T ' ;;" jllOi-ii" :ja-""" I-iA "J .. km-' ii jSti j, iwtUU4iii. nnM ,- iV it''f tto ; H'j i h- lMJilliL - flillciill " 1 Dint MEETING 15 HELD; THE ,C60S BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELP, OREGON . TUESDAY JANUARY jgM-EMNGDI B 'SWEDES ARE GATHERING BEFORE COWER MUSIC! MILS e SF nn DI DHGHE STRfi With The Toast and Tea i, O'Donnell Symphony Organization Com- Marshfie.d Can ConAnnua. Session of Coos Coun- fcX ffX- ""ft Elects Ofe s-En- ty eta s to b o lowed ChargW.tli Assault $ The Knowledge That We Are of Use joys Fine Banquet By Banquet Tonight The ndvnnco gunrd of tlio memborg ... i.i.,. f Mnraliflelil nild ' Warrants for I!.. arrest of James .. ,! , , ,, Sunday I Faiinio .orui uc - ... ... . i.i .. atmiiiwitiv orchestral u i.i.ii...ii, ....... .--I-- - - - - .I.l.'n'nnnnnll Were SWOHl 0111 111 11 uu ""-. ,.. , ,, hold Inst evening In tho Swedish isomers asiuwiuiuu .....-.. ; ,---- -- .. Court by,wlth tlio following omcui. - . IIIUI Tlio annual iinnquci nnu .).... ""..... , n nn.i hl wile. ,m,,., ,,r ihn nhrtmlnn church was of tho Coos uoiiniy uoinu ii - "u 4(tUVtf3 .. -- -.-- .- t ttn RvvoillRll . . . ll..tln rt H (1 LNthotan social hall. A full attend- morning's train, onraior n nnrn nf thn morilborshlt. undo the W. K. Mimiy oi jiyruo ' riTftnt a moid dnioynblo one. Hc- sldcs tho reribrts from various de nartnlcntB of wdrk n musical pro gram was glvon In which Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge Webb, Miss Mnrlo Gregg, "NT. A, Held, Mis. .f. W., Motley ,and Miss 'Aiiiin,(Cox parllclp'n'fyd. Kac'u number ,waaveli received. After tlio olnborato Imn'ouot the following officers woro elected: Elders C. A. Sohlbrcdo nnd S. J. 1 111 m ol, Deacons H. W. Painter, W. A. Hold,,W. n. Cox, J. W. Motloy, II. P. Vntspn nnd A. Schwartz. TrcAsurer II. W. Painter. Clerk J. W. Motloy. Financial secretary W. A. Hold. Deaconesses Mrs. W. II. Cox, Mrs. 8. J. Immcl, Mrs. Mnttlo Maine, Mrs II. W, Pnlntor, Mrs. Oni McCnrthcy and Mrs. It. A. Copplo. Organist Anna Cox. Sunt, Dlblo School W. A. Held. Sco Illlilo bcIiooI J. W. Motloy. Ass't Bupt.- IT. W. Painter. Orgfcnlst Mnhul Immcl. Trens. -Helen Immcl, I'lnfirt Mvrd perfected foi ngRresJ slvo work1 for tlio coming year with bright prospects under thd success ful lendorslllp of tho able pastor, Ilov. Bamuel Gregg. lug It. It Is expected thai it wu bo ono of the host gatherings they liavo over hnd nnd A. B. Neff and F. E. Hague have arranged uiiriy piuius Kobcrt Marsden. fir., c.arglng them for tho on ulng c ,r. with assault with a deadly weapon ,.re8ldent-n. N. 1-onton nnd with intent to kill. Constable Vice Presldcnt-Uon Piatt n.. -o.. nut tills afternoon to, Soc.