.""7 n'fj ';, .. i j 1.1',,'j .;.i " rt umtut&sjvlyi? 'MZZ - m - ' CHANGE III UK MAY HURT PDHT AW It Invalid Says Lilienvist' (Spcclnl to Tlio Times.) ' COQUILLK, Or., .Inn. 15. A change In the bounorles of the Port of Ilandon, made by Attorney Tread- gold ana me run. w'"'"' . . P. M. Hall-Lewls nnd M. O. IiawKins had prepared a map of it. may result 'in the Oregon Supreme Court order-1 ... n rnWlnn- of on tho appeal and tho knocking out of tho Port. .. ,!, -Mo- M..r. TtnW. ..." ""TVJr" .V ::,""",, Kins nnu n- '""""-- . .. n (...M.fflW mill IIIII II. MIIIII. 111. LIIII I showing the UIU DUIVUJ Mint .i.",' ..... ..-.I.. ... it.,- nnmniloBlnn urninuK uu.. ,u. --" - tho bar( wien the little ship tnou extended tho boundary-lines about pnB8ag0. three milos to tho northeast and also ma(,B )ier BtrBg0 nmi I northward, lopping over Into the Coos b(jrnc (1(jffn by Ul0 Bhor weght 'iJry lrnlnago basin. Tho extension, o grcQt comuor8 the wireless jot the boundary taken In monythous-!opora(or of tho Nnn,i Sn,it, scnt a 'nnds of acres of Innd. ImessaRO sclntllatlng to tho Marconi i Tho chango wob not discovered un-1 w,eg8 gtatlon on tho hill nnd from 'til after tho trial In Judgo Coke's t,K.r(l operator Williamson nttompt- court. Tho map was not exhibited In C(J to cnu tlu fo saving station. Ho evidence, Mr. Trcadgold falling to foumj this Impossible, tho tele ' bring It Into court. McHnrs. Hnwklni I ,,), wrc8 wcro In troublo nnd nnd HalM.owls testified that tho mop ,10 worj reached tho Hfo savers. 1 did not ombrnco any area In nay i Morlnera this morning point with other dralnogo basin, not being awnro ' menacing fingers to this Incident that tho Uandon Port Commission declaring It Is clear evidence In It had changed tho boundaries. It was itself that tho station can bo moved Btlpuloled that tho map bo produced In ovldpnce and In going ovor It Mr. Mljcqvlst (ffscovorcd the change. Ho has presented tho question In strong languaga to tho Oregon Supreme Court. i' , 12 Coos Bay Asked to Join in Nat ional Canned Salmon Day to Boost the Product "March 12 n National Canned Sal mon Day" In the slouaii of tho Thnns- portullou Club of Sunttlo end tho , Association of Pacific Plshorlos. A. IS. Campbell, uhalrmau of tho exec utive uommlttOQ of the National 'Canned Salmon Day Association, In n lettor to tho local Chamber of jCommorco, asks the co-operation of Coos Hay In olnervlng that day. : Dining cars, stoaniBhlps and viotols nnd rostaurautH will servo Vanned salmon March 12, according e to tho ahalriuan, Thnt. tho movo- jmuiiV io boost' Vlib Pacific Coast Jprodutt U not new Is ovldencod by Who further statement that thla will 1 bo tho third nnnunl day of this order. 1"Tlip ImliiRtrlal dovolopniont of .nir country Is largely depoudont on ' (the proper exploitation of tho food jiroductH of each Hoparato coinmiiu- Sty," unys Mr. Campbell. Coiislilorlng hat salmon caniilng Ih a great Indus try through out Aliuku mid tho Nitlro North West ho nsk that Jmpport bo given tho movement. I Sonttlo Ib liiteronled In tho salmon jcuniiliiK IndtiHtry for two reiutons, namely, bocnuso during tho scnHou jtho Halinon run of Puget Houud nffordH 11 great Incoiiio to Seattle jicoplo and thosu thereabouts and ;i1ho beraiiso tho large canned sal anon Hhtpmenttt from Alaska nro, for tho most part, handled through Seat Il thereby affording nuothor source of liicoine, (hat of transportation, t Tho Biwno featuroH nro