I KfS-sa I5KWK' ""i-...JUJ. i. i. .. Mfc EXCUSE IS MERELY SOMETHING WE CAN'T THINK OF WHEN WE WANT IT Tr3 '?& Marshfield Woman t ""M ose jldJ "I buy advertised nrtlcloa becauao thoy are InNXrlably worth what I pay tor tlicm." The meMliJjiffl with tho boot reputations for Integrity And jiosfcit morchandlso, aro without exception, tkoM wtio ndvcrtlao tholr goodB unceasingly. Stows The Determination of value received In advertising Ilea solely with tho results secured. Try tho columns of Tho Coos Day Times they aro tloan and dependable Tho readers of Tho iimoB havo confldonco In tho ads appearing thoroln. ' tf ,., . , , . member TUB ASSOCIATED ritUas 0. ifh&.VKt tr--5ml' kHHHHHMHHHHMMyfft'JEgA(l4g3AAHA Hl mm J (r VOU NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 nf) Tim Cnnt Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. .'A' A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail mill floon Itnv Advert I sor No. 153 111 SITDITIH PUZZLES AID MIS OP DEUELQPiUIENTS WITHHELD G A o A jl o Brlif ;Mdsage Today Tells of vrotihorces Leaving iwcx- , rtSKtrllu fnt MnnMV CA'KRANZA FACTIONS CLAIMS TO BE WINNING AnnounowObregon About to BhiiiiCapital Move Of- ftSTto Chihuahua JB cBttUAHUA CAPITAL. I Piyhs (a Coos Day Time., IWNQTON, D. C, Jan. I ttary Bryan announced it of a telegram saying: owors of Villa aro Icav- I cleo City for tho north MTreportcd that tho gon- lea of tho National Rnll- b bo at Chihuahua." t J JRL i 'vm I 20-45r I th! "Tktffy I inJm I n8l '. erliiQk I wlMrSelt I'"r I M'HE greeibrier s E BEfMGLODKED HTO CMtlttLNZA UET.S CAPITAL. i (If SmjIUti I'nii to Coot liar Time. I "wAjutiNrnTON. n. a. .inn. I SA.'7l5f Carmnza Agency hnH I following: "Vorn Cruz that (lenornl Obregon I ) wiMiOargo forco Is within a nnco of tho capital and o occupy tho placo al- I HtWfflgwedlntoIy." i .JfVl QNr,TAMltM I'nii tu cool nr Time. WAJJWWCITON, I. C, Jan. 20. 8orfryan said today that tho 8tiNi'iiprtmunt wnn without Infor- uwji?itwo days as to what was in Mexico City. Tho flight z, from tho capital has n. quick chnngo In tho us of tho convoutlon mantled by Villa. It Is At tho attack on Tnmplco bo delayed. A gonor- I of tho Villa garrisons rn Moxlco Is looked for kgfasulngton reproscntatlvn was any Intention of not- WJhbw ropubllc In tho north. lftUiHMQii i. wf-w or ommm ftffcMiie ,VftJVtI IwJmITww tin m Jm State Department Asks Eng lish to Explain Detention of American Vessel nr Attocltted Prtit lo cot car Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20 Tho State Department has requested of tho Ilrltlsh cmbnssy Information as to why tho Amorlcnn stoamor Oroonbrler, from Now OrloniiB and Norfolk to Uromon with cotton tinder a corllilcnto of tho Ilrltlsh consul ut Now York, wns stopped by tho Ilrl tlsh cruiser, Hont under tho Ilrltlsh flag to a Ilrltlsh port and tlotnlned two days beforo being allowed to complete her voyngo to Dromon. FRA HAKEN E5 BY EARTHQUAKE Two Severe Tremors Occur Within Few Hours of Each Other -No Casualties tlr AuocUtel Pith to Cool Ily Tim. MONT BELIARD, Franco, Jan. 20. Tho second oarthquako shock hIiico yostorday was folt horo last night. It was ho sovoro that tho Inhabitant! woro Rhnkon out of tholr beds and crockery wan smashed. rmaini Airmen jyeuver urn. pected Attack Om Engla md AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL IS MOVED TODAY IDr AttoelMM Preti to Uoet Ilir Timet.! MELBOURNE, Australln, Jan. 20. Tho scat of tho Commonwealth govornmont has boon transferred from Mulbottrno to Sydney. A brief nnuouncemcut from Mol bourno of tho transfer of tho capital to Sydney finds no oxplnnntlon horo. The High Commissioner