The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 16, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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3? aWyfiji,,, .w'-
;Marshfield Woman
otiop qMWU buy advortlaod articles bocauno thoy
are lailiJUbly worth what I pay for thotn." Tho
rWlSyltli tho best imputations for Integrity
(000 lag mvxt
The Determination
of valuo received In advertising lies sololy with
tho results secured. Try tlio columns of Tho
Coos Day Times they aro clean and dopondablo.
Tho renders of Tho Times have confldenco In tho
ads appearing therein.
wad MMITmerchnndlBo, aro without exception.
dvortlso tholr gooda unfioaslngly.
Established 1878
lis Tlio Coast Mnll.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai)
nil Coos ny Advertiser
No. 150
fed And Mmed bi FUR! OF AISNE BATTLE E!S
i rJ ku
Qimake Mw Total 100,000
I ' I I I I I 1 fl
I'4 1 1 1 1 1 U I
, and
1 Foot
'! V
Irnf I W TrnunrT
' W Ml IIMVWIl Ma am
IWatson in Hiding
LM hwarted Felon 1 1 U
Ihilrc Thimcriiu ' i hui uuyu uivuouycuiuii ui
UJUrS inUrSaay Alonnrl Pnionninn
to Tho TlmoH.) . . , , ,. , .
vrjjiuLiai iu i nu iiuiuti. ;
COQUILLH, Or., Jan. 1C Sheriff
(Or., .Inn. 1C Shor-
'iiiBon, Jr., Inst night
that Deputy Shorlff
guards nrrlvod Hnfoly
with their pnrty of
luding Jnmcfl O'llrlcn,
(iturcd nt Sltkum nftor
Mils cscnpo from tho
known to ho n hnd
ireful watch wnH kopt
Kl that ho proved too
shad It not been for
caution taken would
loft horo, tho linen
Veri ftiNtfwTd word could not bo
Meht()i mllmifo to tho Jnmcs Lnlrd
iIbm wmaElithnv worn n nnnnit
: ... .dam? ... prlmn. Una linnn, fniiml
t tlio old coos I ' . . -"""
Italian Catastrophe More Ap
palling Than First Reports
Indicated it Would be.
(Or Auocltl Tics to Coo. D4j Tlmwi.l
AVEZZANO, Jan. 1C Whlto tho
rcscuo wns proceeding nt Capollo, tho
JohiiBon nnnounced todny that tho soldlora hoard strnngo cries and led
body of Handler Hussoll of tho by tho Bound rench n spot where
Myrtlo Point section, corcorJnltiK thoy fotind n woman burled undor
whoso domlso throo years ago thoro tho debris with n now-born child.
aro rumors of foul piny, will bo
exhumed within n few days. , Ho
said that ho hnd been waiting for
ton days on Coropor Wilson, who
Is In Pnrtlnnd, and todny ho re
ceived n messago that Mr. Wilson
would bo homo Monday. A chom
Ical nnnlyalB will bo mndo In an en
deavor to find corroboration of .
tho sworn statements of ndmlsslon '
of poisoning by relatives of Rtmsoll. i
Ah yet, no trnco of Ponlon, whoi
revealed tho ovldonco of tho alleged .
Hoth woro oxtrlcntcd uninjured nnd
nro doing well. The captain of tho
rescuing engineers heenmo god-father
nnd tho child wns named "Terro
Motluo." (Llttlo Hnrthqunko.)
Italian Government Doing Ev
erything to Alleviate Suffer
ing Among Survivors
ha ' nUhtMMn mi
,o bo la frwtWr condition for travel '"" BOOn "B .."".. LLriu'n u. . o-.v. aui. n:.,V, u.. ai
h ouiiiu niiauM, uanio uv mi
lies and German Gain
tim tH kSRle Point routo. When ,0 ,went, to ' ,0 Sl'.slavv. Ponlon
h.y r-aitho Laird place, thoy ,B tho"Bllt lo ,,n,v bcon frIlltc0(1
;in,l ttatTOy could not all bo pro- "" lMl111"1 l,p Pwocutcd for
4M wUleopIng quartora nnd ''s connection with tho case, but
H kV.JIl T. V TrnvM nn.1 lll? OCOrS lmVO 110 BUCh IntOlltlollB
thmmlieaS. wo nt tl. nnrA.0' M rOVOlntloilB, If tHIO, Will On
.-, r'owr-i "" - n
k 9!
