The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 16, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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four ""wEiinr
,m a
(! IS
M. O. MALONEV, Editor nnd Pub.
DAN K. MALONHV, News Editor
Official I'npcr of Coos Count
Entered at tho Fostoflico at Marsh
Held, Oregon, for transmission
through tbo malls as second-class
nail matter.
loclal relnlloiis would euro them
selves automatically. The refusal of
othorwlso good cltlzons to perform
public service for the stnto lies nt
the root of much ot the falluro of
American democracy. Wo have some
thing to learn In this matter from
Enclnnd, Franco nnd dermnny. For-
i;u, rrtJ ... , ,.,. ., ''!;:!!i''',:rt:,si:'1':
roplw lc. 1C our pdl . " i-' .,. ' . "..iVh.,,, m ,1.1 cover
- Iliei WU1H. Ul "" ...... --
cut show Hint In dry wont her no am
ount of concussion lins the slightest
effect In the- production of rnln.
"At tho present tlmo there is olio
Ings crumb.. ., no ma c, . - ; fnjm ,
viueu wo iirouinu a ,uw h .. .-. - olhup
of men nnd women who will iiciigni " , . .., P,..rBiiCli theory
itnrra iiiimi'ui.
This Includes some threo hundred ( reason
.llna ..f rnnila mill tllO llltlmtttO , flm fro
ond should be to mnke them per- ,, the earlier stages of tho war. Tho
Road DM. No. '-
si T. Clinton, super 12.(50
M. T. Clinton, labor
II. A. Fergus, labor
In tho spectacle of their rebuilding,
If our ago should hnppon to lose
something In Individual Identity It!
I .. r.. f',.i.iuntl llllllll' .
fnct which should at onro d.sposo -'" - "
.......I 11........ 'I'lirn Id till OUIll i
tno ciieris.ieu iiiuu.,. ....-.- ..- , , Bt(
ason for thinking that gun firing nt J ,c ;,,, lnl)0P 3,1
o front Is more violent than It was Mmf .
tunntoly, however, wo have advanced will still no notauiu in mo coiunuu- . beforo ,.i., ai.m.iii. therefore, have coin
iltirlnp Mm Inn! ilprnile. mill Mr. Co-1 Hon If mnv tnnke toward n future of . . ...... ,, .,i.i . , n.. ... ti... ,.n
......, ..... ...... ..... .-, .. . - . -. .... -
man's exnmple is not singular,
Every citizen can nnd should ren-J change,
der public service to tbo common-1
wealth. It mny not come In his way i
to do so as n legislator, or a judge, '
or nil executive- or ndmlnlstratlvo of-'
flclal. But tho opportunity comes In
HEN a general wants to tear
down a city In tlmo of war
bo sends an army ot men to
do It. When somobody wants to build
up a city In time of peaco It takes an 81lch oniinary nnd easy channels of
nrmy or workers to nccoinpusu re- ncllon n8 participation In tho work of
B,I'IS' I his polltlcnl party nnd In doing his
i ou can i maKo aiarsniioiu a doi- uty nB a cjtzen t0 vote. It arrives
tcr town, or Coos Bay a better com-'n tho opportunity to servo In such
munlty by wishing they woro batter. ' Ubllc Institutions ns tho stnto col
You havo got to work to make hem lcg0 It rencllcg ovory clt)zeni no
better nnd you hnvo got to work nmttor now motlcst his place In tho
along with somebody else. f community, In ono Bhnpo or nnothor.
It requires a plan ot baltlo nnd , T10 mngntudo of tho opportunity
concerted effort. You would enlist i nay wy ln different cnBes, but tho
quickly to prevent an nrmy of cno- opportunity Itself Is always tho same
mies irom uesiroying mis commun- nendlncss to serve, recognition of thu
ny. wny not ennst in a movoment ni,iicntlnn m Mm rnmmnnwnniM. n,t
Hill IT
.. ..ti.iir.
