The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 13, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(tog Smj Wxmm
The Determination
of value received In advertising lies Bolcly with
tho rcsultB socured. Try tho columns of Tho
Coos Bay Times they nro clean and dopondablo.
Tho rendors of The Tlmos havo confldenco In tho
ads nppearlng therein.
Milt "I buy advertised nrtlcles becnuso thoy
SJfcfiSirlnbly worth wlint I pay ror thorn." Tho
nia witn tno nest reputations ror integrity
fewest morchandlso, aro without exception,
vbo advertlso their goods unconslngly.
Established 1878
ns Tho Cowst Mfttl.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Slut)
ml Coos liny Advertiser
No. 147
Turks Captor Tabriz From
ussians In Peraao.
- ifaWMWtw
' :',;
1 3tjrasfei
1 '1
-"51AbiN. ' '
5 warn
1 umm
a .itWM
n $mm
it. t TSttWffl
,uc. K
Allies Artillery Made
e Attack oh German
Ine Near Ypres
Artillery Engagements
m Rhcims and Sois-
jfight-r-Snow and Fog
fw?!35Ut.l rrr.i to Cooi )17 Tlmet.1
I jnn. 13. tiio orticlni
this oftornoon says: "Un-
eweathor conditions which
sted nlong tho entire front
dorod operations. Nenr
and Ypres tho French artll-
cd an cffcctlvo flro on tho
earthworks. Northeast ot
tho fighting around Spur
nucd with great severity
Wo maintained our poal-
e west of tho spur. To tho
roops woro obliged to glvo
.Tho fighting hero con-
oni Hheltns to tho Argonno
e exceedingly violent nrtll-
nges. In tho Argonno
rain nnd wind storms; In
fog nnd heavy snow.
iAmhIUoJ I'm to Coo lit? Time. I
N, Jan. 13. Tho first
up kitchen Is now on Its
tho front. A dozen others,
Jointly by tho British Hod
St. John's Ambulnnco
motor soup kitchen Is on
flow provision for tho
Its functions being to
closo touch with tho field
and provide a hot, nottr-
rlnk for thoso who havo
first aid. Soup, moat ox-
coffco and cocoa, will
Tho motors carry their
r supplies.
bor of courageous women
3d for this Horvlco, but
vlcon woro not accepted,
ar dopartmont docs not
men to go nB near to tho
no ns tho soup wagons
o to go,
Mttiir rrr.i is Cooi nj Time.
N, Jan, 13. A letter ro-
ro from tho front snyn that
a football match was play-
en tho staffs of tho First
ttd Cavalry Divisions. Major
(lough nnd Mnjor aouornl
ycd on oppnslto sides.
ult of tho match Is not slat-
'.return match was arranged.
I gnmo In which two major
took part 1b probably a un-
rd In military oporutlo'ns.
ts North Bend and
bficld Will be Suspend-
Dunng Funeral
uto to tho memory ot Cnpt.
Simpson, tho ploncor do-
;t Coos Day, who died In
nclsco last Sunday, Mayor
en and Acting Mayor Henry
North nond, today dectdod
1m a suspension of bust-
oth cities during tho hours
ot cortaln yet whothor tho
will bo hold Thursday or
L, J. Simpson nnd wlfo,
Edgar Slrepson, will reach
dsco today and a message
om them tonight or In tho
" funoral Is hold Thursday,
tics will bo sounded by tho
Ith mill In Marahflold and
er Mill at North Bond;
tho announcement ot tno
e funorarwill bo mado In
a tomorrow night
rth Beud, mills, factories
ness houses will suspend
for two hours, In com
print tho proclamation of
ayor Henry Kern.
'rail Mold, all buslnoss will
ded for nn hour. The
Us will all stop In tribute
mory of tho pioneer lum-
Bandon Grandjuryman Was
Present When Mac Simpson
Made Private Statement
(Spcclnl to Tho Times.)
