warn iVM f"Y"ifVi DAV 'T'TTl n,CCPOO, 000 pairs nnnimllly. FJno ptoflls VJVxLQ Djt Y X llVXJZrvJ i for American mnnufncturorB. M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor ONE HUNDRED MILLION. SPOONING PROVES FATAL Ui Official Ttncedles HoMilt, Sn loitiiKT v. m. c. a. Ill rnpcr of Coos County , . . . ,. . ,. . il at the FMto!e..tM.b.' Helena nnd thoroughness of the 'noonjnj j, a 'j 'V Id, Oregon, for tranunlBBlon I different methods In iibo for livening p.st .1)lln.' " . or cl. ..'.,.. .. Portland. Or.. Jan. '26. Bold, Oregon, for tranunlBBlon I different methods In iibo for keeping ,p,Bt 1,)I,M "l08 , or ,, " ,, J , ,.' through the mails as second-class .,, nf (llo ,rl.mvM, nllll flnVllmilllnMt ,tho brcnlclng down of tlio only pro- Bill tniuiur. , SPORTSMEX OIMECT. linen oi uiu luuniu linn iiuyi'iuijiiiuhi. .. .. .... . ,. ' - , . . , IC(U0I1 niiorucil to 11 woman nor of this land. It Ib only necessary to u g l)l0 f,.,t uoto tlio preparations whlci 'vo, , tho thml(mmIs of tmKQAlm boon mndo to fix tie identical hour, ., . . . . , , i lira occur iiiruuKii uiu iiiiimiuunj . , and lny upon which It can bo safely legIlln,nto ninU8cnicllt , oUP schools lwitn11fwt elint titrt inn n tttitlfiit if ritin f OOS COUNTY BportBinen arc tin Lltedly outspoken In their objee- '"""""-" l""1 "" "'" ' ' "" "' """,nnd college life." tlon to tho proposed abolition h,,n,lrei1 n,l,llon I'00"10' ot co,,rso In this way. Mr. Max KMior. first ot tho fish and Kanio commission I1" ,l Proportion of such gigantic pro-lAlUllcill physical director In China 1 High Quality Groceries Oui own piomrt du pjiliculai delivery scpico- -Efficient clerks boms out of the liidi rent distno and keeping our niiccs as low as consistent with good uiisi nrss makes Conner & Hoagland The Leadinq Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 7Q7 Smith Brohdwav. Phones 3-1 8-J and 326 " W III I nnd tho diversion of HcenBO money liortlons, It is little wonder that thero jnm, ,ueM1U01. ot tho Internationa Into tho Kenernl fund. 1 8ll,),lI(l ,)0 ft s,lKllt I'sngreoniotit, ns committee, wnrned men at tho Y Tho hunters nnd anglers who pay for lll8tnnco tn Treasury Depart-M. c. At , ,a iccture on "Rational tho licenses intend to havo some- mo,lt f,XC8 tlic ,ln, ns t0 bo 0.U.c." thing to say nbout the dlspoRltlon 27th or 28th ot Jn,l,,nr' nml ,lIloW3 " man ran afford to trlflo with of tho llcenso money, nnd to this ond for n mrlna ' slxtco thousand nt ytu mental and moral life by falling hnvo Inaugurated n stato-wido cant- tlmt tln10, 0n tllQ othcr ,mm1' thc l,,t0 lll loonlng hnblt," continued .,1,1,1, ini,in.iin.r Bm,,n ovoiiv pini,a!orf,cIn, "f th Coiisub Durenu nro Dr. Exnor. "Thero Is no tenipta- i.i., iin.i nd., I not qulto ns optimistic, for they tlon more fatal. It lowers tho finest pledged to united action Tlio sportsmen feel that If tho pres ent law is mangled as contemplated tho handling of fish and gamo af fairs will bo thrown directly Into politics; tlio propagation nnd protec tion work will becomo Inefficient nnd thu results in general will be bad for tho sport and the public Interest. Tho sportsmen feel keenly upon tlio subject nnd they are nroiiHod us Dov er beforo. It is i sentiment which tho legislature will do well to tnku notice of unless thoy wish to seo the referendum Invoked upon their action. lilarslifield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service havo delayed tho (into until tho 2nd sontlmonts to tlio lowost sensuous uny oi April, uui inoy aro mueii iioptus. mora specific, for they mnko the pop-' Dr. Kxnor spoko of tlio dnnco, ln- ulntlon on that day exactly CO ovor slating that it Is legitimate onb llin nnn liiiiiilriiil tnllllrm 'Plin.