Laird placo, about a
Jmllo 'boyond to spond
Watson handcuffed
telly nrid nil wont to
indcuff off, got up nnd
ting out of tho window
Ho could not find Ills
irfjt owi
:dtat L
Kelly gnvo tho nlarm.
soarchod nil tho lml-
lght In vain for him,
lornlng Jninca Laird
r tho hill nnd undor-
myrtlo stump found
ft had his clothing but
'kept hi in from getting
a hnrdonod crook. Ho
ited and uses niud
lottom that he lias
iconvluced tho author-
Ihas n hnd record.
Taken Out.
vas nccompaulod by A. i
t-k In tho Sheriff's of-
Pravor, of Mnrshflold,
itann, ns gunrdB, Tho
MIAUIiV I ()(),()(()
I Of AmocUI1 1'rM. to Coo n7 Time.. J
PAKI8, Jan. 1C, Tho corrcs- j
pondont of tho Uxcolslor in
j Homo, wires that he, learns of- j
ficlnlly that 35,000 persons woro j
killed ami -tn',000 Injured In tho' j
j onrtluiuni(o.
Iljr AuocUlnl Pitm to Coo nr Tlmm.)
AVE5CBKNO, Jan. 1C Official
reports of tho extent of tho dlshstor
In tho towns ndjncont to Avczznno
nro ns follows;'
Pntorno, popiplctcly destroyed, ex
cept ouo houso; 1000 dead out of
r.000 inhabitants.
San Pollno, almost totally destroy
ed; GOO doad out of 1G00 Inhab
itants. Scurcola, destroyed, number of
victims unknown.
Vlllnlago, 2G doad nnd 20 Injur
ed. Frntturo, 200 dead, GO Injured.
A hundred or moro woro killed
and Injured at Rnjano, Popoll,- Pen
tium, Dnrrea nnd Villottn-Darrea.
Tho Duko of Abruzzl arrived last
night nnd expressed his Intontlon
of visiting nil villages that suffered,
somo of which nro still cut off from
communication. As nn Instanco, tho
nows only renchod .hj today that
In PoscasRofoll many porsons woro
nnd tho Gormntis ovacunted tho crest burled in tho ruins and up to tho
of a hill north of Clomory undor present tlmo fifteen bodies had boon
taken out and 80 injured woro res
cued. Tho cntastropho nt Pcsclnn Is
growing in gravity, nnd tlio victims
now numbor 4000.
Tho whole vlllngo of Clloja do Mnr
.sl is reported destroyed.
At Collorosso thoro nro 24 dead
nnd at Antolpodlo 40 dead.
I (TIT AmoU!1 Trt It Coot Dtf TlmM.J
ROMK, Jan. 1G. Tho magultudo
I llm AnHih,1..!.. . I
'II o n ill U llfl u o ! j u liU uiiMaiiu uiniiniur luuruuDuo
.., D,..iU,, i.u.t ,i 0 i.m niuuu u. o. uttiuuoiiiu vviiiun uuinuu - with tlmo nnd as moro detailed ro
romnuuoo which orgiinizou tlio port.
Thoy altered tho boiiudnrlca prior
to tho commissioners bolng appoint
ed. Need Moro ICtpilpiuciit.
Tho Shorlff'H offlco Is Badly lnck-
Ing In ouulpmont for handling prls-
onors. O'llrion'a tompnrnry cscnpo
was duo to this. Sheriff Johnson
lint nrrangod to tnko tho matter up !
ItOMK, Jaii. 10. AfMassa d'Al
bo, ono-clghtli of tho total popula
tion was killed. In this vlllngo
somo pcoplo nro today still burled
In tho debris from their waists
down. They cannot extricate thorn
selves mid there Is no ono nt hand
to dig them out. Thcso jinfortun
atcs nro being fed by relatives or
friends. Men and tooU nro on tho
wuy to tlio rcscuo.
May Options Sell at 1.45 in
Chicago and $1.55 is De
manded at Portland
IDr AatocUItt! I'rtii lo cot nj Tlmw.J
I'ltonu iiuai piticra.
'voiu. .i v ..,i M'tlo him to clemency.