-Treas. -A. S. Hlanciin Cox wont out this afternoon sevj the warrants. According to the explanation gi TOO'OM) TO DA.N'Ci: AITICIt SIB. at the bannuot nt The Chandler to-, - - - " night when dealers, clerks and sales- b """n ' ' . lllinkor men will gather 'round tho fostnl board. At fi o'clock this evening It Is planned to commence the annual bus iness mooting of tho association nt the Clmmbor of Commerce Tho banquet will bo hold nt about 8 o'clock, when several traveling salesmen will bo Invited In. They nro Don Gardiner, Archlo Johnston, Harry IJultman nnd Mr. Larson Sec-Treas. A. S. uinncjiara Librarian h. D- llullard. Director It. X. Fenton. The nrosont instrumcntntlon con- lots "to" Itohort Mnrsden, In Hunker glBt8 0f nbout twenty-four of tho lllll for SSOO. On those lots tlierc I tirlncliinl muslclnns In this locnmj was nt the tlmo $250 yet duo C. A., nnrt th0y nro planning to glvo nt lenst Smith nnd this, Mrs. O'Donnell de-. lwo concorts this spring. claws, Marsden was to assume. In-J TnS wm bo a trent to music lov- To appron fliloni'f; to perform with pleMH- to nttunipt only to li. . .. ' i t ii. niiaiiunnrx. ho ns to to limit mo lmmiH'i "' ", ,, ., k of -iiu'iisiuu i" " ni ihn dnv's task with con ... , i l.nmiv liv Its roiupletloii: uro, mm to u ...... ',- ,. ,. Ilf work I will do well; , u aain ." 5.? ZZZ i- ai - inconllvo to m """' ' , ,,,, ,,,t r,m..r.lnl wimllly effort, but lettlni? my worK uo in "" in '"1".:."! ... ', " i;,o r.i"u i. ..o, . o u.. ...... ...o- working and tho knowledge stead of doing this ho subtracted tlio amount from the $S0O nnd ten dered tho balance, which was refus ers of this community ns nn orches tra of this sb.o nnd excellence 1ms never beforo boon attained by tho ed. Marsden then built a houso on , ,ni,lcnns. 0 tM0 )ny tho lots, routing It to a tenant. It Thcr0 ,g I)n JJCC(1 t0 ,,,vell on lho was tho tonnnt and n carpenter, . L. miiviilnnl memhers hose nnmos nro not given In the . , Tho out of town memhors who nro rmMnni. who wsro subsoniiontly expected hero aro ltny McNalr and llir,,Blrne(lf Tom Nielsen of Ilnndon; Arthur Bl-j flic following Is tho complaint llngson, N. C. Medley nnd .1. A. Lamb nj.Pi,t tho husband: nt rm.li. f'limifl.P Iflllllfi?. Will I IIKI.. ..l.l 1 rvnnnnntl nn tlli Lundy. (leor'go Krlbs, Henry (I. Volk-1 tilth day of January, 1915, appeared concorts C(l,m' to ll0S0 ,ll'ard "l clllos mnr of Myrtlo Point; nnd Peter Hel- ,, ,0 front porch of my houso n i oi mucii Kre.nui- -. musical circles and under tho nblo direction of Mr. II. X. Kenton will certainly ho nblo to render, to the pcoplo of Marshflold and North llcntl, berg, (Jcorgo Hnzer and Hoscoo II. Ilazer of North Ilcnd. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW OF OREGON ilMikcr Hill carrying a largo heavy Anyono uesinng u, UOi-.....u ..... club, to-wlt, n baseball bnt, nnd lor will kindly comnuinlcato with walked nn nnd down tho porch , tlio sccrciarj, ii,'!iif,lng tho camo nnd saying: "There nro two Swedes In this house nnd I'm going to break their heads with It." Ho also said to his wlfo, ono Fnnnlo ODonnolI, who was itnvintsiWii: SKXTK.VCKS. At Canby-Throo now residences lJl0,o wUh m. Tnf0 th,8 cb nml nro under construction nnd threo more aro planned. At