WWHfcBWfflPSMffl:1 A &"' STig'' "Tr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. JmiftdSaf .wma lVwnon; W '-THIte& w New Telegraph Service rrr HE COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE COMPANY In conjunction 0 with the PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY has perfected a thoroughly re liable and prompt telegraph service to Portland, San Francisco and all other points in the Pacific CoasS States for the convenience of Coos Bay commercial interests. A day Morse telegraph operator has been put on to supplement the Night Letter service, which has been handled by the Morse code for several months. OFFICES OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY, INCLUDING SUNDAYS. Two wires to Roseburg with auxiliary telephone equipment insure un broken service. ' For detailed information call Commercial ' r Superintendent :: :: :: Phone 27 ' Coos and Curry Telephone Company Telegraph office: Phone .1000. First National Bank Building COOS BAY LINE IS ILL BUILTi NEWS OF WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY ffW' , HUSINES9 MEN AND ARMY. PRORLEMS OP PEACE. W. H. Crawford, of Portland, Says Shasta Limited Soon Use Route PORTLAND, Or., Jnn. 7. W. II. Crawford, a local engineer, recently returned from a trip over tho new Wlllamotto Pnclfle Railway which Iibb been constructed from Eugene to Maploton. This road la a subsi diary branch of tho Southern Pacific, "In going ovor this road, which Is still being handled by tho construc tion department," said Mr. Crawford, "I was surprised tit tho stability of tho construction nnd quality of work I dono. Pooplo In Portland don't re-1 Itrltlsli Training On nips Well Con. ducted, Suy Noted Crtle. , , Ilr Associated rress to Coos D17 Times, LONDON, Jan. 7. Criticism of tho government's war preparations which was rampant during tho early stages J of tho war has largely ceased, lndl i eating that tho general public has I olthor settled down to tho belief that o cry thing Is being dono about ns well I as possible, or has tired of writing letters to tho press; Tho war offlco has now enlisted tho services of business inch of ex perience) In carrying out big ontorpris- i cm to tako part In tho work of sup plying tho army, and tho labor unions htivo voluntocrcd to watch tho oxoau- nllzo what this rond will eventually " "' , " .,T . .:"" "V iu aw nun biiu ju ujiui uilllllliiuill ami ..;W The Cheerful Warmth of a Gas Room Heater chases chill and gloom There is nothing so cheerless and gloomy as a cold room. ' Most every house has its cold room or cold corner which is avoided as a pest. The gas room heater will make such a place inviting and cozy put a tone of cheer in the entire household. LARGE SUM TO do towards opening up connection with tho coast In tho Coos Day coun try, "Of courso It required a good many hours to go from Eugcno to Maple ton on account of tho recent comple tion of tho road, but tho construction Id ns good as on any trans-contlnen-lal line. "Tho road bed had been blasted thrco times, 75-pound rails havo boon used, and ono of tho engineers told mo that ho expected In n few years to sco tho Shasta Limited running ov er this route. Thoro arc few curves, which aro so common In this country, and rations hro supplied to tho sol diers, but to provent sweating. Arnold White, a prominent writer and former colonial official, has been making a thorough Inspection of tho training camps for tho purposo of I'ctccting any scandals and misman agement. Having been a bitter ene my of tho Liberal government, his point of vlow was not prejudiced In Its favor. Ho writes: "Having visited thlrly-slx camps In various parts of tho country, I am thoroughly