r.t -, -p-- ") R Tf.'ff?' ''$!' "J U it- ; j.hwwv tmitmiiutMibtotMb&to VWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON -EVENING EDITION. .-. . - r Mir WT-'O I . j-"i.lirS!JriUfTti - -v ." r iia vy i ' in i-j ..iM.vi'tHnn:fv(a'r'r.brMAT.u' f I II 1. I- A V I IIVIIaI v-iATISiaVE-tAM4WAVTiiaa3i2a.'.'" v-vv-kj j-x a. x . t r.j.-.- Y IT M. O. MAL0NKV, Editor nnd INli.' DAN W. MALONKV, News Ldltor i Official Paper of Coos County Entered at tho Poatofflco at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tho walls 01 aecond-class mall matter. WINNING OUIt IMMOIITAMTV. 1 .. t.. Mils mfe. conservative lmnlc deposit .cKiilai-ly ,cr C!'V nf.,rlso,l How iiHeK1y you nltl nccuinu. intoifst wo pny y Into n worltliid ni a SuvIiibs Accc II ho fiiifiiilso SJNO MB a song of a lad that Is gono," writes Stevenson rcfor liig to his own youth. Such a complota ohnnfio had como ovor him thnt ho could hardly recognize tho hoy nnd his maturo self as the same porson. Most of us have that oxper leuco. Somotlincs wo scorn entirely . different itoruuns from wlmt wo wore j ten years before. One self disap pears. A now ono takos Its place. Tho higher and nobler our purpos es aro and tho bettor they fit Into what seems our limited IntolllKonco tho general scheme of tho universe tho will of Hod evidently tho moro enduring they must bo. Might It not be that wo win our Immortality In that way, by building tip a person ality that Is worthy to survlvo and by leaving our unworthy solves behind? UK HINGKKK. It' ONK must bo wrong Instead of right ho ran at least mitigate tho wrong through being sincere. One Instinctively prefers such u wrong doer to an luslnccro man In tho right. , JANUARY 6J!---- " ' ' " " .-riKW7S?KW2KSf i - ,-rr-rf-3i s.-&vzwi&Mrrt'W?J&w&ia.'i?x.n a tsrow ....-rMa:.wi.Gptrej& Mn n &jMs&m;fw'r-"''- rWmmvSm U wk ..HJAPV 'JMHlM.'HffiV -"XV,VttVt'Jt dTk CO vSttSasawaa .'; .iWki&WS: H V .oKSf. iGF QmSjGXMSS&t, .' ac$SKw2'M .,in. wwOT 9 b A iaAWoVam7flJMfe-J.ti Wtiere's yam oiu F; g iimmy pipe? fe& S v l m-y-:: : :-":r.-.&'?f!$m Jflllll . FIRST 1T11L MI WM $M " rw COOS .BAY .. .' jTt yr " ' m WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST I good kvkninm. I I I KarucHtncss mid faith, while nt tho merry sent, aro not j enough; they must bo supple- j mented by an honest effort to j ( realize our supplications, with j j the help of Moil. I). J. llurrell. j 4, Tin: i,uinTKi:Ki'i:it. Above, below, how tho wild winds go And wrest at my ocean tower, IJut safe stniul I 'twlxt Boa and shy And laugh nt tholr ))Utiy power. They lash with might tint breakers wlillo . That frot at iny castle lep, , Ills long raco dc-un thT fiery sun Sinks In tho west to steep, i I mark tho flight of tho wings of night, Closo o'or tho restless sea, And hear tho knell of tho wnvo-swuug hell In Its ceasoloss monody. 