Bugeno Tho Socialists nro Initiating n bill for n largo munic ipal market. in Newport. The rosnurcos of Oregon nnd agricultural education aro to bo mhancod by nn O. A. C. collego Now Voik Judges Iliuul Down Docl- xlo'ti on Ago Limit for IVhollly. NKW YOHIC, Jan. 7. At what ago should n man ccaso to dnncn tho In splrltfng tango, tho revivifying tur- koy trot, tho rojiioviintlng hesitation? At 35, nnswercd two learned Jus tice, Fleming nnd Moss of tho Court I quartet going Bast to glvo concorts. of Sppclnl Sessions, Quoons County Tho Chief Justlco Itusscll, who Is mora 1 2 mill than .15, disagreed with IiIh nssdcl- The ntes, bunding down nn Important nnd ro-opened nt thrcd places, employ ing 1200 men. Lnno County tnx levy reduced threo mills nnd 110S,.1D9 cut from budget. Irving fanners are boosting tho sugnr beet Industry. Springfield's tax levy UFo It and If anyono goes Into this hoitrc, uso your gun nnd shoot them." "(Signed) Robert Mnrsden." Mrs. O'Donnell, In n slmllnr com- llend Ilnikunid or Forward They Tell the Same Story. The only man In tho country whose nnmo nnd address reads tho samo whichever way you start Is: 0. M. Itogor, Itogor, Mo. There aro, however, several son- Bd Stocker will rontovo n uaw.,p1nnt ngnlt vom q Mnri.'i0nc which somo clover person has iilll plant from Philomath to near,,,, g mh q ,mvo ,.nMumC(, nl compiled which convoy tho samo voiy threatening nlr" ns sho walked tkought forward or backward up :nd down tho porch of the rosl-1 Scundnlous society nnd lifo make donee.- According to Mnrsden sho gossips frantic. This roads backward w.ih bn ml ed n basoball bat by her! Frantic gossips mnko llfo nnd so- n , Vir i.ViTT.'hltand n"'1 n,B0 wnB ioM t0 ""so doty scandalous. Apply tho samo Is lol than 11)1 1 ! tlm' B,m y0,,'VO KOt '" y0,lr ,ockot" I n" ,0 th0 oth0" 8,von 1,olow: Southern Pacific sho.. bavn1''- S hleh H'10 nnBWcro,,! ",'1 80 Solomon had vast troasuros-sll-houinern I nciric shops nno ,,,.,,. (lln , , . .. ...,, . Impressive dissenting derision. "A man should cento to dnnqo on ly when his JolntH lobo their floxlblll. ty, nnd whoi; daticlpg fulls lo add. to tlfo plcnsuro of his life nnd to the cnvnlv t.t nAttnii. f I NHnrbnrn Koch chnrged thnt her Juislaiid has neglected hor at homo whllo ho sought tho delights of tho dnuco Imlls, "Ho Ih too old to dnnco," slut com- plnlncd, "Why, I sco whltivhalred men nnd women dancing," plended Koch. Dcsplto tho majority decision ngnlnst him, Koch was pnroled In cus tody of n probation officer. Hut tho legnl decision nnd precedent nro now cstnhllslied In (Jmiens county. It la not to dnnco nftor you nro 35." AI.I.BV W7ITLKS (USB. Thd charge of uiiifsupport recently filed hgnhiHt F.