AND FAKM MAGA81XK SUCTION . t. r .. N ' 1 J3fc ' TO ADVISHTISKItS. Advertisers In this locallly who hMi Jo fully cover nil isectloiis of Oregon and Wash ington mid a portion of Idulio will npply to local puliltslicrt lot rates. General Mlverllwers may address C. Ij. llur ton, Advertising .Miningcr of Oregon-Washing-ton-Idaho Farmer, Oregonhin Iltilldltig, Ift land, Oiegon, for rates ami Information. TO ItKADKKS. Headers nro requested to send letters and articles for publication to The Kdllor, Or egon - Washington - Idaho Farmer, Oregouhm itiilldlng, Portland, Oregon. Discussions on questions n u d problems that hear directly on the agricultural, live stock uud poultry Interests of tin; Northwest, and on the uplift and comfort of the farm home nlwnjH urc welcomed. No letters treat ing of religion, politics or the Kiiropcan war nrc solicited, for tho Orcgon-Washlngton-Idaho Farmer proclaims neutrality on these matters. Comparatively hrief contributions are pre ferred to long ones. Send us also photo graphs of jour livestock and farm scenes Hint you think would he of general Interest. Wo wish to maku this inagiuiuu of alnc to )ou. Help us to do It. i . 1...1.. u.. every precaution 10 prevent, iieeiuums. -member, Safely First I Editorial Page of Home and Farm Magazine Section Timely, Pertinent Comment Upon Men and Affairs, Following the Trend of World Nowa; Suggestions of Interest to Readers; Hints Along Lines of Progressive Farm Thought. even for the last eight months nro n foin. the season us possible in order lo enjoy tho plete loll of the accidents. fuoHiiu' of Nccurity Hint comes from th0 con- Be thoughtful, avoid enrelessncss, ami muu imenco mni mo nog oitoieru germs have been onuiou imtl Hint llio corn crop is certain to find n ready and most profitable market through tho pigs when they have been fin. ished and sent to their slaughter in n health, ful condition. And while you arc going to this trouhlo tuid expense, do. it right. Be sure Hint the Rcrum is pure and that it is ad ministered properly. A licensed graduate veterinarian is tho mnn to do the job. AMERICA TODAY AND TOMORROW, THE United States, with only G per cent of the world's inhabitants;, pro duces fi8 per cent of the world's corn, 120 per cent of its wheat, 01 per cent of its cotton, fl.r per cent of its tobacco, 15 per cent of its cattle, -12 per cent of its iron, 63 per cent of its petroleum, -10 per cent of its coal, 120 per cent of'its gold and 1ms J18 per cent of its railroads, says the Polk County Itcmizer. Tho United Stales' domestic trade in 1913, X has been sweeping the land hns already more nearly rcnelicd maturity. Now he is. ! 0,000,000,000, far exceeded that of nuy SAFETY ON THE FARM, rnllE "Safety First" propaganda Unit VACCINATION ONLY INSURANCE. A YOUNG man writes: "1 have llU young hogs quite well finished for market. 1 was the only one in this section lo vaccinate. The near neighbors are losing all of their pigs, but mine are do ing fine." No other reference is made relative lo I hose hogs. No other reference is necessary. The whole story, a story worth thousands of dollars to every render who raises hogs, i? disclosed in the paragraph, This man took time by the forelock, lie used hog cholera vaccina ns a preventive. Ho locked the door before the horse wns stolen. In doing so it cost him less to have his veterinarian vaccinate his herd than though he had waited until the hogs had been treated of in these columns, but its specific message for the farmer cannot be too greatly emphasized. It is notonly for those who live and work among shuttling streetcars and nutomobilcs thnffliis move ment was organized, but also nor those who labor on tho farm. I Farm labor is not usually considered haz ardous. Hccmiso accidents are. distributed over n wide area there has been a general lack of appreciation of their number. Hut there have been plenty of them. Power machinery has come into extensive use within the past ten years and has suc ceeded not only in revolutionizing the in dustry of farming, but in-increasing the dan gers of farming ns an occupation. Farm worlc is much more hazardous today than it was a few years ago, when practically all operations were performed by hand. Corn shredders, gasoline engines, feed grinders, grain separators, cream separators and other forms of machinery have changed agricul tural processes until tho industry has be come more similar, both in method and in danger, to factory work than to earlier agri culture. Many of us have a horror for steam boilers because of the danger of and damago caused by an explosion. Yet tho common Indder, for which wo have no concern, causes more than one hundred times ns many acci dents ns the boiler. Among farmers the per centage of ncoidonts due to falls is verv large Another source of ninny farm accident vicious animals. One need only to sen columns of country papers to gain an idea of tho number of victims. Porhons operating farms should insist that all of their machines be equipped with every