'HEN A BIG MAN GETS INTO A SMALL JOB HE ALWAYS ENLARGES THE JOB A Marshfield Woman onco said: "I buy advertised articles bccnuso thoy nro Invariably worth what 1 pay Tor thorn." Tho (Ham Stmes The Determination of valuo received In advertising llos solely with tho results secured. Try tho columns of Tho Coob Day Times they aro clean and dcpondablo. Tho readers of Tho Tlmos havo confldonco In tho adB appearing therein. . morchanta with tho boat reputations for Intogrlty and honoBt morchanulso, aro without exception, Uiobo who advertlso tholr goods uncoaslngly. HKMBEK OP THIS ASSOCIATED Vlllitm mn WOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mntl. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. til ESTABLISHED E : RUSSIAN POLAND. BOMBS AT DUNKIRK (nnounce That Flying Machine Dropped Explosives in English tuiiiiiuiiiuuii oiurus, oausing lerrinc explosions With Heavy Loss of Life. CLAIM GAINS AGAINST FRENCH NEAR ARRAS' AND REPULSE OF ALLIES IN BAYONET ENCOUNTER w heat Amid Flour Reach ' Highest Prices In Year; 4 Consolidation of Times, Const MnU wml Cong Itnv Ailvorllstr No. 142 ,- i. WILL CERTIFY TO CARGOES llh East Roland, there is Little Change, Says Berlin Statement, Biit Advances are Claimed Neai; Rawka River and East of Bzura Weather Band. ' (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) BERLIN. Jan, 5. (Via Wireless) Announcement is made that a portion of Russian Poland occupied by tho Germans has teen provided wjtli a civil administration unclor Horr Von Jrandenstein, German air men, it is also announced, dropped bombs on ho British ammunition storeson the outskirts of Rosendael wnd Gourskerque, near Dunkirk, France. Tho explosions kill- id a number of persons and sot tiro to a portion ot one of the mlagos, Hie official Gorman statement this afternoon says! "In tho est. at a point north of Arras, we blew up a French 'trench ZOO vards in length. Wo also took some prisoners, A coun ter attack of the enemy failed. In tho Argonno wo repulsed ievoral French advances, A French attack between Stein- bach and Uffho z was reou sed after a bavonet encounter. If "In the East, the situation in East Prussia and Northern tiio stnto, Treasury and common Roland is unchanged. Our attacks east of tha Bzura River, ! uiartmonts, nftor being domiciled Near Kosslow-ain-Skunl. and south of this location, are nro-' l0 Amior V0,,IB Hcnt fressing, We also advanced at a point northeast ot bolinow. here were no changes east of tho Rawka River nor East of the hoighths north of Rawka, On tho right bank of tho Pilicia, Bho condition of roads and unfavorable weather aro Interfering mh our movements." .uasn wear bens at 3i.3b in . Chicago Today, Highest in j Forty Years There 'EUROPEAN WAR IS I DIRECT CAUSE OF IT FROM AMERICAptirpSsS in I at $6.40 Per Barrel EOUR ALLIES SHIPS SUNK BY GERMANS FRENCH CONTINUE TO CAIN n Aiaocltted I'rmi lo Coos nr Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. C Tho decision of tho United States government to cortfy enrgocB nB to tholr exact contonts boforo leaving American ports Is bcllovcd hy offl clnls and diplomats alike today to of fer a means of solvjng olio of tho points now under dispute In tho ship ping controversy between Groat Brit ain nnd tho United Status. A circular which has been formulated for Issu anco today by tho Stato, Treasury and Commerce Departments, urges co-operation between Amerlcnn ox portors, shippers nnd the government in regnrd to ntnnlfests. Tho notice to shlppors, drawn by (Df AMocUted Prtt to Com Bit ilmM. CHICAGO, Jan. 5. Directly in censoquenco of, tho European war, ensh wheat In Chicago sold today at $l.;iG 1-t a bushel, tho highest prlco In moro than forty years. May de livery sold at $1.37 5-8. LI AUSTRIANS throughout tho country today. "Whenever slilppors dcslro such nld," says tho notice, "In carrying on their foreign business, tho Treasury Department will furnish, upon appli cation to tho customs collector nt any port, an officer to supervlso tho load ing of cargoes to cortlfy to tho com pleteness nnd accuracy