DON'T BE A GROUCH; EVERBODY IN THIS TOWN WISHES YOU WELL-EVEN THE DOCTOR A Marshfield Woman ffinos Sfaitas The Determination ot value received In advertising lies solely with tho result secured. Try tho columns of The Coos Hay Tle thoy aro clean and dependable. The readers ot The Times havo confidence In the ads appearing therein. m. t buy advertised articles becauBo thoy aM.nmiab y worth what I pay tor them." The with the best reputations for Integrity "ThonJJt merchandise, aro without exception, 4nd honest me . uneoasinitiy. those who aureus - KKMUKR OP THJ& ASSOCIATED NIK) j - f liUtU arNOxxvin Established 1878 na Tho CVat MnO. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION.' vmcui SITUATION CONTINUES A Ooeaolldatlea of Time, Ctat MU ami Cox lUv AiUrrilfrr No. 152 Italy Shaken Again By ALLIES RENEW EFFQ RT TO PIERCE More Severe Earthquakes; Ei OF GEWH UK UNSETTLED UNO FEAR IS EXPRESSEO i of Mexican; Rumors of Trouble Between REnd Zapata May Keep Hime Out of Capital ARO TO N OISO T SSf TURK SHIPS ARE SUNK Analysis to be Made by State Chemist in. Russel Case at Myrtle Point. fSnopInl In Thn TlmiHi.1 eivti f . I I SLAY Mr-u-..- i.i... j cOQUIUiE, Or., Jan. 19. Owing to tho lapse of thrco cara and the riccompostlon of tho body In that ft, Awrkll fiTM M C B r TlniM.1 baw ANTONIO. Jan. 19. In- , fonnstlon reaching hero today J Indicates that General Leonardo a Yldanrrl. a member of Gen- 1 . t. ..- . i I smons thoo executed nt San l Cfronlmo, Oxaco, on Deccmbor ' ISUt. Southwestern Part of Country i Suffers Severe Shock But Damage is Slight ADDS TO FRIGHT FROM LAST WEEK'S QUAKE 1,000 DEAD UNDERNEATH SiNWiS SNOWSTORMS STAY WAR NEAR COAST BY RUSSIA Thousands Rcfuss to Enter ui iwJJin Buildings Despite Cold Re . flrvr rnlttrH' French Claim Recovery VML -wlflWllVll Pont! - t (Br AmxUIM ! I Cta Bi Tltm.) I RlMlAsTOI'OU Jan. 19.- A lo- taebment ot Russian torpedo boats ontored port on lief Work Progresses lit AMta4 rrwa 1m t tl C0SKX7.A. llatr.' Jn 19. Tho AVKfcXANO Italy, Jan 1 Orve noH rearhr.1 hero today from tho !tay of Slnone. a Turkl-hr""? T!.0". f VTT " WcU Orlucthlo. aouthra... of her, where i. in i- .. i e n - 'ho Inhabitant ot 1'aola. Arcan- ,.,. .... . ,,,,--. . the Mark Sea In Asia Minor... ......, ... ,, .,, earthquake vletlnta are. repotted ta time, Sheriff Johnson ami District and q bo(,om R Turku,; . Cwtrwlltarl and Uowaao. left nuwbr wow 20&0 Attorney I.HJcqvlat arc dubious as to what may bo accomplished by cx homing tbo body of rtancher Unwell, near Myrtle Point, who is alleged to hnvo been poisoned. Howorcr. they 