- n.t.. whnii lirnnnrlv r'nllilllcllll! Itn il(- ably Imvo decided thnt April 2nd Inouncod alcohol and chenp shows us would seo tuo iniinijor exact, but later Leaves Jlnivslifleld nt Ilusy Coiner 10:01) ii.ni. 2:00. p.m. .",:()() p.m. 1.1'nvcs North Mend 1" inln ttlei Inter heaves Ihnplro. 8:it() n. in. 1I:!!0 ii.ni. :t::io p.m. imnnif mammimnmnmaiuiiMTJaanw MAHI.VO A Ni:VHIAl'Klt. rcnieiiiborod thnt tho preceding day Is usually ono of a great deal of fooling, nnd liuvu mado thuir euleii- latlous so as to allow for several pairs of twins or triplets. Eithor wny It Is looked at It is really won derful how these government uxporls keep tub oji all of iib, our coining nnd going, our births mid deaths. mentally and physically degrading. lie spoke of exercise ns nil aid 'n the battlo of self control. LOVE IS DISEASE TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or notv plfttenn, work guaranteed. Hlbbons itna rnrbon paper dclircred. I'lione us your order. Phono 1 1. Alllinro office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. M EN WHO mako nowspapors i somotlmcs bollovo that their profession Is an exacting onn. Tltoyaro wrong. It Is tlio simplest culling. Making n uowspapor Is an easy trick. Anybody can do It. A lawyer with only u diploma uud a enrdboard sign, who would lose n suit If tlio other sldo wits ready to confess Judgmont, will toll you how to run a nowspapor. A physician who would send hlu patient to thu morgue beforo the prescription could bo filled will know nil tho fine points of making n nowspnpor. An nctor who nover enrned any other plaudit than nn onion will give Instructions in handling tho world's news. Any lady who knows enough to gossip lias posltlvo opinions on thu press. Even a eocloty person who nover pnld anything hut a cnll, or innilo any thing but a visit, or did anything but n, tailor, knows how stupid thoso men nro who wrlto "stories," edit "copy," wrestle with "heads" thnt won't fit and got tho paper out on time. Ono reason for tlio universality of perfection In this trade, among thoso who do not work nt it, Is that ovcrybody has been employed on It. It Is n most unusual thing to meet a junn who, when tho occasion seoms rlpo, will not say, "I nuud to bo n nowspapor man myself." Evory time a man works his country edi tor for u puff on tho strength of n pumpkin ho graduates In Journalism. Whon ho writes n "plwo" for tho Squash County Clarion nbout "a most enjoyable entertainment" ho com lIotcs his post-graduate course In nowspapor work, nnd whop ho writes (i communication on both hIiIck of the paper to tho editor ho becomes a thirty-third degree ineinbor of tho "Trlbo of Scribe." That so many nion have abandon ed lltorntiiro for the low, medicine will other easy walka of llfo simply hIiowh that many men would rather fall In ouo thing than another. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST 4 ('0011 KVEM.Nd. Tho truly goneroiiH Is truly wise, and ha who loves not others lives imblost. Homo. 444444444 HACK TO .MAY. THE ECONOMY CUAZE. BONA EIDE economy, public nnd private, Is always coinniondabh', but to n larKo extent tin imu. , --" " " '"."(. . mum limn oni economy wnvo which has swept knows moru than ho thinks flirt IL'llSttrk ..... 1 .... ... . . ..... ...imu uiiuiiiij, iiihumiii or Doing a Knows. I wont back to May today Though tho clouds woro hanging gray. And tho chilly air shut down Like a shadow over tlio town. I went bnek to May to dream Mny clay with Its olden gleam, And forgot In thnt donr light Creeping mist nnd chilly night. Outside my window all tho folk Woro wrapped in fur and rubber cloak; Down whore I wont In droauis astray Wo dressed In gossamer of May. Tho loudor rang tho wind and rain,' The sweeter to my wludowpauo Cnmo visions or thnt forny dell Whoro beauty's shuttles weave their spell. I wont buolc to Mny today, And Inugliod at weather chill and gray, Whon nymphs, by Attlu shepherds led, Drought mo tho