wSSBSSSSiSt si jv two x, IT FACT hi pfiiin Dnin ninnir I III hllllll II II HI I UUIIIIIX 111 UUUU liunu iiuiih -TiiSd, Mara " Base is Most Import- I ant Part of Work. WASHINGTON', I). C, .Inn. 5. An important factor In tho financ ing of good roads by county bonds is discussed by tho nutliors of lltille tln No., 130, nt tho United States Dopartmont of Agriculture, entitled "Highway Honda." In .this bulletin tlio authors point out that in expending inonoy raised by tho sale of highway bonds tho highway commlslonors should dis tinguish carefully between tho per inncnt, and the pcrlshnblo features of tho road. Fonnilotlonfl, drainage Btructur.os, alignment and grades, l 1 it: -, i nil r i n 'I H II nro pcrmapent rcoiuros which buohiu your Hishop-oiect. bo looked upon in tho light of an rr10 iroslilInR Ulshop having taken investment. If thoso features do notor(jor from my Consecration, I now comply with a certain stnndard, It . ,rjto t0 V0 y01, necessary facts and will bo poor economy to spend mon- oy on transitory Improvements such as hard surfaces, which must be renewed nt conslderablo oxpiinso from year to year. Iocal conditions, of course, dolor mlno to n- great extent tlio proper standards for tho permanent fea tures of any highway. Twenty yenrs " -" """ ' '"" - in modern road building , howovpr, that thero la a which any road built on nonev should comiilv with. cxperlanvo lias shown minimum borrowod money should comply with. A cloflo,i?(ii(y pf 211 dlfforont typeg of road , shows that to moot this minimum otandard, tho following sums wJ.l,l -pcobnbly )mvo to bo ex pended (or tlireo standard kinds of highway; , , A study pf tlieso figures will help counties to nvpld tho common error of first Ixlntfntlip sum to bo spent nnd tlion demanding nn exorbitant mlloaKo In return for It. So-callod macadam roads have been built with bond money by simply spreading broken stono In tho mud, Tho lnovlt nblo results of such shortslghtodnos In that long boforo tho bonds havo been paid off, tho Improvements for whlrh thoy woro Issued Imvo coased to exist and tho county linn nothing to show for Its IihtwihciI dobt. In tho samo way, it Is mani festly pqor policy to build an ox penslvo surfaco on tofoclvo grndoH with popr alignments and shortlived drnluDKQ .feuturci, Kvcn wlion much of tho money expended upon a highway has gono Into tho nprmnnont fpatures, there is still .dauRcr that the cost of re pairs nnd mnlntqnnnqp will bo over looked, or n least slighted, In tho calculations of tho road builders. Whpn. roads nro built with borrow ed moiioy It s especially , Im portant to avoid this error. Oi tho otho;- hnnd, howover, it Is. not necessary to rogard thu total cost of Hurfaclng n road as n temporary Improvement. Much of tho surfacing nmy bo classed im a pormanont Invostmont, for it H becoming more nnd tnoro common to have surfaces built In two courses, th0 lower of which Is dm much n permanent foil uro of construction nH grading Itself. Tills Is very truo of thoio typos of rond that nro built with concrete foundations for bltumlnous-mai'iulnm brick, or asphalt surfaces. It In proh nbly consorvHtlvo, mjeed, to, regard iu perjcent.i tbo mirfncInK cost of manijlnm or pioru umlurln pn'vn montH iih n jiormnuonl Inviwtment. U Ih BiJliVmn Ifowa'dilyH tliut hard ronda iirii'ponnlttod to wear into tho foundation lourso of (ho surfacing, I'robably It Is uafo to say that nn nverugo of ubout 02 per font of tho total tost of ii woll-bullt maca dam roid should