J ,1 uwmMduxJt -fc..ii ". i. - w k - . L- .....- i rfk- four u Ji" THE COOS BAT TIMES, MARSHFIEL1 OREGON, FRIDAY, ;, JANUARY 15, 1915-EM i . 1 - ' ' l t a "TJi I f" j A I inc COOS BAY TIMES, M. C MALONEY, Editor nnil I Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County News of Nearby Towns FARMERS 1'XIO.V OFFICERS wm R HOTELS ti... irniullrr Hotel. 0. w. Co. I'ortlwd: II !.;; nrieafti. loiui.'"- . tr,f flnntl ! A. r:x. ': S. nn.1 wife. Urld?e: Banilon j. n. Hale. Portland; C. u. wriv- ... .. Pa.niart' ,.,.P..nff.rn at Marsh- At the mooting or "c "."; BeW. Oregon, for transmission Union the following oi icu portnd. A. A .v.-.'. -v t.2 4,. ii. econd-claBi1i..-.i hi- Ho Conullle local: ''CK ., ,. ,,. mill matter. j0,inw,, president; W. a. Drandon. " A w,Jq,it CoqulUe vice president; Mri. W. 0. Hnmuu... T whe Jr. Mr Wedderburn; A GOOD PKVCK TO CALL "-Mh ,., rv.trotBUrer: J. D. Myers, con- ;- , -t0Bf Conullle: Chaa. ouw.x.--, -- ..,. .--,! .Ui. " e r--t-.M ?PF.riALS We arc .inning a spfN ?; fK RUNES and wo aro selling these at t.noc pounas Fresh Ranch coos, two dozen (01 50c Case cogs, two dozen tor ... -. - 75o Sid l-fc-oundc , . e. m m kr- Coos Bay led, Coffee & Spice House pnone vjsf-j. Mrs. J. I'- pml,h -, EcrtETAHV Chamber -, eclpt .. .. nf PrtntmArpA irom tnc unamuer i "V.. m. Mr. and njilclKh. K. C. In which two or me . ))left '-"- ,..,. ,. t,. Bishop prlnclpaUeaturcaadvertUMaamak-, - - xed ien.,"V"J: j H.ckler. Port- fan; It a deBlrablc place In which of gull t. . gl a and . C harles to llyo nrc commission govcrnmon , e ,nco o ft o to -J (J)(t d. h j JJr ;tUld. r,Hx M. and that It hag "Its own puro nnd I "e"11"" mi be "u.pcnded If with- , Krancltco; Frank Terry, bountiful water supply." Both t he, .ntonce 1 1 b. u l'JEL. Tn .m C.nd.ln. Co- SrTiSlSlS -m ,s offense was com- the people of ltatclgta are nlort nnd'mltted. -Cogu.ne nwa.. enterprising. Both focturoa are lm-, imuai.ySIS portant In making Kalelgh "a good DEATH MIOM lAHAU.Mb placo to call home," but the same; conditions would make Marshflold ! a bolter "placo to call homo." in '" mil wiM" -T"" "" " lwl ,11" ' " w I I While working on the log boom k. tact u'MiaBMiay. .lohn Smltn i .. .. i.. r iialtla front Th.o Times hopes that tho ow..uioreii ----- City Council will eo the logic of wmen n . - --- - new tondltlona nnd move along linos 'and hard working man aUo 45 that will place Marshflold In the list years of age " ,eV" J of modem and progressive cltlwJlarge family In poor clrcumtace. Tho city should own Its wator sys- Coqullle Herald. tern nnd tho commission form of government would Improve Its bual- HB.ITII OK Mils. It. II. HOAG nef.s methods. trk... i.n'i m, iMffnrnnm lirv- Dr. Richmond received ci,.Pu P. Pan. Bandon: Lew Re er. Ia Angele: R. E. Neal. Med ford; K. A. Hughes. Curry: Harry Bloch. Portland: X. Anderson. Ban-.inn- S. WhatMlt. Bandon: Ava C rttt, Wyman Albee. South Inlet TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME h been a hobby with us for a cood man? Sr Sltomcf wh tell you wh ;',. Arable framing materia' at th- r W