cheered. In tho majority of cases business men aro bundling Mm fllfffrtlH tirntilnmn nf wnr Tltvnl. ns tho engineers took tho precaution j lprf n,nnd ,inyo nQ conccnUon of t,10 to straighten out many which In other roads havo been straightened out years aftor they wore built. "Grading from Mttpleton to Marsh field Is completed and nlno tunnels havo boon drilled. Thoro nro thrco bridges to bo constructed, but one of these, which will bo across Coos Day tit Marshflcld, has tho piers already i Oregon Spent Over $300,000 1 in Nine Months Expenses i of Neighboring Counties Btato Insuranco Commissioner Fer guson, who has chargo of tho stato Bny. Roseburg & Eastern from auditing department, announces that Marshflcld to Myrtlo Point. As thero tho varlottB counties from January U a rond from San Francisco to Eur l to Soptombor 30, 1914 paid In ekt, Calif., this leaves a break of np- eomplctod. "When tho road Is finished to Marshflcld, pcoplo can tako tho Coosi thoroughness, efficiency and, sllonco with which tho War Offlco and tho Admiralty havo co-operated for tho business of preventing a German raid or Invasion. "Tho tilarm that Is still foil In some part of these' Islands Is wholly unjustified, because, firstly, tho bust- ' ncss efficiency of tho fleet under Jel- wIiIowb' pensions 10U,4G'J.I1 nnd for relief and euro of tho poor $101,980. -19. Tho largest amounts proximately only 100 miles from hero to Myrtlo Point. "While this country Is very rough, wero In Multnomah County, $22,- thoro Is no donbht that In tho near 215.09 being paid ns pensions, nntl futuro a road will bo constructed Gas room heaters are from room to room. light easily moved You can have the heat just where you need it. Gas room heaters are inexpensive to buy and cost little to operate. See the complete display of gas room heaters at the Oregon Power Company office. Every thing from a tiny bathroom heater up. Use iron pipe connections not rubber tubing. $26,301. GO for rollof nnd enro of tho poor. Clatsop County paid $20,470.77 for tho relief and caro of Its poor. Expenditures by Coos nnd adjoining, counties wero as fol lows: Widows Rollof nnd Counties: - potiBlons. ' caro poor Cons $0,951.25 $8,014.25 Curry 340.00 832.20 DougltiB ... 2(483.00 9,720.79 According to sworn reports on fllo Gilliam nnd Marlon counties paid out no funds for widows' pen sions. Tlicso disbursements appar ently bolng mndo under tho head of "rollof and caro of poor." through this territory, which will al low travelors to mtiko tho greatest part of tho Journey from San Fran cisco to Portland nlong tho coast route." WETS SPENT JjiOlV-Ol.lO. llcoo has Increased slnco war began; and secondly, becauso tho practical measures adopted by our military en gineers, if gcnornlly known, would onablo tho timid to sleep quietly In their beds. If I wero out to pick holes In our Administration It would not bo In tho general management of tho war." WOMEN TO FRONT OpxuciitH of Statewide Prohibition - Fllo Statement of E.vpotitllturcH. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 7 In tho potiBonfs country cart for sovoral rnr Auomti rmt to cow nr Times, GENEVA, Jon. 7. Tho LAU SANNE GAZETTE tells tho story of how a young Parisian womon, recontly married to n French ar tillery officer, won hor way to hor husband'n side at tho front In Flanders. Sho first tried to obtain a pass of tho French authorities. Falling iu tills sho travelled In a Times Want Ads for results. HEATERS Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 TT lODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE JADILLAC and FORD rO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF OARS Central Av, Phono 873-1 . llFor Rest