8owIiir tho brine with Jowola divine Tho Nlghl Queen rlsiw lone, And my turret light so elixir mid bright (lrowa pnlo hoforo her own. When tho storm-god glide o'er the raging tides And night lowors chill nud blaek, 1 Hond my beam with fiery gliMim Thro' the driving mist nud wrnek. Now red, now whlto, ntliwart tho night My waiiilng flashes fly Where In the dark the labouring Imrk Might strike, nud shuddering die. - Henry Clmppell. o No matter how old it Is, no Mtte howlongJg Wok or how much you've misused or .abuscj ht dgriM jimmy pipe! Get it right back on the firing line! Jam in a bunch of Prince Albert and make some fire. Whats the answer what's the answer? Why, it'll iust about wise-you-up-some as to why Prince Albert leads the band wherever men smoke pipes or roll ttieir own cigarettes. As makin's, P. A. has the Indian sign on all the )rcbrands and chaf brands. It's the most delightful roll'em cigarette smoke you ever hooke d up a match to. Get the idea now that P. A throws a jolt into any notion you or any other man ever had about stung, bitten, nipped, broiled tongues Because Prince Albert cant bile I The bite and throat parch are cut out by a patented process. And remember, no other to bacco ever was, or is today, in the same class with P. A, the national joy smoke gives you a 99-ycar lease on some real copper riveted smokings joy. Why, P. A. jammed in a jimmy pipe or rolled into a makin's cigarette is the bulliest you ever pulled on; just puts a punch in your spirit that makes you feel like a spring morning I And you'll hear the birds sing and see the pretty flowers drink their dewdrops! You get that '76 spirit in your system 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winaton-Salem, N. C. BWV.V TBHffilV'Wt.' i.i !lillPwlif ml "" jspjl LI1F1IT iPWll j .-'nn,"'"1ri Into n werUlnw tuut. ,,loii. Try It. iiiiii is i"" " - UNDHK a'lll'3 UN'ITKD BTATK8 GOVKHNMKNT SUPHUVISION. Safely Veposit Boxes For Rent. ITT Statement of Condition of FLIIGi & BE Mnr-sliflelil ..ml Myrll.. 1 ', H.o -l f Ih.-Ihoms, l.ee. l, Ml, UMHOmU'HS. . i l,:tll.!IO Loans nud Discounts . ..nklii llonwi nn,l Itonl Bilnto .; ChiIi tuirt iSluht Mxolinngi J2 ' . ?i):n:iiJ8.ao Total : MA1MMTIHS. Surplus nndUnd. l,of.U ----V:. 7ft,i 5 Deposltg . . . Total 9ai:wH30 fe"::v:---: .'' : '"iS-iU-:":-: ;V:':': ':':.-;'$3F$l S vk5 vjrV .. ' . .... . .... ..'.' ..'3 I taz3difldt:jagMEngg3wa.wifl.!igi To Portland every Thursday isyiiiiiiiiiiii h To Eureka every Monday TIIK FAST AND CO.MFOUTAHLH S S. Geo. W. Elder KKWLY UQUU'I'KII NOHTII TAC1FI0 8TKAMSHU CO. n i nrnvmmn AGKNT W. H. PAINTER Phono 41, Mnmhflold meranKE Phono 421, North Dead wmmmmmmmmmmm And lliltn buy Prince Albtt everywhere; In toppy rd bags, 5c; ililyretl tins. I0c;und also in hand whim pound nnd half-pound humidor, w dundy fine for home or the office, S co.vrimnTun puovkiuik. 4. Doalli la u sure viator, ! A lenity kettle putfl out the fire. ' It Ib a eluudy day that HhedH rain.1 j All pitmen have liolott In them, d(idc-)t- Thu Hnhylonlaug wrote their lovo lettern on lirlcki. Nown ilwyn tho hrliltR aro not oxehaiiK od until utter marriage. Hwlft luoveiuentH don't trouble. TIkIiL poekotH don't keep wonltii from gettliiK tiwny. Kveu nprluHi will hreiik. All HturniH uro not ovll ono. TrouhloH do not always alny a life lluio. BlroiiK iliioia don't koop povurty out. A holpliiK hand In a woleonm vnott. Tho nun alwayH lilno ahovu tho cIoiuIk. -A. I(, 11. Kvury youufc mnrrlod man llkea to itaud around and honitt eoufldeutlally that ho iiudenitniuU hl wife. Hut a year