nVlft ... IK ssasssaKVjms tkmh -1 i t4leiy.i 'W UUPPJUHIJWIII ' I r ' ':& J . v if- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE tl Real Service BHMHn IHMIMM. in Men's Sfioes -f l p-rrr 1 . tVAiRi V v. v,i w. tarns ; fflfiiBLv. K SlriSEt7&- vtB'l ftelf&s fit younnext pair We fit your feet, and give you shoes or u quality ana styic uiui plcaso. We believe in SCt'Vtce, ana win mnke our personal service to you the basi3 or your fu ture patronage. jffiP In ilny behind her schedule, because of her delny nt the Eureka bar. iREVITIB &AM SHOE M7oolen Mill Store ArtJSfiStin TWO STORKS. SOUTH WEND iunji w WEATHER FORECAST tDr Awoclttrd rrm lo foot lu TIbim. j OREGON Fair, continued j cold East; easterly winds. i It- I i w.am Jral mum - - I LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD I For tbo 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., .Tnn. 18, by DonJ. j Ostllnd, spcclnl government mo- tcorologlst: I Maximum 60 Minimum 32 I I At 4:13 a. m 34 Precipitation 07 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1014 12.09 Precipitation Bamo period j Inst year 32.43 I Wind. Northwest, clear. llko It rino nt Dluuba, Cnlltornlu. , There hns been only two Inches of rnln and bIic reports thnt they sel- ii.. In l'ni-tlniiil. According to a dom need a fire In the house dtir- report received here, P. C. Heuld, ! lug the day time, although the who spent sonio time on Coos liny In j nights nre cool, connection with timber deals and a Southern Oregon claim a few years ago, died In Portland recently. 11c nld was formerly prominent In Mlcht- ..nn Hull, hi- nml liimlinr cliplps mill (,.. ........ ...... --. .- was also In politics thoro for n time. ' - '" Ills son accompanied hlm here, but quo. R. QUAY of Suntner was a MMl YOU MAY BE COLD But wo have a hot price on coal and wood boaters thla week, Hotter see us. Wo can sot you Up n heater from $1.25 to 10.50. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND general hardware and plumbing Our Shop Does Oonernl Rcpnlr Work. his operations were not extensive. Outliers TontiuKe Kepoit. II. C. Dlers expects soon to finish his re port on tho amount ut tonnago com ing In and crossing out of Coos Hay during 1014. According to his statement today tho llBt of Imports will exceed tho exports this year, this being duo mainly to tho railroad shipments that linvo come In bore. Tho lumber exports will fall slightly ,bolow thoso of 1013, says Mr. Dlors, but on tho wholo Coos Uay will about hold her own with previous records. ROR.V TJE13Y SAVE YOU MOOTY F-iuFni?n J AtKDElttGOSTS JL "KS A - . . V. XtMMMBr CARS SlAC R. TOWER 5Roni, Coos and Curry Counties. A, CBhProiv Ifc "Til 13 (UTNNJU11Y" Mnrslificld, Ore. E. Harrison, nt their homo on Unynes Inlot, .January 17, 1915, a son. This Is their first child and both mother and boh nro do ing well. pr Hlfcgj, flU" LOC,l GiyMULATION SALE IN FULL SWAY a t Moot Tomorrow. Tho Coos Hay Women's Club will meet tomorrow nfternoon at 2:30 o'clock In tho library building. Quick ltoNiittH. Dr. Lonllo had a furnlBhod flat for rent and ordored a want ad Inserted In Tho Times throo times. It run Saturday and this morning ho ordered tho nd stop ped, having already rented It. Dinks Grow Hold. Dal Catchcart ropoito that tho ducks apparently know all about tho gnmo law. sni urduy qulto a flock of wlld ducks spent tho entlro day In tho pond In Pi;rnum Park near his placo. "" mk , Z . JlolurnH .In .MniHlifloliI. Vorlln I Parker, a young business man of Marshflold, loft for thoro, UiIb morn ing by way of Portland. Ho had boon