Mips friMiiuiiiqW hp"i HfiKlSSSiH IE8. HARSHBIELU, OHE0, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 19 15-EVENIMG EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES six "- RSHsSS 9PfAn7 VlnQ HflCiaa uss cjkj cej -w1 ,lii ..mu-n ..- You do not all have to come to the CLAUSEN SHOE SALE during the first few days. There is plenty of Shoes for all. - - We cannot wait on everyone at once. For the benefit for those working and who cannot get to the sale in the day time, we will be open at night until nine o'clock at the Clausen store. "MONEY TALKS" HUB rw EK m!rtmE$m!&mzMEMgs3mz mmmssEmssEmsisssBKBaKSKMMmmmuxKmasmmm "MOM talk! WORTH BEID HAS ifl r PROJECTS Annual Meeting of Chamber of Commerce New Directors New Water Supply At tlio semi-annual meeting of tho North HencI Chamber of Commerce Inst ovenlng n lionnl of dlroctora wan nolccted nnd pinna outlined Tor n vory nctlvo year. Many of tlio plniiH wore Hiiinnmrlzcri In tlio niinunl report of Sec. J. A. Smltli, who proposed Among other things that stops ho taken to Bccuro th'u following: Forry across liny to Glasgow Point nml rand opened to Ton Mllo region. Public Hinrket plnco on water front. Municipal water nystatin Carrying out of ItosoburgfCoos liny railroad project. Momborhlp InorouKcd from 100 to nt leant 200. Tlioro waH u good turnout and tho mooting watt u decidedly onthuslns tlc one. Tho following director wero chosen: Henry Horgmnu, F. W. Wood, M. K. Kvorott, Peter Iogglo, K. F. Ilits loll, (leorgo I Inzer, F. J. Faclilor, J. II. droves nml II. II. Woldy. Ily an nmondmont to tho constitu tion, adopted Inst night, tho tonus or tho directors will ho ono year Instead of six months. President Kvorott wan nbsont In Cnllfornln nnd could not mnko his roport. Roc. Smith, In addition to outlining soma or tho oesoutlnl things thnt tho ensuing yonr should bring, Hummnrlied ns tho most Important work of tho body tho pnBt year tho following: Launched Simpson hotel project: Launched dally paper project. Assisted In extension or harbor lines nnd dock work as approved by U. S. Knglnoors. Secured ohnngoa In Kmplro, .Vorth Itcnd nnd Mnrsuflold mnll service. Asslstod Coos and Curry uxhlblt nt San Francisco Imposition, Ho said thnt whllo gonornl condl there would be too much work for n Judgo hnvlng both Coos nnd Curry cc unties in his district nnd henco he ttigod thnt they bo separated. The ! resolution was adopted and will bo I sent to tho legislature. I A lottor from Iteprosontntlvo llar- 1 row stating that ho wns willing nnd anxious to ho of all possible sorvlco to tho body wns read. A resolution of tho Itosoburg Chamber of Conimorco against high tuxes wns rend. .Municipal N'n ton oiks. There was qulto n discussion of u munlclpnl water ityHtem for Xorth iloud nnd It was decided thnt u com mlttoo to take charge of it should bo namod nt tho next nicotinic. In tho discussion it wns advocated that North Houd shwitld socuro its 'supply from tho Sand Hill Lakes. It wnH pointed out thnt n Inko tlioro, liiBldo tho federal rosorvo, had nn ol- ovnllon or tw i in i f iiiu uuiur ny gravity 1110 llio: Southern Pacific Drldgo across tho ,lU,, Inl11, t 'Pin luif nay. 