embodied, 4to n more or Iosh extent It Is pnlntoil 'out, down tho 011 tiro coast nod will urouvu (i lively Interest In n tiroduct vhlvh brlugu an lucouio Into tho community. Waterproof Not neatly not fairly but dryly watcriuoof OWEUx mi 4svmnP REFLEX SLICKER The wet vrtlitr cot looou lor good Inl mivicc Light wi usni wrigni. ilioog, end tig U utrc lot tvioluil, r $3.00 EYfrtwlete rrotcdor Hl, 75 Dj. SATtSPACTtON CUARANTiXD CiJfm A. J. TOWER CO., Beaton Times Want Ads Never Shirk Cost A Mite And Do The Work HT LIN MARCH URGED ffVVf '-- Oi' i j. xf SHIPPING NE s. 0. S. DF PROVED USELESS While Hardy Struggled Storm- Prevents Calling Life 1 SavinCI Station .- .!., Wires down on tuo BniP.rc . -, .'".-". , v.r,in made t vnoinninv maue uur.ng u. u.. . ';";,"' ..,..,, It ln.olUo to get t e I f station In the lo -.H. w at tho time when the Hard) seemed mow tor tnln to ho wrecked on wu nun.., .. . i 1.1 tint, u-nv In the SPU as SIIC lOUKi.i - - - .ca. The Nnnn Smith had followeu r ,,, Minholson In tho Hardy . ... .1.. I.-.. .,lw,rlln 1i.nl InRldo UOWn UIU ", . " "-- - ,. ncno too soon to Charleston Hay, where tho men could bo within three tnlniitos' run of tno bar In their ! llfo boat. Already tho National Congress has appropriated 147,000 for chang- Ing: tho station from Its present jlecntlon, whoro It Is 28 minutes' run from tho bar. Hugh Mcl.aln two I months ago received word that tho .transfer to tho bar cntranco had been 'ordered. Captain Campbell, district , llfo saving Inspection, hero from 1 Pan Francisco n week or so Inter, I said tho worlc would bo dono at onco. An official of tho Llfo Sav ing llureau In Washington, enmo here nnd mado an Inspection, but iiB yet no tangible movo has been mado and It Is now thought tho Ptirciiu head wilts until spring bo tnW ordering tho now buildings on CliarKftpn Uay. At tlio cntranco of tho bar, on tho north side, thoro Is stationed at all hours a lookout from tho lite saving station and from this It Is taken that tho tlurdy would havo been rendered all assistance If sho had 11. eded it, but oven nt tills sca- n.en, In no way blaming tho local edition, declare tho Incident Is of vulue In seeking u chango In the ftullou 11 h soon iih poshIIjIo, INSPECTOR BECK TO LEAVE MglllllOllhO IllNHC(OI of This 1)1. till t TYiiiiHftincd to l'just POHTIiANI) Oro., Jan., 15, Henry h. Deck, Inspector of the Seventeenth Llghthouso District, Who has boon in charge of tho Ore gon and Washington territory sluco July, I'Jtl, has received telegraphic Instructions to proceed without do lay to Clinrloston, S. C, as Inspeciur of that district, and ho expects to leave Saturday. Mr. Heck will trans fer tho affalra of his offlco to Robert Wnrrack, Buporliiteiidont, who hag been appointed temporarily and Is understood to havo boon selected ns Mr. lleck'a successor. The latter had reuu.'sted a transfer to tho Kas ana was fnvorod when tho vacancy was available. During thu tluin ho has been In Wiargu of thu Seventeenth District ho has caused C4 now lights to be established as aids to navigation, 15 of which nro in tho ninln clinnnel botween Portland and thu sea and oinorn in tho Willamette and Coliim -, Ida. Ho procured tho sanction of tho jimrenu of I.lKhthouies to establish a mammoth gns bony marking Or ford Hoof, off capo Dlanco, which othom had sought to havo marked for years with n llght-vessel. ini proveinent in n,0 iiKiltltiK syntem at tho mouth of the Columbia