visiting bis fnthor, E. It. Parker, on Eleventh nVenuo west. uugono Guard. Seeks Son. Marshal Carter Is In rccolpt of a lottor from Mrs. E. J. Williams of Grants Posb, asking him to try and locnto her Bon, Tom Wil liams. Sho says that when sho last heard from her son ho was employed In the Coals tlo camps a few mlloB from llnndon. Thnt 'was In Febru ary, 1014. Slnco then sho hns not henrd from him and a lottor from Mr. Coats said that Williams had Buddonly turned up missing, leav ing his tools nt tho camp. To l-'lll Englnoor'K Rortli Tho city fathers this evening will undoubtedly bo called upon to dofJnltoly dccldo n ilnkllsb auunlion thnt hns kept them sldo-stopplng for tho post' two wcoks that of filling tho city engineer's borth. Thoro nro two candidates be fore tho body, A. R. GIdloy and F. A. Hnlnos, both of them mon of wldo oxporlonco. At tho meeting of tho council Inst Monday ovonlng Mnyor Allen was unnblo to bring tho coun cllmon to nn ngroomont, part of them dcclnring their wish to chooso an en gineer nt onco and tho rcmalndor expressing their doubt. Marshfield vlBitor Saturday. AL CROUCH, the Coqulllc timber-, man, 1b n. Marshflold visitor. h. COCHRAN and wifo, of Coaullle, nro Marshfield visitors today. DR. V. h. HAMILTON, of Coqulllc, Is a Marshfield visitor today. E. J. LONEY and wlfo left yesterday for their homo in Port Orford. MRS. E. E. HAYES, of North Rend, was a visitor in Marshflold Sunday. J.OUIS DUBUQUE, of North Inlet, was among tho visitors in tho city today. I J. T. TULLEY and wlfo, of Coaledo, spent Sunday with Marhflold friends. .1. D. CL1NKENUEARD of Coos Riv er wns a Marshfield business visi tor Saturday. WILLIAM H. STULL, road super visor of Allogany, was down today on business. HENRY MICIIELRRINK, of Alle gany, wns an over-Sunday visitor In tho city. M. M. YOUNG, tho Coqulllo hotel proprietor, wna hero on business and plonsuro. J. C. M'CULLOCH wnn Among Ibo visitors hero today on busluoBB from Hnynos Inlet. ARTHUR IAJNDSTROM, bookkeeper for llnusor & HauHor, was hero today from Lakeside. MRS. J. R. HENDERSON of tho Hub Store, loft on tho Elder expecting to go cast on a'buylng trip. CHARLES PETERSON, of Hayncs Inlot, was hero today looking af ter somo mnttorB of business. MRS. J. A. STEMMERMiAN, of Al legany, has gono to Daniels Crook whoro sho will cook In a tlo camp THE DELICATESSEN CO. 136 NORTH BROADWAY Wo carry at all timoB n largo variety of DELICIOUS HEADY PREPARE!) FOODS for tho table and family trade, ready to servo. Wo glvo our best attention and efforts to all special orders for social functions and private gatherings. TRY OUR. QJUIGK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Delicacies of nil kinds to chooso from. A lum.lt to stilt your tusto In Qunltty and Prlco. Marsh! ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service .Lenvos Mnrshflold at Busy Corner 10:00 n.in. 2: 00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leaves North Bond 15 join utci Inter J.emo.s Empire. H::tO ti.iii. ll::to n. in. :t::to p.m. L UMBsnt A y UMBEH THM liUUu w mm M,, mm 1 Jpas UTnurilrrurJRin PFATl RES Coiiulllo: G. L. Goodwoll, Portmnu, IIEfMlu.r.lvJ?. w w ii i r n n Atkiimnu. Porlluiid: B. W. WlBOtnnn. who w )MW iViMU U t V I L L c PnrMmnl! W. C. Mnndoll, ! daughtor I hi 'MM Pnriiuiiii: R. Cross. San Franclncoj lnK0 from Cn . Jma 'jSEtlHiill." 