'iiioro n pumping yluui could bo luslulluil. Ily utilizing tho bridge work to Kiipport tho plpo lino nnd simply submerging it undernoath tho drnw, It wns pointed out thnt n flno' munlclpnl water plant could bo put In nt a cost or between $ 100.000 nnd Sir.0,000. Jt was declared that there wan sufficient water In the lnko to supply n town of r.0,000 to 70,000 population. Fourth of .July. nans tor .North Iloud having n SEEKS METHOD OF SEEK ill r 0 iusme wood waste, of water Turn It Into Profits Says Prof. Benson, of Department of Agriculture ' Utilization of wood wasto com mercially Is tho purpose or an Inves tigation now undor way by Protes tor II. K. Houbou, bond of tho chem istry department of the University of Washington. Ho arrived bore yes terday nfterunon in company with Prorossor O. F. Stafford, bond of tlio University of Oregon chemistry de partment, who Is Interested in tho Discussion of Municipal Own ership in Marshficld Brincjs Up New Propositions Tho discussion of n munlclpnl water ryttoni for Murshflold Is arousing considerable Interest now and It Is likely that Homo new plinceH of It will be pluco.l before tho City Council for couslduintlou before any deal Is made looking to tho purchase of the present sys tem. Two or throe sources of supply other than the ono now used are BUDGES Mil II HAS SUPPLY 11! ITMIBarasFl 1 HIPPING NEWS untt. tiiil.f.w.t i.l .!. i Hi.. ....... ruwiiu Biiwjvuit twiu luunj uiu muii i . . .. ... . . . Ilmlltt till t'rwttt tLtt )i tntttea ! Init'i Inrnl rmrnriw 1,n,l n nl ""'0 Hlierotieu SpOCUUOrs III lie """ v..w. ...i.,D ....w ...u term rosono, nnd nn ol-' '. hum.. inv,,oii,,,.,.t.. ... .,.... ...... vonty feet, which would! f'"1"1 In" ' W"on! t,,0y T, ,,nr"CM' Uo, T o rUli llmt tlm now iter by gravity tlio tho!1"'- n,lo"ll,m ' ,ho "otMn "f "10 ..,' ., . '" ', '' 1,. '.. Tho final action in tho transfer or tho llundon watorworka to tho city ot llundon has been completed, hi speaking or the action, tho llun don Recorder says: "Flnnl action In taking ovor tho llundon Water Company's plant was completed nt tho mooting or the city council Wodnotday night whon rot NORTH i BELL OIEKUD flOEH PLEASIUTI - -. , i Arrives From Eureka Bar in Less Than 1 1 Hours 40 Passengers Go North In 10 hours iho (leorgo W. Klilur initilo tho run from Kttroka bar to tho Cook liny bar nnd ar rival In horo Inst night Hhorlly nftor nlno o'clock, bringing in pnsHongorH Tho burning or wasto wood to get it out or Iho road Is far from making u proper titlllxntloti or tho by-product, declared Professor DeiiMiu, who Is n special agent or Iho Department or Agriculture nnd who has mndo n mini run oi lupiny wiiiio siiguiiy more cxponsivo to reach nt first nio much grimier and or u better iiullty tliiiu tho old source or supply. Homo Mnrshflold ' cltb.onn have hcou Hcctirlug estimates on tho amount of water In the new sup plies and also on tho probable cost ....!.. r .1.1 ii ii .. ' i"" " "'" on mo iiro ono o cosi study or this problem nil over the . . i., ... ,, , ., , , , .. ii rii.. i"r ' H to Marshflold nnd It .United Slates He had notlcod tho wood burning Inst night In the wasto humor or tho .Smith mill and it was this fact that led Mr. Hanson to tho discussion. Ho cited exnmploH of various moans is llltoly that those will bo taken up by tho City Council before nny dcflnlto action is taken on tlio proposition ror tlio city to take ovor tho prosont systom. homo or t ho city onlc'cln nro big Fourth of July colouration this I "" "10U10118 "' wnioli such wood iBjsnld to ho mnklng an lnvotlgdtion yonr woro lirlofly discussed. It -iis ) matle to -v'oll profit, looifii!nic that or the prohnbio Incomo frorii the tloclded to mipnlnt n comnilttao nt tho !,ome '""'"or mill lmvo oven hosted I wtor nystom hero to see wlmt m noxt nicotinic to take oMirxe or the i lho n,enl "H,kor wll 'onght he whs turin the city would receive on the nlnn nml linvo tho IiIk.m pai.i.miin.. h,h," proriclent In utilizing overy invettmont. In tho history or North Moml. Hlcct Tomorrow. ohltlOIlB WOIO paSKCd UCCeDtlllK nil nml l,ft mil t a r.'.w.l; llilu hwim papors. chnttolH, hooks, otc, or tlm j K ror Portland with .10 passoiigora company, City Attorney Troadgold , n-om imro part or the hog but the so. u on I, Thoso ndvocntlng tho now sourco The making or dlstllUts, or x f supply point out tlmt during the Tho Hoard or Directors will mom . r '"BC" "" ninnin I"no.o. and " ow ymra, tno amount or water tomorrow and elect . ,.rMl.i..i . i "B "'n",re or aiconoi are more- h.wi nor. win incroMe grotiy owing lotnry and tronsurer. Sec, J. A. Smith Anothsr Municipal Plant. Has, Been Atkicd to the List in Coos County Arrives In From Bringing 59 Passsd rair uargo 01 fis llrlngtng r.9 iasM(nv laud mid u fair careo :J llrenkwater arrived Ii J iiiuriiltig from th commuud or Captain 'iA llreaku atcr will Icare l the north on Sntunlir hi manifest is listed nuetafl clieos factory nt Wettd to bo taken soulti ocftl boat Itiistler. Those who arrived Inl woro: I). M. Ilosklns, V t Mr. i:. Conrnill, CLJ-J Flckert, Mrs. rickcrtj 1,01-0117. Flckert, L'rmtl Flckert, C. I,. IocMV Harry firalunn, Olef lltfci iitroni, J. A, Heath, J CI (Instofr, Alex WarllUJ Jno. Mcsscnc, Frank KAl Crutz, .1. Walter, Jot S nody, C. Davidson, M. Frod Scarlett, Florewili C. J. Dean, l.'dna Deu.il 1st, Daisy Itasmuwn.f I H. P. Cimphell, CujM V.. Itothwcll, Mr. Botii'l M. Ilosklns, C C.Sttftaj nhons. Claicnco StM Stophcns, Jesse StepliwS phons, Frncls Steplmj having gono ovor ovorythlng thor ouglily. I'lniiucliil .AlatlciN. In tho roport which wjih road bo roro the Council it wns Hlntod tho city had been operating tho water Those who arrived from Kiiroku Inm evening woro: Mia. Mnbol llKlrd, Floyd llalrd, Olive Malul, Mabel I la I nl, Houry llulnl, ICiigouo ('. Nultor, P. Sim ons, John Kvaimloh, Anton lOvmi- . . .. . "' sysioni hiiico .iniiuary 1 and tlinl tho i ,.ii, May lluiNmlol, (loo. Hudoti rccelpts lo dnlo woro $(507.77 for I et( ., Lrlfoii, Olo Olomiii, 10. leniH coiiuoiiMi nmi ouior receipis. ' Schrowlor, S. I.oplHlo Ah Is known, tho liurohnso nrlco ns voted by tho people nt the Juno election was $IS,r.OO mid tho pre mium wan n little ovor 1000. Tho piiHsougori from Miirshfluld to Portland this morning woro: K. I), (lorilou, J. M. Hauor, L. K. Portor. Iluuh I.onir. Mih. lliiuli Tho pnpera as thoy wcro turned ' i. mi a..... r!..i, .,.',. xt.... i. ' . ".., '.." rfi.ii iui.f nun, ..i,n( a'. over to tho city woro plnstorod with jr. l.ucy, Mrs. M. U Sulllvnii, Mra. rovomio stamps to tho nmount of I w. a. Ilublo. Chan, llulilo, Kstl.or ?IS.r,0, or ono dollar for ovory King, Mog Clark, Dnu Hurry, S. thousand dollars worth or ntoclc. j H. Sl0n( j, A, Conro Wi ,,, . All Aiv IMwihcil. uIU)( Srili n n uuHMm, Hnhy At- In taking action on tho final jm-klns, Mih. M. S. Curry. Mrs. W. P-., ...o uouncu ro.t mat al.onvyls. CooIy K, cinypool. Mrs. 