later ho hain't n word to say. Abstracts FOIt IIKI.IAIIM: AIISTKACTS F TITI.B AM) l.NKUIIMATION AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIISIIKIHM) AND COQUIjI.K t'lTV, OltllOO.V OICMCIIAIi AttMNTS, KASTSIDK AM) HKXfiST ArivKN'H ADDITION' ACKNTS roil CANADIAN' PAUl-'tC KAlUtUAl) LANDS III.'N'HV KKNfiSTACKLN', MAN'A(iUIt KQUIPPXl) WITH WIUUIjESB. MB reakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. KAII.S FIIOSI MAUKIIKIKM) IH'ltl.VCJ JANl'AUV, ON TUB l-'Ofc LOWINC DATi:.S: JAN. , II) A. .M.j JAN. I), 1 P. M.J JAN. 10, W.iU) A. M.J JAN. l, I P. M.j JAN. at), H::lt) A. M. TICKIiTS ON SALi: AT POUTLAND C1TV TICKUT OFFICE, 6TH AND OAK BTIIICKTS, POItTLANI). Phono :i,VJ. O. IJ. LANUI3RS, AgeBl TiiiNds to woiiiiv Aiiorr. I Thoro are 9 1 1.188 lemon tret In California. j ST0UV l-Xllt TIN DAY. I Arlionn moIiik dry rouilmU one of ! the story two Aiinoulaua told oii da In u Miloon. Alkali Ike ordered whU-' key nnd Himpaiuler Jiick wild: "WhUkoy will wA you to holl!" 'There ain't no hell," rolled Al- l.nll Ike. Tho hell thero uln't," itnld - poudttr Jack. What Mhould lko any? I (ro.NDIi.MMJD. SioHker arM o'w Mr uutwtloui, , Min of biitlueM gt tUwlr way; llul lot m toll yum Hit I think ' About tho life win ,v toUi'. Some flud fault wtik tkw wy wo are living; Por tho mwu (by grow old; Homo will miffor nil a Ufe-Utuu Krom K lubU tuuMttruliwl. So from tutU Ilk Uu Pv utatd. Liquor hat kHtfem bKMd, Not bH-auM that It It lrlM Juit U't:ue tluU It It UMd. Bo by this you mint mmwuUor That 1 would have you know Thnt nay hat.lt Is it ba a drinking U you wUh to make it . - Aldin L. ii.ik.-r TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remintjton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CIoauliiK, repairing or now pUtciiH, work Kiinrantced. Itllilioim nnd rarlma paper ilollverwl, Phono iih your order. Phono U. Allitnro offlra. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. DRY WO AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Htroel, Plmno U70. CIIIMNUYS FIIUC PLAGK3 J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Drlrk Work at Prices That Are RIkIU And nil Work fliiimuiteotf Call at "Ths Firealde," Johnaon nidg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French HanRea, Roller Work f- BENNETT' TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, tiirplua nud undivided proflla J1S5.000.00 OPPICUHS: J. W. ilouiutt, PNMldetit Arthur UgKmwh, Secretary Tom T. IWHuett. Vlin Prwldent Htt Swanton. Tretturer TrHiiiMiot a trust hutlneea only. Ai-U at trustee of eicpreu truttt mid aliH) aa ciitor and ndmlulttrator of ettatet. The only Trust Cotiipauy In Oregon ouUldo of Portland organded under new trutt luw In thl state. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. RS CE - RICE Wo hao Jiikt rotohed a shipment of No. l Head KI.e. put up i 2. f- and Ifl-puiiml hOiiU-d eloth hat that o urc miliiig tor -:.i-r.v. V oo. r p.-nlel. ThU U iiio ury ht-M o ilu uurK.u ",nd put up in toiitcnliiu kii-e. V. kai. y,.u uiomy. ciut a m.ipt. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 394-J. KOONTZ GARAGE ICxrwlklor Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES APTO.MOIUI.KS STOItlCD .COOS COl'-NTY'S MOST CO.MPLKl'I! j I MACIIINK HIIOP ' LUINU AND AUTOMOIUIA I HlilVMItlNO ! GASOL1MS TOR SALfi I SOUTH IMIONT ST. PHONK 1H0O ' IIATTUltlKS HKPA1HBD AND ; CHAUOKD ' Low Rates for Handling Trunks I We haul trunks between nnv nntnti to Marnhfleld and do general hauling, tor reasonable rates. "" -STAIt THANSI-JIU .M STOItAOK CO. Levi llelener, Proprietor Phonos: iao..l, l.L. 08-R Now Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" nlso principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend IER1E! TRANSPORTATION CO. I Semi-weekly service Coos Bfiy nnd San lTrancisco. 5R mm do i WILL SAIL FROM SAW FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, U MONDAY, JANUARY 11, AT 3 P.M. Equipped wltU wireless mid Biibninrlfld beH. Passengers and f roiglit. . STEAMSHIP NJUIM SMITH Equipped witli wireless and submnrino bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, n THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, AT 3 P. M. Han Pranciseo office, Greenwich street plor Io. H and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McdEORQE, Phono 44. ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BP.ICE B. 118. p. 89. NO SAW EDGES on VOUIt COLTARH IX you have them lauudorca TWIN CITV'TthXm LAUNDRY -'!- OroKou for CoH Wjouiln? torfi jMHt' The IouK; M .' arc grand Put Tho OooULA rtti l!avltOiHk L u TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- s swr.,ia sTtta jsurtSSji durahle fram B(t material at the right nrlet we know our kil C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. uiCTAir. di5ivut.u:nt l.liv.JIIK lH',1' UU,h l 'nVO l,V l'S 0l 'OOD I HUM. 1UU. 182 KOI Til UltOADWAV I T1i lAiUok' CLEANING WORKS ' Wliii (JUne, While fwiu awl I Wlks are ur SpefhiUj- J. H. LAW, Mar l'Unt j.... 3;4 Ctntrul Ave. . . nw I Commutalion nn Tickets $2.00 ZU 4snlifleId.North IJend Anto Une 'r every ten itilntitoet from (1 . m U 11! p. m.; to .South hloiili (inco n lay. leaiu( at U 11. m.; to Kniplre three ti-i a iluy. GOI18T A KING, pfopi. KltKIGIlT. rf,!BT8f STOHAGE AHHDW HIE STEAMS -SAIL FltOM- San FranclBCo Plor No. 2C. Every Wodnoaday 3 P. M. II Phono U78. Coos nay Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS ll. JAM13S, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Alhora BocU No. S ETory Saturday 9 A. M. Marshflel4- M ITS CI.KAVKD AND PUKSS KIJ H ITS MAlill TO OltlUCIt ilr. IS A TIMAI UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY IKIYI.K'8 PLVC15 856 Central Ave. IMioha ORn.v - Pictures Framing Walker Studio " I I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I)A AND NIGHT SKUVICB I For taxi. nhnn. 1fi' 1.1..1 n-. For t,r ":,.. "'"".!: l' "' BUAUf" ft A. II. IIODGINS ' . j-uuuu su I '1' Chandler Ilotet Mnrcllfiolrl PAINT AND IA.NN MMIIUTII, Prop. ' '"""um DrrORATINR ffl i Now Cars I I-tliiiutca VnmLiK.,1 I New Cabs MATT li. MAV Western Oregon Roprosenta"l or HAAS HHOTHKHS Inipoitciu and AVhoIosnlo fir luaiBiuiuiu. uiok ..s I Tol. a04-R. Res. Myrtlo Ml C THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of MnrshileW WASHINGTON AVMNl" , 8TAHDHN STfil NOHTII IJWNP 1 r Mi --- a ,W raone EOS-J, I Marsbilcld, Orcso. O. A. MctllH. Prop. w 1 1 fawsTMiaps; ;?wuSft. raatKHUHw