moj il .:, ! ;AM-)guaiJ3UisttAtW: . . j. i" .''- :'' . "!?' ..'.;- ' v.. . iJ-iUAWi.-tlifcJi' tmiMmA'9- - THE COOS BAY TIMES. ME SIX "W eateggTaw save money n VOl P. .ME VI' HIl.Ti. THE Y IT dozrn, or two tlonni for 8rc AND COO!) rooKixa APPLES. P.r box, i..r. Cnl. . up and order some of l '' J1 WE CA.V SAVE WH MO.M.i. young HM)l!o. open n 'Savings Anminil In tills sfo, nniMiviilU0 ), icKiiliirly leu pop rent, of j-mir t.iii-tiliiKN nml U(i , lut.'iest w !' J'""'" ,K3 MU'lirlNcil lw Miilrui,. , ''1 . . ..1.... r.....i ' ' I5 . 1 ...... .ion- m -;i-rerei 11 I"" Come In nml nK us nu"in -' Coos Bay Ted, Coffee & Spice House Phono 394-J. - IA iamAm!!& I rf jlLLLLLj Mil il llilWM IiiK 11 MiiriiiiiK " , it Suvlii-js Airuiiul Is (li Ki'i'iit fiimi1 (i utntl,,n. t UXDEIl THE UXirEI) STT,:s (10VEENMEXT HUIEI sio.. HI BOOK S ' ' " .n, .niBWIWimilWIM0ftWlf,MIJUMnii' vLircUS How to Run A Social Center FIHST IIAPTLST ClIUItCH I Albert V. Ilassford, M. A. f Rcsldcttco 003 80. llth street I C3-X I Ulblo School nt 10 n. m., with graded classes and competent teach ers. ' Worship nt 11 nnd7:30 p.m. with sermons by PaBtor Dnssford. A cordial welcomo Is oxtondod to nil. UNITED HItETIIHE.V ClIUItCH I I NOItTII II END I Mn. It. N. Lowls. Pastor 4 Sabbath School at 10 n. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 n. m. Prcachlnir nt 11 n m. nml R nml .... . . . 1..1 lira... if. i- Vif-i- i 'contentious jccmros, euorni buoiui- iTaycr McotlnR Wednesday ovo-, . .... nlng at 8 o'clock. Ion, rsiiioh nnd gontccl kinds of ro- ' ' ! 1 1 i A rflfiUnn nt nmnamnmit wtilrli HinV NOItTII IIEND OIIIUSTIAN I ,,., ,., ,.i. ,,m,f v,m,r ClIUItCH - """" .' " - - " The mnklnc of tho schoolhouso a social center Is n movement which Is malting rapid headway In nil parts I of the country. Tho schoolhoueo Is dcBtlncd to becomo ng serviceable ! nnd instructive n place to tho grown ups as to tho young. In some communities tho Men hag scotned to prevail that the social center should ho morcly n plnco to nlnv. of nmtisomonl. The pcoplo who ontertnln this Idea, iiBtinlly wcll-to-Io and chnrltnbly Incllnod to pntronlzo tho pooror classes, believe In movliiir n cturos. In nlnrs. non FREE TE FOB MHELD Mrs. 8. (Irogg, Minister Preaching nt 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. m Ulblo School, 10 n. m. flunday School nt 12 Sunday. Heading room open every day except Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. m. T NOItWEHIAN LUTIIEHAN. ItOV. U. O. Thnrtin ..--"". --,-. , Horviccs will bo held In tho Nor-,. ' " " ,' woglan Lutheran church nt Maish- ,I0C oponod In various cities as con flllil Oltttitnw Mi f IP .. ... t ...I It t ..1 it.... "tho lower cIiibsos." Hut they shrink from free discus sion of vital gucstlons, with Its risk that Homebody may sny something to disturb or perturb tho old order of things, thoy fear free BPcech. With much eclat. 11 number of such care fully safeguarded nodal content, Imvo Hold Sunday at 7: in 11. 