,-." &&?$ m IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED A GOOD THING NOT TO BE CONSIDERED A "GOOD THING" R "A Marshfield Woman (tarn Qftmra The Determination of vnluo received In advertising Hc3 solely with tho results secured. Try tho columns of Tho Coos Day Times they nro clean and dependable. Tho renders of Tho Tlmos hnvo coufldonco In tho ads appearing therein. ' t f Mld: "I buy ndvortlscd articles becnuso thoy .'fjjjjmjfarlably worth what I pay for thorn." Tlio iwfftii'tntB with tho best reputations for Integrity UMikstiost morchandldo, aro without exception, tmnwho. ndvortlso tholr goods unceasingly. MEMBER OF TUK ASSOCIATED PJlEMa v- - " m. wpti ..,.-r "5!SHMHWPMPMW H muu 1 ; M K Wl :ygggN0. XXXVIII. vmttt -J r 50,000 KILLED Late Today Indicate! ay's Catastrophe Is rst in History ;rY .loss will TREMENDOUS NOW Ovtr15,000 Lost at Avezzano vuoneiviany survivors uo swaa in nwiw scenes 'tjST- : Aftb4EF WORK STARTED. I Uted I'rm (o Coop llaf Tlmra. j AOME, Jan. 11. Premier 8n- I has tnkon pcrHounl chargo j relief work. Tho King Is j W&Wlftny to tho scone nnd tho expressed a tiosiro 10 go. i a JAoo'cltlM Prrat (o Cooa Hr TtmM. fJnn. II. With ovory hour, onnl, and moro, accurate nro received, tho horror of carthquako Incrcascs.Tho ports Iiullcntu It n worse o than tho Messina enrth- hlph wan tho greatest cat- Jn history. many aro (load and injured n 1ml slum IiirL nlcht. ISP?- ' ---..---. Sfttlvoly small list has bcon to over 50,000 known id Injured. Tho property 'tTomondouH. stntiics, century-old bulld- structurcs that for years kn. tho niccca for visitors troyod or damaged. tea of tho disturbance groat 's that of Messina. rending woro tho scones In m cities, and many who es- Ivo wont mad. isturhanco centered nrnund , whoro 15,000 woro killed d. Only 12 por cent oscap- l.MA CANAD TRAFFIC. ocltl) I'ffn la Cooi ny Tlraw.l vt (lMA, Jan. 14. Tho total not lor) fro111 tho Isthmus through ijnnl ports of llnlboa nnd mo July, 1013, has boon 20,- liis flguro does not rcprosont bonding reduction In tho fierce, for In Juno, 1013, thoro 48,302 employes on tho rolls, Rn November 25, 1011, thoro 5.0G7, a dlfrorenco or 10,305. Bbo assumed, thoroforo, that Ullpii to tho 10, nor. Canal a- v)o hnvo roturued to their foyer 4000 othors have loft fiPORT FOR SOLDIERS. ?AMoeUt Trtai to Coo nr TlmM.l )ON, Jan. 14. Through n pa- Ifund, 1000 pairs of boxing Iworo distributed nt Christmas Hong tho vnrloim h!iIm compns Tprltlsh (loot, noxlng still ro- Wlio king of sports In (ho navy, i tho army It has a strong rl- tssnclntlon football, (lifts of l to tho soldiers woro woleom- thnn anything olso. A gnmc vs on, whon tho weather por- long tho troops sent to tho for tliblr periodical rest. I ILIRIESD01 I rvice Between Coos Bay Outside World Since Noon Yesterday I3nv Is today moro Isolntod !was yesterday, tho long dls- fphono line nnd tho Western 5llnp being out of commission E'estorday noon as a result of rm. I telephone lino between hpro jmner Is out of commission inagor Schotter has no Idea orvlco can be restored by, tho Union. long distance phono lino is between Myrtle Point and rc ad It is uncortam wnen kS' .llAan .n l.n MM.,lnr1 lliuiu wau u miuioi PCoos and Curry Company has retty lucky ns practically all Ulues nro working. Tho Gar- ine, was down for a little while was repaired. The lino to and down the coast to Dan- foxi at commission. Dandon, , can bo reached via Co trees woro blown down on ,. rimsI ifflMHS vknUntMiMi f ,MBk WmsE twx whmhb GRAPH i Established 1878 nft Tho Const Mull. OR HURT By EARTHQUAKES II ITALY GUY CRUMBLE! S EYE WITNESS (JIVES (1HAPHIO DESC'RIITIOX OF DESTRUC TION OK THE CITY OK AVEZ ZANO. tlljr AMorliiloil I'rrM (o Cons liny Tlmm.J HOME, Jnn. 14. A young Italian driver who loft Avozznno n fow minutes befoia tho carthquako, gave