.fflU5 'Tft ALWAYS MONEY TO THE MAN WHO DOES A CREDIT BUSINESS f jj, I'WM A Marshfield Woman (EtttfS . The Determination or valuo received In advertising Ilea solely with tho results secured. Try tho columns of Tho Coob Hay Times they nro clean and dependable. Tho renders of Tho Tlmos havo confldonco In tho ads appearing therein. ' ace'enld: "I buy advertised articles becouBO thoy reInvnrlably worth what I pay for thorn." Tho Mamnanta with tho best reputations for tntogrity aRuTlibneBt morchnndlso, nro without exception, n.-rri .i. ........ i i.i i i i lHm hiiu uuvuiusu iuuu tjuuua uuuuuouibiy. MKMBER OP THIS ABSOCIATE1) PIlliSH ""arassiaB mm isn't WxmtB mtxn ! jp 'umwwpm 'HfHTM I 1 ffoir no. xxxvm. siliflfl I ITALY If SOON JOIN 11 GREAT EUROPEAN IR "! nE&FC(r ,',Uji'ra$t in Balkan Countries .jSHldlng and England Is ptWsed ITAHY- FACES GUNS w OF ALBANIA REBELS S&rvm Insists That Allies Must frts.TV ii ii! ni uive nui iviujui run uu jjKSouthcrn Austria 'Wf3M0cllrA rn to Coo liar Tlmmi ) wJgDON, Jan. 12. In view of tho pmlfated ontranco into tho war of ItonqiRiila and perhaps Italy, iimis uanTBtercst nttachoH to tho dlspatch MintSip.allna that tho illsintlot in tho Mlii)ffif' '8 spreading. Italy may ho ' wflSyfitnon noon to resort to forco ii$$? '" A'bnnla. Tho Insurgents ' spld to ,l0 bringing up nmiH to dfrSSTngnliiHt Durnzzn, tho port ro- HjSJTpccuplcd by tho Italians. ' jjfettiuln'ii nunl f.l llrilid lifll'.i nvt.flt1.1 intkuce her victory ovor tho Aub- , iriny mid according to a Homo djywtcli slio now' Insists In tho event ojWjetory for tho allies that uho iiuihI rJwfe-IloBiila, Herzegovina and Dal- Mitt KOIflAHH AM) CIGARETTES. Uf 'Attoclttod ITrtt lo Coot Br TIom. JlFARlS. Jnn. 12. A sconu In ouu , fTptMnllltnry hospltnls Is thus do- fijjgl In tho Figaro: ,jMftho military hospitals In Gor- '?"i!RXlaB '" 1''rnnco l,loy HBtrlbuto gjjtjw and clgnruttcu to tho wounded. ins ana ironen anon una uioiu- iiln tho snino room. Tho Fronch- jprofors tho cigarette; tho Ger tie cigar. Thoy lllco to exchange. pon what basis? And how to Leach other undorstaml? Thoy 10 curious contortions with tho i. o cigar," explnlna. tho French- 'In worth five cigarettes." Qortunn ropllcu with his fin "Two clgnrottes for your cl- jnnlly ends In this ngruomont. .iES m&t WWMk twmm WttJ fflaal fliiHiiinn lulll .rlt, tl.ii ltA.i.1 t.in ., t fkimiuuiliil.il "III hiTV. v.ivi I iviiviIiiiiiiii .UtWJolgarotteH for ono cigar, nud '- htyB tho tariff which Is now cs- 'tiiblldliod. Ono cigar throo clgar- I'HKAK OK lIUM.ljr. AmtKltlol rrrti lo Coot Dtj Tlmon, NDON, Jan. 12. Tho Itoutor pondont In Amsterdam sends Mowing story told by a wounded HIl Hllllliur. from ono of tho trenches I aimed adversary, 70 yards away. It mn oasy shot nud I was miro of s. I was just pulling tho trig- My aim was clour, my ballot not fall. wddonly I btaggorod bach, and i I recovered I found my rlflo ed at tho loclc and tho chani I liud an ugly wound In my cad. I oxniulncd my rlflo and In tho barrel a French nud an bullet, both flnttoned. What happened? or closo examination I dlscov- thut a Fronch bullet had entered flo at tho muzzlo, had followed urso of tho barrel, had oxplod- y cnrtrldgo and tho butt of my nnd thus had wounded mo." '5 TAKEN TO ITALY Hid Relative of Italian Pat- lot Killed in Argonne Home for Burial Br AMOcUtel Tret lo Coot Dr TIiiim.J JUIN. Italy. Jan. 12. Tho body nstnntlno Garibaldi, who fell In lArgonno roglon while leading a Ira of tho Italian volunteers, wa3 Kat tho frontlor here today by amo railway van which recently ported tho body of his brother, o. fi 1AXCK by PASTISIK CMJIl. ri8H HALL. HATl'IUWY KVK. h fl, M.-5. 