup chopprtl ct- ff". ollil- n f dftt chonnod fltmcntta? Arm. ) n f c "if)' oucsi. Coal (InttO over nlrrtit iinl crMn nt'il mornlna: mil Inn double lllr ' 4f -1.J" en fyf. xfKvV - & f s iy i fffffiLI -itL1i,V..:.w,' iSi-t' iff II Iff if aw 9? . ft-iJaa.-atSrf-?, with ' 'jt mil i urnn nn ooic tl in Pvl f d 1 P't "ivi' I. lin I re and i,anwrvi'j coal. 7o The Mew umxfaw III . V -Wi I.' VICTOR RECORDS Have Arrived ASK FOR CATALOG TALK TO THOMAS AliOUT IT. ffi$A MJito&' L. L. THOMAS, Mgr. Central Avenue Marsh f fold Victrolas -Record s . O. Anderson (10(iiillp, Oregon KINDLY KEIEaIBER KVMUYTII1XG IN TUB IJAKKUY LINK MARSITFIELD BAKING COCPANY rt'.U .NOIJTH SKCOX1) ST., XIWntlSXUIIAL AVK.NUK. IMIOXIC J2. HIGH QUALITY nn :su i urn's, visoiyrAHLKS v imi .M"in. K'l'i tiling In Si'iiwni l'cojitIoimIIJ , Ki'i'n I'rlct. larshfield Fruit Company, ! At l':iliiri( Mont .MiuKv.t iOIIU i!(ll-J. IH. Jessen, M. D. K lUIVblClAX AX1 SUIIGKON krger) and Dlaoages of Women a Spoclalty. art n f. Ilnnson bldg. Phone 229-J ks, Myrtlo Arma. Phono 304-L COOS BAY ienrik Gjerdrum PIANO INSTRUCTION' 'Studio MYRTLE AKWls Phonf 356-J. boll until thkifti ud.l cinnnmati and tniti tnmir.Mi imovo cinnn- Xopsy mAniln. niurflr lm.l lincA!afM. laiiMA rm kuirrr 1 diMn1til Serve wMi cream flavored. j'nsun! aucaus in tht making of ihis dainty) be $urc lo use "7! Ground Chocolate There is an improvement in the family health as noon as GhirardclH'n Qround Chocolate enters the kitchen the children arc happier, the father is happier, the mother is happier because she is enabled, without much trouble or expense, to serve her family with splendid desserts and the most healthful of all beverages. Order a lin from your Grocer today D. QHIRARDELLI CO. Sun l'rancltco tlnce 1U2 vmomianTrain February Victrolas -Records Pacific Drug Co. Myrtle Point. Oregon. AND GIVE US A TKIAL "'i094J'0't'VV?'C''?0 IS ST. lav;rence hotel ! In !ie Heart of Mavslifleul All Outiidp Itoonis str i mat 4 v40A SPIRELLA CORSETS may bo obtained in Marslifield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier. .352 So, 5th St, Phone 200-X Hilt im Colli U'Btrtl" Way 7rv Mini li - WKKK1A IIA'PI'M Sb.flt) ll I. .1 .ll'TI.;V. Mup. tt 44M'9AA6t6 MUSICAL DIRECTORY Sips. FraoMIo INMia'CTOU IN VOICE Willi llnuiflies In Vtox Trulnliis, Slslit ItoailliiKi Enuniiation vrk tot cjillilreu in Eur Tru'iiliig. Sight Kcmllntc, Kiinnci- ati ii. Hales fur clitsrs of four. ITIIN VITMOIIS I SKI) WmIAi Ij" nn I Phone .('M Jljrtlo Arms Twvy Dainty f& rwiTrymjtj nww wilt o , honor noimiK buhxs. , ill.- o An Interesting program has boon Plopnretf for tlio Burns colobrntlon tuulor tlio aimplcoK of the lucnl Cnlo- donlnn Society, which will dike plnco nt the I. O. O. 1'. hall thin evening. Besides the musical program thoro will be dancing Intor In the avonlng mill tho "ipttlierliiK of tho cIrum" will be it mi la feettval fur locnl ScotH. KollowliiK Is the jiroKram: ClialrniMii of tlio ovunlnjt ...... Dnn MacDonnld AdilroB Knt liar McDovltl Vocnl solo, "Stnr O' Itobblo liurnu" Hobart Ilnllantyuo Vocnl solo, "Itonnle Uiuiks 0' Looli Tionioml" Mrs. V., L. Itobluson Vocnl Hdlo. ".Mnroli of" tho Catnor- 011 .Men" ....... Antlrow Lnnillca VockI solo, "Anld Scotch