rose or spring In stead, Solectud. It Is In laugh when fortune snilliw. CHICAGO, Jan. SC What Is love? Dr. Hlchord J. Tlvnon diagnosed ' It. According to Dr. Tlvnon, It Is : a dlseaso, ami Its name Is anaphy laxis. Whllo ho asserted It was i (niiicli moro iulrlcato than measles, J ho held out the hopo (hat the inal-j iiidy could bo cured by tho surgeon's knife. Tho occasion was a haiuiuot given i In honor or Dr. John 1 Golden at tho Chicago Athletic Association. , Dr. Golden Is to marry Miss Mary i I.ydon nnd Dr. Tlvnon Is to bo tho bust man. It is only fair to say that Dr. Tlvnon, who Is not married, undertook to defend bucholordom In nn answer to u toast, "Tho Ilaeh- elor." Dr. W. A. Evans tho tonstmnstor. ! throw u llttlo moro light on this definition. "Anaphylaxis," ho said, "Is a con-1 illtion of lack of 'resistance. Now, ' whonovor women nro In question, i men nro In chronic condition of nnn phylaxls. "Married nion havo nn Immonso I ndvimtngo ovor the bacholor In tho co-operation of two minds lies wls dom," said Dr. Qulno. "I could nover glvo Solomon much credit for bolng wise ho had 700 wives. Whon ho wont beyond Ills own llttlo family circle ho had no moro wisdom than a rabbit and no moro moral boubo than a toment. I need only rotor to the episode of tlio queen of Sliobn." Dr. Qulno designated Adam ns u "slob" nnd a "lobstor" bocauso ho hid behind Evo "In tho apple mat ter." SPECIALS We arc running a special on 30-40 DRIED PRUNES and we are selling these at three pounds for 25 cents. Fresh Ranch eggs, two dozen for 75c Case eggs, two dozen for 50c Good butter, two-pound square for 75c GET A RECEIPT WE SAVE YOU MONEY Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House . Phone 394-J. atnnmiMrnuwawnwamimmnManBmmmwmtnawmammmwvmmmKnwnmmi TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has beon a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to gottli.g good, sound, durablo framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build nnd tbo amount you wont to spond nnd we'll get busy with our pencil and flguro out tho boit your Money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIL DEPAimiDNT COT THE FUKIj DILL 1 TWO HY USING OUK WOOD PHONE 100. 1K2 SOUTH UltOAllWAY When a man rnlls ho never seems to hit thu bottom. DEATH TOLL OF SEA SMALL 1 1711 IIImisIois In Waters of United States Dililnir Year. BENNETT . TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $12G,000.00 ' OFFICERS: J. W. Dennett, Presjdont Arthur McKeown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett, Vice Presldontllennott Swnnton, Tronsuror Transacts trust business only. Acts ns trustee of express trusts and also us executor and administrator of cstatos. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outside of Portland organized under new trust law In this state. mmn awih clipped ill KIwoh urn tho cciupoiiK from the bonds of love. Also, tho government Iovcm cheerful war tax imyur. The chop who U bin led In obli vion Is alio a dead unci. Ho Is an exceptional nmn who' bul good thing has been a liml iliim- Thero nro people In affluont elrcum htanres who have refrained from making purchases or from doing things thoy eould well tiffcircl for no other reason than bocauso thoy have caught tho oconnni) bug which Is lu tbo air. Hern and there public work or various soils Is being put 0fr when it Is actually needed. Suoh things hoop men out or employment nnd hurt business In all linos. Further more It Is often poor business policy Hut ou etui nover measure by his own man' iichloHiiuoutM tongue. Even when crooks rll nut tho morn or hw holiest victim does not get his money Imck. You may kick, you may aluMler n boom If ou will, but the hope or it cuiudldiite clings to It still. o WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 2C Tlioro were 1170 disasters on the witters or the United States during I he last risciil year in which ihn liro-suvlng sorvlce worked alone. . cording to Its i opart today to Con- giess. Tho vessels Involved earrlml r,2!ir. persons and the nronertv ms valued at $ l.filLV.i.S.'l. In 323 other Instances the sorvlce worked in con. Junction with the revenue cutter service or other agencies and took part In tbo rescue or 20U1 iternoim from vowel valued at $10.611.6.'