C0QUILM3, Or., Jnn. 13. "Yes,
Mr. Hunt wns present nt tho Inter
view In Mr. Trcndgold'B offlco, whon
I was 'pumped regarding my Bister's
movements," declared Mao Simpson
In answer to questions asked ot her
concerning nil article giving her vor
slon of tho Slmpson-Trcndgold-Conch
, "Did Mr. Hunt explain to you that
ho was a niombor ot tho grand Jury7"
"Yes, ho told mo that ho was n
monibcr of tho grand Jury and Hint I
should bo careful what I said, al
though ho told mo to say nothing
nbout It when I was called boforo
the grand Jury."
"Did Mr. Hunt nsk you any uues
tlons7" "Yes, ho did a good deal of tho
"Is tho intcrvlow of cross oxnm
Inntlon a correct one, said in your
crwn Innguago?"
"Part ot it Is mine, but thoro nro
many things in It that I never said."
Tho foregoing conversation In tho
gist of nn Intcrvlow with Mao Simp
son by n Times roprcsontatlva In Ban
don Sunday evening. It wns brought
out bocatiBo of an Intcrvlow previous
ly published with Dotcctlvo W. J.
Mltcholl, In which Ornnd Juror Hunt
was charged with having cross exam
ined Miss Mao Simpson In tho offlco
of City Attorney Trondgold, of Ban-
don, on Novombor 17, nftor Mr. Hunt
had boon summoned ns a member ot
tho grand Jury. Miss Simpson wns
asked to road tho artlclo in quoBtlon,
nnd she marked many paragraphs
which, sho said, alio had novor ut
tered in tho alleged cross examination
boforo Mr. M. Trondgold, a brother
of tho city attorney of llandon, in
tho hitter's offlco on tho abovo data.
Tho artlclo in question wns a thrco
column Intcrvlow, purporting to have
boon hold in tho prosonco nf City At
torney Trendold nnd "othor wit
nesses," Grnnd Juror Hunt nolthor donlod
nor affirmed tho correctness of tho
chnrgos mado against him by Dotcc
tlvo Mitchell.
"Tho only roply I wIbIi to mnko to
Mr. Mltcholl," declared (Jrand Juror
Hunt, "is that I coiiHtdor him so bo
neatli mo as to rcqulro no answer. I
told Mltcholl what I thought of him
nnd his story In tho grand Jury room.
Further than that I do not caro to
sny anything."
Whon asked for n Htatmont at his
kuowlodgo regarding tho mooting In
his offlco, In which Miss Simpson
was Interrogated rognrdlng tunttora
connected with tho Trondgold-Conch
feud nnd tho alleged kidnapping ot
her slstor, City Attornoy Trendgold
wroto tho following statement:
"So far as Grand Juror Hunt Is
concerned, his skirts nro clean and
his Integrity is unimpeachable I do
not think thoro Is anything that Hunt
knows or lias dono that ho needs or
wants to conceal. Ho Is nn honor
able man and a law abiding citizen.
"Ho is porfectly safe and his posi
tion nbovo reproach. Hunt Is a man
who cannot bo threatened or brow
boaton Into ncqulosconco by Mitchell
and this arouses his (MltchoU'a) Ire
Apparently much of tills published
matter has beon with a view of
aliirtlng tho tldo of bnttlo by putting
mo on tho defensive But It will not
work. I shall continue on, oven ns
before, In tho offort to enforco our
laws within tho CJty of Bandou, ns my
sworn duty requires.
And, oven now, nftor tho slander
nnd abuso I havo been aubjoctcd to,
I would glvo oven Coach nnd Mltcholl
tho square deal that law and decency
require Personal dislikes shall not
actuate me nnd certainly threats
shall not deter me.
I have been surprised that reputa
ble sheets liko Tho Times nnd Senti
nel should havo lent their columns
to further tho wavo ot slander that
has emanated from this organization,
against me, but have lio feeling of
malice or pique.
"I am sorry that I cannot toll ypu
D? AmocUIoJ rreit to Cooa Dj Times.
R0M13, Jan. 13 A terrific enrth
qunkc, tho severest over foil In Home,
occurred early today. It lasted for
several sccoiuIh and caused a seri
ous panic. Many buildings wcro
damaged. Uarly reports Indicated
that no Uvea woro lost. Tho Pnlazzo
Chlgl and tho famous column of Mar
cus AurollttB woro damaged.