b6 put Into tho permauujit, jfonturos, nnd with bltu-inlnouH-inheftdnm roads, ubout 5C per cent. This method of ostlumtlng cannot bo applied tu any gravel orlepcroft. tho Hplwopal rosldence, on natural mil mn.i in .ili,n',,n....iu . ,,f ii,.. ;,,r. i. ' i of ho mirravliiK onn bo ndvantiigo- .,1 ,.",,,rr,, ,u"":,". ' on under most stums of muliituimiu-e It Htoadlly deteriorates. Itoadg built with surfaces entire ly or concrete, qr with brlek mvo, I li.uiuH rwiiiig on n concreto foun dntlOH. nro KOimmllv r-..,K., -r...-.rf "niMiiTn. tin z. rrrv w, ,n- '",o "t' Miriuwi iiiii-k- surfaces may last number of yours, but ov repairs . tit be required . TO Ulllll ..111.. tllO Hl'lllIlM Of tlila bulleiln 4)nlut out that the iniiiMi iut of t roq.l u nover thy Uul ouo; thai,, no auhitw Is pnpHent, , and that romlm nnd maliiteaui'e clmrses 1 nlwHja be uecuswiry. ' On the other hfliul. innHy feutim ui u kooii rg. nrv to ho roanlet ns permanent Unostiu.mta wtm.. roads nro built with borrowed mow cy, tho distinction between the per- pament and the temporary Improve- iiient must be rarutully observed, in , orner mat tlio county way have BoniethliiK lu oxclwiBBe when the tlmo come to roimy the loan. Thoso familiar with tho eastern mlstlotoo only have no Jdoa 0f tho great lo,ses duo to this ,rB1,u, ,n tho forostu of th counts next lo fire ui,, - i. WlU. it i-ui the ftuiuuiit of diinuib'O I per.uai.ont. hut It Is not sot defl- ,7 MV,umm l" " 19 nltely k,,ou how Iu"k he tl' " ,mw,,H,l,l' "y1" "y rrhl. I .hall ,... . . . . . h. . :Kl!Ht once sot about to fin, l THE M U MB - J . - t m m t n m ' T f nnilF WPQT RfinM Mil V I HhL-UI UUUII uu Rev. R. E Brcwij Lei tor From Bis nop .mi- nor Telling of Plans The Rev. It. B. llrownlng Just prior to Ids departure for Portland this 10 ihb uLimiiun. . week received a letter from o Sumner of tho Oregon diocese .. Indicated that his stay in would have to bo longor pectcd. Tho cousecratlo Walter Taylor Sumnor as Orocon will taho placo In the catho- dral of St. I'ctor and St. Paul In Chi- enco on January C. Tho letter of the nishop-oloct Is as follows: jty ,0ar Hrothor: j with prnyor and careful thought I scntj you this, my first greeting ns . Gxnr,,gg tho hopo that through somo happy circuniBtonco you mny ho nblo to bo present nt my Conse cration. My first hopo was that tho Consecration might bo In Oregon. Af ter canvassing tlio situation, howov- Point of going amongst strangers. L'" ,? ,.i.ii. .. i i.n ron.ncrnlo.1 lh0IIRh kindly ones, to bo consecrated J" J , u ,,?'., ' ., nlv fri,.nds 1$, t0 w on, i W relatives nnd thoso to wiiom J . ..... i . .... iinr. haps this Is only a natural desire. I , Bpeody collapse of tho American ted am sure you would feel much tho , eratlon of Labor, same If you woro In a similar posl- And In the very ranks of tho Amor tlon. I regret, howover, that I cannot, Iran Fedorntlon of Labor woro to bo ho Biirroundpd with my clergy and la-, found thoso foolish enough to be lly nt tills particular time. I umo that It will not' bo posslblo for you to couio to Chicago for tho ser vice which will bo huld nt tho Cath edral on tho Feast of tho Kplplmny, Jnnunry Blxth. If you find thnt you can, you will bo most heartily wel comed nnd entertainment will bo pro vided. May f nsk you, howovr, If you will not offer tho Holy Kiiclmrlst on that day at your Altar with tho spcrlal Intention thnt I may prove myself worthy of tho high offlco In tho Church to which (lod, through you, tins called mo, nnd with