safety device possible, oven though it ontnil an increased expense. Life and limb is not so ehonp on the farm as it is in the modern factory, speaking from an inhuman stand point. From a humanitarian viewpoint n human life is of such infinite value that it cannot be compared with machinery. Sixteen fatal accidents, two likely to result in death, cighty-fivo serious injuries and thir- ty-two severe ones a total of 135 accidents happy, for he has ready to market in tho neighborhood of $2000 worth of pork, lie need not force it onto tho market through fear of hog cholera, even though his neigh bors are losing pigs. lie has immunized his hogs at small expense. With n feeling of security, ho will now hold them until they are completely ready for market and until the market is satisfactory. Everyone recognizes tho folly of not carry ing insurance, but the annual losses on farms of this country from fire, lightning and tor undoes nro small compared with the losses from hog cholera. other nation. American factories Inst venr produced goods valued it $20,000,000, q( which less than 5 per cent were exported. All the remainder of that vast quantity of articles of use of luxury wns cousumed hero at homo -proving beyond argument that the overage standard of living in this country far exceeds that of nny other. This leadership is attributable to nature's gifts of rich resources and n stimulating climate, plus a system of political ideals that attract s bore the most ambitious individuals of other lands and makes them free to use all their novir I'm- Krlf.iulvniirniitiit wUU Vaccination is the best insurance against, duo regard for tho equal rights of their fel- hog cholera and the cost is well within low citizens. ,.,, ' I n world of uncertainties, few possibili- l lousands of farmers this year have put ties seem more likely to be renlized than the on Having Heir hogs vaccinated, expecting increase of this country's population to mt when cholera its appearance in 250,000,000 or more within tho next century. v wr:! '":..!!!! ,,S",,0.,,!,,,0:- ' Porlmp8 true that opportunities to " imiir. hip risK tney took wns unwarranted. In tli, iw i . ' IV MI1 l', it costs more to vaccinate older animals than i"b', m tne second plaeo there is nlwnvs dnnger thnt something mny happen to pre vent securing safe, offioiont vaccine at the tune it is needed mot. Pow could foresee nny happening that won ,1 cut off the supply of vaccine lst Fn, hut breeding animals, market hogs and pigs gam enormous private wealth will bo fewer hereafter than heretofore, .since society tends increasingly to frown upon such accumula tions; but nowhere else on tho globe can the young man of mettle find equal opportunities for reasonable material success, for social usefulness mid for civic honor, whatever the level from which the nceidont of birth mny start him. re dying by the thousands throughout the ; "" , ,u ""'" owners, many of whom cor The rock thnt Closes struck in the wilder ness out of which gushed water has been Hut that was before and the children of xot frlVo mi Mm irntpr . . . -j mi. hid, jutimuii mv " il tonne 1. . . .. '" '" """"HUH .IBWI. V; , . , xKrK,,II"Ml Department at N ash.iigton eond,n,ned and ordered do s royed much of the vaccine that was Lli. -sis -firir itrss i-nntho 'allowing the oiubrcnfc f fM....i n. 'y ,l10 Ur ii it a rtr .... i " "" "" cx"- Precaution ngniiM the spread of disonse. Manufacture,' " puttiuir forth fv.,M. .. i. . ,uu "ow nu- w u .I,'-' v,,ul1 w 01 ft "ow sun. P. tat it takes many wsl n Z l!!' Tbo result that in ; ""' J"'1 vaccinal ng from dav to day are compelled to suffer J In a singlo county in Kentucky 1200 men have been indicted for buying and selling votes and nro to bo put on trial. All tho political corruption in this country is not eonfined to Tnnimnny Hall. It is the supremo test of loynlty for one to get the rheumatism whilo engaged in the defense of his country. Dying is a mere bllL'ntclln. rtuf i. ,,.:.. f ..l.o,nnticm. n.o?, o,.r,.iuai;;;;;s" Z z Cuu, ,,;;,?, " """ '."" " Pwmsllnato nro ..7" T i . -- v in tins instance proerastinat ion is the thief i nre now profiting, out tho mouths thero is no re especially not alone because they saVed thoi.- i,nD ,..?.' U is announced that cattle diseases do K wnien ho presen hnttu i..:n future laud on n liir,i. .i..i nonmW i, ...., "uinci. ito reporicti irom .Minnesota's agricnl- because of tlm .i,n.i -" ""r nogs, Du llnf. nP. . ,f ,,",. tnro iliirJiirr i...iv ... ..n... -ii... i: . uu,mso ot 'ho shortugQ wheb k ., . not atteet poultry. This lots them. ifli,ii .; ,.. ;..rB;; , ?r 0,i. ),c,'0t of the present .;: I " trm attacks of tho foot-and-month ' " -... .iiniiiuun. in iim iiisr. 1)1 linrf nlwl,.,. n .. . Mm;u eight months. The reports for tho first twelve future lnn.i ' ' ' ,' ,10gs .wlU ' near disease r .o mi. ,ta ,:o,,,s ,; rfx ,tS'i rJ:':vi" emated ns earh The Ohio corn boys have just concluded a visit to "Washington. "What a harvest for the chiropodists! M HBHHUUHMM? W . mrmvLmmm mm tr itf