27 years old, ., , n..,.nl,lH 8nlltl. cinra: Murk that ho would l.h". ir;ilB sciiMJt;ii,- i ...MESm ifl all mw"rv iri .WbBe AT THE HOTELS CJIANDIiER HOTEL A. Oftedal, Portlund; J. W. Mor row, Portlaud; II. R. Fleming, Port land; 0. W. Cox, Portland; F. M. Caso. Portland: Frank Burckholdor, Goodwoll, l'oruanu. Cnlloil to "ttlund. J. N. Ryan, foreman of l.o Times composing room, loft yoBtorday on tho Btngo for Portland, whoro ho wnB called by tho doatli of his mother Saturday ttt tornoon. Ho expects to bo gono sov ornl days. weighs 50 pounds st man on tuo ivllla lell.iMiAllUrt, In rapid nro g, A5MEGkv comedy aumso IU rasTido." n inaWR -lllh Rlr ?M um iSKijl rwlrUIWaJl : niiMHrrfi rsm . -"?IMViBVPBCfl vSmSmm oSM5Milwg ,44 VMM prosont "Tho sen const iVnllnco and Wal- parts. prcsonts "Wlfo," y ura ma m iwu dnlr and Alee B. 11. Suvugo, Portlund; T. J. Macgenn, Brcukwnter; Fred and WUHum mui ray, of l'ortlund. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. A. Swnnson, Beuttlo; Jack Hob boh nml wlfo, Portland; Mrs. L. A. Ross, Coqulllo; W. V. Hodsott and wifn f'nn itlvors J. W. Miller, Mny Return to Cnllfornlii. W. K. Itli his wiro ana roturnod but a few days llfornla, stated today probably return thoro lntor on. Whllo in cniirornin urn family traveled moro than 8000 inlloa In their machine. Chnrgeil With Theft. Otto Mor- riBoy wdb arrested this morning by Constable Cox on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Lola Baldwin, who con ducts a rooming houso on Brondwny South which charges that Morrlsoy brought somo pennants, a piano cov er and Indian blankets to hor houso last Juno, saying they belonged to i.i... .....1 aiiiisnntmntlv linrrowcd S20. ' .. . '...... m i I fiia n,"ini.' PftWAM nml ilnncll Later Harry Mciicown oi inu uiiu""-,. uo. ..... w, lor Hotel npponrod anil, claimed tho! tor returned from' th.olr homo In wini... .nvlnirtliov had boon tokoni Allegany UiIb morning and loft .avwr w.--; r SAM CONRO camo down from Al legany this morning, boing cnllod horo by tho death of hla brother, James Conro. hoy nro Just returning from an extended Eastorn trip, visiting their old homos. Thoy camo In vln Mnplcton. NELS OSMUNDSON, Deputy County Clerk, returned to Coqulllo today after spending Sunday with some frlinds hem Shipped Three Times as Much lo San Francisco as Any Other Coast Point Coob liny during tho first two weeks of January shipped moro than three time's as much lumber to the San Francisco market as any othor coast point. Tho following nro tno receipts nt San Francisco during tho first two wcoks of this month as given by tho Pioneer Western Lum berman: Fir nml Spruce. Aberdeen ". ... 1,1500,000 Astoria 2,4(50,000 Columbia' River G00.000 Coos Bay C.108,000 arnyB Harbor 850,000 Muklltco ' 420,000 l'ort Ludlow 1,310,000 Port, Augoles ..'. 2,300.000 Tncoma 1,100,000 JA .ju dC-w C ALEi - mn I ATr-' TO CLASSIFY I : FOR RENT Slnulo roonw with kllohunetto, for bnoholors, at tho Lloyd Hoiol. 1'OR RENT Uwao tvtml rooms with boat. Sultnblo for 2 or 3 persons. 205 N. 4 tit St.- WANTED To liny Mimll nciongo near Marsbfleld. Address P. O. Box 555, Marshfield, or 0C5 So. 7th stroot. lC.GCS.OOO from Jesso Terroll nt tho hotel. Mor rlsoy oppenred and asked that tho caso bo continued. Ho did not cntor'i n plea beforo Justlco Pennock.. "Tho Scnrocrow a Western com- tbat hns no oqunl nun nrst uuicouy, uy, 10c; chlldron Jinny Want Rnncli. That thoro Is a big domnnd for rnnchoB Is shown by tho fact that Mr. Erlckson, of Hnstsldo. ndvortlsod a ranch for ront Myrtle Point; M. W. Miller, Coos,i8t week. Tho llttlo want ad In River; E. Johnson. Portland. Tho Times brought about a doson Fred Tobbon, Portland; 13. R. Bal- applicants, rosponsos bolng mndo in . . 