Ills com. inundation both hero and hereafter. I nm nsklng thu standing commit tco to take cltnrgo of various mat ters In connection with iny coming to Orogou. First, 1 deslro to tncot In couforencu you, my clergy, on whom 1 bIiuII rely 6 strongly for support. I Bhpuld llku to havo this preceded by n celebration of tho Holy Com munion, If It can bo arranged. Tho ti-r.tatlvo program which 1 am sag nesting Is ns follows: ' Thursdny. January 21st, nt thu Cathedral In Portland, celebration of tho Holy Communion at eight o'clock following Immediately by breakfast', nt which tlmo I can moot you. tho L'finforimcit folbiwlliu' liiililinlliilnlv n! - - -- - n I no o'clock. At eleven o'clock iv ser vice of enthronement nt tho Cathedral intended by tho Clergy and laity. un mummy anornoon or evening somo sort of n reception of n very n.n.i.iu, iiui.imin nm.., in which nn of tho laity nnd clergy and tho public i i.uku nuuiu uu muuu hi iuui moi;uu was naseu was contrallxcd power. I 'i ......v. On tho following Sundny 1 will preaoh nt Trinity Church nt thu luvl-, iniiiMi oi uiu rvuiur, mu uev. ur. tluflll I JJlitltf link ltlllkll... .. ,.o..... i nin uiu iiimiuiiuii iUkui.iiuiiuii iur uio rank and fllo. r lireach heio on my first Sunday In Thulr main slock In trndo was tlio ' Oregon, hecauso of tho slxo of tho I. nil. tin. r ii,., i,.i..n..ui...i rhiircU building, tho Pro-Catlutlral, us 1 understand It, not having a bug) sontiiiK imparity. 1 shall nt ouco bu gln visitations to tho dlfforont parlsh- eg and inlwilons, In order to acquaint IllVlinlr ivlll. v.... n... I ...... ......I. ...,..,. ...... ,.... ...... ,, ,n, I shall not bo nblo to occupy lllsh-'nu i-"-" . imvu, uioroioro. nntuwitwl the Sisters of St. John Map- t "' tho KplKopal residence ror tho present until soluble provl- slon can be inndo for them Inn build- lug to lie provided or ..,,,. r to bo built, ns, Ioimw bout. .""".. u.o ... i ne niTopiw tne imitation of . llin l)ai llu l....l a .. t . .. r..r mv .,.,.. : ,"r u a',;, , ' ...v..v, . un. permuuentl). Tbo iuhIUiik address I,B' lrUitMl. Oroumi ' ho,w tUut "" Chilstmas season wlU Urln )0U m,lcl1 J and ldesnK ,,rHy conatantly duilmr this holidav M"n that uol will ble.i us all In our rt to make the Chunh lu ur'011 lnm factor for rlKht coiisneas. FultUtully nd affectionately yours ttAl.TKlt t. SPMNnt. The ltev. lt. l. lirownliiK MarshfleW. Oreo. t. It. llru Oregon. A' log rf MHtalllluar nun inilli.,.. feet of iwdar. said to lw the lr.. lever floalu.1 mi n.a n..... .made tho uivTtrZ ,nV m , , n,Iy , ... ,l"? ' w " Columbia I'uxet Humid ii ,.... ..... . . . "" ' .001 I.HlK 1111,1 TO f.. ' f. it .ui ui tbo . ..... . ' I .,,!,. "- JU ,WI "- I jJ.ji.UAi COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON I H ibwbii Labor Journal neraw tors' Organization ti.o fniimvlnc article, headlines nnd nlI ,s reproduced from tho Zanos- " .... , .,. nrrfpinl i vll.e, Ohio, ui uo ,..-....- orBnn f tlio local muu. """ lal)or evor bad: T,.. ,, w, w, a.XSO nntlAii llin.n WITIf ri-XKKAl; SKItVICKS I VSI0VAIM.;S W1K IMtMI)ICTHI I ; ' " , ., . ,m NOW STItAXDIID. MnwnuMiL Wns Liiiimlieil by a Set of Fools nml 'J'bclr Talk nnd I'iii- Brum Was of Hie Same Caliber. (Hy Jamos W. Mullln.) Itccently In the city of Chicago r..i .nrvirn. worn i.ol.i over that organization which was to tnko tho I Plnco of tho American Fedorntlon of UUor as the pillar of American un- "" as uio m..ur .h ... ,,,. . The visionaries who Instltt Industrial Workers of the Wo stltutcd