ijj u .;- 11.-rW,'-"" " Uv rVf ""Vi'-"-1-"" iTSriN 7 ... i. Hfc'' LOGGERS DEAD IMTKIOTISM IX (IHKM.VNY THE COOS BAtf TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGOti CE BE USED DM RDAD . THURSDAY, iANUARYJJOIS-EVENIN War Stories by Mail i riMrmiyTrTT'iM nrnwnrmmnmrTMMtwTMtmwrmm ' " nnMIMi ITFl Tn 1 1 TT1 tl DAR PILIIilG Tfl I 1 Frank Higgins, Who Labored for 20 Years Among Them, Succumbs in Minnesota Order More Care in llpln)lnc Flag mid Playing "National Antliotn iu aikkhim rri is .o nr Tim i DUBLIN, Jnn. H An American who rodo throe hundred mllea ar"" Northern Germany ami spent twen- ln Berlin before ne i:xoum riuiis oomm:iptio Hume Guard l.nirieit War Of- fin-WouM new iir " il hOITi By AMfUlf m f" "r LONDON'. J. H T! . . l.. kM ac rmr- nun gMr4 vrgaMMiiew. - ....hiv fcam mow cedar s i tab ftnrai Purchasing Agent Rhoades Says They Are Far Superior to Other Kinds 1 bo of tr'freo' rrrv ounHi's foi Tti follow ine . rn PminK- imrcprs and tv-four hours iiwi) " ' . . ., fine, couki IWt lumber workers win ue inie'iu,.i ...,....-.. --y. . ,nrUBC no im muiHrootns m ,.-...- .,,,,, in the following from the Duluth fall to contrast Jhl. ! J" "J h,,, .d p.H.tM'" Mnwq-Trlhiinn nf recent dntO! inc very fcuvii "Frank Higgins Is dead I1ISM . ., ... ,V -, iminn .inrk In Knirland and of the Scarborough. ' '":'? . 7 ';,-.....,., n,if.. Crmnan- -Frame niggins is uu.iu. r - -------- - .l .j,, ii,. , nlv rcirlDt nall iuppon imm aar oy " ;' The man who 20 years ago. HlarU, trl-eolor In France. They order the ,ot only reertriM w- 0 nhoadet. ROnera cd out. pack on his hack to toll display of the National emu,., we "" . ; purer-Mint agent for the rail a the Mory of "Thc Friend of Sin- differently In Germany. When ,,, by Lord Mfhtc. .purt ftra In everv lumber camn in first broke out tne nags "e j. Tie Hm ne p" " ., ,. ,.., tr.lar northern Minnesota reached -the as generally displayed M In M Atmtd, ml-MllUary orfaUt. '"""' , heronftcr 0 ,o- dim trail' end," yesterday at his, other countries, but a change , rwdv t0 , ,-. 1 ra of ' u ,rnK brlJfiP old borne In Bholburn. Ontario. .ordered, and now the (1ai areun- Grmnn ,RV(lrion of lh BrltW J-'"? oU lllnR ,,, P r,- "Iu April. ij:im .Mr. Juggins un- -- - uniy mwc " . . . .aj-phen tru turrsnre dorwen an operation for trncl.oma., to celebrate. On the day whon for aot enlWIiis l the regular army placed h cedar hen .mi brought on by the. continual carry- n fins was to bo teen In oMng- 8upped to join. Th Ittelade renewed. In o honvy .packs when.-on IliolJrom Holland to Berlin, the news cf ieflw wvl,e, , ..,t ha8 n fotl(l hat cedar pll- trail, going from camp to camp, of the Ion of the German ship off semHlg gBd n . , teg sU ,onger In eoft ground and A largo portion of tho collar bono the South American coast had ar- M!inuf(ic,ure ot Brnii and war by the ue of this ood the necessi- was removed at that time. A sec- rived and the flags, which had last for trMllnR (lr pmK u obviated ... ... - .- .lt.Hn...,l n hrt tl f tbO l,"uvl 1 .- . . ,.. .. I. l.hlni ilor.il ond operation this fnll failed to r u..,..., "- -":, . .-!.,. i...d bv the , Nortnwest ceuar a.So .. ...... Oil! -'Qiv inncu ..Kin , - .