if M'i rwB COOS BAY TIMES Official l'npcr of Coos County Entored at tho Postof flco at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails bi second-claBS mall matter. AfSAi vrt ' ni: WARNED is time ......-..... Till: COMMON COM) Ck NLY a cold." How often we f hear that! How often, alas! ' wo also hoar that the cold becomes pneumonia and this proved fatal. a rnlii mav be as ilangoroiiB as tbo thrust of the cobra. Gladstone of England, though a mnn of fine constitution, entertained so whole Domo a rospept for a common cold, thnt, whon ho caught cold, ho went to bed at onco and stayed In bed till ho had completely recovered. Not all of us aro so senslblo or bo clrciimstahced ns to bo able to fol low his course, but If wo could tlicro would bo fowor deaths that nro traccablo to a cold. Dr. Anderson of tho .110 Simpson Lumber Co. and nni mu d rooted the nttontlon of .. . . ...... ...... ,. .... mnnl has directed the nttontion tho residents of this city to the J dangers of pneumonia and the means' of guarding against It. Says the, Rpokano Itovlow. It Is equally timely to warn tho public against tho com- mon cold. Tropical fovern aro scarce-, ly moro malignant to their victims than colds to tho people of north ern latitudes. Many American boards of health havo recognized tho connection be tween bad roldu during December, January, February and March and tho Increase In deatliB. Thcso In some cities Increaso 25 per cent over tho number boforo December and artcr March. So largo an Increaso warrants paying attention to the prevention and euro of a common cold. It la caused by n germ bred In tho dust of tho home. The hot-air fUrnaco cltrufatcs tho dust and gives j Tll0 jy history of tho Simpson tho gcrnnts' chauco to ponotralo tho j 4,imher Company Is largoly the per liuman body. Tho cohl Is a contagious LQml history of Its founder, Captoln dlscaso and Its victim snotim no InBolntcd from tho family nnd be given tho best enro at onco. It 'jcnrcor of hB son, L. J. Simpson, who moro Borlous than chlchonpox, mumps or llko allmonls that tbo mother does her host to guard hor children from, Tho enfeebling of tho aystum that often rosulls from n fold opens tho way In children for oar diseases, adenoids and othor ailments; In adults, to bronchitis, chronic ratnrrh, pneumonia, rheuma tism or tonstlltls, A doctor says: "Tho bacillus of u cold Is tho bad boy in a gang of tougliB. After It has gained admission to tho body It nttrarta tho mora dangerous germs, saying: Comu on! Tho doors nrn nil opou.'" Fresh air Is tho policeman that drives out tho germs. Sunshine Isj doctor that prevents colds. Absolute ! clonnlluess of tho mouth nnd nose holpa ns a safeguard. If Blmolo troatmont nt tlio homo &vwb' to relieve u cold readily, It Is wise to consult n doutor quickly. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST GOOD HVKXIXG Ah with courtesy, so It Is with innii'H problly; If It Ih mmiilno j It sIiowm itseir In his conduct In tho hiiiiiII thliiKS. Probity In hiiiaII iimtterH sprliiKs from a j ral foiiudatlon, whllo jiroblty j tho InrKo sualo Ib often only j it or nrudonro. Carl Hilly j IX TDK EVKNING. ovonliiK of our dtyn, on tho f lrtt stars abova nor dimmer, tbroiiKh Hih Iiiihi, i nil tho dowy nytt of lovo, f i we mournfully rovort i'o the vhiiIhIhhI morns and Mays Jf our youth, with heart tlmt hurt, In the ovouliiK of our days? Rbnll tho land thnt holds your own Till tho twain aro thrilled as now, 11, withheld, or coldttr gmwn? hull my Khw uiKmour, brow Pnltpr from Ita hlnh ottnlv? And, lu nil for;o(fiil ways, Shall wu alt Hwrt ami wait In tho owning of our days? Nay, my wlfo wy life! Hi a glwnu Shall onfohl us volvetwlw, Tho school of exuorleue Is uot Of the KladueM of your eyes; Gently, Kontly as the dow MIiikIm with the da.keulng whw. ; snail fall asioeii with ou In the ovouIiik of our day. Jaiuos Whltcomb Rlloy. I HITS OF PHirxisOPHV I o It Is often difficult for the follow luivo btton born Bioat to keep up tho expansion. -., . Thi'i'i: .....I 1 ii,i,i., ... ti.ii.i ...T """ji i.in, (JREATLV HEDLX T.SO'S CLEAN'l'P S.HAJ '-tr4 ' "" iiti-"-' i!i vt A (Continued from Page One.) amnll two-masted schooner with I SIMPSON - & V I Hi SUDDtNH I with a capacity of about 12R.000 full terlng wedge of his career a a lun -., 'ber man was securely driven, in ,. ..