of tho manifest.'' KI.OUItfO'OKH UP. 1 j ' (11? Aiumclitcl 1'fiM In Coon Ilajr Tim..) PORTLAND, J0r., Dec. H. As a ro suit of tho unprecedented demand for wheat, the1 lid jlow off In the flour iniiriuHH nuri) louuy nnu prices ad vanced twenty cents n barrel on all grades. Tho highest prices recorded In fifteen years povallcd and patents sold nt $0.10 per barrol. Pr AuocIMM rrraa to foot Tlif TlmM.1 LAS PALM AS, Cannry Islands, Jan. fi. Tho Gorman Bteamshlp ota vl lauded hero a hundred sailors transferred to hor by tho Gcrmnn aux iliary crulsor Kronprlnr. Wllholm, representing tho crowB of four Ilrlt Ish nnd French vessels enptured and sunk by tho warship. The vessels captured mid sunk wero tho French steamer Mont Agol, tho llrltlsh steamer Hallovuo, tho French Bailing vessel Annlo Mnrlo and tho French ship Union. ALL CHAINS HKilllCIt. s CI Pi IS NOW t (Uy Associated Press to Tho Coos Uny Times.) k PARIS, Jan. 5 A Potrograd dispatch says the Russians Ave occuned ecu Huneariaiwownshms and that several flvisions of tho Austrian armyare surrounded in tho Car7 path ans, v u ' t i t I knula.nd uklikvkd. USER TO EAT V E I )rders Potato Substitute Serv ed in His Household to Encourage People (11 AnofUlM rrm to Cooa n7 Tlmn.J hfllERLIN, Jan. fi. -Einporor Wll lam lins given ordorH thnt tho so- Ulod war broad bo sorved to him- olf nnd niontbors of his entnurago. Is hoped thnt tho decision of tho pniporor to oat tins nrcaa win in luonco pcoplo to follow hlti example K Tho war broad Is marked with tho pttor "K," signifying "Krolg brod" twnr bread.) It is miuio inrgoiy rem potato flour and whllo much cavlor and durkor than wheat broad said to bo vory good fond, Gor- fiany produces immonso crops or stntocs nnd by utilizing them ns lio principal food diet, tho dangor bolng starvod out by tho Allies tuado remote, AUSTRIA IS WIN FROM RUSSIANS (Or Auorlilel 1'rrii to Coo Hay Tlnim.J LONDON, Jnn. 5. Tho IlrltlBh govornmont was Informed today of tho decision,' 6G Uie 'nshlngton' nuth nrltlds to' certify to cargoes as to tho oxact contonts boforo leaving Amerl cnn ports. It Is' felt horo thnt this action will assist appreciably In solv ing tho difficulties 'which led to tho present sltuntlou nnd tho presenta tion of tho nolo from .Washington i concerning Ilrltlnh Interference with Amorlcnu shipping. Port- All Grains .Jump .Skyward In land Markets Today. inr AuocUti ITni (a Coo DT TlmM. POItTLAND, IJnn. R. Now north wostorn prlco records wore establish ed on tho Portland exchange todny for wheat, oats, bran nnd shorts. Tho rising prices during tho Inst few wcoks which havo made Portland tho highest primary grain market In tho world, took an unprecedented Jump todny. Wheat advanced six cents por bushel whllo onts, bran and shorts ndvnncouVJl.fiO por ton, Feb ruary blucBtoin, sold at $1.11, May oats at $30.50, Forhruary bran $28 and shorts $29. EOUR GIRLS DIE AT RAIL CROSSING Young Women Caught on Rail road Tracks by Express Train in Pennsylvania 1117 AmocUim rma io C004 ptr TlmM, ALLKNTOWN, Pn Jnn. 5. Four young women, natives of AuBtrln, whllo crossing tho railroad tracks today, stopped out of tho way o,f a shifting onglno, directly In tho path of nit oxprcss train. All wero killed. ML DEDICATE PLAN I PUT IN CITY LIBRARY IT SYSTEM UA.VIC STATK.MIINT.S. MAN WITHOUT A COUNTHV tvU'H to .loll! Fieiuli Army mill Is ltefii.setl nnd1 (k'tw Into Troublu Wj Auocl.loa I'rc.i to Co lUj TIism. f PAH IS, Jan., 5. A romnrknblo IBtniico of rbd tupo in tho admin- Itrntion of Fronch affairs' Is fur- Ished by Louis Duniont of Vollzj' tho department of Solno and. OUe. lo descrlbos hlmsolf ns "tiio man ilthout a country." Dumont was born In Gonova, fvltzorland, thirty threo years ago Fronch parents, though tho of- clal roglstors of Franco declare (om to be "unknown". Kignt nays tor his birth ho wns brought to ranco nnd Imb lived horo ovor ice. When he applied to bo placed tho recruiting lists, tho council revision declared that ho was a irolgnor, 'Very well", thought Dumont, I'll have myself naturalized." 