SniiBB" Mm. Allnn Todd HoolUHon, "llengar Woninn," . . Tom Wilson Vocnl into, "lloimlo Swoot IIohiIo, the Mnld o' I) ii n duo" Miss Anna Triiomnn Hurry Lmidor' imiioi'soiintlons. . Itobort llnlluiityno Vpcnl nolo, "Yo Ilnnlu nnd llrnes o' Uonnlo Doou Mi-8. K. h. IlobliiHon Violin Nolo, Scotch Mclodlos ... .t Carl Murphy Jim. 1'ei'l ltlloy Uulllngor will net as uccoinpunlst. Ilimilll. .! W.IM III H ' I MWII.MI.I Ml COOS 1IAY TI.MKS, I WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS I I IIUV AX UP-TO-THU-JIIXUTU j WAU JIAP AVIUM J TIIK SUI'I'IjY jasrs Tlioy Are (Jolnj; l'nht . , Havo you trlod Tho Tlmoa' want nda? BirQAers High Grade PIANOS At Reasonable Prices Heiirik fljerdriim Solo Ant'iit for Coos May Mrtlo ryjp, Maiabflold, Ore. aif Miss Edna Louise Larstai Pianist and Teacher t Studio Corner Central anil Ntli St. Telepliono -laT-II THE EAST WINDOW. HE VIIO says, "I don't know a 'thing about music, but I know what I like," Bpoaka truth; his iKno'ranco tot music Is deep ns tho pit, says an exchange Leis frank aro many subscribers to our Sym phony contorts, who after years of concert-going, still confuso tl e sec ond movement of one- composition with hb boginnlng of another com- position; ono enrnost lady bolns ob aorvod, last week, following the pro grammes -from tlio succeeding con cert. Musicians excepted, few of my acquaintances "know a thing about music." Dosplto passionate protests nnd porBlstont concert going, music has never Interested them; for ono cannot be Interested In a thing and not loam something about It. MiibIc, lis 'Ilansllck said, loosens tho feet or tlio lioart JiiBt as wlno Iooboiib tho f tongue, but such vlctoiles testify on ly' to tho wcaltncss of tho vanquished My friend might ns well say to mo, "I nm Interested In claret," as "I am Interested In music." Ho may bo "fond of" music ns ho niny bo fond of clarot; but It Is not nn aesthetic fond ness. Ho may feed records Into hla phonograph, or ho may Bit by tho flro and alp a wlilaky toddy; tho plane of enjoyment Is tho same. Music Is the least understood of tho nrtH nnd tlio most difficult art In which to produco anything of va lue. A child builds n snow man, or models n rudo figure In putty, or draws n picture on a slate, or writes a llttlo story; but n child Is novor ob served harmonizing a melody. A per son hums ln-la-la, and fancies ho bus "composed" something. With tho te merity of l.Tiiornnco, a person suts down .a string of melodloB (which a musician afterward harmonizes) nnd nnnouiicos that ho has written un opora. Anybody can sot down a melody, but only a musician can com poso music. It Is not tho mblody whloh Is of valuo, but tho method In which It Is treated what It becomes beneath the hand of genius. Morunrd Shaw Bald that Ilrahma wroto com monplnco mclodlos. Hut did ho com poso commonplace uiubIc? Tho melo dy of ono of his lnvolloat Intermezzi Is nothing moro than the descending scnlo of K-flat. What could ho moro commonplace than n slmplo ncnlo? What oo ii Id bo lovellor than this In tormozzo In E-flnt? liven genius cannot write music until tho art Is loarnod; but fools rush In w'.iero gonlus knows bettor than to trond. After yoars of pre paration llrnluns began his first