-o similarly it la notice- War Office, w .It. permanent relief and his health at I-d.wor. taken ' ! "" '1 ""'V7"- mnch as the material and a new indus-r, stnffs. failed steadily. ,l,CIr "Funeral services will bo con- n,)' how ........I .. v. tiinnin. tnrmn, immn aro nlayed UUHl'U III .HI. ll'Hh"'" ... ..... ..... .... !, ... .I.h In Delano, Mln. Ho is survived by Many Germans claim tnni u cneap- auinnK me ine.,,s .. i.i. -,if -n.i ., .in.mi.tnr MnN oni the airs to lmvo thorn played agreement to enlist In the army tnret From tho mission field nightly In this fashion, and their foreign service if called upon to do ffs. Similarly it is nonce- var uu.ee, .v.. - u"" ",:" .. be,n, blln, ,, m western Oregon , less generally patriotic airs ! t take tho enthusiasm out of the J,IU mlnr c, wcrt. ed In tho theaters of Berlin. Home Gard movement is that re- wit ea ,,,. 11 1. for flc between Los Angetes and hi rnso "Approximately So per cent of all S;: John Tornbe; Mat" Daly, point of view seems to be generally , by thc war Office. There la no ZtlZt ., .... .. , . ... ,. nr.nnio,i inii n-nv fn fnrce such a nromisc on the Southern Pacific s stem is pur 1". lUllTBUU Ul uiuiiuui uuu juiii .'" -o - ., Uhnnlna I but tho momuers eel it as a strong cnaseu in uiuj,un. J-....0 ..... .. ,i moral obligation. Kecrultlng offlcors Fifteen per cent consists oi minor . . ..i.i.i.. .v. ., niM. nin npihvond Purchases In 1911 OUICiai . . ..ii i.nntM. no lii Mm urn. in imiiico nni stments in ine regular uie uiiunu; uj - innii,. .u.Kripiiii. vir nf. vlnns voar. Air. Ilhondes sam ine McGlnnls will attend tho services, togethrr with n largo number of ministers from tho Duluth churches nnd pastorates of thc rango. "Frank Canadian m.ki:s dvi:s in knomnh j K. Hlgglns by birth, was Irish- LONDON. Jnn. II No i nlAtement ban boon Issued regarding 'tho schemo for n national nnlllne dyoforco On-, new tie Just Introduced on the line. ... . .... i.. i ..... lire nruor roiaies iu vtiiiiiiuivui. n n v fir ikii w rriTii imiiiiiiib mivn iii'kii - - - - - bom ,nt Sbol- ." J . ,..., lv nrms nnd ammunition aro suppllod which Is seven by ten incites insicnu .ij uiH"'i' ; ., , .... . ,. mnnno n Inriro burn, Canada, 40 years ago, and. ,' . , nnd It is forbidden the corps to wear , of sevon by nine inches, moans n large was minister by ordination -of tho( ' com u ,g understood.! uniforms except n sleevo band, or Increase In tho number of board foci Presbyterian .church to all thu w' capitaiixod nt 3.000.000 i any badgos or titles of rank, n thing purchased whon It Is taken Into con lumborjocka of tho United' States. i ($15,000,000) on whlfh i that makes discipline and drill dim- aldoration that millions of ties are When tho call of tho ministry eamo, mcnt w, advnnc0 ,,r,0o.Jcult. bought every year, to him thero wero plenty of aoul-i n , , i , . .. "Incidentally. Mr. Ithoadea snys H,.,vu iiuiiuui ill. iuiii ui wmiuimmiii i o CCl HrUIIIIII IHf lillliuilll illivra- i Hie ' ... ..,.. . ,, ... -, .!. . . . . ilmt rifoi.nM la 1in nnlv lnlo 111 wlilrli principal rcpnynuio in -u jcnrF. iuu ton tno mon i,nvo been suppiyinc v,vf"" " "" """' Interest and sinking fund to re- ,heI11,cIvos wlth n clVnna ,reM or ! t,)0 Southern Pacific Is carrying on pny tho loan will como out of tho unlform coior and Cllt an,i mnio now construction nt present Tho Wll lamotte rncinc is tne nniy new uno being built by the Southern Pacific along its ontiro iongtn. i navora In tho big cities, In country towns nnd tho prosperous rural districts, but nothing had lift An ItPntflftfi.l l lit a Mint nf m- llgloiis services for tho 30,000 compnnjf pof,,8 nnd not louch somewhat on military lines, "Jacks" of tho north woods. ."","", '', , ,,.,. KlnrtH With Pnrk. ..Tl, 8loc.k ,s uu, uf tno manuinciurera, auu principal It was tho winter or 189( Mint tho young minister started out. contracts binding users to purchase Tho suggestion has been made that tho volunteers, if unable to sectm conrosslons from the War Office re garding tho objectionable rulon, pro- Thn board of homo missions wasn't l",ruc,D "",u'" UB"rB l" ,,,,rc"T: Ceed to establish an Indoi.on lent nnvlnp nlnrln. rnr nrnnniinr. in iim ' thclr supplies from tho company for ' coe" ,0 w""01""' "n inuoponueni paying snianos for prcaclicra to Wo,,. ' , ,...'.., i imino pnnnl. Thla ivnnM nri withnni Sl'GAIt Ml Mi UK HIGH. lumberjacks, so Illgglun tramped t ,0 , .. ,3 , , .. . .. . I from camp to camp. On Sundays ' "j"1 l,me'U1 ' bo1 oml t,mt nU ho preached to tho towmpooplo In ho dyM nec,Ipd for ,lomo u"0' nt tho llttlo Presbyterian church mitinil wl" ho UrMah ,nn,Ie- ,,or HomldJI, nnd on Monday began lil8!,oforo' Oroat ,,rl,n,n 1,aB ,,eon nN rounds of tho camps, with his pnek I n,0l" "8 pi'c","-,' " I'ornwnjr lor homo guard. This would act without official sanction, but would do what It could to nld recruiting. It Is charged that tho War Offlco According to estimates of tho sugnr beet crop in tho Tnlted States for 1914, published In tho current Issue of Farm and Fireside, tho product alms to prevent any man Joining tho . will be S00.000 tons short of tho 1013 civilian guards who would be Haldol crop. Tho chances aro that augar LOCAL TELEGRAPH CO. A local concern now affords Coos Bay commercial interests thfl best telegraph service to all Pacific Coast points ever enjoyed by this community. The Coos and Curry Telephone Company employs about fi i ty people in Coos County, pays taxes on a valuable property, buys all supplies available at home and its ownership is local. This compar.y is vitally interested in the development of Coos Co. and will take parti; cular care to serve well the business interests of the community, thus deserving their patronage from every point of view Two circuits to Roseburg, equipped with both telegraph and telephone instruments, insure unbroken service. OFFICES ALWAYS OPEN Standard rates. Coos and Curry Telephone Company Marshfield Telegraph offices: Phone 1000 North Bend First National Bank- Bldg. Bank of Oregon Bldg. of Bibles, liymu books nnd reading inn",no co,orK n t,,Q 'Ju'el States to service wero tho country put un-'wlll bo ono of tho Inst food products matoraU ntrapped on. bin. Imtki 1' "or """"union. lo go down In price. "It ils aald that ho camo beforo . tho Pjcsbytcry year, nftcr yoar for ' tliroo yonra looking ordination nndl onch umo ho fnlod, for tho ques tions asked didn't como within rnngo of his, work. "Afjorwnrds, It is good to-,rvcnll, tho Pjcsbytcry itout for Frank Hlg glns n,nd nrdnlnod him without any theological frills. His parish nt that time, ntnrtod nt Duluth, extend ed west 200 miles, nnd, starting at llrnlnord, extendod north 200 miles to tho Itnlny Illvor country nnd thn Cnnndlan boundary. Ono' man evidently could not carry on' tho work nlono. With tho need ofj aid in tho work rnmo tho material.! John Bornborger, Mntt Daly, P. Pod orson nnd John McGlnnls, nil form-' or woodsmen, who know tho lang uage jind ways of tho camp, and who bd been converted under Mr. HlKCliia' preaching, took up thn work, t and tho "lumborjacku' sky. Pilot", wa transferred t,o thn Presbyterian Board of Homo Mis bIoiih ,nnd put In chnrgo of work in tup lumber camps throughout tno unllod .1(0108. "Possibly better than anyone ole Iu tho. north country Frnuk IUkrIiih know tho oUI-tlint' "lumborjack" his faults, his fallings, and his virtues and, as his undorntnndliigs of thonovd grow, his sympathy and cngonjcHtt to hulp kept pace. It may bo cprroet to Bay that Frank Higgles died but mon 0 M,0I1I ho mlnlslored, woodamon from tho Mnlno, camps, tho Virginia forosts mid tlo pineries of Mlnnonotn, Ida-' no nnu wnsliliigtoii, will think of him ns nieroly Kono abend on tho long trail with thoso of hu con vorts ho lmvo answered tho call of the, Frf iul .of, unen," . iiAKim ir vkhv iu, Tho ' nttmda Of Kx-Depuiy Game Wardun K. J Ilnkor, will l, urh.vml to Itrarn-that-lnet-Hiindny-hn hna ant uaii orM,vmIJilnK tilmllar tm imrnlyala, loslni; ttui uu of one' nrm.Gold Bench (ilnhe. jv k ii FT .m s wi iTiUs i :r. ni,A(K.rtV.wU0.)47TIIMj LONDON. Jnu. H.-Pank hou8M with tin rod paper roofs aro sorely, iKuiiuii ior snoitur of REMEMBER, THE ONLY AUTHENTIC tinjlunnr.. t.x ho nroa ravaged by Mar, according to A K. llarioy, tho head of cominlitoe of architects, doctors am, nun.es engaged In formulating 6 policy of reconstruction In BolBm anil parts of France. Tho arc hi tecu say tlmt tho ruined lonl I'o used Labor, felt pttor ".J"! .. (u.uuvr uro scarce unu exhausted In Franc ilelglum, so Real Battle Field Pictures of Great War fc- "V ARE TO BE SHOWN AT LEMANSKPS THEATRE Monday Afternoon and Evening, Jan. 18th STAR THEATRE-North Bend--l,n,.n, iQTcT c'So'trS takH" " BC'0ian mHMs by sli"f W of THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, under special arrangements with the Belgian gov Lent 0NE.HA.F THE PROCEEDS GO TO THE RED CROSS OROaIeatoT DON'T MISS THESE GREAT WAR PICTURES. thai fin! tiff & rfl rvey Co. ZW1&mMC!B25SiEESlSn& iSL mgal JL4 i'4 $21.00 $32.50 $35.00 $38.00 $40.00 $45.00 And up to $85.00 not havo GOOD range. JlWVW I' " X I wm& s a liTM''1! ii, IIPIW'1 'i1" "'i J II 1 Yes, we carry all kinds and grades of STEEL RANGES, priced from $21.00 to $85.00. ' But wc want to call your particular attention to our popular priced line. THE FAMOUS STERGER & KERR LIME 01s OCCIDENTAL AND TOLEDO STEEL RANGES I They sell from $35.00 to $45.00 and they are guaranteed to the limit by the STERGER & KERR STOVE AND RANGE FOUNDRY, of San Francisco, California. 1 One of the oldest and most reliable firms on thc Coast. Also, you have our guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. Each section of the United States has its different requirements of the proper construction of a STEEL RANGE. STERGER & KERR know what this section requires, and so do we. Before buying come in and let us go into detail about the many advantages our ranges possess and you will always be glad you in vestigated before buying. m" " """ TriHMMilwm Ii IBBMBSMTrv j rvey Co. -lm U difficult '! " ADMISSION 25 AND 35 CENTS. I " " IHIII,illBl tH iir"-.- sryii i -p. rp jO., ilB$HjmmmEm;, rSSSSPC&xZk- .-rsasw,