It t "Sffei. gf''if t '., U,.t(,..- fMHHWIIWHMNPIilBHSHVHIVHMQEic!afi :w saSEStSafcr PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY E. Uothartl McCluro ATTORNEY AT LAW "Practices hi nil courts. B-setttlS, Flnnngnn A Dennett Rant OHamer tfl&'IIOUSB RUILDER General Ropnlrlng nud Cabinet , &&$' Making. J. Wright .BRfK' rhono 188-R. iBUlLDINa CONTRACTOR itlmates fijrnlshod on requoit DrilH-.M. Shaw Eye, Enr, Noso n !l GLASSES Fl nml Throat TTTED DR..MATTIB H. SHAW DJeasofl of Women and Children Orflee Phono 3 30-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND W&t ARCHITECT "fOffJcos, 200 Irving Dlock FfabaeI103-L or 2C7-J. ' mBt Marahflold. Oregon WiplChandlcr .M" AltCIIITECT RooB3i301 and 302, Coko Bulldlni ''V,' Mnrshflold, Oregon WmifS. Turpen" W ARCHITECT iI Marshflold, Oregon. JoellOstlind PIANO TUNEIl AND REPAIRER Lwra'Jordors at W. R. Haines' Min gle vCompanr. 41Sjjg$ Sixth Stroot Phono 103-L PiflJRiley Ballinper , VIFIANIHT AND TEACHER Residence Studio, 217 No. Third Bt TjBa' Phono 308-L. 'AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. , Wemovor blnmo tho tailor when ,Wour pants wo hnvo to pin, WeTnovor blnrao tho shoo tnnn hon our soles grow old and t WeVnovor blnrao tho hnttor .whTn our llda wo hnvo to cfvljfiout, '.IJfilSwo nlwnys blamo tho laun- dryiwhen our shirts wonr out. ,COOS RAY STEAM LAUNDRY IUl' Phono B7-.T. 'MST. LAWRENCE HOTEL !. 3y Forinorly tho Coob Hotel) j ' Steam heat, hot nnd cold water., j MSfl N ,l(l"or- I KWlnvIto you to Investigate our j pwlntor rntes. Special Inducomont ten two or inoro persons occu- Ppysamo room. PARISIAN CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS fJGB, West Mnrkot Avo., cornor Second Streot. major now manngoiuont. Prices Syt, and nil work satisfactory. IlifldloN' work it specialty. lono 17G-J. J. S. STEVENS, Prop. . 4 All kinds of I FINE CHEESE Itilllo mid ML Hood Hiitlcr j jFmli EggN, Eastern OyNter.s, I Fish. COOS RAY OYSTER CO. I Pnlnco Moat Market. j Phono 3G1-J. j AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono ii.-So-J Night nud Day. Whlto Elophnnt Grill EGkHHl Curs. Careful Drivers D. L. FOOTE. SAVE MONEY by onlerliiR tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL coal, per ton $1.00 Conl, por ton $(1.00 Ibalf ton of both $5.00 D. MUSSON, Prop. ono lH-.J or lonvo orders at IllllyvrVi Cigar Store. he Bay View Hotel Under new management FLORENCE, OREGON rs the best accommoda j in the city Thoroughly ovated Dining Service Unexcelled to Please lYi o u r s - .M in and Mrs. W. J. Clarke MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. )r, uommerciai 04 ouwy IITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, Fancy and Domestic CHINA ies' Want Ads Bring Results, r - THE Telegraph Service Improved Coos Hny now hns tho moHt rellnblo telegraph sorvlco In Its history. Tho fncliyics nffonrod by tho COOS ami CUItltY TELEPHONE COMPANY In conjunction with tho PACIFIC TELEPHONE- and TELEORjAPH COMPANY to nil Pnclflc Const points depend on two wall-built and cnrofully mnlntulned lines from Coos Uny to llosoburg. Resides tho Morso telegraph Instru incnts, these lines hnvo nuxlllnry telephone equipment and are tho most dopendnblo connection between Coos County nnd tho outside world. TELEGRAPH OFFICES OPEN 21 IIOUHS EVERY DAY. Standard telegraph rates. Coos and Curry Telephone Company Tologroph Offices: MAUSIIFIELI). -First National Hunk Illdg,. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Effi cient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Gonner & Hoagland The Leading Groccrs 797 South Broadway. The Cheerful Warmth of a Gas Room Heater chases chill and gloom There is nothing so cheerless and gloomy as a cold room. ' Most every house has Us cold room or cold corner which is avoided as a pest. The gas room heater will make such a place inviting and cozy put a tone of cheer in the entire household. Gas room heaters are light easily moved from room to room. You can have the heat just where you need it. Gas room heaters are inexpensive to buy and cost little to operate. See the complete display of gas room heaters at the Oregon Power Company office. Every- thing from a tiny bathroom heater up. r 1 Use iron pipe connections not rubber tubing. 1 Oregon Power Co. Second and Phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco is horoby given that tho undersigned has been by nn ordor of tho County Court of tho Stato of Orogoji, In and for tho County of Coos, appointed as executrix of tho Estnto of Aloxander Simpson, de ceased. Now, theroforo, nil persons hnvlug claims ngnlnst said estnto are horo by notified to presont tho snmo to mo nt tho offlco of James T. Hall, Eldo rado Block, Marshflold, Coos county, Orogon, with propor vouchers, duly verlfed as by law required, within six months from tho dnto hereof. Dnted this 22nd day of December, 1914. ISABEL SIMPSON, Executrix of the Estnto of Alexander Simpson, deceased.. First publication, December 22, 1914. Lniit .publication, January 12,- 1915. ads?av Hnvo you tried Tho Times' want COOS BAY TIMES, NJARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Phono 1000. NORTH BEND Hank of Oregon lildg. Dealers in Good Groceries Phones 348-J and 326 Central 178 BUY THE VERY BEST Marshficld Creamery BUTTER SrADB UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MI LIC AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 u. Phono in. unci 2 i. 73. in. Times Want Ads for results. PI TUNNELS Johnson Porter Predicts Early Completion of Their Con tract on Coos Bay Line EUGENE, Jan. 12 Thnt all of tho tunnols on tlto Wlllnniotto Pacific It MM will bo completed by Februnry 1 was , the stntemont of Johnson P. Porter,' Inr amocUk-j r to coo, n.r Timw. of tho railway contracting firm of j.c-NDON, Jnn. 12 Tho follow Porter Uros., who hns nrrlvod out mg account of life nt tho front Is from from tho "front." Tho Inst tunnels a correspondent who volunteered for to bo completed nro tho four botween Bt,rvIco nt tll0 beginning of tho war, Acmo nnd Gnrdlner. All of tho ' aml lm8 Binc0 bcen promoted to the others will bo completed beforo thnt rnnk ot officer. date, snld Mr. Porter, if tho work progresses ns rapidly ns it is nt tho presont time. Mr. Porter stated thnt tho grading work will bo completed by tho first ot Mny nnd tho railway compnny will then bo nblo to lay its rails as far j ns Coos Uny, but It will probably bo I sotno tlmo nflcr that dato beforo ' they enn bo laid across tho brldgo bo j lug built over nn nrm of tho Day. Kluslmv Port llonds. I Mr. Porter Btntcd thnt tho Port ot Sluslnw Commission would probably rosumo work on tho Jetty at the mouth of tho Sluslnw lllvor In two or three months. Tho commission hns Just nuthorlzed thulssunnco of $100,-! nne3 mior fr0sty conditions seem 000 bonds nnd this, wltli lh.o Jlfi,- Huch nn orderly, pormnnont nild town 000 loft from tho previous bond issue. m0 soriCB 0f cubby-holes that whon will keep tho work going for a year i ti,cy n 8tnrt to melt nway nnd envo or more Tho government Is expect- ,n um0r tho Influence of thaw nnd cd to dupllcnto this sum with an np-' rnln. It Is ns if ono wore trying to proprlutlon, ns it hns done with pre vloiis bond Issues. IIORS DISIIASKS PIjAV HAVOC WITH OHKCON More Thau 01)00, Valued nt $00,000, J,ost 1.111 Your. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. llf Dlsonsfm M... .wlnn J.rnn.lnrn I of Oregon to loso 0000 hogB, vnlued nt ?ui.,ooo, inst yonr, nccording to n rnnnrf whinh i,n .. i,n ia..n,i i.t - tho Dopnrtmont of Agriculture This Is nn nvorngo denth rnto of ao per 1000 ncnu. During tho yonr ' 1Hl:l tlin rnlln u'ne .in nnr 1(lnn lmn.l iiinrflAnn i....i i.. tt vni w& u v v u in; tin nvitj iwoi I Orogon has ono of tho lowest death , rntes por 1000 bond or hogs of nny I statu In tho Union. Tho latest census Reports, which nro dnted .Tnntinry 1, ' 1914, Hliou'' thnt thero nro JIOO.OOO I bond of hogs In Orogon nnd thoy nro vnlued nt ?3;a00,000, or $11 por , head. Tho farmors of tho ontlro nntion Inst yonr lost 7,00 1, S00 bond or hogs ! from dlsenso. Their total vnluo wns I $7fi, 000,000 nnd tho donth rnto wns " 119 por 1000. Llbby COM,. Tho klml YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 711. Pnclflc Livery nud Transfer Compnny. . . Waterproof Not nearly not fairly but dryly waterproof ROWERS I REFLEX SLICKER The wet wentlier cot for you for pod jwd icivice. Light weight, Irong, and big all over (oi comioit, t $3.00 Everywhere Proleclor Hal, 75 Cts. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Catilct if A. J. TOWER CO., Boiton REHFELD'S ANSCO CA3IER.1S ANSCO FIMIS ART POST CARDS NEW YEAR CARDS MYHTLEWOOD NOVELTIES REHFELD'S 220 Central Avenue. I For Rest results in j PAINT1NCJ, PAPEIHNG nnd I) DECORATING ' E. F. LE SIIEUX Wnll Pnpcr iiiul I'nlnt Store j ao.'J No. Front St. P'ono 115-R -GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS 347 Central Av. Phono 373-L QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, MARSIIFIELD, OREGON T"Vil NEWS OF WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY s HARD LIFE "During tho Inttor pnrt of Novem ber tho nrmy In tho trenches wns woll-nlgh perishing with cold. Slnco early December It hns been tho vic tim of porslstcnt rnln nnd flood. Night lifter night whole companies nro flooded out of their trenches, .whllo u renrrnngoment, of tho forces hns mndo it lmposslblo to gtvo tho men their former weekly threo days of rest in tho villages behind tho linos. All tho advanced forces will remain In their trenches now for I eighteen dnys; then they liopo to hnvo n brief relief. I "It Is dlfflcultto glvo nn Iden of what rain means In tho trenches. Tho travel through n pltrlulurk Loudon I In ruins. Officers who wero glory- ilug In fine now dugouts equipped with nil tho trench comfort suddenly found themselves burled In n mnBS of collnpscd earth of tho consistency nud finality of thick paint. "Tito latest gossip hero Is thnt tho Indian division nml tho aormniiB wore I ' cloB0 together n tiny Or two ilgt) I n,,nt Uloy ,8od n, Bn,uo 'mrft"et for ' w"" , , , , , , " , ' ' through their mutual loop-holes. tutu, ui uuuinu, in ii uiiiu uAiiKKerui- ed, but serves to lllustrnto tho niau nor in which tho two armies kcop con tinually getting closer nud closer. ,,n"l Rroiindos nnd homo-mndo bombs fashioned out of biscuit tins can lie used udvuntugeously at many points. "Generally, however, tho front trendies nro nbout two hundred yards apart In this section; Thnt gives tho shnrp-8hootors plenty of chnnco to got In their flno work, nnd It Is dangerous to push ouo's head above a trench oven to sight n rifle. Mnuy of tho sharpshooters nro using peri scopes much like thoso of tho sub marine nnd with thoso thoy enn sight nnd shoot accurately without coming nnywhoro near tho top of tho trench. Tho opposing shnrpshooters of courso delight In efforts to hit tho tubo of tho periscopo, nnd frequently suc ceed. "Slnco tho rnlns nnd floods camo, tho cnnimiinlcntlou trenches hnve Inrgoly oozed away. Somo of them nro llkn rivers; others nro knee doop with pnsty mud of exactly tho snmo consistency ns bailor's dough. A rogl mont which passed through ono such tronch n dny or two ago loft throa men behind and ihnd to send n relief party back to dig thorn out, "Under such circumstances, tho lnbor of bringing up rations nnd nm munltlon from tho renr is terrific, nnd tho men assigned to this lnbor loach their destination in n stato ot utter fntlgtio; novortholess thoy have to tako their turn at sentry duty later In tho night. "Tho onomy Is Tory buslnossllko nnd mlssos no chnnco to shoot nny mnn who oxposos himself. Todny, for Instance nn English soldlor wa's up In n willow treo cutting wlthos. A shot passed him and ho sportively signalled 'A miss; loft.' A second shot camo, nud ho signalled 'A miss; right.' The onomy profited by his advico, and tho third shot passod straight through his head. "Thoro nro tho strictest1 orders against men exposing themselves; but somo of tho cureless ones nro surpris ingly dlsregardful of their safoty. Yostorday n prlvnto who wus drag ging n snek ,of conl wnlked slowly nlong tho top of a communicating trenoh for n consldornblo dlstanco In ful view of tho enemy, moroly bo cnuso tho bottom of tho tronch wns muddy and travollng down thoro In safoty would havo been moro labori ous than on tho firm soil nbovo. A hnll of bullets missed him, 'hut ho oven stopped to light his plpo behind nn olghteen-lnch willow boforo ho do llborntoly climbed bnck down Into tho trench with his lond. "Tho whole army Is very tired of , willow trees nnd poplars. It would bo n relief to know thnt wo would , never hnvo to seo thorn again. Wil low stumps a ro particularly annoy ing, becauso In tho dark they look exactly like a crouching soldlor, with j perhaps n stray limb resembling n 1 leveled gun. I "I was out scouting two nights ago nnd wont furthor nhoud thnu I had I Intended. I hod no rlflo with mo. I About forty ynrds from tho enemy's i trench I suddenly snw what I thought was n Germnn crouching down with leveled gun. My heart stopped nnd I I hastily signalled for tho rifle of'n mnn behind me, only to find It not , londed. Then I looked ngnln nnd found tho Germnn was only a wll .low stump. "On my way bnck, crawling cau tiously through n turnip field one must movo cnutlously, for theso tur nips crackle most nlnrmlngly under foot suddenly up went one of their stnr rockets, which mndo tho neigh borhood light ns dny for n milo around. I dropped down. To my horror I discovered thnt my fnco was close alongside n Gorman corpse, thnt had lain thero since their Inst unsuc cessful Infantry attack nbout six weeks ago. Another and another rocket went up nnd It wns ninny min utes beforo I could get away from thnt prls'.y object. I brought bnck his helmet nnd rifle ns souvenirs. "There Is n gront supply of now3 in tho trenches, but much of it, I re gret to say, Is unreliable. Todny, for Instance, wo heard of n grent navnl victory for tho English, n grent Gall clan victory for tho Russians, nnd for tho twentieth time, thnt tho Knlsor Is sick unto death." ENEMIES HELD AT BAY SAYS THE KAISER Tells Army nnd Navy Allies' Numbers Don't Frighten SooKh Only Worthy Pence. UEHMX, via London, Jnn. 12. Emperor William's Now Yenr's mos sngo to tho nrmy nnd navy, asked them to fnco tho now yonr unflinch ingly nud look forwnrd to now deeds and now victories for tho beloved Fatherland. Tho message, which wns mndo public nt mnln headquarters horo, rends us follows: "After flvo long months ot heavy ami hot fighting, wo enter tho now year. "HrlMnnt victories havo boon gained mid great successes nchlov cd by tho Germnn Army almost everywhere on tho territory ot tho onomy, whllo roponted nt tompts of our opponents to swarm on Goruinn territory hnvo fnllod, "My ships hnvo covorcd them selves with glory on every sea nnd tho crows hnvo proved not only thnt thoy know how to fight vlg torlously, but to dlu llko heroes when overwhelmed by superior forces, "llehlud tho nrmy nnd tho fleet tho ontlro nntion stands In un exampled hnrmony, propnred to sacrifice Its heart's blood for tho sacred domestic hearth which wo are now dofcndlng against outrag eous Invnslon. "Much lias como to pass In tho old year, but tho oiiomles nro still firmly kept low. Always frosh hordes aro rolling up against our nrmy nnd tho nrmy ot our faith ful nlllcs, but their numbors do not frighten us. "Although tho times may bo ser ious and tho task boforo us n hoavy ono, wo look forwnrd Into tho fu ture with tho firmest confldouco. "Next to God's wlso guldanco, I trust to tho matchless bravery of tho nrmy nnd navy nnd know my solf to bo as ono with tho ontlro Gorman nation. Thoroforo lot us faco tho now year unflinchingly, looking forwnrd to now deeds nud now victories for our beloved Futhorlaiid, WILHELM. Roplylng to n Now Yenr's tologram from tho King nnd Quoon of Unvarla, tho Eiuporor sont this uicssngo: "I roclprocnto your good wishes nnd thoso of nil Ilavnrlaus with nil my henrt. You speak after my own henrt whon you Bay wo nil hnvo but ono thought, which is thnt a pouce worthy tho sacrifices already mndo nnd still to bo mndo bo secured for tho boloved Fnther Innd In tho now year. "How splendid in this connec tion Is it that tho Gorman l'rliicos and tho Gorman peoples nro stand ing togothor in unchangeable fi delity, with God's holp, to nchiovo with our heroic troops that victory for our Just cnuso which wo ox poct with unshaken confidence. In cordlnl friendship, WILHELM." What Cures Eczema? We have had so many Inquiries lately regarding Kczcma and other skin ills tnutu, that we are k'uiI to muko our answer jmullc. After curerul Inventlga tlon wo havo found that n simple wash of OH of Wlntorgreen, an compounded in I). D. D. 1'rencrlptlon. cah bo relleU upon. We would not muko thla state ment to our patrons, friends and neigh bors unlesH we weie sure of It and although there are many so-called Ec zema remedies Bold, we ourselves un hesitatingly recommend D. D. D. Pre ucrlption. Drop Into our store lodar. tint to t. Ik- over tho merits of thla wonderful Pro-. ! PV..JIWV.44 ' THREE vl I F -Inn 15 Pithllnntlnn M RANK VICTIMS W of the Almanac do Gothn for 1915 r, J nnd tho various genealogical annuals j which hnvo Just taken plnca licro(( lutuuiB mm up iu iuvoiuuur iirsi , .; 779 members of tho German nobll-, vj lty havo met death on tho battle- ,t field or hnvo succumbed of wounds,. J received In notion. it Is shown thnt of mombors bo-".. J longing to tho "grnofllcho" houses,, 'jj or fnmlllcB cnrrylng tho tltlo of ,", count, 74 had fallen In buttlo or( ' ' died of wounds by November 1. Tho ' "frolherrllclion" or baronicnl fam ilies havo lost 200 members through tho war, whllo tho very essonco of German nobility, tho "Urndellgcn'' families, who trace their ancestors to tho year ot 13C0 or beyond, had lost 240 mombors In all, Tho farn-' Hies hit hardest nro tho Armlns" ' with 8, tho Wcdols with 8, tho' Oortzcns with 7, nnd tho Dockcns l with G members, Rut tho class of nobility which seems to hnvo sut- ' forod most, though it is by no moans' tho most numerous, is thnt whoso members hnvo boon knighted by lettors-pntcnt, nnd who nro known lu Gorumny ns "brlofndollgo" houses. .This class lost 2d0 mombors. Tho totnl numbor ot losses through death on tho bnttlotlold or ns tho result of wounds recolvcd in notion, ot tho Germnn nobility is, thoroforo, 779, up to Novombor 1. According to tho Almnnnc do Gothn tho following mombors of , Goruinn nud foreign rolgnlng houses still retain their honorary commands, lu tho enemies' nrmlos: 1'rlnco Henry ot Prusstn, colonol Second RuBsInn Hussar Itoglmont; Grand Duko of Oldonburg, colonol G7th , Russian Infantry Itoglmont; Gorman empress, colonol Russian Gnrdo du Corps Hussars; Russian oniproBS, Colonel German Second Guard Dra goon Keglmont; Queen Mary of, England, colonel Gormnu Fifth Hus sars; Dutchess of Connnugh, Colonel 04 th Goruinn infantry Toglmont. Tho largo number ot honorary com missions hold formerly by mombors of tho rolgnlng houses ot Europe In foreign armies has thus sunk to six an Infinitesimal fraction of tho mombors ot other years. WOUNDED IN RERUN DEIILIN, Jan. 12. No fair picture could bo drawn ot tho Ilor lln of war tlmo thnt did not Includo mention of tho thousands ot wound ed In tho streets. In motorcars, In wbool chairs and In tho crowds on tho stieots, thoy nro ovory whore, limping mnlmod and swnthed in bandnges. At ono dlnner-tablo in tho Hotel Adlon woro four offlcors, ovory ono ot whom had his arm In n sling and two of whom had their heads in bandages, Ono, a captain, had lost his right hnnd, but ho had tho Iron cross of tho first class and ho. soemod tho happiest of tho party. Indood, tho cheerfulness ot tho wounded contrasted strikingly with tho sad oyes ot tho many womon in mourning. Tho toll has dono little to weaken tho spirit of tho populaco, but it Is boglnlng to horrify the visitor. TRICKS IN RATTLE. Allies' llugler Sounded Uuglo Roticat Rut Failed lu Decepllon. (Iljr AuiKUteJ l'fru to Coot, rtr TlmM,) RERLIK, Jan. 12. An English buglor's mlstnko, duo to tho fact thai his knowlodgo of tho Gorman army buglo calls was not fiuito perfect, frustrated n clover strategom of tho onomy In Flanders, nccording to a re port of a Germnn returned from tho front on furlough. At ono point along tho lino tho artillery had beep preparing tho ground for an assault, and tho order was finally given for , advanco, Tho Germans wore charging suc cessfully, losing not too heavily and being well supported, when thoy w&ro nmazed to hear the bugle call, "cease firing!" Thoy threw then)sol;es down, reviling and lnmentliig tho fact thnt nt sticliu favorable moment, It hnd been felt necessary to stop tho advanco. In tholr position tho next call could hardly bo anything but tho "retrent," nnd they lny Hstqn Ing for it. To tholr nmuzoment, how- over, nn nmuzoment Instantly suc ceeded by a full realization of what hnd happoned, tho "mess call," tho signal for rations, wns 'blown. Tho English bugler who, safely ensconced in somo decoptivo place, had stopped tho churgo with his first call, had mado a costly mistake. Tho charge was resumed and when It ended tho Germans had taken tho t ron dies at which they hnd been aim ing. Times Want Ads for results. fl-jatiTMriwMiiggyjg a -tf.,LftnM