sym phony, nnd worhod on It for cloven yoars. And "critics" vlow this sym phony as they would rovlew a warm bath, or n fall on an Icy pavemont, and mistake their Konsntlona of plousuro or dlsplcasuro for an nd veiituio in noBthctlca. CHUltCH MUSIC. Tho following music will bo sung nt Einmnnuol Episcopal Churoh to morrow morning, It bolng Soptua goslmn Sunday: Procosslonnl, Hymn 121, "Lend Uu, Hcav'nly Knthor" .... Haydn Vonito (Chant) Uoblnson Gloria Patrl Moriitngtnn To Dolim, No. C in E-flnt . . . Buok Jubllnto Doo In A Manta Hymn 342, "Art Thou "Weary?" Bulllngor Hymn' 015, "Oh Johua I Havo Promised" Elliott Offortory Anthem, "Sweet tho Mo menta. Hlch In Blessing" . . . Solly Presentation of 'Alms, "Praise God" Bourgeois Recessional, Hymn 108, "Jerusa lem, tho Golden" Bwlng Mrs. William lfo'rsfalj, Jr., Or ganist and Choir Director. STUDIO HECI'I'AL. A foaturo of tho uoxt muslcnlo nt tho dttidlo or Uunrllc Gjerdrum on February 15 will bo tho Poor Gynt Sulto ror two pianos eight hands. The participants In this interesting composition will bo Miss SInry Kruso, Sllss Bortha Davis, SIIbs Floronco Powers and Sir. Alfred Fllesburg. Silas Edna Larson's playing will add greatly to tho enjoyment of tho musl cale. Sllss Larson is to play compo sitions by Shubort and Por Lalsou. Tho other soloists for tho evening will bo Mlstl Victoria KJelland nnd Sllss lllldur Selaudcr, ! PUPILS' ItECITAL. , , Sirs. A. B. GIdley will presont sov eral pupils In rocltnl at her rosldonco studio on Fobruary r. Thoso np I'cniinsr on tho program nro Slra Perl 'tllcy PalUnwr, Sllss Anna Cox and Mrs, Erros Tprroy-Lej latui, .SYMPHONY Oltt'HKSTltA. J o Director It. N. Kenton of the Sym phony Orchestra, reports that organi zation In n flourishing condition. At present thore aro ten violins, two cellos, ono bass, two flutes, two clar InotH, ono bassoon, thrco Krench horns, two trumpets, ono trombono nnd tympnnl playing regularly with tho orchestra. Tho hour of practice hostess at a delightful roof gnrden H,,oct' Tn0 t,mo wns 8I,cnt ,n 8oW has bc6n chnilgod to ton o'clock Sun- , innclng party at tho Myrtlo Arms. llnB nml 0,mt' Hofrcshments woro dny morning. Dr. W. A. Toyo lHiVTn0 fttfar wnB BrClltly enjoyed byj8tn01'- MrB- dnrl WcBt W,U ontor" resumed practlco with tho orchestra iiln i?nostn wim wm-o Mr nmi Mrs. i tsilti On Wcdnesdny, Kcbruary 10. after being disabled by an Injury to hla hand. CHAMINADE OMill. Tho Chnmlnado Club mot Krldny morning at tho Library auditorium for their regular weekly weekly busl - ncsa mcotlng program and rehearsal. I Mrs. J. S. Coke read n paper on thol Orchestra and Orchestral Music. At the next meeting Mrs. E.I. Chandler will presont n paper on Tlio Violin. An Invitation to tlio ciun mciniiors and thor escorts to attend tho recital or Mrs. P. E. Conwny on Kobrunry'cd with Oregon grape and hucklo - 8 was received. MrB. Ii. N. Lewis of berry. . North Bond was elected to member-, The afternoon hours woro om - !.!.. I.. .1 I..I. Ullll IJ1 lliu viuu. Tho members present at tho moot- Inc wero Miss Besslo Ayro, Mrs. Porl ltlloy Bnlllnger, Miss Louise lllntt, Mrn. It. IC. Booth, Mrs. E. I. Chand ler, Mrs. .1. 