- ., - .... The old mill was operated until 1889, at which time the present mill located at the Old Town was con- structed with a capacity of about 30,-1 000 per day. The capacity 01 una i mill has boon gradually raised tonmded by Captain Joseph Kellogg, about 05,000 pur day. A brother of Mr. Simpson. L. P. Simp- The shipyard was operated entirely at tho Old Town until 1903 then moved to Its present It was location alongside the Porter mill. In 1902, In the month of December, the first grading was dono on the Btrcets of the new townslte of North Hond, laid out by L. J. Simpson. The following year, 1903, the Por ter mill was purchased from tho sue .... ..r ,l.n nl.i f'nllfnrnln T.nmlinr remodelled, since which unio u " been constantly In operation. The orlglnnl capacity of the mill was about 85,000 feet per day, but with lato Improvements It has n capacity of 135.000 per day. In 1903 the Simpson Lumbor Co. started tho construction of tho sash and door factory, which has been run as n separate corporation over since, under the namo of tho North Hond Manufacturing Company. Over fifty vossols havo been built In the shipyards of tho Simpson Lum bor Company nnd they havo contri buted largely to tho development and prosperity of this section. It was In these shipyards that tho first three four and flvo mastod schooners ever built on tho Pacific coast wore con structed. Also tho first bald headed ,innm.r vn imlit iim. A. M. Simpson, nnd its development In lnlnr vnnm la Inlnrwovnn with the has devoted llfo and talent to tho business established by his father. Career of A. M. Simpson. Tho llfo and work of Captain A. M. Simpson, founder of tho Simpson Lumber Company In San Francisco, have loft an Indelible Impress upon the record of the development of tho lumber industry of tho Pacific Count and tho history of Coos Day. Prob ably iionu of the pioneer inhabitants of this section wore moro widely known than lie, and uono contributed " 'l Kreator dogreo toward tho dcol- opinetit of tho tlmbor Intoroatsof Coos county during Jho half century of his operations. Through tho lstu of long years of arduous toll, rendered still moro difficult and discounting at various times by reason of tho many tlowI1 tno bcnch for tho ,,urp0M 0f difficulties of tho ploneor porlod and .covering what is now know as tho well nigh Insurmountable obsta-jCo)8 ,,nV( ,mvhlB Ionni(Ml of ,u . cIch of early days In n now and uii-Wonco through tho Indians, who re developed country, this dauntless fac-1 -.., thnf it wn "nne aUB - . tor In tho building of a now omplro was ablo to rovlow with foolhiRs of highly Justlfiablo prldo thu rocord of a succossfiil carcor whoso climax has buou tho ourolliuont of his namo amnue thoso of tho ctiiiipnnitivoly fow mon who will always llvo In history as tho chlof builders of tho groat Coos country. A. M. Hliupsou was bom in limns wick, Mnliio, Kobrunry 21, 1S2, n son of Thomas and Mary Simpson, Aftor attcudliiK tho common schools and nniihiniy ho loarncd tho trado of shlji bulldur, and for somo tlmo was oiiKagod In that calling In his natlvo stato. When tho nows of tho discov ery of itolil In California roachod tho oast ho could not iolt tho Impulse to join tbo army of fortuuo hunter which almost Immedltttuly luaiiBurat od tho rush Tor tho now Kldorudo. Having biH'ouio tho ownor of a one- th...rotl sharo in tho ship ,,.; MilnglMuu and cargo ho arranged tol,,-,,,, the sot sail In hoc In the capacity of sup-1 Mienrmi In hur Imnti.t.. n. i ri " ."