Hivr. 1-nim.rlMlM . "". of tar" ".;"? ".r1 H,,, l IMI llisht. .V.i 7 . i'u"ui laugoicanm ln overland HKhts at Chinook and other h.itmr.. meats there were obtained by Mr Heck. HU'SUVW POUT COMMISSION Thq conimlssloiiera of the Port of Impuua met Monday ovotilug and ransneted what business that came Wru the meeting, which was very "ttle. A r.olmioii was adopted moving tho placo of mooting from Uie flmuibor of Commerce to one of uio offices In the llnrdluor Mill Co's. store, unit rmiii..iii.. .1,.. .,...1........ rctnry's sslary frn, 3G per month I to 110. Thlu w. .,.,.... ' I; of there being nq business to we being nq business to LJ. . . ,8 w,,Uttlu among a few nsacted at the present time, as1 1.1""011 ,,,Ht boca," "' the ib is being done toward tho j ! H!ln'Ha Cau:U ,uul "Ntulatlona adop. UMnent of the rivers or haibors , tomKovor "s use, there is a uu transa nothing Improve .. . ...... .. r ' "" "" i.u lirouauiv mniiiin win i. .!.... of this, nature before next sutnmor or fall. The following officers wore re elected for the eusuliiK lour: ir.w ..(. "M " UUIIl O. K. Hlckor: VU-o-Pro., W. P. Howl Treas., j. n. Hoddou; 8oc J ,,' Christie; Asst. Secy., L. s. Wwkl. Unrdlncr Courier. -A r -'9-r- i. 'ei GALE DF 75 MILES HITSBf Spas Wnsh Into Cabins Wet- ting Passengers in Storm Off Cape Lookout ,,.,.1..,, ..f u.cht before last off , i.. .. ,.f tlio lmrdcst storms ,... u . -;--- , . .1 .1... u at s e ins u;i v........v. ., -i;.wr ' ...mm .noon i - - r- n n r n n nun ii . i v n i u i in im wc r r iniihiii uniLu i1-'" - ,nnn' F.r 1 7.1 iv mn en ITU PRIIIUIHC M EAKlAfAILH that she has ever encountered. ",,.,,. nB of two nights ago won... Ureakwater arrived off the bar last evening nnd crossed In cany 'lnornlnB. morning, bringing a passenger list )cft 0J , ncliondo of 3C persons from Portland. Cn"were. tnln Macgcnn was In command! j ' Mrg 3 g IJraK!ini Morris Reports before leaving tho Co - ' Ut QmAm umbla bar that the wind was .mod- J Jko , orating accounts ior u.u .. iter's leaving port and It was not1 Ungfon, H A. el , 3 until several hours out of Astoria Mann. C. H. Lead, I .A. on Wednesday night that she wasjl-'. Morrlssey, lorn A. UHH struck by tho So'wester that blew ; up tho coast. "After leaving Astoria at !:30 w,ioo,inv morning." said Captain 1 Macgcnn this morning, "wo anchored In tho lower bay to got ino iiooji weather report. Tho word came to us then from Capt lilanco at 1 p. m. hndlcatliiK that a southwest wjiul of about 25 'miles an hour was do- " "Tho ureakwater proceeuea nmi found both the Columbia bar and the- son outside moderate. It was not until 8 p. 111. that wo ran Into n , heavy southwest galo off Capo I.00K nut which Increased until It blow botwecn 05 nnd 70 mllea an hour nt 3 a. m. on TiiurBuay. "Just before four o'clock the wind ; died down a bit ana 1110 seas nauiou )1S ,-IWi . relurned in umo to eaten tno auor to tho southwest when wo shipped 11 nenvy sen nniiusnii winen uuni ine main bulwarks and uppcrworxs (or a distanca of 10 feet, stove In the salon windows nnd those of several staterooms on tho upper deck, filling with salt water tho green rooms A and C and thoso of tho wireless op erator and tho Captain. Tho dnmnge was only slight." Tho Ureakwater arrived off tho Coos Hay bar yesterday afternoon about three o'clock nnd becauso of a 10-foot outgoing tldo could not cross In until this morning. Captain Macgcnn says ho will leave on sched uio tlmo