Results in I LlNTING, PAPERING nutl J DECORATING E. P. LE MIEUX j Paper and Paint Store INo. Front St. P"ono 11B-R Bjinsoa joj spy liiBM. sotnix IATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS iposite Blanco Hotel, lARSHFlELD, ORKGO.N NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT I MiillrA fa 1iAnKi. nli'An iVinf tlin undersigned, administrator of tho estate of Gcorgo W. Catching, do- j consotl, has filed his final account as such administrator in tho County j Court .of Coos County, Stnto of ' Oregon, and tho said court has J appointed Monday tho 11th day of 1 4 January, 1915, at tho hour of 10 ' o'clock a. in, of said day at ilia ! cemt house at Coquillo City, Coos j County, Oregon, as tho time and . pinto for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1914. JOHN W. CATCHING, Administrator of the Estate of 'Georgo W. Catching, Deceased. First publication, December 3, 1914. Last publication, January 7. 1915. We have HEATERS at prices that will interest the closest buyers Prices range from $2.00 to $22.50. "WHY PAY MORE?" unsuccessful fight against statewide prohibition In Oregon, $61,204.10 was spent, according to tho state ments of tho various organizations which opposed tho measure. Thcso statements wero filed at Salem yes terday. Of this sum, $19,880.83 wan spent for newspaper advertising nnd $22,510.80 wont for speakers and field workors. Tho heaviest contributions and dis bursements wero mado by tho Ore gon Hrowora' nnd Wholesalo Liquor Dealers' Association. This organiza tion rnlsed a fund of $35,000, nnd nt tho closo of tho campaign had ex pended nil but a balunco of $1521.38. Tho noxt heaviest contribution nnd disbursement wis mndo by tho Tax payers' and Wngo-onrnors' League, amounting to $14,403.17. Tho Ilop growors' nnd Delators' Association of Oregon usod $8593,51. Tho Lfbernl League received and distributed $4, .030.70. Tho Taxpayers' League re ceived $25 from ovory mombor and copt ono who gave $50, nnd tho $025 thus ralsod was all spent for advertis ing excopt'$lG,50. days to tho Dclglnu headquarters. Sho mot with a polito reception nnd n polito refusal, A tall officer looked up from n map ho was studying nnd Inter vened. ' "Mndamo", ho Bald, "a French woman could not have undor taken such a voyago for noth ing." Ho took up tho tele phono nnd aftor conversing a moment ovor tho wlro said: "Your husband will bo hero soon." Ho ordered that lodgings bo found for tho young womnn, who thanked tho "tall kind offlcor" and warmly shook both his hands. Two hours Intor hor husband, puzzloi) nt Ms recall from tho tronchos, was astonished to find himself In tho ombrnco of his young wlfo. Roth wero furtlior surprised to lcnrn that It was tho King of tho Ilolglatis who had nrrnngod tho mooting. Pror. Webb of England Says Real Crux Will Come to Great Ri'Kahi Then. ttlr Assoclstdit I'tfti to Coos tlr Times.) LONDON, Jan. 7. That tho re turn of peaco mny provo even more calamitous to industry thnn wns the outbreak of war, was suggested by Prof, Sydney Wobb In a lecture on "The Terms of Penco" at tho opening of the London School of Economics. "Wo havo survived tho outbreak of tho war," ho Bald, "with amazingly tlttlo economic distress. Tho ques tion now Is whothor, nt the coming of peace, wo shall bo ablo to tnko tho steps necessary to prevent tho terms of peaco working out In misery and distress In hundreds of thousands of' households. If wo nro to .do so, tho first of tho terms of peaco, from tho economic point of vlow, must be: No disbrndment of tho nrmy. If men hnvo Jobs to go to or nro willing to tako tho risk, let them go; but thero niUBt bo nobody turned out un til thoy nro likely to bo absorbed In