.:. The j oar's record, the report de clare, wa mode "in the face of nu uiifoi lunate situation, a deter iorated life suWiik service." n again urges upon Congress the need ' ,ror legislation to provide for re- , moment iwy for life savors. Abstracts FOU ItEMAULi: AIISIHUTS 01 TITLE AM) IM'UHMATIO.N AUOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItKIIFIELI) AND COQl JLI.E CITY, ODEGON GENEUAL AfJE.ViS. I. KTslDi: AVI) SENGSTACICEX'S ADDITION AGENTS JOE (DIN PXtlllC IIAII.ItUAI) LANDS HEXIty SI.X(iSTACKI.X, MAXAGEIt UIIIMP M.lllltl.KiliS. ..... wurs may e ,no chetipyr , y GHOIHJH Dt)l'(JI..S cur ng s.aeK um. than during tho I ,.,, ,..,, .., . rusn mat is cteiticln to follow. ti.i ' .......". ..uimwie ------ -. - no.. uu tin Is no dl8paraBeweiit of (I(M0 whll , ' T, ' B H"" ,""",",' $, wiuw Jpe r ' to be fouuJ iin.-n ... ..... . o- tho custom of brldcgiooim. mm a lo t' -ousts." "It tdiould be Klaied." aava tin report, "tlmt If the nreseut !.,. of nffalrs is permitted much longer tZTTZ ui K) tiurt'iueuieu, it Is uouud set liiualy to impair the usefulness oi the service, it It does uot uctuully bring It Into disrepute. "Tlisy put tbe establishment on a proper basis of erficluuev it I obviously necessary to provide fur I 'the retirement nf n -... ...,,, . w, VHV ..WSHHP pun ... ... .... .nu iur iiiuug llieli Places, as uell the places now Hi-upiea oy substitutes, with Hi. I CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACE3 J. N. BAYLISS Avy Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Right And all Work Guaranteed Call at "Tim Fireside." Johnson Mdg.. 1S7 Second St. Phono iti'J French Ranaes. Boiler Work - DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Froat Htrcui. SOUTH COOS ItlVEIt HO.VT I j .SEItVICE I j LAUNCH KXIMtEKH j lc'ines .Miii'Mifli'lcl every clay K a. in, I,euet lienil of river I nt :t:ir, p. m. , KTEAMEIt HAINHOW j leaves liead of river dally nt 7 j n. in. Leaves .Mnr"Holil nt JI p. j in. For chin ter apply on bimrd. I I IIORCItS .V; KMITII I l'nprlotoM I . ; Plione .170 novo in a policy of economy. Tho luoa or economy Is od medloluo but If you take too large a lump at one time It may lodge iu the throat and choke the patient. WAIt AXI) SHOES. Now, we prlosU aio lucky if wo net i Ib report approves the bill int. i tor a vvouiiiug cei'eniiuiy." HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED .MOW A pious Bishop mourns that he No longer gets (ho marriage fee He got In days or yoro, When Douodluka wuie grateful men. And gave n flvo-spot or a ten, And often more. - See CORTHELL Phone 3171. .MATT L. MAY Wostern Oregon RepresentaUYo HAAS IIHOTHEItS hnporteni and Wholesale Grocers MarshflAld. Orotrnn I I Tel. 30 t-K. Res. Mvrtlwr Arm I v . Ho says a priest now counts it luck TIIBBK has never beon mi) thing like the demand for footworn that the war has aroused. Him. ... ,. . york .,,,,.,:;;, v, sVh. ,r arms, end boots in ,m,BW " . '' L,.? . r !" irays last onlv about .v ;..V . ' .V' '"'i "v T" "ow wtN tor a Hug la Congrese to eousolldaie tho revenue cutter and life uviug aer vleee into a coaat ..r ! "It Is IneoneelvaWe." a s "that '-''-"---'""' i .' Comrees Hl allow the service to ROOFING Z" .?," r,d IT. it$ ttUtUwy Repairing, contracting for want of legislation that alone ROOFING MATPPIAI Q m rehubliltat. aud preserve it." . pm TQ AWn SImcmt ' la a geoergl aummary or it. for- rfcLTS AND CEMENT ty-lhree years of eaisteuro th. ... J. L. BRICE lee u shown to have figured in B. 118. P. 99. mb assiatgnie to 2S.U1 vessels. " Pictures & Framing Walker Studio luBt only about six weeks, tho flguios appear reasonable. The United 8tates has all of the war-shoe busb Hess that It can handle, perhaps 3Q,. . loom round to last as long As lu the good old das. o . Time Want Ads for results. valued aith their canoes nt laa- , f r .. n m,QU. of which ITs.TIt persons W KQieS 101' M only H55 lives were lost, a I4rvr315. T., I Urn uumber It is eoimi n... ,k... riaraQllIlCT I Timles soua ' wu-ikh.i ., ,k ......... ' - v -... WH ,HB , iiaauc. f. 1. HCAIFE A. II. IIODaiNs Marshfield "PA,NT AND IUUI3IIIIUU nFrnDATiwr. rr. itwiiniiiiu v.u. Etitiinute Fiinilshed tinn, BOP-J. UarfcliflaU. Or,,,,. I S Better Times Are Coming J.UL W rm-ni' inn in-iic.ii, i i mu m 'IK'l' UnC8jinl, linlii wcmllipp flld slol'HIS Of llllPfl iitiinu n... .l "'I'" ' "i nil! 0 ( .f..i ionfd virtues of la Thrift, Economy and Prudence aro of tlio utmost iinporlnncr. UNDKIt THE UNITED STATUS GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. L OF COOS BAY Soolij Deposit Boxes For Rent. FIRST Mil Ml Fl SttIbI OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Pnld on Tlmo DctKiftlt i Gfficora: J. W. Bennett, President. J. II. Elanagaii, Vice-President. It. 1 Willliiitm. Cashier. Geo. V. Wlnclioster, Ast, (;UA To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday! THE EAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. u. i .McHliOKOE AGENT W. H. PAIXTslP hobo ii, Atarsuiioia Phono 481. North iui EQUIPPED WITH WIRELKSH. S.?? BreakwateJ ALWAYS ON TIME. 1 SAILS FROM MARSIIKIELD DURING JANUARY, OX THE ml j.uvvi.mi i.vn;s: JAN. a, JO A. M.; .IAN. , 1 P. M, mi U-.iU) A. Sl.j .TAX. Oil, 1 P. M.j .JAN. !J(), Hiilll A. M. ( TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICER! AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. B Phono 35-J. 0i ,,, iaXDKHS, IfA INTER DCEH TRAWSPORTATIDWC Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Rrndsal STEAMSHIP REDONDQ WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, TUESDAY, FEHHUARY 2, AT SRlI Equipped wltU wiroR-ss and subinarino bell irassoiiKcrs and iroight. STEAMSHIP MMi ' Equipped witli wireless and siibmarino bell. Passencera and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAX FHAXri.srn vim I'linu nV Tt'ESDAV, .IAXUARV 20, AT 3 P' Ban Francisco office, Clrcemvicli street pier No. ana uuu Jbilo building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McQeorqe, Phono ii FREIGHT. ABBDW LIME STEJIMEHS 8T0IU5 -SAIL FROM- San Frnnclsco Plor No. 20. Every Wodnosdnr 3 P. M. I'liono 278. Coos Bay Every Friday To Portland And Tlinnitnv To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock AlbersDockty' Every SaturW 9 A. H. M Have vuur I.ivirriii, ,.... . ... I J" ir- 'i- l HMUI Dill . vuw, jheadl, ot., priqtad at TIIII TIMIfiS iTMt T,5AI'ER STORAGH CO nfflxo i ..... ........ ' , ,",,v' 'ener, I'roprlutor I I riionos: 10-J, -lo.L, P8. Wehiul in.nir..... . . I TUP Pfino urvTri Marehfiel.1 i do general haallng I Formerly of ,iarshflold 'or reasonable rates. K i WASHINGTON AENL'K STADDEX STREET NORTH ISKXD 0. A. Melllii, prop. LEn: us make your abstracts Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopendablo. Imrne diate Borylco, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Ue do French Dry Cleaning on the most delicate fabrics. Wo posl. lively guniaiiteo nil vvoik Phono .ISM-X. Address a31 Central Avenue. KOONTZ GARAgj LEE TIRJI AUTOMOIULES fcW DOOS COUNTY'S MOST CO wiPiiivi' flllOr MARINE AND AOTOSIO' nlMLlllMK'n r, Dfti.iB FOR 811 vomit wnoNT ST. rjio-" BATTERIES REPA"10' OnAROKD SUITS CLEANED AND j ED SUITS fllAU" i, UNIQUE PANTATOgl UU4 W -"- I 256 Central Ave. ?bortr --rfo - wj. . .