1 . m ! '&? ..-. i.- w'jA .,. 1 MAYSCHEMl ANDDREAM-STwTTCNTi,JSvffLNEVERFlND A SUBSTITUTE FOR HARD WORK J A Marshfield Woman , The Determination of value received In advertising lies Holcly wllh tho results secured. Try tho columna of The Coos Hay Times they nro clean nnd dopendnhlo. Tho renders of Tho Tlmoa hnvo confldonco In tho nds appearing thoroln. ' . i -23f dBMiwId: "I buy advertised nrtlcloa because thoy i RnklmvRrlably worth wliat I pay for thorn." Tlio BHrtitn,i8 wiiu mo uesi reputations ior nuogruy MMjfiiBeat merchandise nro without exception, 'tbMutfwho ndvortlso their goods unceasingly. MKMRKlt OF TIIIC ASSOCIATED I'ltbsa 're' vo&po. xxxviii. Established 1878 ns Tlio Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall ml Cooh liny A il vert 1 tcr No. 145 . x.iian''g' fi (&nm P4W 'f M l jffp 1 . 1. H. SIP IT HIS HOME Pboruto of Simpson Lumber Crjmjiihy and Coos Bay Pio- ntaf$Succumbs Suddenly I HADfEXTRAORDINARY s"WP CAREER ON COAST W Attairiw Great Wealth and In- t fluifice In Lumber Busi- t t rT-T7,r: ni-.-.. -. iaf ... A njts oiury ui vvuik JOAVTAIS SIMPSON LEFT f IMMENSE FORTUNE i QftptPAj M. Simpson wns rnt Ti!ftona of tho wealthiest MMen tho Pncltlo Coast. Few, feVIStlthoBo most Intlmnto with hiaf fairs, would haznrd a iguSwfjis to tho vuluo of tho es- HUwibut It will probably up ,rWmiHto tho millions. In addl- Mwiiifllo about -10,000 acres of ttbrj In Coos County nnd alunblo iiropcrty on tho ke had big holdings olso- and also was largely la in largo concorns' out- of tho lumber buslnosi. ftwmTtlio San Francisco disaster EKTi5t with many business nil- tats.- yuas: $'. !m (l.V! Slmimon. founder of tho Kmi1n"H Lumber Company nnd ono tf thgaoltloat of tho pioneer lmn InBiijS'of tho Pnclflo Coast, died igNlliQBpllnl In Oakland ycslor- aiuec u King porioti oi in nciiiin. tit Simpson was 98 years of pi?Mona February 20 would hnvo d his 80th birthday. coased loaves threo sons nnd tor, Edith, who was married fycara ago to Hoy M. Pllce, Inont biiBtnosa man of Cln- jtoiilo, but who, with hor Binvo boon living with Capt. Tho sons nro L. J. Simp- (hr Simpson, both of North nd Dr. Harry W. Simpson, imonto. oro Acres yesterday L. J. received word thnt his Iwiia very III and had boon tho hospital, nnd it was his roturn from thoro Into rJHlUy afternoon that ho ro- stho news of his fnthor's morning Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. , accompanied by Edgar loft ovorlnud by way of for Oakland. A, M. Simpson, Nestor of the ion on tho Pacific Coast, was Kulor of tho Simpson Lumber y, tho ploneor corporation In lopmont of tho groat timber of tho Cooh Uny country. pson nnuiQ will always occupy out plnco among tho pioneers thp onrly dovelopmont work ifiectlan. It wns In 185C that , M. Simpson purchased a coud-haud mill near Slitters i California, shipping It on a tod schoonor to North lleiid. hor, Lewis Simpson, was can- I'thla vosaol. Tho vossol was and Captnln Lewis Simpson hoy succeoded, howevor, In ost of tho nuichluory and ro- t by llghtors to North nend, ctho following yoar tho first was constructed. mill was oporated by n sash had a capacity of D000 foot 'rtof 12 hours, undor favornblo tnnces, It was locnted at now known as tho Old Town, place a general uierchandlso as also started, and a fow ga for omployos and mess- 9r tho men, wero constructed. this modest beginning tho bus grown to Its present 1 proportions, with a fleet of that carry Coos Pay lumber h Amorlca, Australia and tho Captain Simpson retired o actlvo management of tho slness his genius had created 'ears ngo and tho enterprise n under tho skillful and suc- uupervislon of his two sons, mpson and Capt. Edgar Simp- B68 a ship yard was started. Bt vessel to be built was called