Snturday morning for the north. William If. Hosklns, of Tilla mook, shipped a horse on tho Hreak wnter In Portland, which was low ored Into tho hold nlongsldo of an other animal. Whllo tho high seas! were running yesterday nno of tho horses rolled out of his crnto and across thp hold whoro ho collided ' with a shlpmont of flour. In tho nilxup tho animal pawed and tore opon tho sacks, finally settling Into' tlio midst of tlio dobrls, from whence ho was ousted only nfter tho derrick) was put Into oporntlon. During Wodncsdny night many of' the pnsseiigors woro awakened by tho j Hon washing Into tholr BtntorooniB. according to statements today, somo I of whom left tho ship with their' baggago still wet. 1 Thp following passengorB arrived this morning from tho north: Apo Hatola, WHJam 1'aJrlno. An- drow Morlkl, Mr. and Mrs. h. Walk- er, h, A. Gourtero, Karl Huniborg, C. W. York, J. J. Hucbrldgo, W. O. Cooper, Win. Hoyden. Stolln Draff. Mex Altrue, Oeorgo DukeiiBlkv. Joo Parka, Henry Ilookmero, Chris Snv Isch, Stevo Hnlck. Stovo Millor. S. miwicer, I). J. Orlgmnii. Stella An-' 'Icrson, Inez Clark, H. O. Doll, Joo "nil, -Mrs. H. O. Doll, K. P. Swan eon, c. II. linker, Win. McKonn, Miss Ashoe, a. W. Fox. H. H. Flom Ing, Mrs. A. Aliilorwin, Dr. Morrow. Win. H. Hosklm, A. Aftodnl. Duiiuigeil Ills C001N. Karl Powell, of North Ilond. who wah hero this afternoon, said that W. 11. Woldy. who Is to start 11 pa per lu North Deiid, BtiffortM much .'.aningo in tho Hreakwutor's hard tip. His offectH were oil It. 11 U auto wiib split In two, hlH house hold effects Ronkod and dnmagad ami 111 nil no otit mated t hut 11,.. woi,,' r ooo Woldy BOATS TO ADVANCE RATES New Nurtlilmiiiid Tariff (iws Into Kffi'ct mi Oust liniiiedlally. POUTI.AND Ore.. J,,,,. 15. Kol lowing the annouiuoinont to bhlp pors more than a wook ago that northbound water rates would ad vanco Jatiuar) u. 8ome of tlu,m 2ft per cant, virtually u steam fchlp compniilos operntlng to thU ill) have nvado H Kuoral ralio In tariffs. As vet nn i.iin,.... I.. . S ,U 60,u,boi" rate, Bon.e 0 '" are dqctaroa to b m inu-. -. .Maa llag iman , . ,w w,,Uctlu among a fow lirnlu.lilllt.. .i.... .... w mut iiiiorcoasj . .-u .fl l.4. "' ...luuossi iiupg nmy ,)0 urou.,t under tho JurWlctlo,, of tho Inter atate Commerce Commission. The Present ea8o m ohargos. how- tanf'l "0t, n!tr.l,,,ltwl o that, as the r ff Is admittedly much below the rail ratea between tho two states. 1 1 4 . K ' (! I . . ' " t- - ul r in h TArr uu mm : mni rui juu ui.... .. - Lumber Laden Freighter Car ries 16 Passengers for San Francisco At 3 o'clock this morning the llc dondo moved out from the Smith Terminal dock ami steamed down the Day with a cargo of lutnuor a..u i . ,,01111d for San Kranclsco ... ,,..,,, nvunnloil that tlio -l'i"" -.. 1. 1 capinm .... ----- .. , nr lwo hikiub b - mllet0ll down considerably this 1.. ..i.,n., .inu-n considerably thh . iiiii. Mrs. Harry I.aflne, K. llllams MACtlKX.VH cii.ia.m." rnntnln Mncgenn, of the sleam- cr jrCnkvater, reported Hint whoiii ,i0canio Into tlio uoiumum uum "" I)ay sMday tho bar was ui ennui from Xo I y WB 0Ut8" ', T 1 nth channel, now clitbtiwi . . .. .1 I i ti10 Sottt1i channel, no ..Mnegenn's channel." tlioro w " . " wl,lle water." C...tl.. Mr- enn Bays tint wmi miio woik S0,h 0f 40 feet could be obulnnd , .,' .,,, Fnll. Portloti.l Oregon- ,U)i m mvni! i.v P.isTixii: n.i'ii. I ..msh llAI,!,. HATl'ltDAV KVK. .,Ax, ,f in. FIXK Mt'KIC. NO h.OIXO. (.'eiitlemeii !iMl0; l,a- IRVING BLOCK Years End Accumulation Sale Will Continue Until January 23 Suits For Women LOT NO. 1.' Values to $17,50, choice $9.75 LOT. NO. 2. Values to $27,50, choice $12.75 COATS LOT. NO. 1. In this lot wei havo just 75 Coats loft and they will go, special for Saturday only, values to $17,50, choice r$5.00 LOT NO. 2. Values to $29,50, choice $13.75 LOT NO. 3. Values to $37,50, choice $17.50 SHIRTWAISTS One lot of Shirtwaists, values to $7,50, choice $1.49 All furs we are letting so at One-Half Price and some are less than half, which is considerably BELOW COST. Underwear at 33 1-3 per cent discount, WE ARE CLOSING OUT ALL MILLINERY AND CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL .' ' j- Real Battle m9 nciu ARE TO BE SHOWN AT LEMANSKI'S THEATRE Monday Afternoon and Evening, Jan. 18th ME-HA.F THE PROCEEDS GO TO THE RED CROSS DON'T MISS THESE GREAT WAR PICTURES. Professor Brown, of 0. A. C. Horticultural Department to Demonstrate Tho orchnrdlsls of Cooa liny will vo an opportunity next Wednosdav f iih I'rofossor llrown. lioatl of tho Horticultural Hepartinent or 0. A. C, who Is expected hero Tnus- I w. . - , ..... .... , evonlniff nnd will biioihi ih ''" i . on Sotlli, Coos Kivoi farms. Pruning, tho planting and caro of trow, tho innrUellnn of tlio product, will bo Important phnaes of tho work to bo taken up by Profes sor llrowil. J. I,. Smith, county iigrleultmlst, tnniln tho announconiBnt lhl8 morn I lux as ho mil' figuring pensively on 'tl boat scheduio wnoreoy uu u.m'-' to )0 nbl0 to bring tho farmers from catching Inlot nnd tho Minn iMirn down tho river In tlmo to catch tho ,., i1Mimii ... , iim South Korlc. following Is tho tontutlvo ur rangonient, n mado out ny .mi. i...ni. iiiiiu.ii iIiIh mnv bo changed LlllllLIII mwnni. .. -... 1 further announcement. It Ih uilii imi Kv- ",. wll, i,.nVo tho foot of Market I jr . flop 8 ,,.i ..rrivim? ni ihn J ' . ; " f( ' outh of Catching lnlot at a tlmo to linen liinsiiiiiin-in uiiiiiiiih iium.i " tho Wnh-tii-Wuso ami tho Sunrise, of Sumner. Farther up tho rlvor pns- soiigors from tho Allognny illatrlet win uo wi-mmi mi m uiu ".. ..,1 tho present plans everyone will ll,! jBli43a4tMa4& W0"tSS33 REMEMBER, THE ONLY AUTHENTIC Field of G ires bont retumlnB Torn Mnrsliflohl ... l....llniltllinU. In t u'lr ro'M'ccuvo iivbi.u -. lirofcMor llrown travow """" 1. mnklng tlio niit"1 v,v" ' ,v in lh. Btttlo. H cxnccw 10 ... J, nr.iin sonic tlmoou Sittunlnj, remaining tlioio ovor Sunday, and 1 lunvhiK Alomlny will probably nrrlvo on I'oiw imy Homo iltno 'I'liwdny. 11" N in havo threo ilnyii In Coos: county, .'. Tinirsday to Alyrtlo Point ,! couulllo and tho last day to . Lotliai'd MoClllre ..1.1..I1 U mi thu Uiiflolnir?! A'fl'OltNlJv a t. :::;:. : - - " - Into tuo iiiionui. 1 Tho fact thnt thoro nro fow largo : u u Hari)er ni-phnrda In thla vicinity nmkoa nuikoa exceedingly difficult for Mr. Smith Gonornl Itopnlrlng amj"c,vj to make out n schedule for tho South phQno Cooss lllvor trip inni w;in uhhuiu farmers to nttbnd. .'VIbUb will mild, probably, to tlio orclmrdu Uluorgo Mnrcli, .lesso Sniith nnil Mutt UIM)IN CONTUaW ;o Murch, .lesso Siuilli 111111 aiiiu iliitstrom. whcio tho doinoiiBlratlon , wor!!.:r!,1..m,,,: thing will bo iirunlne nmi It Ih n-iiMinlv iloHlrnlilo Hint furnioifl nlnt tl.om.olvP. with llib proper, Jfg0 ZtA methods of troo culluro," said tho, v ftI, Jr.'! i..i .. n.ia , ..,.,, i,r tiii ii;iiiiu mi mm nw"'rv "Many farmers havo but n trooH, licnco pny niiiu uiumumi lliolr euro mill In pruiilng fill off limbs Iiidlncrliiilnalely. In thin good IiiiiIh 1110 ellpped. Thoro Ih IoIh to learn. Why, thoro Is ovon hcIoiico to cutting off tho limit of 11 Iron. Unless you mnko tho cut close to trunk whoro tho wound will ovor tho atub rots nmi furnlHluiH ucc.osH for dlHoaso to got lulu tree." COI.UMItlA I IA INKS'. I'UH'lt, !jil.7 MM,y caUl. Tim ftlnil VOU linvo AiAVAYS UKKD. Pliono 711. Pacific Ijtvery uml 'I'lunsfor Compiiiiy. Suits For Men 'S SUITS. $15,00 Suits, choice $ 9.75 $17,50 Suits, choico $11.25 $18,50 Suits, choice $12.75 $20,00 Suits, choice "$13.50 $22,50 Suits, choice " $15 25 $25,00 Suits, choico $17.75 $27,00 and $30 Suits, choico "$18.50 OVERCOATS c?n m BH 0vGrcAts, choice $12.85 WO and $35 Overcoats, choice $1 7.50 ettFn o , BOYS' SUITS.' 5fr9 ! choice $3.00 S5.50 Suits, choico . $435 $6,50 Suits, coico $495 $8,50 Suits, choico $625 $10,00 Suits, choico $795 i nn MPcoS FiTANWEL S"HRTS"" $1.50 and $2 values 95c $2,50 values V19E One lot of Flannel Shirts hi? BOYS' OVPRHflATQ TnMc"bV.rlbS reat War ORQAN.2AT.o7 1 HlOHQUALlTv" Ik nn.l.l.l. ' , 11, vuuuiuiJICS ntirl wvory 'iihiik lu Hwi , """"".v ivecn 1 Marshfielcl Fruit CnJ A. P.1I...1. Ment Phono :um-.i. "1 PROFESSIONAL !. ntss It HOUHH iti'iT.mm It illl.KlI . , 1 .mi DC j Wriflht of i. hiiiiiiiiiih 1 iii'iuaiin.i m "" -mil on (!; , Dr. H. M. Shaw ox - , ciliAHHKH Kinnr,,i 110 - lilt. MATTIK It. silAW "- """ ". 1 , few ' genjamil1 OstHlld . tho conhultixo i:.vciim:fiii Altl'lHTUCT wny Offlcen, 20(1 Irvlniz Bid I ?hono 10II-J. or 2C7-J. I MirnhfleHo W. G. Chandler AIU'IIITKGT tho honl frco Itoomi 301 nnd .102, CokeEiS MitrHiinoiii, Oregon tlio Wm. S. Turpen AltrillTKCT Marshflold, Oregon. loci Ostlind AT PIANO TUNMIt AND nETitl Loaro onlorH ut W. II, !Ji(&i tic Company. . f (ID 8. Sixth Stroot. VfoiA ni n:in.i on:... K run nuuy uuuiniiui i 1'IANIHT AND lIUCWl (losldotico Studio, 217 No, Tl t'linno aun-u AIN'T IT Till! Tllfli Wo novor blnmo tho tailor tir our pants wo havo to jj Wo novor blnmo the tbott wlion our boIos growoMt thin, Wo novor blnmo the whon our lids we bitil flout, Hut wo nlwny ,'-.mo thi 1 dry whon o,,, nnlrta tut COOS IIAV KTHAM UCXKl Pliono &7-J. st. ijAU'kk.nci: hoth (Formerly tho CooslloWl Steam hunt, hot and cold in No liquor. Wo Invito you to nvcstl(i!ii wlutor rntcs. Special Indoccil whon two or moro peraoci oal py Bnmo room. 1AUIHIAN CMCAXIXO WI DVKINd WOHK8 200 West Murkct Ave., Second Street. Under now management I low, nmi nil work Mtiifit LiiiIIvn' work n HKthll Phono 17C-J. j. s. ktj:vi:.vs, Prop. o- YOII AIITfl fiALL FOR FOOTE'SMl Phono ii-"5J Nllit ami l.iy. Whllo Mlcphant ClnU (Sooil Cm. Careful M i). i. room SAVE MONEY liv nwlm-lm' IllO fU0tf HENRYVILLE COAL Nut conl, por ton - Lump Coal, por ton " Or, half ton of both , D. MUSSOIj Phono IH-.T or leave iw lllllycr'M ClKi'r Stort. The Bay Viewi, Under new manageiP GilL rauJn FLORENCE. OREP Offers ihfi host acco tions in the city-Thorjj Renovated Dining n Unexcelled ri Yours to P'e Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MERCHANT'S Ctff Popular place fpr Knnr MnalS. Prices Reasonably WV, Ulllllll"" SMITH'S VARIETY S1 North Bend, for Fancy and N"1 GHINA , -Z2 tnl DIRECT rzi Times' Want A ADMISSION 25 AND 35 CENTS. Bring m ,' T !, f1M -- --, i-- -rl " -t If Vti -.fc. . lUisvmtLjsz, a-BTi