Pjc m. Just tell hat you wan: to build and & Mfg. Co. too.l many years and a lot or e to RetticK sol """ price we know our busl .n.t th mmount you want our praeU and flcure out the best to speid and well get busy lth jour uoney can ouj. j C. A. Smith Lumber KETML OKPAKTMEXT c run ,-vk, m.., . twv "g""-"". pjir.xr t0 M, yMlMt 1WJCT Y T -yoiiii(? jH'oplo. .. n saving Arooimt In Mils H.if... ci.H.rvnMu, ,lllliH iaulnrir Per rr.il f jnuir .n. ..TH-.ii..l ijlil, 8 ,,,,st. we .y .vou'll bo Hiirprlseil limv iiilcKly , , J i.i.. .. .. niiilmr fund. ,, HhvIiijsh Account Is (lm btciiJ Hiur lo niiililllun. 'rT It. UXDEU TIM! (JOVKKXaiKXT HTATIS SUPKItVIHIOX. m i BAI IIIOiL OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes For Itcnt. :m main emBMiii . " K- .. -- .,--. -- i. i n "mmWmr:: .. .1 i.,i ,v.L.no cnlri nn nasv uaV- j. nan, xornf Bend: h. Mine, , ' and rebuilt. Fox, Undewood. Reminpt on. Royo . ronit: u j. urey .-. , , c g h and Smin premier. lu.cMt u "-....u. . V Pederton. Loquuie; i. , .wl. or new nlatens worK guariinicc... "" ..,- . " I tirauiiki i !...." - --,... .w ,,.. Phono -li. Allinuio U44.V". , coaieao. . carboa in r j w ifJiwifHi'HirriWfWWwi t Myrtle Bd Klein Tlw HUiwo Hotel. F. Steward. Prosper: A. W. Ste rea. Maya Inlet; C. Lewi. Myrtle w TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO . ur Point: John Porter. Allegany; i t UmIUah Tt. tween a town and .he people who Sunday from Dr. It. B. ibil, ;Bn00" - - nv" ii i i. . - .,,. h. nn iln. tnn from SOHiri ijsmbwi -.. . nlw llu IK 11, 1 mail u "- i - j-.fc Biro to better himself never gets; bringing the sad news of the deattt . .,!, Un Hnir. wmen occurrew w nan nmiuu, .., Daly. Gar- i, i ; -ju: ' " I William Hoskla. Tillamook; WII- iro 10 DKr iiiuu... .. .,- -"-;- - MJ - ., M.fi. PortUnd: Mrs. Mc- much better, no accumuiaies noun- oi i. "f. -"- -- -- ... ,.u tdb she underwent an opera- Kean. Portland: P. M. cr WINIOIJI nor wumui. - , - . . . - .k...j. rnl(nr' But tho man who studies how to .Hen for appendicitis on tl rStm. diner; A. K. Jarbu ton. Gardiner. ndd (o his knowledge and to his On New Years day she was taken 0. . Itende.: M MeDanW. world's goods ultimately becomes ' suddenly worse and paeees tletly Myrtle Point; Albert Shay. -Norta Independent In purse nnd mind. So! away shortly after mionlght. Dr. and Bead. doca tho city become Independent 'Mrs. Hoag were repeats of Cooallle. The St. U ronce Hotel, that seeks to ndd to Its wenlth and for three years, removing laet year Jaek Downs. San Francisco: Thorn Its menns for living 1n comfort. I to Hanford, CaL, and tfcey have as Hartley and wife. Bearer Hill: J. With tho finest site for a city,, many friends here who will be sad- Hamilton. Boarer Hill: W. H. Own. with one of tho great harbors en 4eod by Mrs. Heap's death. Co- Seattle; Georfe II. Ethell, Tillamook: tho Pacific Const, with the greatest ' qallte Herald. T. A. Walker. Coqullle. resources lying out of doors all! E. a. Swaasoa. Seattle; Georfe around It, Coos Bay people hTe been! PAItTV AT COQl'IM.K Ctlakenboard. Coo River; J. D. show to awaken to the great pa-; Foes. Portland; P. X. Xlaten, Port- slbilltlca of the future. ', Mrs. Allea Collier was given a j,. janM Bohen. Seattle; John Wo hnvo nil been too Mlflsa and very enjoyable birthday party Sat-( Harris, Seattle, greedy In trying to feather oar own Hrday algbt at the home of Her I.tojd Hotel, llttlo nista nnd havo" fer years mttsed ' davgkter nd soa-la-law, Mrs. and' g Braadt. Cooillle: J. Adams. tho golden opportunities te make,, Mr. Be Carry- Some of the old coqnllle; C. D. Alderman. Portland; tills community arise and salae. frieads were gathered together and .. Shaw. Gold Beach: Tom Garroae. Now Is the tlrae to atkc hold of, the evealag was saeat with the Bearer Hill; Mr. J. Horn. Coos .tow lines, to quite all manner of gn of Five Hundred and social , RWtr; W. S. Wymaad, North Bead. discord and unite oar fortes In a terrotir. Thoee preseat were' way that wlllprodace resalUfortWijMMers and Meadame Allea Collier. SAI.IWI DItV SESSION. coming year. Ua Carry. A. J. Sherwood. Waltor Municipal owaerswp or ;e water- staclalr. John Paulson. T. M. Dtm-i1Wr(y tH-M.erN ami IsMtyU-. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., UKtuuiN Capita!. furj,lus and undivided profits $123,000.00 OFFICERS: J W Bennett. President Arthur McKeown. Secretary Tom T.Bennett. Vice President Bennett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts a trust bustnete only. Acta at truetee of oxpreaa trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. The only Trust Company In Oregon outside of Portland organised under uew trust law In this state. FLflMfflN i BEIMETT Mil lm i m E US OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTV Extutill.Micd 1H1M). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 s ''i3 Inlrrost I'nlil on Tltiiu Dooslt Offlcora: , I W llnlllll.lt. Pl'I'NllllMlt. .1. II. KliuiiiKnn, VI'-o-PitrMimiI. itTSE. It. 1-'. Wlllliimi, OiifliliT. yflKli fiwi. It', Winch witer, Ami. Cuiis JtM wyjrr'-'J1"L'-'l-'J!S''nR';J Abstracts FOP. KELIAllLE AUMHACTS 01" TITLE AND I.MOK.MATION AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. MAIimir.I.l) AND COQllI.I.i: CITV, ohicgox GENERA I. AGENTS. EASTSIDEAXI) SEXGST.U'KEX'S ADDITION AGENTS VOll fANADIAX PAIHIC RAILROAD LANDS HI.XRV SI.XGSTACKEN, MANAGER To Portland every Thursday To Eureka B every Monday V TI1K l-'AHT AND COSII-'ORTAllLK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED MwaTialii yrorka would be a good start on the mjckf ChMt Kvland. W. J. Inton. Mrs. D. D. IMeree and Mrs. Nlcklla. Mrs. Collier was the rerlpleat of a nice cut glass dish and other remem branees. Coqnllle Herald. NORTH PACiriO STEAMSHIP CO. O. T. McGEOROE AOKNT 1 UUUU I'.. tutllDiUivlu - ' w .- maracaxraatwivTnr. 'irSS W. H. PAIMB 'WU, Phono -121, North Wlial vny to a bigger Marsfatleid and a grcbtor Coos Bay. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST SOME CONSfLTATIONS. - i I GOOD EVIJNING. j The opportunity to work awl to play, to spoak kindly of oth- j era and humbly of mysolf, to do j j BomothliiK each day so that I j Bomcano may bo happier for my i having lived, to rend a few good j j books and spend nil tho tlmo 1 j can In (lod'a out-of-doors. He- j en it ho I hnvo thoko opportunltlei, j I nm glad or life Selected. e 4 WIXTKR RAIN. It Is curious to observe how Joyfal 1 1 the meeting betweea soate of tho Marshflold men who are marooatisur. ovor here during circuit coart aa4 their friends from tho Bay City and how quickly they adjoara to some retired place for 'coaaalu tlon." Coqullle Herald. Driving down tho trarka of night, I Dancing on tho window light, i Hllvor nrrowH through llio fog, Mnklni; Hold niul rnuil a bog, Dripping dreary, all night long, Hinging Hiirh u mournful mmg, Hut how sweet tho current swollu In tho aprlugu uinl lit tho wolls. Pouring down In rippling rills, Pattering on the window bills Pull your chiilr up to the honrth Let It souk tho bnro brown ourth, Pill tho wolU and (lush tho aprliiiw, Whllo (ho Holemn song It slnaa llrlngM tlmt sleepy foellng to you, Aa It drowse through nml through you. Winter rnlii--! lovo tho rhittlor Of IU plttor nud IU puUur, Koughliig wind nmniig tho truon, lllvura rlpiillug molodloa Of awct't aummora tmt wl rio, Onco ngiilu In oft mirprhw When through winter rain and fctorm May tttuIltM out tfltk row wnrm. Anon. A qtmrtor ownl Is wore vnlimldo than a dollar foumt, N Inscr Profit hf "Houe RN1 101." SALKM. Or.. Jan. II. For the first tlm slace the Legislature has bee ateatnu; at Salem the rawmsaer tad the tobhytou wtl! aot bo able to get ttejuor la tho Capitol or tho capi tal durtef the reaalag aaaaiou. Salem is a dry a U prvrorbial hose. Heretofore. Mglalators could he mob la the moruina whi Mood shot eyea. flnabed dteeks and a ' parch toagae. who explalBed that they were auffermg from the effex'.s of Salem water. This has teii a etantUns; eaeuar fur a ge&eraUoa. With elem cloaed tight as a dnun ueoauee of a local option election belt The local blah school haaketlwlt there a year ago. no aalooaa and to team suffered defeat at the bands bare la the hotels and am even a of the Myrtle Potat team oa the sat- drink obtainable in the clubs, the let ter's floor Friday alaht. the aoore be- bylats and the lawmakers will be op lug !1 to 10. This waa the first against It schedule game this year and opened "Houae Bill 104" was abuUsbed the seaeoa for high Khool basket -four year ago. "houae bill 104 I hall la the county. Coe.e4lle Herald, ing the traditional name fur Oexui- lahua of erhuwey that wmld be found n.IK llltllEI'S. iu no lea than four dinwtau iw The Baadoa High school uaaket- belnsi kept filled n uttl-.holdr e by WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Frost Btreci, Phase n;o. I CHIMNEYS FinE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Right And nil Work Guaranteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Bide., IS? Second St. Phone taw ' French Rtncei. Boiler Work I HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW S CORTHELL Phone 3171. COQl'ILI.K IX)ST GAME. ball team defeatei the Biverto teatn enjoyed being hoapltablc t Hoar the thirsty will suhrt urohlem remains to he seen In a game here Friday by a IS to la. t M. Bpeacer and wife have re turned from a rlaJt la tan Franeleeo K00KT2 GARAGE Trfxaudor M4r7le Arcj LEE TIRES Anoieoerurs sioRftu 0005 COTXTTs MOuTT COKPLKT1 KJIC-HIXB SHOT HAJturs axo .trraMOsiLs RsTrMIJUXO axBftuxz mm saur 0TK ntOXT T. PHOTB l&o-V UATTKlSaX RXrAIBm AND CWABfiRf! Low Rates for Handling Trucks We i ;: v.iii U'ween any polnti Jtri? ". ;i V. feaeral hauling ?or ?-.! it. rites, rCJLB TrUXSFER A STORAGE CO IjcsI Jfemaer, Proprietor 120-J. 40.1. 08-R EQUIPPED WITH WlHI'LEfcW leamsMa f. mm akwate ATiWAYQ ON TIME. .....1. IUIIII IKIILMIIMIMII lll'IIIWl IIVIMIIV lV TIIK rft'i LOWING DATES: .IAN. U, t( A. .11.; .IAN. , 1 P. Mm "x- ( ,-jj i)::l A. M.; JAN. l, I P. M.; JAN. ittl, H:: A. .M. Jf 'jhpSr TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, R $$ AND OAK STREETS, POHTLAMI. Phono 33-J. O. II. LANDERS, Jf New Modeli "HEHDERSON CORSETS" also principal dlstrlbutore "OMYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend u PAIR RAT1BS Al PIXUM urv 'Wi mv ik im Mm laruesUfv Ww of rHwttaatft WIU akarvc Suit itrnh u Wwemm PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 14 Vh-t Oiegou iiecoaie a dry ma;, oi January 1. lfl. the Lotu. Pur.- I 'a most exiMtuaiv bar. located ROOFING BEPAJRIKG, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS ANO CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 113. P. 89. ecpoaHioiw during reet, near Wanhiagton, I 4ftPC' fl PAWIWf, UnRIt; 1. aurting the middio toaes. Into a nofvdrmk C LH$! IfJj. S uu Hate an KAHt.RT ( I.I-tXEU tn the Hay Round Tih h, KM te &! I'mh. iltHt ami See lmu. PORTLAND Ore. Jan U IKpoclal low railroad rates to th two California 'mis will prevail. I oi iwuruMry. iaeiwuaenuf, wnere women, u A fare of 3i for the round trip. u " '-Wfr their ' u....l ... i. a i . fhiral i-.-. ., . w. irva in ro oi - - nK W..T VOllt i. Mn wurmaiwn iioa u Mil ' " invHi niHIIUHlua 1J1 t iu. .... ItMlnU oa route In both SlrnOua. "'" '' otth n w r," , '',,',; ,, v Ma uffered from Portlw, iTSe " uy and labors """""'" ' " I'ttuama-paclfli rspothtoa ai Han '"'r' WU remain. When iht T- rs Prancieco, and tliketa hennas tw u1u' 1h.uvu etr the Utu mi. same limit from points la Wewm '' L iiuet eauer Ul uke bis jOreson win be sold at the loUowiag vrr llU' " he a soda, an fares: iCuavne. Hi; Hoseburg. sj iflfc dr,h, tuiaerai wattr. or some - ,, .,!, uuj iiwiui toncoc US. The Ur will remain and wo- w may oMer their drinks from (heir husbunds NO BAW EDGES -on YOUR COLLARS If you havo thoui laundored at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY KH TRANSPDHTATID1 1 738 Rcnii-wcolcly service Ooos lliay and Snn Prancisctl ill STEI I REOiOO WILL SAIL KIMIM K.W KltAVCIKf 'fl l.'flll COOS It X"V . I'RIDAY, JANlAin y-'i T3l'-j Equipped with wireljss and suhinnrlflo IjoH. Passenors and freight. KE UHsmp i 5 IITH Commutation Tickets $2.00 201 Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL KHOM tv riitYfiernMiif rnnmilV MONDAY, JANUARY IH T l'- Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier M and GOO Wifo hiiililincr. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. IrcGEORGE. Phone 44. m tarthfleltl-North Roml Aato Line r ovnry ten minutes from 0 n. m t Hi p. in.; lo .South SlotiKh onco n PATRONAGE biy, llnK (it 11 u. in.; to Einnlre tlllVO tlips liny. GORST & KINO. Props. LONIION IS. SHRINKING .1 . .tv. I IT KMHP8 SOME COOS 11V I I., ,,UNU0'' jM- .eV the first " flrtlr I PEOPLE UUSV TIIYINU TO , " ". '"" "" U,0 ,lmW,' ". ; LOOK" INNOOHNT-UUT 1 ' Z ."..!. nom hrtBkage. bllTi, CLEANED AND PltESS ED SPITS MADE TO OP.DER GIVE US A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY IXJYLE'8 PLACE S8 Central Ave. Phone 250-X. I t T I'hu 141 , ji UANDON TIIKY WORK OVUlt. I , . u"ot cxacily TIME AT IT l& KH,'ta- Tn a,rwHor 'or 1915 um usiea swar to it EIX(I OKORGirs 01 IT IXXIK). Jan, ii.-. v nect r n lUllinila II IHiilAk.ii.k..l -. irri '" - .'- -'' r7,;;; .i;,.0,r., 'r; , "" '", ,n gimewe of havo b,n nrewnted to King Ueorw I ThoC,HBayg)r,w,l(,8twVf SiES. ,,niM- '"' - - mZ n nn. heart I. liable , m JJJJJJ "" '" J;hf - MraJRh fcUmU of Civil!. The and taur .T'""". T" '" ' PnUUon at ii .I . l " pepuiaiioa ngnain CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT .SERVICE roi- nixi, pitonw 2o. Clmndler ' Hotel. I For touring cara, phone 20 I Chandler Hotel LYNX LAMIIKTIT, Prop. f Xevv Cubs : ; Xoxr Cars I e rilEIGHT. IIHI LIIE STEAMERS 8T0IMS -SAIL FROM- Snn Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Phono 27ft. Coos Bay Evory Friday To Portland And Titeailnv To San Francisco THOMAS 11. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock e-i. - la till AiboraDockty.1 Every Satin 0 A. M. Jlanfc ism . i i .- I- i1 4D4nni"-r iiinifmrBr -rrwnr I life soiituiice. Tho vlt nun Ivurus front olimr ration ru.t,u;Aii ixperlciiLe. Iluik. lk.u... .llTlw la natal, .u.ihii'u'.': .r'T.T '"- "" wai iy s not menttanad-T .r . ""H",.,m, ,uu '. Ihe Princes Mar MserUia the .hrUk... ,a, . . .."': " ' 10 VHlwtWMIul. Ill in- , . ' ,Wrm "Mkl, v yimiUHniU), jutfb;1 j LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme dlat service, prompt aueutlon I? i"'L l,utf.re8.u 0 our clients. M I N Ml U JI o OS T I. S. KAJJFMAN & CO. nmes Want Ads tor rcgults. I SOl'TH COOS RIVKR ROAT I SERVICE I LAUNCH EXPRP.SS I U'no- Mui-hlifieia Cviiy day j I M a. iu. Lwivcs head of river I at ,1:1,1 p. m, I ! STEAMER RAINBOW I loac liwui or ,.ivcr ,,aj. n, 7 . I a. iu. l,oiiMv8 Mnn.,lloltl at 'Jt p. I I "I, Pur charlfr apply ..it lMmni. . I I ROGERS MMITH I Proprieton, i -- n, . i i i i .iimi.ni ,,,. I . -- 1 V Pictures & Framing Walker Studio l J. BOAIFE tg A. h. HODQ1N8 !liM! DECORATING CO. Estimates Furiilalipil f Phone Wh UrHii;w. Orcjo . m .trrrii Tj. 3L Weatoru Oregon ltcprc5t(i HAAS 11R0THEA i.... .. ..i Wlinlcadc' Muraliflpld. Ores J J Tol. aoi-lt. K'3. M)"J the"cooshotel irnrniorlv Of ail"?"... WASHINGTON A J'j NORTH I",,'' C. A. Wcllliii V'W Pfr?ftrr "" Wfiianm j,tt..A . H'TUiBIIIMWaWwliiB - T iITlamillwrgsniin i I1 " II WlifllflflF BBillllili . . TI HHaTIWImlHaW TfMTT ii n. ,mmsmtei PI I I "vViitisg