."v MMiiii "l1" I 1 1 urn Af!tr immlilnw u iliwniV. J . the Hlriulnxhaui contliine.1 i.r ,lllir f " ' tMimiuiou ey to tho northward, iwwlng inrougb the ttoldeu (Isto Vnrll f I'.ii j OHNronairwllou. theme to Hie mines on the Tuolumue rler and wined there UU success for about three i woeKs. Itemmlng , , Francis , he mm the .IU,1 0f the shin's cargo and M, .he J15B0 which 1,0 had aivuwuutod i ,be Jl T ,1 !! uurcbautl m, t.,-., , .. Wlo, the H. T. Clay, item I Z.Z of ooiifctiuctlon. whkh claimed the I up., 11, 1 .1U11.....1 .... r .,....l)lw Dl w,lf IM j,, steamer built in the Ooldea Q.i. k- ' J, bw. The dream of the ....., 'cr"ft WH h0 dlaiMHo4, howvr, h)r ,nt'l l the ouuee of aold M vshlrh the enuected to receive for ' paomiaor traveling to or rron Stockton or SatrawotiUi they aro 'ounH-lled to rWuee the fare to Hve .l..liuu. .. ,.. .... mtv .i....ar, ireiaut mtu lu um. portion, w, aieoiM,t th ,1-iner stoamers tremiNov York Vy IS50. Soon aftor his arrhal ,B S v.VJTTv" A'k" Francisco Mr. Simpson took a party C' T I Nwthrup and of three to StocKton by MS?" V .... . .,.. .. . .. I iaa ltn a ?tk of OMrchauitlu in THe"cOOSBAY TIMES. MARSHF1ELR, OREGON - -- .-A.-. vn of the Straits of Magellan. Tills meant the total failure of ir. e cn- ... . .i.. i... nt h money Mr. ture ami im- - , . Simpson had so hopefully invested. Stalls In Lumber Huine. ThouKh Mr. Simpson was unfam iliar with the lumber business at this time the failure of the tramporta lion enterprise Induted him to ship a cargo of lumber on the Birmingham to Stockton and Sacramento. The venture proved aurreasroi aim " 1S61 a vessel partly owned by iirai culled the Potomac as l'",n" wrecked on the Columbia I Iver bar aIld was towed to Port land by the Historic sienna . ...-.--- .on, superviseu me vui i :.... her out st the city iroiu ui i-ui ... whore she was repaired and loaded! with limilwr and Piling, wnni is now the waterfront of Portland was at that lime a bank covered with ai der and various other shrubs. Front street was full of stumps and the thoroughfaro was lined with small wooden buildings and numerous tonts. The lower part of the street noar tho Couch claim was for the most part unimproved, but back of Third street the country was all pri mitive forest nnd of a very heavy growth. After seeing the Potomac loaded Mr. Simpson again secured tho sorvlcos of Captain Kellogg and tho steamer Lot Whltcomb and hnd her towed to Astoria, whenco ho sailed hor to San Francisco, his first voy age as captain on tho ocoaii. In 1S52, Captain Simpson became Interested In tho construction of a lumbor mill nt Astoria. Not having had any experience In this lino of work tho mill was a falluro because of defective construction but chiefly becnuso of the groat and sudden fall In tho price of lumbor. In addition to this III luck besot tho owner In other ways and ho determined to try a now field. Knrly In April. 1S52. he made the ploneor trading voyago to tho Umpqna Illvor, entering that wat-: or with n schooner callod the Harriet. At that tlmo thoro wns a thriving set tlement nt ScotUburg, with a few storos engaged principally In forward ing supplies by pack animals to the mines of southern Oregon. Thoro was nlso n government station bolow Gardiner with n block house about completed for tho protection of the Inhabitants from Indians, who wore qultu numerous. General Joseph Hookor, who was In command of the post afterwards built u wagon road from Scottsburg to llosoburg. A. O. Glbbs, afterwards governor of Oregon, was at Gardlnor at tho time, luivlng tnkon up. n claim updor the Orognn donation of Congross where tho city of Gardiner now stands. Dlscotors Coos Hay. While waiting on tho Umpqua for a load of piling to bo cut for a re turn cargo to San Francisco. Mr. a. ,. n,i i trian.u ...r.i tH0 bonc,. Thov ..roce,, ., (,P ., Ton Mile Creek. Here, dUcorerli,' on tho opposite bank of the mnois a party of Indians with painted sad tattooed facta and further adorad