1'I.NK .MUSIC. XO 1IXO. Gentlemen 91.00; 1m .Free. RED CHAINS FOR THE FORI), .SHUD twmme LD BOD AT GOODltlM'S GARAGE. Established 1878 nn Tim Count Mnll. EMU GLAIM GAIN AT PERTHES Announce French Lost 3500 in Battles There Progress West of Vistula Ilr AamcUtol I'rcu tu coot nr Tlrapf.J HI3IIMN', Jan. 12. (Hy Wireless). Tho official Btatoment todny says: "In tho west Insignificant engage inpntu nro taking place south of tho I.ahasso Canal, but so far without result. Tho Fronch last night at tached positions south of Cornny, hut wore repulsed with heavy losses. Kur lytodny tho battlo was resinned. A French nttuck In tho region of I'or tlics withered nwny l)eforo our flro. In tho Argonuo n French vnntngo point wns taken on tho llomnn high road. Two officers and 140 men wore inptured. In tho battles on tho east ern Hldo of Argonuo wo havo talcon, since January 8, one major, 1.1 non tenants nud 1000 men. Tho Fronch total losses In this bnttlo aro conse quently estimated nt 3500. A Fronch attack nt Allly failed. Thcro Is noth ing now from Kast Prussia. A Rus sian nttompt to advance In northern Poland was unsuccessful. Our at tacks west of tho Vistula river mndo progress In certain places notwith standing bud weather. On tho east ern bank of tho Plllcla Itlvor, tho sit uation romnlns tho snmo." j CAIT. KIM PSO.V TIIvS I ui iaiuJi: ustath j Whtlo nn ono on Coos nay hns dotlulto JufoniuatlQjn -regarding tho'' plans of tho lato Capt. A. M. Simpson, It Is reported that ho stated some tlrno ago that ho would ithrow )no,t of Jil9 proper ty Into im estntp, w)llch would hold tho property for nt least twonty-flvo yonra longer. Ills will Is at San Francisco and will probably not bo Opened for sov oral days. Tho valuo of tho os tato Is much discussed nud with tho rcnl cstato, stocks nud bonds nud subsidiary companies Is rat ed by those closo In touch with It nt about 12,000,000. L. J. Simpson Is oxpectod to bo ono of tho oxocutors. , lUU'AlK HU.MA.V AXATOMV. I Mr AmocIIJ 1'rru tn Coot liar Tlima. IIAVItK, Jan. 12. Tho Fronch Army Medical Corps havo set apart three omluout surgeons, Professors Tuffllor, Morostln and Sohllonu, to nrnko "aohthotlo ropnlrs" and romovo doforinnttons from tho faces of those woundod In tho wnr. If n man lososhls nnso or any part of his faco, or a dlsflguromont Is cnusod by a wound, tho faco will ho topalrod by skin grafting, nnd tho latest dlscovorlos in surglrnl sclonco will bo used to romedy tho deformity. Several cases havo alroady boon successfully undertaken by tho throo surgeons, A young corporal who had part of his faco taken nwny by a Bholl, was given a now noso, loft Jaw and chook. In cases whoro teeth havo boon lost, It is said that suc cessful offorts havo been mado to transplant others, nrcordlng to n method discovered by a Russian den tist. TERRE HAUTE MEN ENTER GUILT! PLEA Eighty of 114 Indicted for Election Frauds Admit Guilt Some Demur (Dr AMocLltd fret to Coo. lu? timet.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 12. Eighty of the 114 Terro Hauto men Indicted by tho Federal giand Jury In election fraud cases pleaded guil ty today in Federal court. Demur rers to the indictments were filed for Mayor Roberts, Judge Eli Red niand and Sheriff Dennis Shea. JJARLKV $1.10 per hack. HALVES', ilOsnU WEED CIIMXH, $2.0.-f AT I fiOODROI'S GARAGE. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914 A T: rops ZEPPELINS RUIN DUNKIRK WAR STOKES Pr Anocltlrit Prnt tu .uut nr TlmM.) LONDON, Jnn. 12. A wlrolcss dispatch from ttorlln snyt) tho Eng lish military establishments In nud near Dunkirk woro completely do rtroyed by tho German nlrslilp flo tilla which attacked that city Sundny. Tho Dunkirk lighting plant Vns also destroyed. E Formally Installed to Succeed Gov. West Today Wants Less and Better Laws t llf Atiocltlod rrrti lo Coot ntr Tlmtt.) SALEM, Or., Jnn. 12. Dr. James Wlthycomho, Republican, wnB In augurated Governor, succeeding Os wald West, Democrat, boforo todny'a hovslou of tho Legislature. At the request of tho new Governor, tho ceiomoulos wero slmplo. th his Inaugural address, ho rec ommended that tho Legislature set n vecord for brovlty, and especially for tho numbor of Iiiwb paBscd. Ho advocated untl-llquor regula tions that can bo enforced. Ho favored making several oloc tlvo offices appolutivo and consol idating tho various commissions, sug gesting n commlttoo bo appointed to make a survey of tho host way to centrnlizo state government, and report In 1017. TWO SKXTIvNCKD AT j COQUILLE TODAY j j (Spoclnl to Tho Tlmos.) COQUILLE, Or., Jan. 12. Judgo Coko Imposed a flno of j ?G0 on Win. Attorbury of Ilnn- don, convicted of heating a horso j to death, for whom clemency wns j askod by tho Jury, j Jns. O'llrlen was sonteuccd to j sorvo two to fivo ycais In state's j iirlson for robbing tho IJohumlan saloon In Marshfield. WANTS TO CUT ; STATE EXPENSES Gov. Lister of Washington1 Recommends Constitutional Convention for Purpose Ilr AttoclttoJ I'rcu to Coot Utj Timet. OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 12. Gov ernor Lister's messngo was road bo foro tho Joint sosslon of tho loglsla turo this afternoon. Ho called atten tion to tho oiiormous lncreaso in tho cost of government. Ho said thnt ho bolloved tho only method of securing a roductlon In public expenditures and tho simplification of tho govern-1 mont machinery will bo by a coiiatl-1 tutlonnl convention, which ho recom mended the legislature to bring about. Ho recpniMiondod the enuct-1 mont of tho proferentlal presidential primary law and non-partisan dec- tlon law cove. Ing all county and city offices. CATHOLICS AXD GEHMAXS. I Ilr Awoclttod Prnt to Coot ntr Tln't 1 AMSTERDAM, Jan. 11. Tho I Telegraff says it learns that the I Papal Nuncio to Belgium has written to Cardinal Mercler, j j whose recent pastoral letter to j Relglum Catholics led to reports j that the Cardinal had been de- j j talned by tho Germans, suggest- j lng that hereafter he write noth- j ing which might offend the Ger- j I mnns. I w IAITHYCOMB OREGO GOVERNOR aiting. For Ei in ourop London Military Authorities Say There , Will be Little Change Before Spring CLAIM WEATHER AND LACK OF MEN HAMPER England Sends Thousands of New Forcos Into France Every Week ' (Dr Auwltltd ri n, mo pt TlmM i LONDON, Jan 12. Tho great ar- mlcs battling In ern nrenns, by Lho eastern and west- artlllory exchanges, slipping npcintlbns and trench at tacks, coutlnuo to ho aligned todny much as JLlicy wjorp January 1. Ev erywhere tho disposition seems to be to await tho coining of spring, when, with fresh nrmjes thrown Into the field, events promise to inovo morn quickly. Great, lirltnln Is Bonding thousands of nicn to Franco every week, nnd, according to todny'a re ports, Gorrnany, nwaro of this, Is making gicat military preparation!! for a counter mocmcnt. T. ENTER HIMSELF President Says He Had No In tention of Spring 1916 Boom at Indianapolis (Dr Attotlttod Trrtt to Coot Dir TlmM. WASHINGTON, I. C, Jan. 12. President Wilson declared todny that ho was not thinking of announcing his candidacy for 101 G when ho nindn tho statement ifi his Indlnnnpolls speech recently that the people of tho United States might havo n chance to Judgo of his nets. For Future Gcncnitjoux. Ills uttornnco wns Interpreted by tho audience nt the tlrno as n hint that ho might bo n candidate for ro nomination, Th President