President of Marshfield Bar
tenders' Union, Dies Sud
1 denly on Haynes Inlet
Monger word was received horo to
day of tho death nt 7 o'clock this
morning ot A. E. Johnson, n barten
der in tho Nntlonnl Bar, who died In
a cabin eight miles nbovo tho head
of Haynes Inlet.
Five days ago ho wont thoro to
tho homestead of Tom Pcnko on a
hunting nnd fishing trip. At that
1 1 mo ho wns In good health, and his
omployor, Peter Mlrrasottl, Is nt a
loss to know wlint could havo been
tho matter. In tho nbsenco of Fred
Wilson In Portland nn offort was
mado to got Justice Pennoclc to take
chargo ot tho case. Ho declared It
out ot his Jurisdiction and Justlco
Sinister ot North Bond being .nbsont
from homo. D. S. Dnmnrd of tho Wil
son Undortnklng Parlors, undertook
tho Journey, It Is oxpected ho will
roturn Into this afternoon.
Victim of 1'iuMimoiiln.
Johnson whon ho left horo wns
Buffering from a sovoro cold and
frlonds think that ho was tho vic
tim ot pneumonia.
Johnson was about 38 years old
and has no relatives horo. Ills
divorced wlfo rosldos In Coqulllo.
Ho caino to Coos County from tho
Knst about ton years ago. For
a numbor of yonra ho worked In tho
logging camps, at Coalr-do, Cun
ningham, Ditto Itldgo and olsowhoro,
but far tho Inst fow yenrs ho hnd
boon working for Mlrrasottl Broth
ers, who regarded him highly. Ho
wns president of tho MafKlifleld Ifnr
tondor's Union and wnu recently reelected.
Seize Second Largest City in
Country, 100 Miles East of
the Sultan's Boundary
Russian Claims of Recent Vic
tory Evidently Incorrect
Is Important Base
tPr AnocUteii I'mi tu Co njr Timet.)
LONDON, Jnn. 13. A Potrograd
dispatch says nn ndvanco detachment
ot tho Turkish army occupied tho
Persian city of Tabriz. It la the
second InrgCBt city In tho country,
100 miles cast of tho Turkish fron
tier. It wnB garrisoned by n Rus
sian forco, which evacuated.
Evldontly largo bodies of Turk
ish troops nro still on Itusslnu soil,
nnd tho recent statement from Potro
grad that nn overwhelming defeat
had been Inflicted on tho Turks, In
volving tho enptur'o of ono army corps
and tho cutting uh of nnother, is do
nlod officially at Constantinople. The j
statement today qf tho IliiBslan staft (
shows that Turkish rcslstanco Is not
broken. Tho roportod capture of
Tnbrlz today moans Hint tho Turks
havo secured nn Important Imso for a
projected Gorman-Turkish attack up
on Httssln through tho Provlnco of
(tlr AMocUtod free to Coot D7 Timet.
PKTItOCIItAD, Jnn. 13 Tho stnto
incut by tho gcnornl staff ot tho ar
my In tho Caucasus says! "Tho fight
ing In tho region of Oltl ((fr miles
west of Kara) continues obstinately,
tho rear zuard of tho Turks being on
the river Oltl nnd to tho west. Bitter
fighting in tho Knra Urgnn region
latterly Inclined In our favor. On
Jnnunry 11 wo captured ono regiment
nnd pnrtlnlly destroyed nnothor.
Dr Auocltla 1'rcn to Cckm IU7 Tinioa.)
PKTIIOOUAD, Jan. 13. lttissla
has rocontly completed aovernl now
noroplano fnctorloa which nro onch to
supply twenty or thirty noroplnnon
wookly for army ttso. Under sorvlce
conditions, tho llfo of an noroplano
Is comparatively short and a consid
erable part of tho output of thoso fac
tories will bo needed to roplnco wnst
ngo at tho front.
Rev, A. F. B issford, pastor of
tho Marshfield B iptlst Church, has
resigned, nnd hit resignation has
been ncccptcd whit n proviso Hint
ho remain until about Juno.
Tho resignation wns submitted
n wook or so ago and action was
then taken by tho congregation, but
It wns not given out nt thnt tlmo.
It Is understood thnt tho resignation
will bo brought up ngnln nt tho
qunrtorly mooting of tho congrega
tion which will ho hold tho latter
pnrt of this month.