.UkliwShaJnnios Laird houso, Tljo officials aro very reticent j
'- li nliAiit 41m Anon ntt.l M'mit.l irlun nut I
knd'A. P. Davis tnklqg "V V " ,n V ,
'no. Kolly nnd Young tl, ,r U nl" ho Bt5, wnB nA
thoro In Tho Times. Whllo thoro
nro n lot moro dotnlls, thoy arc
not prlntnblo now.
Catch .Too 1 1n rry.
Itir Mwcit& vrttt lo coo. nr tiitm.i
PARIS, Jan. 10. Tho official
statomont this afternoon says: "Near
Nlouport nnd Ypres, nrtlllory flght-
I lug continued yeBtordny. At Notro
Dnmo do Lorotto, tho onomy reoccu
plcd n portion of tho tronches thoy
loBt Thursday. Wo repulsed tho
florman attack ut La Bolssollo. In
sections of Solssons nnd Rholms,
our nrtlllory obtained notlccnhlo nd-
vantngos. Wo checked a spirited nt
Joo Harry, wanted horo for failure tne,. -.., n.,r .rnnp,.fl n, P,ro.,
. . . i . ! in urnl'liln fi ttl ulfn -wlmm lint ...
12 o'clock O'urion "" " " "
uinrriou last year wnon throntonod
n.i.. ,.. ..UkUlu un .. .ul.uuu tho Ur0 of 0,,r nrtlllory. In upper
by Shorlff Johnson nt Dallas, Polk,AiBttM. tholro .. tlo ci1Iincu..
and Watson having J County. Ho has wired Doputy Shor-j
although thoy loft " ,,n,r" l0 unn """ mcK ncxl
Boon nftor O'Brlon """"
ComiiiKttHi Xnt riuuiiilsxloii
District Attornoy LHJoqvlst stated
today that n slight error had been '
mado yestordny in tho story regard-,
lug tho Port of Dandon. Instoad '
of tho Dnndon Port Commission,
cunnging tno iioiinunrios, it biiouki
Rescue and Relief Work Has
tened in Italy 30,000 Dead
and 50,000 Injured
(Ds AuoclftlM I'rMi to tM DT fltaw.1
Trifl Tnti inVnmlnn nn1 In.
tenso cold nro adding lo tho Buffer- Un,lcd StntCH h1,1co tho Clv W".
lugs of tho carthqunko victims nnd
slowly Increasing tho huge death roll.
Kood thoro Is In plenty, but trnns
Germans Stop Efforts to In
crease Gains Against Allies
Situation Uncertain
Czar's New Army Threatens
German Force in Central
Poland by Advance
Mr AwltJ Trot to Coet nr Tlmm.J
LONDON, Jan. 1G. Tho fury of
tho battle nlong tho Alsno river has
npont Itcclf nnd the dcrmans for tho
present nt least nro making no ef
fort to extend tho gains won over
tho French. Further Oormnn suc
cess was reported from Horlln todny,
but It Is of minor Importance. South
of tho Lys tho Qormnns rcoccuplcd
tho tronches previously captured by
tho (Allies, as Is ndmlttod in tho
French Btnloment, nnd In tho Ar
gonno small cngngomonts nro said to
have resulted to their advantage. Tho
French nssort that thoy won doflnlto
advantages In tho nrtlllory fighting
nnd compollcd tho Germans to evac
uate tho trenches near Clomory. SoU
dom bIiico tho .beginning of tho cam
paign In tho east has tho military sit
uation boon bo uncertain.
Flour Omul HlirlW lno ,nle81 I"1DB0 ' BKUallon
PORTLAND, Or., Jnn. lG.--Hold-''tllont,vnnco of n now u"8S'n" nrmy
tnr AwineUtrt rmrn In Coot Iit tirim.1 i
1G. President Wilson directed
j Attornoy acncrnl Gregory to In-
j vestlgnto whether thoro woro
j nny vlolntlons of law In tho rlso
j of prices of flour nnd wheat.
CHICAdO, Jan. 1G. Mny wheat
yesterday vnulted to Jl.4r.2B, an ad
vanco of nearly two cents. This la
n record high price.
Portland Pi Ices.