oxplnlnod to callers today that ho had In mind that futuro generations would pass upon his nets ub President. TBY A Russians, Report Bremen Re turned to Wilhelmshaven Badly Damaged 1 (Tlr Ahum Ittixl I'rtx In xia nr Tlmm LONDON, Jan. 12. Tho Gormnn ' rrnlsor Hromoii arrived at Wllhelms i liiivon badly dldungcd by a mine, no coidlng to i dlspntolt to tho Evening , Star from Potiogrnd. Slio Is or 32T.0 , tens dtsplacomout nud wns built ton i years iign. GRAM) DL'KE NOT DEAD. fit? tftftsvUlfxl I'fM in r n "ImMl PETROGRAD, Jan. 12. Tl'o re ported death of Grand Duko Michael ovltch, brother-ln-lnw of Emporor Nicholas, whllo fighting In Porsin, is officially denied In Pctrograd today. SE GIVEN FLAT REPLY Cologne Gazette's Version of Great Britain's Rssporise to The Amerioan Note ' III Asnratw1 Prt In Td nT Tl"1 AMSTERDAM, Jan. 12. Tho Co logno Gazetto, referring In a. recent issuo to Groat Britain's roply to the American note on shipping, express ed tho opinion that this communica tion from London, despite expressions of friendliness, Is (n fact a flat re ply. Ii. O. O. M. NOTICE All members of the Loyal Order of Moose are cordially and ur gently invited to attend a smoker to be given at Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday evening, Jnnuary 12, 1015 By order of COMMITTEE. Goo. K, Cook, Secretary. UlflLSON DID GERMAN COS HUR MINE A! LID S EVENING EDITION. Freslhi KARLSRUHE SUNK NEAR WEST INDIES pir Auoclttrd Umi lo Coot Br ItmM MONTREAL, Jan. 12. A detailed description of tho naval battlo off Grenada, Drltish West Indies, Is giv en In n letter received hero todny from an eye witness who assorts that in his opinion tho Gormnn cruiser Karlsruhe took part and wns sunk. MEXICANS KEEP Carranza and Villa Chieftains ' Sign Agreement to Move Away From Naco tnr awociiim rrtu to com ntr nmM i WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 12. Socrotnry Garrison todny received a l.i . r.- r, .1 I loicgrnin irum uuu ocuu uiiuuuiiunia thnt the ngrooment botwoon Gonornl Hill, commanding tho Cnrrnnzn troops nt Nnco, and Governor Mny torona, commanding tho Villa forces, wns signed by jioth commnndorB yes terday. President WIIbou bxprcssod gratification over tho success of Scott's offorts nnd suld tho conditions In Mexico seemed to bo Improving. HEX. SCOTT HICTUHXH. ID; Atioiitud rrtt to coot otr tium.) NACO, Jnn. 12. Having induced both warring factions In Sonorn to keep their wnr nwny from tho Amor Icnn border, Gonornl Scott loft todny for WaBhlpgton, accompanied by his staff. General Illlss will remain horo In command of tho Ainorlcnu forces until tho terms of tho agroomont nro signed by tho Moxlcnu commnndors to keep tho border Inviolate havo been tarried out. VILLA GETS .MOXTKUIJV. (Ilr Aiioclttixl 1'rr.t to Coot lltr TlmM. I WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. 12. Montoroy has boon ovneuuted by prac tically all of tho Carranza troops, who havo gono to Mntamoras, according to consulur dlspatohes rocelvcd today by tho Stato Department. First National Re-elects Old Officers Here Henry Kern Heads North Bend Bank At tho annual mooting ot tho stockholders of tho First National Dank of Coos Hay horo this morning, tho old directors woro elected for tho ensuing yenr. Thoy aro W. S. Chand ler, J. S. Coko, W. U. Douglas, Wm. Grimes, J. F. Hall. S. C. Rogors nnd ' Dorsoy Kroltzor. Tho directors thon met and organized und oloctod tho following:' President W. S. Chandlor. Cnshlor Dorsoy Kroltzor. Assistant Cnshlor Walter B. II ut lor. Xoitlt Head Rank. Tljo annual mooting of tho consoli dated First National and nank of Oregon will bo hold at North Bend this evening. Tho directors will bo chosen from reprosontatlveB of both Institutions and it is expected that tl o following officers will bo elected; Prcsldont Henry Kern. Vleo president C. S. Wlnsor. Cnshlor J. H. Groves. Prosperity Is In the air but it has not got down to earth. Sevonty men with families havo been set to work digging aower ditches In North Salem. Grants"Pass Is pushing for three now factories In 101C a beet sugar factory, a custom mill to crush oro, and a plant to prepare lime rock for forUllior. i &,n Struggle 1 Rill NATIONAL BANKS HOLD MEETINGS A Consolidation of Time, Const Mai) wml Coos Hny Advertiser FOUR DIST IICT BATTLES BETWEEN ALLIES ANO FRENCH TELL OE Announce Capture of Addi tional Points in Severe Fighting Rout Pillagers tnr Attoclitcil Pout to Coos llr TlmM ) PARIS, Jnn. 12. Tho official Btatoment this afternoon says; "From tho sea to tlio Olso thoro was intorinlttcnt cnntionmllng yestor day. On tho Alsno to tho north of SoIssoiib dotormliied nttacks wero de livered against tho trenches occupied by ua on Jnn. 8th and 10th. Wo re pulsed tho onciny and took posses sion of moro trendies. Lo Fortln wns tho sccno of n despornto encoun ter. The onopiy succeeded In Betting up n trench ut a point within n sorloi of fiold works, tho commanding po sition of which wns hold by us. This fighting Is still going on. On the Mouso heights thoro havo been two Gormnn attacks, ono at the Sonson voyo forest nnd tho other nt Ilouchott forest. Each was ropulscd. South east oj Clroy Stir Vczouso ono of our detnehments surprised nnd put to flight a Gormnn company which wns plllnglng tho vlllngo of St. Sauvour. In tho Vosgcs nnd Alsnco tho tiny passed quietly. Tho snow storms continue. HP House Will Soon Determine i Whether to Submit Resolu- tion to States for Approval mr Au.ci.ti r.... to coo, n.r Tim..j WASHINGTON, D. C, Jon. 12. Aftor nn hour nnd n half of dohato tho Houso today ntloptod by a vote of 209 to 31, a special rulo for con- sldorlng tho proposed constitutional nmo.idmo.it for woman suffrage, and n.n,. un.iL. ,i.v... . ..v i. f ... then settled down to six hours of no lual dchato boforo vdtlug on whothor to submit tho resolution to tho stntos for ratification, Tho overwhelming voto In favor of tho rulo was by no menus Indica tive of sontlmoiit on tho resolution Itself. Many uho voted for tho rule In order to bring up tho question for n yen and nny voto anuoiiucod their Intoutlon of voting against the resolu tion itsolf. 1 .Wed Thh-TIiImN. Tho untl-suffrnglstH asset ted that G SIN TRENCHES WOMAN GP AMENDMEN mo Hiirrragisis woui.i not muster uw Wimon, n. Prouty and R M Wr necosmiry two-thirds vote. L(()l A) nro ,lloIll)or8 ot tho Ma- Aftor tho passago of tho rulo tho ' I)BB ,t iortlniiil organization whltlh House, to tho upplnuso and cheers or!,nnku8 mnny loilK h(CH ihroURx tho supporlors of both sides of tho quos- j ,uontllills ,i frost8 of tho north tlon, plunged Into n dobato fully us ' W(J))t spectacular as that which attondod I ..p00B lU1 tro,i t nnd In need tho voto on tho prohibition amend. Lf ft ROoa vncnton( wo uro taking no mont recontly. Imggago on our prosont trip," bald Roprosontntlvo Wobli, chalrmnn of jMl88 M(mr00 "Thoro Is n good stage the Judiciary Commlttoo, lod off tho ,, ,no8t of tho wny through tho rtitl dobato in opposition to tho amend- .,,,, rrn8,H nI1(i wo nro koIiik to mont. Ho Bald that ho bolloved If uio question was voieu on ny 1110 moil, moro man oiguiy per luiii oi thorn would voto against It. a. A. It. ELECT OFFICERS FOR 11)15 .Col", Jewel Post, 53, (1. A.. It. Myrtlo Point, oloctod officers their last meeting, for lfilC, follows; J, II. Roborts, Commnndor; T, Hermann, Senior Vlco Conunnndor; A. L. Duel