Tho reason for- tho resignation,
whllo not given out officially, Is
understood to bo that Rov. Bass
ford felt that ho was not rocolvlug
tho proper support from cortnln
mombora of tho congregation that
ho wns ontltlod to.
Rov. Bnssford has boon In Marah
flold for ovor two years, first being
compelled to give up tho work on
account of III health and nfter n fow
months' nbsonco returning In ro-
BPonso to tho urgont petition of tho I l U.SSVK by PAKTI.MH CMJH.
cogrcgatlon; Ilo Is ono of tho ablest FINNISH HAMjvATH'ltDAY HVI4
milnli mipnlcnru iiml linn linen most .IAN. 1(1. IUTT FINI'J 3IUHIO. NO
nrilvn In unhid, affairs iliirlnir hi MKiliHl7 OViitloiiien 1.00$ La
rosldnnto hero.
Wires All Down as Result of
Squall Shipping Impeded
Territory Affcoted
Coos Bay Is today Isolated from
tho rest of tho world, both tho
Wcstorn Union nnd long distnnco
tolephono lines being down. This
morning tho Western Union wns
working for awhile and tho phono
lino wns down. Then tho West
ern Union wont down and tho phono
lino en mo up for n llttlo while, but
wont down during tho squall nbout
1 o'clock. When Bcrvlco can ho
restored Is ttncortnln.
Tho storm Is one of tho worst ot
tho winter hero, tho heavy rnln bo
Ing nccompnnlcd by, n terrific gnlo.
Tho wind off shoro must hnvo reach
ed oxtrnordlnnry velocity. No
damngo was dono oxcopt to tho
tolephono and telegraph lines.
In tho Inst forty-eight hours,
about two Inches ot rnln has fal
len. During tho short tlmo tho
wires woro working Tho TlnteB ro
colvod a portion of Ha rogulnr As
sociated Press report, covering tho
developments, but tho bulk ot tho
wlro news did not got through,
At noon tho wires woro down be
tween RoBobttrg nnd San Francisco
but woro working botwoon Portland
nnd Itosoburg, Indicating that tho
storm wna trnvellng north ward ovor
a wltlo stretch of tho coaHt country.
intlAN. U,JXXrVSV. 3IU8IO. N(
U UACIfJfiT ttrmloinrii ? 1.00 J Ln
Let Us Talk It Over
Not Deterred hy Bar Brings
16 Passengers From San
Shortly after noon tho Redondo '
arrived ln tho upper Bay from San
Francisco bringing 1G passongora
from tho South. Sho arrived off
tho bnr about 8:30 this morning.
Tho Redondo will sail again Friday
morning nt 9 o'clock.
Tho following passengers arrived
Lew Keyser, II. A. Poarco, Fred
Taylor, Charlotte Cowle, R. Collins,
Mrs. R. Collins, Rnympnd Collins,
R. B. Smith, J. A. Hunt, h. Mc
Claln, D. W. Broadbrldgo, R. Baker,
Mrs. R. Baker and two children,
Ruby Baker,
all I know about it, but It would not
bo othlenl or good policy, hut I as
sure you that everything la going to
bo all right."
rIIK TIMKS is plonsed to note it disposition of tho now city
) Council to tako up tho matter of tho city ownership of tho
' waterworks. Tho olty of Mamlifluld shbuld own ltu wntor sys
tem nnd tho tlmo to commence action for tho nttalnmont of this pur
poso is now. Tho next two yoara promlso to bo opoohal onoa In
tho growth nnd dovolopmont of this community. Tho coming of
tho railway moans largo additions to tho common o, manufacture and
population of Coos Bay. Tho now transput tntlon facllltlos that will
link this section with tho outor world with hands of stool moans
much In tho way of dovolopmont of tho resources hocaiiso of tho
easier aocea afforded tho whole world for tho examination and ex
ploitation of thoso rcsottrcoa. Ono of tho most Importnnt nnd vital
features of nny community nnd ono that playa a largo part In Its
dovolopmont nnd growth Is tho aottrco nnd suronosa and ronBouablo
noss of Its water supply. Coos Bay should proparo to meet tho
now conditions hy municipal ownership and It la none too oarly to
commence tho discussion of thlH matter at this tlmo.