PORTLAND, Or., Jnn. IG.Mny
bluestom wheat was bid at $1.50
yesterday, with tho holders demand
ing ?irR, tho highest prlco In tho
ors refused to soil hero whon whont
portntlon to tho many towns infect- P1,''" droppod ono wt In Bympathy
cd Is almost lmposslblo Localise of
ports add confirmation to yoBtordny'a j -0 g-
uoiiiiiiuus oi ou,uuu uuim uuu uu,uuu
Though It Booms definitely estnh-,
llshed that tho present earthquake j
will not rival that of Mosslna, tho
porcoutago of casualties In propor-,
tlon to tho population affected np-, "
pears to bo inuclr hlghor.
Tho rcscuo work Is continuing fev
erishly, for each hour of dolny moans
death by starvation or exhaustion for
tho burled victims,
Som Xot Hani Hit.
From town nftor town como re
ports of excavations ton Into to snvo
lives. In only ono town bo far thnt
of Bora, do tlio lato reports show
that tho effects of tho earthquake
woro less disastrous than was fearod.
Only 3G0 of Sora's population of 17,
000 Inhabitants appear to havo boon
with tho Chicago market. Mlllors
agreed to again rntso flour 20 conts
a bnrrol Monday, making pntonts
RenOWn 17 Years Ago, tO I ports nro received from tho wIdo!,:ll,0,,,,1 ,
Lead Panama Fleet oa which Is affected. Tho Mos- , WI,II tranlon(l of injured coh-
i.t.dPrM.ioc0n.ncrT.m.ti nREoro estlmutcd tho dead In Ave. " lu ",,,vu '" """" "
F w7sh Tan T-Tho z' 'p .000. most of "otnll. of tho horror como in, all
Oroion roflUod oiiil rowl,0' nro urloi 1ocn'" " r'""8 t0n(,",B to C0"f'rm th Car"r 8U
Oregon, rojiuou ami ro-of anm of to lroI10ndoIB 08a of f0t
LTlu, ,3"wLn -in1 It Is Impossible to ascertain tho Next to Avotwno. tho towns that
IOt AMocUted Prw. lo Con. m.r """'""' """ l"u """" '" '-
SHATTLI3, Wash., Jan. 17. Tho r'na n,ono
nalrnd until
.... i.. i,in. i-i... .1,,,.. ,i..,.. ui,n It Is Imposslbl
..... , ...i ..... ...... exact numbor of doad nnd woundod. suffered tho most nro Posclnn, with
iin,i .n,in fmn. ., .., Rn,.,i Harrowing stories of tho destructions -WO vlrtoms, Potorno, with 1000
' I- l.l l. .a 1 t A.. ilnn.l QnmJInM lolfli firtA nf ti t
with tho Counlv CommlsslonerH to Nvy Yard at Ilremorton, on the " " "U,"B ur"" ,l "BlK- uiio pwriy .... ...... -v -
witii tno county iommiBflionerH to .. i,,iln,i . .. .,.,. .. I1L.H .,. rnninirmi iioiiii at on of 1G00 kl od.
ngalnst West Prussia In connection
with a numbor of tho forces which
Invaded East Prussia, Is boliovod) in
London to thronten tho Gorman forc
es lu Contrnl Poland , i
flci'iumiH Pi::i War .
Tho Russian general otUff la chn
vlncod that tho Gormnns east nnd
southwest of Warsaw havo deter
mined on tho general offonslvo movo-
I mont. Fnrtbor south tho Germans
havo reinforced tho Austrlans for n
drlvo at tho Russians, doslgncd to
I rollcvo Ilukowlnn nnd northern
o-. tl i r. i r r- . ' 1,u'Knry. otao
Say That Defeat Of French Tho Austrlans roport In n vlo-
AlOng AlSne Was Similar tO I l0t nrtlllory combat along tho
Battle of 1870.