'fllVIXJsSI s" '"' alt Coroner Wilson and nro trusting mai tney win no auio to so- . ..... V.K.. ...... .... . ..... .. .. .. . . a . U.K. ulll lr mhM nm v u i "-i ruru imun ui mu .iiiniuiu; iiiki mu steamer and threo sailing vewtelf. The crewa of all four ship wera saved. Tho date of tho engsxo nicnt was ndt given. FOURTEEN S OT their house today when an earth-1 n ,,,., ....... ,, .. ,fci quaha pcciimd. No one wa ln.(ro b(rM UBjr h nJ,M ef u Jured. The people, hownver, Mn--ihmtii not ikj inanctHi iu return io nr Points Lost to Gcrmnns- Gnins Near Soissons of Attacks in l.e Prctrc Forest and Ncnr St. Millie) Ma4e By French Again BERLIN SAYS NOTHING IMPORTANT OCCURRED Russia Thinks Enc'trcto Movement Near Warsaw Will Change Situation )NION. Jan. 1 A latlher ad ... , , , ., . 1 whw la lVfffrt ti iflert the tier co.munleatl tUy ,ay.t l 1 W-1 nm f Klua, th ha. h M nuiwvUMlM. hJ , ( M laternilHt a.tllkry h r. aR-Bet In tin. lHi JtftaA.I 4l MMaU bMstla Yllriktfa Mitl p...... - '"" 7. . . i tmmwrtttalHw. It U H that u.v r a npr w w n ,it ritw. w.- - i Th willrr populattoa fl . .? ?T rT! "" w HINN 4 44 nni iu. iniinmi ( rrium iu iiiv... ... . . ..- ... .. ' ' -.-... -. ..--.-w .. - -.-- mmm Mp uimiiImI welllnw a. they fe-r a rrpHltloa "" nW " 7 . ' . 7. . A ' 'W wi-tl L ABO 0 WASHINGTON. D. C. Jn. 19. onablo the state chemist to mako a Tke general offltea of tho National thorough analysis, railway In Mexico City havo been j it R mnornl poison wai usH, there ikea orders to move north, says a g Yery mt)o ,loubl but thal tt)0 nnBj. lWrm to the BIMo uepanmoni. yi,g v, ahow ,t However, If It probably indicate, an Interrup-, yegotuje ,,oli0n w u,oJt thero u ft I I.?', ETL'TIS ofveoniln e i ,UCit,on' ', Four Strikers Mortally Wound ff.llSJ.I While the content, of tho stomach' C(j by Dcpuly Snc(f Near la the seoeral suuauon. aro generally used In au analysis to , DncnlJif 'u TnHnx tatnrmlnn Ihn nrwipncn nf nnlnnlnr. nuvjvwif ii. vkhj T; 1apHl In t.uktl. bKt e far a known no lives were losi, Calabria proVlnee, In whUh Ce- senxa la located.! la la the Houth wMtern oatrVmltr ef Italy, eew wonly called the tw et tho aln land. It It a mountainou. taloo and dltastrttua etthHke frequent ly eeeur there. stroyrd DEER SLAYER IS Fl TOO JWtta tlATtiMM th Xptcl, Al ik uu. IfaiA Ik AIIUu r al. wherwi . .,..,., j. ,. lu.u ... u- .,... ... ... -.. ...- .- .......t ."imM" wr Wfw .'! it. w.i. " ,Mw,PK , r'r r ' withi. t m. Mhw. n iw fir. w wr mi 4-t lh .. .. ,, , . 1 .I.AI .. I.u.. lt LA U.U.U irn.. r3j...