111. Sunday school moots nt 10 a. in. Services will ho hold In the Nor wegian Lutliornn Chapel nt North Hond Sunday at 1 1 n. m. Sunday school at 10 n. in. ' A I EPISCOPAL Cllimcil. Hli nml .'Mm hot. - II. E. Urownlng, Itector 9:30 n. in. Sundny School. rcsBlons to "tho massos," but they Imvo not thrived. Another nnd better theory hag had iih Its Inspiration tho belief that wlim Is needed Is not umusomeiit merely, not putionngu of tho poor by tho rich, not nny form of ondowmont from ubovo, but primarily freo fel lowship, freo speech. I 8KVKXTII DAY ADVEXTIKTS. , ' " "' ,,' ' f'!, I Locnl Elder, J. B. Qunlls. Btructlve and self monnged; that It Is .... ..- 4IMI UIIL QL BI'IVICL'I nm IIIU U IIUIIJ IVtlUIVO I1 lI-J conducted every Saturday as follows: I n,i nil .i, mi,.,, r,.,.. of ..nlirtlnit """ wn" "" u, ' smb.c.???' i io ..;.....:... 1 1.; .i ?on,!)ocuvo- (jo' jocia Juno oiimy ai xi a. in. Young l'coplo'H Society at 3 p. in. Prayer Sleeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. ' . A At tho next school election in Murshfleld, nnd possibly before, steps will be taken to have tho district furnish free text books for the pu pils. Tho matter has been under 1 consideration for 11 long tlmo but I hnd not renched a definite stage un til recently. The matter will have to bo subtnlttod to a vote of tho electors of the district, but It Is be lieved that It will carry easily. One of tho school officials state 1 yesterday that ho bolleved a saving of nbout forty per cent could bo mndo by tho dlstr.ct purchasing tho supplies direct. At present, cadi pupil has to buy his own books nnd with constantly changing texts, It Is pointed out that It Is n consider ablo Item, especially for tho loss well-to-do fnmlllog who hnvo sev eral children In tho various grades. It Is claimed tha niter tho Initial Investment, tho oxponse of providing 1 new toxts by the district will bo Binnll ns tho tonchers can sco thnt tho books aro not misused nnd ench 0110 bo mndo to servo In oneh grade 1 for several years. j In many statos tho laws require tho district to furnish, not only the toxt books, but tho writing paper, pens nnd pencils for the pupils. ' North llend recently adopted tho freo text book plan. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- fo "ioi nli ' w."8 w'l l'"y "l our pwcll J IIP", out tb. b... your noney can buy. Try us. . C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 I'HONE inn IIKPAltTMEXT two nv usixn ouu wood ikjj unii'Mi iiiioAimMV Bil TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, niiunr. 1 n smith, nnrl Smith Premier, for rent or exchanne. awning, "rciinlrlng er now platens, work gtinrmiteeil. ItlliboiiH urn c.rbon paper delivered. Phono u-yonr order. Phono II. AIII-.1..0 office Caruon pnper uviivcrmit i nu .n .....v - TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AMD SUPPLY CO. ...1 1 nu 0, BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHF1ELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $120,000.00 OFFICERS: .1. V. Hennott, President