-B. Alley; him been dropped, -nevordlng to Information given out hero today. Mr. Alley has agreed tq give his family n stipulat ed mini monthly, Mr. Alloy Is nt iprcsent employed nt Portland, where mo iioidH a lucrative pusjtlon, Umv IrnVn llm-l..u ' ' ' . (IT --..p .v..u... both tho club nnd tho gun CONCBXTItATBI) TIMIIBIl WBAIril or and gold, things precious. Hap py and rich and wise wns ho. Faith ful served ho Clod. Sho sits lamenting sadly, often too much nlonc. Dear Harry Devotedly yours ro- Wo glean from tho Saturday Bvcn iing rost tlio statement that "a great main I. Hnvo you forgotton twenty wns re- l'nrt of tho timber land of tho United dollar check? Honly Immediately, duced 5.1 mills. Stntes holongs to 109 1 owners. I please, "nnd ihnnd to yours. Grnco A. C. Huby, n Portland stock j whoso combined holdings amount J Darling, man, haH built n $25,000 residence to 105,000,000 acres an area threo-j Man Is noblo nnd sonorous often, ItldH nro being taken for a now fourths ns Inrgo ns Franco nnd moro Ult somotlmos vnln nnd cowardly. ConKregatloi.nl Church nt Condon., than two nnd ono-hnlf times tlio I Carefully boiled eggs nro good . II. (Jlnfko has estuillshed a,Blzo of Now ,.;,.,,,... T0 ,,Kllr08'ancl palntnblo. ,,r,,r sr".::,Bai,,3; --K-;- - Jsrzrwuiant .... T.K.il.i. ,.. .... 'rniiPKiilrnllnii f -nnlll. .IOVO. liny i.iiriiiiiiuu ih mo now owner " " ".... WORK -" Work and our town grows- nobler, Halt and 'twill surely die, For the town that's alive Must grow and thrive Then "Forward" our watchword cry. Knock, and the drones knock with you, Boost, and they say: "What's the good?" ' For it's easier work To sneer and shirk Than to hustle and help saw wood. ' Sleep when you cannot find something , . That ought to be done today, To make this town Of such renown That the world will look our way. Then shout for a greater Coos Bay; But push while the shouting is done, ' For the town won't grow On wind, you know, By work is the victory won. Anon. Wert ita liii Tin: it.ciii:i,()K cnti, says: w IIBIIB Is tho sweet, old-rash loned wlfo who used to get up nt G o'clock In tho morning nnd cook hor husband's bronkfnst? Gono, gone, nlns, with tho sweet, old fashioned husband who usod to coino homo at G o'clock In tho evening nnd stay there! The reason nu engaged girl j knows two can live iih cheaply ns ono Is bemuse all the furnl- j I turo thoy need before nmrrlngo j I Is ouo chair. i .MA I ten l.(i ON. i Tho world is growlnx liottor ns It Jogs nloiiK It way, though virtue A dlvorcoe Ik ono who litis gradual od from tho co-roipondouco school ofiiwoinH, nt Hensoim, to lie ImlliiR llttlo Z. oxponaneo. hay; the wicked ono lnuy conquer land bo ehosty for u day. hut Right Wiwlom In ths slve, philosophy R innrehlnie on. Tho noonlo oft nro th nlll and tlm tho hnliu which hunkood by tho rnkor'a rigmaroles, will cure tn wortt pnnsn of lovo. j hut thoy hniul the Right n pnekngo when thoy jjnthor lit tho polls, lint mio It with n Hinting for hut tlio otitcaiiio allll Is certain II... i..ll. .,,!'.. !...... I.. M. i . ' "1 u.u .v..vU.. n ...,...U in mini, ana m,l( booh iiinrolilii on. It ,V11 coino forth hihIHiik from tlioshado, of (loHpuir, It will live lliiouShcJ niiiliUHh, It will hnrflo every 8nar k In mighty nnd undaunted, all , til ' nnd ovorywlioro, nnd hIIII goosing I lug on. Wnlt AltiHon. j MAYIIIOIIMTItlBI), Muylio ho tried to bo u man, Muylio ho dlil what ho could rt . ..I.. 1 I. t.t ft ... I 1... 1I...1 ID wiiK ill my imiiin nun wvro polL j 0(1 0111 Ah tlio wny of tho wise nml good .Mayho lioTouglil with bin e To conquor nild bunt It don .,..... i... ,.... i ,i .... i.i... . . won i nu mu iiiiiu nu nun nn no standi a iniiou iiuiiK in mo town. Muylio nlio tried to bo more tlinntHi .miijiio nor struggle wns iiard; MiivIiii Hiiiv tr:ivi lini- lnuli.i,l ,'. i. '" r.-----v "I i.U Tlio iiiiiw or uio inner Hlinrd. Muyho hIio iiruyotl nn she wrung llIlllllM In agony. Ki'lof and woo -Don't ho too hard If h'io has gone Tho wny Unit hIio Bhoiild not p, Muylio wo nil of iih try to bo men, And Htrlvo to ho true nnd tine' Iteinoinbur lho Htrugglo tuny not hart boon As oiiBy to mnko nn thine. Mnybo wo no not uesorvo to U scorned, Ah wo Hi'orn oncli other that way- Don't ho too huiil on uny of us Till you hear what wo hnvo ton;, i -Mnybo ho tried to bo n man; Mnybo ho did IiIh best; Who enn toll of tho ngony Thnt Ih burning within Ills brcatt .Miiyuo no Hiruggioii ugniii nna apj To mnHtcr hlmsolf once more Don't bo too hard on him, lying tlierc, A horrid thing on tho floorl AN OPEN LETTER ' Marshfleld, Orei Niece Alice Have you been to Matson's Clean-up Sale? They are offering some wonderful bar gains . I bought, a suit for $2.95; Just think of it;. You'd better go today. Your Thrifty Aunt Jennie of tho fn.nk cnnniv .ini.n.ni nf i unfortunntoly tho ronort of the llu- -u hikb, o.com newaro. Prlnevllle. ron of Corporations Is not boforo1 m9 mrl' "' hronthe free nlr. ( Funny, but no mntlor how many thoy can't bo foolod forever they'll miKor County'H mining output' "" ""l nppiirenuy inoro has booni "-" v. ... m r, , tumor mm r mmi my have, he never I wkon, blotw their souls! nml Hlgiit ror mil wuh fi.riiio.ooo. The tnx reduction In Polk County uni Mowiy; troublo drive away. motor ears n mmi may have, he never some peculiar classification of tlm- e01 wnrn "eli "lend work sm to ktep more thnn one collar JHUnHHV i.lll API'l.liS A YlLiit IS V(HHt KIIAIIK On the subject of the mini.. ,,r.,.. tlfo cilrroiit tiMiie nr l.'un,. ...... ,.. inldo Bliya; "Aineilcn' npple oron. nt n r.i. onnblrt oMIiiiuto, thl iwr will n... proximate fifty million ImrroU. . This sugar beet ' industry. WASTKIl MONBV bor Inuds mndo somowhoro that iloo! ' y' Lntton and that ono nlwayn olthor niiidiint to 1118,'JOI below lDN.Inot nccord with previously nnnounc Ml' tInrl'"K! Tlw nie fast; under the bureau or In tho wi-oiik niiHuiiii iiuprovoiuoniB for lUILcd figures. Bor example, tho World ' "re re"'y' FRr- EU,rt' otnl $750,000. ! Almnnno for 1911 given tho forosto.1 1 W!!!,. , A mn ' somotlmon In Itivo; n ........ i....iiiij in iimiiuuiiig iiie.anvi nf Hi.. it..n.i u,,. .. f .... ..u minii are myKer eg. woman Is nnvnr ...! ,.r u 000.000 nrrin. Thn. 'mi....i fn,-il ..verm,mK wt Is matter? Mat- "Civilization" u tho mibtlt.itlm. Including Alaska and Porto ItUo.'1 Z. YV,r lml Wht - mind? or politic- for war, of onKeiilw for cover nbout 187,000,000 ncro. Tlio Hn. Ik!" W"U'r' . ,ove lul of divorce for ground glnas. -.-...-., -..,. ... ar gowi anil iii Dlilon limes n nmii'a "Idnul wn. and man" was one with nn lS-lnch waist, a two-Inch brain mid u lialf-Incli eon- argu- sclonco. and. wtuieliow. men don't You're free with jour money, ChnrloM AInmIiuii .lomw; you think " l f iy to blow In the hone. Your wwillli you uro blowing wltli . iirlvntu l.ands-nu iiMiiniil, imw, ua IIIOUKII It WOro'tp,, n. 7 v... rZ ZL ": i"t nt' r in the statistic blooming red. consider and ponder- ''"'I'!" oh, Charles, look ahund! Tho swift ""' u " m,t ,0 ,w denied that tmr. mo splnuliix away to their '" tl10 WMl,r Stntu the lieuvlly KOOil nml ui.in.l ...I- ..,,.,.. . i . arei pradlenlly vloe.-Phii...i,.hi. v- . i""" lu '""" u"""Ka lullcn' an Inrvu uu lliu ul...i.. nr u ... . . imi.u., .. ... ... , Wi i-iniii-tr, ! goea niRrchliiK on. Tho 'world Is urowliiK better, though tho poaalmlHts proclaim ovory city Is n Sodom nod tho govornmont n ahnmo; wo aro wise to nil tho knoekera nnd doaplso their dioury Kiuno. nnd Itlght Is ninrcliliig on. Oh, tho Hlght will never fnlter till It's JourneyliiK Is done; every yenr n llttlo cloaor to tho goal that iniiHt bo won, every Uny llttlo nearer to tho pnlnco In tho huh, tho Itlght In mnicliliiK on. It miiHt cross tho hllK of Hatred. It must brenst dnrk Br ror'a flood, nnd tho wicked will pup. i- Doet UU Off, LuH 4 TimeJ Lone i Otltti, Stci Work Get a Can Today HliACK SlIiK STOVI3 POLISH' For Sdlo by KCHKOKDICK & IlIIiDBNUH.VN" l'lioiio 177. HEATERS lliiltlPllO mm.. e,...il I.. I .... . IllUDnrAil luit.l o-, ... aunt crop would furnish on.hbtilf ' ' m uwhhhiiiiik i ii- mriir ihid- barrel'jor l50apph. furem'l.me.u'i r, T"' ,lmu ,0 lm,,,ri,e: im'U ',m,ra,lhl ' ' l''"l f a few. ber of our populutluu. An ni.ulo . ., ' I1'0 ,ll,llwr ta ,,ftr,,or " ,,ut "', ro'wtllnn has lwn due daj en'ten out f band by Hiu-lH Lin- ", ! ,', , ' '"i"" ,?"' ,,,llor' ,mt '" ro,,l,lral, lrt to the belated I'm family from ottu,r to .Mnr..!. ..:....;...".. " " '""" " ",0 ,0","a""i lwllpy promulgated in woiililVoii.iim.ourtmllro,.rop. ThU I i L , V.Z "1 "' a'Ul Mr: Ti1 f"r'"- "l wwill. and liiuk.m .... ...!..,. .... . . ' " !'"" i i.i'Hi- " "" n.i..nliv llll lllll, Hlllllol nance nun linked apple. I . . ' " wm i,.. . -.. ntMItU U W 1t l4Mfll il ... u.ir normal Bxm,rt f m,M , whal jH .. "" i"w " "8l lwrt m or dliuiantled Join two mull,,,, barrels. m nhould'lbev now mi.i.i i- v' "."".' lM' "' 'l up the tlmbr on the Ilia niml.m . .i.r.,.i .1.1 I... . " ... "" '' i.iiiiiuri small l.ni.iu.... . . .... .. .,. imm )var wH'mi euiw, u-tmilllutf ami ttwitmr " "' "" owner, -mere, trnu uaoii in nuu.i .. ...... .. -.. . .... " About lwo mint,,,, barrels. M .honl.l'llH.y now might