THE GOOS BAY TIMES'. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE mm Sessional directors jthard McClurc ATTORNF.V AT LAW Practices In nil courts. T12, Flanagan & Honiiclt Hank Harper HOUSE nUILDKR iral Ropalrlng and Cabinet Making. 349-J. Wright Phono 188-R. lUILDINa CONTRACTOR atoa furnished on requeit M. Shaw , Knr, Noso nnil Tlirot- GLASSKS FITTKD VTTIK II. SHAW en or women Mini i;iiuan'H ,'liono 3 30-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Illock. lin Ostlind SUITINO KNGINKKR AND ARCIUTKOT ffices, 20C Irving Dlock nOZ-u or 2C7-J. MafBUflold, Orogor Chandler ARCHITECT ,301 and .102, Coke Building UarshfJold, Oregon S. Turpen ARUIIITKUf Marabflold, Oregon. Itstlind TUNER AND REPAIRER urdoru at W. R. Haines' Mus- fipany. .Sixth Btroot. Phono 103-L lilev Ballinner IANIHT AND TEACHER ico Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Phono 308-U IN'T IT THE TRUTH. I'evor blamo tho tailor when pnnts wo liavo to pin, aovor blamo tho shoo man Sen our soles grow old and I". Iwovor blamo tho liattor our lids wo have to ut, 70 always '"'"Jmo tho laun- fwlien out nnlrts woar out. RAY STEAM LAUNDRY I'liono 57-J. 4 LAWRENCE HOTEL I jrmorly tho Coos Ilotol) heat, hot and cold water.. No liquor. svlto you to Investigate our rates. Special Inducement ;two or tuoro persons occu- (mo room. KISIAN CLEANING ANI) I .DYKING WORKS feat Market Avo., corner j Mr Second StrooL now management, Prices and all work satisfactory. ties' work a specialty. 17C-J. J. S. STEVENS, I Prop. I . -4 lERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. 'rices Reasonable. Commercial & B'dw'y PS VARIETY STORE, North Bend, ancy and Domestic CHINA UT0 CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono 5.1.I Night ami Day. flilto Elephant Grill lira. Careful Driver. D. L. FOOTE. P SAVE MONEY K ordering tho famous feNRYVILLE COAL , per ton $1.00 ial, por ton $0.00 Ston of both 95.00 D. MUSSON, Prop. 18-J or Iojivo orders at lllyer's Cigar Storo. 'NO SAW EDGES KYOUR COLLARS have them lnunderc at FCTTY STEAM LAUNDRY D. D. D. In Hospitals; Standard Skin Cure 1 1 nM nniiMTDV ucnui tr GRATEFUL TO AMERICA! How many lioBpItal patients, suffer ing tho frightful Itch, tho raw Bcorch lng pnln of Bkln disease havo been noothed to sleep by n soothlm? fluid washed In by tho nurso's hands? That fluid In tho famous D. D. D. prescription for eczema. THE SUrrKVISINO NTJHBE of ono of our prominent Cat hoi la Institutions (namo of nurso and Inntltuto on appli cation), writes regarding a patient. "Tho dlncaso had eaten her eyebrows nway. Hor noso and lips had beconio disfigured. Slnco tho uso of U. D. D. Iior oyebrows nro growing, her noso nnd faco havo nssumed their natural expression," How many eczema tnifforors nro pay ing their doctors for rouulnr treat ment and aro bolng treated with this namo soothing, healing Iluld? SB. aS0t T. EICHASDB01T frankly writes "D. D. D. Is superior to any thing I havo over found. Sort and soothing, yet ft powerful agent." To do tho work, D. D: D. Prescrip tion must ba applied according to dlroctions given In tho pamphlot around ovory bottle. Follow theso di rections and scot Clilltlion Slide, Old Folks Weep, .Over Keller Supplier for Refugees. WASHINGTON, D. C, .Inn. 215. An Interesting nccOunt of tho distri bution of Biipplles of food nnd cloth ing among tho rofugce camps In Hoi W S OF W ' W LILLE PAYS TRIBUTE Wt Associate. rr to COG! lay TlmM.I AMSTERDAM, .Tan. 20. "Llllo hns nlrendy paid 3,100,000 francs as a wnr tax; tho feeding of Ger- ir dividend to And It certainly takes away tho ttcli land and Holglum, forwarded by tho man troops hns coBt us a million American Red Cross, Is contained In 111 lf. wll"o tlio city's dam n letter received nt Red Cross head- "Ko from bombardment Is BomothliiK tiuarters hero from Amorlcnn Minis-1 "i" tln-eo hundred millions," writes at once tho moment, tho llould In no- Iter llunrv Vnn Dvku nt Tim Ultimo. I lll Mayor of Llllo to General von L,ilc?,'...1'!,,.?hI" '? -8.?.o'."0d.