JLi...i"-s i- .riwSss.. '- 't-M--'"- 16, 19 15-EVENING EDITION. .J till I III m'.ii 'I 1 ' il 1 -- Tlllc 'I M ! I I ,mo ptv -" .. i- w Allor At feM0HMi Ni:V WOMAN'S WISH. mvrnini'TinNS concerning I loclal hrPnP- intended for publication In tft society a.. ment of The Tim, must be sub mitted to the editor sot later than o'clock p. trt : each mk. (ExcapUoiis -will be allowed only " e events tewred later than toe time mefilww'QJ FERSONAL notice, of TlMtora in the city, or I " "rr. Who vlrft in other class .toother with wMoea cf o.l . are cladtv receKrd in me w' - Lnit.. Telephone 131. N nublkBed and secretaries are kindly rneteS to furnish Mme. -1.4. Uh F N -"" ;;;Ti o w .. d. .. refreshments were rved b tm ho-tet.. The members prcnl . Ut, Krltberger. Mr. K S. !. Mr. Fanny Hr. Mr. 1). C. McCarty. Mrs. b. 0. F K. Allen. Mr. J. T. 1W1 and Mrs A. D. Wolwtt. The S for the afternoon were Mr?. Geo. nindlnpor. Mrs. J. H. Jn and lrr. Matt Smith. ,' COOS HAY WOMUX'S CUM "The Coos By Women's Club will meet nt Tuesday at 2 p. m . nt th library. Mrs. u. a. '" "" IBBiaMHSPIlQffiv9uA phn a 'creator of ;o,. MK Cora. Mabel and Al- reul . paper tm "Ibsen" and Mj P VUilon and Ml Klsie Larson, M. A. Pweetman ft relo of one Mb' ftrunc ... loo Matlileon values. u.ii.tn it Ptcr- r il lvs. Take this lew of It a wao aaa jnwrs. a. . -..-. - - - I want to live so that my soul . .... .t. iitiiitmnni nni tialrnl And find cmblaioned on the scroll-, gha or wn d)pMte Its truth ?-nd mn. OUwr Larson, Aadreu amw "Sho has not played a super's rolc."jtew jBflBitely more vnlwiWe to the son. John Klwr. Peter Omll. """ worW is th cbatter of w tan erson. reier iou-. - i ' . . . . i.-j .-j ur iiui Mrs. K. Refsland. II tb MMKS loir eicr niwc "i w-, iu .-.. -" M. K. TfcMMIW. I I have no fear of Death's decay. And yet I wish him on his way; Until I've had a woman's say I want to live! 'tloiM tfcer delivered. It is of tlwt fMdmnUI order of thlnps. 1 4 1 wKbt whk ettlth-atkm. even civl-, llMtioa. coold not po on lm tlrod of pots nnd jians and dust! I'm tired of "Can't" and "Don't," and j "Must!" j I'm Urcd of hfurtnoho and sonl-ruit! I f I pnnt to live! I The D. M. C. Club was vory pleas- rabamson MKlfT l'HIDAV. The North Bend M. E. Lndlcs' Aid Society liela a work ineotlnR at the rhurch parlors Tiiursuny nuui""- a n-i,n,n n.mnnt worn Mrs. Henry Ho- The Norwegian mtheran Young, eck. Mrs. Wm. Neilson, Mrs. C. W. Pnle- Socletr will be entertained ulrd. Mrs. E. n. Curtis. Mrs. I. A. II. M. C. CM11. t !t the cbanei nest Fridy evening by , Stevens. Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. A. 0. I Miss Jennie Jobnwn and Anton Ab- Ranb nnd Rev. A. S. Iilsey nnd wlfo. New York Times. ' fln.ir m,terulned Wednesday after-. I noon at the bowe of Mrs. Walter I ' K TUB February Woman's Home ! BeDd- n" , f ItOYAIi AUCTION. l'HKSHYTHHIAN IjAIHIW. I -l The North nend Presbyterian I.n- rv i 1 1 fj ri'iiiiini i .--- . . .v I mmnnnlon Ida M. Tarboll. prob- election of offleers reraitec in .Mrs. Thc , Auctoa nr,dR0 club nt I .,.,. ,l. t... i. ... ,mn innr-.Ira AeUioI being cnosen presiaeni, nfBPfln.i Wednesday after- ,..,., m- nnnrnl aatlit In America, writes nn Interest- Mrs. H. G. Kent retarj ' m m. noon by Mfg j T HnrriBan at her H Tho nwt rcB,llnr meol,nR I Ing nrticlo entitled "The Talkative ;- "-- '""':', ;-" home In West Marshflold. Re resn- w hQ Jnmmry ,S whc ft 80clnl; Woman" In which she explains why ' " ' ... ' . I ments were served, Mrs. n. k. liooiu wl b(J iel(, nt tho cslntrcli. Those women chatter nnd what their chat- ntxWCr0 ' J" T ,"'! awlrtlnR tho ho.tew. The afternoon Jovng Mr8. IIazcr'8 hospitality ter I. worth. One of her principal llZ'r t. L Xrt was won by M"' Arthur Mc , M Goa D. Mam,Ig0( Mw. A. points Is that women are naturally . ;- """ '",;,, Bnd Mr. .Koown. Tho next meeting win oo nosC( Mra c A 8mtlli Mr8 H c, talkntlvo becauso they spend so muca tlmo with llttlo children, teaching tho youngsters tho language. This .point Miss Tnrbcll explains as fol lows: "If it wcro not for tho chattering of women, the dhlld would nevor learn totaiK. Tho annual business mooting ot the ,"' "'""" '-"" o. ... ... CIAJH TO Mi:HT. I "Thero U no one. nrobablv. that:"'. T. u. was noici at tnc iinpusi "-' - "-- , . 4 will deny that tho first words a child church and was follow! Inter by t"'' substitute players for ciuu mom- Tho North cn(1 Mothers' nnd ufc ...... ' liAM ntiA Warn tinnlilA in fltlAnil . . . . . . . i a . -.. ...- iK.it-iiM- ( csihia ntifi miiftir nnii intflr iiv ro , "iu iusv MkivKUf UllUUi))iB iu ijiihik ai v uiuru lUIIUlUUUO ( rv -." -- -.--- - - - vucu.t Hoolllne ns a sneclal guestne,a n W0K ,rom,nt!" "' Dlcrs, Mrs. J. Monde, Mrs. It. C. ' 0 1 li will h at io 1 W,th M"' A T' "0,nC8- tThfM!I Pr8" Ilolmot. Mrs. Robert McCnnn, Mrs. V. Vl?,T!?J: v lil t this week were Mrs. A. I, House-, Mrg p & 8hIm Mra, ' ' worth' M"- A- T Halnos- M' fc- ,w. Dnvcn port .Mrs . M. Mllhollnnd, straw. Mrs. D. Y. Stafford. Mrs. Malr . . .... ... Ia t. i MivirriNO. 1 . . . - . .. - .. nnu .Mrs. uox. i;anu, .irs. uiiu auudiiui, ., it. i ,, 4 Rooth nnd Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, with of sounds that they mean no more , iresnments, Airs. Ktiwara uoian ana to him thnn sounds do to n iwrrot. Miss Carrie Ross serving. Tho olec Whon ho begins to imltnto there is, Hon resulted in tho choice of the ntwayg, or should be, a woman boslde following: .lilni, -repeating, smiling, encouraging , I'rosldent Miss Bos Flanagan, him. Tho piny goes on, month In Vice-President Harold Dnrgjjlt and month out. With Inflnlto !- Secretary Mrs. Edwin Dolnn. tlenco sho chatters to him until con-i Troasuror Miss Carrlo Ross. aclousness is nrouscd. Then rapidly ' Thoso prosont woro Mr. nnd Mrs XOUWIXHAN LAIHHS. Tenchors' Club will meet nt tho Cen- I tral school next Tuesday nt 3 o'clock ! Tho following program will bo given: I Song Miss Rnab's room. Primary -l Tho Norwoglnn Luthornn Ladles' Aid Society hold tholr monthly meet ing nt the cbapol parlors Thursdny, 1 Grade. Instrumental solo Milton Jackson. Pnnnr '"Ilrnnil MnVlnir " Mra Mrs. W. Nelson being hostess. Tho1,, . annual election of officers was ono ... qInAnn T1MB .... . ..... , , , . -- .i..l 11 . ...I . ".w .......t ....... U... his education goes on. Words nro - Edwards. Harold Dargolt and wife, Ul ,,,u i"imi ".auurs 10 como up t.M..l n l.l..i.. I !... l- Mm. H,!wln nnlnn. Ml ltnrrln Tlni. "" resUIUHl RS lOIIOWSI ........ .W U.J1V.., ...... UU..k uw 1 - - , - ......v. ..-.. A.! Jocts nro perceived; tholr form, tholr fold, Miss Thora Lund, Miss Hess color, their odor, their relations to Flanagan, Miss Carrlo Ross, Oliver I'rosldent Mrs. C. G. Magnus. VIco President Mrs. II. Mnthlson. tho llttlo learner. Tho words for nil Splros, Clins. Grnnby, Kqlth Wilde, ; Soc, M" R a Thorpe. theso perceptions nro slowly gathered , Mr. Whltly, Dick Hard and Leo Ily In. Then tho child lenms to com- crly. paro, to distinguish values, to ro- member not morely tho sounds hc learns, but tho meanings of those 1 YOl'NtS LADIIW sounas. Jlls mind Is opened to tho ) worljl, and through a woman's chat-' T,0 Norwoglnn Luthornn Young tcr'nBl lUdlos wero delightfully ontertulned "'When ho leaves hor hands nt .by Miss Sonnlo Rofsland at tho homo six or soven,' says M. do (lourmonl, 'of her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rofs 'ho isn man, that Is, ho talks, which: land, in Hunkor Hill Thursdny ove In what makes n man.' 'Tho groat nlng. At tho annual election, tho intollcctual work of woiuon,' ho goes ' following officers wero choson for on, 'Is tench lug language. Tho' tho onsulng yonr: grammarians claim that they do It, President Miss Sonnlo Rofsland. which Is absurd. Children know how Vluo Proildont Miss Mabel Mathi to talk beforo they go to school. Thoy , son. nlrcady imo nil tho forms of tho vorb; Secretary Miss Jonnlo Johnson, nil tho Bbadcs of syntax, easily nnd , Troasuror Miss Com Mnthlson. orrectlr. This power of language 1 Tho next mooting will bo hold In tho child gets from tho woman. It two weoks with Mrs. It. O. Thorpe, la to hor honor that later ho Mil Tho present this wook woro Roy. uso it ns n poet, novelist, phlloso-j and Mrs It O. Thorpe, Mrs. II. Moth- Trcas. Mrs. G. Steon. The noxt rogulnr meeting will bo hold nt tho chapel parlors tho second Thursdny in February, when Mrs. A. , H. Snow will bo hostess. Tho Indies Later n short business meeting will bo hold. PLAN SOCIAL. Tho Wesleynn Girls of North Rend nro Issuing Invltntlons for n social to ho given In tholr hall Friday, Jnn- uary prosc-nt this week wcro Mrs. Mooro'Z' "r ,,,",, ", V, ", '" and Mrs. Pou.son of Coqulile, Mrs. C. 3 ' f '" "S"! n"Be' M,8a Alu' G. Magnus, Mrs. A. Krlxccn, Mrs. Os- ,8aa" n"d M"' K;J' Arm"' enr Erlckson, Miss Nowmnn, Mra. - Grnndoll, Mrs. Tompol, Mrs. II. Math- , KUHI'IIISI' 1'MtTV ison, Mrs. K. Erlckson. Mrs. A. R.,j IA,,n - sTon'Mr? T. 'TIT' S" 0' ". '."-. Of NortiTJid! Steon. Mrs. T. E. Erlckson, Mrs. Ed-, waa hostess at a oprprlio party ward irlckson, Mrs. W. Nelson, Mrs. Thurlay evening for hor husband Chris Leo, Roy. nnd Mrs. R. 0. wUo ctlebratod his birthday Tho Thorpe, Mlssos Hannah Sunno, Allco trprio was comploto nnd n do Mnthlson, Stella Mngnus, -Dorothy Ughtful evening at music nnd enrds Johnson and Mnrlo Sundcen. wan fdllowed by rofroshmonts. At brldne. Dr. Mott nnd Mrs. Rtirtlo - lwon tho jirlzos. Tho guosta Includ- M. 1:. imOTIIERIIOOl) l Dr. and Mrs. Rurmostor, Mr. nnd ' " Mrs. M. 0. Colomnn Mr m,i tra Tho M. K. Rrothorliood onjoye.1 lfery O'.Mara, Mr. mih! Mrs. Fred phor or momllst, or, to uso Nloti- 1mm. Mrs II Snow Miss Jennie L 1 , ." r'106,lny 0Ve,"BS at KrU- ,Mr- n,", Mr J- " oi, ' ,UW Je""'e th0 d'urch hull. There was m..! Mr. sn.l Mrs. t n wh ,.. "ii Impromptu dobate and garal an-l Vr. ira jurtlo, Mlw Laura discussion followod by rofreshmnU. UMor and Dr. L. H. Mott. Thoso in altoudnnee were Ur J E. Knotts, Uoo. N. Dolt. Fred Weav t or Kraak Howe, Ira How., 0. A. ! SWHIHSH LADIHS. Williamson, F. L. Suiwiw, M. D - Sumner, I. s. KanfmB w ' ti.u b..ii..i. , ..., . inn 11. ..1 1 v 1 . ' ''" mvmiii j.iujiumii ;.(nt8 ri S..S Mr0'. J" ""' J,r' Vr,h " he,a th9,f n,,tt, b'"'- 2' hM" aml Mr- "8M m9,,nK ' 8W,l tho home MouKhinor. of Mrs. A. Tyberi Wednesday. Plan W8ru mane for h sale to be held tin I Cliutcii son i -!lt Saturday lt January t ti.c- I. church hall. The imt meeting ' t "" "'wmg tite youae nanni " " ' rc"r AHuerson tnp ,or tho MaraWWd M. K. Church on-',et'0na st,,1 Februars. Tnc Joyed n pleaMnt wl at the eU following of tiers wr chosen for 1 hall. .Mue 84, MWW( Kw foow , the coining year: ', popco,,, ,, CRnUj. Amon(? PresldtMrs. r. wittKk. hihtL t".J!UUn,J,e wore Mr.' V,te PrwWom Sne Andtrbon , mwe. Mr- Von Shlpmnn, Mr.1 Treasurer Ellen Krune 111I ul' 1rS"k ,low' M8S co' f-JlN. Carlson. ,::. ...n "town. Miss Jewle inr JreeBt this wk wre Mrs- MM !.... I. . ' iiauu I'rmiKs Uu i inriaon Tr i..i.i. .. ., ..urnwm mum, 3f AFTER you .RIDE THE GOAT l ' S data iVk A?'. BU . 'JM WT . - ft . V' ftp -i- - x-XtX. v J x& 39 iff t. c Lcv 2l " . I Trasl-. wess:j;: COME TO US FOR "-& VOUR EMBLEM WX'VEGQT THEM QlAUTV SUPF,RU i'RtCBS RIGHT H. the rER 1111' man. Mto Selma KJelwan. jn,, Mandtt AadNM. Miss Ann, Dlk. Mrs. &n. Anderson. Mr. Elln v,. ,. -r-'l"M Mauoa. Mra. Muscat. ' n. . In ft Sumll"lfi. Mrs-'ck, Mra. Wm. Straag. Mrs. J. ' fa aud Frank Unwo. Rev. and Mrs. A. StrBT . . rL;T' Sr-'IS!: . I V ! I A. X. W. fi.i'ii .. a. w. cub win i.A ,. i tallied net ThUMj.... .... ,.- .... "n8tao. MI0U ut her lioma an R.k ii. .. I streot. her home on South MUvoatk - I 'AST MATltO.NS DANCING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ho: llstir Of North n.n.i . . t " wu vultfrtMlflOil " ' M . .. .. -e fnrm.l .. . " " i. u WDi.'i.tt ... u. ,""i uancins nariv t..0j. - - " HWIHW . l -.rf lUCKlflV eve- jo tke Pa.t Matroos o Friday af- lB C0BP"wntary to their KW8t I Ducewber the ohrtoUM 7Z f,uwt Mr. and Mrs. 1 ,J , .T ' "" ,rujui8 taature ,,..7i 7 u ws- Ira Ii Su-i' afUmMn' AfUr a hort' J1""10' Mr Kw. Ml, ura Lav business session the club aJJoUrned !!ilL Mott 1 business session the club a to meet the third FriJa UUIiig l tt MggBanaggaaM-iliil,talB arvey Co, WUiMiSsH MRU H I 1 "4 s $21 .00 $32.50 $35.00 $38.00 $40.00 $45.00 And up to $85.00 rM UTM&Z Vhy not have 1 a GOOD range . 1 rMf IWWmk T-isssLyyjr!' Yes, wc carry all kinds and grades of STEEL RANGES, price from $21.00 to $85.00. But wc want to call your particular attention to our popular priced line. THE FAMOUS STERGER & KERR LIME OF OCCIDENTAL AND TOLEDO STEEL RANGES They sell from $35.00 to $45.00 and they are guaranteed to the limit by the STERGER & KERR STOVE AND RANGE FOUNDRY, of San Francisco, California. One of the oldest and most reliable firms on the Coast. Also, you have our guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. Each section of the United States has its different requirements of the proper construction of a STEEL RANGE. STERGER & KERR know what this section requires, and so do we. Before buying come in and let us go into detail about the man advantages our ranges possess and you will always be glad you In vestigated before buying. Going & Harvey Co. Iu Feb' (Continued on PagerhleT)" 'ISKSSmmmwmmmm UL jjmUSBBOJU. -w wa Jffipw.-a-. JU,AJIMi'