a brief account on Ills arrival in Homo today. Ills first Intimation of troubles was when tho horses of his carrlago suddenly refused to go further. Thoy stood trembling nnd at tho snnio tlmo thoro came a (loop rumbling llko tho roar of a railroad train over n bridge. Soon walls of Homo quarries along tho road had crumbled nnd woro lying In heaps. Ho looked back toward Avozzono. Tlio city was under n cloud of dust. It looked as If tho earth had opened to omit columns of whlto smoko. HARDY FIGHTS FOR LIFE, Gil SEA Craft Struggles 40 Minutes at Bar Escapes Piling on North Spit ' Mnrlnors In tho lower bay this morning cnught tholr breaths excited ly ns they looked seaward while tho steam schoouor llnrdy hung for for ty minutes battling ovory Inch of her wny across tho bar phannol, gaining w.o open sea on.y uuor n . lgl.t that for nearly thrco qunrtors of an hour threatened to nHolior on tho north spit In tho snmo place tho Czarina was wrecked five years ngo yesterday. ...... . ii.. -... . ....... .. iiniiiii .tiiviiuiouii, jiiiviUK iiiuniiuii (l..tt. Ylli.lx.lliJ... 1. ,. fl..lk1.n.l loading for Snn KranclBcn on Tucs day, had waited two daya In tho lower bay for a favorable opportuu Ity. About ton o'clock this morning hn saw his chance nnd pointed his t ship through tho opening. Clear across tho groat combors bioko in n smothor of whlto that dashed and roared over Coos Head. Tlmo mid again tho sturdy craft troubled nnd shooX ns tho sens struck hor bow head on, burying hor nt times almost from sight. Always sho struggled upward, shaking hor ucsr freo from Its tromendnus load and dived Into tho next ono. It wns a Imttlo of tho olnmouts with tho strongtli nf steam nnd tho sclencd of a skilled navigator. Tho Hardy, over pointed outward, man ntrod to hold hor own ngalnst tho giant waves that crashod across hor deck though thoso on tho Nnnn Siilth, which had followed tho llnr dy down tho liny nnd nnchorod Just Insldo, thought ovory momont to sea lijr piled a wreck on tho north splto. Soino say that tho soas washod hor clear over tho far ond of tho Jotty; title Is not known for suro. Captain Mleholson Is known ns ono of tho hnrdlest nnd most skill- nil navigators on tins coast, having won moro than n fow fights with tho storm elomentn at soa. ECHO OE EUREKA WRECK. (Viisiiio dipt, Paulsen lltxl Epo Hlvo Aboanl Iiistirnnco Small. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 14. Conflicting stories of the conduct ot Captain A;fst M, R. Paulson at the tlmo of tho Euroka wreck on the Potato Patch aro told by varlouo members of tho rescued crow, some of whom insist t;hat tho captain's lifeboat, which they say was tho only seaworthy boat left after the giant comber had swopt the decks, was the first to leave the (loomed ship, and that the other seven members of the crew wore left to shift as best they could with n leaking lifeboat, con taining only one oar. Captain Paulsen stoutly denied these stories and re pented the declaration that ho was the last man to leave tho ship, ex cepting the lost mate, Oolger. A significant sidelight on the de sire of tho men to leave tho ship as iintoklv ns nnsslhln mav lio found In LIKE III MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, M any Cities and Towns in Italy Wrecked by Quak EARTHQUAKE'S CAUSE WAS GEOLOGICAL (Dr Auoclatod flfJi to Cool B7 Tlmo.) HOME, Jnn. IT,. Tho director of tho International volcnuologlcal In stitution at Naples says tho origin of tho carthquako was geological and not volcnulc, with Its cplccntrum In tho valley of tho Qarlgliano HIvor. Tho registration of tho carthqunko at tho observatory lnslcd for forty seconds and was so violent Hint tho needles broke. Mount Vesuvius shows no unusual signs of activity. Coos County Senator Fares Well in Appointments at Sa lem Peirce Named SALEM, Or., Jnn. 14. Senator I. S. Smith of Coos and Curry fared well In Scnnto committee appoint ments at this session. Whlla ho was ! desirous of getting tho chairmanship of tho committco on Assessment nnd Taxation, It wont to Senator Perkins, Mr. Smith bolng ono of tho throo membors. Senator Smith was nlso appointed on tho committees on Edu cation, Elections and Privileges, Mining and Railroads, bolng chair man of tho lnttor. Upon motion of Illnklo of Uma tilla tho Spenkar was empowered to nnnolnt a committee of five on nor- mnnont organization nnd ordor of bUB,noMt Tll0 speaker nppolntod ,, of Ulimtllln Porco of Co08 , Q QMMb u f ftm, Mn,hou poptor . - SE TOR SMITH 01 TT id " mm WIFE CALLS " Mrs. Frank Lapp Charges Hus band With Intent ! To Mrs, Frank Lapp, 10, filed chnrges against her ltusbnud, 21, In tho Jus tice court this afternoon, alleging as sault' with Intent to kill. Constnblo i Cox, going with tho warrant to tho homo of Frank Lapp's mother In ' Fomdalo, was told that the young man was tlrod of continual trouble! and had packed his belongings, fay-' Ing ho would roturn when ovorythtug has blown over. To tho court Mrs. Lapp declared that troublo started nt Emplro soon nftor tholr mnrrlago Inst August nnd that suvornt tlmos since thon ho bus mistreated her. Officers woro called SPOUSE DA1GER0US to tho rooms of thd young couplo Injtlons. In" Mnrshriold, business was, tho Rogers IIouso last Mondny night when Lapp, according to his wlfo, knocked hor down nnd wns flnnlly thrown out of tho building by the clork. tho fact that the Eureka carrlcU two tons of dynamite nnd it carload cf gasolino in hor cargo. Charles P. Doo, president of tho North Pacific Steamship Company, owner of the Eureka, declared that ho believed Captain Paulsen had dnno ovorytMng possible under tho cir cumstances. According to Doe, the Euroka was valued at $30,000 and Insured for about $10,000. The cargo belonged to various owners nud was roughly valued at about $15,000. 1JAXDOX WOOLEX MILL. DANDON, Or., Jan. 14. A move ment has been started to have nan don business men ralso about $5000 necessary to put the Dandon Woolen Mill In cpndltlon to resume opera tions, The plans have not been worked out In detail yet. It has beon closed for some time on account of legal entanglements and It Is an nounced that Manager R. E. L. Redll lion will go to Eumkn to opornto tho mill thoro, Avezzano, With 12,000 Peo ple, .63 Miles East of Rome, Reported Destroyed FEAR LOSS OF LIFE WILL BE VERY HEAVY Earthquake Zone Extends Over 300 Miles Naples and Rome Suffer STOIMI AXI,TIIAl, WAVE. (Dr AModtlfd l'mi t UHit nr TlmM.J I 110 MIC, .Inn' 14.- Dispatches j from Ancona pay that a heavy j storm raged .yesterday nlong j tho Adriatic coast. Thoro was j also a heavy fall of snow. Nnplcs reports a strong tidal ,wavo yes- j torday In tho Qulf of Aotirfl, nc- compnnlcd by jn strong seismic dlsturbnnco on, shore. Dr AxMKtllMl rrtt to Coni tlf TlmM.) HOME, Jnn. 14.--Kurthor distinct earth shocks woro felt hero about 3 o'clock this1 morning. Pcoplo flod from tholr Iioubcs. Tho carthqunko zone extends al most 300 miles, front below Naples In tho south -to Forrnra In tho north, nnd practically across tho entlro width of Italy in tho district Indicated. Tho country oast nnd southeast of Homo suffered most. Avezzano, with 12,000 inhnbltnnts, 03 miles east of Home, seonts to bo tho center of tho disturbance, nnd thin plnco and other towns woro de stroyed with groat loss of life. Oth er towns roportod dostroyqd nro Ilus sl, Capollo, Scurabla, Mngllano, Cap padocln, Colnnn nnd Posclro. Sora and Arplno woro pnrtlcally destroy ed. Homo, Naples nnd tunny other .cities woro damaged. (JOVEKXOIt HESIONH. I I I fllr AxocUtM Prm to Cooi 1U Tlmri. I COLU.MI1IA, S. C, Jan. 14. j Governor Colo I. Illenso, whoso j torm oxplros Jnnunry 19th, today filed his resignation with tho secretary of state. FINE TRIBUTE TO T. SIP . - , . . ., ., BUSIIICSS Suspended in North Bend From I to 3 and in Marshficld from 2 to 3. An a flnnl tribute to tho memory or tho Into Cnpt. A. M. .Simpson, , business was suspended In North ; Ilond from 1 to 3 o'clock this uf-, tarnoon, most of tho husluotss hotiecs (-losing tholr doom uiiring Mingo hours nnd tho mil. it ceasing oporn- 'suspended from 2 to 3 o'clock. Tho C. A. Smith mills closod down at 2i o'clock for ton nilnutos. Owing to tho long dlstnnco phono nud telegraph lines being down, no Cfl so messages could bo recolved from . ho Is In tho Coqulllo Jail, not having Sat Francisco tolling of tho funeral, boon admitted to ball because a Howovor, tho planB wero to hold It chnrgo from another stato Is protorr at 2 o'clock this artornoon and In od ngalnst him, Howovor, Shorlff consequence, It was decided that Johnson la said to havo ofrered to Coos Ray today should pay trlbutd grant, tho man his rreedom on bonds to tho mnn who dono so much' In f0r $j500 and theso aro being mado developing this section. ' ollt t0(jay at ti,0 county sont. District Attornoy Llljeqvlst has JOItXSPX AXI WII.LAR1). Arrange for Heavyweight 'Rout Xcdr'Ml'er dropped on tho grounds that El Pifo .Mm rli (I. " taken , to California his wlfo and NEW YORK, Jan. 14 Juek John-1 child horo will suffor and no good son nnd Jess WlCard will meet In n will bo iicconipllshcd by Bonding tho l45-round bout ror tho heavyweight r I championship cf tho world at Juarez. ' Mox., on Saturday, March 0, next Final arrangements to this effect wero made here today after othor bids were received from Havana, Cuba and Tijuana, Mex, Johnson has been guaranteed $30, 000 win, lose or draw, while WHIard has been assured a minimum of $15, 000 and, may receive a much larger sum by shnrlng tu tho nffnlr with the chief promoter. 19 15 EVENING -EDITION. RUSSIANS DRIVEN BACK BY GERMANS (n? AtioclitM rrcm tu .uua Mr Tlmtt, PETHOaHAIJ, Jan. 1 1. -Furious fighting has been resumed In Rus sian Poland. Tho Russian forces In tho north, which nro pushing townrd EaBt Prussia In tho region near Mlawa, havo captured a number of vlllngen. In tho centor, tho Gor mntiB mndo four violent attacks within 48 hours. Thoy forced back tho Russians and occupied consider able ground. TO DEFER ACTION Case of Engineer Robert Mil ler Excites Pity of County Officials County officials havo Interested themselves In tliO'cnso or Robert Mil ler, an engineer on englno 101 of tho Smith-Powers logging road, who wns Ttpprohoudod four dnys ago by Deputy Shorlff W. C. Lnlrd as tho man was about to bonrd the train for Coqtilllo, Tho chnrgo ngalnst him Is a felony, tho failure to support two minor children In California. Extradition papors aro now In tho hands of Govornor Wlthycombo nnd these signed will tnko tho mon down to Mendocino to answer tho charges. Today n wlro was sent to tho Oover - nor n'sklng hint to defer nny action ....HI l. ....! 4 I UI1V1I III. U1IUU1I. LUII UU 1II11UV HI I1UVU tho district attorney of Mendocino county withdraw tho chnrgos. Railroad men hnvo nlrondy pledg ed tholr .financial support for Miller, claiming that In tho year nnd a half ho has bcon horo that ho tins shown himself to bo n law abiding cltlzon nnd many tlmos tins mndo efforts to hnvo h(a two children brought horo whoro ho could support thorn. Soven yonrs ago Mlllor was married ! In California and by his first wlfo I had two chlldron, who nro now tour and six years old. Four years lator tlio couple soparated nnd the court do creed that Miller should thereafter pay $20 monthly In support of tho chMdnm. After that ho enmo to Washington , and thoro married, his present wlfo j and two-ynnr-old child bolng with I Im now. Out of a salary or about $80 a month, say his friends, ho was tmablo to send tho monthly stipend to ' 80,ltl1' H'0""1' ,l often o0'1 l'0' mission or tho California court to wvo tho custody or his children nnd "rB thorn hero. This wns refused and tho children nro now In n county Institution In Mendocino county, according to thoso who know or tho enso, nnd tho for- mor wlfo Is In Snn Francisco. On the chnrgo placed ngalnst Mil ler it In claimed tho soutenco Is from ono to flvo years In tho Cullfornla stato prison. At tho present tlmo takon an Interest in the case, doing his host to havo tho charges against man to prison. If. OF l NOTICE On Monday evening Jan. 18, Myrtlo Lodge No. 3, Knights ot Pythias will ,hold tholr semi-annual Installation of officers All members are requested to be present Ranquet will follow the Installation. C. A. MOORE O C. DR. H. E. KELTV, DENTIST- Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coke Dldg i GOVERNOR A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mai) wnil Coow Dnv Advertiser KAISER DIRECTS ATTACK AT OKKIClAri STATEMENT HAYS SCORES WERE KlliMll) IX EACH OK MANY SMAIili VII, liAGICH. " " "J " ""'" (Or AiwxUtM Prrii to Cooi nF 'iirer. ROME, Jan. 14. An official state ment says: "Tho district of Sulmonn was badly damaged, and tho victims nro numerous. Scores wero killed ntid Injured at Vllalago. Rescue work has started at Popoll nnd Peutlun, whoro thoro was much damage. Tho damngo was oxtonstvo nt Aqulln, lsolla Dolllrl nnd seven othor small towfts tn tho provlm-o of Homo. Tho vitiligo of Sorn was razed to tho ground, At Sulmonn, tho barracks, St. I.inmlnlc'H Church nnd many houses collapsed. Loss of life Is roared In soveral towns tn Abruzzl province. NORTH BEND GIT! Special Meeting Allows Im provement Bonds Amounting to Over $4,000. Improvement bonds nmountnlg to I "oro Mnn 40U0 ero, " ! "1, I, ' L' " S ' !"" Vuumil 4ll i.lW BI'UVIIII "lUIHH hold there Inst evening. Tho bonds will bo for two projects already completed nnd nt tho snmo tlmo Cly Epgluoor Cavnnntigh wns In structed to draw up plana nud specifications tor botween seven nnd eight blocks of branch sower linos to bo constructed ns branch lines from Connecticut nveiiuo on which Is situated the main sower outlet. Thu plunking on Montana uvouuo between Shormnn nud Hamilton streets, nn authorized several weeks ago, has been completed at a cost of $2,09ti,rj0, tho work bolng dona by Contractors Moughmor & Hoop. Tholr report, which wns nccoptod, showed that 1320 foot or planking havo bcon laid, This project wns Included In tho bond Issues. With tho sower on Sherman nvo uiio completed by MeLaln nnd Mc Lean, tho bonds or $2010.21 au thorized will cover this work, which was accepted by the Cniincllmou, NEAREST MANY CITIES MIL UCD HU LU DADS MM BODS codify Vlrglnlii Avomio (initio shies ut Kelso, Wash., but ut present That tho grndo on Virginia nveiiuo visiting In Mnrshflold, and thoro as It has been proposed, may ron- "ro two brothors hero In MnrBhrfold,' rorm to tho lovol or tho street cross- C. II. and W. E. Dungan. lugs, tho City Engineer was last I Tho docoased was born In Until-' evening given permission to niuko n'boldt county, Culfornla, Augiyt If. chango. Tho grading of Virginia lSfiS, whoro ho lived almost contir avonuo to Pony SLiigh Is u project uously boforo moving to Marshrluld undor consideration for tho coming In 1000. Under Grovor Cleveland' summer, plans and specifications now bolng proparcd. At n previous mooting of the Council, It wns shown that to carry this work out in Its entirety would entail an oxpoudittiro of approx imately $30,000. Most members de clared thomselvos in tavor or tho move, stating that Ii must bo dono In tho near future and that nothing can bo gained by dolay, Dirt for filling In tho 80-foot roadway across Pony Slough could bo tScen from tho high blocks bordorlng Virginia avenue, one-halt or tho cost to bo borne by tho property owners along that streot and tho other hnir by tho owners of property tu tho flllod district. Smith Xlght AVnlclinmii. C. E. Smith, as night watch man In tho place of Robert Emory, retired, was authorized last evening by tho Councilman, Tho now mom- K duties0 a'!" moo'0"0 "'" "P ! Recauso of the ii.gh winds of tho I past week the' city hall has been . shaken considerably, said tho Coun- oilmen, and Chief of Police Andor. ann wnu la.r..no,l tn n,. l.rnnou l.nJ ... . nonth tho second story of tho build- '. No. 148 El POINT TO RS Germans Reported Winning Great Victory Within 'Two Hours Motor Ride of Paris GERMANS CHARGE IN MUD IS SUCCESSFUL Germans Claim Victories Over Russians But Latter Claim I Advance on East Prussia Wr Auoclatnl I'rnit to Com Dijr.Tlnrt. LONDON, Jnn. J I. Within two hour motor rldo of Paris, Emperor William himself Is directing tho vio lent nttneks on tho French lino. Tho Germans, under tho eyes of their ruler, won nn Important vic tory In tho fighting yostordny near SoIbsoiis, a point nt which tho bat tlo lino, stretching down from tho north to tho point nearest Paris, turns to tho eastward. In both tho Paris nnd Ilcrlln oftlclnl statumonts today tho victory or tho GermniiB on pto Heights or Vregny, northenst or SoUsous, Is recorded. Ilcrlln adds that tho 'Germans Charging through tho heavy mud,' took trench after trtinch, I clearing tho heights and capturing 1130 prisoners. In tho east furious fighting has been resumed. Tho Russlnns In East Prussia havo been driven back, ttorlln states, but tho Russians nro advancing toward tho Prusslnn fron tier from Mlawa region nnd hnvo captured sovcral towns. In Central Poland tho Germans mndo four violent nttneks within tho Inst 48 hours, driving back tho Rus sians, nnd winning coiiBldorablo ground. IS OF LONG ILLNESS G. W. Dungan, Prominent Un dertaker and Mattress Man, Dies at Noon. Gurlnivd Wesley Dungnn, owner ot the Woven Wire Mattress & Redding Company nnd tliO'Dungaii Undertak ing Parlors, died nt his homo, 013 Ilrnadwny South, at noon today fol lowing nn Illness or a mouth. Tho decensed wns a member or tho Knights Tomplnr, Eagles, Owls nnd Moose. Ho will bo burled Saturday morning nt 10:30 from tho Dungan Undertaking Parlors, On Docember 18 Mr. Dungan was taken 111 with Intestinal trouble nud forced to his bod. For weeks ha fought hard forhU llfu. but a series oi rguipiiniuoiiH sappuu ma niiruKin. Tho deceased lonvos n wlfo to itioilrn his loss. Mrs. E. Dungnu, his moth er, who lives In Oakland, Calif, with I two ulster. Mrs. M. L. Shaw and Mrs- .lames Smith. A brother, II L. I DuiiKan, Is living lit Snn Francisco innothor brother, T. I). Dungnn, re second administration no wns post' itiastor at Forndulo, Cnl. Aftor coming to Mnrshflold Mr. Dungnn started it mattress factory and successfully conducted nn under taking business. In tho six youra , that ho has beun.horo ho bowurio very I well ncqunlntod iitid lonvrn behind him n host of frlonds wllo mourn his loss. 1 Lato this afternoon It wns doflnltn j ly announced that tho local ordor of Eagles will havo chargo of tho funer al services on Saturday morning. Georgo Cook, of tho Loyal Order of Moose, lias Issued tt call for all mem bers to bo prosont at tho services. SHERIDAX.'ritlAL SET. I POHTLAND. Or.v Jan. 14 - Tho trial of T. R. Shorldan. charged with i forgory and obtaining money undor 1 ! ,.,.,nna will l.ncln In tint IUIDII IIIUIU1IDU.. '1... ... . v -.l court here on March 15. United State, District Attorney bronco Heanies wl I hajhurgo o " prosecution. Mr. Sheridan will mpiMWtod by Attorneys Dexter ItldO nild O. P. C'OSllOW, Ot ROSOblirg. It Is bolloved the trial will consume at least two weeks. DEATH CLIMAX 4' . ' 1 -