rrri j?ff;'';?;sfliw:J:.v,VrfV--Ttfifi--WENNU tui i iun. L::filii);0VBIMs"MAHSHFiEm; -' C Tr u- arjlE60rVVEUNESDAY, JAWUflni i. tri P (SSJ5SWM?S?Sv , une COOS BAY TIMtSb'cMontlnl that you walk miles, or ... -- -..,... . ...: take lohK hikes. Go anywhere, Just ftf &W&K No J' kK Official .Taper of Coos County ..,..-. ... t.. i,- Bnterea at inoi-oKoiiwoBi .. - Beld, Oregon, for rnnmlHHlon' thrdigh tbtmn..r a. cond-clas. not fall to do the other. Try to re- Mrs. fl "VoV K mall matter. member that this world was ere- epablC COOS Bay NOIieer, atcd a much for you ns for any-i Celebrates Birthday A.V KPOCIIAli KVKXT. jono 0iB0, and that It Is up to you, i.ockhsrt. Coos to got out of It something more M. l. tier .1 T 1!E dedication of the M."-1 thn food for your stomach and DarVi 0,J"1 ""J J S. 1 I field 1'ubllc Library last ow.L,.lhM for m.r back. I ''"ting her ninetieth WrMW nlng marked an epoch In the! development nnd ovolutloit of this community from a pioneer BOttle ment to n center of culture and edu cation. It was a noteworthy inci dent of the exercises that the prcs ontotton of the building to tho city was mado by Mrs. Henry Sengs tacken, daughter of tho earliest wo man pioneer In this community nnd Coou County's first teacher. It scorned a far cry from nn Indian Inhabited forest to tno beautiful, modern electric lighted building fill ed with richly gowned women and wtli dressed men nnd moro than any other ono thing marked tho rapid transition that has taken place on Coos Biiy. Tho ovent also received added Interest from tho fact that Miss Anno Shannon Monroo, tho ntilhorcss, nn Oregon girl who has already won her spurs In literature, vnn present and tnado nit Interesting address. All tho addresses of tho evening hn-r.thed tho now spirit which nnl motes libraries nnd schools, mnklng them part of tho dally lives of tho pcoplo and of rcat scrvlco In tho matter of better living nnd happier Ihos. Marshflold cltlzcnB In general nnd tho Marshfleld women In par ticular whoso splendid, untiring nnd uritclflsh efforts linvo been crown td with n glorious success, nro nil to be congratulated on the splendid achievement that wnB no fittingly celebrated last evening In tho ded lection of tho now public llbrnry. ciivi-: voirn mind a chanci: THE plan of Miss Anno Shan non Monroo nnd thrco other momhors of Ma.nnins, n Port land orgnulratlou which mnkos long hikes nnd mountnlu climbing n hob by, to hlko 3fi0 miles through tho Itcdwood forest to Snn Francisco, Is n good ono. ' Feeling nil tired out and In need of n good vncntlon, wo nro inning no unggngo on Olir pr0S0ntrv" " " " """" """". 1 trip," said Miss Monroo. "Thero Is n good stngo road most of tho way through tho redwood forests and wo aro going to trust to luck In finding plncos to sieop and plen ty to cat. Wo don't oxpoct to run ncrosn any snow." Tho party reached Coos Hay yes terday and started hiking nt onco. Although thoro was a storm on thoy did not heed, but hiked from North Dend to Mnrshflold and Mnrshflold to tho Smith mil). Miss Monroo assorts that somo of hor best Ideas and thoughts como to her when sho la In "(lod'B out of doors." This philosophy U by no menus new yot It U somothliiK Hint poo plo might well romomhor nnd fre quently tho number who grnsp tho rolntloiiHhlps botweon environment and thought Is woofully small. Tho oonimon presumption Is thnt 0110 nppllea IiIh mind In much tho snmo mnnnor hi nil times, regarding of circumstances and atirroundlngs; that Is, In tho owy-dny walks of Hfo. This may bo true. Novortho less It Is a fact that the mind runs In chnnnoln directed largely by In flueiices brought to hoar by envir onment. Slmki'sponru epuld not have written "As You Llko it," or "A Mld-Sumnior Nlghfa Dream" whllo sitting In n coal holo or n atuffy office room. HB thoughts would not have run nlong tho prop er lines. MnoturlliU would not ho giving to tho world Ha wonderful master- ploceK wore ho not 11 nature lover., llobblo llurim roamod tho woods nnd fields nnd wrote of tho things ho loved. Homo of Llncoln'u noblost ' Inspirations cuuio whllo ho was1 lolling in n pasture fluid or sitting1 on n waysldo foiico, completely snr-' rounded by untrniiinioled nnd un-l hnmperod nature. Ono who Is cap. I "bio of any dugrco of thought sol-- uom ruiirt to rlso to n higher plnuo when ho got out among the trees nnd shrubs nnd flowtus. Something tmbcoiiKctlniisly prt of him be gins to in iiko Its proeonro known. To ono pernon th0 floreo norm may Imvo nu appeal that nothing um can make. "Thoro'a n boauty In tho howling of tho blast." To another the pwico and quiet of tho country may bo more In presslvo. T.i one tho Blnglng of wild birds may bo th0 soul ot mu. Blc. To nnothor thero U melody In tho violet. To ono the riot of nature's oolon, mn au n now creation In art. To m.mi.0. .i chanaeloH bluo of the hwuons. or' l. .. " ..w. ...... u, run wu iib cmwIw thrnliiiinir nnd Its on.llft.. ., "'."". a now concentm " 7 ?,"T "' . m.. .i. niiiie. bo you arc out of doors and away from the places with which you are (, Intimate. Find something new i .. i. 11 nn.i ililntf onmplllllin nil mo iiihu - ,..,.,,. cnn different. If you do ono jou cb..- Flowcrs do not bloom for eyes that nro wilfully b nd. nirus io cany incnim..iiv.., .. not sS for deaf ears. Get out extraordinary mental vigor .nd o and look-nnd listen. And while, ory and not only can vlvldl) rew.ll you're looking and listening, you ...itt .ii..- nndfl hiv tn vnnr crom 1II l LUtU 1 iiuooiwij " ri- surprise, that you nro cnpablo of thinking ns you never have thought before. Give your mind a chanco. "S AT THE HOTELS Tuesday's Arrival. TI10 Chandler Hotel. Henry Illoch, Portland; Guy U. Leo and family, Uollovue, Idaho; Mrs. A. V. Martin, Conulllc; D. O. Hccker, Portlnnd; Fred Schlldt, Co iliilllo; V. J. Davis nnd wife, San Francisco; J. K. Fox, llnndon; Mrs Itobert Miller, llnndon; K. M. Itoson- thnl, Portlnnd; M. M. Williams, Port land; M. Flnhcrty, Portland; A. El - llngson, Coqulllc. The Kt. IiiHi-pnro Holol. Itudolph Knno nnd wife, Dnnlcls Creek; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Doutln, Coftl cdn; James Kerns, Contcdo; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V. Stunrt, Dnndon; W. S. Ed wards, wlfo and son, North Dend. Tho Lloyd Hotel. L. Weir, Eugene; J. Johnson, Co qulllo; Georgo Cllnkenbcnrd, Coos Illvor; CharlcB Carter, Itosoburg. Tho lUnnro Hotel. F. H. Vaughn, Coos Itlver; Henry Orndy, Norway; A. E. Goodwin, Coos Itlver; L. G. Simmons, Coqulllc; Axel Iluth, North Inlet. Wednesday's Arrival. Chandler lintel. Henry Dlooh, Portlnnd; Guy U. Leu nnd family, llollovue, Ida.; Mr. Itobort Miller, Dandon; Itoyj Mr. Loekhart disposed of his proper Dci'tloy, Portland; C. E. Hullng, j ty In Ohio and started with his wife Myrtlo Point; W. E. Lundy midland Infant daughter for the west. wlfo' SI'r" Point; W. A. Coxes, 0. A. Drown, Wngncr; K. L. Me- Drvgnl, Portland; W. E. Wads- Worth, Portland; F. M. Chaso, Port laud; Jamea B. itcod, Portlnnd; Geo. II. Terry, Dluo Itldgo; Frank Torry, DI110 Illdgo; I. H. Spront, Eugcno; J. E. Connnn nnd wife, Lakcsldo; II. C. Freeman, Portlnnd; N. C. Medloy, Coqulllo; J. A. Lamb. Co- qullln; 0. A. Mlutoyue, Coqulllo; T. M. Nlelson, Iramlon. I.loytl Hotel. Chnrlos Cartor, Itosoburg; n. Chommoy, Portlnnd; Mrs. A. Mandy, Myrtlo Point; 0. Dorrls, Myrtlo Point; C. I). Aldermnn, Portland; O. F. Anderson, Coos Itlver; A. It. Johnson, Empire. Milium