'But tho naturalization bureau bo has Us red tape. To uo aaopi- as a rltlzen of tho French ro- ubllc it is necessary that one rovo that ho Is n foreigner, im- int wont to Switzerland nnd Vienna Claims Czar's Troops Decisively Defeated in Bat tles Near Gorlicc (lly AwocUle.1 1'nn In Cool Hay TlmM. VIHNNA, (Hy Wlrooss) Jan. D. Tho official statoinont todny snys: "Tho ItusslauA' nttompts to (break through 'northwest of Gorllco ngnln failed nt tho cost of hoavy Itusslan lnssos. Tho height south of Gnrllco, ' which was florroly contested, wns talc-. on by tho Austrlnns and a largo Itus slan' battalion dofeatod." though no ona doubted that ho was bom on tho banks of Lake Loman, ho could not produce any official documont proving his nationality. Dumont finally succeeded In get ting a certificate- of birth on Swiss torrltory, but tho Swiss administra tion added tho words: still ho Is not n Swiss." Dumont enmo back to Vollzy with this document nnd presented It to tho mnglstrato of tho commune who demanded a declaration from him nB n foreigner. "Declare bomothlng", tho func tionary demanded, even it Its Chi nese." Dumont thought ho could accept this official advico so ho declared himself a Chlunninn. Shortly after ward ho -was arrested for falso de claration. Ho has slnca been nblo to prove his good faith to tho trans action but ho was fined slxteon francs, and Is still unablo to get himself recognized ns either Swiss or French, and consequently 1b un ablo to Join tho regular unity, or tho foreign legion, Eastside Files on Willanch In let Water Rights as Source ' of Supply for City At n meeting of tho Kastsldo city (lljr Auoclatoil I'rraa to Cooa llajr Tim,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 5. Tho comptroller of tho currency to day called for a report on tho condl-! tlon of nil nntlonaj banks nt tho close ! council Inst evening, It wns docldod of business December 31st. I ' ' nllciul w,tu tno 1'rojcct for In- ; stalling n city wntorworks systom for tho combined towns of Cooston and Knstsldo. Tho Kastsldo authorities havo- filed on an old wnterrlght on Uppoc Willanch Inlet which tho Coos Hay Wntor Company Is said to havo let lapso. Tho plan Ib to luing tho wntor in n dlstanco of seven inllos. this reaching tho heights back of SCOTT HOI FROM MEXICAN BO R Formal Ceremonies Next Tues day Evening Will bd Made 1 Public Function At a mooting of tho library board last evening nrrangomonts wore mndo for tho public dedication nnd prcseti-, tntlon of tho Cnrnoglo Library, re-, cuntly completed nnd occupied, to the city next Tuesday evening. The pub lic Is Invited to attend tho oxerclsos, which will consist of threo short speochos nnd a brlof uiiifllrnl program wh'ch will tnko place In tho main lib rary room. Tho wholo building will bo ivmi for Inspection nnd a reception rommltteo consisting .of tho library board will show the visitors through tho building explaining tho ninny niodorn Innovations which mnko tho Marshflold public library comploto lu INVASION OF WE. HARD BfTTLES Fighting Today East of Steinbach Indicates Advance of Allies Is More Rapid That First Reported Second Invasion Begun by French Near Orbey ' i i , ALLIES ADVANCE NEAR NIEUPORT WHERE INFANTRY FIGHTING HAS BEEN RESUMED Turks and Russians Both Claim Advantage in Campaign in Caucasus Italy Has Nearly Million troops Under Arms Garibaldi's Grandson Slain. (l)y Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Jan, 5, Tho German defenders of Alsace aro still losing ground before the French advance, Today's Ber lin statement, as well as Paris, speaks of fighting to tho East of Steinbach, showing tho French havo pushed beyond this recently captured village, Tho Paris announcement gives tho nrst intimation of another French advance into Alsace near Orbey, 14 miles west of Colmar, tho capital of upper Alsace, Infantry fighting was resumed in Belgium and tho Fronch repoit siates ground was won by the Allies near Nieuport. Elsewhere tiio military activity was chiefly artillery duols, Tho Berlin statements tells of an advance east of Bolimow. In