of Australia In London wns unnblo to oxplalu un less It bo connected with tho ques tion of defense. Sydney Is tho main center of tho naval and mllllnry for ces of tho commonwealth. TS TO OBSERVE UIISESrSS IRftlSifRCHAN GHURGHES CRUSH CONGREGATIONS AqPCSICI) ENDS LIFE, i tJ I'rcti to Coot IUy Timet,) (30, Jan. 20. Charles president of tho Pox tilling Company of Chi- I o nnmo hns been men- connection with tho nl- rgod warohouso recoipts , E. Wnthon company lllo, commlttod sulcldo j ng, on a train entering today. .J VJHTIJ UOUSIJ 11A1JY. tej rrrtt tu Coot Ilr Timet. I IINGTON, D. C, Jan. incls will bo tho namo of Rt Wilson's grandson, born at tho Whlto j 4nday. This aunout.ee- R8 mauo touay oy .Mr. CTURES I HEREWOW ientic Pictures of Bel- ittlefields at Leman- Tomorrow Night and only authentic pic- factual battle sceno havo Marshfield and will bo Lomnnskl's theater hi tomorrow night, and at fFrlday afternoon at 2:30. ir those pictures aro not l,ures of troops marching it but nro actual pictures tho battlo lino In Be! arrangements woro mado ilglan govornmont by tho rluuno and ono half of Is nro given to tho Bel- fCross. pictures were shown In It $1.00 admission, but fat Lomanskl's tomorrow !bo only 25 and 35 cents. les this great showing of itlng on tho battlefields Iba Kreat demand for rmm tliov will be shown Ersbfleld and North Bend. in other parts of tho havo to como horo to ircat war pictures. Large Edifices in Earthquake Belt Fell on Worshipers Few Are Rescued IVj AiMcUtud rrew to Con DlT Tlmet.T HOME, Jan. 20. In a church In Ortucchlo woro botwoen throe and four hundred porsons wlion tho oarth quako cnino. Tho prlost and entire congregation woro Imprisoned undor tho ruins ns tho wholo building sud denly collapsod. Only four women hnvo sluco been taken out ullvo. At Collarmolo a priest porlshod whllo conducting sorvlcos at tho altar and tho worshlppors, chiefly women and children, died with him. SAYS RAILWAYS PDLTCS Gov. Lister of Washington, Ac cuses Them of Undue Act ivity in That State 4 WASHINGTON l)ItVS j WIN IN LKOISLATUHi: j I I I Illy AuoclateJ Trett to Coot Dtjr Timet. I OIA'MPIA, Wash., Jan. 20. j Tho Stato Leglslaturo rushed j j through both Houses a special j j resolution declaring against tho j holding of a special election In j j 1915 on tho liquor or any other j question, which means that j Washington will go dry In Jan- j j uaryj 191 C, under tho Initiative j j bill passed last November by tho voters. Internal Revenue Collector Comes as Warning Pres- a'ges Lightning Acting in tho capacity of a warn ing and presaging tho storm, C. II. Montague, special Internal rovonuo collector, Is on tho Bay Inspecting tho goods in tho various stores and tho wares of tho saloons. Nut only must tho morehnnts comply .with tho regular luternnl rovonuo lawri, but thoy must In addition strictly observe tho now war tax, properly labullng their goods, On his rounds of Inspection Mr. Montngtto cautions them nil, tolls them whnt will happen If thoy do not hurry to comply with tho law. In a short tlmo It Is Jntlmatod an other officer of tho govornmont will visit tho Bay. Ho will bo tho lightning that follows tno thundor and should ho find any lnwbroakers at that tlmo it Is further Intimated that ho will smite right and loft In groat swaths, bolng no ro.ipccter of porsons. According to Mr. Montngtto, tho greater share of tho merchants nro abiding by tho Inw. no was sur prised to find them complying so well with tho now war tax. "There is hardly any reason why thoy' should seek to escape It," said tho govornmont man, "for tho penalty Is mighty. serious. j As an example of tho