1 . . I I.,, tinll llitKor. Portlund; A. 11. WoIbb, .oo-porBon, uy puonu mm u Angeles; Felix M. Wolff, Snn Frnn- elst-o; Mr. Coelirnn and wlfo, Co- Oiiciiliiir Brain Bov. Engincor . .. TrtfL. k.tiii. n fncin nf tlirnnf uouori i.oiiobb, " " ; , ..... f,n .NT . th0 Smlth-Pow- or four men, Is busy these nights pANK GRANT, of : tho ' on tlio afternoon bont for Dan iels Crook FRED WATERS enmo back this morning from North inlet, whoro ho has been visiting with his pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Williams Wntora. Semi Data to Portlund. In nns- ight, Wllllnm Fox recso, and an all- Clalro Whltnoy in "Tho Walls ontod nt tho Jnmos I . M..n.lfr ton... tlin SS't ST Oo""'"gl " .r ''.r'c.,,,;;;.; hliod, North Bond. , Socrotnry Motley this morning sent LLOYD IKHLL I Bt of Qo08 nay factories Mr. and Mrs. o. iiiacu, roiuumi, i nJ U(J nrtlce8 mna0 In each one Milton unurcn, uoim amu, v.. . Aldormun, Portland; J. A, Ilolmos, Cooa River; A. W. Prentiss, Port land; M. A. Hall, Coos River. C. Brown, Gold Boach; F, M. Brock, Coaledo; Mr. and Mrs. WU- I Ham Hill, Lakesldo; J. Black South r, Now York, for Inlet; Edna uuiu, jNurui uum, "'- ry Benson, North iitioi; n, i. i. BTOal",1 -EVER NUM PANS Up Tho Portland body oxpocts to uso during tho low tides, Booking to open tho drnln box through Mill Slough. Having worked for n wcok now, tho box has boon cloared out up nbovo Second stroot and Mr. Kellogg Is sat isfied that tho procedttro will bo a buccobs. With long ropes to which nro tido dozons of horscBhoea woll flllod with long nails tho mud Ib cut away from tho sides of tho box, tho ropo bolng hnulod back nnd forth, i Through a portion of tho box tno water now bubblos morrlly and nt no plnco have- tho mon found tbo drain caved In. Total ...... ........ Redwood. Eureka 1,080,000 Albion l.iuu.uuu Caspar G00.Q00 Fort Bragg 1,090,000 Groonwood 428,000 Mendocino 200,000 FOR SALE FOR SALE DUCES. Phono SJMH-lt. FOR HALE Standard mnko pinna "JtiBt llko now." Will sell for balnnco owing on mortgage Cash or monthly payments. Address W., enro of Times. FOR SALE .Noiiny now ihwiu, cheap. Call C30 So. 11th St. Total G'298,000 Fileiuls Play Joke. Saturday eve ning "Billy" Goodrum acted as flnan tho material in n publication to boCaj 80cretary nt tho danco hold in issued soon. Blocks Savo Tiros. Blocks plac ed under tho axles of tho auto fire truck will amount to tho saving of tiro bills, according to Mark Snv n.r.. rim niiclnn oxnort. and as a Empire; H. Geddes, Coos River; P. j ,.e8U,t( tll0 iocni onglno Is today Grnnt, Wagner; Carl V. Mntson, I vroma foro nmi aft on stilts, thus Catching Inlet; Davis Howard, North , ej0Vng tho tires of n contlnunj and ckNo-' iturdT J. Mt Hi ) oubuymm the best IIER3 I ..loCk S rWNMllI lalot; G. A. Miller, llnndon; Georgo Solnndor, Seattle; Miss L. Washburn, Chicago. Tho St. Ioim-uuco Hotel. Marlon Struble, Tacoma; J. It. Brown, North Bond; A. W. Graham, Coqulllo; Pearl Davis, Coqulllo; E. D. Graham and wlte, Coqulllo; J. E. Cona and wlfo, Coos River; Emll Hnusor, Coos River; R. A. Landrlth, Coos River: H. L. Groff nnd wife, Bcavor Hill. BLANCO HOTEL Wm. Hnydon, Portland; William McKeon, Portlnnd; Oliver Brand, Coos Rlvor; Tom SIcCulloch, Tom ploton; JameB Stelnlochnor, Teiqplo- ton; Georgo II. Ethel!, TUlumooK; S. W. Cox and wife, Denver; Harry Mlchelbrlnk, Alleganyf J. A. Smith, Coos River; E. L. Pierce, Lakeside; weipht. To Open Restaurant F. C. Tucker nf North Bond has purchased tho ros- taurant and flxtttros which bolonged formorly to tho Grand Cnfo, of which Gust.Domos nnd Tom Morris were proprietors. They wont into bank ruptcy, F. K. Gottlns