'pw'wywiap'fify NY A MAN WHO ISN'T A COWARD IS AFRAID OF THE CONSEQUENCES Wl A Marshfield Woman The Determination of valuo ificolvod In advertising Ilea sololy wUJj,. tho results Bccurod. Try tho columns of Tho Coos Day Times thoy aro clean and dependable .Tho readers of Tho Tlmos hnvo confldcnco In the ads appearing therein. said: "I buy ndvortlsod articles becauso thoy i Invariably worth what I pay for thorn." Tho rthants with tho beet ronutatlons for lntosrlty rhoneat merchandise aro without exception, who advortiso tholr goodB unceasingly. HKMUttlt OP Omit ASSOCIATED rilKBB I - p irTT":33IX5B ; J 1 ..NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 br Tim Coa.it Mnil. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const MaU unci Pooh Uny Advertiser No. 156j i ' 'tf- lUvfci ANY CLAIMS ALLIES LOSING NO RUSSIANS inco Little Damage Done French and Ena sh Aeronauts in Belgium FRENCH HAD HEAVIEST LOSSES Minor Engagements in ma Nomina now on ast Prussian Front ','AWocULiI rrf le Cooa Hr TlmM.) IJtN, Jnri. 23 (Via Wirc- Clio official Btutcmcnt today iflio onomy's airmen dropped 3,'ycBtordny over Ghent and T to, Belgium, but with no i;, Tho enomy'u attack north nlous broko down under our t'cht of Fontnlno La Mltto In Sonno forest, our troopB enp- tho cnomy'B position and 218 rp. Northwest of Pont A fin two Kronen nttncku woro Foff with n Bovoro loss to tho Vtho fighting for tho retaking ft lost tronchCH slnco January 'captured bovoii cannon ami BjuHolilno guns. Near woiscn- ho Alplno forcca woro bcaton fievornl nttackB In forco by Btny on llnrtmnnn-Wollorkopf ffivptllBOd. $iho Kastorn thentor thoro Ib ; 10 ropon iroiu r.nsi itub In Northern Poland, near . . - .,. .. an unimportant nusslan Hwns ropulscd, Tho UusfllanB Iflvon out of Illlno and Gojak Ivnnccd Russian dlvlsloiiB rc- EfrAm finrnv Hn nttnnlr on ,..... v.w..W. ... nclia Soctor Ib progressing. battlo nt Croix do CarmoR, taut A Mousson (In Franco) North of Sonnhclm,. In ' tho French woro drlvon back t' hill nnd 130 prisoner woro i it nor is 1UILDING ADVICE rs Declare material ana lor Are Now at Lowest Ebb of Year in tiro planning a bungalow, a building with u brownstono you want to put up n wnre- tbulld It now. Thus say tho tors and when you ask tho fwhy thoy ay: "DocaiiBo you f'lt choapor now than nt uny sBon of tho year." reason of present chonpnoss, tractors declare, Is that wages fer at this Btago than any other rtho yonrj Bteol, for Instnnco, lowest obb that It hns ronch- tb, or was but a very short j(o; now thoro Is a slight rlso , Concrete can bo secured A groat deal less than two 'honco. Itulldor horo BtatOB that "whoro tho year I will bo paying )5 for good Journeyman stool now I can got tbom for .Labor la plentiful right now rk la Bcarco." Jwhllo prospcctlvo builders say until spring opens up," thoy (now, many of thorn, that tholr adding daily to tho oventunl tho building thoy oxpoct to. fAnbthor contractor who will ! largo f 20,000 concroto build- yn tho coast dcclaros that ov- 8th now that tho building Ib Lis adding between $1000 and tho cost of tho structure &r fact tho builders point ifat contractors now aro ox- Unxlous to got ovon the small ;: house work, whero thoy Iruro on a close margin of Sigalnst a host of other bids, later In tho season but very Itheni will bother with small o, according to tho tidvlco of Jers, tho contractors and tho its, tho building spirit of tho Tshould bo "do It now." '. I. o. o. v. notice era of Sunset Lodge No. 51, F., are hereby notified to I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday 24, at 1:00 o'clock P. M (be funeral of our lata RHermkn Cordes. Sojourning invited. ' ler HERBERT PHILLIPS, ' Soc, Noblo CI rand ' FORGED C DAOIA DELAYED (11 AnmUleil I'mi lo Coos I1r Tlmcs.l GALVESTON, Jnn. 23. Tho Amorlcan stcninshlp Da clif which clonrcd for Rotter dam yestorday with n cargo of cotton for Dromon, was still nt dock today. A strong northorn delayed her Balling. T Announce Czar's Forces De feated in Caucasus and English in Arabia tnr amociii rrw to von nr Timii CONSTANTINOPLE, Jnn. 23. Tho official communication rognrdlng the fighting In tho Caucasus snyB: "Tho Russian main forces tailed In tho at tempt to onclrclo our left wing and rotrcntcd bofor0 our countor attack. Our troops nro now purBiilng." Pro vloiiB reports Indicated tho fighting wns nround Knra-Urgan. Spoaklng of tho fighting in Arabia, tho com munication continues: "Thursday tho British, nsBlBtod by throo gun boatfl, attacked our troopB near Kur na (nt tho Junction of tho Tlgrcs nnd Euphrates), but woro completely do fcatod nnd forced to rotrcnt with bo voro losses." MORE LPT ON 0A0 CHECK WORK Man of Many Aliases Left a Trail of Bogus Paper Be hind Him Down Coast Somowhoro Joo Nolson, alias Fred Nelson, alias II. Q. Nolson, nllns Scott, passer of bad checks and now a prls onor In tho county Jail, must hnvo road the poont that ends up nboiit " departing loavo bohlnd ub foot prints on tho BnndB of tlmo." Tho trip of tho man down tho coast was groatly similar to this becauso along tho routo ho dopartod ho loft behind him bogus chocks, whllo his foot prints cut dooply Into tho Bands of tho beach. Tho latter part Is also well known for n posso followed him for Bomo distance when ho enmo to Coos Pay. F. V. Vnrrolmnn of tho Gardiner otoro entered tho county Jnll at Co qulllo this morning. Ho saw Nolson bohlnd tho bnrs. "Thot's tho man," ho told tho Bhorlff, "who cumo to tho atom sovoral dnya ngo nnd cashed a $7 check." A man of tho snmo des cription Is now known to hnvo cashed a $10 check nt a Floronco hnrdv.ro 8toro. Whon found In a North Bond rooming houso on Thursday morning Nolson had two First National Bank checks on his person. At tho Florence atom Nolson camo In on last Saturday nnd asked for a $3 plpo order. Ho was careful In selecting tho materials and gavo Im plicit Instructions tint tho plpo should bo dollvered at a certain tlmo tho next day at tho Point Torraco lumber mill. Not until tho plpo was sent was tho check discovered to bo bogus. Nolson had then started dqwn tho beach to Gardiner, tho sceno of his next operations. How many places ho hna played the same gamo Is a mystery to the police. They believe that Nolson loft a trail of bad checks behind him that will traco further back than Florence. Nelson told Constablo Cox that ho camo hero Jast Tuesday, tho same day tho Elder arrived. He looked over tho passenger list and selected the namo R. G. Nolson as a musical sounding cognomen and Immediately re-chrlstened himself without further parley. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. . .. WHEAT, ?2.05 C'l HAINES. ; LiFSKSGAIN AGAING I DRITISH Germami Aeroplane Raid on Donkirk Costs Many Liv PREMIER Of AUSTRIA HAS QUIT PLACE nr AnocUtel I'rtta to root Dty Time. ROME, Jan. 23. Count tfarl Stuorgkh, tho Austrian Premier, has resigned, nccordlng to n jiuwb dls patch from Vlonnn. Tho Count probably vlll bo succeeded by Dr. L. Von DIlltiRklf Austro-Hungnrlan Minister of Finances. UNITED STATES TO GIVE ENGLAND GUNS Two Sixtecn-inch Cannon and Battleship Turret Shipped There Today tnr AuocUtM rtt to cw nr TlmM.) NEW YORK, Jnn. 23. Two 10 Inch guuB, 53 foot long, weighing 75 tons nploco, wcro lnslied to tho dock of tho Cunurd llnor Trnnsyl vnnln whon bIio snllod today for Liv erpool. Bohlnd tho gunB was plnc ed a battleship turret, consigned to a shipbuilding company nt Belfast from tho Bothlohom Stcol Corpora tit n. GREEKS TO MAKE Tacoma Residents of Greek Origin Form Society to Se cure Better Citizens tnr amocuoi rni t coo nr tioim.) TACOMA, Jnn. 23". A cnmpiilgn cnrrled on by n local society of j d treks to compel tholr fellow coun- trymon to obey tho laws, resulted In throo proprietors of coffco houses I being nrralgned In tho pollco court on n nhnrgo or permitting gambling. The officers of tho Greek society told tho Prosocutlng Attorney that' tho nocloty had notified tho malin gers of tho Grock coffeo houses nboiit tho first of tho year lo closo tho gamos and oboy tho American laws. SEES 7 CHILDREN : DIE AROUND HERi Maria Irti, Buried in Quake Ruins, Rescued Aftsr Seven , Days, but is Insane 1)7 AuocLteJ Vttt to Joo. nJ Tlmo.. J ' ROME, Jan. 23. Tho nuinbor or. Injured who havo boon brought hero from tho earthquake zono has now i roached 15,000. A pitiful caso Is that ot Maria Irtl, who waa extricated at-! tor seven days' burial In th ruins of th town of Ortucchlo. During that tlmo Bho saw her bovoii chlldrou dlo ' around her ono by ono and grler ov-; or tho loss nnd tho met that ho was : powerless to help has drlvon her In-! snno. FAI-SELY ACCl'KKI). """" Editor Coob Bay Times: I havo boon falsely accused of hunt- GREEKS OBEY LAW iHK am KiuinB i i t:.uBUu . ,,, ,yai 0 itullcatcd that If a bill I will say that I am not n hunter ; Uroiluc0(l , tho assomb'y ycstoi and do not hunt oven u opon season ,,nv iiminaHii,. im ihm.vrr lpnn. lettilono hunting In tho closed season !nB cnU8Q nassod tho Lcglslaturo, i,0 ' ,,',,:i','ows' ,IA,,r' SATURDAY KVW T would bo very much pleased to meet! wo,.id voto lt NINO. Eiei-ybotly Ih invltctl, twpec tho acousor at n vory oarly date. GEORGE A. BLAKE, Catching Inlet. rUEHLA CAITURED WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Tho Villa, agency hero recolv ed a telegram dated at Puobla from General Ornales, the Zapata commandor, saying that Puobla had been retaken by his forces. Rumors of Attack on England Denied But Great Activity on Continent ENGLISH CLAIM T 0 HAVE STOPPED ONE Announce Ten Machines Used By Raiders Report Zeppe lin Sunk in Sea tnr Aiioclatal rnn tu .. n7 TIrim. LONDON, Jan. 23. Although tho reports of a Zeppelin raid on Eng land Inst night Bcomcd todny to havo been fnlso, thoro has been n strik ing renewal of norlal activity on tho continent. Tho Gormans' raid on Dunkirk, Franco, resulted In con siderable loss of Ufa nnd dnmngo to proporty, Ono account says: ton aeroplanes took part In It. British noroplancfl assumed tho dofonslvo and succeeded In bringing down ono Gorman. ZEPPELIN IH HUNK (Pr AmotUIM frm to Coo nr TlmM J LONDON, Jnn. 23. Flrshormon nrrlvlng from Noordwlck today as sort, according to a tllsptch from Lcyden, they saw nn airship founder In tho North Sea Friday night. Tho airship Ib supposed to havo been a Zeppelin. V SHELL KILLS SCOItES. (llr AtocUIl Prtu to Coo. llr TlmM. 4 BERLIN, Jan. 23. It wns officially anuouncod Horo that tho Russian railway station near Chcnchlny, South Pol- and, which tho Austrian! do- stroyed with' a slnglo Blicll, was filled with Russian - 4 troops,, all of whom woro killed. .4 NO ALUiuTOF McCormick Denies the Anrcement Btween Pro- HyiH-llltlll D-IWLUI TIU gressives and Republicans LLINDIS T S mr AModitrj i'rt to coo. nr TlmM.J Others receiving pnrdoils Included CHICAGO, Jnn. 23. Medlll Mr-'mon nnd women convicted of hlgh Cormlek, progrcsalvo moinbor or tho ! wiiy robbery, burglnry, criminal as IlllnolB LoglBlnturo. Issued n state- s'lt nnd horKo thlovory, mont explaining his nccoptnnto to' Formor Judge J. A. Fronch, "f attond tho caucus of Ropubllcun tho Wnllown County Court, who legislators. "A purely porsonnl roN ph'mled guilty to atoallng $2800 oroneo," ho snld,- "to tho ploaauro fr-m tho county, was pnrdonod on or association with old friends has h's arrival horo and committed to boon mado to Imply wo gnvo obllRa-tho feeble-minded institute tloiis regarding tho futuro of parly afflllatlniiB. Wo gavo nono nnd nono wub uskod." Ho said that ho acil Representative Hlckt woro un-' frontod with tho duty or brenklng tho deadlock for tho spoakorshlp, Jl ALIEN LAND BILL 0 m pij,,rnj cVnr.Mnn Wlll Mnf,Tllftw ,B oxl0(!tu(l to arrlvp In Now Uail'0rnit?. "J LCUi!VL VVI1.' UOl!York tonight troin Mnnehester, N. II. rermit Any Uttange in vllh a bench wnrrant charging Thaw lalo lYieaSUre in Ani rr. n.cw- p.f Tim.i SACRAMENTO. Jan. 23. Govor- nor Johnson placed himself square- y on iccord today aa opposed to any amendment to tho antl-nllon land act puFBcd by tho California Legislature AID. FOR-OREGON HARBORS Amendment for Appropriation for Port Orfoitl, L'lnpquu nnd Coqulllc UIvit Urgetl WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Oregon Senators In addition to having Ore gon items retained In tho river and harbor bll as passed by tho House, will endeavor to securo amendments authorizing aurvoya for now projects at tho mouth of tho Unipqua, at Port Orford and nt tho mouth ot tho C'nquUlo Rlvor. KARLSRUHE PRIZE HELD AT SAN JUAN tnr AuochlM rrt to Coot P.r TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 23. Tho steamer Farn, a British collier brought Into San Juan, Porto Rico, as a Germnn prl.o by n crow from tho cruiser Knrlsruho must put to boa or bo Interned during tho war. Tho Stato Department holds alio will bo dealt with ns a naval ton dor. SHIP BILL IDE PARTI MEASURE Senate Democrats in Caucus Today Reach Final Agree ment on Purchase Plan llr AmocUKs Trrti to Cooa Hr TlmM, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Tho Sonnto Domocrats In caucus lato today reached a final ngroomont on the ndmlulBtratlon ship purchnso bill and adopted a resolution making It n party nionsuro. Throo Democrats volod ngnlnst tho resolution, but Inter It wns mado unanimous on motion of Senator Bankhead, who originally voted against it. T GAVE PARDONS TO 59 Former Oregon Exeoutive Is sued Pardons by 'Wholesale During Last Few Days tnr AuocltloJ l'rnt to Cool Dr llmos.J SALEM, Or., Jnn. 23. During tho lust thirty days or his administra tion, formor Qovornor Woat con- ,utlon"' n-'in" tuty-nino con- v,,8 C1B"1 or l,,om conv,clC(l m ,llllriin, rrnrllni? In n. I'ainiillntlnn totlny ot tll0 rocor,, in ul0 cPit0,. T Noted Prisoner to bo Returned From New Hampshire To night to Face Trial in, AuvltiM I'r... lo com pr IlmM. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Hurry K. with conspiring to oscnpb frdm Mat- teawann ami u mandnto of tho Unlt- od States Supromo Court ordering tho New Hampshire authorities to turn over Thaw, William Travors Joromo 'and Sheriff Hornbook arrlvod at ! Concord this morning. ! Tho 3IARHIIFIELI) QUADRILLE 'I'LUll will glvo n tlnnco in ODD ilitlly tliu old-tlmo (Uiiccih. BRITISH AIRMEN 11USY. tnr a3 iioi rm o coo nr Tim. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 23.i British airmen today dropped bombs on tho Bruges, Bel gium, docks, according to newa reaching here. Tho re sult la not known. Tho aviator escaped, although attacked by Gormans. GOV WES RETURN HAWTO MEW YORK STATE RUSS A m CHANGED WHOLE PLAN IN EAST ItOUMAMA MOBILIZES. llr Aofllf.l Ttnt lo Coo Ur TlmM.) BERLIN. Jan. 23 Tho Roumanian legation hau not recolvcd any official confirm ation ot tho Swiss nnd Italian rcportB regarding tho mobili zation, for which, It Is Bald, has not been issued. o , FRENCH TELL OF S IN BATTLES Repair Damage Done to the Trenches by Storm Many Engagements in Progress tnr Auocltloit rrc. to Cooa Dir TlmM.) PARIS, Jnn. 23 Thoofriclnl state ment this nttornoon Bays: "Tho ac tivity or our Infantry yostortlny along almost the cntlro lino wns dovotod to ropnlrlng dnmngo dono tho earth works by tho very bad weather. Near Lombnortzydo wo progressed 100 yards. Tho Germans bombnrdod Borry An Bao violently. Wo repuls ed a Gorman attack northwest of Dontisojour., In Argonno wo com pletely checked tho Germans nt Foil tnlno Mndamo. A Gorman attack near St. Hubert resulted In an In fantry ongngomont which hna not yot como to nn end. On tho Mouse our nrtlllory compollod tho onomy to ova cuato tho nmmunltlon depot. In Al sace, Infantry fighting in tho Hart- mnnn-Wollcrkopr region continues. Wo nro In closo contact with tho ono my und thoro hns boon no Interrup tion of tho fighting. Near Co may, IIIll -1 25 wub attacked by tho enemy unsuccessfully. Further south, wo mndo progress toward Potit Kohl-berg." GAI Here Ate the Facts From the Port of Coos Bay Commission MARSIIFIEI.n. Or.. Jnn. LM. 1 0 I R , ., ... . , . , v ......... ., ., ,... .. ,, . ... Inclosed plonso find explanation nnd donlnl of Btntemoiit mado by '.Tw Record on tho ICth Instant reflecting on tho Port of Cooa Bay Commis sion, which Tho Record rofusod to publish oxoopt nt ton conts per llnrj Wo wish you to publjsh It as n matter of public lnfor;nntlou, Youra truly) Port or Cooa Buy,' By Homy SongHtucken, Beorotnry. Marshfield, Oregon, January 20, 10 in. Editor Kvunlug Record Dear Sir: In your Issue of Janunry 15, HUB, )iy odltorlal and howb item, yqh, have criticised tho Port or Coos Bay In tho matter ot tho fill kiunKj njv tho "Coko & Chandler" fill, nlloglng Chandler In tho matter. Tho Port dims not wish In tuko up tho surup or any faction or individ ual, but will stato tho facts or tho matter, which speak for themselves, k Some yonrn ago a rill wan mado northerly from Pino street of Niut burg's Addition, which Included Blocks 17 and 1$ or tho Nusburg Addi tion, tho Coko & Chandler tract, lands ot tho O'Connell catuto, or Frank Rogora and othors,, containing approximately twetvo acres, tho old bulk fioat! lino being on tho north lino ot Pino street. In tho present filling operations theso tracta huo boon designated ns tho Coko & Clmndloc fill. In this fill was placod 87,20p cubic yards nt material nnd of this amount Messrs. Coko and Cliuudlor received 26,000 cubic yards. Within tho filled area sloBsrs, Coko and Chandler lu.vo four ncroa of ground which extends In n strip' 33.0 root wldu from tho channel back to thq htgh land, '(ho south boundary or tho Coko & Chnndlor trnet being approximately tho north boundary or tho City or Mnrshflold. Last summer, whon tho Port mado Its arrangements for dumping grounds, W. 8. Chnndlor was out of town und tho Port has never hnd any dealings with him na to the Coko & Chandler fill. President Simpson wub Informed by John 3. Coko that, Inasmuch na tholr proporty already hud a substantial fill (bolng onco filled whllo tho tract was owned by County Treasuror Dlmmlck and ngnln under contract botweon Messrs. Coko and Chandler and Cnptaln Potors, who hnd ohurgo of tho drodgo Orogon, whon It was first operated on Coos Bay, aomo youro sluco) ho and Mr. Chandlor did not doslro to go to uny furtbor oxponso In filling tholr hold ings. Mr. Simpson thou naked If tho Port could use tho property for dumping ground If It bo.niuo necessary or dosliablo;. to this Mr Coko as sented, but Insisted that any furtbor oxponso on tho proporty was not Jus tified and that no furthar rill was doslrod.. President Simpson roportud to tho Portitho result or thla Intorvlow with. Mr. Coke . It wus calculated by tho Engineers that all ot tho available apaco on tho west aide or tho channel would havo to bo used ror dumping ground In ordor to care tor tho dredglnga, and thla calculation h'ua since boon domonatruted. Homo tho problem or tho Port was olthor Id fill tho Jnnds or Messrs. Coko und Chnndlor for nothing, or to bulkhead them oH und doposlt tho 25,000 yards received by thorn on tho oust side of tho channel and thus raiso another "Manning Island." The bulkhead of tho Cbundlor & Coke fill la 1000 rjot lolig. extending rrom Pine street northerly to tho O'Connell bluft. ;But f this extent thoro Ib only 333 foot on tho Coko nnd Chandlor property. To repair thla bulkhead coat ?2G3.01 and the proportionate charge to, Coko and Chandler would bo ?87 08. Tho other two churgoa ugulnat the Cc-ko and Chandler (Continued on GERMANY S -, Announce That Austro-Germajf Forces Have Abandoned Plans Against Warsaw MOVING TROOPS TO DEFEND HUNGARY Little Activity on the Western Front Except Battles in Al sace and Lorraine tOr AmocbtM r-rrti to Coot Ukj TlmM. LONDON, Jan. 23. A complete chnngo In tho Eastern campaign,, uch ns would mark n new period of wnr, Is expected by tho ofricora or tho Russian gencrnl statr. Thoy say tho Gorman nnd Austrian mili tary chief hns abandoned nggrcsMvo movements ngnlnst Warsaw nnd fs concentrating troops In Hungary to re pel the Russlnn Invadors In Hu kowlna, Eastern Gnllcln and North ern Hungary. It Is In this section, rntlior than on tho Wnrsaw front, that tho heavy righting or tho next row weeks Is looked for. In Franco nnd Belgium, tho mili tary activity Ib nt low obb, oxcopt r'ong tho Eastern ond or tho tront. In Alsaco nnd Lorraine, despornto righting continues without ndvan tagCB to eltbor sldo. Among tho minor oncoimtors, Berlin reports tho rapture, of n French position In tho Argonno forest, whllo Parln tolls of a Bbort advunco or tho Allies noar Lombnortzydo. i ' DENIES BELGIAN ATTACK Vatican Official Organ Kays It Knew Itopoil pf AiTt'ht of Cnrdfiml Merclcr Wns Untrue. 1)7 Auocltix) I'r'M to Cm IIt TlmM.1 ROME, Jan. 23. Tho Obsorvntor0 Romano, tho Vatican organ, in an swering tho qHnrk, ot tho Botglan Catholic papor, which accused It of a "shameful campaign against con quered Belgium," snys: "It tho Bol glnn pnpors rofor to tho suppression of soilio ot tho dlBpntchoB regarding tho announced arrest of Cardinal Merclor, wo did this only becauso wo know, In a poaltlvo way, that tho news of his arrest wns not true.'! Editor nnrw Ilnv TIiiikh. Dnnr Kir; that tho Port bus favored M. Pngo Four ) ! rrTZTZTZjmmmi "-as morn