Industry." As to terms of peace, Prof. Webb counselled moderation. "England wculd do well," ho urged, "not to look for any Indemnity, for Indemni ties havo a habit of doing thoso who exnet them no good nt all. Dolgium, of courso, must bo rehabilitated. Wo should hope to make a peaco which would lcavo tho foo without ttntluo omblttcrment or humiliation. Hu miliation Is a most expensive luxury fcr n victor to lmposo on n vanquish ed enemy. It docs not pay to havo an embittered cnomy in tho world." STRATEGY IN ARMY' IBj Associated Pro. to Cms IUj Timet.) PARIS, Jnn. 7. Describing tho capture of a lino of trenches In tho north, n non-commissioned officer wrltCB homo of nn unusual plcco of strategy. "Tho ovonlng boforo thoro had boon n heavy fall of snow", ho said, "and tho bright moonlight showed up ovory object with ex traordinary clearness against tho whlto background. Tho 125th In fantry which hnd planned a raid, on tho onomy'a trenches, only 20 yarls away, found Its object com promised, but a corporal was struck by a brilliant Idea; ovory man pulled off his outer clothes nnd pulled his shirt on ovor Jacket and rest; thus they crept through tho snow up to tho odgo of tho of tho Gorman trenches without bolng seen, and carried tho ontlro lino." PROHLEM8 OF WAR. Use Ropo to Destroy Fences nnd Hiuid Grenades In Charges. , (0 Associated rress t Coos lit; Tte.'j ' ' PARIS, Jan. 7. Tho French" sol; dlers nro using n dovico something llko a cross-bow for throwing) hooks with lines nttnehed over barbed Wlro ontnngloments nnd then tearing them looso by drawing on tho thin ftipp. Thcso barbed wlro cntnnglohiontii'nrc constructed Intricately nnd form ticfti of Interlacing wires 20 feet wido'atfd about 2 1-2 foot high. Cutting; them by hnnd Is such a difficult prcTcesa that about tho only way thoy could bo destroyed successfully Is by hook ing thorn and tearing them free ono by one. Tho hnnd grenndo devised by tho Fronch to throw Into tho onomy's trenches when thoy nro within reach is about as largo ns a basoball. A string tldo tied to tho thrower's wrist pulls out n plug from tho ball after It has loft tho hnnd. A aprlng Is rclonscd which Bets tho fttso for tho oxploslvo chargo going. This fttso tuny bo regulated from ono Bccond to two or thrco seconds, or Inter mediate fractions, nnd tlilis adjust ed to oxplodo when It reaches tho hostile trench. MANY' SPORTS KILLED RELFORT AIR CRAFT CENTER. Times Want Ada for results. THE HOTELS i AT f mm m k w CANNON I'ROOF WALL. (11 AModstal Press to Coot ILj Times. GENEVA, Jnn. 7. Tho Swiss As sociation of lirlclc Manufacturers has seriously suggested that tho Swiss government erect n wall of bricks along tho River Rhino, extending from Rnsol to Cliur, nnd which would bo of sufficient thickness to resist tho hIioIIh from tho famous Gormnn howitzer. (Ilr Assoclttfr rress to Coos tlr Times,) GENEVA, Jnn. 7. Doth English nnd French monoplanes and biplanes hnvo recontly arrived at Dolfort and nt a fitting up In tho largo park nonr tho town, where sovoral sheds havo recently boon constructed. It wns from this point that tho English avi ators, who received tholr machines In pieces from Paris, attacked tho Zttppolln works nt Frlodrlckslinfon. I.i tho mcnntlmo tho nlr scouts nro working over Mulhntisoii nnd Colmnr, making long Jotirnoyo ovory dny ntovo tho Gormnn towns and forces and reporting to headquarters. Yes terday n Fronch aviator flow abovo the Gormnn fortress of lutein nnd wns fired upon, English Officers Who Plnyetl With Crown Prlnco nro Slain (llf AsiocUted Tress to Coos Mtr Times,) GENEVA, Jnn. 7. Tho fnmoua Crcstn bob-sled run nt 8t. Morltz will novcr again boo many of lis well known "Ico Jockoya.", whoso exploits excited Interest among' tho visitors, Including tho Crown Prlnco of Gormnny nnd tho holr to tho Austrian throne. "Tho National" bobslod "crowa" composed1 hij . & great pnrt of English officers, havo boon, decimated by war. Durlnp tho rotrcnt to Mnrnn nnd tho nu vnnco to tho Alsno, Cnp(. 