being nppolnt ow trusteo and W. A. Ackormnn at torney for tho trusteo In the caso. tho Finnish Hall. Handfuls of dot lars nnd lialf dollars woro handed to him at tho door until, ladon down with tho silver, ho placed a fow heaps of It In his overcoat pocket, along with hla watch. Ho thought nothing moro of It until ho sturtod to go homo, wlion ho found tho money and valuables wero gono. Search roveal od nothing. Yostorday tho jwatch camo back nontly wrapped up and "Billy" began to smllo as it dawned on him that his friendB woro playing a prank at least ho will altogether concede that It is a. prank providing tho money is forthcoming. S. IN Hits New Booklet. A now booklet, Just issued nnd about tho size of the Coos Bay booklet, has beon recolvod from tho Southern Pacific officials. Tho booklets will bo froo- !?$ v MMM behind tho bill and tho Oregon Ho tel Men's Association nt Portland last veek adopted It, copying close- M. A. Steckol, Eastsldo; L. Stom-hy after tbo Canadian law. merman, Allegany; J. B. Myers, Leo; j . Ered Coleman, Coqulllo; G. D. Hard-i Awult Outcome. One Saturday ing, Coos River; G. C. Washburn, mornng both tho Breakwater and Portland; Bob Lacey, Myrtlo Point; tjl0 Ej,jor left hero nt approximately tho same tlmo and tho report or which ouo of them was first to ar rive in Portland la awajted with In terest here, Tho Elder Is due to arrive back hero tomorrow morn Tor Liquor Sales. Petitions aro'jy attributed at tho Panama Pacific being circulated hero asking' th' Exposition. Thoy contain several Oregon Legislature to permit hotels , 1)cturos 0( coob county Industries having fifty or moro guest rooms, d soVeral paragraphs are devoted to tervo liquor to tholr guests. The the opportunities to bo found in Oregon Wholesnlo Liquor men nro j mg BOcUot socrotary Motley of tho Chamber of Commerco Is writing to John M. Scott, general passenger agent In Oregon for the Southern .Always. :: North Bend A fO V ' William Hayden. Portland; Sam Wll- I f iJB,,r son' Diue Iudge L CtrA IJbbyCOAL. Olio Una OU nave IT oCrVICVrf AIAVAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific b CYCLER Y livery and Transfer Company. ..u Pacific, asking- If thoy will take 10,- 000 copies of tho now Coos Bay book let ready to bo ordored. Tho first 5000 of a consignemont ordored for here are now bolng printed in Portland, Likes California. Mrs. E. II. Al derton. formerly of Nortlt Bend, lug? losing Pomi ibis mormngjln a letter to Tho Times, says they ors Company, wna horo yostorday on business nnd plonsuro. Ho reports everything going nicely nlong tho now lino. MRS. L. HODSON, who line Bpont tho pnBt two months with rela tives on South Coos Hivor, re turned to her homo In South - Marshfield yesterday. VERL1N PARKER, or bettor known as "Doc" Parker, is on his way bnck horo by way of Portland nftor a visit of throo weeks with hlB lmronts In Eugono. ALP OFTEDAL, speclnl officer in tho Governmont Indian Sorvlco, oxpoctB to leavo within tho noxt couplo of days for Pondloton, whero ho goes on somo cases. JACK ROBINSON and his slstor, Mlsa Agnes Robinson, enmq down today from Hnynos Inlot and expect to romnln horo for Bevernl days on a visit with friends. KENNETH ilAUSER, who has beon spending the holidays at Jils homo hi Minneapolis, will return hero on the Broakwator, according to a messngo received from hlm by Frank D. Cohan today. J. E. HANKY, who formerly was In tho taxlcab business noro, m spending a few daya on tho bay. Ho was at Elkton for awhllo, but recently hns been nt Eugene, lie says that Marshflold