i;,isi.ttttw"w v4V " - if r 10 HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION In the House of Many Flowers 1 X TUB MIDST of lb? dirt, the f"y$& VrreeS.,SSu.rm N" -ndcr UlUo MlsHBlBl,e,l ns .ho " '. . ....... i....o our. mnt over 1'nnca 8 ui-nuiB. do. stretch the shacks of pov locKcn erty, crusted with grime d -- - -j", ,)t with foul odors; but the 't0 '""' J,prt as thw tuned to wave a good- hit reflects the ky In Ihonildrt of a sometnnc t icy uu.u muddy street. Some cnllll tno aei- imc u . .(,- riowiro. iiuic) in mv rooms, they meet togciuer, uu f, miwc-u ui" i- "j - , nil nnHnnniiiioq. liolil tocetlur by the Into the garden. Duslc had come, nnd common bonds, ignorance and pov- the tangled shrubbery was nil nqulver X u u n tlu, ,ght um.2C.. Kr()m without It' was a warm Saturday afternoon, camo the sound of calling, of busy and the Settlement was full of chll- wagons, of clanging bells, but wltliln drcn. Little Miss sighed as alio bent everything was quiet. Sutldenlj Lilt over Panca and adjusted tho tangled tlo Miss heard a step, nnd looking up with which she was striving io found mat sue was noi aioue. a uum -I-,-- J 1.1. .. flMK.Mmnl Tim efftMfl 1ntirt lint Tin tVIIQ linnHV "s&asS. Sit 'qh-rtm floss with wjilch nmtirnlriril n hit girl looked up with Menu PORTLANiv. ropuLAR mn Hill. !,..... " ' a i.ii- :." i,,"! i t... ' niout more. Now ti'i'W jinn.li i.uo n, Up inm, " moots nil trains Hosts wuu tiiiiii ouv u,o . wi iv...... ....... o......w -.wv... -- --- cmliroltlor a oil oi caruuuuru. i u biuou uuiuru hui . uu ii w . . a .... - . f..t M..lln .1 .I .. .... .t 1...1 1.. .ni ri, a gnuuiui oiiiiiv uruKsuu, uivii i"hb''i - o "' H IhIa ! iifirtr r. Hinn r9 , I. n Mrtl ttlil.nilinnil Iff. BS BIIO UII6 lier lieeuiu iuiu hci " iiiiiii ui mu uujuraiiiu. ... Little Miss turned away. Tho child loomed before her, large, shambling, who hnd clvon her that name had evidently 111 at case. Llttlo Miss was long SinCO ICll Hie Liruiu nuu " uu. uiKiuuiiuu. oiiit mitt uei-u i .lnn,l nr rnu nn nnu knniv whore, rnlla nf linln nl nnv hour nf llin nlcht but the name sflll clung to her. She "Well," she said kindly, "Is thcro was a slight llttlo woman of perhaps anything I can do to help jou?" fifty oars. Her hair was gray and The mnn (00 Bton forward out waved nbout a face n little worn, a or (10 shadowu. "Llttlo Miss," he llttlo lined with care, but full of a saj( , pnt8y pnt8y o'llarren." sweetness that mirrored tho boiiI Ti. ..,,,,, i,nPt ,. inn within. Tho twenty years that Llttlo nm " wns C)no of ho? bovs Miss had spent In the Settlement had , j ,0 'had conio bark! u ino? k given her more things than her name, g ,oward h?m nnd hold mil ho? There had been joys that almost V0?.?. h,JS t"nd''yS, Patav " erased tho thought of tho tragedies ".""". ,. '..'"Q.1 BC0 ou' IatB' sho had witnessed: but today Bomo- Tho mnn innkn i n i.nr f...n..u. how, today seemed different. After Yo ?vn nrn ii.n l?,Lu9 ,furlU'cl twenty years Llttlo Miss hnd paused H, 8"" l 'n,fnn"r87 ho n8k,etl; to think, and today sho was passing ' "J ? " '"n ' 0,.n . . but Judgment on her work. motioning him to follow, ontercd the jHugiiicni. on ucr worK. house, whero sho drew the curtain It had begun that morning when nnd uUlod tno i eht Theii hi mint-n Llttlo Miss, at her solitary breakfast "y" ,UZ J B, ; JJl? .? p?hcV had picked up tho paper and on tho nulctly "Hi mnl vnn on ,S'S front page had found tho story of n g , fu'rrlod nbon f 1,r IS . , convict's escape. Llttlo Miss rnroly T 'S "V0 'l ,cr prtlclp"ra,r,0,V8, read tho more sensational parts of ,ZTnJSV iier(' ,hC tho paper, avoiding them with tho 0 " " I?", w ',b ' 'i n tts Ui?"Kh nlco distinction of ong practice, but mollis I, nwinin H1r lnd,nB today tho picture of tho convict hnd u o ! tho h u 5 Lu S,1 l"(fil!; l"! boon published, and Llttlo Miss Sund tho wnl? Umt 8ld caught and held by tho oyes. Tho "..'"," V'" "".. .. . young face reminded her of some- Mf v, . J ' ,T ,0..8D ot thing, eomeone-sho scarcely know K .lSn Biif ? ".,0t1V,no what, nnd sho paused to rend tho col- li-n't n lTid i h.,!BV ! b!,' THoy umn beside It. "Patrick O'llarren" km" Ifo iM,n?i ttm jrfci,ho dn" -tho nnmo was familiar. Hor mind fho'-hnV. nf i LU '. l8S W worked back along tho years, nnd y0?,ES"tnr Bn ", on tfnE;. P suddenly sho remembered. So ho TS111M,1I11',I,I'. "? was a convict now, tho llttlo Patsy w oii.r n J".1""1 dIlfrcmcmoercd O'Harrou who had worked and played M PuKL. , , ., In this vnrv Imn.n Ion vnnr- l.f, IiltUo MISH, looking back t irOllcll Sho romembered with a pang that ho ? Jii1 n, mdr0?.v nd. T?nls re had commute souio small offense nnd l$,"g "? " Io- "Vea." sho said, had left hor for tho reform school, a .. ?. v tI,om' nnd J romombcr lad of ten or twelve 8ho had lost fi"n ,0"' lo,u wcre 8"cl1 a o t track of him, and now now ho was ".,re,Icm' nn(I yu enjoyed tho work an outlaw, being hunted like nn nnl- Ti,n mn , mnl. Sho searched tho column for , J, ! ""L m?,?v t"rMctl ...n 'or nlmost his crime. Somo Jowolry, a mntter of ""'f' P " know." he said, "'twas a year. Ho was an "old offendor," It ?,? thllV; l bud ",nt wn"t bad. seemed an old offender at twenty- . . .' lho ,on,' tlnt5." It ull twol it was on his way to prison m"' , u '? n torrent, n stream of that ho had made his escape, and now "I"108.1 .V10?. I,crc"t "' "My moth It was reported that ho was In tho i.nr,6"'..!11 ot say anything ngln South. Llttlo Miss had thrown nsldo f ,,r' for tW08 not "r fault, but tho tho paper nnd risen rrom tho tnble. "Vf 'Vn?, . h,.81 f'al clenched. Sho felt tired and very, very dlscour- ,.. ,y .U, t,lno ' ve comc hero with agod. Sho tolled with thorn, taught !" bJc fnw from boatln'. They thorn, loved them, and they ended In ,"? al,' I'nd' ro!ten "ad, but this wuz pilson, or worse. Sho hnd worked l ,8;T .,eavon. Somo "light have for twonty years and failed, and joi J'"01 J"0 otlier without goln' down. Bho wondered wherein tho fault lay V. i l,1z rotten, too, I guess. Tli' what sho could Imvo dono to mako ." .B0 8a,d h0- '"" rate, nn' I got her Influence moro lasting. fnl "',,,f.(p thlovln' an' gonornl dov- Somowhero within, tho clock uJJL ,)m cn l cnm. 0,lt' tll0y U chimed tho hour, nnd Llttlo Mlw bur- i, i nl ie Weren ' nolh1"' to do. rled nbout her accustomed tasks. Hor ?, J... ,, nC(1 S0In.c 8tu" nn got sent assistants Joined, nnd soon after enmo i1'', r lwClmllH' '"' then I didn't , tho children. At their ndvont the i....0.' . "on they caught mo thin rooms seemed to blossom Into llfo. " " ,y clia'!ct "" ' t, an' There was llttlo time for thinking R11fSnciow.' l JUBt come here" now, nnd yet the smiles on tho fncos noM0dod simply, of tho children brought n Hort of Inil'f0n0,r. ' ' Bald llttlo MM, "yon pain to Little Miss, nnd as sho bout mu5Mt' , . over thorn, directing their awkward wnrinVin1!l dou,,od ' length nwk f ngers, putting n stitch hero, n m, Vyi nto n.'0 clinlr sho drew up o atlteh there, tho same question rS ou.Ivf HaM.1.fo" .,0 f rnvcE again and again In her mind. How Snitf ?f iho thlBK8 ll cntalned. Slid long would they rememberT n, .l rc was c'n8lnK from wl h. Llttlo Gulseppo with the soulful c n' irnnPra,nB from n' chair. A oyos and tho grimy fingers, would he crailAW n0m h'8 ,,and and K,out of her life forever and loavo rTh Vh? n?or wnheeded. n'l w wl?.1."," l bru8h wlUl ro,an'c hubbub m C."'n'ied pa8t and the .k.U-,ou,d they, too, paM on nnd -U subshled Braa. wiSf.-Js Wi'ff pSsra SrW." 8P0keD-b!? muro. Kanakltebl r,lv l h"r oni le t K!" Ho no longer n of admonishment with an Inscrutable Tx ',' he was a child, a fr sbteaoS express on In his shtt eyw. Usual? Ani'1' C0,mJns ,0 ''er tor help I mi?, the lnc dent wouhi ..-- i.... .""".". Miss put hor !.nn,i n u. 1 . J 1-IUI &?hf'w?'''ntdw. "WW' . !$.,,! Buy it now Get what voin need in the Sni now, and help prosperity along, COUld 10 nnyilling Olll nn uarmum tuu- vlct .whllo If you go back" "do buck!" cried tho mnn "to that?" ,, "Listen, I'nlsy," alio plentloil. "Clo linrlr and tnko your puiilslimutit Hko n mau, go back, nnd then coino out nnd start afresh " "Start fresh I" cried the othor, U....I I.... In mi 1i.il. Il'ifilii "Wlwi'il give mo tho clmnrt nftor this?" it was n question Hint had puzzlod wiser theorists thnn Llttlo MIbs, nnd sho vvns Bllont for a liilnuto. Thoro woro BtcpB on tho walk, nnd somo ono rapped heavily on tho door. Lit tle MIbs went white. Suddenly sho turned to tho man. "Don't you bco," she crlod, "your chanco e hero, among your own pco- ils.9 fiimn linnl.' in inn tlllil T will yivi wui.li. u.tv.v V .', ...... f... give you work here in Tho House, of Many Flowers." Tho knocking was repented, nnd oho hurried down the hnll nnd un bolted tho door. On tho nlepa fli'i found n pollconiau of tho bent with Bcvornl others. "Pardon, Miss," snld the officer, scraping, "wo n.'iw a uum como lu hero awhile ngo. Is ho &tlll hero?" For tho frnctton of if second Llt tlo Miss nnuscd. uncertain of hor reply. Then n volco ro3o behind her. "I'm here," said Patrick O'llarren, hb ho stopped Into tho hnll. "And it you want to tnko mo, be quiet and don't alarm the lady." Tho man behind tho officer put Ills hand .to his hip, but hltt companion arrested 1Mb arm. "Ho'b Biirrenderod, you fool," ho said gruffl), nnd drew from his pocket a couple of metallic objects Hint gleamed In tho 'lamp light. Tho mnn winced ns the hand cuffs touched his wrists, hut sub mitted quietly. Tho detective beside him put his hand on his shoulder. "Better got a movo on," ho said curtly. Patrick ralsod his head nnd looked nbout him from tho chairs nnd low tables to tho flower pots nt tho win dow. Then ho turned to the woman who stood beside tho tnble staring at him, white nnd islcnt. "I'll como back, Llttlo Miss," ho said slowly, "I'll come back In n year." Tho woman started forwnrd, hor hnndK outstretched. "You wou't for get?" Bho pleaded. "Oh, you nro very, vory suro you won't forget?" Tho man turnod nnd looked down nt her, and IiIb oyos wore the eyes of tho llttlo Palsy of long ago. wo. Mitio Mtss," he said, "I'll not forget." Then ho passed Into the hall bo yond, the burly policeman nt his el bow. The trnllinllnir nlnn nnnii.l .Imvn tho hall, tho door slammed, the gnto clicked, and Llttlo MIbb was nloue lu The Hoiiso of Many Flowers. . The Mlhrr IJulnK. T hero In no cloud can hlu for lonj Tho beauty of tho breath of Minn-; In dnrlc nnd heavy fold, wc cry. They li.itiic above us In the ky, But wectnes through the llver ny Soon blown tho ilrcnrltut pal! away. ...n,d. u,wnr'' to 'ho huh wo shine Mid old rcvenllnus grown divine. All llfo the silver lining run llchlnil the shnilows uruy nnd lun. And thero nmld the heaviest Rlooui A sudden beauty burst. In bloom. Trnnmnutlim ull our grief nnd woo Into tho old, ntiKello kIow Of Joy nnd cheer and Ihliik- irraco Beneath the ulory of his fnce. m&W&F" Cash Register Bargatl rt.. -i ... -I.... . . ern. Uo imv hlchcut nrlce foriw JHtem. We do eioitt if stinrnntvo our work. Wit HILL MILTTAi AC'ADQ A Sleet Non-flcotnrlan Doiris Day tielinnl fnr tl,.. ..,.. clplliio; Hmnll ClftMcii JUaTJ Cnroful nupcrvlulon ttmui for cntnloBTue. nSI Alnrwhnll trr, r0 tsttni j'ailluUl SALES MANAGER WAS' a iiowiv orKnillxnl Portllnj Ct inurlditlnR nAniout urcn(Ji liouucliolil nrtlnln ami.i.V. ...p( nf n fnlffuiiiniihtf r .- 1B' f1 lory, isitiwa" iiannS"-?JH kooiI stnnillnir nnd aiillltr to tSd could fin thlH position VrltiMl tloulnm In flrit letter. vmSS t umimny, .ilorcnn llldg rtliij Ear-Rings and Hairi ror '.io wo will sotnl yomtci p,i.nivno ..I.-! '; i .mu-iunug, UIIO1C0 01 JflWI or n TANOO HAIR PLV. 1 rngo now. M. Jf. Greene C,tl j-ji, i.os AHgcics, e'al. SUDAN GRASS Ituprcttd. in I'liro. nffli! nllv fudun Ornsii. Heed In utamKun ""B. nrepnld. 6-pound pnekum v-iiuuiiu. ,i.uv. ianii io acCM order. U'rlln uv fnr nrif.. pounds or more. Our prlccurtr nn Tuit.vi:n rtiti: si:i:o I.uliliork, Trin. A d there the .tinny IiIIIn lift up ?iCilril'."9,kH..nn.d vty ,n,B cup To hold (lodV beauty, hrlm to brim, fihlnes with lho utmost s"eet of him. Brlnr'b-ci"11 l,l,In,,'lll "ornc irtlier. weather. f ,0(",n, Th silver llnliiK-lt U there, slid all our .orrow nnd our care. n, v ..". . V ur- " ""KM, mi pure ?hIVVi.h nU we. lmvo ,0 know "" to That they nro bent who best endure The crow of each day'n calviry. To t,er It with nu earnest will lho silver llnlnB gloweth still. Haltlmoro Sun. i ',!w 'rr""Hfonimtlon. In ndillllnn In It. n.n.i. ... . the troops the Great Eastern ItJlE way of England Is eonver S b ros" ournnt nnd kitchen cars t0 ambu lances. Tho Interior fittings nn re moved and tho In tho interior ar ranged with amhulnnco materials everything being done on ho most opproved principles. ,no3t hitnil tav ,..., --. intf nud k clmnccn to milt your requisite nuni n,H,i, n, nuo ;( arcDHI c, . 1'noiio .Main 1188. ELECTRIC LIGH1 Plant Complete $10 1'relKlit Allowed lu rorlUnJ or fcia Mrkrrnn-.'llarl',nrlaue Mirk.fi. Tiu'otna, Wakb. HOTEL EATO W. I'nrU nnd Mor. Sl., I'tttlut' rtntLm . ....... l....k lli L tun, fi ui! Willi Ulll". ' rial rntea by tho week. t.octdn "n ui ino cuy. AGENTS WANTED To Bell Hlrh.flrnrto Nurrr lot tor Tcrmi. OooU Men Make Ills KM DO AM) KUIUKUV 10, Donald. Orcaua. oriental prised anything, but tody Z&S TTTIMPORTAKT, tlunt 3ou mention this paper in nnsworing ndvortisements. tt IUk I 7bci?th4 rui I). Ilnllanl, Arcade BUS., 8ritUa ARTIFICIAL LIMBS J Guaranteed to fit and alve emfon"3 uer. OKi:nOK AUTItlUIAIi Ml'3 ti Watlilurtun ht.. i'uilUeJ. J