!"! ,c.HrrdrrrJrM---ir: . 4 -- - oTfeYmtb'tt',, CX iM&UfoM&m&mi "THE TRY IT ,w FOUR -rp'THCV ' COOSBAYTMB Mlkl.1 Wpcr b( co. "-t News of Near-by Tbwns . Vaxts S'-woo damages- . . .t . -r.ffion f Mftrah- --,5Br for tSSmtalon I I sorrii ixM-rr itkm ... . I-. fuiiur r ' 1.K01I Hiplr MMm rnilllty 18 HOW " mB '" . ' ....., ntl.l ,1oe UlliH" . ' " - . A - ... . !. ffl IJlJIt" f t.ni.n tllli KBhbi mall. .,,,,, liroblom 8iler 01l 8oih8bB '" mall mnuor. . 0110 ot the many " '" " ' i,i homo with mom 'mar tost tlio taxpayers -"" " , ?)0ror Working in . "'"''J " ""Jho boys t o B-"0""0' .. ..1. i.ia ,.un negligence. . ,,,..,, ..inking ties. titmrry. uii "" - . ... nro having a gicn.. . .,.. ' u. i,m1 n hand Mown off. !" ,. ... -oW a eating Hot -TWA strange an , ,.. ;. ' h r-of B..nlp-dorh.dbo.n - ;,, 9B, 1 to una.." :",:: ., mccd. but m .hootm on. .. cm.--, : ; - l0 aown. geo 110 engaged In the rage that iiumw MUX'S VISiu.N. Wo nro selling ' . '-; 8Be. dozen, or two iioze y ,., donl) COOKINO AI'IM. ' pUs w-nt out. Cn up .n.l order -o" 10 of t MNEV w1, lA (..i-rofolpr pin"- Come in and ask ... """' - so Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House riiunu wT ' U10 h"t ,! .ntr.l " '" """,:.: noholom.-,M. r. - a- !:.:: r ' r.,. . - -si , - -. - in 1 1 1 u 111u.1iLi.11t - , 1 . inwivii iiunii . - - - nnKUKBu 111 """----- . . ..... i., , ... infli, nrinr lliu i""i T ' . .... r. i... f (hit r ponvil- 1 nuns iu "" With nil tllO liuenauj ' , . . r.... ftinlh SIOUBh to 111 rof incir convu- , uu.io .w - imnlllWCOK WUiu w"' , ..,, "" " . . ... ...-!..' .i... nnvnrt.K! 098 11" """ "' . .. .. V.v lfl US 1 HUH "' rr,rTTS H,?,",:1 - '"""":- VTj- w"w """ "".. T!1.01: '"",'. ;.,,. i . .n.,-.,. .. w r1" "?.: lot of try Is flBhtlnB for Its nauonni i .,. - ' contlnuo.l to pay and that tho other sldo is nciun c i . r .- - ,1lc by all tho base motive of wbleb ! " ..jsooo danrnno. ,, belna ro enpab o. The , , ur cl .lm or Ui(j Bnn,o thlnK hooi. In a niuor .,.. . - (,)inmBonor Annslro.iK MV0I1 Oiu - .. . ., .., (( .l l.l...n.i iniilvldualM friend and old nqlglibprs ot II In for each other and entirely Iobo Bight. of all, tho good qualltm they used to boo and admire. Ono of tho hard- out thliiKB In tho world l to bo fair ,ml to m OiIiirb fr"i your oppon- e;iL', your rival's or your antngon- IhI'h Btniidpolnt. A man thlnkH ho In able to do It until hlH Iro Ih urmiBod. Thou ho IiobIum to hollovo only tho UjlilKB ho wuntH to bfllovo uiul hIiuIm hl cyefl and uniH to any phnKo of truth that ilounn't support IiIh hlo of UiO Qiiarrul. That's human naturo. Thnt'8 why Uhto l tlll war amoiiK civilized natloiiH and why hitter iiiar- rolB contlniiu to dlvldo Indlvlduala and coiumiinltlPH. ays that according to tho now sta llublllty law thoy may no io- l.t. ,.,.!, 41m iMIIIIltV WaS ,,ny mo Hum, ... ",",, in no way to biamo lor uiu .,n-...v.. Iltimloii World. .MHItlHTM TO I.KAVI-: roporioii n gu.. -. ., Joo ailsBH ni.om.eu i --" ,.: .m.,,1,1 Saturday night and said I It was hard to get away from. I'Klltri: TO TltAVKfi. TTpat thf R1IILDIN6 GAME -:- J DLrtl i"1- nr8 nd a lot of h been a hobby with us for - - - , goo, so c"r5iUn-l'&W;-C0- CUT THK rt'KIi HILL 1 TWO Mr, ,u,0AnWA yotinK I'''0!'10 rrrpTr-fr T -T'jRr i n..flnim Account In ll.l w.fc, co..ervnUvo bM 0,irn " n... nnt of your crnlnH mid with llio a ,J u.Bli.rly if" l ,)0 Blirl,,.8C.l how quickly , lZ S"'"'; ,s " RrMt w,,r ( 'm,,,l"0" T'y "' UNDKIt TIIH UNITHO BTATK9 GOVKUNMIW 8UPKKVIHIOX. first unmiL III OF COOS BAY Sofetij Deposit Boms I' or Itcnl. GW -ai i 1'iiovu . 