tho orld Just n iow years hku n wi "- - . t..1.. Il.n H 5 HUT RANDED prc-!"ovo uint inesc umiu u.cor.sis ero on tho right track in screeching nols lly for Industrial unionism, direct ac tion ami sabotage How It Stinted. Tho organization started In with nolso and nonsense, blustor nnd bab ble, nnd nothing elso, to revolution Izo tho lnhor movomont of this con tinent. Its Instltulers had visions of cap turing thu world In n fuw brief years through main forco. Tho groat Industries of tho world woro to bo taken possession of nnd operated In the Interest of and solely by tho tollers engaged In thorn. Tho capitalist class, Including tho great trndo unions, was to bo wiped off tho focoof tho earth and Utopia UBhOred In nmld tho trlu.nplmntl blasta of tho trumpets of tho work - lug class, headed by the dreamers and downright knaves who launched this destructlvo organization. lllg Ixnl Itulnnl. In tho beginning the Western Fed- oration of Miners wns foollMi-onoiiRli .. ..,.,. . ri.l...awiiKill organization, and remained so until Its very foundation was shaking and trombllmr Lomusn nf ii. uii.i trombllnir bornuso of Mm uii.i mi. I -- ""- . riMlHOimhlrnnaa nf Mm nnu-.r.. I ... "" ii i- viour oi uio worhiiiK class. Finally, howovor, It wltlnlrow, but ' was uuablo to fully expo! tlio poison until Its greatost and most powerful imiii us greatost and most powerful ' local union, nt Ilutte. Montana, wns lutneu ami riiiiiou. Tho Idoa upon which tho orgnnlza- !... .h ,, uiuiiKU uio roil-'Kwi , tongued soap boxors who meandored about tho country spreading Its prop-1 .Mor-.ngunun wero nlways volublo In tholr ' U fill it It tail.... il . llnido of llos hurled at tlio advocates .r - i . . . if --niiri. .....I ui....i. . . . . . ..i -i-i irHuo unionism.-'- ' "" - "" '" -uu,1(( t,olr W01.k Th ,,, ,. ., ImwM by Finds. ":'r1"' ,, i blood of ,.,ls nnd poisons. Sol.Ho Uio fact that l.Utory had nmiiyl,, No "Mrotloii will ii.duco 'nio Owl Pl.nrmncy tlmos, nnd ot very repflin ,i, ul" ""thorltle to Ihmio uassnorts. 'through tho Knights of Lsbor iiuuu ............. ... . ' ,,,u" """""iwi uio ininrnct pniiiiitv nf .....I. i organisation ..f i.iu... meant nothing to either tb t!.!! ... . . "Ul" l" naos forces ur uio fools, and the Indiutrli Workers o the World . !i? ,by both, who woro to ,2 eat out of their hnudB tlimin.1. i J BOt " l'h"nr" ,0 crog8 ll,e 'rentier InstrunMmi... r ..' lueinpwuled.- , v ' ' uui-vi Hcuun audi sabotage.' Loud wero tho shouts and UoUtor- au tne oond.ict f n,u ". ,x. ,ors. So ,m TOri - much nolso did they succeed in : r.- for H umo ,Ki. Serloiu: some timid, yet ,, .1 led to HdIi.v. .i ,. .. ?' i-rg Use ItliACK SII.K 6TOVK I'OlilSlI Tor Snlo by sc HiioiiiiKu uu.nKxmtAxn riiono 17, "T . .1 is?i! f!J;!?" . iLkLilLL - ' , TUtbUftI, JH""""1 ' dn.i nf Labor was lo bo swept nwar Hkc chaff by a whirlwind. umwllitp .Men See Mlit Hut 'as the years passed the great mnM of sensible working men saw i.n nrnaturo In Us trno light nml spurned association with It. Bimrnou nssociuwu ,ra ,,0rum, .mo '" M"" ZZTXZXSt ';.,,,,,;.. St. John leading I rt T nnn ilm ntllCl". cne faction aim w " - This war of tno incuun ...--- tho vmkm sn,o of " ,nld? . .