I, Junior Vlco Command- gon pooplo and Oregon things, or; D. A. Killing, Quartermaster; Miss Monroo has been Invited by S. S. Endlcott, Cbuplalnj A. M. tho Mnishflold Public Library Board Arnold Offlcor of tho Day: H, H.I to spoak at tho formal opening ox Brownson, Officer of tho Gunrd; .oiclsos (IiIb ovonlug. I). A. Hullng, Patriotic Instructor; V. A. King, Adjutant. Delogatos to1 . . O. F. XOTICK. Stato Encampment: J. H. Roborts, ( Membors of Sunset Lodgo No Gl by virtue of ofrico; W. A. King, g1Bat Eaoanipmont No. 13 and oloctod; A. L. Buell, elected alter- 'ostorn Star Rebeknh Lodgo nro 10 nate. quested to bo In attendance Wodnos- w- . i d oveulng, January 13th, 1916. Tho local bilok manufacturers at Eugene won out on tho armory Con.i"i ""; "'" Z'Z,' "" tract ovor convlct-mado brick. Jou.nlug Brothers and Rebekahs nrp Contral Oregon Inlgntlonlsts wllM'e ask tho stato to nppioprlnto $1. 350,000 for projects. I No. 146 IE PE CEBMHB TODAY. ., , i ' '.!! ii! Struggle for Perthes Most Im portant of Engagements Be ing Fought in iiie West . IMPORTANT RAILROADS I AIM-J IbhhIIUKY blArvb Germans Claim French Beaten Back in First Engagements Conflict Elsewhere (nr AiracltlM Trrtt ! Coot Dir TlmM. LONDON, Jnn. 12. Four distinct battles which havo developed lit Franco and Alsaco nro being carried on vigorously. Of tho greatest iul mcillnto consequence Is tho fighting nenr Perthes, which involves tho pos session of Important rnllronds nnd,, probably n consldorablo section of tho fortlfcd battlo lino. In this dlstrlqt the French attempted further attacks but wore beaten back with heavy Iob bcs, Jjorlln rejiortH. Near Solssona, Paris ropdrls that tho Gorman at tempts tp capture lost positions woro repulsed nnd moro trenches wero seized by the Allies. In Argonuo tho Gorinnus nro on tho offonslvo and claim to havo captured a French vnn tngo point. Battlo In Alsace. Tho fourth battlo In Alsnco Is. less active than was tho caso boforo, tho reinforced Germans checked tho French ndvnnco. Rorllu assorts that tho French attack Bouth of Sonnholm , wns defeated and that tho attacker suffered heavy losses, i Desultory lighting continues In ! Poland and llerlln tolls of slow prog ress of tho German army toward War I Haw. HERE TO START ;Miss Anne Shannon Monroe, , Portland Author and Friends Plan a Long Hike MIhs Anna Shannon Monroe, n well known Portland authoress, and a party ot friends from tho Rose City, .'""," """ ,""l"" ""lvc1 ""l"0 " lho (l",r W' Utor "'Is morning on routo to Eureka, from where thoy will walk to San Finnclsco, They plan n hlko of about SCO miles through tho famous Rod wood forest of northern California, nnd will bo among tho first to tako tho long Jaunt In tho rainy season. On tho arrival of the Elder nt North Ilond this morning, Miss Mon roo and hnr friends dlsonibnrked nnd wnlked to Mnreliflohl nnd this after noon thoy will visit tho Smith mills. (MI8 Mouroo nnd hor party visited l Tho Times off ho this morning. With Mls Mouroo nro Miss Helen trust to look In finding placos tu Wo don't' w-j,iloon ml ,,0ty to oat oxpect to run across any snow i Whllo penetrating tho rodwooda Miss Monroq will send oucnslonal lot Morrf to tho Qregohlnu, rcqltlpg tho u 'torgsitlng o.'jporleiites of the trip. An tor tho arrival or tho party at Sun; Francisco Miss Monroo will write, speclul stories on tho Paunma-Paciliq uutlVIILt WALK as Exposition for tho Orogonlan dally Those art'clos will doal with hum&ni M.'inteiost articlos on tbo fair grounds. j moro especially as thoy effect Or- Joint Installation of officers of the, 1 .. l.lna utlll tnlrn tilaA fin OSCR OULOVSON'. X 1 LVNDO, Soc G. i i ' fc M k. S" ihJr-WZZlJ -iSfTa6tV