-. ..,.,. , r tHIn-i TH. Uwwmwp. w rtia Hrst yWrdf In the seetwr svlHMb f St. IW tlMi MAM l Jb.ry tT-tl h ihI fMirt Wv TV rrtxMsi I? rt- tho al ttoM 4 UlHSeMt nsvsxfl hr Uk Oowswa. asunnlit?t th lr4H Tlw (IwfstA att V1MA IS KXPKCTUn Not Wkely o Go U Mexico Oly .Vow nt tiwHHt I rw. ! SW t T llOMK, Jan. 1 An erthquV , of great farce has shaken alt CaVa ibrla. In thn soethntern part of II It Is said that If tho bodr could have been secured soon after death for a a KOOSKVELT. N. J.. Jan. 1. , Jjnl Q fa. M navn eHhi no autopsy, tho kldnoya would bare '-"" -v.w . . .. h nnUnnin uii., ik.. n, . hem mortally wounded In a battl Alfred Gunnel. Pays $25 and CostsLes Smith and Geo. Hake Are Accused ?" j? rr.t?. 'n. muni ihim. (W"H fwnill wi.r inr ammiij itim u n Pa nm.i i a an anas bem a m a Bma wb r m ... AltMirt Ouaaell. ef rlahiaa UUt niKstd kettle Juttie I'eaKesk ! ei loss ot life The shoe apara to a Mi uMty (o a ehars uj b...u ina.iI mm Itt tKja nnlffhs . .... . - & H.rt.uc-B.rn .1 , " . 7 " " ", I between 260 strlklnR laborer. sd ""' . . T - . .Ca. ik . Bf um 4w " ftC "M ....iv.v? n n in ii tonc'1. that Is, If ho wss poison- ' borhood of CawniA. Tlirouitheut the . , Bo ., ... ... ,,. YK, i, ADiiifu iv'. '. ... " i., ,, ., ,. ..- vu uriiuLT nuviiaas nt. iu. iiimm. w. ...... .. . T-... . ... ..I.. , . i eo.aa aiiCBru n I'enion a wor iae- . - ... .A. . rarthauakw IhII In C HUh's filed )esterday In Mex- j Hh0 American Agricultural Chrralcal 'nBgu"'" "" ,B v Company hero today. The flt.t oc curred when tho strikers stopiml a t twat a Mm we new.t aa Hther 1144 th ef t imr eft tfe Uiievtrlo lermC whfe fefctaf ' e VMHed IM tKtrlt a4 (lerw IfMieH- DtfHUhr. itt City Mid that It wa reported tUt Ceaeral Villa, with a largo! raent Considerable circumstantial evl- Cetrl Itslr. en fh..M v,f wtttt4 hr leety In towns where assny bulldlaa reiatmo Wardoa TIumoss .till staadlug apparently Intaet. sur- Mr Ttin,. ,.,, ,.,, Itt .rfhr. ffitt. ws coming to the capital. J"M h" hen obtained and 1 when , wb ffpm MbelpBrt to lt it vlvora of the eatastrep.. refHM lOj Hafc(h htt k,w, u ,, rtlMbi Inforraitlon Indicated tbat .Pen,on ' I he leved that tho brouj,Sll ilriJirtreker. No strike- wk hHer In their houtea and are UM u 4f, ,0 )it ll411u ,,, tx wmM not moTe further south hwmibhwii win i aiancu. brt4ktr wr? ,0. fc0t fe ot. wt VltU'. nop at-'QuerofarST ilyLi'by the atafe chemist re se- ' lV f0 :a,fluty(.,.r(fl, r, to vefcrtt Beta that bo finds himself eur1, ,V,' n none. -I.e. .s tram lh. comnaj,,.'