It Is not only opportune, and tho pooplo of Marahflold not only
owo it to thnmsolvea because of Hi vital boating on tholr dnlly llvos,
but ra a business proposition It deserves attontlon, Tho ovor In
errmslng burdon of taxation domnnda that cities desiring a plnco prosresslvo communities heed the call of citizens to make
Hfc'htor tho domnnds of living costu. Kvcry olty on tho Pacific Const
that owns its wntor system Is making a success In service and fi
nancially as well. Tho following juhliBhod In n recent Issuo of
tho Woodburn, Oregon, Independent, oxpreBios n common oxpor
k.nco In clty-ownod water systems:
"It Is going tho rounds of tho stato proi? that, tno
Woodburn wntcr works system, owned nnd operated by
, this city, Is BOtr-supporting. Not only la It paying expenses
nnd meeting Interest on bonds, but It la building up a
sinking fund that will moot thoic bonds when duo, nftor
which water rates will bo lowwed."
Marshfield should profit by tho cxpcrlonco of othor cities and pro
ceed to acqulro or Install a water works Bystqm of Its own.
Now la a good tlmo to begin.
Youths Who .Hurled Vegetables
Have Suspended Jail
When Jntnes Alkon nnd Wnltor
Itohfleld throw two onions ut nn ac
tor in tho Lcmanskl Thcntor last eve
ning they brought upon themselves a
Jail sontcitco of flvo days nplcco.
Properly scared, tho young men,
both over 18 yenrs of ago, appeared
boforo Pollco Jttdgo Butler this af
ternoon nnd plcndcd. During good
bohnvlor tho sentence will bo sus
pended. Four boys woro npprchondod hy
Officers Shoupo nnd Richardson,
though two of them, Gcorgo Prntt
nnd Howard Otter, proved thoy did
not throw tho missiles and tho
clinrgcs ngalnst them wcro with
drawn. "This otfonso is nioro serious than
can bo settled with n nioro fine," said
Jttdgo Butler, nB ho scored tho two
"Hero you nro, both of you, full
grown nnd of nn ago when you should
havo nioro Judgment nnd good senso
than to commit n deed of this sort.
It Is for this reason that I will mnko
tho sontonco ono of flvo days uploco
In tho city Jail and will suspend son
tonco on good behavior nnd mind
you, nnothor offense and you both
will go bohlnd tho bars."
Underwriter' Kqultnhlo Rating Bu
reau Finishes Compiling
Now flro IiiBiirnnco rates, as thoy
havo been adjusted by tho in
spectors of tho Underwriters' Kqult
nhlo Rating Bureau ot Portland,
nro now. In tho hands of tho print
ers, according to word Just received
horo by I. S. Kaufman & Company.
By this It Is oxpoctod Mnrshflold's
now rates, In fact tho figures for
all tho surrounding towns, will ho
received horo within n short tlmo.
What changes will bo Hindu Is u
mutter of much speculation.
Inspectors Bralnerd nnd Coldwoll,
whllo hero nbout thrco weeks ago,
declared that tho electric nrdluanco,
having boon strictly enforced,
would probnbly aid toward reducing
rates within the flro limits. Beyond
this thoy had llttlo to sny. Thoy
visited tho surrounding towns, milk
ing their Investigations, later Bund
ing their data direct to the Port
land offlco.
Announce French Had to Va
cate Trenches in Suburb of
Nieuport Yesterday
Announce Capture of Large
Number of French Po
land Situation me Same
Plr AMOflatel rreen to Coot nT TIoim.1
BHRMN, Jnn. 13 (By Wlroless).
Tho official Btatomcnt today says:
"In the west florco artillery duels
took plnco In tho neighborhood ot
Nieuport. Thoy resulted In tho ovne
tttttlou of tho onomy'B trenches nt
Pnllnsbtirg, n suburb of Nlonport.
The enemy's attacks near tho I.n
bassco Cannl havo been flnnlly ro
pelleil. French attacks at LaBolsollo
and Hill of Tottvron woro repulsed.