-.. . ii, i, 7 r h ofa. n il man.pu.auo,, o - - the few mBu . i", " "lv. at tho recent Chicago convention. ,nt of lniM)HsllilIltiv. Thoro will doubtless never bo an- othor convention of this band of Im- iposslblllsts. Tho needs of tho worker aro being I properly cared for through tho trade union movement under the banner i,.f ilm American Federation of Lnbor, n.i wlillo tho advanco Is not ns rap i jd n8 gome would like to seo It, and I Tho interests of tho vorkors can jbost bo served by all remaining In I tho presont fold. Tho Workers loT tho World quarreled and stoimo.l Its wholo life through, with friend and foo alike, and Its career foretold Its , tnd. I It Is dead. Peace to lis ashes, and mny Its misguided followers travel , tho path of progress In the future. RUM AUTOS 01 II PRODUCTS n o - ni: pno his sccrotary, Miss Fom llobu- nnd i Germans Seize Belgian, Coal (llinr,lnl lBW wn ,cclHrotl( cl08lI1K To Manufacture Benzine tI0 t10r two niodna of tho town.! For Their Automobiles isovomi fires, supposed to bo of in-1 inrAHuiMrrM.i.c.n.7Ti1nM.j condlnry origin, occurrod ltunio- PARIS, Jim., r.. An attncho of dlntcly nftor martini law wnu do tho Ilelglnn Office, who oicapod , elared. ' from tho capital recently, says life Mr. Wlognnd Is nn Invalid, lmvlnB thero Is not as dlsagreonblo as In ono log, though ho hurries nbout othor llolglnn cltlos. largly on nc- "Is buslnosa ns spry ns ever. Ho count of tho Influential prosonco oiib property in Mnrshfleld nnd also of tho American minister. "The at Dandon. I prlco of food has not greatly In- creased, and the peoplo who hnvo akukst AT SOI. NIC It monoy to buy It nro not suffering," i ' " ho snld. "Hut tho broad which Is; ., , s, ... . . . ' Istrlctly ratlonod (30Q grnms n day1.,. fn "',,7, n,!...!. T. Um niVv,"'8 ,,,Bt nrro8t out nt S""U101 !"?. ',. " ",in" J' " ',.8 "SlWodnosdny when ho took CIup 1 "m 1 2o m'yse IrtVannot oat It ' ",,,,,,w n,'n8 ltromi' ",l" M,"l0,,y ?J0 Tid JuoSm 2 rious Thi1""11 ,,rn"Kl,t Wm Vr "r0 ,,,,,, W ,m ' J'"- imB ' 'T ,"r " i " "I"? " ,n "f 22 who Is charged .nw ......w4vB ui uivtui, outiivuu nrtlrln nt thn pllllilrnn'a llnl Tlin . ",...,;.. ...... ,.'..: . .. .ilu so doughy (lint lt cnIlnot ,l0 gonkod, milk or broth It forms tho mnln.n. m.. ......, , ,: ,...'.. mt Brent many r , V I1, n V , . , dre , nro lyl,"g " c$ 'dr from In- I , K holfIro,lon,,ort nt "co "",l ."..' ..,... ..C.7 . . . ill,olr rocognltlo.mvns mutual. -CO- :.0i.,i ... . ... . . . i ivmiimi uiiRHiBUS uruilglll OH 1)1 llll . ... -.., lui'iiur lut'iiine. "Tho lack of fuol :s anothor hard-! ! ship. Noarlv nil tho coal Hint ronton , by cnnnl from Charlorol Is tnkon by ' 'tho (lormnns. who mitniifnetiim i.mi.1 tho (loriiinns. who mnnufneturo bun- lno for tholr automobile from It in Inrgo retorts that they lmvo net I up In tho suburbs ot IlruiMJolB, mid I i very difficult for tho peoplo to even ino small quantity they requlro for cooking nurnosos. "Kvory woek 2,500.000 francs I11500 - 00") war Indomnlty hnB to . . I ' "" "u,r lo ",u t'Orman trenmiry' rr,olnU T,l, Kilovoiu hiirdun t '" i'". nml Increase tho al- ru.i.. i. . . rruiiK liai. . ,.. ... . . .i . .. ,.x - n"a thu illul'llanU Rio to all lu- 'loillu u.,.1 . "" iiii"hwi prisoners in tno fciiMMH iny. i gimpiMl out of tho I ol,y at t,U8k- d after wunderlitK . , , .. ' "H" '" l" ds. Kot In tU mm r neptaw. chwo to tho U,,U'" fro,',,"- 'l'"-' wItl until l.l'MIMilt IIOOM COMI.Vti . T. . ! i) lliqillllON .MICIKly UoccIvihI ...o.ooii Fwt (in to Cnliroiiilii POItTI.ANM) Ore.. Jan. 3. That an llinirnviiiti.tit i.. i... i i . . '" l",, ,l,,"UBr " ll,18tT will make Itself ina.,ifofiti won. Is Indicated In tho larxe mini-1 her of lnulrles rocolvwl by the donl- nun transportation rnm.mnUa Swayne & Iloyt bua arrangod to tr.uisMirt 750.000 feet of i, f Southcin California in the last few day. It declared that many '""re orders for seudtnit Ono., i'r to tho sm destination likely are to be dosed within the noxt ' week Some of tho product going, fcoutli is for big Umbers which will I uo useu ror bridge construction. It wld that lumber will be neled before a great while m tho mining a s.rUts of the Southwest, and much " i oxiiected In ha ca.i r- ortkiid In KiikUiui 2o.0O0.00O "iri'rj1".1! .