Hotel. It. M. Woldcr, Lnkcsldo; S. Whit Hott, Dandon; Georgo Erdman, Dan don; C. Lewis, Myrtlo Point; A. 0. Uplinm, Chicago; J. M. Hobcrtson, Mcuiniey. Ht, l.nureiu-o Hotel, Mtb. h, O. Oleson, Heaver Hill; Jnrk Hobuou nnd wlfo, Portland; W. H. Edwnril, wlfo nnd son, North Dend; T. A. Walker, Coqulllo; Geo. II. Etholl, Tillamook. aivi:utihi:i Lirrri:us List of unclaimed letter romalnlng In tho .Marshfleld, Oregon, Hoat Of flee for tho week ending January 13, 1016. Persons etillliiK for tho huiiio will plcaso advertised and nav ono cent for onch letter called for. iM-rui'ioii, i--p. Hriiiiioraon, Carl. Do Mnrs. Wm. Durlr, Mrs. Jon. Donley, 0. A. Kdgorton, H. 0. Freeman, Stuart F, ' Ulbny, Jus. . Harvey, Mrs. W. A. ) Han, Mrs. Alice J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Mile, Harry. .' Morlnrlty, Mrs. Mary. Morgan, Hoy. Petornmn, J. IloborUon, Ml Margaret. Smith, 0. A. Smith, CArrol a Smith, j. j. Southward, Miss Eva. Sutter, Jno. W. Tomisond, D. A. Wrtlaeo, Mr. ,, Mrg C Wallace, H. V. Wntwn. Mr. and m,8. Qoorge. W umor, Guorgo. NV. D.QUUT1S, P. M. TOOTING. .,,.., ,,- H9a.. ,g ,,IaMP o Tool mnn whn .. ... -. . . ., .,, ..""""'"- "'" " "o8 V "?. ,0 " '""u,u Uir sura and hoots OLDEST RESIDENT ' ,. in 1 in nu 55sssssssssssswks . m i NINtl! lUUfli - .,. m I ntlmrl Von- though years aSo ne oe..r . , . early day experiences acre uui u. muMi or ner ianiiuniiij - ....-.. -- authors. She has beon n deep roader, she Is now making her home at the Hood Apartments and ninny friends who readied this was her annlv inlversnryi Dngratula-' 1 to the' called today to oxtend con tlons. Glon Aiken, who came Hay n few years after Mrs. Loekhart, Is the only other resident of the Day who nearly equals Mrs. Loekhart'? residence here. Horbert Loekhart and Mrs. Honry Songstacken are trm only members of her family residing on tho Day. Mrs. K. Pollexfen, nn other daughter, rostdos In San Fran cisco. Mrs. W. S. Tnrpen of Marsh field Is a granddaughter of Mrs. Lockhnrt. Tho following sketch of hor Inter- c9tnK career appeared In tho Coos jtjay News several years ago: Mrs. Esther M. Loekhart was born - at Ulysses, Thompklns county, N Y., January 13, 1S25. Sho was noxt to tho youngest In n family of tno child ron born to Peter and Elizabeth Sol- over. Hor father died when sho was eight yoars old. Two years after hor widowed mother moved with her fam ily to Huron County, Ohio. Seven years later Mrs. Solovor also passed away, and the following year, at the tender ngo of slxtcon, Ksthor began hor career ns a toachor. She mot with groat siiccom In hor work, and, ontorlng Norwalk Acndomy at 20, at a pupil, was soon engaged ns assist ant, In whloh position sho remained until hor marriage to Freoman Good win Lockhnrt, on March 1C, 1S-1S. In tho spring of 1S51, the California gold oxcltomont being at Its height, After traveling many miles by water " " mcj niuira bi oi. jusujui, Mo where they purchaicd oxen, wag ons nnd supplies, nnd Joining a large company of other ndvonturesqme spirits, started on tholr long journoy across tho continent. On leaving St. Joseph, Mrs. Lockhnrt underwent n novel experience, holng obliged, on account of tho sickness of hor hus band, to walk besldo tho oxen and, with whip In hand, drlvo tho team to Council Hiuffj, tho mnn In chargo of tho baggage wagon yoking and un yoking tho animals for her. After a tedious and perilous Journey of flvo months thoy flnnlly arrived at Ore gon City, on September 13, 1851. Six weeks after her arrival Mrs. Loekhart began teaching school In Ynmiiiii county, where sho remained for n 1 year. Sho then moved with hor hus band to tho Umpqua Vnlloy, where thoy lived for a your, wlion thoy wont to