law tho In-J stnnco wns cited of a man selling n box of gum minus tho war tax; which In Itself would amount to very ' littlo. Tho law says a maximum , fine of $600 may bo levied against the seller and a maximum jail son-1 tenco of six months gooa with it. Fly Four Kours Over Eight Towns 100 Miles From Lon don Dropping Bombs IKING GEORGE NEARLY CAUGHT BY RAIDERS I Remarkable Accuracy in Drop ping Bombs Startles English Aeroplanes Used. nr Attoclileil Tint to Coot tltj Timet. LONDON, Jnn. 20. German air men delivered their long predicted attack on England last night. Krom a base presumably In Germany thoy flow over the North Sea to tho east ern coast of England, whore for nonr ly four hours, from 8:20 p. in. un til midnight, they circled over a group of eight English towns, only a littlo moro thnn 100 miles front London, dropping bombs nt will, As far as learned today, four or five persons woro killed and as many moro Injured. While It was first re ported tht Zeppelins mado tho at tack thcro Is nn Increasing belief that possibly only neroplancs took ho report Inst had been brought down on tho English const proved untrtto. Tho most Important towns over which the Gorman air men appeared woro Sandrlnghnnt, Yarmouth, Shcorlnghntu, Hunstan ton, Cromer, Hcacham, Uerslnghnni Kind King Lynn. King Oeorgo had loft Saudrlnghntn only n few hours beforo tho raiders visited It. Most of tho damage appears to havo been Inflicted upon private homes and shops, few public build ings or docks being Injured. Tho mldlng airmen showed cxccllout marksmanship. In splto of tho dnrk ness of tho night thoy sccniod to find tholr way over tho country with ro mnrkablo directness and tho accuracy of tholr aim with tho bombs was groater than was generally hollovod to bo possible DEPUTIES TO FACE MURDER CHARGES NOW ALLIES DM DEFEMSIV E ALONG m EASTERN BATTLE FRONT TODAY UANS CLAM u S ALSG lr... P!..r i t- . juuniiHii nuimorcemenis lurn Tide of Campaign in Alsace and Nearby Country C BERLIN CLAiMs"GAINS L NORTH OF SENNHEIM WOMAN WAS KILLED. TTtj AM0c!ttt4 rrtit to Coot D7 Timet. ROOSEVELT, N. J., Jan. 20. Mayor llorinnnn announced' that war rants have been Issued for tho arrest of 22 doputy sheriffs Involved In tho shooting yesterday of nineteen atrllf lug lahorors at tho Ltoblg plant oi tho American Agricultural Chomlcnl Company. Thoy will bo chargo with manslaughter, ho said. BO SSUESiLL EillS T Announce Advances Against , RHss,ia Announces Germans Allies in Artjoimu ana Alsace Today Illf Aiaoclitoil rrett tu Coot rtkr Timet. BERLIN, Jan. 20, (By Wireless. Tho official announcement this after noon Bays: "At Notro Damo do Lor otto, northwest of Arras, a trench 200 yards long wns taken from tho enemy, in Argonno our troop3 oc cupied n few trenches. In ono plnco tho ground gained by us In tho laat fow days amounts to 500 yards. In tho forest north of Scnnhclm, Alsnco, our attack made good progress. Wo captured Alrzsloln. In tho eastern theater tho situation shows no change." MAYOR ALLEN APPOINTS NEW LIBRARY BOARD Less Than Two Months of Dredging Remain $60.- 000 in Coffers Funds sufficient to pay tho dredg ing bill of tho Port of Coos Bay to about March 1 still remaining In the coffers according to a compilation of figures just mado which shows that there still romnlns about $GO,00O or tho two TliOO.OOO bond issues voted months ngo by the cltlzotiB of tho Port. That within this nmount will bo Included tho entire original pro ject, that of creating n 25 foot depth of water and a U00 foot chan nel from tho Smith Mill to tho bar, Is tho atatoment of Ilonry Sougstnck en, Bccrotnry for tho I'ort Commiss