- ,.. ., rtuv n'l Iiortuulty of bidding for the business w uuuii eium nn r remiy. U to mM mt ono Qp tw. l "" rr iiiiium .hi. nn(. ...- ha., ..i., .; - '' i"vi. ami tue tonna ge for "vjiiiS tueui secured. msmmm v m..apy R. 1915-EVENING EDITION. - . . nnam CDrFtHHtLU MAN HERE DH BIISIMESS's.-sfT-- - - wm. Wlcoand, hormcr Ownoi of Saloon Put Out o Bus, ness By Governor William Wicgnnd. owner loon in Coppenu-m ...!. 1 II. ii of business whoi 0ov L1..A.1 law then ...... "".. aftorloon on I ' " " ':..' l.nrn for a and ho declared his liellcf that the town will again boom. 1 teillnK tho story of the trouble i..,i,i Mr. WioKitml declarmi emphatically that two of tho saloons ' In tho town, the ono uoiongniB i blmsolf and a second owned 1 Mayor Stuart, were obeying tho Iiiwb of the state. Ho lays tho blame' fnr nil tlio tlOtlblo Oil tllO UOUII ui n arcck who moved his saloon Into the residence section of tho town, nn net directly at variance with nn or" dlnnnco of tho city. When commanded lo move back again tho tlreok camo nnu in i weeks hnd roturned to ins lormur location where, nccoiuing to .hi. ...iMI1.i ll0 ,0f0,i (h0 mnrshni nnd refused to appear boforo tho city r(,r0nler. Ilo wn9 ntor brought before thnt offlcor mi in,i ,u llconso revoked. It was then that this Greek, says Mr. YVIognnd, In compniiy with nn ex-convict naiiiod Hums, circulated a petition nsklng tho Intervention of tho (Jovernor on tho grounds thnt tho other saloons wero not comply ing with tho laws, woro running dnnro halls and gambling dens. Following this tho tlovornor sent .. ,.. nlll . HlllllMni. nll once. Willi wrniivlniT y.imrii MnLMll n tflrl ...... ...v..n...n ...ri...l . rt" ' . . ..... '" ,(-,nr or "rroal "u Ioft "omo 8onio tmo K0. lmt mtori ,or n,0 iiitino of Hrown, cnino back to Sum- OlTlfTT QI.'V'1'INMI vwiuijl. Dl.. 1 1.NAlj. THIS IS A HAD .MONTH. Tho Indoor llfo of wlntor. with luck of outdoor oxorclso. puts a heavy load on tho kldnoys. Nearly ovoryhody mitten from rhoiiinntlim, bsckneho. pain In side nnd back, klduoy nnd bladdor allinonts. A buckncho mny not moan anything sorlous, hut It cer tainly doos not menu nuythliiK Rood, It's hottor to bo on tho wifo sldo 0y nil nnd tako Foloy'H Kid to strengthen and In- vlgomto tho kliliiwn anil Ii iRiinti 1110 KlllHl') Illlll II elp thorn ! "m HEATERS Wc liaVC HEATERS nt nrionc iul ...... n! .ai..P,ICeS lMtU Wl" '"tCrCSl tile closest buyers Prices range from $2.00 to $22.50. "WHY PAY MORE?" f 1 -, , Johnson-Gulovsen Company "The Quality Name With the Service Fame." , . tll0 Na 717r'' First, National Bank of Coos Bay . . In the State of uroKum itKsoimons. ..i TllenniMlId .. t t i i.onns mm ...iiriil 1 lOv0BlB1r, '";; ",r;,;,,,,i,m io;; , - j -, UB,. ;-. Loans nmi u.n.ui... """ , " .,,mi,lo nnd Saving .. """" 7 wa Unserve ugentH iiii"." Cities .-K Hesorvo-' Cities ther Cash Itoms ... '.mn.iM Sororities, etc.. (omer i " ''': ' 8"; Stock in Kedernl Hesorvo naf'-'''9'y,,t wnBiMii.i UnkR o,,Bo. ininiiui.u .....