rgo." She was built out of wdar frames ttiid Is still In Blon, although not owned by ipson Lumber Company. Sha TIbxiku rjjaK MiKI jLivtfiT HJ Ml" !. yJVMfM jiiSSTS w Ontir jftlMH c flHHB nmmi UB ' 4"WD JHwuliHll HM4S 4gg antlnued on Pago Two.) SOIUDIEDSUNDAY 5A WkkNkSkS JAP VESSEL ASHORE. ttlr Associated l'rcna (o Cool liar Times. TOKIO, Jan. 11. A wireless snyB tho Peninsula & Oriental S. S. Co, steamer Nlol ran nslioro on a rcot In tho Inland sea this morning. Jnimneso warships aro on tholr way to tho scone. L IS Plan to Go Ahead When Con ditions Are Right to Market The Bond Issue UOSKIlUItn, Or., Jan. 11. A reg ular mooting of tho Hosohurg-CooH liny Ilullroad Commission was hold Monday night nnd a niiinbor of mat ters wero discussed appertaining to this movement. DoWltt Van Oa trniul, of Phillips, Wisconsin, presi dent of tho Nconnh-Orcgon Land Compnny, which has largo holdings In this county, appeared boforo tho Hosobiirg Commercial Club, and as n Gcquol to that visit tho first rail road commlttc'o was appointed to tako up tho movement which resulted In tho voting of tho $500,000 railroad bond losuo and tho creation of tho present railroad commission ut the regular city election Inst October. Mr. Van Ostraud stated that tho fi nancial depression In tho ICast, as n result of tho European war, now np pears to bo relaxing, nnd normal con ditions sconi likely In tho not dis tant futuro. Tho opinion seems to provnll In tho oast that tho war la not llltoly to last more than nnothor year, as tho chlof participants! will hnyo lajgoly ox hnustcd tholr nvallnblo resourcoa within that tlmo. When tho wnr ends thoro will bo an enormous domnnd In this country for goods of various kinds, ns well as for lunibor nnd oth er building materials to replaco tho cities destroyed. This Is hound to bring great activity to all business and financial Interests In this coun try. On tho Pacific coast this In fluence will bo especially folt, on ac count of tho traffic facilities afforded by tho Panama Canal. This canal , routo for shipping will also mnke ' avallablo tho big lumber mnrltots or ' tho Atlantic coast, as woll as farthor i In tho lutorlor, via tho Mississippi Hlvor and othor llnoa of transporta-' tlon. Ucsldos this thoro Is suro to como i to this const soon after tho closo of tho war a heavy tldo of Immigration from tho war stricken countries. Most of t)ioso will bocomo dcslrnblo acquisitions toour population and their chlldten will soon become- real Amorlcnn citizens. Theso Immlgruuts will holp to dovolop latont resources, clear up logged-off lands and add largely to tho production of matorlal wealth. In ordor to shnro in theso bonotlts It Is necossnry that this railroad luovomeut bo advanced as rapidly as possible. Wlillo at present tho bond markets are practically nil, tho Idoa expressed by Mr. Van Ostrand Is not to wait for tho bond doalora to mako proposals tor tho local Issuo, but to go right ahead with noccssary ar rangements so thnt when tho bond market opens, noseburg will in lino for tho first monoy avallablo for new Investments. Theso Ideas woro vory favorably received by tho commission, nnd bo foro adjournment steps woro taken for dotting directly In touch with lnrgo financial Intorests In Minnea polis, St. Paul, Chicago and Nv York. It is bolloved tho matter can bo talked over with somo of theso within the next 30 days. JAP SHIPS IX ATLANTIC First of Mlkmlos Wnihhlps Sighted in North Atlantic (Dr Associated rrru to Cooi Bay Times. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. A cruls or which Capt. Williamson, of tho steamship Curaca believes to bo Japanese, was sighted ofr tho Azores during tho Curoca'a voyage hero from Havre, which ended to day. This is tho first report of a Japanese cruiser in tho North At lantic slnco tho beginning or tho war. r I T DVEH England Parleys In ToU. AUSTRIAN SUBMARIN SINKS SHIP Dr Awoclitctl Trcti la Coo ttr Tlmn 11ERL1N, Jan. 11. Tho otrHnl statement todny says: "Vienna re ports tho French drondnnught Cotu bot was hit by tlio Austrian submar ine No, 12. Tho Courbct hud just boon rammed by her sister ship, tho Joan llart, which was attempting -to tow hor. Tho Courbct snnk. Tho Joan Park docked at Malta." Tho Courbct was of 2:1,107 tons displacement and armed with twolvo lU'i-lnrh guiiB, twoiity-two li-lnch guns nnd four Il-poundors. Sho was built In 1911 nnd carried n com plement of 901 men. Tho attack oc curred December 21 In Ontranto Channol. FLOBBlS Mill GEMJSHIEHEH Another Advance in Portland Market on Practically All Grades Today (TIT AuocUtr rrn to Coo nr Tlmu.J PORTLAND, . Inn. 11. Tho wholo salo price of flour mndo nnothor uhnrp ndvanco hero todny, tho prlro of Pntunta renuhlng $0.00 por bar rel, n record prlco for tho North west. Tho ndvanco amounted to 20 cents In all grades. t AKKOPiaXH HATTLK. ) Or AMdfUtfil I'mu l loi lur Tlm.) J I PARIS, Jan. 11. A tlormnn'l J noroplano flying over Amlena j wno brought to tho ground by a French machine Tho French j airman wont nloft tho moment I inu uuiJiiim uppuiiiuu, jiu uinjn- j cd flro with tho result that tho j Gorman machine fell. Ono of tho flcrinan pilots was killed. Born Ffibruary 11, 1826, in I 90 7L7'VVVJrT7V?J?VS-w-5-?yT- IWIIWiWIil liWilll il ill II Hi I " i" I IHWillW wii fvSKv a i. '- "icMlsLLLLLH ffTI am ppin Initial Response to Washington Note is Not Satisfactory to Americans WILL MAKE OTHER COMPLAINTS SOON Pending Detailed Reply, In dividual Cases Will be 1 Taken Up.. Mr AmocIMoiI I'itm to Coot Day Tlmo.. WASHINGTON, D. C, .Inn. 11. Tho Unltotl Slates government, It bo ciime known today, is not altogether satisfied vlt1i tho noto of Sir Edward Grey, giving Groat Uritalu's prelimin ary roply to President Wilson's pro test concerning tho trontment of Am orlcnn commorco. While gratified that Groat llrltaln admits tho Justico of practically all tho prlnclploa of lu tornutloniil law cited In tho American noto, thp officials loltoratod that tho chlof difficulty has haou Eng land's noglQct to mako tho actual practlco squnro with tho previously nccoptod ruluB of International law. Although England's supplomontary nnswor 1b oxpectcll to glvo a moro de tailed stntomont of hor position, tho officials plan to luko up vigorously nil tho Individual casos which mny niiso In tho monntlme. Englnnd's Rtatemunt wax that out of 773 ships wliich proceoded from tho United Statoa to noutr.il coun tries In Europe slnco tho outbreak of tho wnr, only in had cargooa that woro placed In the pil.o coin t, while only eight of tho ships thomsulvos hnd gottou into tho courts. This was rogardod by officials hero as proving Hint tho bulk of Amorlcnn commerro was of a logltlmato char actor and yielded only ir doubtful casos. L Jn tho next -communication whloh tho Unltod States will send to Eng land, tho Ilrltlsh vlow thnt ships must bo taken Into porta for examination ' instead of being soarchod on tho high i seas, Is oxpocted to bo vigorously dis puted. HAIN COATS iintl I'MnUELLAS, flllKATLY REDUCED. MATSON'H CLEN-UP SALE CAPT. A. M. SIMPSON. Brunswick, Malno; Died January 10, 1915, in Oakland, California. Reply g Protest 'RUSSIA HAS ' HELD BACK RELIEf WORK ITlr Auoll1 rrm to Cool Dr 'line WASHINGTON, D. C, .Inn. 11. Russia's approval of tho relief expe dition for Germnn and Austrian prls-. onors In Slborln, headed by American missionaries nt Poking, which wns takon by tho officials hero as granted, ban boon withhold, It wns learned to dny. Tho explanation wns hold up at Harbin. IS Portland Man Wins Over Allen Eaton in Oregon House How Vote Stood (Special to Tho Times. ( SALEM, Or., .Tun. 11. lion Soiling of Portland wan elected speaker by n vote of 37 to 22 over Allon Eato! of Eugoue. Polrco of Coos nnd Curry voted for Selling and Harrow of Coos voted for Eaton. W. Lnlr Thompson, of Lakovlow, wns oleetcd president of tho Sounto, and Hen Selling, of Portland, speak er of tho House at tho opening of tho twonty-olghth biennial session of tho Orogon Lpglalnturo. Iloth hoiisos aro overwhelmingly Ropub Ilrnn. A sharp contest for tho sponkorshlp between Hon Soiling nnd Alton Entou resulted In a voto of 37 to 22 for tho former. Thomp son had practically no opposition, i rocolvlng 2C to thrco for W. D. Wood. WEED CHAINS FOR THE FORD, $11.(15 AT GOODRUM'S OARAGE. WVSWW-"SW,SS BE SELLIi d I SPEAKER BUTTLES LESS SHE RE EASTANDUUEST HOLD UP JtATICS. tnr AmocUIM rrm lo Coot Ilr TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. ll.Scnator LaFoltotto Intro duced a resolution today to pro hibit tho eastern railroads from putting into effect tho Increased frolght rates recently granted by tho Interstate Commorco Commission. FRENCH TELL OF Paris Statement Tolls of Ad vances and Capture of Trenches at Many Places Or AiiotUttd t'rt-u to Cort nr Tim.,) PARIS, Jan. 11 Tho official com munication this afternoon says: "From tho sea to tho Lys, thoro was intermittent cannonading yestor dny from Lys to OIso. in tho rogton of Uolsollo our troops took posses sion of a trench of tho cnomy after violent fighting. Northeast or Sols sons on Spur 132 thoy yesterday ro puliiL'd a Gorman attack. Following this thoy attacked and occupied two lines of the enemy's trenches along a front of COO yards, thus assuring comploto possession of Spur 132. I North of Porthos, after having driven buck counter attacks, wo gained 200 yarda of trenches, North of Ileuze Jour tho enemy made deupernto at tempts to capturo a llttlo fort which ho had previously lost. Two attacks wero ropulucd. In tho VoBgea thoro was u heavy fall ot snow. Somoi shells foil In Old Thanti nnd on Hill 42C." ALLIES1EPBLSED! Berlin Statement Says Attacks of French Repulsed Bad Weather in Poland (Vr Associated Trees la Coos nr Times, 11KRLIN, Jnn. 11. Tho official communication today says: "At Nlou port and Ypres and south thoieof, on ly artillery combats aro taking plnce, A French attack at Lnllolssollo north east of Albeit railed. North of Sols sons, tho French who established thomsolvoa In a small section of our outer trenchos, attacked afresh but gulned no silicons. The buttles con tinued. East of Porthos our troops recaptured that portion ot tho trenches which tho enemy had taken. In tho Argonno forest our nttauka mndo further progress. In East Prus bla and northern Poland tho situation la tho same, On account of unfavor able weather our attacks in Poland, Iwout of the Vistula, nro making slow progress." HINDU IS HA.NtiED. (11 Auovl.lMl 'rs tu U il. llUiM.J I VANCOUVER, H. C, Jan. 11. I - Accompanied to tho acnlfold j I iiy u iiiiiuti intern uuu uiiiuiiiiiH i j hymus from tho Sikh blhle, I Mown Singh, murderor of Im- mlgiutlou Interpreter William I J, Hopklnson, was bunged In tho I provincial prison at Westminster today, Hopklnson was shot In tho Vancouver court room last I October becuuso of circumvent- iug plana to evade tho Immlgra- j tlon laws. . LEGISLATURE AT OLYMPIA. Washington Jxg.Iatiuo Opens With Republicans in Complete Coutixil. IU) AsMHlated l,.ss lo Cooa Ux Tliuo..) OLYMPIA, Wash., Jnn. 11. Tho stnto legislature mot at noon, begin ning a sosslon thnt will loutluuo for sixty days. Tho Republicans huvo u Ini'irn ,in lnil t tr li tlln llnliun nllfl llflVA nomlnallv