. Uitt. sane are a. Wdly Inflicted as Ibst'., . MaWr ef the IwKy 4. H to cooperate further with! d that rases of this kind A KtMrtt tacoualer follewed. None twwn. with the perata ef dead te h4tl witb rtt.Uat !k m ,f r.iL.i. i FfflllG ZiES RAO WEATHER imu4 iOswk tike eftttr wmwn fMmi Meeli attJk4 ftJk ef the Yf Ula steer wee retwl with kvy . tWette ei Ntrirst MJe the HeMlte. a ttrrthi MiHnt la hth Ike aeriH e4 ivMtlh vMt tHt the Uerwa le lwk tk-rtMitH tke Wr tnmt er islreal netlr Kk tee ttf4a Wt 4r, ufferlHR terrthly trow etesute. Af t,beree ,etk fft a. It epr tnai eowe amnnvt iwo uj aw ed A thj la mJM itl&tfe ed CetehlBit latet. tc ! Wet; Mhl CewrmwM lay Only AftWiry TBREORGANIZE RUMLEY COM y DutH hi Wm( Ri Rttufi6i Hw VrJ(W lare extremely difficult to ratabtSiti. of the ,Vi.utte were Injured. the total pwpulaUen aVwett as Mm. ef the tutwa )ni-tMr..itwi Even thoujjh them la a confession. M jlrn eny .tone,, were eet. The sluutlou le wy ef thr Ca4(l. ha4 tee te (Wfly HHMMK iiHweMi It will be flrat necessary to produce Tj ,.n MMaae fired a ehet This tuij. I mere defrle tis a4- Ulfc War4e Theseas tht the 4t te mIIMmI Im hM 4n Kltive proor that a crlwe has been wnt K eal far a fw.tllsde a- equate tMtf leeasutee here et Vr m4HWhi Uw w hHeg 1UH- -f Um. we tbMe eneein w committed. psiectly frem both Wl The ukea. shi CtaUeg lW 4 ms M tt ta4erWl lAtVwmx a ' Tlie motive laek of the alleged ,ulVr. dispersed, rarrylaa their 1 OrteeeM referl 3W rtl. ptmr h t a 4jMHtjr tMe. Th Hn m4 4 crime has not been establldied ether wo.rttrd. The striker keW H the iuh HeedHM IM f smhniU' latter Mt M fwW efsb ttM (MM4 , mt4 Wtmttm UM than through reported perfidy and train by HHK Ues aer the traek. I(w 44, c4a I WW 4e4. ! Htir a4 swl th the wtu, $ t iilMweHH. M H Jaloiisj it la claimed that wey The strike fer blsher pay baa ealst. .HM Mlr 2M et ! tuUS tMOeMieea hi LM eel lwer, waa not a factor la the ese ed tw swki Aer4lH ki the Mft BMWk t(i ha ! 44 t IM eHe. W4eh e.kW4 W , vuiwlet w e. UlU 1EKSA 8 lilWH J is Askea for S30.- WflrOOO Concern in Indian ilflfit, Ind., Today. nt M.M m u r-r.r tix.i IKWAXArOLIS. Jaa U.I'ett t Ik a tceHvt rr the M. ituta hy wsnv, a ne.eee.eee agr- ewmi BtuMaery HMawfaeturlng oenfa (tij 1. iw 11.1U elrtfWt eeert here leJey. K. i-Califomia City Will Advertise I or men ior municipal Positions PMbl i (tia-.ft4H t4e-, L.t. ra..k.K jkji .:. ta4t4 7. r-.. .-n . -- .- ----- (ftf jj p-! f. " hM at tm eM he saade tW eersttB tc tkt, band. t receiver 14 a kmm t reer H Me bK , rn ter ee fee. IltlW RELIEF SIIP IS LOADED w rsny. ely half tbetr cespleye whN mtM, w w,fc. f,,! a Te. t-s weM h t- IMe w m90tl ZTZT m?ZTLZtZ fl LT I 1 n JIIIIITP are affeete! j r4tgr M44. I Mej w4a4 he fce M4f Hiei 4tt. to itJlr ?fw UnlvLnrlU nnfllu uur. .