tho Caucasus Mountains, tho Turkish Invaders and tho Russians apparently are still fighting out tho battlo in tho re gion of Sari Kamysh, both sides claiming victory. Tho war spirit m Italy was revived by tno death on a Fronch battlefield of ho grandson of Garibaldi, Italy will havo about a million mon under arms by tho end of this month, S GERMANS AT MANY POINTS TODAY (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmod.j PARIS, Jan, 5, Tho official statement this afternoon says: "In Belgium, in spito of tho condition of tho ground, our In fantry mado progress In the sa nd dunes boforo Nieuport, In the rogion ot bt, beorge, our men advanced two to tivo hund red yards, occupying nouses and somo trenches, At several points tho Belgian artillery advanced against tho German ar tillery, From Lys to tho Oiserivor, west of Lens, thanks to our mortars ancl hand grenades, wo completely stopped tho German sapping labors, Neartho Lillo highway, tho Germans blow up and occupied one of our trenchos, but wo rocapturod it in a' counter attack', Tho artillery was-aptivo on tho' lino further oast, ' In Alsace, southeast of Coldubonhommo, wtfon tered the hamlot of Creux d'A rgont," FALL FROAJllFMSTATE BANK FRENCH CLAM AGAINST RESULTS DEATH MARSHFIELD Chief of Staff Returns From Naco. Awaits Advices From Villa About Situation- ' Kastsldo, whore n reservoir can bo ovory dotall, CAI1VUH Pl'KIUiA. (Or AuoctMM rrcs. to Coot n7 Time. VKItA CRUZ, Jan. G. Gon orol Obrogon reportod to tho Carrauza hendquartors that ho enptured Puobla, tho capital of Puobla stato, at noon today. - put lu If neoded. It Is proposed to build tho system gradually, allowing nbout four jonrs for it. Tho oxact cost has not boon ascertained. Lnst ovenlng Messrs. Ilalloy and Mooks of CoOBton nnd Stonecyphor of of Kastsldo wore sworn Into office Tho treasurer's report showed tho city owed only about ?2200 and this Is roducod by proporty bought in ut sales for assessment collodions. Tho coming year's taxes will elonr it up. Tho deficit was incurred by tho shortago for which Hocordor Lcaton wus sontenced. j Dnl Cathcart was ro-oloctod city Kxporlonco is valuablo, but It Ib nevor worth one-tenth tho prlco wo havo to pay for It. A man practices economy by tell ing his wife how to get along without things she wants. Wo nil want to bo fair. Hut If you will let us tell our sido of tho story we nro bound to twist It nrouud so It will fnnr us. (11 4uoc!te4 I'tM. to Coo. D7 Time. J KU PASO, Tox. Jan. 5. Gonoral Scott nrrh'ed horo today from Naco where ho had boon attempting to nr-1 enginoor of Knstsldo. rango nn ngreoment with tho Mexl- can loadors to end tho dangor to tho American town from border fighting. Ho will havo to wait until tomorrow or Thursday before Villa arrives from Moxlco City for tho purpose of con ferring In order to avoid furthor bor der warfare None of Villa's troops, reportod to bo on tho wny horo to cross to tho Sonora border, havo ap peared at Juarez. HATTERS Many a man has found It oaslor to mount tho laddor of famo than climb tho stool of repentance. Dad manners form a good Index to character. Tho man who eats -with his kniro Is npt to cut his best friend It's morely a matter of a capital letter, but worth makes tho limn. W'oith makes tho woman, AR HITTDDAY i i Tho building was begun last Juno nnd finished rondy for occupancy ear ly In Uecombor. Tho city guvo tho lot on which tho library stands nt Fifth and Mnrket avenues and the Carnegie Corporation of Now York I City donated 112,500 for tiio bund ling and equipment. W, 8. Turpon of Marshflold was tho architect and Lndd & Harris wore tho contractors. Tho construction Is of rolnforcod con- crototind tho architecture follows tho most niodorn design In library build Ing with ninny tonvonloncos rarely seon In a library of a city tho slzo of Marshflold. Special features of this kind aro charging dosk, tho child ren's bullotln board, tho snnltary drinking fountain and tho snnltary equipment which is tho last word in modern sanitary attainment. Miss Kllzaboth Topplg, tho librar ian, with tho asglstanco ot Misses Mnry Kruso and Gladys Dlmont, will bo ready to register nny applications for cards on tho evening of the dedi Thomas Rooke Dies at Noon Today in North Bend Sick Five Months Thomas Hooko, who, on August 11, fell from n barn ut tho homo of his brothor-Iu-law, Kd Ilaker, near Myrtlo Point, and boenmo paralyzed, died at noon today In his North Report Today of Application for CharterParties Be hind it Not Divulged According to a report horo today, nu application has been fllod with tho Oregon Htato Hanking Dopnrtmont for a chartor for a now Stato bank in Marshflold. Tho application tins not Ilond homo. Tho docoasod loaves uboen pnsscd on by tho stato uniiK wlfo and dnughtor, Chnrlotto, ngod Ing Department. 17 years, bosldos two sisters, Mrs Some tlmo ago nonio outsldo pnr Ivy Condron and .Mrs. Frank Stimnor ties wero horu looking ovor tho flold of Marshflold, and a brothor, Jumos with n vlow to Blurting a third bank V. Itooko of San Francisco. ; hero. At thnt tlmo thoy considered On August 11, Mr. Hooko, who was! tho old location of tho Flnnngaii & an onglneor, wns asslsltlng In paint-1 lionnott bank on Front street, tho Ing tho barn of his brother-in-law in old location of tho First National on tho Coqulllo Valley. Ho foil to tho j Front stroot, If either could bo so ground and woh at onco romovud to loured, or also on a now location on his homo In' 'a helpless condition. Gradually his condition becamo worso; ho failed to gain back his strength and ut 12:30 this afternoon died. Mr. Itooko was born on Coos It Iv or Novombor 9, 1 80S, nnd practically his entire Ufa was spent in this com munity. For n long tlmo ho wns on glneor of tho Marshflold Flra Do- Contral avenue. Just who nro Interested In tho now bank horo could not bo learned today. It has boon reported slnco the morgor of tho North Bond banks thnt a now bank might bo started thoro, but this was not authoritative. Tho Stato Hanking Departments nnd tho National Dank Dopartmoutj havo during tho last fow years bc- partment. Lator ho moved to North como quite strict nbout Issuing por- niltH for now banks In communities where bnnks ..-ore oporatlng, claim ing that It was bettor to havo a fow largo and strong banks than,. a num ber of small ouos. U. S. Supreme Court Says 186ltl0" a,,,d b00k: L,may " takon out i ,ir m.. o.. oncA onn ifor c rculatlon. There aro now near- Leaders Must Pay $252,000 tIy 3000 volumw ln th0 ,lbrarj. Damages tor Boycott i An invitation win bo sent to tho tnr AuocutM) rrw. ia com u Time.) library board of North Hond to attend WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. G. tho dodkatlon, also to tho ussocla The Supremo Court affirmed tho tions in Dandon and Coqulllo. Mayor 1252,000 judgment awarded by tho Allen will spoak. also Dr. Straw and New York Federal Courts to D. E. j Prof. Tledgen. Mrs. Songstacken will Loewo & Co., tho Danbury. Conn.. ! formnllv tiresont the llbrarv to tho hatters, against 186 membora of tho United Hatters' Union, under the Sherman nntl-trust law as damages resulting from a boycott, city. Hend, Ho wns well liked and es teemed by nil who know him, Tho funeral will bo hold Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tho Dun gun Undertaking Purlors, Uov. J. K. Knotts officiating. It will bo under tho auspices of tho ForostoiB of Air erica. OAIID OF THANK j " x n NOTIOK. EX M. H. IjiiU'h Aid uill M'll TA- MAI.KS nt chinch Imll Wednesday. Wo wlah to express our' deepest thanks tc tho mombors of tho Marsh flold Fire Department, friends and neighbors who so kindly camo to our assistance whon tho flra that destroy ed tho Mlnot houso threatened our homes, GUY VARNKIJ. 1). MclNTYIUl. Tho Marshflold Chambor ot Com- i morco will hold Its annual meeting I In Its office Friday evooing, January 8, 101C, at 8 o'olook and all mombors nro requested to bo present. JOHN W. MOTLEY, Sec. Virginia uses njoro wood for boxos and crates than uny other stato. fol lowed by Now York, Illinois, Massa chusetts and California, In tho or der named U J I I