-- NVlFt tU" linn from National Hanks (not ruhu..u "' arrived ' ' ' uml ,,r,Vnto Hanks nnd DnnkarH, ;? s, , . .' f ()(lll,r Kallomit ItonkB .......... .. Knic0BnI Paper Currency, Nickels, ami U ? 18.0008 , . .-...i.,- vtos isri.uu ,;,,, KMnrt will. U. 8. Treasurer, (5 qr 'cont. ()t rreulutlon) ,",')".', '; "- ( LIAIULITII'M s ,,, .iri, .,..1,1 tl gmAm ftllltl ymUv,(0(, ironts, loss Kxpensos nnd xntlonnl Hank Notes OutstnudliiK puo to other National Hanks n.m ... a,nin nml 1'rlvato Hanks nnd ImUvlillni deposits subject to check. 1)emnU(1 CCitiriciitea of doposlt. Tlmo corllfleates of deposit payablu Time deposits pnynblo after 110 ilnys days or longer Certified cheeks pn,,lloi..a'i')utRtnnillnir savlnua iIuiiohUm Postal Savlnga dopoBlts Total 88I,SB0.1I Stato of Oregon, County of Coos, m. I, Horsey Kroltzor, CubIiIoi- of thu iiliovo-niinioil lmnlc, do Bolotnnljr swear that tho nbovo Btatumont 1h truo to thu best of my Icnowledgo nml heller. DOHSI0Y KUKITXI3U, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo mo this nth dny of Juntinry, 1015. ANNUO SMITH, Notary Public. Corruct Attost: W. S. CIIANDLHU, WILLIAM OUIMUS, W. U. DOUtlLAS, Directors. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remlnrjton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, ropnlrlnK or now pUtcnw, work Kiinrniitcod. Hllilions nml crlx)B pupcr dc-Ilverctl. IMiono us your orilcr. IMiono -it. Alllnnco offlc TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Copltnl, surplus and undivided profits J12G, 000.00 C OFFICERS: J. W. Ilonnott, Prosldent Arthur MelCoown, Sccrotnry Tom T. Hunnott, VIco Prostdont Ilonnott Swnnton, TrenBurer Transacts n trust huslnoss only. Acts us triiHtco of oxpross trusts and also ns oxooutnr nnd ndmlulstrntor of oBtntos. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outsldo ot Portland organized under now trust law In this state Times Want Ads Bring Results SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA BUY THE VERY BEST SSS BUHER Creamery zti:l SrADR UMIKlt SAX1TAUV CONDITIONS IN A ? CLUAN AND MOIlUltN FAcrour. . STKItlMKliu MII,K ANIl OUKA.M. PURE ICE ,1'rco delhery, 8 n. .... ,,.i.l u ,,. ,, Phono 7!J. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, HOTHFi JiOTSOX O. A. Hunsoii, I'niprletor. Now open under now management. A homo place with homo cnnn... sorvod m family ,tyle. Board an room, $0.50 per week, I Second St, MarghfleUl.' 31a South i i hMMajUH mm, condition of ni Mm rtosn nf IhIbIiiprh n.u.i - - ""v'ir 9i2n.191.74 1.200.06 000,00 200.00 1N.753.30 1.133.34 rs.coo.oo l!.210.C6 li.IC2.00 78.IC4.22 1.8R8.H 1.800.00 l 191.80 5,000.00 ?88l.2no.H ? 1 00,(100.00 18,000.00 0.800.GI !tr..'j9r..oo i.--'-'"1 ft i nnn nn s'fi.s.ia.u t I IIMMMMIIHM H I I ill Tnxoti paid 3.001.CS HniikorB !IH. 1177.82 110,19151 1,775.00 Un.SC8.47 77.C05.IJ within !I0 clnyH or nftur notlro or i)0 .'in o.oo . -in.ri23.Cl 20,071.05 REHFELD'S AXSrO CAMKItAS A.NHl'O FlIiMH AUT POST CAltDS m:v yuAit oauds MVUTliHWOOl) NOVIHl'IKS REHFELD'S -.!( (Vol nil Avoiiiio. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO HUPPL1KS FOIt ALli MAKES OP OAHS a 17 Control Av. Phono R73-I' All kinds of FINE CHEESE I CoiihIIIo and Mt. Hood llutter I Frohh Ekks, Eastern Oyhtei-s. I Fluli. I COOS 1IAV OVSTEIt CO. I Palnco Meat Market. I IMiono :SC-1-J. I I I I The Bay View Hotel Under new management FLORENCE, OREGON Offers the best accommoda tions in the city Thoroughly Renovated Dining Service Unexcelled - to Please Ynnro Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke "jwH' ML trr-v. J3"K2E csn Msafflir: