?'feU , THAT BLOWS THE WHISTLE WILL NEVER TURN THE WHEEL r f!. Marshfield Woman d: 'I buy advertised articles becaiiBO tlioy arV.liTtarlably worth what I pay for tlietn." Tlio niriitnUfl with tlio best reputations for Integrity RUd'hoBSflt tnorchnndlso, aro without exception, Wxmm The Determination of value received in advertising lies solely with the results secured. Try the colunjna of The Coos Day Times they aro clean nud dependable. Tho renders of Tho Tlmos havo con(ldcnco In the ads appearing therein, mmo nuvoriise inoir goous unceasingly. MKMUfclt OF THIS ASSOCIATED PRSs wsn . w -3 P' STEAM (&nm mm '! 7 . ' .J ttmt n Mh J tluil I anil asq kd voE&no. xxxviii. MftllRUSSELL SAYS PENTLMID'S jHTEHEIT IS Ihrawubherlff Johnson That .TIWll Welcome Investi ,!sfttloMf Poisoning Charge HUSBAND SUPPORTS ' TOB UUCP n MATTCR m Statements of Pentland Being Investigated Deputy Sher- i.fjjuaird to Eugene i''(Ipclal to Tho Times.) COQUhlfiE,' Or., .Inn. 22. Doputy Sherlfi'c. Laird Is expected to reachi-pSteno today to dollvor to the state SiMHTst tho vitals of Arthur RuHMn'ffitiei rancher near Myrtle Point whodled about threo yuurs ago, whose frsmaliiR wcro exhumed this ,yek, Kjjjjjajresult of charges of pois oning 'SyaWm, Penlon or Potttlnnd ' Th;lRttmystcrIoiiHly disappeared iaaa 'kflSTsiiin nworn nffldnvlt lind 'ii')i4ured and far hns not heen KMWJU'WBTC f i'nSi$lSprqbnbly no wool: hoforo Wftro: tmi rnwriyot mo sinio cuomisi can b ' tieMrmll. on tho analysis as to yhaUtvrfjSilBon caused Arthur Hub will's &Stj$ Until tho results of this analysTan obtained, no legal stop hh .laSUken except tti securo ovN detice ftijufoto investigate tho son sintlNMJBUtomcnts of Pontlnud in )ils ByrHJtatoiiiont. TbVlAdjtlon of KiibiicU'b body was )iijjttjrthnn was expected, do eomHovmsHlliftvlnR not yet affected tha vUahwib that tho analysis should U anal? Av"'Q of Charges. MrVauulfMrs. Claroncu UiikruU, who are rSifcllWod by Pontlund'H stnto MmkL'ftiS aware of tho clinmed Iiek,fcplff Alfred Johnson wont 10 mo uony, which wns tho old Arrlngton plnco, Hub boyond Myrtlo l'olnt half mile of wlioro the oil stated to Sheriff :' Pcutlnud's chargoH woro .. f,jmM I IwtlKTJMltgT Z. Mt(BBta IV JKZwSV u, Mrs'Kfiw ltkHMM lUi ihf tjfflJolinSQn Informed then J that s4iiijtVo charges had been mado l" there wMIko thing for him to do bilf ", Inviioi liartlt(linni t 1im-im1i 1 v Mr Utinkipi'WMIVUI MIUIWKhO',, .... nuMl Lfc?l . . i -BtpndB firmly (li- Ills -wife,- Mwfntii ho nnd Mrs. UushoII wr,tVit It was to bo thorough ly .IjijeeHPtmt ns thoy wanted tho runf MtHStlto an end. ?jWjfI fitoi-y by IMmiiio. liltnt Mr. and Mrs. Itussoll tho Intimations of, their ed In, tho matter over tho ' i plMiMC ere Is a farmers' lino at and tho nolghbors woro but tho enso long boforo It tifmfrferQ tho officials and Mr. ssoll ovorhonril convor- l'l,tiO&' iholr uolchbors on tho Ills StntcMiicntH. lofinson. whllo tho stnto "limiting nn analytical test I of Arthur Russell, will lerntemeuts In Pontland's dient of tho caso to Dlst py LITJoqvlst. Pontlnnd In'g gouo to Mnrshfleld .'Angust'nnd there rogls- a'n and wife. Ho did not Itel In Marahflold at which but nil tho hotel regis- iSlnspected. Ho also told trip to Unndon, giving MBlt tho atitolst who took This will bo checked up. 4iio Is In Idaho. hnson has ascertained Iiort about Pentland go- taflSnco, after his disappear- onullle, Is Incqrrcct, dJOfilatlvcs live lit Cour MMjP, and ho can prouauiy ad1& them when ho Is want- ''iwtvSSy there Is nothing that rj".rj m 1...4 i.. Annn ,i.A WHWl- lun uui ill uudu uic Slop, men aiiurtii juuu- ifn a search for him. r tut-Cls Secured. oH near Myrtlo Point kodak plcturo of Mrs fPentland taken together his Sheriff Johnson can eness of Pentland which to tho officers If It Is Kn caso the poison charge Ined, It may bo tnai uiar wlll seek tho prosecution '-for false charges and so are will then bo valuable Four Children. ?Mrs. Russell havo four Airs, uussoii is a guuu Established 1878 nn Tlio Cna.it Mall. ABSOLUTELY FALSE ' steamer, isuhned Illy AmocIiImI l'romi lo Ciioi liny TlmM. RALTIMORE, .Inn. 22. V Tho Chesapeaho Hay Btoamor Maryland caught, flro off Ma- gothy Itlvor this morning and burned to tho wator's odgo after being beached. AH tho passengers and crow nro ro- ported rescued. OF Mrs. Roy M. Pike and Capt. Edgar Simpson Named Es tate Divided Evenly Ilf AMocltt! riraa lo root I)r Tlmea. SAN' FRANCISCO, Jan. 22. Ac cording to the terms of tho brief will field for probate, tho estate of Capt. A. M. Simpson, approximating two millions, will bo equally divided among his four children, Henry V. Simpson, Louis J. Simpson, Edgar Simpson nnd Mrs. Edith Slmpson Plko. Tho lattor two nro namod ns executors. Simpson, n pioneer lum berman and mariner, died hero Jan uary 10th. Tho cstnto consists prin cipally of stock In tho lumber busi ness mid real estato. PASS STATE EXAMINATIONS Must of Miifhliflclil Klghlli diiiilo StudeutH Malm Rood (inides In Tost. Returns from tho Inst state otolith grado examination .show .that tho Mnrshfleld students mado good grades. Twolvo- took tho examina tion., six of whom passed lit ail the branches and four will liavo to re- wrllo In ouo branch only. Tho 'utiulftiita tinnlnir liin llngglo Snild- ijulst, Kormnn Wilson, Abblo Lpd watd, Herman Glossop, 12strld Ilolmoa, Harold Walrath, Ireno Kom lor, Dudloy Hill, Tholnia Tnbor nnd Wnyno Painter. coui'u: niVK.v ciiaxci: .Tudg Coko SuspendH Mxorutlon of Seiileuco or llrldgo Mim. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmos.) C0QU1LM3, Or., Jan. 22. Judgo Coko, nt a special session of tho cir cuit court hero yostorday suspended tho execution of the sentonco of two to twonty years on a man namod Billings, of Rridgo, who ploaded guilty to n statutory charge. Judgo Coko, after pronouncing Bontonca Inst week parolod Ullllngs for n tlmo to glvo him nn opportunity to right the wrong ns far as possible Tho wed ding took place in Coqulllo this week. Hillings and tho girl had boon ralsod tognthor and Judgo Coko figured that If given a chanco they would ter nilnnto tho trouble bettor for nil than u prison sontenco could settlo It. Thnt Hillings shnll llvo up to his end of tho bargain will ho necessary to os capo tho two to twenty year term that hangs over his head, TWIN CITY LAUNDRY SOLD George CllnUonhenid of Coos Itlvor PurcliascH Karl Powell's Plant. Qoorgo CHnkonbenrd, son of J. J. Cllnkenbeard of Danlols Creek and ono of tho best Hnon young tanchqrs oil South Coos River, has purchased tho Twin City Stenm Laundry from Earl Powell for $ 1000. Tho transfer may tako placo next wcok or. 'possi bly not until tho first of next month. Tho laundry lin3 built up a good bust- Lness land Mr. Cllnkenbeard expects to further Increase It. ' Mr. Powell will probabjy devote his entlro time to his law practice now. looking woman of about thirty, being probably ten years younger than her husband. Pentland gave his ago as about twenty-eight. Tho Russell families formerly lived across tho river from the Johnson mill In Coqulllo and located in the valley about twelve or fifteen years ago. . ' 1 ecutors ISO WILL MARSHFIELD, OREGON, ixpnosion ui dan uiego Costs lives of Five ALLIES PLAN JOINT WAR LOAN ISSUE Dy Aiioclttea ria to Coot Bar TlmM.J PARIS, Jan. 22. A conference was held In Paris today by British Chancellor of Exchequer David Lloyd Qoorgo and Alexander Rlbot and P. Hark, French and Russian Ministers of Finance. It Is said thnt tho mooting considered a Joint lonn of lfi.OOO.OOO.OOO francs to bear Interest at .1 per .cont. IN SHIPPING BILL Senator Lodge Says Purchase of German Vessels Interned Here Would be Serious Dr AiincIMM rrmt tu Cmm tltj Tlmea.1 WASHINGTON, . C, Jan. 22. Attributing to tho administration tho Intention to buy Gorman ships In terned In Amerlcnn ports, If tho ship purchnso bill jiasscd, Sountor Lodgo doclarcd In tho Sonnto that tho meas ure "would bring us within a meas urcablo dlstanco of war, not with England alone, but with Franco, Russia nnd Japan." II ON A TEST TRIP Vessel Sold by German Owners to American Will Test Eng lish Prize Court inr AinwUI! TrM lo IH IUr TlmwI OALVESTON, Jan. 22. Clearance papors woro issued for tho steamship Dncln by tho local United States cus toms IIouso this nftornoou. Sho Is expected to sail lata today or tomor row for Rottordnm. Tho Dncla was purchased from Gorman ownors eoiuo tlmo ago and English officials announced that sho would ho Bolzod If caught on tho high soas. Howovor, tho U. S. officials bollevo that tho prlzo courts would sustain tho United States ownors ns tho transfer of the Dncla was a valid salo and not nn evasion, j ' CLAUSE OE BILL Great Throng Discusses Liter acy Test at White House Hearing Today tDr Auoclatrd Prt lo Co naf Tlmra.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. Flvo hundred men and women so AG 1 OACIA ILL SAIL DEBATE II cial workers, labor lendors and pub-! Special Agent Montaguo of the In llclsta crowded the east room of the temal Rovonue service yesterday Vhlto Houso today at a public hear- sprung a surprlso on Tom James, lng hoforo President Wilson on tho After seeing that Mr. Jamos was us Immlgratlon bill. Threo hours for ' jng var stamps correctly, ho asked argumont woro apportioned equally j,m j( no j,nd paid his annual bro- betweon tho opponents and support- ors, Seated at a long table and flanked by military aides In full uniform, and stenographers, Presi dent 'Wilson listened' to tho discus filon. Thd'spenker,1 In' 'favor of tho measure said tho JHornoy test 'would improvo the quality pt Mimlgratlon Tho opponents declared It was n,inttor wollM imbab'y bo romlttod test of tho quality whatever. HARDWARE MEN ELECT PJr Aatoolalad Preu la Cuo jm? TIdim.) ,, SPOKANE, Wash., 'Jan. 22. H. L. Thomason, of San Point, Idaho, was elected president, and A, L. Callow, of Lima, Qtaoshrdluotaol Callow, of Elma, Wash., first vice president of tho Pacific Northwest Hardware and Implement Associa tion at the closing session of their annual convention. Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery nud Transfer Company. . . FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1915 TPv Eight Others Injured in Disas ter on Flagship of Pacific Fleet Today BOILER TUBE BURST AFTER TRIAL TRIP Admiral Howard Orders Inves tigation of Disaster Off La Paz, Mexico rivu di:ad ON HOARD U. S. S. SAN DIEGO, Guaymns, Jan. 22. (Vln Wireless), George Ohm, a water tender, died today of Injuries received yesterday In tho explosion on tho cruls- or San Diego, mnklng tho denth list five, with eight In- Jurod. . IDy AiiocUtfrl rrtu to Co UJ Tlmra.) ON HOARD U. S. S. SAN DIEGO, LA PAZ, Mexico, (Hy Wireless.) Four men woro killed nnd nlno seri ously Injured Thursday afternoon on board tho armored cruiser San Diego whon a boiler tubo blow out after n steaming trial of four hours had bcou completed. Tho dond: Oscar J. Wy att, Ambus J. Hnrdo, William F. El liott and Clifford A. Western, all firemen. Tho Injured: Henjnmln II. Tucker, It. H. Gllddon, .Dnrrell L. Vamndo, William II. Mlilor, Ernest A. Ledwlth, Chnrleu W. Potorsou, flromon; Gcorgo Ohm, wntor tender; Emanuel A. Shlppl, seaman and Pat rick A. Merrlmnn, conl pnssor. Dr AimcUIM Prm to L'ont n7 nmM.l WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 22. Rear Admiral .Howard's roport gnvo this account of the nccldont: "Tho San Diego completed her four-hour full powor trials and mado 21. IB. Just nt tho completion of tho trial a tubo In tho boiler ruptured, duo to low water. No endiirnnco runs woro nttomptod. A full Investigation has bcon ordorcd, I am proceeding to Guaymns." Tho San Dlogo Is tho flagship of the Pacific (loot. SCORES PRES. WILSON (11? AuoiUlfl I'rrM lo Coo llr Tllnn.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. A vigorous nttitck on President Wilson's Influence on legislation nnd on sontl- 4 ! tlniouts' ns expressed In tho Prosldout's recent Indlannpo- lis snoech, was mado by Son- ut6r Cummins In tho course ' of a dohato on tho ship pur- chnso bill. Ho characterized the bill as "ono of tho most dangerous, nnd reactionary proposals over niatlo public." PENALTIES ON AGENTS Tom James Caught for Fulluro to Pay Iliokcrngo Tav. Uorago tax of ?20. Mr. James said that he did not know they were sub ject to It. Mr, Montaguo said that they wop and proceeded to collect $13 back llconso and a $0 penalty He. said that further he was llablb to a $500 flno and Jail sentenco, but as (ho offense was not intentional the C F. McGeorge and C. U. Landers of Marshfield, and W. II. Painter and VC. FVMcCollum of North Hend. the othor boat ngonts on tho Hay, are un- ' derstood to be In the. name predica ment as Mr. James, OREGON SENATE ADJOURNS. SALEM, Or., Jan. 22. Tho Sonate adjourned this morning until Mon day "and proceeded In a body on a special train to Albany to attend tho funeral of Rufus Thompson, father of President Thompson of tho Senate Tho IIouso adjourned until this after- 00"' t . ifxtill EVENING EDITION. Sailors VOTES DOWN MONEY EOR U.S.AIRCRAFT (Or Auoclttcd rrni to Cool Blj TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. Tho Houso of Representatives today voted down tho amendmont to the Army appropriation bill by Rcprc sontntlvo Gardiner Increasing tho ap propriation for noroplnnos to $1 000,000, but accepted tho Rem of $300,000 In tho bill. POPE PIUS SAYS H0L1 SEE NEUTRAL At Public and Private Consist ory in Rome, He Discusses The European War rnr amocuij rrm t coo mr TimM.j ROME, Jan. 22. Popo Plus today hold prlvato and publlu consistory In tho courao of which ho dollvorcd nn allocution denllng chlofly with wnr. Ho emphasized tho neutrality of tho Holy Sco and urged his hear ers not to heed thoso conditions which scpnratcd tho faithful. E Zapata Forces Closing in on Puebla and Carranza Troops vacate City Dr Auoclilfc! TrtM to Com Da? TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. Zapata forces woro within four miles of Puebla when nn official dis patch was filed from there to tho Stnto Dopartmont last night. Tho Carranza defenders -woro reported londlng nrtlllory and equipment, ap parently for rotront. Carranza troops recontly drove tho Vllln-Ka-pata army out of tho city with honvy loss. RAIN STAYSWTTLE German Statement of War De velopments Claim Some Small Victories (U; AaulatJ 1'rrai lb Coo Dtr TlmM ) HERLIN, Jan. 22. (Uy Wlroloss.) The official statomonl says: "Con tinuous nil n has rondorod Imposslblo Important fighting between tho coast nud tho Labassoo Canal, Ono of the trenches wo took tho day boforo yen torday southwest of norry Au Dae was abandoned and blown up. Tho French attack north of Vordun was lepulscd easily. After tho battles of Wednesday south of St. Mlhlol, small French detachments still held out near our positions. Uy moans of an advnuco tho region betoro our front was clenred of all Frenchmen as far as tho old positions. Tho battlo of Croix Des Larmos continues. A strong Fieuch attack ou the roenp turud part of our positions was re pulsed, in tho Vosges our troops throw tho enemy out of tho heights of tho Hartmann-Wellorkopf hills. "In tho East tho situation Is tin' changed. Our attacks on a branch of tho Szucba mado slow progress." WAGON ROAD GRANT TRIAL Final Argument fri Government's Suit to Recover Lamb Soon to Ho Ifeaitl. In tho caso of the United Statos to recover tho wagon land grant from tho Southern Oregon Company, tho testimony is all completed and tho caso Is sot for final argumont geforo J ungo Wolverton In Portland on Jan, 27th Tho probabilities aro that Judgo Wolverton will take tho cubo under advisement of 20 or 30 dayt; so decision may be oxpected by tho last of February. UGAMF 0 MERRILY ON WEST FRONTS A Consolidation of Times, Const ml Con Ilnr Advertiser GEHUMIIS flULT FHEIIBH IWBEHEirr"" TO ISOLATE W1ETZ AND ST JIBE SLMIMARI.NE'S WORK Illr Atocllt. I'rtu to Cooi liar Tlm,J THE HAGUE, Jnn. 22. It la stated here that tho Durwnrd was sunk by the famous Gorman suhmnrlne U-9.- It Is reported that tho vessol had on board 40 tons of provisions belonging to tho Amerlcnn relief commis sion. IS TORPEDOED Steamer Durward Sunk by German Submarine in the Vicinity of Rotterdam Ilr AuoclittJ Ima to Cooi nay TlmM. LONDON, Jnn. 22. Tho British Btoamor Durwnrd, says a Rotterdam dispatch, was torpedoed by a Gor man submarine. Tho crew was saved. Tho Durward was a vessel of 1300 tons, bound from Lolth to Rotter dam. Sho wns sunk 22 miles oft tho Mnas lightship. Tho crow took to tho boats nnd reached tho lightship, from which a Dutch pilot boat con voyed them to Rotterdam, ITED STATES TO TO GERMANY Cargo of Foodstuffs Consigned for Civilian Consumption Sails For Hamburg lit Aaaoelaloil I'rtti to Cooa IUr TlmM.J NEW YORK, Jnn. 22. Carrying n enrgo of food supplies shipped hy an Amorlcnn firm and consigned to Amerlcnn citizens In Gormnny, tho Amorlcnn owned steamer Wllhol inlna wns given elenranco papors for Hamburg today. Tho shippers assort tho food Is mount only for tho consumption of clvlllnns. This Is tho first food carrying vessol to lonvo an American port for Gormnny slnco tho war began. If seized by tho Allies, her consignors, tho W. L. Grcon Commission Co., of St. Louis, will file a protest with tho United States Department, claim ing thnt tho Allies aro not within their rights under International law. WORLD WIDE PEACE IS New York Bar Association Asks President Wilson to Urge Limited Armaments Ilr Aaclat4 l'r to Cooa Day TlmM. HUFFALO, Jan. 22. Tho Now York Statu liar Association In nn nuul cession hero recolvod n report from a coninilttoo on International arbitration offering resolutions urg ing President Wilson to subintl to tho noxt International Congress n proposition of limiting nrmnmonts and tho establishment of an inter national police force. ELECT DEPARTMENT HEADS r Duu Keutlng, Chief, and William Sleep, Assistant Chief, Is Verdict. Mombors of the Mnrshfleld Flro Department camo to tho Flro Hall last evening botwoon the hours of seven and nlno o'clook, caBt 30 votes and elected Dan Keating, for chief, and William Sleep as assistant flro chief. When tho votes wero counted at tho clo80 of tho balloting period It was shown that Dan Keating had been unanimously elected. William Sleep received 21 votes', L. W. Trav ors, 5; J. W. Davis, 3; Homer P. Mauzey, 5, No othor business was carried on end tho noxt mooting of tho flro department was set for tho first Thursday In Fobruary. BRITISH S SHI LAWYERS W No. 155 Allies Endeavor to Cut Off the Kaiser's Forces in That Region is Foiled FRENCH ACKNOWLEDGE VICTORY OF GERMANS Violent Hand-toHand Fighting in Alsace and No Change in Eastern Campaign IUr AmocIiI! Prtaa to Cooa Dr TlmM.) LONDON, ENGLAND Jan. 22. Tho Germnns havo halted tho Fronch ndvanco designed to cut off commun ications with tho Important fortress of Metz and Isolnto tho Gorman forces In tho St. Mlhlol region. Ber lin rays tho Fronch lost heavily in tho attack near Pout A Mousson nnd were repulsed. Tho Fronch statements acknowledges tho Gor muiiB havo tnkon part of their lost trenches. Another violent battlo Is progress In Alsace, in -which tho troops managed hand-to-hand strug gles, Berlin assorts tho French woro driven from tho heights near Sonnhctm. In tho Eastern campaign no chnngo Is reported. zeTpeliis used Berlin Dispatches Claim That Last Trip Was Real Test of New Air Craft Df AaKlatil rwi la Cooa na? Ttraaa.1 COPENHAGEN, Jnn. 22. Messag es from Uerlln doclaro that tho air Bhlps which raided England ou Janu ary 19 woro Xoppollns of tho latost typo. Thoy wont forth from a secret bnso on tho German frontier, carry ing a full complement of men, heavy guns nnd ammunition, FRENCH TELL OF GAINS BY ALLIES Slight Changes Along Front Violent Artillery Duels and Hand-to-hand Struggle (Or Aaaoclat! Praaa to Coaa Bar Iium. PARIS, Jan. 22. Tho official statomont this aftornoon says. "Tho enemy bombarded Nlouport yostorday with u fair dogroo of violence Our Infantry mndo somo slight progress onst of tho Lombnertzydo highway. Tho situation near SoUsons shows no change. Near Horry Au Hae, tho trench wo ovnciinted was reoccupled by us. Northwest of Uoauzjour, tho enemy dollvered an attack without I success. Southeast of St. Mlhlol, In ' tho Apromont forest, an exceedingly 'violent bombnrdmout mndo It possl ,,blo for us to rotnlu tho Gorman 1 tranches occuplod by us yesterday for a dlstanco of 1G0 yards. In tho j LaPotro forest tho enemy roenpturod a portion of tho trenches taken by us j January 20. I In tho Vosges tho onomy hurled i against St. Dlo six projectiles of groat ' callbro without, howovor, doing sorl- ous damage. In Alsnco, Infantry fighting noar Hnrtinaun and Wellerkopt Is going on with great foroclty. The struggle ac tually Is hand to hand. In front or Danno Mario our artillery dispers ed gatherings of tho onomy," TURK WAR FUNDS. I Vt A(kIiU(J frxa la Ua par Tbm.J j HERLIN, Jan. 22. The Turk- j ish parliament voted mobtllza- j tlon credits of 1190,000,000 says j a Constantinople dispatch, and j authorized tho government to j Immediately float $25,000,000 of this at 0 per cent, j A llttlo HETTER MEAT t a Ut ile LESS PRICE lit PENCE'S OAtflt .MEAT .MARKET. 80 MARKET AVENUE. Open Saturday. LEW KEVSER would like (o sco you at Wh MCi DANOR FRIDAY EVENING nt EAGLES HALL. WHEAT, $2.05 CW'1 HAINES. MnU ENGLISH D , A HJrZsl