8. P. Polrro. of I'ort Orford . Bentutlvo-oloct fiom ' d , Crry Joint district. Is In J Hand ,, will travel betwoon tl Is JX d Salon, until after tho .ogl -Sru adjourns. Ilo Is ouo o tho f I,ll.,l.n. who will bo unablo to go : ii... wnnk-oiiil niijoiiwi- ' UOIIIO "'l "" . nlstrlel Attorney Morodlth h ,!, m tho avIlable l"'"rl,- ments. new and, wburtt. Fox. unt erro . rcnl anfi &i5?-5S - v" TvrrwniTFHHflWBfc flNU aurr- ". FUfflMlTBEIIIIEIT 8115 ,tm facilities will not permit. -I ort- laud Oregonlan. Klvcii out tho word that ho will return to IiIh former liomo in ri- Ii,r muffs, Mo. In tho early spring. IIIr old business and social asso- . . i, ,.i.i i.i mii'ii strong clan's ii """ "- . ...I. Inducement that ho can n ngor )Im, nl Mt Hiuio near i..i..k'-j resist. Mr. Merdlth does not ! Jumlliry 3nl. .loseph Mow. W'il i .....M.i..!.... in I . Fi'i.rt idiitwiiiinli UN'S AT li.X(II.Ol WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST vt zzz: .. v GOOD HVKNINO. Thoro wn nover u nlgl.t with out a day, Nor an evonliiK without a morning. And tho darkest hour, tho pro verb' goes, Jb tho hour beforo tho dawn ing. C. Mackoy. UcoatiRo ho baa lost eonfldonco In tho future of Curfy but purely on liiislnoirt. relations. Ho says no going to hold on to nil Mi" real ostalo ho has In Curry as ho believes about sixty years. Tho '' '"' rauso of his death was bronchitis. Il leavm a wife and ono son and ,, daughter nl homo and on., son i .iniiu nor. .Mrs. u.-. OSiaiO mi iin "1 .'" " " - AUgllSl nun " """" ,, . ii .. ..,.,,.1 liiviiNtinciit. Mr. Merdlth,, ,,,, ... iinrbor. dold lluncli . . r!tiitiiu and family liavo inane mimy ." o)(, In Gurry who win rognu mun parturo very much but win wish thorn well where oro tlioy go. (Jolil lleach Clobo. Vlti:STLIX8 IX CDItllV COUXTV filVIM HI.Iirri'Uli PAUT.V I BENNETT TRUST CO. MAKbMf icui, v.- $1orooo.oo Capital, surplus and undivided profits oi-Ticrans: . i tn.,t Arthur McKoown, Secretary I "" ,""",'M:', 'l' o?T.' TboonlyTrmt law In' this state OLIHMT HANK IN COOS COUNTV UstbllMliol 1HBI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 ntlv Interest mm " "" ..vi.n.M. Oftlccra: 1JL i W ncniiett. President. ... ICCjl ' "' ,anll".,I ifiHI1IIK, Vlci-PrcslilPiit. Sif J. II. l "nW,r; WIIIIiiim, Cashier. ,Cfltl Goo. 1'. Winchester, Ant. Ci?! jywh .We who ki:i:p tub iiimgiit WAV. Up from tho shadows and Into the day Joy o' tho Itrnvo. luurtB who kooji tho bright wayl To hilltops of Winter or gardens, of Mny, A song for tho bravo hoartH who keep tho bright way? All In plnco For tho rnco Anil tho Lord send us grace To run with tho racers who keep tho bright way. ' From tho dreams and tho gleams of tho bright Hky or gray, With heart lo go singing, we'll keep tho bright way! '1,'ho darkness, bolilnd hh tho Mom lug's glad ray, With n song for lhoi racers who keep tho bright wayl All In place Vor tho race Aipl tjio, light of Llfo'H faro, We'll run with the racers who keep the bright wayl Frank L. Stanton. . , I IjtICSTIO.V FOU TIIK AV. . J .Ilqw nro tliojo 'uw Yoai's I res.Vlutloiis? I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Krononborg ontertalnod n few frionds nt a delightful Informal party Now i Vdnr's ovonlng. Spoclnl forms of ......... ... ....... ....I.. ....... i ivnrn tii'onareii "" Tho thrco wrost ng romosm iihiiiwihii Loientf Hall Saturday evening , ho occasion and the , din ,.g tab o last resulted as follows: llud Post and room wore omu.inu , . and Ceorgo Stutton first and oo-od. Tlioso preno.u ." - oS ii aw.ll to Stutton, time ..Miss Kllaoboth Uodgors ; Luc Ilo 1714 nnd 10 minutes respectively. McKay, i.eiuor uhiiii "'";" Percy 'umwnlt and Claronce Wright first fall won by Zumwalt In n minutes: second fall won by wrlgnt In nlno minutes, lloth retired with honors Oven. Holit. McKon.lo and llornal Forty aftor nn aggrosslvo contest lasting -IB minutes, It was declared a draw. Tho gate receipts will bo applied to tho purchase of a mnt. An enjoyable dtinco followed tho wrestling Port Orford Trlbimo '- mw""1 r i Mm. Muy Dlppol. IUndon World. PltlSOXKItS AltU KHMCASKII Abstracts COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. MMtSHFIKLO AND COQl'ILLK C1TV, OltHGO.N nnxitv si:x(iSTAt'M;., .n.i"' To Portland every Thursday T litU Stjfai AV AvUl,mMCo. every MonW TIIU TAST AND COMKOIITAULK S S. Geo. W. Elder NHWIiV KQUIPPKU HIIKDSPOUT WATKU Sl'PPLV K. C. Flcher, sontoncod to pay a flno of ?ir.() on account of violat ing tho gamo laws on account of his youth and good behavior wns recus ed this morning by tho court. Cl. F. Wlllhlto, completing hi sentence for violation of tho giuno laws .on Dec. 31st, and with good resolutions and tho best wIbIiuh of all. departed for his homo In Agues. Cold lleach (Hobo. I . -' 71 . 4 HI lull .AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Strctil, Phono :no. P. Mornn has taken tho contract lo run tho tunnel which will tap! Clea,. I.ako for the purpose of sup plying Ueedsport with water. Ilo was to begin work about the first of the your. It will take souio tlmo to complete this work, as there is no. mw um,Mwry ,.,mM ot bo Install feet of tunneling to bo dona nnd . ... . 0XllBClw gut on to bo lintulliHl before tho ho MILL IS UHiaYKI) Tho mill did not start up on tho first of the mouth as eonlomplntod, owing lo tho fact that all of tho. mm- iiiui'bliuirv could not bo Install- 1 ikI in time, but tho mill Is expected l . c CHIMNEYS FIllU PLACES j. N. BAYLISS Apy Kind of Uriel: Work nt Prices That Aro night And nil Work Guaranteed Call nt "The Fireside," JohnBon Illdg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Uangcs. Dollor Work HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sco CORTHELL Phone 3171. ginning of tho pipe laying. Tho pipe which will bo laid through tho tunnel will be of steel, two feet lu dlanioter, while Mint on the outside will b of wood. It will bo five miles long. (lardlnor Courier. GIT ntox CltOSSKS to bo running by tho 15th. diner Courier -Oar- KOONTZ GARAGE Kicclslor Motorcycle Agccy LEE TIRES ..iNir.i.nin. I!..". l.lvMtl.1 - auhmiuiii i.iwi nivm.w to place a permanent vessel on the , yTys MOST COMPLirri Mill. 1119 (TWHI r i"Miwi wMi-rf SKItVICi: IS ItlvSU.MHI) Until arrangements cnu bo mado Low Rates for Handling Trunks 1 Wo haul trunks botwoen nny point. In Mnrshflcl.l nnd do general hauling, (or ronsnnnblo rates, STAIt TltAXSFEIt .V: STOUAGB CO. Levi Ilelsnpr, Proprietor I Phones: 1U0-.). t"-U UK-R ... ,m NOUTII PACIFIC HTKiVJiBiur i.u. r 0. P. McflKOIIGH AGENT "'g Phono 44, Marehflold PhonojUiorAl - -fl KQUIPPUI) WITH W1KKLK8M. :m Steamship Breakwatfk ALWAYS ON TIMK. JJ , ,. ,.,r,cni.-ii.'i.i ni'iiivr: .lAXl'AUY. ON mnrni. .ll.n I'llW.ll .UJlliniii - ... LOWIXG DATKS: JAN. '- 10 A. l. JA.V . '; ., ::i() A. SI.; JA.V. , P. 31.; JAN. , ::' ' " TICKETS ON BALK AT POHTLANI) CIT1' TICKET OFFICU AXO OAK STUIJKTS, 1'OKTIi.lJW. ..,.., o. II. wndehM MTER OCEAN I RANSPORT Scmi-wcolcly service Coos Bay and San Mitchell will Im) oporatthl by the Pui'iri.. ('uiul Stimniulilii Cimiminy ( . ... .... v...v - , , l)r. M. II. Pohl rocelviM a postal ,n their service lwtwwn this port. earn irom n swim- ii"j v in r nnii iiiuwr mwur rousi in . siivenil ilnvs ami stating that (!-' ternnHllulu stons brlel and Itudolph Schutloff, two oil has bwn char of his nepliews In the Kalsvr's army ,.fl,. Coast Company and will lw linvH mich riHMlved Iron rriMMHia here January I ."tin on tho run fur fur bruvory. Culuiol Is an officer Hiiy filled by the old sti'anwr Coim and Rudolph a private. Tho rnrd y, tih Coos Hay was driven also tinted thai only out of the under the wharf nt Ventura three I two other uephows recently roport- weeks ngo and bwawa a total MACIIIXK SHOP MAUIXE AND AUTOMOIHLH ItKlWIKING GAsoLixn roit salc tr lower const In- S0UTn niOXT ST. PHOXK 180-J I Tim Daisy Mitch- u.vltKUIF.S ltKPAIKKI) AXD rlered by tho Pu- niiAimKii New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" nlao principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend STEIIP REDONDO ek? WM Wi WILL SAIL l'OU SAX PHAXt'lSI'O AND SAN IM'.IHW TaiTI COOS IIAV, IHIDAV, .1AXUAUY 1.'., AT iniw "m B Equipped wltU wiroVess ind subiiarlnB bet x unftunuiD uuu. i.ib" -sas. IC ROOFING T I two otaur ueinows riH-miuy rnimn- weeRs ago ami iMHawa a to You eail'l f latter an liomwt man by IH missing wer .lend. Oue, Krust wrmk. Smii Francisco CUmnle'i', 1 1 1 ii tr Itliti1 list lu lifiliiwr I lu..u., li ifrl.uin was iniiiritil telling him. lie Is houeal . Men wlUiout imomliw have lint few frlendH. & UPM . w mBV Ily qoveiiug up tliejr trucks I. soiuo Cou,s liny men gut cnnlll for walking hi the straight ami narrow pajli, L'aurwttlt. an olflcor, was injured when his horso whs shot down under him. Ilo was found iwveral days later and Is now locovoiing Han- don Wmid. VISIT at itosimritG. KILL AX O'ri'Ult W. K. Itest. of liaudoii. sKnt Satiir- day evsulug hi Itosobnrg looking af ter business affairs. A. K. AdelsiKji-ger. of Marshfleld. s)iut Saturday night In ltowhurg. ip REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. NO SAW EDGKfl o YOUR COLTiARS If you huo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY STEUEHIP IW'9m1 L i I'wmi wisrusj lllgHl III Kuwiiurg i Ust week Milt Xkerrllt and lrt Mr. Adlspwger is a iatirwNiuilv I Muhln kllkHl a largo otter which ' f h c A gwlh TlmWl CoM)iml). J was trying to make Its way over- U(l u Wl, kuowu htw.Uoiielluri I,.. til ?...... ....L. ..I 1 I. .. 111.. ..!... .... ' i - - - hhii w 'u n nun ii uvrv. HiwruurK '- lawn iihihi one oi uie siougii on iiBYew , If a friend pull his watch on .Smith Hlver to th Uiuimiuu. They , your funny story, out It short iliad gut sight of the animal lu the ......,., .., ..v, -- , water, but had to travel wu.e .list- '',1 M" lUt '" -"t''". l """" before they could get where It ,UUM,S' It Is not nwotsmrlly a small J was. urn! lu doing so llr. Shvirltt . I iiiiitlor when a Coos llnv wnniuu l iwnut aruuml u iu.Iiii .n.l ..,.... Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU luuo LADIES' CLEANING WORKS You Want and You l!iui tin EXPERT CLEANER on the May III'! WANTS YOl'R PATROXAtiE AXD HE WILL STAY t.il (Viititil Ammiiip. Phono l:MX ii Commutation Tickets $2.00 larhflol(!.Xortli Rend Aato IJu ...a... n.,..K. . .... .. . - ihitijt lllllllllCN irillll I) a. Ill to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a ' (lay, leaving at 11 n. m. to Kmplro thivo tiIts a day. GORST a KING. Props. , Equipped with wireless and submarine bclL Passengers and freight. Mi WILL SAIL FOR SAX FRANCISCO KROM COOS HA); MjX THURSDAY, JAMM Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street plerK mwl mf T?ifn Kiiilrlhlfr. WMi Coos Bay Agent, 0. E. jMcQEonaE, Phone puts her best foot forward. Almost any Cmis liny .wiuug man will do anything a prett I fclator asks that is, If she Imp- puns to Im sumo other fellow's I sUter. 1..VHI n.vuilll U IHJIHI UUU I'UIII- ,..,,, i 'iiiM ,inu... . i.uii ...u.....i ih. u.. ALWAihlSLD. Phone 72. Pacific jwheu he met the otter, which he Ku'vy '"ul '''"''l'' r'""'M"y shot. It was a ery large otie and ' " ' " " " : 4'u fine speiiiiien Uardlner Courier. KEEPING IX tJOOD C0NDIT10X Man namilri kh rr.tr f,.itm l..ii.n. LOCAL DRUGGIST SAYS: Uo conotlmMoR and do not 1 "TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE" Klu,w lt- A ,wUng r dl,,,e8 Wo want to lell tho! lu Marsh- l'dnes. bitter taato la the 4 , . . , "" suneriiig irom sioini.-ii or bov-l uiouin, iieaiinche. bllloiu feTer most Some men try to solve il.e problem . ML" ,!SK ,...,if.'!,, ,or. l,le ot thoe eoudlttons when you "are of domestle happiness and lonteul- glycerlue. vw known a Alder-l-Va," u iniint liv inukliiir thu lullitf nil ihd the reuie.lv whlrh I.m..i.iu ...... b SUITS CLIUXED AXD PRESS EDSPITS MARH TO ORDER GIVIJ I'S A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE'S PI.ACK i 266 Central Ave. Phone 250-X. 4 I LBT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS . FREIGHT. rwuwpHi7' ARROW LIE STEAKS SAIL FIIOM- CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AXD NIGHT SERVICK I For taxi, phono 20. Idoal Cnfo I For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel j LYNN LAMIIF.TIT, Prop. New Cabs : : Now Cars San Francisco Pier No. 20. Evory Wodnosday 3 P.M. Phono 27ft. Coos nny Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock POtHJ Albert Dg5 9 cau ---- .---! ..v ., M HW (iuvM "i-ia,i, - iiiunt by making the folks nil the the remedy which became famous u traced to sluggish bowels aud tor- uot slek. but don't feel right Foley Cathartic Tablet irouuiu inuy anew now. ii. "'""'""' i's is me pm mer. in Tv,".'WM"..uo"",..r,,'",r "OOWtt ..eaniM ,y,a .vm.o... ......... il. ..,.. , . jui u.M! ihmus relieves aour .v .,r ,,,Kt, Tho bot farnier docs not bother stomach, gas ou the stomach aud,b"M,8h tndlgesilou aud make you , . ..T about oltlead if Ms iiiighbor, conatliallo almost IMMUDIATBLY., ffel gaud a'.l over"' light wieriset- ' ' 1' ' his groat rk.s1 t t -ld '". , fwy"" t Ql'U'K i, ,ad ambitious. Sold bv The Owl "-"-' "" himself, io ip:-r,;r- u w. t, lltarrli, . m1 . . ... , j ...... , . iWu iiuih . I Title & Trust Co.. Abstracts, , thoroughly dependable. Imme 1 dlate service, prompt attention I to all Interests ot our clients. I M 1 N 1 M U M COST KAUFMAN & CO. I' Ad for mult. SOUTH COOS RIVER ROAT j SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaes Maislifleld every clay S n. in. Leaves head of river nt :t:l." p. in, 1 STEAMER RAINIIOW Icjuus head of vlvcr dally nt 7 j a. in. Leslies Mui'itUflcld nt 2 p. in. For iliailer apply on lionrd. I ROGERS ii SMITH I Piopilutnr Pictures & Framing Walker Studio T. 3. UOAIFE jc A. II. IIODOIN8 iMarshfield'PA,NT AND viAAiiwimu v.u. l.stlinalea Furnished vir U 1 -.. . "irniron B' weaioru ",vo 0f . ."TT.itW HAAS '", ,1 MarBbflolJ. "jS Tol. 304-'. '- PUone B0P-J. MarshUeld, Oregon . THE COOS meriy .. O. A. "mfiynrnmrvm , w, WW . i.i,wU .jm&cmzn.-: -mx. g- r ' , 'rfmmm tr "yaMMwnm- ..