twu-thlrda ot tho members or tho Senate, hut flvo of tho Pro gressiva Senators announced their In tention of voting with the Ropubll- t cans. Heiico tho Republicans can easily pass a bill over tho veto of Governor Lister, a Democrat, Tho Republican caucus has aheady agieed upon W. W, Conner as speaker. In tho Son- uto. Lieut. Gov, Hart Is president. Governor Lister's mossago will bo read this attornoou. GAIUuERIN GERMANS CLAIM M FRONTS TODAY 'Comparative Calm Prevails in Belgium and FranceAl lies Await New Troops 'STRUGGLE ON FOR ' CONTROL OF ROADWAY 1 Battles Near Perthes for Great Prize Bad Weather in the East Rumania Ready tnr Atioclilod Trtti to Uoat Dr TlmM.7 LONDON, Jnn. 11. Official tic counta of tho fighting In tho wost from Hcrlln nnd Paris today bIiow that a comparntlvo cnlm prevnlls cx- I ccpt nt a fow points. Even In upper Alsaco and In tho Argonno, wlioro I thoro hnd boon violent encounters re cently, activity has slackened. Nenr Solssons nnd In tho vicinity of j Porthos, however, spirited ongago j inoiits aro In progress, Tho Gorman wnr orflco admita thnt tho French captured trenches north of Solssons, but states that further onslaughts woro repulsed. The Fronch say that ) two moro lines of trenches covering GOO ynrds of front, hnvo been oc cupied, A similar disparity of statomonts Is noted concerning tho progress ot the fighting near Porthos, which lino assumed Importnnco because tho prlzo nt stnlto is tho control of railroads of high stratoglo valuo. Tho Fronch communication states thnt 200 yards of Germnn trenches woro seized, while the Gorman says tho positions won by tholr opponents hnvo been retaken. Although further progress is bolng mndo In tho ndvanco toward Warsaw, according to Hcrlln, tho movement Is alow on account of tho weather. Loudon authorities suggest that tho Inactivities or tho Allies In both tho east and. west U due to tho fact that they awaiting tho ontrnnco of now forces Into tho campaign. Lontlnn reports nllogo that Ron mania, with G00, 000 snldlora, Is ready to cuter tho war on tho sldo of the Allies. VILLA'S TROOPS WIN JN.MEXIGD Defeats Carranza Force at Sal tillo by Trick Attack Be gins at Monterey ID; Associated Tress lo Coos lit Times. LAREDO, Toxns, Jan. 11, Tho attack by tho Villa troops upon Monteroy Is believed to have begun 'about noon, when tho oporntora at Monterey deserted tho telegraph of rico there. Slnco tlio dofeat at v15, 000 Carranza troops under VIII boforo Saltlllo yesterday, tho troops began making rapid nd( toward Monteroy. Tumplco Is reported to bo st tho hands of General Gonzales Cr.rraiua supporter, but It Is to bo seriously threatened. Rail passongera ropont tlio roport ot night that Victoria, capital of mnullpas, was raptured by tho la troops yestoulay. Details in' t). battlo of Saltlllo, which onded yes terday in the defeat or 15,000 Car ranza troops by 10,000 Vlllu troops Indicate a trick largely responsible. A bugler, by jiio-urrangomont, de serted tho Villa torcoB Joining tho Carranza troops. At a given signal nftor ho Joluod tho beslegora, ho Bounded a call Indicating tho enemy was on all sldo ot tho Carranza troops. Othor buglers took up tho call and tho Carranza troops re troatod in disorder. OF ''Federal Investigation to Deter !' mine Whether Attempt at I Corner is Being Made (Dr Assoilated V"" t Cool B4T Times. CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Tho fodoral investigation of tho present high prlco of wheat began hore today to deter mine whether speculation or an at tempted rood corner hnd anything to do with the recout sonsatlonal rlso I In tho markot. uakors, grain men. grovors and commission merchants woro summoned ror oxamlutttlon. BEGIN PROBE GRAINMARKETS lttgjeggjg