5jotl)y, Cnpt. R. S. Dawson, Lieut. E. Quick woro killed nnd Capt. J. Wobu-Bowon was seriously wound ed. All four of thorn steered bob sleds to victory In the Grand1 Nn 'tlonal, several winters beating tho Crown Prlnco with his (Jet man crow. Among tho wounded offlcora nro Captain Sttttt, tho woll known Alpinist nnd skier, Capt. Abor; cromby, n daring Crosta Run rldor and young Lord Carborry, who revolutionized bobsleding nt t. Morltz, by Introducing tho prono position of tho crew. , St. Morltz will bo "dond" this wlntor nnd porhnps for many win ters without tho elite of Its Eng lish sportsmen. Tho Crown Prlnco of Germany wns n porsonnl frlond of nil tho Eng lish offlcora montlonod, and on frequent occasions during his wln tor visits to St. Morltz In tho last fivo years, thoy woro his guests at dinners and luncheons. KEEPING IN GOOD CONDITION Times Want Ads bring rosultB. Mnny pooplo suffer from indiges tion nnd constipation and do not know it. A fooling of dullness, nnd Inuguldnoss, bitter tnsto In tho mouth, hondacho, bilious fovor mqst of thoso conditions whon you "nro not sick, but don't fcol right" can bo trnccd to sluggish bowels nnd tor pid liver. Foloy Cathartic Tablots clennso tho system, nrotiso tho liver, banish indigestion and mako you "fool good all ovor" light, onorgot- Ic nnd ambitious. Sold by Tho Owl Proscription Phnrmncy. LESS CRIME IN LONDON. Johnson- Gulovsen Company The Quality Name With the Service Fame." Havo your .TOR WORK dono nt THE TIMES offlco. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Chandler Hotel (Or Associated fress to Coo. Di TIom.1 LONDON, Jan. 7. Tho diminution In crime in London slnco tho outbreak F. L. Rurckhaltor, Portland; R. T. o( tho war ,s agalll tostifed to by Perkins, Portland; T. D. Everts, Port,polco roCords giving tho totnl of all uoquilio, nffotiKos for Din nnst nnnrtnr. Tho land; William Candlln, Georgo A. Larson, Portland; O. A. weokIy' nvorago fl 2C8i coni,mr0(, with 412 for tho same porlod last f "" HOTEL DOTSON O. A. Huiison, Proprietor. Now open under new management. A home place with, homo cooking served In family style. Roard and room, .$G.50 per week. 315 South Second St., Marshflcld. Time3 Want Ads for results. Mlntoyno, Coquillo; Ron Osborno, Portland; T. H. Sroat, Eugono; W. J. Mitchell, Portland! H. S. Krlbs, Myrtle Point; E. C. Dorrls, Eugone; F. D. Kruso, Prosper. Lloyd Hotel. C. M. Rrown, Myrtlo Point; W. Dradloy, Randon; O. C. Gormlo, Port land; C. Drew, Myrtle Point; Harry Whltnoy, Dandon; Ed McFarland, Randon. Rliinco Hotel. John Lelsman, Coos River; Roy Whltted Allegany; F. O. Norman, Coquillo; John Parkor, Allegany; W. H. Stull, Allegany; J. II. Prlco, Alle gany; Dan Peterson, Myrtlo Point; J, Jf. Darker, Coquillo, year, Tho most marked decreases aro in cases of burglary and house breaking, which have almost entirely ceased. Times Want ads bring result. NORWEGIAN SHIPS (Br AjsocUImJ Pre to Coos Ur 'tlmeo.1 CHRISTIANIA, Jan. 7. Taking advantage- of tho opening of tho Panama Canal, Fredric Olsen, one of Norway's greatest ship ownors, has contracted for three 10,000 ton freight steamers, which will begin service early In 1916 bet ween Norway and ports on tho West Coast of the United States. Pending tho completion of these- new ships some older Olsen ves-l seiB win bo pressed into service, MHWhen you buying SBL Buy the tesUjjJr v . ihtii F'lfc- i . ,.,,... '