Coos Hay, arriving nt Kmplro City Octobor IS, 1S5I1. Mrs. Loekhart was tho first whllo womnn to settle In Coos county. Sho taught tho first sohool In tho county, beginning nt Kmplro City In Novombor, 1851. Mr. Lockhnrt was a monihor of the so Btyled "Coos Hay Commorclal Com pany," nnd the Hiitinnun.llv. i..i. 1 1 -..,-1 Hill i-uui claim nt North Hond was ossIkiio.i to him Immediately imon lil nrrivi ' In tho county. Thoy romnlnod at their post for two months, surrounded by bostllo Indians, whoso nctlons finallv beenmo so warlike thnt the family hnd to hurrlodly pack their beloiiK Iiiks and flee for tholr lives to Km-, Plro City, tho only gottlenieut In the rounty. Blnco then Mrs. Lockhnrt has mado her homo on Coos ituy. Mr. LocKhnrt died In AiiRiist, 1SS8. Mrs. Loolihart Is the mothor of ix child ren, four of whom ro living. .-,-..,.,.,,.,.., --ti.... STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Savs Cream Anplle.1 In Nostrils Rcllcvcfl Hcnd-Colds at Once. I It our nostril aro i-IorkmI and our hoail U stulfod mid you can't broatho freely because of a cola o cHtnrrh. Jusi get a small bottle of Hlj's Croani Halm Nt any drug more Apply a little of thl fragrant, anti septic ureain Into your nostrils ami ot It iionetrato throuKh overy Ir lasnKo of your bond, HoathtaR and hoallug tho l.iflamo.1, swollen mucous moinhrano nnd you xt iuitaiit rellof Ah! How Rood It feels. Your llOStrlla rn mi. . . . ,r no more Imubl.,. .. . "' -"ng. uio. ZI "" "B.N U"l,W- or lm u ju.t what auffer,,.. froi ImmiiI mlds aim itairh nmnI. i,- , delluht. " ' 1 0$ wmM' .-ws iMHww' Q$$X.. "'''$ IfSJSS-'.'-W-Kv?: :"i:::;';'',",'S5 i KMll iou swing .. ...'...;:: vv.v. v -rooo JOf'bATA'iiivi:xvtiiw.o" c Vkwsawuaw ia x & "CSWi some real to pjmui aiaMajaMMi i aamwiwijiii 11 iiib nm m i wiiiiifiTiiiiiiifaTrTiririTmrm iiTriin iwi iirif 11 1 jiiiiiiiiiirnrTnn-TTri'iirii 11 '1 1 1 "ir ti EAT EGGS AND SAVE MONEY ON VOUIt MK.YT HILL. Wo nro selling STRICTLY FRESH dozen, or two dozon for 86c. 0001) COOKING AI'PLES. Tor hor, 75c. Call us up and ordor somo of thoso apples sent out. VH CAN SAVI-: YOU .MO.NKY. Como In and ask us about our new got-n-rccelpt plan. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 394-J. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with uh for a Rood many years and a" lot of our customors will toll you when It comes to bUIdk good, sound, durnblo framing matorlnl at the right price we know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and the amount you want to spead ond wo'll got busy with our pencil and flture out the best your uoney can buy, Try us. ,, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. KUTAirj mtl'AUTMKNT CUT TIIU FUKL HILL 1 TWO IY USIXO OUIt WOOD IMinNK'lW). in"! uni'Tir lumiiiu'iv TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. ClmuluK, repairing or new platen.., wik Kiiaranteed. Itlbbons Jwi rarlKin paper delivered, l'lione uuyour urder. lMiono 11. Alllnca office, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits JIXB.OOO.OO OFFICERS: J. W nennett. President Arthur McKeown. Secretary Tom i. nennett, Vice Pre.Ident nennett Swanton, Treueurer Transacts a trust business only, ahs ns trustee of express trusts and also as executor and adm.nl.trator of e.tatoa. The Z " inx t frirTh'rs.0" ouu,ae or i,orunwa rsanuert m s ASstracts raUHRI.IAIir.KAllSTllUTSlir AHOl COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See ; TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., lnc ! i;miv Bi:N(;sTrKi:x, MA.tii:K i I... nmm JWiMMMrrawniii .,., .Vlnl PwaniMx . 'itPJffiR- &:m::y a wm m Hvr, ai .nrif i M?&- ymmmto 5 klk&&WWXM JTMammvjmaL ..'.."." mj. Vfown ' cn u pjHiLMgiw vMfeiSMmr' tm y Ok FA.NCH HGCJS for wwwuH.iininiM.imin.Miiiw " - .--'. T.TLK AM, 1M-HMAT,0.V V I5u per l&l&SX&Blxi s'win If vou're arcd-bloodctl citizen, you bentitncross tho ficld3 to a tidy red tin of Prince Albert nnd get some ornoke joy jammed into that system of yours. Because P. A. was produced to put anew high top record on pipe and cigarette liberty. You can smoke it until the cows come home, it can t bite your tongue, can 'f parch your throat. And that s a fact! the national joy smoke mado by a patented process that cuts out tho bite and the parch and just puts in the joy wallop flavor, fragrance. Me-o-my, but what fun there's coming to the man who's game enough to match a dime against a tidy red tin of Prince Albert tobacco that cost three years and a fortune to perfect! Just kind o' let it sink in that you nor any other man anywhere ever did pack a pipe or rolln cigarette with such tobacco. P. A. is a revelationa tobacco revolution thnt sure certain will smash joy right into your smoke department. And today's fine for a go-to-it try-out! Prince Albert is Mold everywhere in toppyredbes; Set tidy red tint, 10c; alio in liandtomc pound and half-pound humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winton-Sa!em, N. C, 1 1 b r 11 if I rt n rt UHT 1U0U AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Htrccl, riiono 7D. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. WuriW..WMMWfcrfM I 11 wiiwimiwi j- KOONTZ GARAGE lixcolblor Motoreyclo AKeacy LEE TIRES AUTOMOISILKS STOHKH COOS COUNTV'H .MOST COMFLICl'I MACIIIM-: HIIOI" HAUINI-J ANI AUTO.MOIUIiH itiawuti.vo OASOLINH I'OU SALH VOKTII FKOXT ST. 1MI0NK lHO-i HATTltlllKH IIKI'AIUKU AND OIIAliaKI) miifnrtiaiiHjiBMBnMM ROOFING ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT - J. L. BR CE -, B. 118. P. no . WWV 1 LADIES' CLEANING WORKS 1(111 Willi, mill Vi.i. I.,.. u tho Hay ;r" ovcry teH "'"" "R oust' UK WANTS YOl'll ATHOVUM-' ' ,n ,tt V m5 ' S" S A.M. l.H ww. Siiv h J7. leaving ntil... i llll-on fl'liw ,i llnv. fi,VITS CMJAXKIl AM) 1MIKSS m CilMJ US A TItlAL . UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE'S PLACE 2BC Ceutral Ave. Phono 250-X, LEfT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co.. Ahstrn.-. thoroughly dependable? "S . i " - I T i , '""iwniimmnniBBan i W from mej known mm .-... " m ? OIHMNHYS FIREPI J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Brick Wri PrlcoB Thnt Aro Rift And ll Work (Iuhi Cnll nt,"Tho Fireside," Jca Bids.. 137 Second St. n, n u.i. French Ranges. Boiler l Low Rates for Handling Trm. Wo hnnl trunks llOtWalVl In Mnrshflold nnd do gonerd for ronHonnhlo rntos. I 8TAH TUANHFKIt 6T0U1 1.....1 iinimiiT. I'ronrlct l'liones: l'-O-J, -lO-h. , New Models "HENDERSON COBSfl also prlnclpnl a"TO "ONYX" and "CADP HOSE S.S. JENNINGS, Nik, NO BAW KDO o ' vnrm oOLIiAW If you Imvo them Uwj inviN oiTi' Ttlwji WtfJ rommutatiofll 20 Tickets $2J ba I I ...".".". u "" I ...i Atll r..risiiT i'1j.m:ic uarsnnoju-noria ',l"",al -1 ! GOHBT & KINO. Pl I i pitv Aiim & TAXh I I DAY AND NIGHT BEBjl ! For taxi, phono 20, l" I For tourlnc: cars, Puu- I Chandler Hotel I T.VVV TiAMllKTH. r I X... ni.., 1 1 I 4,v" "" SOUTH COOS 1UVF.W I AKIIV1CK . I LAUNCH KXW. j leaves Mnish field cUl j 8 u. m. Loaves head I nt :ir l. ' ; tf STI j leaves lieail of vlvcr dillJ! M I. S. KAUFMAN & CO I n. in, Leaves Mars ' ' '"" V WVIU "iMUi Times want AJj rtr m on" j in. For rliArter upp'f HMIT"1 1 lion nits & ads? li-oirletor ' r r wsmrriinH,,,,,,,, yfTy- - -rTfr. - ' -- .. . .'AV, eJ . ill. w Ar w limes wai io ID.. r . si . i " win jc XUo JLJlirlCr t(? Lf Have 5 0ii triad The time' want O WWIM V t vHHHHHBiHnMHIyaUjnttStMatfi. tekH41,.AB . JgJHsW WBB.1 . , t""iT??"lPlBiPIWiwHKKwHiHMliMBM