-;?!.ni?lr. ' In which ho says tho donations wore ' Holndrloli, tho military governor. . I..WUUI.III IV11UBI1VU UVUBIIUUIIK I ,. I.l,. t l, vn..D,l f-,..,, nnvltll'! 'niiriin' Tiimrnnintoii. nn. vnn 11111. . "vfaf'h " vvmov. ... ..-r, C"rf 'I'l'- --... ... , . a, j .v ... had Just completed Inspection of tho n" nuaitlonnl war tax of tnrco mn rcllef work In Amstordnm when ho'"011 flu,llB' wh!ch tho 0ovornor lmtl CERT cooled. All druggists of standing havo tho famous specific ns well as tho cinclcnt V. D. D. Skin Soap. But wo nro bo confront of tho mou lts of this prescription that wo will refund tho purchnso prlco of tho first full bIzo bottlo If It falls to reach your case. You alono aro to Judgo. wroto. lie nlso had visited other refugee camps nnd tho ruined cities In Hclglum. , demanded. "Tho Governor's reply, according i to tho Iilllo Dulletln, which Is now Red Cross Drug Storo, I Commutation nn rickets $2.00 6U, North nend Auto Liu ten minutes from H . m i m. to houth Mougli onco a ring nt 11 n. m.; to Empire n day. ; 1ST & KING. Propi. AUTO & TAXI CO. fc'ANI) NIGHT SER1CE kxl, phono 20, Chandler Hotel. surlng cars, phone 20 Chandler Ilotol LAMRETH, Prop. abg ; : New Cars IF EVERY RETAIL MERCHANT would spend the time'writing real, practical advertisements that he spends making excuses why he should not adver tise, the mail-order houses would he the ones kicking about poor business. CHEER UP! Every day conditions are getting hotter. Every day American markets are expanding. Every day more men are finding lucrative em ployment. ' The man who goes after customers now is moving with the tide. His business is go ing to increase. He is going to reap a de served profit. ' The names of some of those who are taking advantage of this opportunity will he found in the advertising columns of Tho Times. They are the kind of men who are worth sup porting. TJne Coos Bay Tnomes- PHONE 133 This Powerful Lamp Requires no Repairs or Upkeep The Double Efficiency Mazda Lamp is a , giant illuminant requiring but one-half tho , curront por-candle power consumed by the ordinary officio nt Mazda, I It has already gone into use by the thou sands in front of and inside business estab lishments throughout tho United States, I Light'given is brilliant and white. It com i pels attention shows colors correctly means a flood of clear, beautiful illumination at remarkably low cost, Inexpensive to install ask us about them. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 . v QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, I Phone 10C-L. I MAHSIIFIELD, OREGON WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, "The helpful spirit of generosity In ' IU1Ih1ioc1 hl-weekly under German r country warmly appreciated I ""l.'0"' Blon, . '!""" vlow of the our country ih warmly appr hero nnd In llolglum," wroto tho minister. "It Is enough for a mnn to say, 'I coino from America' to ,ho re ceived with frlondly nnd thankful lookB. Tho little chlldron smllo and tho tttars run down tho old peo ple's cheeks." Dr. Van Dyke Informed tho Red Cross Hint through tho Winter It would ho necessary to mnko provi sion for hotween two and three hun- qulct hehnvlor of tho population T will allow tho payment of tho re mainder to ho postponed for a i week." Tho Governor ducllnod to recognize any obligation on tho part of thu (Ioniums to feed tho citizens, and recommended that tho Mayor Import