13. bunion Imd hoen llftoil rrom tholr cinypool, Ollvor Fohr, Frank Folir, shouldors aa there ban boon con-1 A. K Coo,10P c. n MonlnBUO K. stant worry on tho i.ilndH or tho!,,. iMcUo(1( , , mxwoI,( Ilt Kt Counel Imoii since tho Juno election j Mnior Anmi (,BBn,10P Anlia 0nl. '..".. . l ""'" I Innghor, Mi. Anna Knight, Louca will probitbly bo re-oloctod. Tho oomploted rovlsod plans tor the Hotel Simpson lmvo been rocolv ed. Mr. Hnninill Is now in San Fran clco conrorrlng with I. J. Simpson about tho innttor. Until ho roturns nothing can bo done. H. H. Woldy in n brier talk said 1v n ftW nt tha masiiu !. v..l.ti. i. in Mia IPf nlllintitl tt nnu illlu ...,! i .i " "" . . " wn iiiu njniuiii. oi.i. ti WHsto wood enn 1m utllUt nn.l fncorles being Martod. ThesowllI m-i.i- .u..,n.ui ,, ,.,...,... I """""""' l'"c" U"". -. ". r ror their, mfehiii i....inM. .. -. . ..'''"""""" ' " u",,u' i,,mu 0,,'"' toraon, I-MiibB. Don, u ,.....,. -......"."." ..'."'' r.i- ,.,..,, ......: ! '. ' . B"08,""n or noiKis lias beou shli.mmi. V. 11. Wnllo. Mlko Sano. j. Oswald. Jno. Dt-4 niiivii uuvr uaillK lint" URtlHI IJV ,,i""u imui-ii nwii hiui iui lliuil . Illt-Illll lillH IIOHH nn nionnnf f lm ' .. . . .. .. . Profoesor Honson. , Power plnnts nnd union It ran bo Krononn "-w n d Z M''8' M" " M,,,orn' ,,U8tor !. j Btlnkom.. A. Koamttl "At Orange, Texas." ho declared. ' olrtalnoU nnd o:urod nt a ioa-uiiiPi, hn.-n ...i ,,..-.. ' W. Miirpliy.w i iw . .. .. ". iu inn uiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiii i .. ...... they may be kept !hi..,i,... i. ......... ,. .' c$6.4 vonB and Bdwln wcp .... ..... ...inii uuuil I1IIIUII, IIII1UI1 lt J - to tno credit of tho ontlro Council WATERFRONT NEWS t and the Mayor. Z Look for Goon H-.m- .ttt?ft?'ttt. ...... . . mii in - iiiiiii h i ii. urn vim obtainotl nnd "1 found one nf tlio hi av...,..i. KOlinblo prlco, of whut wood wasto can do. There . Jrom loc"K on the Iftiy large sawmill used 800 cords dally I or waste wood, or tin. amount 24o FACTORY FOR NORTH BEND People to pull together for ' . . " ' " '" """ w,u Su,,t ,,,,M w,l,ks oxp.nonoo our rirst vonturo' In , Uoon ,,, wookB Tho boat loft out nt I togothe, for w.umtub,f.rll.,o.i,lp Mr. Swooney, or Kugeno. has '"""iclpal ownership and a general Tclo , S ,uo IWlII." lou.,.l M, lll, ti..n..i.. ... ..... 8( Oil roo Inv- nvlula n,,,M n. .. . -'OCK HUB IllOIlllllg fOl 1'OttlillHl. gi eater city Try our HPA.MSH SAUSAOK. 1'AI.AOK MAItlCOT. Phono l()(I.J. Cheap Oas ami Pom or I'SKI) CAMS FOU SAI.K ......,. ,...r. ..nn iniur, , "uu, nun win smri a plumbing , ' v huh uor iiiu siiuuuim Cheap gas can b made from so- and ahoet metal ractory there soon. ' n1"1 ll ' folt n Prtfpor solution or 111 II..U. 1.....I .".. . . tIA I .. .. . .- I 111.. ...nH n. .1 , . - . - w J-J IIUIIIH LI.U 1.II1UI UIII.UI Mmt the hotel project waa the mo.fi " " TC9,Ura'1Mlw, I W,tU .tho "a""' of tho wa.or ,n lMt wool: from lll0 KliroI(ft lmi. ... .. , iMmii his iiiui: h tiinir nivrv nnvtia m.. e.. ............. t .... .. .... sv&rmii iWn iiiA i.n.., M n. ii.. ions had been ndvorse. still ,ho or-1 """nnn l0r Nor"1 ,,0"- ! after btn hoaaed." w Z.7. T-" " .T7. I 'Z. 7 " "T" J" " "" ! w J Z "'""" !.""" ! ."S Tho B01 wus l" cn"t t It had ganUatlon had n very auecorulveriu,0,,,K""0 ,0 ," 'r for a ' VHCUlim ,.,- a ,, """ " ' "" " " "T'T .. ",,,K: Z " ":.,"'" ':"" "u. " '' " w.. Tho boat loft out nt on tho wholo. Ho polnlod out that a lurgo nunihor ot luqiilrloa had hoen recolved mid nnswered. ' For Scpiirato .liulges. A resolution wns Introduced by N. C. MoUod urging thnt In tho re vision or tho Oregon Judicial svstoni that Coos nml Curry countle be mnde .,.. , J-H',,,,I,B ' olaelrlc Mry to furnish the tuol ror the nrop-i wveral montlia ago to deinon ncpaiuto distilcts ns proposod. Tho for a aui, " ' ca" btt Muntjer burniug. Ho believes that with Btl'ut Pt lentei- and was lllllll Is lo tin vo Dm rl.-.M.n i,i,.u 0 g. I .MrlifHlil IhR-Ih ..r ...1.1. iso lmiiransiul lliui Im .lanM.i i.. i,. "- ...... juiiHim ; ...... ii, mlll over1 "v "" .. ..vu iu iu- tako ovor tho Juvonllo, probato nnd n,. .. .... ' , t'" mtiulclpal electric light and uaalL'H,e ,le,8 ,l9 ,a al'l o ' ela- plants that this phaae should ( an ' t,Vu of coutractor Sweenoy, or Spo- ralled useless lumber. Oue cord or He has small ractory at Bugeue these slicks can be distilled Into 22..j'lileh lie aniiouncea will bo moved 000 cubic reet or gas, finds Piofeaaor t0 North lloiul. It will employ six iieason, another cord lwlng necea- '" (vHt nion. Mr. Sweonoy enmo till' Water OUeStlOn llim Iwnn mn,l. and the system will bo n sourco of roenue to tho city, whllo at tho wine tlmo, Improvements can bo made that will be of a lasting nn-turo. other Judicial work nw i.m...., .... uno ,,,lu Cadillac at a bargain . .....v.i UJ uio county Judges and would prac- Tun n,.... . i tlcnlly ollnilnnto ,ho latter. v th c.,i a t , b .. ? . Ilve-,M"BW this change, Mr. Md,od pointed out. .S.SS;- (,uwnK , ZZ., mm. mm.,m,mm--zmmmmimm Watch Repairin; Done Right You will always he on time if you let us clean and regulate vour watch. RED CROSS Jewelry Department. RED Phone 122. CROSS DRUG STORE IQJIBUU LI1II llfll'IC IlllllfllllV t Vnel Ii n vm auvsaiiK UAinigi 11I11IIIIUT Illft I OH. .nend. and will start a nlumb in. ' nnndon ovor tho nltuatKA. ' ..tT "0!?.n? tiirno,!thta morn- hL. .7 ami It Is roll n nr,t,, .i...i- f ! ",h '" L'0'"' "i "o nronicwator, his plnco Inst trip bolng taken by Captain Arcbla Cann whllo tho coni nimidor was preparing for tho onstorn trip that fallod to matorlallzov I Artor a calm voyngo tho Nairn Smith nrrlvod In this morning rrom jSnn Francisco. Sho will loavo out for tho south on Sunday morning. Tho Itedondo will loavo San Fran cisco noxt Tuosdny, arriving In horo on Thursdny, Tho Adellno haw nrrlvod in rrom San Fninelsco and will soon be ready ror soa again with hor curgo ot lumbor. m hiii TRIP II II Uaue, who has attained consldoVnblo ilnilltl'iHlll nw. I.. il.i . .. ,.M.wt,nMl uu U ..... V1LMH1IV. ' " I . .. . . In Louisiana the cypres lumber u" ll rn,l,o builder. mills l.ae deniouatrated that an o.- ceptloually flue grade of gas can bo1 4 uianufucturwl from tho waste and, I AMONG TUP QirW I there . right now In the oast - i MIVIUNIa IHfc blUK 120 plants whore unci, waste is being C. k .Nicholson or tho Coos Hay made Into dlillllate. or those tho I... & ,,. . J," T... . " 1HT"! l'AlcWy " the been autre, Ing rrom a sevoro nttnok lurgest ono In Georgia. Last summer Pro rotter Denton spent In the onst, carrying on his In of la grlppo and pneumonia Jns. Holland has beon hilil mi for n fow days, but is Improving. Ho had rr.'