wmm- :iiillii&ii HOME AND FARM MAGAK1NK SECTION fitiOSKSBBLBaHlfcafeMw!":.- . u. - United States Department of Agriculture Special Pag( Bulletins and Special Articles Issued by the Government, of Interest to tho Northwest Suggestions Covering a Wide Range of Activities; Results of Federal Investigations, Lto. Authorities Brc Big Traffic CEDEItAL, state " " . . '. "Z . i m.i. n! Wil.- n w. . ""J akirnr Up Tests Made With Treated urnamcmai rmnw mii.b .. bureau lakciljn in Bad Eggs Nitrogenous irade wastes omppcu w.B.v.... ., ""' or t'ublic Ur ,.,i riiv nnilinrl- T1II3 fact that a number or mnnu- t7iiiiuiiia irum .-ihi ...w.u .uw mica of wort, i... .."... ...... 1 hi,.Mn nf fni.ininra nn. now iJ montnl nlnnts containing iroin v-f ucnorit of tlin mii,ii . .'u't talKoTt .lns rcitcd nitrogen ou.trn.lo two or three plnnta to 1000 plmita i In dally of tho fnrn.oM, accoiS.! traffic "la i rotten i cSw From evidence wastes such as hair, fur, garbage nnd each shipment, Iinvo been coming thd minimi report of Z 3 V already gathered, thoro seems to bo other animal and vegetable matter as lnta t10 united States nt tlio rnto of Iliircnu, woro Inaugurated iinli a deflnlto market in Chicago for "rots bases for fertilizers Has led tho llu- 50 ft ,,ny ncc0rdlits to tho Federal year. Others rocontly ' iZi"11 nnd spots" at $2.00 a caso of 30 doz- reau of Soils of tho United Stales Do- jjort,,,,,,, I)onrd, whllo Franco been oxtonded Into nortlnnJ ?n S en. In consequence, rota and spots partment of Agriculture to In ycstl- "j"c"n,,rBery ,ock (lurB n10 country whoro tho grow 2 A0' " mm nil ,- ii, i.Vrniiiiiiiin- mtifi. cato t ho effect of nrocess nE on tbeso senus more nurserj siocu mmnj, uiu .,",.'" brmvl8 Inti. In substances. year than all tho o her European - .. turn Pursuit, U try lmvo been coming Into Chicago i.nyu uuiuuurn. ! in tho past the delay necessary 10 contain n cerinin amouni 01 imrogra, nna 4ovcmnor moro onuinni secure authorization from Washing- but In a form which It Is difficult for innts havo como from lJclglum ton to make the seizures under tho tho bacteria of tho soil to break up , ,)lrt ,.(i.nra pn,i,innil. Federal food nnd drucs net has and mnko fully nvallablo for plant ' . .. i I.!., lien llnlf ntirl ellMt fltlltcf n npna nrn bstnuccs. Jear uinn an inu omu- uiuuiiuuh These substances In their raw stnto countries combined, during October ntnln a certain amount of nitrogen, nnd November moro ornamental . i.. .. ..... . i.i.i. ii i. jiffii.t r..M ... . ... . .. 1ms been r .1 r.T i. ' " P.1"' . Tho Uclglum Bhtpmenta como via warnings iBsucd in Sprlnc nlt a . I III11II 11,1 n.. A 11 " -U J1IL Itl I.I .. I A nnonlnl f;ln, .,ue y lata nnd raisers of tobacco r-rumm im' pcMiDi. ou; me nee- mem s laooraiory nnu xuo results 01 fcaerni Jiorucuiiurni uoarii naa "" " : -,,,, r t D "'"l8 0I ctj. wry tl toward criminal prose- these processes havo been recorded In cabled tho French government ro- i )"",." ,H ov?r .. Rlocl m eutlon ire alo facilitated. One of Department Dulletln No. 15S, "Tho gardlng tho inalntennnco of tho In- ?,"? 10na Unnlinmllo nnd ndjatui the i firms in Chicago handling these Nitrogen of Processed Fortlllzers., spoctlon servlco nnd has received Il.,10"8 nrS Hmc. ctinstltutcs an bad eggs has already ben tried by a This bulletin, which Is designed to through tho French Ambassador in- ,.1lir" or ""J "rcau'8 work. Tl!i state court and found guilty. Ship- be helpful to fertilizer chemists, gives formation that tho servlco la being ',""', ,I)0cn. immculnrly effectlvo au(. montB of bad eggs e also being re- in detail the various chemical maintained. Largo Importers of . . lV";0 ,, cnttlo Industry ol tha ported to the authorities In Chicago chanfios which tako placo In tho ma- French stock have slnco confirmed urc?1 o"ihweflt, having proved of by Icderal, state and city inspectors terials when treated by different pro- this advice. nunli nintcrlnl vnluo na to create u! ?nri 7 "f1 tu,e .eeg.8 .niay, be cwsos- Under tho existing European con- I',1""'1 ? ""J conllniianca throughojt traced to their ultimate destination. In general, tho conclusion Is that dltlona thero may naturally