corn from England. WAR ZONE DANGERS tlljr AbsqcIjIchJ Trent to Cooa rttr Tlraoi.l LONDON. Jan. 2C. "Ono of tho died tlioiiBnntl people "who nro out j great perils of Journeying In tho war of work, out of homo and out of their country." ALCOHOL AND WAR zones," writes nn officer from tho front, "Ib tho nervous, lncxporlenced sentry, who Is always firing nt stray cows or dropping acorns, or othor objects which fall to uuswer his sum mons promptly. Ono moots many such sentries, and their challenge, 'ilalto-la,' ferocious In somo enscs, excited In others, Is distinctly terrify ing, especially as It Is hacked up by Tho aormnii Wnr Dopnrtmont hns written another pnrnpraph Into the history of tho uso of alcoholics In this war. It says: "At first alcohol supplies n certain liveliness, hut with tho , n ,1BnCB8llko bayonet nnd a trotnu- consumption or larger quuntiticB ,0l8 fngor on tho tr,KKOr 0no ,s , It causes somnolence. Experience , rfn, dllgor ,,, Ul0 wordMll Klvcn, tenches that abBtlnont soldlora enn , , ,., ...i,,i .,.,,,. , ... A lltIO UMYIllt mill ih hUUVIUl III his own territory tho other rfnv whmi to : ... .... ' , .. ....... .. ... v huiu iiuiii up u) bulii u man, wuu lirnontttnit ltla lmi'Miint tt 1in Muftn- 41inrnfni It in Itn itnn.1 nl1. tlm . ..rn,, ' , , , ,. ,.,.. i n" "renstand refused to move until .for tho last year being larger than avoided on tho march. For R,vlnKjo" . . tnbllsh thu iron ('nil's Idont It v. Of comnnnv. wnrintn it is not to ho rocommonded. , . , ., ... Tho warmth which It conveys jJ"; o was strict y .rrect hut as entirely deceptive. All In authority I h 8 rlfl wo,,t off (ln Ul nlr frol aro requested to pay strict ntton-, B,,oor norvoii8iiea as wo passed on, lion to tho necessity or ::mlllng 1U ! ' ,.,1,"tl ronson for fe0,ln ,l 8"'5,,t host resist tho fatigues of war. He sides, tho uso of alcohol leads Emperor William's .Companies Reap Profit Despite the Business Reverses LONDON, Jan. I2G. Emperor William, who has somo $G, 000,000 or inoio Invested In shares of tho Ilambiirg-Amorlcan Steam ship company, Is not losing any mon ey through Its big fleet being shut up In tho hnrliors of Now York nnd of Hamburg since tho beginning of the war last summer. Ho hns arranged with Herr Ilallln, tho director gener al of tho company, that It should havo what Is virtually tho monopoly of feeding the German troops In tho field throughout tho conflict. As Herr llaliiu Is a past master In tho art of organization and always has managed to keep tho various con cerns subject to IiIb administration at tho top notch of efficiency, tho Gor man army cannot but benefit by this arrangement In ovory way, slnco It Insures n mnxlmum quality of ser vice. At tho samo time, tho company nnd Its shareholders, among whom Is first and foremost tho kaiser, aro deriving a handsomo and lcjltlmato profit; from tho contracts which It has thus secured. Moreover, Emperor William Is ono of tho big stockholders In tho Krupp company, In which he Is said to havo somo $0,000,000 o $7,000,000 In vested. Now tho Krupps slnco tho begin ning of tho war hnvo booh over whelmed with such an Incronso of business ns to necessitate a domnnd for additional cnpltal, tho roturnn DAY BY DAY COLOR OF UNIFORMS (Dr Atftoclttfld rrrM (o Coo Daj Times. DUNKIRK, Jnn. 26. -In defense of tho old red trousorB of tho French soldiers' uniform, which tho Gov ernment now proposes to replaco with a uniform of slnto gray, tho i French troops assort that tho red 'color, with tho bluo of tho coat, Is I far less conspicuous ngnlnst n back ground of autumn forest nnd field I than n gray or khaki uniform. Tho red and bluo soon grow dull, nnd when spattored with mud and In grained with dust nnd grease, form a sort of natural "heather mlxturo" which Is said to bo as protective as anything el so ngalnBt ordinary French backgrounds in a French climate. Khaki la only good after It has seen somo uso. It was originally adopted, tho French soldiers point out, for uso In a brilliant sunlight against yellow sands, for which it was eminently suited. use.' WANT LOVE STORIES 11 AiioclttsJ 1'rtM tu oi n7 Time.. AMSTEItDAM, Jan. 1!G. "Whnt kind of bool;H Hhall we send to tho hospitals?" was tho munition dls thrill. AEROPLANE MOTORS PARI8, Jnn 20. Tho llfo of aoro plauo motors In uso Ib not over 3I0 hours, nnd to nssuro this much of them must bo taken apart, cleaned pntehod by n Ilorlln chnrltnblo or-l,;,ul remounted ovory r,0 hours, nc ganlzatlon to tho head' of ono 0r,cora,ll to ll, oPHnj of French thn Germnn field hoanltnl divisions. I nv,ntor hI,1c" tllD Wllr "ogan. Tho anwsor en mo back promptly 'Whntovor you solid, don't send war As tho cost of ono of tho motors, whon ordorcd by tho hundred, Is literature Tho wounded llko bo8t,"'uuu rrnCB cac' l oxponso of all a good lovo story. Tho young 1,onv' - " fuclor' onr ,,arl8 men ospoelnlly, aro rathor tired of,1" lHvorlng 1C0 now noroplnno honrlng about tho war. It Is bet- '""i" " monin. tor for thorn, too, that they should company Hero, too, tho knlsor Is financially benefitted by tho wnr, which has spolt ruin to bo ninny others, not alono In tho countries directly Involved In tho conflict ns bolllgorents but ovon among uoutrnl nations, as, for ln iitnnco, In tho United States. Whlto there aro no Amorlcnn stock holders that I nm aware of In tho Krupp company, thoro Is a largo body of Americans In tho shares of tho Hamburg-American lino who will ho Interested to lenrn that they aro earning a handsome penny by feed ing tho Clormnu army In tho field. FRENCH ARMY SUPPLIES tnr A.ioeittcj riru I. root nr tioim. HAVRE, Jan. 2C An official statement elves tho Information thnt It Is difficult to know dotnlls of j Ul (o tno ,,r080nt umo t)10 ronch havo n rost from that sort of thing." PIONEER IS DEAD v nnd L. Arrlngton, n plancor of Coos Doiiglus cauntlos, died nt his homo in this city Inst Thursday ovo nlng. Ir. Arrlngton, who was ad vanced In yoars, liiiil boon ailing (or several years and was confined to his room for tho past two years. Myrtlo Point Entorprlao. VV -' WKW y& j v -Sk SWwk i Why not glvo your uoy ami gin an opportunity to 'inukothelriome ain eatu ami fffa-tUot Glvo them tho an mo chanced to win pro' motion and hiicccm as the lad having tho an vantage oi IIMH..U.HMlM "-'-"-" V IftfTWTFP K NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in hin homo. This new creation nusuers with llnul author ity all kinds of puzzling questions in History, ccnirrunhv, DioiiriiDiiv. spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and memes. 100.000 Vocabulary Term.. 3700 PpHca. Urvr&OOOIIIutinttlans. Colored I'lalei. Tlii oslr dlatlosarr with tin Blrt Ui Yu: Thu typo matter la equivalent to that oi a lo-voiumo encyclopedia. iiiuin oiuu.uiay, ovvuimib.,,, and Authotltatlvo tlian unyoilu-rlinC- mil Dictionary, gff1 KEGULAK tSSSft .1 tho noroplnno work, hut It Is ns sinned that from flvo to ton aero planes go out of action each day, disabled by hostllo Nro or woar and tonr. Tho military aviation schools nro training many hundreds of young aviators, so that thoro Is a constant ronownl of tho human mntorlal nt tho front, and a steady liicrcnso In tho iiumbor of air machines Is action. NEUTRALS AT THE HAGUE (miler Freedom of Speech Penult- led Thoro Thau Any Other Place. (U7 Awoclio4 I'rtM to Coo Day Tlmw.J THK HAGUK, Jan. 20. Tho Hotel des lndcs hero Is tho hoiuhiuurters of as varied and