ion, Slnco August, 1013 tho drodgo Scnttlo of tho I'ugot Sound Brldgo and Dredging Compnny has bcon at work In tho bay. its activity has covered a porlod of 17 months, dur ing which tlmo sums havo boon paid monthly, for tho dredging, ranging from 112,121. GO up to as high as ?53,4C8,C2, tho sum depending to a great oxtont upon tho mntorlal In which tho drodgo hns oporntod and tho dlBtauco tho dredging has bcon pumped. From tho $600,000 bond Isstiol must bo subtracted $30,000, this nmount being sot nsldo by tho I'ort Commissioners as tho sharo duo tho Inlets for tholr doveloptnont. Out of this money hns como tho nocos sary fund for tho oporntlon of the bucket drodgo Oregon, a project eutlroty npart from that of tho I'u got Sound Brldgo and Dredging Com pany. Havo accomplished I'uipoho M I,., Mnnlinnlne I 5000,000 IS n tllg HUIII. MOIltllB ivili u'QO p'1 logo when It was votod by tho peoplo Brings oo rassengero of Co0B jy Jt Beonio,i mighty big Botweon four nnd flvo o'clock sum. That It has accomplished Its this morning tho Nairn Smith camojpurposo Is shown by tho report of Btonmlng up tho bay. from San Fran-! tho secretary, Mr. Sengstacken, cisco bringing tho needed Bunttlngj'whlch declares tho channel will bo and .niachlnory for tho Smith mill 'open, whon tho monoy Is ontlroly which ha3 boon broken down slnco oxhaustod, as was first planned Mondny. Arriving ut tho Smith Tor- months ago. mlnal Dock bIio wns mot by mo-i At tho present tlmo tho drodgo (Or AiMclttel rrett to Coot nty Timet. KINGS LYNN, Eng., Jnn. 20. Tho body of a woman, tho widow of a soldior recently killed at tho front, was recovered from a dontollshod homo today. This makos tho second death recorded horo as tho result of tl.o aortal raid. MILL MICH IE T HERR HI WILL DIRECT RAILWAYS Emperor Selects Transporta tion Expert to Direct Roads in Germany fllf Aitoettteil TreM It Coot nr Timet. LONDON, Jan. 20. A dispatch from Copenhngon says that Albert Ballln, director gonornl of tho Ameri can Steamship Compnny, nt tho re quest of Emperor William, has taken ovor tho management of tho en tiro railroad system of Germany anil tho -work of delivering food supplies to tho armies. Gcorgo Scollg of Marshflold Is per sonally acquainted with Herr Ballln, who resided In America for years. Ho was managing director of tho Hamburg lino nnd nn export trans portation man. Ho visited tho I'ncl fle conBt a fow year's ngo, appointing ogonts for tho Cosmos lino. ARRIVES 01 il Arrives at Early Hour But is (tl- AuoelttK) rrett to Coot Vtj Timet. OLYMPIA, Walt., Jan. 20. "I ro gret exceedingly that thero appears to bo a disposition on tho part of certain railroads to toko a moro nc tlvo part in legislative affairs at this session of tho Leglslaturo than has been the case In a number of years past," said Governor Lister In a state ment today on tho refusal of tho state Senate to confirm tho nomina tion of Charles A. Reynolds of Seat tle as halrman of the state public servlccommlsslon. Reynolds' friends say Iro Is opposed by tho street rail road interests on account of his atti tude toward their regulation. In Compliance Willi Htato Iiw Body i Is Now Appointed by City'H Head. Mayor Alton this morning appoint- lCj,anlcs nnd tho mnchlnory was bur- Poattlo Is working down opposlto cd tho first city library board of riod to tho mill, though It Is not ox-lOld Town and It Is oxpoctod tlint Marshflold's now Carneglo Library. p0cted that work can bo rosumod.ln a fow days tho craft will bo Appointments by tho Mayor aro la 00foro tomorrow morning. moved to Emplro, thoro to dig Its compliance with tho stnto law gov-, ri,0 jann Smith brought 38 pas-, long noso Into tho bay on tho last ornlng city libraries. Tho namo of songor8 from tho south. Tho 17 .lap of tho groat project that has Mrs. W. S. Chandler Is loft from tho cnU nnssongors woro: list ns slio voluntarily resigned Cornell Lagoratroni, M. Anderson, from tho board a fow days ago. n. Anderson. Mat Anderson, Mrs. 