Aithur JIcKcown, Secrotary Tom T. Uennott, Vlco President Hennott Swnnton. TreHsuror TrniiBncts a trust buslnoss only. Act as trustee of ovpress trusts nml also as executor and administrator of estates. The only Trust Company In Oregon outside of Portland org-anlied under now trust law In this state. FIRST 11T1I OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes For It cnl, -, MMMiaMWWWWWMtWMWWSWNWISM-M-T Fllld I BEIIEII SI OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTV Eiititlillhlnul 1 880. Capital, Surplus and UndividJ Profits $118,000 Interest Pnlil on Tlmo Deposits Offlcora: .1. W. Itciuictt, Proldi'iit. . J. II. I'liiii.-iguii, Vice-President. Jt. h Williams. Cnsliler. (Jei. I Wliuliester, A, I! mmrnxwMErtmmAmitmrmrmmmmm - y KCfflBiHtioaaaassaBwccscRr .SOUTH .MAItSIII'lEU) SCIIOOli EKJIITK (iltAI)E The Frldny niurnliiK drawliiK Iom. son was on the utility of circular Abstracts OHKISTIA.V ClIUItCH .. Snmuol OrcBK, Mlnlntor, .. nesldonco, 280 North Eleventh Phono 402. orvlces n fnllnwa nt Mm ri,..-..i. cornor Sixth nnd Central; ItoKiilnr services nvory Sundny, Ulblo School nt 10:00 a. m. PronchliiB sorvlco 11 a. in, nnd !30 p, m. I CHHISTIAX fiCIEXCE I I Christian Science linii. I 2.17 Third Street North Services at 11 n. 111., Sunday nnd 8 p. in. Woilnesdny. Subject: "Haernment." I ontortalniuenti but thnt the main " , '"" , - owl " , , , , , , nniidud In by (leorgo Deubnor, Anim SltllTiS' H-no Kelley, Francis ,.u,.,.,w, "' h... ...-( .K wnm n0lnnj 0rnco Fr. ilium in, Alubol l.lnv.i Itn.o.ii n,,.i,. .....nw sinvvwa lltttV4 mnss, Tholina I.yon, Ernest Whereat, .Mary Louise McArthur, Itny Prltch aid mid Ituth Anrtorson. In n civics tost Rlvon Thuridny uie nest papers handed In woro by to do iih thoy wish In any which Is tholr own. Ella Flags; Yoiuir tho other day. I jilt n inootliiK In Chlcnxo of four iiiuiureii porsons eiiKor to ndvanco n Wider IISu of KiOinnl IntlMltum " .....p.., Kllmpscd (Jits freo view en bn FOIt KEMAIUiE AIISTHACTS OF TITMJ AMI I.NFUUMATIOX AIIOIT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSIIFIEMl AXI) I'OQPII.I.E CITV, OlSEno.V GE.VEItAIi AOENTS. EAST.SIDE AND SEXt.'STACKEV.S ADDITIOX AHE.VTS FOR CANADIAN' PACIFIC HAII.IIOAI) LANDS IIEXKY SEXf.srACEEX, .MAXAtJEIt To Portland every Thursday To every Mori THE I'lST AXI) COMI'OHTAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWI.V EgUIPPEI) NOItTII PACIKIO STEAMSHIP CO. o. i air (.'eoih.e aokxt w. il ni PllODO 44, Mlirshflold Phnn 191. NigJ " . - ' "-'I "" cTZT&nziEttsxtx&rsttTS&ixai'ixsExnn ....p, I - - - -V.W UJ ...1 ..1... 1 ItUlh HnMnn r!i..w... I.V...I.. . .iii.nvii ijuo iiuu nun niiun miu -...v.., ..uvu i.uiiu, uur. Id "Tho social rontoro.porloiico!Trlbl,0' ni111 truest Wherost. m l.r.iiiui.i ....... ..... ... ... ...i (iletlda Fnrrnl Imu 1....... ni.... .1... ....o iimii II fllllliinu in tin BCIIIHH "" ""! iiu.uiil I IIH puoplo. Wo thoiiKht It would benefit , i:l!1' wwlk " ,,,''t of Illness. Tho tha piiblle- tho men nml woman nnd , !, y 0"l"r ,,,)W,ll,e '" "m Krail )r ... . .. the week n lni."n.. m .1. , Times Want Ads Bring Results' 1W iOD CATHOLIC ClIUItCH NOIITII IIENII -Ilov. Fnthor McDovlit MnSB Will lin iilnlirii...l u I... ! mornliiK nt 8 by tho ev. V mZ iUiy" youiiK roiks or tho vnrlmiR com munltlos. We found thnt It dow. hut jit also iIoub what wo hadn't expertod. ' It Krenlly and In most Important beiuifllDd us hcIioiiI people. nectn up with the life of to- I 'nys I , It conn Wallace. - 4 I NOItTII IIKMl I'lll'UiiVTi.M.i . ' ,.,,l..v' ,'rorlck Shlmlan, Pastor Illhlo school t 10 a. 111. Chrlstlnn Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. nl.lHMl EVAXHELKJAL LDTHEHAX (MIUHCII. ItUV. II. IP. IWlllVlllMI. !!,... ,, , , - r.""... . iiniui. piSh'u. 21M mMMd nV01,U0' Sunday school nt !):ir. a. 111. ServlcoH II n. in. Immediately after tho mornliiK Horvlcea there Mill .t, limtulhttion "f tho newly elected off Icon of the loiiKroKutlun. No service nt North lhind. And sho frankly added that the vltnl thluK in it wasn't what fow could do lor tha ninny, hut what folks meotliiK tOKothor n folks, democratically, did for ouch oher. Put Learning To Useful Ends the week was DoKtle Moore, nliumi one tiny. FlltST CHJAIIi: Tho following. had inn i iiim for tho psst weok: Juno .McLaugh lin, Winston l)uk, Jinrlon Kardall. Hsrnetn Lapp. j Donald Itosa and Philiu pri ' have been nbtwnt nil woek on nccount of IIIiiom. Mr. Abbott and Mn. Flsimgiu ' visited tho room this wwk. J THIHIl (iltADH The fallowlnr minll iim 1....1 100 in arithmetic for a week: Her"' Kid Hum. : TIl.lA.. piipns nnva had 10 In pollliiB for a week: Karlno Si.r... AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARU Nortli Front Street, I'liimo U70. CHIMNEVS FUtE PLACES J. N. GAYLISS Ary Kind of llrlclc Work nt Prlcos Thnt Aro IllRht Anil nil Work (iiiiiruutccil Call at "The Flrnsld," Johnson Hide., 137 Second St. Phono French Usurps. . llollor Wori EQUIPPED WITH WIHICLICMS. Steamship Breakwal ALWAYS ON TIME. HAII.H I'HO.M MAItSIIKIIXI) ni'itivr; .iwi titv. OV LOWIXd DATES: .JAN. 10 .. .11.; .1 V. II, I I'.JM :;() A. M.j .i... a:i, 1 p. .m.; JAN. :, :.: ,. M. TICKETS OX HALE AT POHTLANI) CITY TICKET OITlttJ AXD OAK 8THEETS, POHTLANI). Phono a.W. c lasum HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171. .l son, Jusephlim vg,, Augustus III r. -w-i ilfJHill Orngiin Agiloultural Colle. Cor.', .' ..".. Mnm w,wwr. inhi. VMllta, Ore. July ,. -"On. half of It Tlm' UnM w"". "r. the htk 0, theworld I, o,tW ZStVS ChJ WUn""' ItHW or iHwIihaly Iwrmfiil. Uchuim ! n. u.... '. . " ta,L r it u iiimoMw.r,." .,..., . ",: "-"M"' lMy f i il , . , "l " l" e" " class had iierfwt ,1101ml iptaW at th ASrlrultnnil lwu In spelling. j V..IIVPV. 11 11 a miMiou of lenrHlttg ' K00.MT2 GARAGE ncelslor Motorcycle Anm-j LEE TIRES AUTO.MOHII.KS STOHED JOOS COUNTY'S .MOST CO.MPLETI .MACHINE SHOP MAHIXE AM) AITO.MOIHLM HEINMHINO f.ASOLIXE FOH SALE SOUTH IMIOXT ST. PHONE lMi UAITEHIES HEPA1HED AXI) OHATtOKD Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between nny polntr m Murshfleld and do gonural haulInK 'or rHnsonnble rates. WAII THAX.SI'Elt STOHAOE CO Lovl HelsuiT, Proprietor Phomw: JtJO..). .O.L. 08-U INTER OGEHI Til S iLiillltllU II Rcmi-wfifikly servipo Oooa'Bny nnd Snn J?wJ STEAMSHIP IEHM ifl 1 I .MirriumisT episcopal. .osoph Kuotts, pastor. -Sunday school nt 10 a. in, MornliiK Service at 1 1 . .. ah nra oordlnlly Invited. I0 " ,llll)t'1 'wr that Hi product' I'orimi nitxiur ""' ''ift-rtViiLEM ..;!r,H,"K. r.-. ,Mt,rs ,ta wLT!fr h"v, ' .m.- repairs RnMTAPTiMfi ... WJ- ini in unmi 10 u0 me taak '" " "re: virglul .luhiison vir. onnrun' ..Vi.,i.,.w '. '"w . . k i.mir ah ..... :. .". nuur pjti rv 0 hk a mc New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal dlstrlbutore "ONYX" and "CADET" H0SP S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend"! ' Loader, Chiu. Itnymo.ul "' ,n,'lkll ""J. H mean, the supplying Timin. i , . . IHu ihw Irw to .in 11, u ii,i.. ,!.... " ""in iimi jiro- iluw uiwful coiumwlltles. 'There is a uwlswi mil n. un . N UMlegbi laluir Ti StibJtH't: "Tha Cmuiw f n, ' ,,tt"t fr k m,i nf .i. ...., ... ...w .IIT-i . l. I'fWltlQ. Oil Ullil TkuJ U'1,1.1, in.. . ,. 'but In iumui,..i .1.- ,- . . i.ihhiW Mining reriMon 7:30 11. ni aftirnol ;m 8orvUo ,rl"'Jy IuJ,rnt'07r.aoC0.l,!U,:, Thwy oven IUK nt 7:U0 o'clock. .'"miiiiik wmico, n.o ui ROOFING G. nnwT UCtalr. Albert WebhJr ilyrtU, V1 . MATERIALS, wwkmh. (laurn ilurphy. Adrnlne rtl-lt ANU UhMENT (.ardner. c Dull, Hmnon Xff. J. L. BRICE Duiwim Dushney. R. 118. P DO Circular uersmntlv w.. H...11...1 1 ' ' UJ' In the drawing elnsa. (lood original NO SAM' EDGES -OB VOUlt COLLAHS U you Imvo thorn Inundorrtf TWIN CITY RTKAM IjAVNIUIY WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOSC . viuwuay, JANUARY 11, AT 3 P. M. equipped with wiruk-ss aM subrmrlno bci I'nssonKora and freight. STEAMSHIP II SMITH 1 ' i i Equipped with wfrnlncc. f.,i c,u,,.:., imil -- -....v, u illllUllllJUU WW.. My W,LL SAtLulf50M SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOSfj Hn,, t? ,nunclJrt JANUARY 7, AT 3 P. M. .1 oan ninm-isco offiro, Greonwioh HTrect plcrM mid GOO VFn liiiiiiiino' W Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McQeoroe, Phone Imwlttw lllustratliiK thin wer doi Mnuiu... .v. . "-,:" 'uirnnB thin wer doub -." ,rtmiii.-- . r-.i ih memory of uy Lester Poat OruM vinii.v. vi , Tie lii,.s , n: "The Inertia of "over did ,,, ' u ailta KT X?2S?'u. CLEAN NG WORKS ,B ' no UIKUItV In giinli i.i, i urle HiyahIhh.1 n...,... .,..v.. .. cm. " I orlinnvnifc-.i... .... ""' ...".::." ",.WHM"" ,itt,n. Kl-0 -r..r. our Speihuly I CommutaLion Tickets $2.00 21 MilTiiniiici' (Mm...... "v. .VI. IIUtJ'r-Mior. nun 11 ireim .. - - tninn, '"'"""i "urn-nil lift) r ", )' lr thst unu u ..i Junenftii. ThiiM ii...i. I 'lluriirL.. ., u. mn- ' . 4 . -. ,-v m, u,HIW8 ,,, forhj) ,ibor U. ....!.. o-i . . I the HfllUMll ...I ..... i,uuujr ornuHi at to a. in espor Clrclo and Ep worth L i !. Ill the natural and uui.i n .. kin. iiu.. .-..:"' .oague " '"""r owt staut the Urow I'MTIl OIIADK. J. H. LAW Mrin Phono Ui.. ait Central A. Sariiuina iiv Mm i.... ... .. nd . ni. """"ur "a. m. . d hews tfl) .koumer ug H0 a, ulti-. I OATDOLHJ ClIHIUMi M.UISIIIMIIliU MllUd (fill I... ...I. - wrn iiiii ilia m Lkii nm .. a n nnd 10-80 ..viuik Ruaday morula.' dMr mw " mtaUt liar. .) U.. ither m, ...., rB",i fh fUh for brkf J.X ,.! !" of bB.u.r... i . . we luu.t Ku, ,. ,, . . ,liM. .,.,..,, -: r-"- UJ f be mine esu. .:i..i.i,l riirauu mil .uJf .. . II TUrt l-Ail.. r . " " .,.r..rr7" ,0 or fh, 1hee pupil, mad mUtaaet Prtllag during the put week: ' Worm. Arnold Samp, ilay- ".M.lrH . .. '-"muiiim. Howard Poat. K. i-TT. m ut fB,,i"- A ,.rl ,,H,1P R,MhM sJQlt, Karl "wii mtMW, R ,, t llodBWl oiadya Burrow.. riaaaaan MMted our room on the farm lulvnutagoK f thoic of Hi ""l ihil'reu J)J"V. SPITS CLEAVED AM) PltliN. SiiW iUA,,,t uKiMw " IM. IS A T1ML U9l?UloPAKAT0RIUM JA JXJLE'S I'r.Afii. J. 266 Co'UrnlM- Phons 25Q-X. 1 IB lB I I Kl I l.ik.. ka .---., w.i Hvrseu in . TIlO (Oil I of much rurI Ufa well as Iik li an a l.,.. . - M1WHB1IIH Hollar sown i.m,i...i ... .'VMJ otber XHmmrZrZ l'...l-n-1-rU of usole.. tol. A,Maha" 1,1 ,he "' '' kut iibor u, tion." ' Thursdai mornluK. ". o. i xtvncE. Member of iuuwt Udgo N'0. 81. 1 1 n n '.. re",Mt meet at . . id u flocK UfWin .'... . r? -" i . i ,.? ,., ,c" ' from n , n, 1 p. in.; to South .SIoii, onco n '. lent lug nt 11 ,,, ,,, , K ihreo trips day. HRT TCIVO. Pro,,, l 1 II MU I U & TAX CO I "AYAXDNIOHTSEHVICE for taxi, phene 20, Ideal Cafo , I ror touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel I JAWX ij.MHKTir. i I x . 1 !'. uw wilUs : . v r- '- V-.II3 I EHEIGHT. ARROW LINE STEAMERS 810 dan Francisco IMur No. 20. i-vory Wedneaday 3 P. M. Phono 27ft. -HAI& FIIOM- Coos Dnv Evory Friday T Portland And Tiinmlfiv To San Frnuolsco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Oreun Doch PortUj'l Albers Do;; Every Si'1'' 9 A.M. LSF US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS . I SOUTH COOS llivui. nm SKHVU'E LAUNCH EXIMHJkw mw 3 fiMim, wagpwM iTfMigini 1 mm"" n.i.i .. . ;':Xjt- G.. Abstracts. J w . ". r"' of ,n,r '' ""How - dlMe foVvi-- PtMW' ,mmt; I 08eAS QULOV30N M n i.i . ' - Dx I la, OV80N' N Q- It I. S. 'KAUFMAN & CO. II !'.- os Slni,nl.lj ou,ry lln 1 1 . in. Lwies lieml of rlvcr "" Pictures & framing waiter Studio nt .I: to . in. STEA.MEU HAIMJOW lonxas homl r ,vqr ,,ulIy , . in. Uos Sliir'lel. t "'. Vp rlmrior p,,y ,, ,,,.,; EOOU'US ,vv UMITH I Puipilett I P. . BOAIl'E ift A. II. T' I HODGIW M HIATT Ii. 5"' Western Oregon ReP:e HA AH DHOTII liiipmteiii n'lil Whole Al .1 I'M kilt 1(1. W'"a I Tel .in 1. 1 Ris M)11 V- r I THFnnns HOT? I vr .-i f riarJ"1 I WASHINGTON AV&J1, ! ii a v 0 , - iiiiiihiii'ii tirq A"". '.' 'n imt" jaMi kl, il, illCll'"! - "JJ r.-anr.- na rrc- v JlfcfibiSftttiWi y -L - ?r-r" - 'f0J,r!?'v ,ij-.. PSSPl l'-Htilililri. u. ....... .Ill ....,T llllSP JTffl i -BMsKMaVHblKMttBHUKB8ai