!r'r".ta:'ii.is.fa. " n """" "u 10' i'i- lmvo several extracted ..".:...:."" .",H ,,,,,u " rrom heart trouble. Is ronnrimi , who hlmseir hut carried on nii. slve Invobtlgntlous ulong the tamo linos. Tho two men expect to rat urn by I AMONG THE SICK I Krnett Johnson, son or Mr. mid Mrs. J. II. Johnson, or Markot street la Improving niter n boiIous attack of peritonitis. Mrs. Murtlii I.onton, or Hastsldo, is alok today ami undor tho doctor's care. Klmor Potlt, or Couulllo. camo ovor today and tomorrow will go to Morcy Hospital, tlioro to undergo an oporatlou. J. T. Ilarrlgan, who hns boon sur forlng from tin nttack of hoart trou blo, was tiblo to bo down town this mo ru Ing. KHKPIXt; IX (JOOI) CO.N'DITIO.V Many pooplo suffor from Indigos- tilting outlet. Coorgo Ilotnor Is ronortmi ,i.i.. , . " ........ .tuiii tlliugus- nnly at Morcy Hospital and will bo ! tlo ""'l con&tlpatlon a,i ll0 not way of Maploton ulom,, ,," l "",.'" u,,u" Jlumo 80mo lln' M I hm)W " A reeling of dullness nnd Ing. .,' v. innguldnoss. bitter tnsto in tho . ' No-v,lia. omployod on tho mouth, hondacho, bilious rovor most IMiaCR MAltum. .....lm .,...,' ",,!,"W..r8 i'."0 .r!h of myrtle of those conditions whon yon "nro .. ni,i iiu-i t ' in iii i:i pen iim.i nAAi..i i nnr cm 1...4 . u . . ... . ivvviiiiih. ---- --..., miiv 4ui L iuui riKin .nnn bo tracod to sluggish bowols nnd tor pid llvor. Foloy Cathartic Tablots clonnso the aystom, nroiue tho llvor, uanisn liiillgost on FUANKFl'ltTUItS. Phono totl-.j. j i,edlcnl treatment. ""gut, Jim. ,), Maitlu'fc Ouliastra. OREGON BUILDING GUIDES TO TELL OF RESOURCES University Students Korvo In ltoluys -Willo for Facta nml FJjjm-cK About Coos nml Curry CouiitJos. Thorn In nn) mm llltlr. nnn.. ..f Ul'OKon thnt will tin ,..-. i,w.i....i ... the Panninn-Paclflo Kxpoaltlnu which "1't.iin in nun v ranciBco noxt month. 1 wo dozon guides mid guards, In ro- IIIVS Of four, bnvn linn.. l..nin.t ..... t. , '" mw.. UIUVIUII IIUIII tho Junior and Sonlor nion nt tho university of Orouon nn,t iiuv win sorvo about tho Orogon building. my, wl Bll0W v,8'tora nbout and win bo proimrod to answer imestlotiB on any section of tho stato. i-roni 1'rorossor Karl Kllpatrlck at l'jllgeUO Wns rOCOlvml n mm..., .l.lo niorning asking ror Coos Day and Coos County llteratut- with tho tacts and Hgurot hero of production. Theso nion," runs tho communl 5"t0li "V;111 uo chosen from nbout uu i.uuiuuues. linn fnn llin mid mnkn vnn fool cn,i ..ii i. .... . I iuu candidates. Brings 314 Tons ana w rawwr San France Making tho fast WM rrom bar to bar tse crossed In this nioroW i.., ,.!..,.,. lnlncInK iW' pasongers nail with !' ago. In her hold rrolght for Coos W ' ! nnith was over V nn of woek3. The "-- - .... . i ., ,,..nln for 1" IUIIVU Ulll. ..--- - . .ik .. ciinilsy B"15 U VIUUJl Ull w...---. Tho cabin passe i n.i. .wAnnini' were M. K. Kvcrett, Mr-' .. ,.,...... uvnEtn A. IU. VUiiH. -- , Goo. Pomp, I). c,7 L. II. ilcndorson, Knight. S. R. Dnnn, HMIrlnn. CllSS. WP J. P. Sherhlnn, Oco-'' La Due, W. J. "0Br" l.nrlf. J1-"! "". '.. ll Adter-i-" i MMSSH It is surprising I" ,... .i- tho slSr IUIII llliinv. --- buckthorn known as 11. nintn1ll famous by curing ' acts on nut.. - p uowet bo iiiuimwb . . .inffllW' rnltovos Boui "- .j . i. ,! constiP1' niuiiiun. ',1NJ"uru,,,itf' w w t-k r m i." . i wo nro fliarn""'"- ' or tho state." -!.l l-Kn. LocRiui"--' -r f l" rv IVeiaKtsj