Itond DM. No. l
Henry Strong, super 1 S.BO
Iloitry Strong, lnbor 55.00
Frnsor Hoffman, labor 1.00
Milton lloffninn, labor 7.50
nii.H,,,,,,,, (Jll'llllir llllllll' 112.50
roads at present or surveys hvo I wng nnicll beJow lM0 average, i Roml DM. No. :.
been made so tho plan already has, ..At shoebur.vness, where big guns . ., m,.nnt iniIIir 7.50
are being tested almost dally, year ' , 0Hn gtr011K) u,or 7.50
. . . 1 . ' .ft Hi ... A I. - .k.lliHkriTf
il. .mniniii Innnl-a IllllV COl 111 Ulll ' i,l..nnn,l allnFtlV nllOT I 1U Ulliuil-lin
broader and inner personality. B-1Jno ther work ettch yenr nnd work of tho wnr. As a matter of fact,
with this In view. I uenevo urni, nothlng of the kind took place, ju
. . i lil,- lin ' . . t il... .... I, f It
most or tneso roiuus uuhui ""'-August nnd Hepioinuer uiu ihuiiuu
a fair start."
I In nnd year out. the average rainfall Uco sy(lori labor 10.01)
la flmnltr r than In any other part of ( 1Jco sy,ior, labor 1 7.50
Fifteen million men in the field
nm- nni DnrlUnSlrlni. Affnn will use nppnrel about three times ns
Prominent Roadbuilder, Alter fnst ng whon pcncc 1)rcvas. Tlie
Years Of Experience, 'equipment of l.OOO.OOO horses Is no
States Needs Bmnll item nnd means steady equip
ment of supplies and food for this
vast army. Europe cannot fight nnd
the Fnlted Kingdom.'
Times Want Ads for results.
requirements sliuulta-
to build It up?
This Isn't your town or my town;
It Is our town.
Let's got togothor this yenr and
mako It a good placo to call home.
rising to tho call of public duty nro
the things that countSnokano 300 mIcB
Outlining a policy, which If fol
lowed would eventually mean a
svfltnm nt tinrmnnnnl rnnila in the meet ttlCSO
county, ono of tho leadlnc road neously.
builders of tho countv has sub-! The moro ono of our Industries In
mltted his plans of utilizing tho 'taxed tho greater tho activity which
annunl county road appropriation I will bo reflected upon others. It Is
of about $200,000. Approximately I the history of war that tho first T
Spokesman Review.
HE TIMES yesterday printed a
prosB dispatch ot tho passing of
a man who was not only well I
a. iinii 1 11 iiA r .. in.nn
aro Included In I shock produced dullness, but upon !oljor. 0,)e Jafcw ,0nn
T IS SAID thnt along tho Canadian
border tbero nro two or threo
places whoro crumbling ' relics
known to nil tho loggers nnd lumber- f fortlficntlons Imllt long before
Jacks of Minnesota nnd Wisconsin. "'" , ,' . T W"8 ngn'
but also to hundreds of woodsmen In I " H, " " " J le? "ro ,Benrc"ly
the Pacific Northwest who will learn ' S Z tn, """m
. ... ... wiilcli ono could to nnlu over with
urirn irnnnmn vnrrtir rr iui i --
" (4Vinu ItftlbV il mo UUUlll .
Diiluth pays tho following oloquont
nnd desorved trlbuto to this man
who lived to servo bis fellows:
"It Is Impossible to lot pass with
out comment tho death of such a
till! font.
S"?...? "'! 1n("n,Bdnl!y T" '? Wo mlBht "sldor these plies of
brick ns eloquent monumonts of
whnt might hnvo boon; nnd yet to
tho grent peaco, happiness and pros
perity of tho two peoples was not.
The JIllCO linn rnrnml nt flilu m.
lillot." Ho laid up no treasures oa , fortified boundary lino between tho
earth; ho worked for ycarB without I possession of tho greatest oinplro
recognition of his offorts or Ms on tbo enrth and tho grentest Ro
nchlovomentsj ho wns llttlo known , public thnt over existed. But carping
outside tho Immedlnlo radius of his, docs nob niter tho fact, nor detract
active 'work; nnd yot, of him moro ono lota from tho lesson which thnt
uinn 07 many men of moro proml- unfortified boundary lino toadies.
tho general outllno, roads most of recovery Industry boomed nnd prices
thorn, nlrondy established but In soared. Thero Is n reason to believe
need of permanent Improvement, i that history will repeat itself and ns
The plan as Is has submitted fol- tho wnsto and demolition exceed any
lows: "In regard to tho method previous demonstration the sources
of applying this money: First, the or stipiity must bo looked to to moot
commissioners nnd surveyor should lll0 evitnble demand,
map out definite main thorough-, Wo an nt ncC 10 Rnalwl ,.