with pliunos and feathers, and ball iiiK thorn to bo on the war path, the tliroo oxploruros rlyad for half aa hour. At tho end at that tiara, eoa- eluding that the mIm of tbdr wore too thin to oiMbl ttms to tho strenui. they dri4d to girt tip tho romaluder of Dm trip. Upon their retara to I'siMaa tWy Inforiued Oeneral Hookor that ih, water In Ten Mlh Crook va too hin for thorn to croat." , in isu .Mr. aatM alt a mv to Coos Hay by way of Fun twl walklHK along tho boaca ma ismm! I (ho forest to Easalrt CHj n aamoMH Ot forty miles. X putf tmm nA . loy 'ZZTZZ HUil AkaMA Bk. ,t . Kmplr City ft&m aa-t among others who ha4 ar-Ooi ifcr wore IVrry H. Mtarol. who hoaoed tliu iti.it, A .--i..i - ""'-"" io garo ,..,, . T.A Mr. foWr. who had an ldluiaiu t.i. r... .., . . " i, uaunvi (Vynibtr Jam B .-.-.. iUZ ",' S m "PCMU" w ' . "" "" and , . tv "' "wlt ! " " ,,d h" "too Urt1 cw! 9"ml " ' w i"" '"lg to car lbo a u "anclsco, whore U aaa da, sn.t t " """ w " nmU; ak os atoaJB lias am .i. --- - . . n oa " wwwtetloo ot iU ,rw ' ouoWokt groat .m., .P'ia mmfum taatog throe osot ttot oivtaiahkf a tag. Tto llrn tichjeat ,t thta ktad not oaly. "wltee! la a heavy pecuniary loss to Mr. SUnpaon. bat was attended by a 4 (oatare. the death of his brother. ' I P. Simpson, wh was lost at sea ' froot the vessel bringing the machlu. (Cantinuoa on PagoFourO l w.JlJH :j.,.u:Minw""--T" enMr, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, iio-uvun lAflGGTANTSAVEMONEY o voi is nr pllill2 STHUTLY .i.,.. ,,r two doen for 85c. GOOD COOKING APPLES. Per sr-i .... -j,--.- Pom. in .ml ..k "" " "" "'mil" """' Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Hiione TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME ImiV uonev can buy. Try us. ju (W. ' - J ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co KKTAITi HKHAHOIUNT n.r ruv. vimi. HILL 1 TWO HV USING OUlt WOOD phoxk inn. TYPEWRITERS All standard 0 ver. L. u. smrni, anu o mmi wii.wm .. ' . ,.. rMnntr. rciin rini.' or new pii;i earbo; paper delivered. Phone us TYPEWRITER EXUHANlib ANU aurrui uu BENNETT- TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits JWR.000.00 OFFICKItS: J. W. Ucnnott, President Arthur MfKoown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett, Vice President Rennett Swanton. Treasurer Transacts a trust business only. Acts as trustee of Mprws trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. Tb only Trust Company in Oregon outside of Portland ornIied under new trust law In this state. " "" - . I.... i in i -iiMiMiiiiii in Abstracts FOIt ItnAAIlLi: AHSTiaCT-! Oh T1TI.K AMI IMDHMATION ADOl T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See ' TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. M.HHFIKLD VXD COQIILLH C1TV, OltKGO.V Ci:.Vi:HALAr.KXT. KsTSII)i: WDsLXCSTACKHN'S addition AGENTS FOR Cll IX IMt II IC ISAILHOAD LANDS 1ILNRV KX(.T.VtKi:N, MAXACHU Times Want Ads Bring Results H 100 AT CAMPBELL'S WO0DYARD North Front Btrect, I'bone JJ7D. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. K00WT2 GARAGE Excelsior Motorryrlo Agoucy LEE TIRES AUTOMOIHLES STORED OOOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLEX MACHINE HIIOP )LRINE AND AUTOMORILU REIWIRIXQ GASOLINE FOR SALfl VORTH PIIOXT ST. PHONE 180-J BATTKRIES REPAIRED AND CHARQEn ROOFING 2EPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. p. 89. I Tin. I Klin,' I CLEANING WORKS I WliKo Glance, Hhlte awd I SIIWi we mmr SfrlUy : n J. H. UW, Mgr PUue .-X. lt o.vra' A, .. -f?;? A'H TO OWibk -Hr. VM A TRIAL IMIWUE PAHTATQRIUffi wnuil PLACE I t Cmtrmi Aea. Phone 250-X. i 4 LBT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. Abstracts dlaTa - imm': to n ,,ry,c- 'nipt atteutlon wiIMuM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. - 4 I f. ";" a ,..,. 