Is far ahead nf anv other town In the state MARK SAVAGE, former flro chibf of Salem, and now connected Wltn tho A. G. Long Flro Englno Com pany of Portland, here two days ago, has gono down to Bandon, whoro ho hns hopes of convincing tho City Fath ers thoy need a now auto flio truck. II. J. M'DIARMID, of Bandon, pass ed through hero yesterday en route home from Portland. Ho has recently spent considerable tlmo In Curry County and states that tho work bolng dono at Brookings Is a revelation, The new mill there Is tho most mod ern and up-tO'dato of any In tho country. ,V. E. MpRTEN, of Nprth .Bend, Is a Marshfield visitor today. Ho said that ho was under tho lm prossion that Cant. A. M. Simp son's ostato would probably bo AMONG THE SICK Goo, Rotnor, who undorwont a doublo operation' nt Morcy Hospital Sati'tday morning, Is reported doing nicely, much to tho gratification of hla ninny friends. Mrs. Dorsoy Kroitzor has recov ered ro well from hor oporatlon of n fow days ngo nt Morcy Hospital that today sho wns rcmovod to hor homo, whoro alio Is getting nlong very woll. Miss Eunlco Klnnlcutt was removed from Morcy Hospital today to tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. Ilrowu on Mnrkot nvonuo. Sho was oporatcd on for nppondlcltls sovornl wcoks ago. C. A. Sohlbrodo, who was taken 111 with la grlppo tho tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bold, on his roturn from Coqulllo on Wednesday, bus recovered and was bnck In his office for a time today. FOR BALE ! heavy work Iioi-mw, wt. 1C00, also harness. S. C. Small. FOR RENT I l"OR RENT Housekeeping 413 No. 2nd St. Milte. BOOM AND BOARD for two or board without room nt 10C3 Hall nvonuo. Phono 254-X. FOR RENT Four room furnished npnrlmont. Apply R. P. Williams. FOR RENT Five-room furnished npurtment, all modern conven iences, South Marshflold, ?20 Pf mouth. Apply Coos Hotol, North fli'iu., phono 041. 'FOR RENT FurnMiod finis. nnd Central. Phone 44II-J. Itli NEWS bF NORTH BEND . Miss Flosslo Hayes, of North Bond, left today for n visit with rel atives In Bandon. Mr. nnd MrB. W. P. Hodson, of South Coos River, woro gueBta yos torday of Mrs. M. J. Pratt in Nortlt Bend, Hfr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Ekblnd and 'children, Willis nnd Bornico, visited . WANTED Physh'lnii yostorday at tho W. D, Simpson homo In North Bond. Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Black nnd daughters, Coollo and Ruby draco, visited yesterday at tho Frank Black who nrrlvo'l I homo In this city. Mrs. Ellzaboth Uobb, or uaicnuiK Inlot, was n guost yostorday of hor slater, Mrs. V. E, Rlggs, in North Bend. Mima WATERFRONT NEWS Tho Speedwell hns arrived nt Bandon from Snn Frnnclsco nnd la duo to sail from hero for Snn Fran cisco on Wednesday. about $10,000,000. A number of j years ago Capt.. Simpson In n conversation, remarked that ho had made ten million dollars thou and slnco thnt time tho valuo of hla realty holdings baa boon I groatly enhanced, - Times Want Ads Never Shirk Cost A Mite And Do The Work FOR RENT (iToom liouse. Inquire 421 Second at. North. $14. WANTED I WANTED Grain sacks. Pacific Liv ery & Tran'afor Co, YOr.N'fl LADY wants cam of child ren or eldorly lady. Ph. 3103, WANTEl) Carpenter to build stops. Call Sundays. 1145 Second streot North. wants office girl. Apply It., enro of Tlmos. J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgery and Diseases of Women a Specially. Norton & Hanson bldg. Phono 229-J Res, Myrtlo Arms. Phono 304-L -"'A . .1 I Jl - l ? i- '. , lrof " '&2S iTSr -'"ifw'fi s'jMwaBEJirrTE: