a mwmw'V THE COOS BAY TIMES. IMRSHFIBAJttBEQOM. FRIDAY. JANUARY mB-nm SIX, vTu "?r 1 1 iill gfMifcgittHgftgggTO j -- - . 'i ? mi MiiiaiiMiilffittliWfr World's Greatest War from Day To Day JDIIES BILL HELD J1S TROUBLE MAKEH WAIl AKROPLAXIVS FKAT French Flying Machine Pierced by Hiindrcili of IlulIeK D; Ai.oiLt rtm In Coo IU Tlnin PARIS, Jan. 8. Tho PtiTIT I'ARISIEN gives tho following ac count of the vicissitudes of a Bi ll AS xi:w ixdistry. Philippines Seek Independence. ; auuuiuiiiy tu runuci uuv- c. w. cumin df I'lorcnci; sinkr-j d'oni ' crumcnt Man. Money Out of Mom... stigor wh(j a reccnt Tho Florence West says: Several 'arrival en Coo Bay, injs that rlot tlmos last glimmer wo mentioned that !lng In the Philippines, continual C. W. Curran had govoral men em- tilts between tho whlto population ninvmt nt irnthnrinc inna (n im si. in- und the natives of Manilla and the piano which has figured In tho most jped to California to mnrkot. This impertinent assumption of airs important air cruises of tho flying! week .Mr. Curran brought a fow baUw.'by the former subjects of Spain arei machine coma. i of whlto snacnum moss down from all directly attributable to the Point Terrace, to ho sent to market ' Jon "HI, passed last year In Con ... ... .. ...in .1 . leross. .Mr. Stinger for eight years hi unci', uuu iiv "in lornurii inu iraii" of tho moss about January IB. Mr. wns a Bovornmont employee In the Curran Informed us thnt ho had a tiumhor of Inquiries from pcoplo In California who wanted moss, nnd that ho could havo sold a largo quantity of It If he could have got It gath ered. This Is a now Industry In this RAT EGGS AND SAVE OX VOIR MKIT IHI'I" We are .cHIn STRICTLY FUESII FA NT 1 1 ECICS for -I -".c per dosen. or two dosen for SSc. OOOt) COOKIXO APPLKS. Per box, 7:.p. Call us up and order some of these apple icnl out. WKC.IX svvi: vor MO.VHV. Coire In nnd n-V v ah iit our ! w get a-rocclpt plnn. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 1 nt neA I Phone 394-J. TRY ST mMMimMBunvumMTngeMMg; "Biplane M, F, 123, In n violent engagement with n (Jormnn ma chine, was struck by nn explosive bullpt, which passed within two nnd ono half incliCH of tho gaso- lino reservoir, Atstho saino tlmo two musket balls; fired almost ver tically, burst tho framo on tho rlghthaml sldo and lodged In tho interior of tho front hood. "In another engngemout a rifle ball, fired from n trench which tho machlno passed at tho height of 300 metres, pierced tho writing board of tho observer. "On another occasion tho At. F. 123 maneuvered over a captive German balloon, when a shell burst under It and 47 bullets or pieces of shell struck tho machlno. Tho nrmor-plato wns pierced Just be tween, tho llttlo openings mane for tho pilot's legs, but tho nvlalor was not touched. Tho machlno was obliged to como to ground, but tho pilot succcedod In bringing It back Into tho French linos. Ou ex amination It waB not only found tbat tho armor was pierced In sev eral places, but there was a hole as big as a man's fist In ono of tho blades of tho nronollcr. Al together tho machlno had been bit byH4 rlflo balls, by CO fragments of ahcll, 21! of tho wlro stayH bad been severed nnd 2 of tho com mandlug lovorH ruptured, 2 pro pollor blndeH broken and tho hood Bhrcddod at 7 dlfforont points. "Tho modern hero of thoso ex ploits rofusos to allow his namo to bo mentioned, but ho Is glnd to have thu exploits Of hl machlno proporly rcrognlxou". Ho linn inn.ln nn application to tho govprnmont, not for recognition, hut for per mission to keep bis blplnno In Its present statu ns n telle of tho war," Phillnnlncs and who has Just re turned from work on tho ? 15,000,-' 000 fortifications at 'the mouth of, Manilla Bay. I to is on a business trip, having como back from the Philippine but a few weoks ago. Under the provisions of the Jones TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durable framing material at tho right prlco we know our busl- nees. Just tii wnat you wan: io unuu uu mc "" I II get UUBy Willi our yem-u uuu m,u. - - In cnniil nnd we' your uoney can buy, Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HKTAIL RKPARTMKXT COT TIIK FCRL HILIi 1 TWO UV I'SIXH OUK WOOD . .... ...... . .itti V Mil III IH'imi"' ' ' I'WWF 100 .. , , , .... unuor t io provisions or me joues section and may bring cons dorablo b VMWm Islands are to money hero nnd furnish employment rocovo t,ie,r m,cpunilonco .. HOon for a good mnny men. Tho moss !.; h havo gh thoingelVM flt llfffWl ltV tmranlVtnnn tt unnlrturf Mini! used by niirsorymon In packing tholr stock for shlpinent. When .Mr. Cur ran went to California three weeks ago, bo took with him a trunk filled with pitcher plants, such as grow wild near Florence Tho first man to whom ho allowed tho plants purchased tho entire lot, thus giving .Mr. Cur ran a nice little sum, with no ex penso other thnn the labor of gnth crlug the plants. RKMUAXS IX HOLLAND. IB AmocUIM Vnn Io Coo Ilr Tlmtn.l TII13 HAGUK, Jan. 8. Tho Dutch army of over 300,000 men Is still un der nrniB and tho borders arc guarded or vigilantly as If a hostllo foo woro approaching. Tho euro of BolKlan re-' fugeos Ih a part of their duty. This capital Ih full of .tho moro prosper-1 ous Delglnim who rofuso to stay at liomo under tho (lorinan flag. Tho hotola woro never bo full nt this seas on. Hchovenlngoii, which had n dis astrous Bumiuor season, Is now over run with troops who nro quartered In the hotels and kurlmuB. WAR TKHJIS. to receive It." Wlion the bill was passed, tho natives, according to Mr. Stinger, Immediately believed thomsolves raisod in rank and since that time have continually clashed with tho white poople of whom they formorly woro vory much of awe. To carry out the original ldoas of tho Jones bill, thcro has been n gradual superceding of Americans by Phllllplnps In govemmont offices. Tho pollco dopnrtinont of .Manilla now contains 250 native Instead of whlto people; tho samo la true In tho flro dopartmont. j Wlion In formor tlmos a(iwhito policeman Intercepted n natlvo Ihero ' wa8 a gcnornl exodus with tho' American very much tho victor, the visitor rolates, but with tho chnng-' Ing of tho regime tho tablos havo been turned and now, ho says, "tho mitlvo policeman go out of tholr way to find nn Amuriouii m iou blo." ) It Is such phases ns this that havo led to tho riots of the past1 weok In tho Philippine, according to .Mr. Stinger. Heavy Forts hi Bay. Four Islands In tho entrance to TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay-, ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal. I Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanne. denning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Itlbboiis ami rurbon paper ijpllvcrpd. Phono us your order. Phono 1 1. Alllnuco ofClrn. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. - -..... - a--. ... I i young iHMiplo. open ii Saving" Atootint In IiIn snfo, eoiiservnllvo m ipgulaily Iimi tier foul of your onniliiKS mid ultli ti,e ," !... it tml:l!iir ftiiul. -- linn i-.----rt - n Havings AiTount Is tho grcnt Kpur to iiinhln,,,,, T (. UXDKIt Til 1-3 UXITMI) RTATCs C'OVKIINJIUNT fiUIMOItVIHIOX. FIH5IMT1IM1 OF COOS BAY Svclji Deposit Boxes For Kent. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 OFFICRnS; J. W. Bonnett, President Ailliur MeKeown, Socrotnry Tom T. Bennett, Vice Prosldont Bennett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts n trust' buslnoss only. Acts as trustee of oxprosa trusts and also as executor nnd administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Company In Orogon outsldo of Portland organized under now trust law In this state. FLIJ1I Statement of Condition of t BEMMETT 61 .Mnr.slil'lold mill Alyrllo Point, nt llio close of liichicss, pJ IIHSOUIICHS. I.OIIIIH 1111(1 DlSCOUIltSi . .'.'.'. , Haiihlug llottseH mid Jtuul ltsitu, , .. Cash unit tflglit HxchuiiKO Total ?0Jia Cnpllul gloclc paid In .Surplus mid Und. I'loflls. .'. Deposits lilAIllfilTIHS. . '..... Totnl L- I rawiigMgnrgT-MrMMnMiMggi ww mi nnMignwnwnmr i-m iwnnnn j. MMj - rriri R w3l AtVtiWTi w jfiFfflZHZ I1W - .I.. . ... ., -, - --.., . - I fjfl ) Barbette An nrmorcd cyllndor or Mnnllla Bay havo boon lately 'for- igu Ritii:'iigiii-( H'loil at a cost of MJi.000.006;) As half cylinder, protecting Abstracts FOR RICMAIIIjK ABSTRACTS OK TITI.U AXI) ABOUT IXKBK.MATIOX COOS BAY RCAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. AlARsMlFini,!) AXI) COQl'IM.l! CITV. ORKfiO.V OlIXKRAIi AOn.NTS, I.'ASTSIDi: AXI) Si:X(7STACKKX'S ADDITION aouxts for canadian jmcikio railroad j.and.s im:nrv si:.(istacici:x. maxaokr RcaxrscnJMzsfsnzaKMKznriR To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every MoniJ RUIN SUOAR IIHKTS. tDr AumU I'm, ( c,,, j,,r Ttinra PAniS, Jan. R. Tho sugar boot Holds retaken by tho French havo not only been ravaged by shells, lac erated by trench dlggora and furrow ed by tho wheels of uun parrlm-im. imi na.vo been so trninptcd by Infnutrv hihIi nr ui., arm cavalry that the extraction of! Doboneho (day"bou chny)-An p tho roots becamo u difficult nroi.io.,, Lni.. r. ' v.. ' rt" 0' not vol iiru. ......., .::;: r""- ". "" i"kui troops; used -. ......vV dv.ivii. II IS (UO inodost horolno of thu wnr, tho French peosont woman, who Ih work ing on It In tho unoccupied roglons closo to tho Imttlofront, where she cannot only hoar It but Boq tho smoke of It. In all thjs region tho plough follow wl closely upon tho conflict and seed ing necessarily followed bo hard upon tho plough that some npprohonslon wns felt ns to tho summary prepara tion of the soil; thoro wns no tlmo for harrowing but thn need caught nnd tho now crop showed H IU, oven whllo tho pointed helniots across tho lino woro taking In the hut of tho belated harvest. Statisticians pay tho sending is llttlo Inferior In nrreago to that of 11)13. ' "' !-. .lt it ftllllj nail- - --- T -vtvv.vvv in ally rofors to tho curved armored a """d '"nehlnlst In chnrgoiof n vuriiiin in iront or iiromlsldo kiiiis of iK""K ol -uu l0"vlt'fl nnu nurna- tho Bccoiulnry battery aboard ships. ,lvos J,r- Stlngor snw much ofithls BnHtluii v finr.m.k. ,.!. .'. work and for months uw hirta vui,uumiuiiim. .u"..- Ing of two fncoa and two flanks, nil i vork,l,K' 'ovorlshly night and-Aclny, rivsic WLi A-oi D..' F 1i tho angles projecting out. ' 'vlng tho Japanese war t'foaro 1 lllieS Wailt AGS jDMtlfif KeSUltS TIIK FAST AND CO.MKOKTAMI.i: S S. Geo, W. Elder A'UWI.V KQUll'I'Kn .NORTH I'ACIFIO HTKAMSIHP CO. u. r. .M((Jl.()i:ni. AOUNT W. II. r.tml Ptinnn 4.1 MnroliflM.I .... .-. .. .. .1 Chevnux do FrlBoAn obstriipilnnl0' snn, moll,lls 'ek, to coninlcto of projecting points used to hinder , forlincn,,ons- Ii fnntry chnigos and cavalry rushes; Vh0 "s ",v,,, ,la,,,, tho Blniplost form Is sharpened pal. T,H,S0 I"1'""' not only gunruMho Inga driven Into tho earth. putiumo to tho harbor, according . iienacio tiio bae'D Any rofllstlinui l" v,"'",r. " o riirtlmr ox- ui. .. , ' ""'inroBaii.l III. I...1I,. ii.-. .i. .. , ,. .... U,IVI illtn muz in al ways be rotulnod by tlia llnltad xe DOTH' Slates as nn oaBtorn naval base, as II vorh In n mlllin... . .. ,r,r tile PlllllpplllON have bsnn elvnn ol troops to clear n . ,. , QUir'r hve been built for S000 Main forces. ' l"u 'n on theso Islands. Thooaor-.l Ditch-Any deprowlon or rliniinol '" . . Hl,'"tlu,B "V n- Isluud will, hold 1.000,000 quarters AT CAMPBELL'S WO00YARD North Front Street. Phone IJ70. OHIMNUVS FIRK PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Aro Right Anil nil Work (.'iinuum-eil Can at "The Flrosldo." Johnson Bldg., 137 Second St. Phono 4 Ml "J I French Ranges. Bollor Work KQUIPPJJD WITH WUIKMCH4. 1 Steamship reakwats M ALWAYS ON TIMIC. SAILS FROM MAHSMKIKLD nriH: .nvi'iiiv nv Tiin LOWIXfJ DATKS: .IA.V. -J, IO A. 31.; JAN. , 1 P. M.; J.ufl :.. a. .M.; .fi. ;, i .. .,. ,MX. HO, H:0 A. M. T1CKK.TS ON BALK AT PORTI(ANI) CITV TICKKT OITICt,! '" oak stri:i:ts, fortlaxd. rnono5-j, n ., ...vnuiini V Mi4 ' flUHlVO ad USOll to obstrilKl nlml... I'krllos, not for iiriilooilnn fmm nM. a fossor moat Is n ditch;- Its outol o is railed tho senrp, and Inner, tho pounterKenrp. I'ort A single onqlosed work ppa Mo of Independent deftm,. ... .. m'lor work of n forir.