1 "v"irr v;.,u We needed oqiilpmont for handling , t log of tho voyage to tho Pan- - V ---
......... w.v, --"ii.... ... . .... . .. -. . i mini uuiiiii. wnur. nnu win miio -
ift Orford. six montlw m P"moni nocureii. uua u oi
LONDON, Jan. 10. Tho
War Offlco announces tho I
northern bank of the Alsno river
northeast of Solssons wnB clour- j
od of French troops lu tho torrl- j
I flo bnttlo which was waged j
if thoro undor tho oyos of tho
Kalsor Thorn aro big movoments
of troops on both sides and n
forward inovomont Is oxpoctcd. j
RiiBsIn thinks tho GormniiH am j
planning a now advance south-
west of Wnrsaw to relievo tho
Invasion of Hungary by litis- j
rla. I
for adultory,
been for tho precautions which Shor.
rno, a boy of 18, for'" Jol,"BO" "'". O'Drlon might
t, ono to fvo yonm.
w, Ul .uniniiiiuiu, Hh-
sd to n term of from
years for larceny from
nvlng broken" his par-
ng drunk, now goes
Cuminlns, from Mnrsh-
eorvo two sentences,
Ivo yours, for obtaining
fnlan tirnlnnnna nl.rl
K "---
20 years for rorgory.
ilth, of Prosper, has to
ie to 20 yijnrs for do
ing girls.
rlon for robbing a Bn-
2 to C years.
's Itoconl Horn.
ten, nllns "Ono Kyo
hnvc mndo his gotaway lasting.
pallor of tho jail still on his chocks,
blinked his ono well dovolopcd optic
fncod tho Judgo and tho jury and
for tho 'toonth tlmo told them ho
wnB not guilty. "All I wanted was
a square deal," ho declared, "Gon
tlomen, I havo not got it In this
court," nnd ho was hauled away
to tho county Jail tsoro to nwnlt
his transference to tho stato ponl-tontlnry.
On tho night tho crlmo wns com
muted n cook and - wnltor of tho
Right Cafe, finishing tholr work
shrrtly after midnight, woro on their
way homo when thoy glanced
through tho open curtains of tho
Bohemian nnf and thero saw O'llrlen
ntnii Canal, whor. she will
tho International fleot through tho
wntorway next Mem. nm Ore
gon, in command of Commander
.. . ..., .. .. ... .
load ""'N l"u,r iiiiiiiiiuiiuiiH nun ovur- rumii ih 1'iv.ri-it.
lurno'j aomo distance from tholr orlg- Tno horror of possuuo fiooa niidoa
Inal locations. , to tho famlno nnd cold pxlsts lu tho
AtCappndocIn, tho houses and nolghborhood of tho Fucclno canal,
Jctod on a burglary j with hla hat nnd coat off, busily
Circuit Court last
iting tho till in tho Bo
lind sentenced to from
rears in tho paniten-
iped. The meager ro-
readied horo has it
got looso from Deputy
Lnlia near bttnum
iy wagon road whllo
Roseburg and Salom
feV prisoners.
r added a third chapter
if a man who, detected
Kmlddlo of his crlmo,
Judge Pennock In
urt and pleaded not
week made a similar
dge John S. Coke.
fnythlng to say?" nsk-
tlollowing his issuance
Phnven, nnd with tho
scrubbing behind tho bar.
All seemed well; ho was taken
for n swnmpor, nnd tho mon walked
on for a block boforo becoming
si'8nlc!ou8. Thoy came back nnd
saw O'Drlen take money from tho
cash register. Ono of thorn ronialn
ed on guard whllo tho other called
a policeman.
In tho Circuit Court O'llrlen ap
peared without au imorney, tho
court appointing James T, Brand to him.
All members or tho Llnnea So
ciety nro requested to meet at tho
Eagles' Hall at 2 o'clock Sunday
afternoon for the purpose of attend
ing the funeral of Brother A. E.
Josonh M" Reeves who wan iisslKtant ' ,,u"(,'nB8 ,mvo ,,oon roiidorod too 'which has boon dnmmod by a land
onglnoer on tho battloHhlp whou sho , (,nnKoroua to bo m'P,cl """"-'slldo, Soldlora nnd civilians nro
mndo hor famous crulso 17 yonra v,ors aro catnllf tho snow, working donporatoly to clear tho can
ngo, will call nt Sap Francisco for' 0nl nbo,,t 30 of S"rcoIa's 1)00, , 0f dobrls.
stores, nnd stop at San Dlogo. Bo.,l,0"uInUo escnpod, tho others ho-( jp to tho present tho Italian gov
sldcs Captain Roovos, Captain Rnm-',nB ,",r'cd In tho r:o of ruins that ornmont has decllnod forolgn offers
aoy of tho Marino Corps nnd Bev-'"11""'"' l,l "lto of tho vHlngo. of ,l8HiBtaiico, bill tills has not pro-
oral onllstod mon who woro aboard) At Capollo, oVor 1200 llvos woro vontr(j n0ffcal aid. MrB. Thomas
tho Orogon In 1808, sailed with"0"1 u,m tno t0vn 'a n n,nB8 or Nelson Pago, wlfo of tho U. S. Am-
,,,m8, , ', , . bnssador, contributed J500 to the
uioBmum, wu I a j onu.u .on ... fni, hoB ra80(, nn(, Qthw AmorJcnn
women nro following suit.
in Amo Ui1 rrrtt to Com Dr Time.
ir.nn nn.i ...I... o t nn In. I
.lliwil l.ti'i w I i.lti.lliu, n(ll Miuts III
hailtnnivts, aro In ruins.
At Mnglluno dl MnrsI, It Is ro
Dunnjeo river In Gnllcln . Bevornl
Ritsslnii batteries woro, slloncod.
Tho Turks nro reported to hayo
decided to s'.toinpt ni, Invasion of
Kgypt. i
Detective Mitchell Claims That
Trcadgold and Grant! Ju
rors Were Together Much
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQU1LLU Ore., Jan. 17. De
tottlvo W. J. Mitchell positively
denied horo tin! Grand Juror Hunt
BERLIN. Jan. 1G. ( Via wlroless) ,,.,.,, nvnp nnBWnrnii i.Ih iipciisiUIoiib
Tho official Btnloment Friday
said: "Somo torpedo houlH nppdurod
off Wostondo yesterday, accompan
ied by smnll craft which approuohud
within nine miles of tho coast.
French attacks on both sides of
Notro Damo do Lorotto, BOiithvrost
of Arras, woro ropulsod by ub. A
treneh which wo took olght days ago
near Ecurlo was lost by ub. Fighting
continues to rngo. Tho northorn
bank of tho river Alsno northeast
of Solssons has boon clcurod of
French troops. By continuous fight
ing, wo woro Biiccossful In taking
Cuffles, Crouy, Buoy lo Long, Missy,
that Mr. Hunt had questioned a
witness, Mao Simpson", In City At
tqrtioy Troadgold'u office in Dandon,
aftor ho hnd been summoned to
sorvo on tho grand Jury.
"Hunt did not dony tho-chnrgoa
I confronted him with In tho Jury
room," Mr. Mitchell said. "I trlod to
refrain from bringing grand Jury
affairs Into tho newspapers, but K
Mr. Hunt claims thnt ho denied or
successfully answered thla chargo
which I mnko against him whllo I
was a wltuoss boforo tho grand Jury
ho Is wrong, 1 asked what grand Juror
ported 1300 of tho 1500 lubnbl- n.fia Tll 1fi Th ' ,, ' . vniiri vhn Vrnh WUB ,lunt w,0 I "rBt ot Into tho
tants wcro killed. Tho numbor of reHef work nro boins rilBlie(l wUh j8Ufforod heBVy ,088e8, Tholr ro grand Jury room. When Hunt an-
vlctlms at San Penodetto Is given fonont ha8to , tno carth(,uako trcat to tll0 B0llth of tBo A,Ho took HWOfr d ,!ntI , H,Bt ,,7".. JZ.l
-at 300 and at Posonl at HOO. LrlckCI dl8trlc,B of Italy ThouBiinds place under tho flro of our heavy n routed bin. with the Btatemont
! that ho hnd been a mombor of a
'star chamber, proceeding In Dandon,
to which tho two TroadgoldB woro a
ly claimed as bodies of relations by(,ecl ,n tnfu!n8 ,f;l,i0,rT,1,0.mor811 t whom thoro nro thousands homo
different povons. During tho night I, B,w'rl """?" " l',u "V yvf less nnd penniless, Is urgent and
tho work of rcscuo continued by.'8 reported olthor destroyed or bad- ,ho eoplo from tho klng ;down aro
torch light and flickering shadows ly dalJ,?fII ,1CTrim.,vr l,olnS n Possible to allovlato con-
mado It appear as If tho walls wero , ID,At Vr. t6 c u.r T.mM., ' ,,u'0,n8- n,f , co'" ,Woa;"or; , W,llcfn
about to fall. Somo of thorn did . . , , .continues, adds to tho terrible Biif-
collapso. Il0MB' J""l 1G Tho Meaggorro f rorlnR nn(, tompornry buildings aro
Many inhabitants did not Hie of "cclnres tha.t t)iorA nro no fewer. bong orect0(J ns fa8t ns p088uiei
Injuries Buatalned In the earth- than BOOO.doad nt Pesclna and 3000 , Colono, Dunn, military attache of
quake, but as a result of becoming at Celano.jtnd that at Cenchlo only he Arnorean Embassy, said: "I
oxhaustod nnd frpzon during tho 1 1S0 woro sin cd .out of a population noer droan,0(1 or 8uch a horrlblo
long hours of tho winter night. One,0' -'ao- At Marsl tno dead unmbor, situation."