Yestordny'B unsuccessful attacks on
tho hills near Crony wcro followed
tip by a Qormnii counter attack which
ended In the complete defeat of the
French nnd tho clearing of the hills
northeast ot Btimilo nnd north of
Crony. Our troops took possession
of two French positions and captur
ed 1700 prisoners, four cannon nnd
Kovornl mnchlno guns. An attack by
French snppors near St. Mlhlol wan
ropulscd, Our tropa solzcd tho hills
north nnd northeast of Ndmony. Tho
situation In tho Vosgcs Is unchnnged.
In tho enstern theater tho situation
la unchnnged."
(Dr AmocUI! rmi l CM Ut Time.)
PHTROORAD, Jan. 13. Mld-l)o-cemhor
weather In Armenia wns bo
sooio that operations botwoon tho
Turkish nnd Russian armies around
12r:oriim prnctlcaly consod. Tho
tompernturo frequently reached 35
dctrrcos below zoro. Tho roads woro
covorod with snow to h depth of six
foot or moro.
in? AuuMlitrJ 1'rni to Coot IUj Tlmm.)
LOUDON, Jnn. 13. A now liver
disease, cutised by a quick drying
vnrulsh; and to which varnlshoni
and polishers may ho subject, wits
discovered hero by Dr. Bernard
Splllsliury nnd Dr. Wilcox, tho
omlnout pathologists, u an autopsy
upon a workman who hnd beon em
ployed at tho Hendon aircraft fac
tory. Tltla varnish la composed of to-trot'hlor-ethui,
monthylntod spirit,
limizlno nnd othor Ingredients, ltntu
subjected to tho vapor, said Dr.
Wilcox ut tho Inquost, hccitme drow
sy nnd developed tin oxteuslvo liver
illsonRO. Tho workman's death was
duo to syncope front (tlsenso of tho
liver cnuBod by tho action ot to-trochlor-elhcr.
Two Hundred Witness Presen
tation by Mrs. Henry
Tho city of Marshflold was last
ovoning formally preaoutod with tho
beautiful now Carnegie library build
ing comploto which cost $12,000,
nsldo from tho lot on which It stands.
Tho presentation wits mado at tho
formal dedication ot tho building nnd
was markod by a public rocoptlon
and program of music and address
es. Today tho citizens of tho
city may look at tho Imposing
structure nt tho corner of Fifth
street and Market aventto nnd In
tones of prldo speak of It as "our
library." I
To mnko such n gift possible i
thoro havo been months nnd months
of hard work by many men nnd ,
women who havo given unsparingly i
of tholr tlmo and host offortB. The I
members of tho library board havo
worked unceasingly for tho pnsti
thrco years, with tho goal always j
In mind which they formally nc
hloved last evening, that of turning
a wall-built nnd fully-equipped li
brary ovor to tho people of Marah
flold. Over two hundred people passod
through tho building InBt ovmilng,
Inspected It .and 'oxpro88o4 tholr
unbounded appreciation.
Into tho two lnrgo roaiilng rooms
the vlaltora gathored and there In
toned to n program of music and
singing, after which Mrs, Henry
SongHtacken, as president f the
library board, mado tho formnl
Bpeoch of presentation to Mayor Al
lou, acting on hohnlf of tho clti
zona of Marshflold.
Dr. K. K. Straw prosldod nB chair
man, having boon Mayor at tjio
tlmo tho llbrnry was first broached
and when tho original plans woro
formulated. Ho spnko briefly, in
troducing Mrs. Songstnckon ns the
daughtor "of tho first whlto wo
man In Coob County."
Mrs. Sengstnckon spoko aa fnllowir
"As I stand horo tonight. In tltla
now nnd attractive room, tho words
or a awoot, familiar old poom of Ten
nyson's oomo Into my mind
"0 that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arlso In mo."
for thoughts nnd memories coma
surging ln upon mo ns waves roll in
upon the shoro. Amid this tumul
tuous ocean ot thoughts, perhaps tho
ono that stands out most promlnontly
at thU tlmo Is tho fact thnt wo have
gathored horo this ovoning to dedi
cate tlio first publlu library in tho
city of Marshflold nn evont that
marks an opooh (n tho history of tho
(Coniinueu on Pago Four.)
j j-aLiAto