be" re.Ui I . ' no aiiPlM go abroad thla year we 'and ease, ai.illl.i, ... ,. can eanb be nllowed n Imlr ,,Mjre as you pleniw. The old men' are r "" ,,,01e 8m"U ,racU ,H d. more, (B apple pr capita, lteally Utiuylug through alloy and street- Tl,e ,,mlwr ,hHt remain u either our apple market should H.t aufferjle old men are praying for twinel p0,lwn"l for apeeulatlou ot-U being " "' "'"" "n,,H,,i w "opt atl'w io eat; tUey throng lu the city mwmx u' o ' owner or I. ,wm'' . JMnm. weary 4ml lame; oh ehee! nM"l hy the (iovernweut for . " what a pity! or. churls ,..i.. .. 'futuie Heneratlaiia Tn K T r,iue' Aud imre the- were blowliiKl b'r ,u tb N"''l'l irea U FOfest Notes llr ii"" T,h "r"c' "a" ouie ,,,wta,MN,Uto. , nwne. Wo have HEATERS at nri U1Cat iNULCi .S2-.r 2.1"1 ,U,r kUot i "nK ,h,,t " "'lmen eanno, thnt will ill.P'1 , JI fhnrT II'' n V I iuii .lawerlUKji reach jou. thotr lt,'"te wUh the urgu nimt Bxperl.11.0B with format flree on '"' Hd thlr groaus: do thv ,.n,.. vuiiih. f-... .,.....,.. . the Nm.oualfore.le tin. yer ,now'." " Jom. Charles Alaa . OoverL 7 ll" "' that utomoblloa, where tney eanlJoue oo uu, rurnish thtt quickest and cheapest transportation for crew iOf flro tlKhtors. Motor rats r. ' tho.. u.u... ... ldcher than those for teams for the1 1'armlair i- .. ItTl. ... . - - -. - i n nuwnn UJ , .xll -. I WALT MASON lliwtioug Uoveruwent pritUigallty has' . . iiauseu concentration nm who till the ma aro ,,, Amii. of timber1 The inat beautiful fact In the' that will interest the closest buyers Prices range from $2.00 to $22.50. "WHY PAY MORE?" AMiitil ' ,1.... . .... I -v...-. .., om,oycu ( th, ttl.irt.a aim u u, i.. ,. , . mi ion per distance trmuiu.1 u...i , jj.i....-. . . wj. (armor's work u iu. ... i...i in wages pau to men m ..uni.lhT, 1"M. ,0 m ' Btt -uMU ., . loMBn ";." . IfkLMoM p. A ,to fires u much less. The tlmol x7 ,. huJ ". T W Uo ?. There should 7 . , ' ..... . ' ""OUIi- UUlOVSCn . a .... m a .. --- ., --.., b lmi pi ! a ikttnu . i . ---.. niiii an - .g is seicoxrtuu,; trip, wh.l, iw hW.l JwVa.i.?i: ."r.."Hwwl1''W survey of everv .. iiiiiiri.v r..i.ii. . i ' - - w'm bi iiHV,uii.iia.i i ... " ' -("'v IWO liaVi lll.m kvl V. . . rn.w.u. - -' -iv w I .... ! 1 ...- Id ttl.A...... w ""'III muMlty. The iwitor. the teacher and REMEMBER, THE ONLY AUTHENTIC attle Field I nmnnntr rSL " lu,"u, u7 UouW '" 8Uch n Bur ho Qlia,it.y Name Willi the ictares of Great War ARE TO BE SHOWN AT LEMANSKTS THEATRE Monday Evening, Jan. 18th, 1915 SKBrFmMWM,l,l,b'M Mwm of THE Z I! SPCOlal ai'rangCments With '-BelOian government. 0NE-HAIF THE PROCEEDS GO TO THE RED CROSS ORGANIZATION. CZTJt T" in ChiCaa0 3t $,- a"l 75 a"d 5 i ne leceipts foi the first six days were over $11 000 DON'T MISS THESE GREAT WAR PICTURES. ADMISSION 25 AND 35 CENTS. 'Ml I oeruco rame." Vriimisaiiii . . .... f r-, ""anwmisw i,.i.w,-- , .TT-. . '- ' ir-1'TIIIMifMliliWTWllilliai..i. , - - r.MM'ai..aaw '. -i..... .UtOaCiZOi . ,ii?3tIZ iawre 2K2I2