15c per FUKSH FAMMl im.uo box, "c. rT,mx"v : apples Rent out. jyr-J. 1K'J SOITTH HHOADWAV makes, sold on easy pay- r i ... , -- :,""",, ..l. f.i.nrfifirppn. . " """, . tin , ..ffirn. your or. r. "'An CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS ' Ary Kind of Hrick Work at Prices Thnt Aro Rlfiht Ami nil Work (Jimrnutoixl Call at "The Flroslde," Johnson IlldR., 137 Socond St. Phono 43I-J. Prsnch Ranges. Rolior Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between anv nnlntt In Marshflold and do genoral hauling, for roasounble ratoa. STAR TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO, Lovl Hclsncr, Proprietor Phonos: I'M.,). -UUh. t).R New Mmluls "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend -i NO HAW EDGES OB TOUR COLTiARS yon havo tlioiu laundered It at TWIN Cm STEAM LAUNDRY Commutation Tickets $2.00 Uriflelil.North Rend Anto r every ten minutes from O 10 is it. ni.; to South Slouj-I, onco a' lay, leaJna,it n H. m.; to Emplroi three trlj tlwy. . IJIJIIKT & KIXO, Proni, I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. ! DAY A.VD MOHT SBKVICB ror taxi, phoue 20, ideal Cafe For touring cara, phono 20 Chandler Hotel LYNX LAMHBTH, Prop. New Gobs ; Xoxv Cnr8 SOUTH COOS RIVER HOAT SERVICE liAUNCll EXPRESS loavos Mnrsliriolil every day 8 . m. Loaves lioad of river t :i:13 p. ,, STEAMIIR RA1XHOW Ioaa, Itoiul of rlvor dally nt 7 ". in. Loaves MnrsHcld nt 2 p. mi. For clmitor miuiy im"uvll ROOERS KMITH Propiiutors LiU FninoM. fiWh yotiiiK lteoplo. ,. Saving Aoeount In (in ....... litflt Kill 1 M' I'tlUI " J1'1" i,.,rst wo pay you'll lio siirprlM-H limv qulrkly you uM, ncc lain a worKluK fund. a SiuiiiUM Arrmmt Is Clio Krwit spur uniliKlon. Try . UNDini Till? WMTKI) STATHH nOVKKX.MKN'C SUPHli VISION. FIBS I OF COOS BAY Sofcln Deposit Boxes For Bent. Flllil t OLDICST IIANIC KstnMlslicil 1HHU. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Offlcora: .7. W. Hcimed. President. J. II. I'lniiuRiin, Vlrr-l'rcsMont. It. 1 WllllaiiiS 7hsIiIit. fumaaeKSMKamimsrtiKimisxmKix'mm To Portland every Thursday TIIH FAST AND COMKOUTAULK S S. Geo. W. Elder NKWLY JCQUIl'I'JCI) NORTH C. P. McflKOHOH Phono 44, Marshflold imhc'i'hwiim iM.mca: KQUUM'KI) ;teamship HAILS PROM MARSHKIHLD LOWING DATKH: .IAN. 2, :0 A. M.; ,LN. ail, I P. M.; TICKHTS ON HALK AT PORTLAND CITY TIC ICE' I AND OAK Phono a.VJ. ITEKEI TRANSPDRTATIDN E Scmi-wcnlcly sorvico Coos Bay and San iffrancisca S T I WILL SAIL FOR KAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS HAY Equipped wltU wiroVess nnd submarine botl Passengers and freight. STHMSf Equipped will wireless and submarine bell. ..... . n, Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, AT 3 P. M. Ban Irancisco office, Oreenwieli street pier No. 23 n . and GU0 Fife l)uilding. uoos way Ageut, U. San Franclsoo , Plar No. so. Every Wodnosday 3 P. M. ft ARROW I INF STFaUUFHS To Snn Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Phono 27ft. Pictures &Framing Walker Studio i . r. 3 umi.m . I -. -. vucxur vr. A, n4 HODGIN8 rtt i Lstlnmtes Furnished Pbone 80U-J. MaraUOoH, Oregon Y IT - mic, c.h,w.-v, yo mnk, " ' HIT tA I T BENNETT Nl IN COOS COUNTV Cm, I WlnclicRttT, Asit. Cuhlaj To Riirplra m. every Monday I'ACIPIO HTKA.MSHII AGKNT CO. XV. H. PAINTQ Phono 421, North tl HHHnUHMMH WITH AVIHKLKH4. Breakwaters ALWAYS ON TIME. DCRIXG .lANl'ARV, ON TIIH FOt 10 A. M.j .IAN. I), 1 1. M.; JAN. H! .IAN. :iO, H:!K) A. M. CKET OPPICE, flO TLANI). bit STREETS, PORT1 o. li. LANDERS, AjMttjjjjjjj P EUOIO TFESDAY, .lANFAltY ly, AT : A. V-1 IIP il IT F. rcQEORQE, Phono 44. HTOltAG1 -SAIL FROM- Cooa Hay Evory Friday To Portland And Tiiosihiv Portland AlborflDockNp.s Erory Saturdsr 9 A. M. MarshfieM- j MATT T,. MAV Wcstorn Hrnmn nfiliresenUUj TTAAS nitrYTIIERS Importeru anil Wliolosulo Oroce"l Marnliflnlil. OreUOH ,1 I Tol. 304-R. Res. Myrtle Atj V THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marsbfieifl WASHINGTON A'ENUE STADHEN NORTII UKND O. A. Metllu, Prop. Mclml roRl Blke; ar ral OHO Bumi R" (lojuiyi bhl vmUKmmvmmmmmmu!a mttii. , ;.;. !W uaadMBiuavaaaaaaaa