- cnuc nnnn uru TO TIKF CH IMF ClUITIL uliUU IlILn .....,...-..--. W ws. htw Wntne 4e NWsr " "(' ni I I 1 1 II J ITfl 1 1 1 1 1 II Wl I H Ml KLSSLL TJZrZ. ESFj-HST: bLnlMU mibHMM STRUCK WITH GUN ..... ...J. .. . ILJ mu&.. .11. U. A C ixftAAi. . ..... M.... -ki....J - MH .1KM HWli 1W lvw ..t... jw. .wt-w yji vf4 yij lMr 1-M4IM . r w ( It ! H W rWi rih sesiri f !b imh r ie. r ie " e f r- aMjieif KewHr rMr oetninaii owr AvtMw fH--J ushi . ifWee HpneUf , M kV aer tkVe MMMhee 4 ee ll lta4 M lt-M (SlresI ta The T.t OAKUAKll, CaL. Ja. 19- Ad-', vrfHe4eeta If k the Mtewlkeg . he aHea wtr MM! UMI4 , fHates: ' ' VVA.VTKls - Mr etM a V ( leg j.ueiilpl virtXIftsm. ear i r tatortea f ! ' ' yeer Asteey I 0k4 CHU Kle-a 1ser HMi m Mmttt "" , - f ""' " Michigan Man Will Test Out 4- m - !JSttST r.-i;(i, tt. Oviirt'c OiJLnnr . . . - sea fwssw ws wiewaMa3r srw tirynwi i iu uw i o tiinrj on Government citm (JI1UHA.N Mill Iti JlfMMMMlMlHMlMM J an 1 wfJW eWsefffjpws"sywsiista r , . - a .SkK s tf m . Tw Ut t-el JU wW W 7T r?i i.TbT inwrlBnt TfftW Takes on $225,- " "v- ILJ iJLtnTALetStS -. - - A ' . -.Llxa. WPiPWfi 'Wr' fck.j. " esW IT-TV (..iuaa 4a tfstaissai BBIQPSJBJBBJPJP fLVVBPHt BiSVBJBP mm h eM Mt 4fciaiiiJH Wft iWeev WPkWWkw'Wiw JPSWPW W"MI fewai llnWi-l, ft use-tusk's set e at t MMe e MM ! Haw leMil rf k be trV e ena , , Bi-1. ...,,... Avii. tlU. . HBeavB-aa v .ivij eawaaiai e vav ar aeaai te '5S TTLc. ' i if ami wii W. Me fteaaaVse. - fe i u af e,ikewo fta flae . 9m M ciiaessei. tinfmm .., ., , t-m.,1 tMt aieaeeea ate u - - a m hu bJ saw Mbiij.icaw awe r... T., . .- -. au TT T!Z -... . al af . . v r.... j I'Hif Mwe i"feis ey wi" "" fis "" eiee """, i" rw ' " j - Htm piiK. ibib am.iiiiH iiiBf.v : irr aiv vwvw. " e M Me i H4 m lh et eVili Th Wtw HeeV i liJ UpeWiejffWW ef HflFWIf WT iW( . srhw tftmgf kvee rW. Mf H niMweeia WNM a H mi ImMw Jliiigf MM m4 M-t-es tea rtb rmt m m tMie ir M!1 n.ent Mm M rr ee4 M4 te pwfes ee aft K. We, t ajkj. wweeee e Mt fMfe4 'Vwhm sAe slKr I INNKM rwtt- ItlMM M tft 41 1 - ate. a. u a.ku sst aaAHtfa w ...- gjif iim ll H VMV ' e'ew g? JH-T .!tT .lT' . f. f f "f J?T2r.. ?.' evee. eeA - e ew W eeeej. m W m '"" i e-J , tttMA ssrte4eMaeee . 8W e fHM .?-? 'rjr .-rr,a".',i: Lz.tmmmmmmn - w M rsjws m w esrwpwn e ajr Ne MM ineomiaeiitT ee gt aw - - -; - - - wfcMsbse mnnm ! ts m i8w " wrr OaU4 h sV eewrtt4 ft, Wi1 wBWPfl WP WPWv weW'PJIWW"' H5bf eeweeo He 4eN eJ ft - el-MHf ' W' T?4" IrM. Immu wlkeie eh 1 ! aMHria. vtkMh hwT 1 H(wihAM a eM lew mI 7 ffttt r e e-30e Wa mmH1 aZTl "He Iwweve. 5 lhelef i"Kr e MM- !Mrf Hv w n I. w. se-V j ntHWtHj ei Os KfiJTillr Mi.,A ftwsetmlae vtN I r- , m n.eess. m w HjiJaMUj. Jsjs) ijffai - ,. , ei, 9ltt HMttr.imar I. te r ew aj,.,, J & Mg Wsm 4 e i, m. iwU sfce hsm tfjetwe estiw '" HtVM.H ..But ti.U nla L in 1 man M4 -...... x- u. ua wn.i. tttftkWt t Ik fij , r rM-iv w- MiMiteM eaH WfSJ U t " MM ilijSMi. HUM vmmM V aiJ't JL - ii. .. ''il '--i-- - .. mI. a IZT se V t T:?" f-Nt wr, eeec Id eeee . Mw ah4 i, K A-- Ml 4ejl fj .-j, - ,. -.w jMaaa aieai , r, -. ,, - ..- -- i, trr iw aauZ. rr1 j- i,,, w ' iaisaa s 11 sWt4- Me .' . . l TW aMy iJf - " 4rew . a - .,1.,- ft lU) &,. aetLatf .... -a. mm. . -.- t Hum a."" wr w "' - " ' MMWttML f w. owas 1wjtaiz,,, t ee '-"" w,-,, Jr - r . Mnv.if ttj u Je r sw eeM aw wseeet s--'"'" ' - ,7 &s U4 umw vtu jiMi m i. to av w ato w K aw. . ... .i.,. uAd. . .. x ( i u.u uui at aw ! I f m Wkb j, . go-d,, v iita e I I - ffil imi . .. .. . .. . m., L.m .. biki. Kin 1 .aM.n u ttat tttf IMMiK , . - m ,fc tujj. vob )tw Men - w - w r.-. .,-.---.... . - . " ik. . Wv . ew e (to Htoee ! fi tet eeto. tv . .w. ,..,.. iAd ifttiAA ikiA .. e 1 ,, mm w9mmmm !!flltle ruIpTu 1J aaTii o to Weal at H " w4 W ewe l sjM a "! Qi". uffi M H 4 MN ! " -ee 'OT :T7 a. nm irr 4 MW W " t4 au aain"ie i a w Aw ejrt tmmm. . ta MiKni t war rw'il u 9 ea !L- -. ,,, n a, ieawy , Ka. awiai Jt! . ta m - ! IMh H. taiwi. fcuMeiejaUitfi Maaw ai j ltT1 T TijrtBri aw m Me Heem-M ne tout tknaawi. etaawasn mn tee ie iStt 4-4, aiiMtor f 4 auinrtai w - st w- v- n, ia arfeftjemfttf ajm - , i e-w wt MtleXIr earnest Makrt & WJMf etM Af tfc - fmmWvm km eto - n- f UM w a e ai aaia 4, limm w, h (inn um ft eewaJ M WaV a t -l " h u ee aw aiaf to jeteaie ft-4 Waav H . - mm , aa to atosA tw a a 1 . p eeaw w aM jim. 1 - Mat Pftae rWHMHlTI W if fe Kt aaw iaeaiawt e fto - " ui & see. feMSM eMi aaaieewaev M4 I i fto 8MMa . vjrtse e e sim-s eee to . i'eJi tm W - j j, vfc " wanajaNj eK A H t- Hf eM .ttJWMW ftl 4..L. L. vaSBi L. BkA Bktte M.US 4y H fe I eMf M towr M e eei wa ""7- Tto saw - -, e a MM. CmM t m KMajfc ! jaatijeal lHiiein tl JjeWJiia to eeMHi f IBfwmf fWeW aHr e faaa e-jneay tw ! Itoa tajMawsj atj et hin ed aW aW we m4 aw ti eaatt) ewg to. MaHseBW UMai rev te to" toeiltto m , M ieeM W a 4)aat ' . .ei'.it'iiV 9 it rw 4t et ew tMtU' 4-1 t0 tue - iwei ae . "'""'"' " a-H,e.t IH Wataae' to teiw tonai ;'" MMewbik toue e eeaatlM't v.m fcW4 w 4 wiw hM IWH. JMie. e Sm toiMMil. The s4e t W4hmtH fjMNMhee to Z ue-SMM t tmmt SftMUM H H W ' - e - W U K. . x I -.H ft ! (- V ;1 f e.-.-- fc 4tok J ftotwMw e v$rew