8. Coke, Mrs. Levi Dal g!e, Mrs. Malr Dauo, Mrs. Edwnrd Dolan, Mrs. W. N. Ekblnd, Mrs. Carl EvcrtBou, Miss Ursula Karrlngor, Mrs. J. W. Gardiner, Mrs. A. II. G Id ley, Mrs. Win, Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. E. K. .Tonus, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Miss 0!ni"i Myron, Mrs. Bonj. Ostllud, SI lis Edith Prohton, Mrs. E. L. Uoblnson, Mrs. D II. Savage, SIIbs Gouovlcvo Von'jstarkcii, Sirs. B. H. Smith, Sirs. Chir'na Stnuff, .Mrs. SI. A. Sweotmnn, Mrs. L. L. Thomna, Sirs. L. Tower, Mrs. C. II. Walter, Mrs. George Wnt Hns, Sirs. K. E. Wilson. MAM) CONCEItT. Director H. N. Kenton has announc ed a hand concert for Sunday nfter noon, Kobrunry 7 nt tho Lcmnuskl Theater. A SONG ItECITAL, - Sira. K. H. Conwny, nsslBtod by Ilenrlk Gjerdrum will nppoar In ro f.Unl at tho niniisomont hull of tho .Myrtlo Arms on tho evening of Kob runry 8. Tho guests for tho evening will bo the parents of Sirs. Conway's uplls, tho guests or tho Myrtlo Arms and tho members or the Chn lplnddo Club mid their escorts. I E.MIIELL1SIIMENTS. 'read by Sirs. W. II. riper, Mrs. J. E. A. Harris, recently or Crescent. j, Nofth m, Mr8i Bf c i,nrUor City, has Joined tho Coos Bay Con-T,10 Bul)Joct wnB tj10 opon f()r Kon. cert Band, playing trombone. Slr.ornl ,iIboubsIoii. Imrrla was formerly -with tho Kllttoa 1 Tnu roiunliifler of tho nftornoon Hand of Toronto nnd plnya tho harp end collo as well as trnmbnno, nnd will doubtless prove a vnlunblo jic r,ulsltlon to tho locnl nrohostra, Mrs. Charles Stnuff will sing a fcoprauo solo nt tho evonlng Borvlcoa of tho Methodist Episcopal church en Sunday. Fritz Anthony, lollnIst, now resident of Seattle, but at 0110 tlnio lut tractor of violin In Slnrshflold, c ntcmplntes returning to Coos liny. IliB return will bo tho cattso for 10 - Jolclng among tho many friends ho mndo during his provious stay hero. He is a brothor or Slra. Chniiea Win Mil' or North Bond. I HIGH SCHOOL .MI'S 10. I OwliiL' id nxnmlnntloiiB coinlller tblr week muslcnl nctlvltles at tho high Bohool woro postponed to await n' more favorable tlnio for practice. I Tho next program Is scheduled for1 Fobruary 12, whon tho Glrla' Gleo Club will appear, y I STOIlV FOB THE DAY. r To Get HesuJtK. A good nnd iirnctlcal llttlo 10 llglonlst, hastening to school, wns ov ertaken by a comrndo, nlst or ro HgloiiB nature, who wnllod that thoy wero going to bo lato, "Let's kneel down and pray that wo won't bo," thla second child pres- ently suggested, her thoughts turning I to the beloved teachor who would bo dlstressod at their tardluoss. 'Kneel down, nothing'" wns tl 0 !. ....,.. 1 u'll .,1.1 a -1.. 1.. along and pray as wo go," JSirlJJ2SiL .vai,c:iss,i (l.l.ll - A. . D.YXCtXtf VAHTV ,jiWt Mondny ovenlug, Mr. nnd ... ,,r ,,. conwav woro host and warren l'nlntor, Mrs. Karrlngor, MrB. John D. Gobs, Misses UrBtiln Karrlnger, Adelaide Clarice, Ornco Williams, Graco Kruse, Miss Seat, Nellie Warwick ( and Messrs. Thny or, Grimes, Frank Hnrlocker, Hurt Hlgglns, Harry Gordon, A. E. Kolley nml IJe p. Fisher, i . v i TIIUIISDAY CliUIl i m. iinm.i. fmn-iAi. nntn.iii.n.i u... I f0nor Thursday Afternoon Sowing club members InBt Tuesday at her homo on South Eleventh Btroot. The homo was artlstlcaljy decorat , ,1 I I.. .!.... ...! ...! ,1 