-w iw i. One of the fortg nt Llego; the fortrow " i. luge. Fortran-A lnrgMini-inn..n ,.... ,i,i,, . - u,l"j iur- flod pbu-o op gtroughold; n eollop- '" m uirw. of beef. Corregldor Ulund, the largest of Iho four, iiriotils a 700-foiit sheer "toiio front toward ilm . n.. tho very tip of thi ,.iwpico' hvo been placed six l.,u., dlsapponr- amis ami two morturg of four HAVE THAT R00FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. vv K00NT2 GARAGE Kicolslor Motorryplu Agenr L E F T I IT C Low Rates for ; Handling Trunks i Wo haul trunks botweon any polnti , a i Marshfleld and do geaernl hauling 'or roasonable rates. MU TRAXSFKR .V: STORAOR CO .''O'l Ilolsncr, l'roprletor Phones: io..)t .o-L. oh-U I t k , I - - - . ; k I I I B I r r n t i nut w r m n - . . ii in i l D!in i i i n iii i n i i i pi jiuii unri n iir' u . iajb.ll UUL.I) I 1 llillUUI U II 1 IB I lUll Ul I eight gtiiiB oaoh. Batthwhlps ' AUTO.MOBII.ICS KTOItKI) Tying to'bomlmnl this fort, would . S C0U'vrrs MST COMPMiTI bo unable to elevate their guns to MAC1IIXK SHOP a'h n height und the corral i-mis mANK AXD AUTO.MOBILU i i row hi i n.ui ....I. ,.. . urtLi ii...-, PWuhi their reiliiHg tr enough DRFIIXD SUIM CAXAIi, (U; Ahui .,t VtJ Vmt. TOUT SAID, Kgypt, Jnll. S..T10 mainstay or the detaiuo of the Snog Canal U a largo body of , troops. A volunteer dofeuso rorps U Uo being raised. Ineludlng KnglUh nud MalKwo, who will net us special vonstnbles. .M,,ny llf ,,.,. .,. .... longing to shipping firms or prlvuto ! .....muuii.s nave been comnmndoor! by the authorities for usu In eonnee tloiv wllh plmis for during of the Cinal, -, bot.omioM wflkor lw. nw,.y lo bring ,hu ,.llff ,, ,, I'ru eotkm for 1W1M, r KUnii ,sws. ll0t tawr ,han , "J. Parwpat The flat t.,., ..t .. .... I naught m..i r. Iki " J Illtrl ' "' " "".. - - 1WJIR gUIH railroads Risro.vnxi'ii I'UHH FOI.DRR SKRVICIj 1'oiir Krlor (poor pi Ini') v I11- .v...,ry tonroiBwco: usually . twonn opHisluK forctw. Hinpart-The e.ubnukn.ent mr. ivuiidlng f0rt wli'iiTn1"? for,,f,0. nM.lly po.od point. U" r mw wx" 'MwuHtHr- - An Ih.ir,,,., . termiuing distant tt TimirU- A dug out ehannel bohhid m.I or . to tin, s ,., ..Jf ""' iie. "' wwn uiouuted on it i ... ''w Want Ai(ni,i, RKIWIRIXO OASOLIXK FOR SAI. V(RTII FRONT ST. 1MIO.VK IH(M UATTRR11CS RKPAIRKi) AND CIIAROKD New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S, JENNINGS, No. Bend I "-MMUUihiugrgj ROOFINfi Having livi r- , ... .. nrrDftiniMo ., MT1. and having" be J, Z " 5 g J I KAC TING, ;ii..ri win, , e0WW0H Uoiui"i h pc, to AMnMSS.RJ5i:s uuio hivu umvitiMi D no J' L BRICE loving nnu .. .i- .....I . .. ' ,M"l "UL A Purtlnud ui .. . ... ll;.S."l!""""-rX v ui me i-njiippmoi. .Mr. Stinger .;"" "" uw,f h-t the Jap-nes uL'n T, A,rr""a: ,h"1 ' the admitt!. " "" now lrlv "Tkwr. U troubi. biving tU. of m Mum. .: ;;: ""em ". ! ov7r .:" u"n r'WBt y-r lg .9n i NO HAW KDOEa -on . VOUR COLL.IU3 If you havo iliem Uuuclereil TWIN OITT Hmui LAUNDltY Commutation Tickets $2,00 wain oiu.AorUi Bend Auto 5Sl!'WOO-1y-80rvico 0ooa Baj- and San Pranct STEAMSHIP REDOMDD L tJEPrfttt SAW FRANCISCO FOR COOS . MONDAY, JANUARY 11, AT 3 P.M. equipped iMtU wireu-ss nnd tsubmnrlno bell - A'nssciiBers ami freight. STEM li! uin fjiisi IS iTH Equipped with wireless and submarino bell. urn i n a ""iigiujn UUU IrOliriir. THlffilvSAfJ FRANCISC0 FOR COOS Bl ban I'laucisco offioo, Greeuwipti street pier PrtnD -r, MO Pifo building. vo JJU fiew, u. W. jMcQeorqe, Phone 44. I t Phone 4JI-X. 3; URAWI'ORU 'W I'OUTUXMi. OUlCAnO. III.. Jan. S Afl ,.. '"" MT SriUVHWc. tiary the travellni: nubll.- n.m..i. ' . .. tho w.i u-iii ....; ...... VM"MUUl, ""'"'I II " , "l "i ii o easy to obtain a tlmo-ettrd or fulder. 0r toforo sue), llioraturo has been sun. Pllod gratis to iioioi, nud other pub He plnoos and has been obtainable rr the asking', in iimu ,.f...... .. " '" '"hii uiiuiig iii raniiu.i ' us fu . . - wgu. CNpensos the railroad, d.M. . Z Z ' " . M ?" " "Ml. .o- . ffm h ended ,1 3 T:.. " 9K p . '7 n curtailing the . 0 ff .e, whr U ,UorMy iZZ22Jl they might rhou Umiilr-i. r L..!? ??: bttt ,w "l' imsm. hi. ' ' m re,lm- UUlla.. v. '' ' . nn.la .. .I..II " ! mg g ROt lUMBtlAt " .l .... " ., HV4" VWl. r printing bills. While tho ,,llM 0, ,, XIJ' ,r'r m, roads will continue t0 Kh. Ma, J "'' ., . Jfc, h. ta folders at their ticket oilcu'i "" - - run." notuing. "" ""'' ftv Mm The Imilles CLPAIIIIln wnowo While (Boxes White C.miIh n.ul ! ,',? 'i?'"' cn """"'ch from 0 JTm KIIIjv ..... . " - !' I".; til Slllltll Kim, ..I .. ........... . p,,.ciy ,,... . " u tlueo trips tt day. ' noitHT & KINO. Prop.. j our Snorliiliv J. M. LAW, Mcjr i Central Ave. t.e muiiim MMirJ2 1 " w ,,) Amler, U better i.., U The Sta.em r M eimuttkui U, s,reuth "' , Cr.Morrt h "iTv Hy: A. M. SUITS CMUMtn tvit ,.....,.. lil t. I'SJ A 'mn. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLK'S PLACIS 250-X. dorstood that soino of them i.,,,t,., piutu iiiuhiug n eimrgo of r 2 ce,, for tho little publhutlous that hav. been handed mil free vu.x ,UCl ,h iiidi iHiiroivi niiTu i lr n , Hml U nttt Ktotm'h , " au 'n'iimMuwi. nh. W4 i T . t " -. "- t ii- i ittMl n.. . W nkle. tke uely imX Mu,al Uwrwr t.l.wM to tatloS ' uVpZr..,h,..uo iw f: ".. rr ? pu CITY AUTO & TAXTco" HAV AND Xlfiiin aSf?,1,.' Jor Uxl. phone 193, Ideal Cafe. I'or touring cars. nhnno Chandler Hotel -Now Cubs : . XwC I'RHIfJU'P. IIIMI LINE STUBS SAIL FROM 8TOT an Francisco Plur No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. I'hoiio s7ft. Coos Bnv Rvory Frljluy T Portland And Tllnaili.i. To San FranolBco Thomas n. JAMKa, Agent Ocean Doch; l-oruoMM i AlboraDockhJ-J Evory Batumi 0 A. M. Mantel I jt'',J'l'M'J"MaiatfgikiiiiijJ5 Ira I ! ' III I J LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS iw onic,. ... ,.; r..:r ur"a rxStSai iouoa ollenu. I feowiiomslunmnoAT"? SKI'.VICK Tarxcii rxpiticss w08 MorM.rielrt every ny h . . l.Wve.s lu,u f ,., ' Pictures Eihmin Walker Studio truNnTvou0?8l U SJJl.T p. ,, STIUMRR RAIXBow oh heart of river dully t 7 ' "I. LoaVOK Mr,,..!!!.. . . MA'iP L. 51.1 V Western Oregon ReprtH or ",nJ HAAS imOTIlKW rillllOltlTfi mill WlinlcSlIC ' 1I.hh1..I.I.1 flrOl jii.. i nn ii'iii. v.ir.' ! Tol. 301-n. Res Myrl' . fr- nuouB ' "'J uk-: at pros- Hve your Jon wnni: wu: Tisua oir!e u'ne at S T i III. p.... ..1 " ,e"1 m - p the nnnsH0TEl M r'ST""-': Marshfield V and ,l. S. KAUJMAN & CO. T ' . . . : .t.n I'ormerv or ninrsu'" I'l-oUotdis Washington am:n11L C iiwiw,,--.. -,- I , 1-SllllUI I stlumtes Fr.,ui.' vv st i mm n wnn-rii inJXI) Kwsuifew, Qrejo O, A. MetUu, Pr ll IIIM lglWggWJ J. HCAIFR i? ,