scattored nationali ties us ono can find the world over. At tho dlunor hour ono evening Tho Associated Press correspondent saw diplomatic representatives of four teen nations. Tho diversity of opin ion about tho war In such an assem bly can well bo Imagined. Ono nou Hal commented oil tho unfortunato condition which mndo It necessary for Holland to keep hor nrniy in tho field month after mouth, authorities havo dispatched to tho front 1,970,000 blankets, 2.OC0.O00 undorvests, 21,170,000 flannol bolts, 2,280,000 pairs or socks, 300,000 mufflers, nnd l,2r0,000 pairs of glovos. Largo reserves of theso things havo also boon stocked for tho Immedlnto future. I "Yes," said a Gorman, "but sho must bo ready If Knglund throatons1 long to tho man unlucky enough to NEW QUESTION RAISED Claim That Mullet in Wounded Alan's llody .Still Mclougs to Ktate. tr AMOciated Im, to Cm limj TIum. HKHLIN, Jan. 20. Tho tjuestlon, to whom doos tho projectile in thu body of a wounded soldier belong, Is discussed grnvoly by Court Assossor Lunge In tho German Juristic Mngu zino with an article declaring the ownership of. such missiles to reside in tho state. A bullet, ho says, Is not nil fiwnoitloBs object. Tho solder who Bonds It on Its way does not thus surrender his state's ownership lu It. His object is merely to do as much damage as ho can, ami It must bo ns- biimed that ho Intends to roobtntn possession of tho missile thereafter for recasting or other posslblo use. If, however, It bo assumed that tho state originally owning tho projec tile gives up Its ownorslilp by firing it away, it does not oven thou bo- - I fell I Sj'Bffiffi&l W, s3m,i ra'PK&ssi I 35? &iiysi I '! m mrr- '.j Br i B "" i i tK m I H m ' i to vlolato tho neutrality of tho , Scheldt and get up to Antwerp." "How ridiculous," replied another. get in its way, but to his state, under International law and tho law prizes of war. "Tho wounded man pobsos- AND INDIA-1'Al'EU EDITIONS. WHITE for fcl VzZZi" vpoclincn pases, j EC llliutratlon. ele. a r HU-i.a aetoi rocKet t?1 M ana If vou tiaino this paper, G. & C. MERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. jiiimniiiui'iiwiU!, .iiiiiHiiiuiwiHiiiuwtiimmiuiB anil " I "Holland has but ono motivo in kcop-ges tho mlssllo only as tho ropresen i Ing her army lu tho field and that Is tatlvo of tho state of which ho Is a. I to fight her hardest if Gormany trios subjoct," writes Herr Lango. to treat hor as sho treated Dolglum." I Tho question of bullet ownorslilp In tho City of Tho Poaco Palaco all appears to havo risen first In a Dut , nationalities can hold nnd express garlan hospital during tho Ualkau I opinions that would got them Into Wars In 1912. A quarrel aroso bo- BLOWING UP TRENCHES Harrowing Kxiterlenccs nf Warfare In TrencheN Is Told. Df Aiaoclatad Trrta to Cooa Pa; Tlmm.l JIAMUUKQ, Gormany, Jan. 20. Harrowing nnd ,excltlng details of mining nnd blowing up of trenches nro told by n Gorman officer In a letter to a local newspaper, describ ing In particular tho capturo of a strong position hold by tho French In tho Argonno forest. Many of tho French soldlors woro killed nnd tho othors wcro captured. Tho Crown Prlnco sent blankets nnd wlno to tho men who accomplished this feat. Tho letter follows: "By tho first of December our com pany had been under flro for tho fifth tlmo and tho dlstanco botwoon our trench nnd that of tho French had decreased from C20 foot to from nine to fifteen feot. Hut the com pany on our loft was separated from tho French by a vulo, on tho far side of which tho enemy had laid out threo lines of trenches. Wo had coino to consider tho po sition ns Imprognnblo. Hut progress had to bo mndo somehow. Our pio neer dotachnient, thoroforo, decided to mlno tho French trenches near tho position of our company, which, as already stated, woro only from nine to fifteen feot nwny. "Somo of us fearod that tho Fronch would bo doing tho samo thing nnd would try to blow us up first. Our men workod hard for this reason, and on Dccombor first tho mlno was ready. At 10:30 In tho morning our first trench was cleared of men, nnd at 10:-(G our trenches woro empty. It was exactly 11:19 whon tho ploneor llmitounnt placed his thumb on tho olcctrlc button. Then followed a do tonatlon loud enough to hornld tho end of tho world. "In front of us shot up n largo, black column of earth and gases, It was fully 000 root high and whon It collapsed a rain of earth fell down on us. Our m on had taken cover In tho woods, nnd it was woll that they had dono so. For about two minutes It rain oil groat chunks of earth and rock. "When It was safo again in tho opon, our companies advanced through tho holo which had boon blown In tho French position. Tho first trench was full of dead soldlors and somo who hnd boon burled nllvo. In tho second and third trqnches tho French woro so rnttlod that they surrendered enslly. Insldo of half nn hour wo had takon tho entire forco of tho threo troiicncs olght offlcorsa and 378 men, Two officers woro among tho dead. "Wo also took threo mlno cata pults from tho Fronch, Our losses woro threo dead nnd sovon wounded. Hut wo woro lucky, Indeed, Among tho Fronch prisoners wo took wero somo pioneers, who told us that they had mlnod our tronchos at olgU points, but had not boon iiblo so far to place tho mlnos. They had at tempted too much and had lost. "This Is ono of tho biggest ovents Jn tho Argonno forest fighting. Whon tho Crown Prince honrd of it, ho sent 200 blankets and to each a lltor of vlno." GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF TUB CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF OARS 847 Central Av. Phono 878-L troublo in almost any other country iu ICuropo. In diplomatic circles hero, by tho way, American women who havo mar ried Europeans aro conspicuous. twecn a wounded soldier and a sur geon, both of whom laid claim to un oxtracted bullot. Herr Hachonber gor, a. woll known Gorman Jurist, con sidered tho subject exhaustively at Notablq among them aro Jladamo that tlmo, -but without coming to a Jonkheor John Loudon (who was doflnlto conclusion, except in so fur ,Mlss Lydla Kustls)' tho wife of tho'ns to decldo that tho mUsllo did not, Times Want ads bring result. Dutch minister of foreign affairs; Lady Alan Johnstono (who was Miss Antoinette Pinchot), 'wlfo of tho Drltlsh minister; and Mrs. Ferdinand Von Strumm (who was .Miss Hoyt, of Washington), wlfo of tho first secre tary of tho German legution. In any case, belong to tho Burgeon. Profossors Frauko and Zlttelmauu, also noted Gorman Jurists, considered tho subjoct In tho following year. Iloth reached tho conclusion that tho projectllo belonged to tho soldier, Times Want Ads for results. Ulavo you tried Tho Times' want ads? AUTO BUSSES COMPETE Street Railways In Pacific Cities Frown on Them. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2C Jlt noy buses, common automobiles, which compoto against tho street car for flvo cent fares havo be come n menaco that Is engaging tho sorlous attention of streot railway officials in Pacific Coast towns. Charles N, Illuck, general manager of the United Railroads of San Tranrlsco, announced that no o tonMon of lines of sorvlco would ho undertaken by his company until tho problem was solved. This an nouncement followed a reported can collation by a Los Angeles Street mi i re. ad company of an ordor for 250 cars, X! II Tl ran aMfrrtfcn'1'