1'iujwu ill duiiiii uuu iiiliD.u ii.iu ul tho closo dainty refreshments wore aorvod Sirs. Fourier's guests Included; SIib. Win. Schroeder, SIim. E. F. LoMloux, SIrB. J. W. Slltcholl, Sirs. Harold Crawford, Mrs. Harry llratl flcld, Sirs. Norls Jensen, Sirs. Per ry DodBon, Mrs. Jerry Kinney, Sirs. T. S. Hnrvoy. .Mrs. It, N. Ken ton, Sirs. J. W. Hlldcnbrnnd and Sirs. J. II. Stnddon. ! SISTEItllOOl) Last Tuesday afternoon tho Chrla Hon Slstorhood nsBotublcd nt the homo or Sirs. H. A. Copplo oi Eighth street, but adjourned lm mediately to attend tho Eplscopnl ladles' mcotlng nt tho Guild Hall, which was open to nil ladles' clubs and aoclotlea. Tho SlBlorhood will meet In two weeks, tho plnco to bo nnnouncod Intor and on next Tuesday tho C. W, B, SI. will moot at tho home of Sirs, S. J. Immol, with Sirs. 1). C. McCarty in chnrgu. Thobo presont Inst Tuesday woro: Sirs. W. A. Bold, Sire. D. C. .McCar ty. Mrs. 8. J. Immol, Sirs. Frank Black, Sirs. Mnttlo Blaln, Mrn A. W. Gregg, Sirs. E. L. Hopson, Mrs. 13. A. SrcDufflo, Mrs. J. C. Jones and Sirs. It. A. Copplo. 4. . .j. 4 I ALEUT CLUB Tho Alort Club or North Coos Itlvor spoilt Inst Thursday nrtor 110011 with Sirs. II. E, Edwards in Allegany. Tho afternoon's subject 1 for dlscourso wns "Hotter Babies I I Slovomont." Splendid papora woro Wan ploRBnntly apont in sowing and chat, a aiimptunua' lunch closing thot eujoynblo affair, In serving tho hostess wna nsslsted by her mothor, Sirs. J. O. Lnngworthy, of , Mnrahflold. Tho rollowlng woro Slra. Edwards' guests: Sirs. K. 11. Hood, Mrs. W. II. Piper, Sirs. V. K. Bood, Sirs. Claud Plpor, Sirs. J. E. Noah, Mrs. E. C. nHnrkor, Mrs. II. 8. Larson, Sirs, (1. A. Gould, Sirs. K. L. I loop, Sirs. J, II. Prlco, Mrs. J, O. Lnngworthy cud Sllss SIcClny. 1 Mrs. H. S. LarBQti will bo hoBtesa 'to tho iiiembors and frlonds or tho olub next Thursday nftornoon. 5 J SWEDISH LADIES , Next Wednesday nrtornoou tho Swodlsh Ladles' Aid will meet nt tho church and Sirs. Alex Lund will bo hostoa, i' 1 A. X. W. CLUB Sirs. Chnrloa Stnuir last Thurs day nftornoon ontortalnod tho mom bors or tho A. N. W. Club nt hor home on SInrkot nouuo. A Hor tho usual busiiipBB notion and sowing hour, tlio hostess, assisted by hor slstor, SIib. BeuJ. Ostllud nnd mothor, Sirs. Johnson and Sirs. SI. C. Moloney, sorved dainty rofrosh monts to tho rollowlng: Sirs. F. E. Allen. Slra. G. A. Bennett Sirs. Olivia Edman, Sirs. F. M. Fried borg, Sirs. Frank Hague Slra. J. T. Hall, Slra. Fannie Huzard, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, Sirs. It. E. Irwin. Slra. O. 8. Knlsor, Sirs. E. Slln- gus, Sirs. Georgo F. Murch, Sirs. W. P. Murphy, Slra. Mary McKnlght j Mrs n A Honnett will lin linstess Jin two wooks, Miss Thora iuna was hostess to tlio Narcissus Club mombors Inst Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Chnrlcs P. Terry on Second I'lPrtcnl woro Mrs. Shopnrd Dock, Mrs. Clios. P. Terry, Mrs. Ingle Po-dei-Bon, Mrs. Carl West, Mrs. Ar thur Itohfold, tho Mlsoes: Blanch T.'Iltfson, Hilda West, Stella Po dcrron, Hattlo Itohfeld, Nolllo Ol son. .. 4, t m NOIITII HE1 HIIIDOE The North Bond Auction Drldgo Club wns delightfully enlortnlnod 'nRt Tuesday evening ftt tho home or Mrs. Dennis Hull. Tho rooms woro very prettily docorntod lor tho occasion with huckleberry nnd othor alnn,l BrCcnB' Al Vrl' ?B. ' !f"t' I (,u.rtrB ?io P turcd , f'r.Btu lf2"' Mrs. J'.nrl Powol imd Ml " '" nu ..o.a ". - club, tho rormcr assisting tho host ess In serving dnlnty rerrefllimonts to tho rollowlng members: Mrs. C. L. Jncobson, Slra. J. 0. Horn, Mrs. 0. SI. Byler, SIrB. Georgo Stovon Bon, SIrn. II. L. Bergman, Mrs. II. E. Burmolster, Mrs. L. F. Falken r.teln, Sirs. 1. 1), Bnrtlo and Mrs. A. S. Hammond, Mrs. C. ,11. Broughton will bo hostcsB to the members on Tuos- tlivy, February 9. j. .5. . j TIII.M11LE CLUB 4 Tho Thimble Club or Korth Bond surprised Sirs. John Mullen nt her homo Inst Mondny nftornoon with a sowing party, tho ladles bringing tholr fancy work nnd an appetizing lunch with them, tho latter of which was Borvod at tho closo of the afternoon by Sirs., Dennis Hull, .Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo nnd Sllss Lena Knlso. Tho club visitors woro Mrs. Hull and tho Misses Lena nnd Lau ra Kruso. Tho mombors presont Included Mra. I, B. Bnrtlo, Sirs. A. II. Dorbyahlro, Mrs. H. 13. Bur moBtor, Slra. Win. Vaughn, Mrs. C. 8. Knlsor, Sirs. Gobhardt, Mrs. W. Hondryx, Sirs. S. 8. Jennings, Sirs. George Slnndlgo, Sirs, F. 13, Olnzlor, Sirs. II. Hnzor, Mrs. C. L. Eaton, Sirs. E. 13. Biggs, Slra. 13. F. Bussoll, Mra. IL J. Llndon, Slra. J. H. GrovcB, Sirs. II. O'Slnra nnd tho honor momber, Sirs. J. G. Slullen, 4 . I LADIES' AID I J.nht Wednosdny artornoon tho Lnillfis' Aid or tho North Bond Picihyterlan Church mot lor a Boclal tlmo In tho church roOma which weie nrtlatlcnlly docorntod for tho orrnslon x with Ohlnn llllca. Mrs. Georgo Hnzor, Slra. SI. E. Gurnoey, Mr. Anna Larson, Sfra. U. C. Hi lines, Slra. Goorgo Bolster nnd Sllss Esthor Imhoft nsuumed tholr duties as hostcssos. Tho chlof diversions of tho uftcrnoon woro sowing, ohnt and dnlnty rolrcsh montB. Among thoso presont wero: Sirs. E, 13. Hayes, Slra. C. A. Smith, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. 8. S. Jon lilngB, Sirs. II. E. BurmeBtor, Mra. II. A. Harmon, Slra. I. B. Bnrtlc, Slra. Bobt. SlcCnnn, Slra. W. Wilcox, Mra. J. II. Linden, Slra. V. K. Wnt tors. Sirs. Geo. D. Slnndlgo, Mra. J. .Monde, SIrB, Goo. Hnzor, Sirs. An na Larson, Mra. W, A. .Marshall, Hoeck, Sirs. William Neilson, Sirs. F. 8. Shlmlan, Sirs. W. Chnppell, Sirs. F. Sillier, Sirs. Jones, Sirs. Honry I. Dlera, Sirs. A, E. Rose, Slra. Ilolnzo, Sllss SInrgaret Kon nody, Slra. II. C. Poteraon, Strs. Frnzler, SIib. Geo. Bolster, SIr8. SI, 13. Gurnsey, Sirs. Goo. Evorettp Sliu EvniiB. Sirs. F. G. Crinby, Slra. J. S. Rushlow, Mrs. II. B. Wllby, Sllss Constanco Peterson. Tho Aid will meet ngaln In two weeks. . I OAl-'ETIHtlA CLUB - Sir. and Sirs. W. A. Bold enter tained tho Cnrotorla Club at lunch 0011 Inat Wddnesdny evening, rol lowlng which tho gontlomen botook thomsolves to tho Slen'a Fellowship mooting and tho lndiea rormod a theater party and enjoyed an hour or "movies." Tho lunchoon guests wero: Sir. and Mrs. W. F, SIc Eldownoy, Sir. und Sirs. A B. Gld ley. Sir. and Mia. J. S. Ilanson, Sir. and Sirs F. A. Tlodgon. Sir. and Sirs. T " Bussoll, Sirs. Suthorlln and Sh 1' A SehlbredP. (Continued on page eight j jj ' w.'"Tgiyy"