'horo Tho presont members and tho , Andorson, J, Van Akor, V. II. term for which thoy will servo nro: small, H. G. Butlor, P, H. Miller, Mrs. Henry Sengstacken, three years; ' Jolin Prouss, J. Hofnor, L. C. Hunt, PLEAD GUILT! STRIKE CONSPIRACY Defeated in Three Engage ments Along Vistula Illy Ataorltlcxl I'reti to Coot ntr Timet. LONDON, Jan. 20. In Alsaco, whore tho Allies woro making prog ress until checked recently by tho arrival of German reinforcements, thoy nro now apparently on tho de fensive. Berlin says tho Gormnns captured tho town of Alrzstclu, north of Senn liolm, A further hdvnnco In Ar gonno In also reported, but this Is disputed by tho Paris statement, which asserts that tho Allies, il though compollod temporarily to ov acuato tholr positions, later recap tured them. ElBowhoro along tho weslorn front only minor actions oc curred. Cliiluw of Russia. The official Russian statement des cribes a Borlos of nctfons along tho Vistula northwest of Warsaw Jnntt nry 17 to 18. In thrco of theso on gtigomcntR ,lt la snld, tho Russian won nn ndvautngo, twlco sllouclng tho German batteries, nnd on another oc casion repulsing nn attack with a hoavy loss to tho Gormnns. TURKS CLAIM GAINS Mrs. J. W, Bonnott, thrco years; Mrs. M. C. Malo.ney, two yoars. Mrs. J, II. Flanagan, two- yeitrs; Mrs. II. S. Tower, ono year and Mr. Carl L. Albrecht, ono yonr. There will be a special meeting of tho now board tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. According to tho law ono momber of the Council must bo a, momber of tho board and from tho fact that Mr. Albrecht was a member of tho opened tho bay to vossols of heavy tounago an 1 has mado navigation safe for them. On Lust Lap. Opposlto Emplro thoro nro a fow "lumps" tliat Superintendent Miller or tho dredging company, expects to shnvo down nnd tho work will be comploto. WOODMEN OK THE WORLD. I To tho quartos "will thoro havo to The Women of Woodcraft and tho i bo another bond Issuo for further W. O. W. will hold a Joint lnstnlla-1 dredging?" "how will tho channel Hon Wednesday evening, January 20, 1 ho kept open after tho Seattlo Is All members aro requested to bo pros-j gone and tho money spoilt?" Socro cnt. Sojourning mombers aro In- tiy Sengstacken said: "It is my Miss Howowoll, P. Acuno, S.Toro varth, V. Gadon, J. E. Campboll. vlted. COMMITTEE. opinion that no further bond Issuo win ho needed. I think tho money Council when tho library movement; NOTICE T ROYAL ARCH MASON'S .nlicady voted and used for harbor wap first launched and assisted in Its formation, Mayor Alton mado him a member of the board -representing tho city fathers. BLVE PRINTS. Phono 20 1-J. NOTICE. Tho box factory will close Feb. IS and all orders for apple and other boxes should bo In a few days beforo that dato. . COOS BAY MFQ. CO. Spoclal convocation will bo held on tho ovenlugs of Friday and Saturday, January 22nd and 23rd., to confer degrees. By order of the High Priest. D. M'INTYIIE, Secretary. BLUE PRINTS. 150 FRONT ST. Improvement Is sufficient. As to the future keeping of tho harbor oi in, clear from obstructions, I believe that tho bar dtodge Mlchle will bo equal to the Job. Wo could use her Inside hero during tho In to" mouths when It is Impossible t work on tho bar." The Mlchlo la at present In iho Eureka harbor dredging lit tho cli.i'i- (Or Astocltt4 rrett t euot I)r Timet, FORT SMITH, Ark., Jnn. 20. Tho seven dofondants In tho Pralrlo Crook Coat Mine conspiracy case, pleaded guilty whon thoy nppearod for trial In tho Federal court horo today. Among tltoso who ontored plena wero Potor It. Stowart, former presldont of tho United Mlno Work ers of America, Dlstrlot No. 21, and Fred W. Holt, former socrotnry. James B. McNnmara, ono of, thoso to plead guilty, was given two years In tho ponltontlnry and flnod $1000. Stownrt was flnod $1000 but was glvon. no jail sontonco. Holt wns given six months and fined $1000. Similar or lossor sontoncos woro glv on tho othors. All tho mon are ohargod with conspiracy against tho government nftor an Injunction had been Issued to restrain strike riots. sail about bringing hor hack to Coo;i Bay, tho port for which tho wt'.s built by tho govornmont ougln ecra. .Monthly Dredging Expendlttiios Tho following Is a list or tho amounts of tho $000,000 bond Is suo as thoy havo boon oxponded for dredging on the chuiinol project: 1913, Amount. August $12,12 1.0 Soptetnbor 18.0SO.-17 Octobor i 17,0111. as November ' 17,5.11. -10 Docombor ..... 33,178.50 1914. January ,,... 31,500.23 February 45,411.31 Maroh 53.1C8.C2 April 43.4C2.C2 .May ' 43,090.53 This marks tho end of tho first 300,000 bond Issuo. Juno $40,043.14 July 24,942.89 August 25.34G.03 Septombor 20,017.71 Octobor 32, 809. CO Novomhor 31,581.01 II ARABIA BATTLES Announce That English Forts Were Surprised and English Cavalry Defeated (tlr Amo. lit. rrtit to Coot lit 7 Timet. CONSTANTINOPLE, Jnn. 20 Announcement wns mado horo that during a night attack on tho English forts on tho Sliat El Arab rlvor in Arabia, tho onomy was taken by stir prlso and lost 100 In killed nnd wounded. An English cavalry divi sion nttomptod to nttrprlso tho Turk ish cavalry division near Klrnn, noar tho Jttnct'.cn of tho Tigris nnd Eu phrates rivers. Tho nttack was ntndo undor tho protecting fire of a gun boat, but tho English sufforod a hoavy loss and tho gunboat withdrew FRUIT RAIK METHODS SHIM WHEAT, ijii.oo OWT. RAINES, nel here and nothing has yet boon December Prof. Brown, of 0. A. C, Dem onstrates Work to Coos lay Farmers Profossor Brown, horticulturist of tho Orogon Agricultural College, ar rived horo yostorday and this morn lHg loft on tho Express, togothor with J. L. Smith, County Agrlcul ttnlst nnd several enthusiastic or chardmen for South Coos River vlnro a demonstration In pruning, spraying and caring for fruit trees was conducted In tho orchards of George Murch, Jesse Smith nnd Matt Jr.'.flrnm. Mttliods of marketing tho product la one of tho spoclnl subjects upon wlilt h Profossor Brown will glvo tho fi.miers Instructions. With tho fruit raising of Coos County nrie tlea',! In Its Infancy, the hostlcnl t'flst la particularly Interostod 'wo, dor tiling tho prospects for larso or clmnlH Is exceptionally good. Sjii'cliiioiis of fruit raised horo havt beon sont to tho horticultural dopartmont of tho Orogon Avjtl otilturi. Collogo. That thoy slzo i well with slmllnr products from othor parts of tho stato Is tho dec laration of export fruit ralsors. Following tho demonstration of today Professor Brown will return horo this evening end In tho morn ing leavo for Myrtle Point whero ho will moot a delegation of farm ers there In tho forenoon nnd lator will go to CoqiilUo, carrying on demonitratlons on orohard work. He has three days to devote to Coos County. Friday, tho last day, will bo spont lu tho orchards around Brldgo nnd from thoro tho exton- 31,181.00 iHlou niau will go tu Rosoburg. Atf j &! nwgT'Ta