fares throughout the county, by ,,llslrIaI natIoI1. wo ,mVo 10 n
main thoroughfare I mean tlioso tQ fn , ,,,, l0 C(lll,llInont
tiMti, iii uu ut uuijuiu tu uiu iiiusi
J W. Button, ttm ... .....17.50
Guy Weekly, labor
Gordon GUI, labor
George Mullon, super
II11II11 Lundy & Shs. nmtorlal 2.85
Bond DM. No. IK
If. It. Glazier, labor 54.00
Joo Williams, lnbor 88.75
Harry Williams, team 20.00
J. h. Lnlrd, labor 10.00
tl'ntiirwt It outtn tt tnnm tm mtiui lm tt . . . . . .
people nnd will nlso conform to, , , u"v"' "- """l '-nnn. aiyers. labor 10.00
tbo inwnai ,.nn.i -rn.i. ..' b,l8J for oiiwelvca nnd for others. , A..Crlbblns. labor 2.50
tliono roads havo been selected put T. "" ,"! m"tcrla a wo '"' ,C. McBee, labor C2.50
what money is nvnllablo ench yenr, ,nck" but wo wlU bo '"P0"10' onougli Wm. Cribbons, labor 11.25
to tbo permanent Improving of thoto cvolvo ntIc(luato substitutes. Fl- M. E. Crlbblns, labor 11.25
same, that Is In establishing grades. bt'r "ml Kaljrlc- B. .M. Hnrdmnn, labor 21.25
establishing grades,
proper drainage and putting In good
substantial foundations, By so doing!
you will bo making permanent road
rouLf0M,mnrl,irM "rr1"",,, ,:",NI' St,'"- ' T,' I
routes that arc the most practical v -... .i . .
and. then when the proper time' - ' the
comes those roads will be In first I """"'T BIM ("",fl,x'-
cllISS condition In Pn nl.on.t n...l IB AiwUttJ Pitt. ! Om fcf TI.I
L. 11. Garrett, labor . . . 20.00
'J II. Parry, labor 2.50
I Fred B. Garrett, labor 1.02
Road DM. No. HI.
It. It. Davis, Htipcr 10.00
H. Davis, labor 5.00
W. II. Hiiynes, labor ... ;...5.00
Jiirf. F. Altiiuhntigh, lnbor ... ..'1.75
Baiidon lldwc Co., bdwo 72.00
Itoiil DM. No. '-!.".
A. M. Snydor, Hiipervlsor ... .2C.25
John Stonu, labor 1 3.75
Alox Harklow, lnbor ,'lfi.KO
11. F. Bnrklow,' labor 20.00
Lloyd Harklow, labor 21,25
I.enuder Harklow, labor 27.25
. .7.60 ' Albert Myers, labor 15.00
3.10 , J. E. Myors. labor 1 .'1.75
.24.23 L. M. Anson, labor :t.75
Sum Burg, labor 5.00
Icnac Harklow, labor 1 0.00
A. M. Snyder, team 10.50
Hilling I.iiiuly & Sous, material :i.20
Roiul DM. No. LMI.
Leonard Uiu Hoy, Ibr .1.25
Hi Hug Lundy & Sous, iniitorlu G.'JO
Ronil Hist. No. 17
Eiiuultt Smith, lnbor 7.80
R. O. Groon, labor 10. .10
A. .1. Rndabnugh, super 15.00
A. J. Radabaugh, tcnin 0.85
Itiiml Dlst. No. !H
0. T. Heriniinii, Btipcr 17.50
It. F. Hnrdmnn, labor 7.50
E. E. Weekly, supor & team... 1 2.60
Smith Weekly, labor nnd tmm 12.60 tAIvIn Billings, labor 5.00
A. L. Rico, labor and team ...12.30 (Pntrlc annoy, labor .1.75
C. F. Waterman, lnbor C.26 Rond Dlst. No. I'll
K. E. Everndan, labor j.60 ; Tohn Mnnfolk, labor 5.00
J. L. Jewltt, labor S.7R B. K. Stage, labor in no
ii. earner, lauor 2.60
Carl V Trill n qnn l,ilin nn
i . . . t nvnnv t... 1 1 t. n.. ... ..
imru Biinaco uy wiint evor method "".,, u..u. ,-G.nKusn Kien-.noyu uenou, labor 10.00 ,C. C. Johnson, team mid labor 7 00
mny bo the most siibtinnMni n,i "sis hnvo again been compelled to S. I). Davis, lnlmr .. trm An.irr., ,.-ii '
nonce, il ian' unquestionably bo ns-' I't us nssumo thnt It bnd not croomlcal. By this plan every dol-'nM,IM tho imbllc that neither the R. Radaker, labor 'Wn.on ! Inn lbr . " ro nn
nulAil llik l.l II. . linn. ....f..lll. I . . . I lAH liinlll.l l.n .. a BltlnM nf .lAin.ln- .. ll.. . . ".. .. .. 1 Mill UOlVU uiu i. ma ino was n biiccosb. "KV" iuriiiieu; innt rroni tho ' """" uu oponueu ror n per- o"'ii" " i'"u.r nur uiu concussion jurj,e urownson, labor "50
"H'lins been no child's play, these N,nnr' to Vancouver there extended
Inst twenty years, to walk Into n lumia l,ouu' chain of forts nnd othor
bor camp In Northern Mlnnccotn and dof"lvo works; thnt tbo two coun
bluntly toll men that many of tho , tr,cs ,ma "ll"l"ed opposing wnr
habits of their dally II fo woro flatly n,ul" on tno art'nl Lnkes; nud nn
wrong. Evon nsldo from tho rough- 0,hor "ssnmptlon would follow ns
noss nnd rocklossncss of tho human I ",,,llur ol 'ogica, necessity that
Rond Dlst. No. ill).
....uiu nun iionciiaai use and we u B"-uro uns mo siigntost connec- a. f. (irlslmber, labor .1.75 ,W. W. Smith labor
WOUld bf) Wnrkltlir il,. ...! 11(111 U'IMl rdlllfnll !.'-. I llu-ltflit '..!.. I.. I -..'.. . '....''
,, . " " c u - "" Bmurui. Bi vii.ui, niuiir fi.oo . 'i. i.nsswen, labor .11 "fi
tint wo expect to ultimately reach, purees It hnd been asserted that tho'E. E. Weekly, supplloH ... .16..10 Wm. Culbortson, labor ,, r,
Dint of hard surface roads through- "envy and persistent rains recently Cu'vr Bros, material 2.1.00 'C. J. Fryo labor .T t"r
fill t tlln mnln .!..... ..!. . I . ......
... ... ...-. u.u.ousniarM ot coos epenenceu in southern Englnnd and "uiing, i.iindy & Sons, mntorlnl 1.85
County. , Northern Franco were attributed to! Komi DIM. No. 111.
in talking with a man of some atmospheric dlsturlmnm. nm,i..,i Walter Fnrrlor. lnim c or
. .. ... (... ...Ill, . . . ....!. . . """ i'iiiiiw.u -. .- u.ll
uoings in Hint part of tho country. . """",r Byioins niioqunto to "" !! m rou matters by artillery fire at the seat of wnr . I'omeron. labor io
ii . " i i niA i ina f-.i. . -. i it. r m.j n.u .... . .. ---,..... --
moro wns
travol on snow
bauntod trails,
death nt th
Z irSLTl. 'ont four years 'ago ?"-! ! -" Ml U .'"
from hero two routeh eoaid boos tab , . f th Adm,ra,t' CiC0 C. Waters, lnbor 21.2r,
MBbed to Coos Bey? Te Vorth I '" U, HU8e 0t Ca- ' R ni " . V ' U' ' 0In,", Wn,r8' ",,,or
nioi and the otlmr t iin.... .. """ uum instruct tae -, .. :.' nuiou, iniior r 7r.
,t .u. nf L V cnrr 0,u 8 hoavy gun prtc- n " " ' . ' w" eo.oo.w. m. Harmon, labor r.n
3.75 j Hilling Lundy & Sons, supplies .90
Howl Dlst. No. o.
"Nor was It less tbo work of n
strong mnn to llvo tho tiro of tho
lumborjnok to share his faro nnd
his hardships; to ho nblo to turn In
and do a day's work bcsldo thoso
bearing fruit In Europo", Bnys an
f.xcnango. "On olthor side of tho
boundnry lino thoro would havo
been stimulation nud mnliitonnnco
or tlio mllltnrlstlc spirit and equlp-
. j. i-ryo, inuor 11.25
A. L. Brown, lnbor 2.50
Leo Mast, lnbor .i.7r.
50 L. D. Johnson. lnbor 1 or.
,,or' lc,,r 27.50 Sam Stout, labor ... . .. m'nn
nnmnnnugher, labor .. ..25.00 L. F. Holler, labor '.12100
. . . 25.00 B. 1- olsom, grnvel so. 00
iu.uu v.u.j,.lu ,,wo UOii ,jW0 a on
---- - .u JIUJIIUS
inlet and along the oast side of 1
Klnnt-nrmed northornurs,
- -,...... ....11 wwiiiii- 1 .. "f. ...v ran emu Oil. 1 . ..... - " I- W T.....1...II ...
muni, nt Mm nv,inn.n - 1...1. ....... t 10 Ilnv nrrnc o.. . l u i some otlior nor ol nf Mm . " """"i 'uor
- " r ui iinilinu I ...-. vrui iinor HI1U n-,i , ., "w (i IN....I in
nnd genuine nrourH wim. i. round to Mnrlifiiii ... Uln " tho mlddlo ot hnrvaat ima ,"i it. ,o. 21.
'"",...... ... um VUOS l., ,.. ... ... .
. . .
W. W. Klght, supor
- .
... .... 1 .1 7K .Iflliino fll1..n.. i-i.
iotilnV0'1 '"V"80 f th0 f,",lur,C8 ",8" ,0W" ,l10 foast lndoB.roCOI",m,,,llt, T" '"on absolutely fc?L " A" aW' m"",,Ioa ' S?!
"Ami 1 nnIIBg",l",,,'. :V", "8 th08 of ,h0 Voncuola """-odowntheeoHsttoCurrjeoun. Wltl,?ut "tlon. Experiments ,ci.a el mZ 7r' "wl 1M. X. 8 """
UltSii' r'tiii!'.1-''"-" ,, . M "' A"'rlC" ""' " coiiMn.;, -IV. ' ' n,0 Mtrlo,, Juster, trans, rd. ,. '
' tlie ii i . -" ii. i n nn
J?'J"J!!k,onre"'notveiiBvW. Novor In tho blslcry of tho world P"""1 ''" the Coos Rtv
"'"' """ J. "in ono that I " nore iieeu clearer or moro
nono tho loss rcnl and lasting, it convincing example of tho ovll n
MworkoiloutimiioformofRontlor!voWl ')' tbo unfortified, nnvyless
manners hero and thero among tho!"1"' ""nmied faith of ono peoplo
...Hu iiuncrs nnu urivers of logs. It '" n""or tiiun Is demonstrated by
1 In tho birth of now Ideas and ,,IM0 "-uinlilliiK poH of brick nlong
Ideals in tho mind of a luuiborjnck lho Cnmminn border.
Ono can almost Imagine that It ro-f
mains a kind of essenco In tho nt-l l'U RECORDS.
...u.i.iiuro oi ino woods whore s.
Itp in
Aiiugany ami onst to Dmin. a ta
"mid bo lator run up tie south
fork of Coos River. I
.1. Tho Coos Bay wimn .,i '
could bo Improved, running from'
-. .iiw, lairviow, etc. and extendi
to Rosoburg. Branches frora Coqulllo
' Myrtle Point could connect
wltli route. !
I. Probably tho main road would '
:,.. v " lonowing tho
W"o fork of tbo couulllo nive?1
o Roseburg. This road Is being'
Improved each year n,i i. ......
only bo a few years until It enn be1
your. I
tIIa ll...
'W, bo run so to W LL ""5
lumbormen. Perhnns v..i cIpiiIb. Thero u i.i "0ion up Hu, entire south ond of ti,
IllOro rnr.LM.Iil . .'. '"v ..... . ."." "" "' """ '" county. AnoMinr fH... ....... ...
uia i
Cliiruiieli II ii-...
-.. uiivis. !
"! "
KZ- '!S"y-' '
iV0- '-
i. ...
""i ills . ,, '
A. It. Tlivlm. I... . 'l,
It. K l)Hvlo, lnlor'"
0, W. Cox, lal,0P
W. A. Koiior, labor" ""8
W. A. Kollor, labor 4
O. O. Wuldvogu,, laL-
.1. A. Kollor, Inhor '1
Joo Miller, labor
(I'M), mollis, luhnr
J. II. Ilownrd, labor ' "
Wnlior l.Mrrler, lnbor""
W. T. Allon, lnhnr "
J. il. IloHkliiH, labor '
v. . luj, inuor ti
C. H. Cox, labor . " "
A. II. Taylor, inboV "
A. .1. Counts, foreman'"'
Kivil Lockwood, labor "
A. K McNItt. innll.i "
Ooo. W. Moore, )r Co V.
Oeo. H. Wilson, .mm.,: '''
Hniidon Hdwo Co., m,
li'rol Lockwood, lnlJOr '
W. V. FiuiHt, labor . '
It. Luko, labor ... '
J. II. (lould, labor . ""
W. JI. Smith, labor ,', "
V. V.ollt, labor
I!. M. Kay, t'lirpoiitor'."
Rnil Dlst. X. m
W. T. Nonl, powder rk
John Wngnor, HludKo drill
(Hon Wngnor, labor .. .'
Clicr.tor Livnglols, labor
Ellon Grnham, labor ,,,'J
MiiiiuH uriiiu, laiior ,,,
(Hon (Irant, labor ...'.'
.loiin Nonl, labor ...
John (Irant, labor
HIIIn Oindiiiiid i,r v0.'
Claim of W. , Want) ford
or illuming books, conllmH
of J. A. Sulllvnn, for J!J
nHHisung- w. H. Wnnn,
olnlni of Alma Jncknon f or r
for Btcnog. work for Hi
continued; clnlm of Katie y
for cnrlug for depenJfnt tW
for ?70.00, continued, tin
Clin. Sliupnrd for 1 cow i
road oporntlon In It. d. Km
?50.00 continued; claim 1
iiiiiiiu iur f.uu.uu torioufl
nt rook criiBher, contlnori,
of Mra. A. N. Could, lor
for copying govt, field Mttl
tinned: clnlm of II. L. Hoci
MO.. 15 for hospital fees ul
tcilul for Mr. ltiindc, coitliM
Stnto of Orogon, CountrolC
I, Kobt. II. Wntson, Comtjj
of Coos County, Slato ol I
ox-ofllelo Clork of tho CooitiB
of eiiIiI county nnd state, i
of tho records, nchlvei i:lj
of Hnlil cniintv. ln hcrlr A
that tho foregoing Is i In!
correct fllntoiiiont of the v
of IjIIIh, nllowcil, continued i
allowed on tho various faiiiii
county, as audited by Ui I
Court for said county audi
tho rogulnr January, lill
thereof, ns tho samo appear kl
lilbltu of claims ot general uijj
fiinilH and County Jourmldj
Court now In my office m
Wltncsfl my Iinnd nnd 1
County Court affixed tbli Hi
of Jnnuary, l6l5.
Couid P
gins worked and prayed and fought I T s believed by chomlsts thnt tho
for living soul. tons f UowB,mperB which nro bo-
nnT , " ""0t" tmi i0 cro I ,nB flle(I awu- Public records,
nouiing for human recognition of his niu treasured and Important
work, except as It might brine him papers and document win i,n n.i..
moro means to carry that work along. troyed In the course of time. Tho " . " V '
Jet recognition camo to him In , J l'Por and Ink are not of tho stuff to ? 'il0 "tlro ;
later years of his work, and ho w'.iirvlvo the elements ns ha v., i , , 5 ' '. 'rm M'
oraoine. ns an accredited missionary , iwrohmont. and records of tlu, nn.!0Z ,,?" T"1 ,0 W"K"0r 1"1"
to tho lumbormen. iri,n... .....' ti.... ... . ... . . Ol0n ll 'ho ontlro sonM. n..,i .. .,.
vat is lin VIII ---..., aituiuiMlL hit fir itt I.. I "ii vhu iii iiiii
ro recognition win bo his now tho though,. WIUl a our 10UU ,a',L m, " T frm Myrt, ,,0"
'tr 8h '- tho way of , science, our conveniences anif IITT f U, Co",iml
W. And yet, It seems certain ' . o are l danger of losl L , nt ' Th'L "". mo,',"l. I
timt notbi,, u..,f.. .,::::"" v,",,u ..;:: ..".". v ." ,","KU,
KlUS ,or' m", .."?". rranK,"- " .. 'T ,.,,,"P W,"" "'0,1 of I
bored by 1,1. f, r'"- """"r tnouiaiul yoarH nKo achlovecl
not onlv w i C" B8 ono wh0 V1 tH 0fl80 u ,10t as
Su who m . I'0? 'tha 8k' ,,,,0, 1 1""1 UP,,eflr m ,h0 8,irf Or!
rPon.ll ' ""J '' mana. 0IU, ' lW,s. h,ru aro poMlbllltta before
rcspo Mlbllltl- that ent with that Wch the nnclon. Knew no, of
' Vl,h 01ir vas democracy of oducn-
liVIJIH' mav nii..v . ,...: ", "" luern ror tho
' '..i.o n iiutv TO '"iiuiai,
'i hi: ktati:.
losing;3 Tho next maiuroT:
oil Id bo
fl. ... !k ir.i .
;zr:rr;i':r: ajsa- ;jwah.shfiei .n
Be Sure Vmi Rf Tf.7c
Old Reliable Couch Medicine
cow. iluujredr oflni tilo . h.V'1 of a::
'Vi'M)WL'an.jil ... .:.-." "." von.
..a. i - uku. i.u iiiiMan tttm
Signs Of The Times
, When taiabuw l,s ,,,,, ,w
AM"m tlie gonenil ,,, is , .;.
A'i'l .votwlion nil sl.nii... ....... .. :'
''""" '" imiior liiucs, i
And when t!,0 b,,st infonned
T?rc(liet boom limes.
"Why ask for more?
Vliy wait longer?
"' ' uroiiiiso or appreciation for 7nJmw;x. vumpoui
boiler SiTnt Conn,, atoSZ? w "" W"S ' J
of tl,u Hxolia,,,., vJ. " .. ma." .0,,U,r tte. hn8 "'own. Men ,, wo. C-uulno. lstTho namo o7.Un f,!1
h-n accentln, . "" ,. " " , !" ?f . '? .' "" " likely ,0 Xm 8nd-Tho JSloV
arcoiuiiiK ,,,.,,.,. 11-':.:.":r..,,,V"u wro "K0y bo,
nmoB ,h nmiU 0( h ; ;,;""; '""" "".mu " tbln8. that havo
l'e. "that every lid biuli . f0r0, T,10y w I'owom tho
imblle service to ho ,ryrr:?lt8hIIU',-V inUm"' "' l" '
of tho advantages , ha r ' w,'lch rk. the work of
through being a citizen "Vh ' " T"! '" "" Car '" "v"'K
idea In min.i i i ,......" "I0t nal remains of tho nasi.
cept tho honor conforrod.'. " "" 8C0,"', " Ml. the better
SL .
mIh. t-IM I
low package. You
cannot get n sub
stllutotodofoiyoa what Fox.K?'a
vumi-uvxD Will do
TW. I. tho sort of sentiment that j d us y c Z Tl .No1 '"r
ery American citizen ought to havo which w L ,? "",,,,,,!0 of 8",rlt
id cherub ns to his roln.ln,. , "l!.....h U.kcol, nllv " the world n
ato and ,. u,tudo toward imb c ' nreiant i. . . I,0r h,V,l,M
-"vice. Amor,cans at UK Tl .. "l '" 8"' to
' croup, bronch,a, andlagZiteJ
. thwat and lung troubfc P$h,.sh!l
'.'" ,,U" I0 ' l'n8 Of tho hlL-lmr h...
"ot Iii a stage
monumonts ns i
:.,'.'"uvuu,"'l'ol'r.e,niai1y.,,n,,. n .' ""w '"uo'o cost of
l flaf.
K-f'l ''own; lho ym f: ' t wit" "-tall
iuUU-. mnZT: r thi"k 1"t -
If Peclally Uu.luo.s men. ha , "hta S ' S5.T ",0""'0' - tho
If nud pursued n,u ,. "'""' ,1,l,B nt '' such ,.
build !
Hoi'Ki, iiirsov
O. A, Hanson. i.-.. ..i.......
opsn under new manaCo,.,n,
Mr half, of tho ev..; tiaV' . :,:r-1 ,Umn,, ,lb nd sacrifice. , " IZT V '" U . cooking
Ainorlean iovornmoni ....,,.:". ' lu" corus old they can b ,,", ,".'. "" "" stile. iioard .
mo aftJ. eager and intelligent studr .Z IJ. 60 ,Qr . 315 South
Reynolds Develop
178 Ceubal Ave.
ment Go.
W "wvuu at., .Marshfiold.
- , -S tTT ." " " ' ' - Wrmf-TMTtM.,