bo ox- o pnllro yenr, Instead of from Aprfl . I n,6," thcro l1 n cor,?ln demand treatment of nitrogenous trade wastes pected somo Irregularity In compll- t0 .Oclo.u'' ns nt present. . -.i10 CgP f?r t?ch"lcal nur transforms tho material Into a form nnco with our own regulatlona, and . Another oiiportunlty for service hu n?M?A.i nSitnnn,lnfJ?lhcr'Lm,?!t ?lore easll o"acod by tho bacteria certain leniency may occasionally bo '.ecu found In tho timbered roBlon cf ?n nr ri i1 T'8 ,hn1t,rcach chl: ln the soil nnd also renders certain necessary, especially where snfoty can V10 NcHt ,Iu,r,,nB, ,,or,,,,lB ' nnn3 then ?o?d tc ur?tT,liTn' su?s,?nccs " oro directly avail- bo fully Insured by adequate inspec- Ut' , T',U ' "eon taken " ;?i J?M,. bakers for use in cakes able for use by tho plant. tion on this side. . vnntngo of through tho Isstio of tcl run inrnnnniu nr ii.t .it ...I-.,, .i: nrn dlaRonilnntml illrnnii n a. ..? clnls of tho flro patrol of tho forejt nvi nm umi uuiur Himiiar oreanlu t oiib, placing tlioni on their guard it nnd other forma nf fnn.l in nn i.. btnnco, at least, a shipment of theso eggs was traced to a firm which ad mitted that they had no uso for them except In food. Ab a matter of fact, Tcdcral In spectora havo been able to sccuro amino ovincnco or tho uso of unfit Will Enforce Oregon's Seed Law f (ions, placing tlioni on tin,ir B,rii .. RLOINMNQ with the now year, tho purity nnd germination thereof: J ,nos of """stinl danger of flro Inces. Oregon a nuro need lnw la tn im nn,i trn,r ,. ., -.,... ii.... .... tion. r jm .. " . -. , x m v Biatai,i. iij mi ii i.iiiii iiiiiiiii: i-iti lion nr tin ri m .. .... - .. - ----.. -..........., v. . m . eccR for i .;; i,," u.''' 2""V'?. n"-ceu. wncn tno tnin noxious wood Heeds. hucIi na dod- . . A m "i conaidornblo momtit had tho nctlvo co-onornt nn nr Vhn. r cV i , mo "O"111111")' effectlvo der. Canada thlHtln and tho like, can ".' """''" JH students of meteor, itato author ios IS , , ? r''c ,"d de,a cf,s ?f tho s,nt0 Iind n'" o sold nt all In Oregon. ology was ho .dnlly Jhsiio of a weatte lie it'l? S 'S?lSrytn,rl I Toff SR SaffeltbySPu Application W.d,. JBorJ'Ull'n So ISS5S7 I'l C. ?i ''tn,n wtWactory results. Seed Hoard that it wa, only fair to "U ,s tl,l,s Bc0 tlinl t,lu np- HarJ U for unnteM Sir AflthwJ Jktaf'to X'VE ?!! f"Jv; V'0'" n,n orirtMlSTo Sam P" to every dealer In tho stato ox- niaj'wnS noccSrl lyp , "rVi'S loved the Ttfaf c can I u lirokon nn nni n? r 8l0CMt " of all that did ccpt those who sell In smnll packets outbreak of tho present EurSci! very reidMy In this connSon It Is set hv C? 0.a,tond,l.r.d .r,purIty f I,S8 t,mn a ,,ou,ld woK1,t' A Ilst Wn . ., pointed out tlmt most "f uVonrms ?n order for M:oB?l'in.lho,r ,,0M'W ot nbo,,t 10 fl,nn" ,,01"' ' 1'orl- u(11I51r"lor"tlon,s of "o upper air ul using those unfit cgg probably do so In the mcantim T & 'ZtS'nrv lanA "n8 ,,ccn ,,rt'I,nro', '' l" Com- hA tu?lZrnlVla? wc.ro cos roluctnntly, bollovlng that the compe- and Food Comfflonor r M m mlnlonor'a office, each of which will v , iiriVi?.b ,ron," ,,,ir,!IK " isssHsss assBSS s& spsss tho frozen nnd dried egg fauslnoMii leuo rppIi o.m , J?C,mr,K0 of.Ul0 ,c?1 " n.1 t,' mm tlmo k1vo dll wnr- ln,nc'1 of coniIItlonn prevailing Id the n aurn.Bti -.i i ?.. .' . . ,s "-h0 SOO'l-tCStlllK laborntorv. In rlin p. Inir (Im llu ,,.,. i .. , . . linnnp ,illn,,o.l.. ...i :.". ... . ' Anothor visit "''pntlons nro oxpecled to dlieloii month to seo ""'''""nnl vnltinlilo fnctH. Actln . ZV" "X '" 'TUHS' "l to detormlno tho host m In badeggV."-TlmVV,e,nn" l"XZ "?'"fi..'o law Into effect: Una nlrtimlv !. ,i-. ..;.'" olu'? ""'" 01 tills incotlnc nro sg; irisya sw patfawr-B SSSisjSK g-aA.'sS'HEsw jgft-awajB.'ifjs sIS'if' saHSaHaSs m -r ia.ia:s!n...vvssM5B y tno thrco or four ifln.iiw "; This will coiiMnii '....." i...... ..."".. ""' wita it, rno nun roeti nr rJ?LW.or Chem,." 8 M0 awluu ..iT iTi"" "i rtrirtimir. laauoil Au. of ,, ;.i. .7. "T? ' "IGU piano o. Blonor In n;.. ...-.:...". V...1"" :.. ffi i"&rss as ft a-awwjSBta: it sz'sr Si':';- !'.& jara" u rs. a ssK-iysiai.saiiS .s,sass !ir.s;rs" .." ';. not and 1 " 'WPffflMflPij