nlrl w hnr! l,nn hnneln T,v hr 05. Mobt Of tllO BUrvlVOrB hero U , 4
einthln minr hourR from nn imimr injured and thoy are suffering
floor of a building, was finally rea- grievously from want of food and. (
By order of FHIO EDLUND, Prr-i. 'j,0me.
( Or MrlttM frw to c" Oi. -m 1,
AVEZ55ANO. Italy, Jan. 1C Rcb-
cuo work lu this devastated town Is
becoming a ghoatly nnd norv
wracking task, Mutilated bodies
nYtrtpntnrl frnnt Ihn niltia nlfl linturr
w w...u ..w. v, a ...v. Uw,..n , . l.f II.- ..II 1 " "" "
laid clong tho rond which onco lo 1 ' 4"M u " ,,,"'u","u" Ml "v '" of soldlora aro digging out und bury-1 artillery. Conditions which obtained
to tho railway station. Somo bod-ilaK08 of Loso' G00, Aluaf"cftn8lB' i ng tho victims and caring for tho In this battle aro Blmllar to thoso
......i . . -. 000. and Capello. nro reported biir--i.., tu ..o.i .i, i.,iir 'i im
ca mp uurtH.-uKiiiKHu.u uuu iruquoat- . . . ,A -. ,... .' -...... ... ..w.. w. v..v .--., .4,w, , . . . . .,
"Tho Fronch mado a very strong ' " : . .. , ,,,,
attack north of Verdun but were re- et hack to tho court ho, so after
pulBed. Near St. Mlhlel, the Fronch "" l Bnw ''Ul1 Dl1 tJrea J1
delivered attacks, reaching our front, "f ' vorf ournostly ,b tl oy walk
line trenches, but wero drUon off. I tron t!l n0J Uol towar'1
During tho fighting our troops oc- "10 toai'r "u "aCK "'
cuplod somo positions of tho onomy, "It was nftor this conversation
but after rebuilding our positions wo hotwoen thoso two men and during
voluntarily loft thoso taken from tho afternoon session of tho, grand
tho enemy. Wo beat off an attack, Jury that Hunt admitted having
near Mosnll. ueon n l)art' to t,lls 'fatftr 0un,br'
"In East' Prussia and northorn affair. Ho not only admitted It,
Poland thoro Is no change. Our at-,""1 offored to resign ns a grand
tacks In Poland west of tho Vis- Juror.
tula aro making slow progress. In ' "During the entire tlmo tho grand
tho capture qf ono Russian vantage Jury was In session Hunt nrid Troad
polnt northeast of tho Rawka river 'gold wero together every day. This
wo took BOO prisoners and threo ma-lls so well knowre n fact that I havo
clllno guns. Stubborn counter nt-i witnesses to provo it.'
lacks hv tho Russians were driven'
hnclc " Times Want Ads for results.
cued alive.
Count Resta, a prominent resi
dent, escaped, although his whole
family of nine and two servants
wero hurled In tho ruins nt IiIh
1 I A telegram received this nf-
tornoon states that C. A. Smith
and ox-Governor Llnd of M In
land, where ho went to attend tho . i ne8ota. will Join tho Coos Bay
stato hotel men's annual meeting, j delegation In Chicago and go to
He came hack overland, II Washington with them,
lack of caro,
H J. .McKEOWN returned, last oviP
nlng from a weok'a sojourn In Port-